Fertilización Plantaciones Pino

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Forest Fertilization in
Southern Pine Plantations
By T.R. Fox, H.L. Allen, T.J. Albaugh, R. Rubilar, and C.A. Carlson

Forest fertilization is a widespread silvicultural practice in the southeastern U.S.

About 1.2 million acres of pine plantations were fertilized with phosphorus (P) or
nitrogen (N) plus P in 2004. The average growth response of loblolly pine planta-
tions following midrotation fertilization with N+P is approximately 50 ft3/A/yr for 8
years. Internal rates of return in excess of 10% can be obtained after midrotation
fertilization under current market conditions.

he southeastern U.S. produces more exceeding 10 tons/A/yr are biologically
timber than any other region of the possible and financially attractive for a
world from a forest base that now broad range of site types. Forest fertiliza-
includes almost half of the world’s forest tion should be included in silvicultural re-
plantations. There are currently 32 million gimes that are designed to enhance plan-
acres of pine plantations in the southeast- tation growth in the region.
ern states, predominantly comprised of
loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) and to a lesser Ecophysiology and Tree Nutrition
extent slash pine (Pinus elliottii Englemn.) It is now generally accepted that much
The growth rate in the pine plantations in of the variation in wood production in for-
the region currently averages around 5 est plantations is caused by variation in
green tons/A/yr, which is substantially light interception. Light interception is
lower than in many forest plantations in principally a function of the amount of
other parts of the world. Theoretical mod- leaf area in a stand. Studies with loblolly
els, empirical field trials, and operational pine and slash pine have shown that leaf
experience show that these growth rates area, and consequently wood production,
are well below what is possible. With in- are below optimum levels in most of the
vestment in appropriate intensive planta- Southeast (Figure 1). Low nutrient avail-
tion silvicultural systems, growth rates ability is a principal factor causing subop-

Increased growth of pine trees with fertilization (left), compared to trees withouth fertilization (right), is illustrated in
these Alabama plots.

12 Better Crops/Vol. 90 (2006, No. 3)

Volume growth, ft3/A/yr 600
nutrient limitations develop when a stand’s
potential nutrient use cannot be met by soil
500 nutrient supply (Figure 2). Typically, nu-
400 trient availability is rather high following
Growth efficiency harvesting and site preparation (for plant-
ing) as these disturbances provide suitable
200 conditions for rapid decomposition and
100 release of nutrients from the accumulated
Light interception
forest floor and slash material. Use of nu-
0 1 2 3 4 5 trients by newly-planted crop trees is mini-
Leaf area index mal owing to their small size, but as trees
grow, nutrient demand and use increase
Figure 11. Relationship between annual volume rapidly. Simultaneously, the supply of
growth and leaf area in southern pine readily available nutrients is being rapidly
plantations in the Southeastern U.S. sequestered within the accumulating
timal leaf area in many areas. forest floor and tree biomass. Consequently,
From a resource availability perspec- a stand’s nutrient requirement for maxi-
tive, water availability…whether too little mum growth generally outstrips soil sup-
or too much…has historically been consid- ply (particularly for N) near canopy clo-
ered the principal resource limiting pine sure. As the available nutrient supply di-
productivity in the South. While this is minishes, leaf area production and tree
true for recently planted pine seedlings on growth become limited. It is not surpris-
many sites and for specific soil types (e.g. ing that the majority of field trials in in-
very wet or very dry soils) throughout the termediate-aged southern pine stands
rotation (planting to tree harvest), recent (from 8 to 20-years old) have shown strong
analyses suggest that chronically low lev- responses to additions of N and P. In young
els of available soil nutrients, principally stands, the development of nutrient limi-
N and P, and additionally potassium (K) tations is still possible when levels of avail-
and boron (B) on loamy or sandy soils, are able nutrients (particularly P) in the soil
more limiting to growth in established are low and the soil volume exploited by
stands than water. Fortunately for forest roots is small. As other silvicultural treat-
managers, most nutrient limitations are ments (e.g. vegetation control and/or till-
easily and cost-effectively ameliorated with age) are used to improve water availabil-
fertilization. ity, crop tree growth and use of nutrients
Why are nutrient limitations so com- will be increased at young ages. Fertiliza-
mon in southern pine plantations? Simply, tion will be needed to sustain rapid growth
on all but the most fertile sites.
160 Fertilization as a Component of
Site-Specific Silvicultural Regimes for
N rate, lb/A/yr

100 Nutrient Supply Nutrient Supply Southern Pine Plantations
Sufficient Deficient The key to optimizing leaf area,
60 ACTUAL TREE USE thereby increasing tree growth, is the de-
40 SOIL REMOBILIZED velopment and implementation of site-spe-
cific silvicultural prescriptions. Forest
0 managers now recognize that intensive
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Age, years
plantation silviculture is like agronomy–
both the plant and the soil need to be ac-
Figure 22. The concept of soil N supply and a tively managed to optimize production.
stand’s potential and actual use of N as Silvicultural treatments must form an in-
related to stand development (age). tegrated management regime that opti-

Better Crops/Vol. 90 (2006, No. 3) 13

mizes growth throughout the life of the rock phosphate. DAP is now the most
plantation. High quality seedlings from widely used source for fertilization at
the best genetic families of the right spe- time of planting. Rates of application vary
cies must be planted on sites prepared to from 25 to 50 lb P/A (125 to 250 lb
ameliorate soil physical properties that DAP/A).
limit root growth. Competing vegetation
must be controlled throughout the life of N+P Fertilization During Midrotation
the stand. Thinning is required to provide By age 5 or earlier, a plantation’s po-
crop trees with adequate growing space as tential to use N and P typically outstrips
trees get larger. Improving stand nutrient the available soil supply resulting in re-
supply through fertilization is a key com- stricted leaf area development and growth.
ponent of intensive management regimes At canopy closure, stands are generally
in southern pine plantations because nu- very responsive to additions of N+P rather
trient limitations are very widespread. than P alone, as long as gross P deficien-
cies were corrected at or soon after plant-
P Fertilization at Stand Establishment ing. Results from an extensive series of in-
The benefits of early P fertilization on termediate-aged fertilizer trials in loblolly
poorly drained, P-deficient Ultisols of the pine stands established by the FNC indi-
Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain have long cate that over 85% of the stands responded
been recognized. Volume growth gains av- to N+P fertilization. Growth gains aver-
eraging 40 to 50 ft3/A/yr are typical on se- aging 30% (50 ft3/A/yr) over an 8-year
verely P-deficient sites. Because the dura- period following a one-time application of
tion of response to a single application of 200 lb N/A and 25 lb P/A are typical. Re-
50 lb P/A1 may last for 20 or more years, P sponses of over 100 ft3/A/yr are possible on
fertilization on deficient sites may yield some sites. For the majority of stands, ad-
volume gains of over 100% and conse- ditions of N+P result in much greater ef-
quently is viewed as an improvement in site fects than either element applied alone
quality. Site index gains (height of trees (Figure 3). A prescription of 150 to 200 lb
at age 25) of 6 to 10 ft. or more are typical N/A plus 25 lb P/A is used for loblolly pine
when P is applied at or near time of plant- or slash pine on most sites. The growth re-
ing. Recent results from several Forest sponse is proportional to the N rate ap-
Nutrition Cooperative (FNC) trials have plied. Lower doses of N are recommended
shown that large areas of well-drained sites for longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) to
on the upper Gulf Coastal plain are also prevent aggravation of insect and disease
P-deficient. Identification of stands in problems.
need of early fertilization is based on land-
scape position, soil type, geology, soil and
foliar tests, and experience. The critical 600
Volume response, ft3/A

value for soil P below which a fertilizer re- 500

sponse is expected is 6 parts per million P rate, lb/A
(ppm, Mehlich-3 extraction procedure). 50
300 25
Critical values for foliar P concentrations 0
vary by species and range from 0.09% for 200
slash pine to 0.11% for loblolly pine. The 100
sources of fertilizer P that are typically 0
used include diammonium phosphate 0 100 200 300
(DAP), triple superphosphate (TSP), and N rate, lb/A
Note: Phosphorus fertilizer application rates are given Figure 33. Growth response of midrotation loblolly
as lb P/A in this article. To convert P to P2O5, multiply by pine stands to N and P fertilization in
2.29. the southeastern U.S.

14 Better Crops/Vol. 90 (2006, No. 3)

of operational fertilization in southeastern
pine forests is by aerial application.
FNC research indicates that the growth
potential of southern pines planted in the
southeastern states is much higher than
commonly thought just a few years ago.
The challenge now is to develop and imple-
ment the appropriate silvicultural systems
to realize this potential in a cost-effective
Aer ial application is used for the majority of opera-
and environmentally sustainable manner.
The FNC is aggressively pursuing several
tional fertilization in Southeast pine forests.
opportunities for improving plantation
Financial returns from N+P fertiliza- growth and value through the manage-
tion of intermediate-aged stands are ment of site resources. Additional informa-
strongly dependent on fertilizer cost, the tion on the FNC work is available at the
wood product mix (sawlog, chip and saw, website: >www.forestnutrition.org<. BC
pulpwood) and price that can be realized
for the additional wood produced, and the Dr. Fox is Co-Director and Associate Professor
of Forest Soils and Silviculture, Department of For-
number of years before harvest. Applica-
estry, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg ; e-mail:
tion of 200 lb N/A plus 25 lb P/A presently trfox@vt.edu. Dr. Allen is Co-Director and C.A.
costs around $100/A. At this price, Schenck Distinguished Professor of Forestry, De-
midrotation fertilization (between ages 8 partment of Forestry and Environmental Resources,
and 15) is an attractive investment with North Carolina State University, Raleigh; e-mail:
average internal rates of return exceeding Lee_Allen@ncsu.edu. Dr. Rubilar is Associate
10%. Fertilization is frequently conducted Director for Latin America and Assistant Profes-
in conjunction with a first or second thin- sor, Universidad de Concepción, Chile; e-mail:
ning, to maximize returns on investment. rafaelrubilar@udec.cl. Mr. Albaugh is Associate
Because of the attractive financial returns Director and Research Associate, Department of
Forestry and Environmental Resources, North Caro-
that are possible, fertilization is a wide-
lina State University, Raleigh; e-mail:
spread silvicultural treatment in the Tim_Albaugh@ncsu.edu. Mr. Carlson is Research
Southeast. In 2004, over 1.2 million acres Associate, Department of Forestry, Virginia Tech;
of pine plantations were fertilized (Figure e-mail: ccarlson@vt.edu.
4). It is estimated that about three-fourths
This article is based on work conducted by the For-
Fertilization in the Southeast U.S.
Area fertilized annually, A x 1000

1,800 est Nutrition Cooperative (FNC), a partnership

N+P Established Stands among North Carolina State University, Virginia
P Only Established Stands
1,400 Polytechnic Institute and State University (Vir-
P Only At Planting
1,200 ginia Tech), the Universidad de Concepción, and
1,000 forest industry, forest landowners, and forest man-
800 agement organizations in the U.S. and Latin
600 America. Support of the members of the FNC is
400 gratefully acknowledged.




Figure 44. Area of southern pine plantations

annually fertilized in the southeastern
U.S. (FNC data).

Better Crops/Vol. 90 (2006, No. 3) 15

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