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’ The Complete The Complete MARLOCR The Complete ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS ltroduction P.2 CREDITS: ‘Time & Movement 5 Robert Cowen, Experience Tables 6 Dave Clark, Batic Magic System ‘Saving Throwe 10 Kennoth M, Oahl, Basic Clerical and ‘Special Saving Throws 0 Thievish Systarns Special Rules For Elves, Nick Smich, Text and Development Paladins and Fighters u (of Other Systems and Rules Effects of Characteristics " Equipment 2 Cover art by Tim Finkas Size and Strength Tables 2 Interior Logos by Adele R. Bass Combat System 13 Archery 16 Playtest and ongoing suggestions are Critieal Hits 18 ‘courtesy the Caltech Gamers and the Glerics and Clerical Spl a Pasadena Playtest Group. ‘Magic and Magic Users 5 IMlusionists and tlusions 43 Illustrations on pp 1 and 63 courtesy Thievish Abilities and Thieves 47 Dover Publications, Inc. from Symbols, Player Charactors 54 ‘Signs & Signets by Ernst Lehner. Used Special Characteristics 54 with their kind permission, Learning Languages 55 Notes on Unusual Weapons 56 Dungeons and Dragons, the game, i © Copyright July, 1978, by Boa ‘creation of and copyrighted by, Game Company. All rghts ressrved. TSR, In. BARLOCE a major BEA variant Introduction A few years ago, the first copies ‘of new game called Dungeons and Dragons appeared on the market. Fantasy fans and gamers in general were enthralled at the possbilitcs Most of them became hooked on the game, due to its unusual and imaginative nature, You could actually do unusual things: slay dragons, rescue the downtrodden, and just grab loot When our group rst started playing the game, our overall reaction vas that it had great ideas, “but ‘maybe we should change the combat system, clarify the magic, and redo the monsters”. Warlock isnot intended to replace D&D,and, indeed, ‘would not exist without that classic game, What we have teed to do is to Present a way of expanding D&D without the contradictions and Topholes inherent in the original rules and the various supplements. By patting together one set of rule changes and interpretations and playing by them for three years, we have developed something that works protty wll, We spont a considerable amount of time working out a solid combat system, a coherent magic system, and a more flexible way of handling monsters as monsters, eather than as men drewed up in gorilla suits, We have been (rightly) accused ‘of making D&D into a different game altogether, but we think it if an enjoyable ‘one, and hope you do, 3s vel. We recommend that you have ‘access to a Dungeons and Dragons set, preferably a copy of the original version, plus any supplements you enjoyed. We lack the space to go into the detail supplied by the D&D rules 2 fn some areas, such as: magic items and the basié monsters, a5 well how to design a dungeon or other tame location. We will be going into Some of this in, a separate book for referees, but not here. What You Need To Play Other than this book, you need mainly the thing that you would teed to play regular D&D: someone with a lot of patience who has Stars taste crea eae dice, mainly at least one 20sided die and’ several 6-tded dice. In these rules, whenever ‘dice’ are sefered to, it means Gsided dice unless it states otherwise Other things that are useful for the players to have are papers and pencils, for mapping and keeping track ‘of casualties, treasure, and anything ese. Our ‘group also uses miniature figures representing. the character in the game, allowing them to. be physically positioned on a tabletop or other surface s0 that you can see what is happening. It is posable to spend slot of money Playing the game, but not at all necessary. Let your budget be your side, Terns To Understand Payer Character: This is, what represents you in the game. They are the equivalent of ‘playing pieces in most ganes and much more. Your characters will take on pecsonalities of their own if you let them, and provide you with much enjoyinent. ‘They are the adventurers, the people who setually do things in the world ‘of your referee, but are controlled by players. We suggest you have only a small number of player characters per player. In our games we allow any player to iavolve any 2 of ‘his characters in. any one adventure of expedition. Whether these player characters are fighters o¢ elves, lerica for dwarves, remember that, a thele ‘own woild they are people, and treat them accordingly. Gharscteriais: There are eight things that re determined for each character at his of her creation: Strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Constitution, Dexterity, Agility, Charisma, and Size, These are called ‘characteristics. See the rules on “Creating Payer Characters’ for more. Prime Requisite: This isthe characteristic or characteristics which is the most important to the type of character that an individual is. For ‘example, the ‘prime requisite’ of Fighter is Strength. How high or low this prime requisite is helps. to determine how goad a characteris st hhs or hor chosen specialty: fighting, sag using, ete Characters Each player i repreented in the game by one or more player Characters which he must ceale and tzinan, I one or more of player's Characters ave Kile er otherwise tiiminated from play, « player mst tither: 1) find a way to recover the ‘ld character, by" magical or other means explained ater ot 2) create ‘new characters to replace the old. The following types of player characters are what we recommend you ws in your panes es normal Sharactre: Fighters: Fighters are tough, strong ‘men or women who speciilize in ‘combat and cannot use any magical fr clerical spells by themselves. They ‘can use any weapon of a normal or ‘magical nature unless noted ‘otherwise, Fighters tend to be much hharder to Kill than other types, too, since the number of hit points they cean take increases more rapidly than for any other character type. Fighters may wear any armor that is their ‘own size, although heavy armor may ‘hamper their fighting, as explained later. The prime requisite of a fighter is Strength. Clerics: Clerics are religious men or ‘women who are able to call upon their deity or gods for help in the form of clercal spall. They may use fewer magical items than can magic users, and fewer weapons than fighters, but have certain special ‘tems of their own, Clerics may wear ‘ny armor that they find comfortable and convenient, but may only we weapons that are not designed to shed blood (fists, quarterstaves, ‘maces, and so on), and thus may not use swords or arrows. Clerics may use certain special consecrated items that enhance their own abilities, such a8 clerical staves. The prime requisite of 4 cletic is Wisdom. A character must hhave Wisdom of 9 or greater to be a led. Magic Users: These are men who have studied magic and are able to throw spells. They may ux any magical ftem not specifically forbidden to them (such as armor and most weapons), and may arm themselves only with daggers or magical swords for staves. ‘Magic users may carly non-magieal staves as tools or 10 defend themselves by parrying (explained in Combat rules), but may ot us a nonmogical staff as weapon for attack. A normal magic user Is not permitted armor of any kind, or shields, As magic users progress ia levels and gain experience they ae able to Jeam more and higher evel spells and gain greater ability to use the spells. The prime requisite of a magic user is intelligence. A character must have Intelligence of 9 or greater to be a magic use Miusionists: Ullusionists are 2 special class of magic users who study and use the art of illusion. They have the ‘same basic restrictions as magic users, ‘but use a somewhat different mbcture ‘of magical spells. The prime requisite of an illusionist is intelligence. A charactor must have Intelligence of 15 or greater and both Wisdom and Dexterity of at 13 or grater to be on ‘lusionist. Dwarves: Dwarves tend to tobe smalier ‘than men, but they maie up for their size by being particulary resistant to fatigue and magic (these differences fare noted in the appropriate sections of the rules). In most other respects they are much like fighters, except for the following: 1) they are the ‘only characters able to fully employ the more powerful dvvarfmade wetponts 2) thay ate ore likely to fn ting passages, traps, shifting walls, and new construction in underground settings; 3) they are much more likely than other characters to know their way around underground settings without getting lest oF not noticing how deep they are; 4) they are able to judge the value of gems and jewelry without extensive testing, The prime requisite of a dwarf is the average of his strength and constitution. A character ‘ust have Strength of 15 or greater ‘and Constitution of 15 or gredter to ea dwarf, Hives: Elves have the ability to use ‘weapons as fighters do, but they are also able to use magical spelis. In fact, elves can do everything that magic users and Qghters can do. (Whenever there is a conflict between what the two types can do in the rules, clves gain the benefit of whichever is to their advantage overall). They have the disadvantage that they do not go up in levels as Quickly as humans do. Elves ate also more likely to find hidden doors and other objects than are most other characters. They are very g00d at earning languages. ‘The prime requisites of an elf are strength and Intelligence, whichever isthe lower. A character must have Strength of 9 or greater, Intelligence of 9 or greater, a sum of Strength + Latelligence of 25 for greater, and Dextesity of 11 or greater to be an elf. Halfings: Halfings tend to be only about one-half the size ofthe average ‘man in height, but for thee size they awe the toughest characters inthe ame (dwarves being somewhat large). They have the same basic limitations as fighters in what they may wear ad use, Common sense should. be used when there i any doubt (for example, a halfling does fot use a longbow effectively, and should not be allowed to). A halfling is at his best while outdoors or in places similar to their own homes, forests and glades. The prime requisite of a halfling i cithor ‘constitution or doxtarity, whichever is lower. A character” must have Constitution of 15. or mor, Dexterity of 15 or mor, and Agility of 9 or more to be a hulfing. A halfling gains special abilities similar to those of a thief as he goes up level (se Thief rules for details). ‘Thieves: Thieves are men who have perfected the arts of stealth, agility and lock picking to a fino degree. They are able to gat into places where other characters would find it difficult or dangerous to go. In order ‘to use thelr abilities, however, thieves must wear mo” armor’ more encumbering than leather (with a shield if they so desire). ‘The prime requisites of a thief are dexterity and aglity, with experience bonuses etermined by the lower of the two. ‘A thief gains abilities as he increases in levels (see Thief section later in the mules). A character must have ‘Dexterity of 9 or greater, Agility of 9 fr greater, and sum of Dexterity + Agility of 25 or gretter in order to bea thief, Rangecs: This is a character class loosely based on the wandering loner characters in fantasy. This character class is primarily a fighting one, but who can gin enough knowledge to ‘make use of alittle magic eventually, and enough respect for the ruling deities that they can gain a litte clerical ability eventually. They ate Detter than average fighters, and have the same restrictions at fighters, with the exception that rangers who are 8th level or lower may not own any property, magical of not, that is not portable enough 10 be carried slong with the ranger ow one horse, There is 2 special section of rules for angers later. The prime requisite of a ranger is strength. A character must have Strength of 17 or more, Constitution of 15 of more, and Inteligence and Wisdom both of 13 for moe in order to be a ranger. Paladins: This is a character class loosely based on the idea of the Chivaitic Knight from the legends of King Arthur and others. They are fighters with a few of the abilities of 1 cleric, and the ability 10 use clerical Implements and. swords which have been consecrated to their own faith. ‘A paladin must adhere completely to the rules of his faith, or lose all special abilities, and become a normal fighter. (See Paladin Rules). The prime | requisite of a paladin is Strength. A character must have Strengih of 13 or more, Wisdom of 13 or more, and Charisma of 17 or ‘more to be 3 paladin. ‘Combination Characters: It is possible for a character to be more than one type of character. Ifa character has © score of 17 or better in tho prime requisites of two or even three of the character types that can combine ighter, cleric, magic user, or thief, then be can become « dual or triple character type. A. character with scores of 17 or better in both strength and inteligence could become a magicalighter, a an ‘example. As such, he would gin the abilities of both types, like an olf, ‘but would advance on a. different experience table for his type (220 Exporiones tables for examples of Combination advancement). The prime requisite of a combination ‘Gharacter is the lowest of the types. 3 which are combined. Dwarves and elves may only be combination-thieves. An elf may be a combination elvishthief if he has Strength of 15 or more, Intelligence of 15 or more, Dexterity of 15 of ‘more and Agility of 15 or more. A dwarf may be a combination dwarvish-thief if he has Strength, Constitution, Dexterity and Agility all of 15 or more. These types also have special Advancement tables. Experience Points At the end of an expedition, all surviving members of the party receive experience points, as dimined by the referee. The basic ‘experience is determined by the ‘monsters and men defeated by the party, as well as any treasures obiained in 30 doing. ‘These are modified by the level and experience ‘bonuses of the characters in the party. ‘Experience points are totaled up and divided evenly between surviving members of the party. It the monsters were of lower level than ane or more members of che party. the party ets less experience for those monsters (and any treasure guarded by them) at a rate based on the ratio. of monster level 10 character level, For example, 2 12th level cleric i in a party which defeats a fifth level monster with treasure, The. party only pets 5/12 of the posible experience for this monster nd toes. In addition, a characteris limited to going up one experience level per expedition. If, for example, a character were the sole surdvor of an expedition and lugged out three million gold pieces worth of jewelry, obtained. by sneaking out while the rest of the party was being eaten, this would not be sufficient to rae the character_many, many levels, Even ‘obtained in a. more noble. fsshion than in the example, a character ‘pint’ at the top of the next level above the one at which he began the expedition. In other words, a third level fighter could gain (on one expedition) only enough points to take him to one point short of fifth level; in other words, he ‘pins’ at the top of fourth. Experience points are eamed for obtaining treasure es follows: for every 1 gold plece of value of 4 treasure a party brings out of an adventure, they eam % of an ‘experiance point, adjusted according to the level of the highest character and the treasure's guardian. Experience points for monsters, to be divided between the members of the arty as was the gold, is as follows: Monster Level Points 1 50. 2 100 3 400 4 900. 5 1600 6 2500 7 3600 8 4900 9 6400 10 8100 u 10,000 2 12,100 B 14,400 “4 16,900 15 19,600 16 22,500 17 25,600 18 28,900 19 32,400 20 36,100 21 40,000 ‘add 4000 for each additional level. Please note that, while monsters are evaluated by hit dice under most ‘conditions, mage users and other types able to use magical spells should be credited at their experience ‘or magic level if it is higher than their hit dice. Thus a 6th level magic user would be worth 2500 EP for his level rather than 900 EP for his (3 dice +2) dice level. Special cases: if a ereature takes n dice +2 or more hits, its experience Jevel should normally be considered level (ntl). Also, if a creature is taken while asleep or otherwise tunable to fight back, the referee should reduce its” value for experience. The referee's decision of what credit to give for defeating, a creature is final, except in case of ‘obvious errors of arithmetic. Experience Levels The following is an explanation of the things found in the Advancement Tables for the different character types, first the things found in all types, then the specific types. LEVEL is the Experience Level of the character. All player characters start out as Level 1 charseters. HIT DICE are the number of cumulative sided dice rolled 10 determine how many hit points of damage 2 character can take before falling unconscious. If the number in this column is X+1 or X42, otc, it means that 1, 2, or the appropriate ‘number is added to the socal number ‘led om all th ‘den, not to each ‘The hits at any level are used to compute those at the next level; the dice are not rerolled. In other words 2nd level fighter who takes 7 hits reaches 3rd level. On his new Hit Die he rolls a 4, Adding this to the previous 7 he now has 11 hit points (which may be modified by an ‘extremely high or low Constitution. See ‘Bonuses and Penalties Due to Characteristies)sIn some cases, a character must go fiom, say, 2 dice 42, to 3 dice. This is done by rolling 4 dic and subtracting 2, adding any result greater than zero to the previous hits A character can never take fewer hits at a higher level than he took at a lower one ‘At anytime, a character has maigin between his Hit Points and the point at which he dics from . This margin is equal to (Constitution X 03 X Hit Points) Thus a character who has Constitution 10 and takes 10. Hit Points has a margin of 10 X .03 X 10 = 3 points, This character would become usiconscious after receiving 10 points of damage in combat or from magic, and would die upon receiving 13 points of damage. While unconscious but not deed, a character deteriorates toward death unless healed, as follows: the deterioration fs 1 point per tum, plus 1/6 chance (rolled) of a further 1 point of detericration for each point beyond his Hit Points that a character has ‘taken. For example, in the case above fof the 10 Hit Point character who dies at 13 points, suppose he has taken 1 hits. If not healed, by clerical or magical means, he’ will deteriorate 1. point (to 12 hits) and have a 1/6 chance of dying outright by deteriorating one mote hit (10 13, hits) afer 1 tum of lying unaided. EXPERIENCE POINTS (Exp. Pts) ‘means that this is the number of total experience points needed for a character of that type to be the level fon that line, For example, a Cleric with 3000 Experience Points would bbe 3rd level, while an ELF with 3000 would only be 2nd. SPELLS AND LEVELS refers to the number and level of spells known (inthe case of a magic wer) oF Usible (In the case of a ltl). The number above each column is the spell tovel (indicating the’ relative difficulty of the spel). The mumbers inthe columns opposite each character level indicate the number of ach level that can be learned (by 2 ‘magic user) or used during a game ay (by a ceri). ‘ABILITIES AND LEVELS for thief areas above, explained in the Thiet roles. ‘Time and Movement It fe suggested that you use the following set of scales of time and movement for maximum enjoyment of the game: One real day (noon to noon) = fone Game Week. This allows you to play more than one expedition or adventure ina seal day and also allows expeditions that take more than one day of the characters’ time without having to come bsck the next real day to continue. ‘One real inch = 6 game feet (or 2 meters). This allows you to use ‘miniature figures (either the Airfix plastic ones or tho many lead ones) to set up the physical positions of characters, 30 that the players and referee can see what is going on, and visualize the action. When inches are referred to in these rules, they ae meant to be these 6foot inches na dungeon or other similar situation, 2 Tum =} minute of game time, This length of tum is used for movernent, magic, and any other case whore « game ‘tum’ is referred to unlss it states otherwise, Each game turn consists of she ‘phases’ of ten seconds each. Each phase is broken dowm into three basie parts: Movement; Magic & Archery: Melee. It is not necessary to keep ‘track of or operate in phases except ‘when encounters of combat occurs, rather than just walking around. The parts take place in the above order uring any individual phase. First, all characters In the situation move to ‘any new positions, as allowed by the rforee. Then, any magical spells are thrown and any archery fired. (This step includes the use of any magical {implements other than weapons ot armor, ia. most cases.) Final comes melee, with hand=to-hand combat being resolved. While seeming complex, after the first couple of times this system is used, the order will become familiar and cary to remember. Since the precise order in which spells and archery me fired often rakes a difference in a battle, we have introduced a system which gives those with a higher dexterity = chance to fire frst, without making the slower ones always lose. This the Dexterity Count system. ‘On any given phase of actions, the referee. asks the players whet action ‘each character is taking and lso determines the actions of | the ‘monsters, If either or both are firing magic or archery. the referee checks to determine who is going to fire fir. This is done by having each character or monster roll two six-sided dice, and adding the results to their current dexterity (whether natural or magically enhanced), That is when that character or being wil start to fire. In the case of a bow, ‘hat is when the arrow leaves the Dowstring In the case of apie user ‘or cleric casting a spell, tis when the spell starts to be cast. This is also the case for magical imploments being fireds rings, wands or whatever. Since it takes time for a spell to be east, arrows are often in flight before ‘mage. The precise amount of delay is a follows: Each Dexterity Count is smal fraction of 2 second (call it 1/10th for convenience). It takes 1 Dexterity Count for an arrow or quarrel to travel 3" in scale. A magical spell takes 1 Dexterity Count for every ‘Spell Point the spell costs the caster 40 go off. A clerical spell takes 1 Dexterity Count for each level of the spell (i2., a Second Level spell takes 2 Counts} to go off. A magical wand or staff takes only the time used up by the Activation spell (unually I or 2) to go off, Most other magic items fre fired st a rate of 1 Dexterity Count per level of the spell being fired by the item, Specific ‘spell storing’ items go off as if they were firing a memorized spell. Thus we have a magic user with Dexieity of 13 He wants to fie a ‘Sleep spell, which cosis him 3 Spell Poiats, He’ rolls a 7 on his two dice. ‘Thus, the spell actually goes olf at Dexterity Count 17 (13 47 — 3), and that is when his targets need 10 ‘make theit Saving Throws agninst being put to sleep Suppose one Of his targets was a goblin with @ bow 9” away fom the magic wet. The goblin ims a Dexterity of only &, Howover, upon secing a magic user pointing a finger in his diection, he rolls « 10 on hit two sixsided dice to determine when he fires, Thus, he fires his arow st Dexterity Count 18 one count fier én the ‘mayic user, The arrow however, takes 3 Counts to reach the magic ver, 20 that the spell takes effect while the arrow til in fight Remember, the higher the Dexterity Count number, the sooner the firing For simplicity, assume that the mele part of each phate starts at around Dexterity Count 0 so thet what you have i a sort of a countdown. ‘The speed of movement of a character” is determined by. the fanying capacity of the character Getormizedin Step 6 of charactor creation) compared with their current Joad. If they are caving more than thelr capacity, they simply cannot move. If they are carrying less than that maximus, but moxe than 1/2, they cam move at 3” per tur or less From 1/3 to 1/2 capacity, they can ‘move at up to 6” per tum. From 1/4 ‘to 1/3 capacity, they can move up to 9M por tum. From more than 1/6 10 ‘not more than 1/4 capacity, they can rove up to 12” per tum. 1/8 to 1/6 ‘capacity allows 15” of movement. 1/12 to 1/8 of capacity allows 18” of movement. Carrying some items but Jess than 1/12 of the maximum capacity permils 20” pee tum movement. Carrying — nothing whatsoever allows normal character {o travel at 24° pee tur. These speeds are all subject to the smaximum speed attainable by man oF beast of the type in question. A being that is gen a fixed maximum speed does not automatically exesed that just because st in't carying anything. Mules and other pock animals trained for carying can get their maximum speed with a load n0 sremer than that listed on the Weight ad Cost ube. The normal speeds are just that, and ae used ‘when walking. In combat, or in other stuations where feed. s.important, creatures. that veal or swim travel at their normal speed, but per phase instead of per tur, ‘Thus, running or swimming 5 quickly is 6 times as fast 2s normal movement, Flying creatures are somewhat different. Flying creatures ‘move at their listed movement per ‘Phase normally, and move a twice that speed when hurrying or diving. soooooq0s000R00000000 FIGHTER Level Hit Dice Exp. Pis, 1 m0 ay: 2000 323 4000 cone 8000 se SH 16,000 6=ze 32,000 7 Te 64,000 8 BD 120,000 9 93 240,000 10 1041 360,000 11 10*3 480,000 312 11 600,000 continue as 9-12 above until 2015+ 1,560,000 21 1543 1/800,000 22 16H 2,040,000 continue as 20-22 above HALFLING Level Hit Dice Exp. Pts. 1 0 Bos 3000 shana 6000 4 12,000 Be es 24,000 6 542 40,000 Seat 70,000 8 62 ~—-:130,000, 9 TH 250,000 10 743 400,000 gH 550,000 12 &3 700,000 ‘continue as 9-12 above ‘experience point steps above 20 are 300,000 per level DWARF Level Hit Dice Exp. Pts, (ee tae 0 2 m1 2500 3 3H 5000 4 #2 10.000 S$ $2 20,000 6 63 40,000 7 2 75,000 8 3 150,000 6 9 OFM 10 1082 1 1084 12 12 300,000 450,000 600,000 750,000 continue as 9-12 shove’ ‘experience point steps above 20 are 300,000 per level MAGICAL-CLERIC Combination Level HitDice Exp. Pus. ty ° 2 32500 3 5000 40H 10,000 5 #2 20,000 6 4H 35,000 TEAS 60,000 8 543 120,000 9 6H 240,000 10 6+2—— 360,000 11 6#3——_-480,000 12 72 600,000 13 73 720,000 14 BH 840,000 1S 82 960,000 6 9 1,080,000 17 921,200,000 Te 943 11320,000 19 10H 11440,000 20 1043—_—1,560,000 above 20th level, continue to add hits asin pattern formed by levels above 20th level, advance in steps ‘of 240,000 experience points. Add hits by average hits of MU and C at that level, MAGICAL-FIGHTER Combination Level Hit Dice Exp. Pts. 1 oa o pe 2500 3 2635000 43) 10,000 a 20,000 6 — 4#3——35,000 7 #2 64,000 3s es 120,000 te 250,000, ina 400,000 1s 550,000 12 93 700,000 3 10 50,000 14 10+! 1,000,000 1S 102 11130,000 continue to add hits as formed by the 3step pattern of 13-15 above. above 20th level, advance in stops ‘of 300,000 experience points, FIGHTING-THIEF Combination Level Hit Dice Exp. Ps, 1 oom ° 2 3 2000 3 23 4000 4 33 8000 Sigs 16,000 6 53 32,000 7 63 64,000 comet 120,000 9 2 250,000 10 9 400,000 1 o1 550,000 12 92 700,000 B10 850,000 14 10+2 1,000,000 ‘continue 28 steps 10-14 above ‘above 20th level, advance in steps ‘of 300,000 experience points (CLERICAL—FIGHTER Comb. Level HitDice Exp. Pes. feast: ° aes 2000 Sas 4000 4s 4 3000 eras 16,000 6 53 32,000 7 63 64,000 = on 120,000 9 82 280,000 above 9th, advance as Fighting-Thef. MAGICAL—THIEF Combination Level Hit Dice Exp. Pts. leeregh 0 2 22500 300 out 5000 aes, 10,000 ay 6 4 Date Si 8 oo 9 Gt 10 62 no 68 2 #2 n 78 4 Bl 15 2 6 9 17 on? 1B O43 19 10+ 20 1083 above 20th level, advance in steps cof 240,000 experience points, and average the hils of MU and T of the appropiate level. CLERICAL—THIEF Combination Level Hit Dice Exp. Pts, A oa o ao 1500 33-3000 4 33 6000 5 tt 12,000 i. ee 25,000 ex 6 60,000 a wh 120,000 9 td 240,000 10 2 360,000 1173 480,000 12 81 600,000 continue as 9-12 above above 20th Jevel, advance in steps ‘of 240,000 experience points, DWARVISH THIEF Level Hit Dice Exp. Pea [recto Pasa aa 200 ees 5000 4 42 10,000 5 52 20,000 6 63 40,000 Te FD 55000 8 8S 175,000 9 94 350,000 10 10#2 525,000 110k ~——700,000 12 142___875,000 continue as 9-12 above experience point steps above 20th are 350,000 per level. ELVEN THIEF Level Hit Dice Exp. Pix 1 ua 0 2 a 3000 3. 236000 foes 12,000 Scand 24,000 6 43 49,000 a ee) 8 63 130,000 oh 27) 725,000 to 8 450,000 aca 675,000 12 943 900,000 13 10 1,125,000 14 1041 1,350,000 15 10H 1,575,000 ou 1,800,000, continue as 1416 above experience polnt szps above 20th ane 450,000 por level. PALADIN Level Hit Dice Exp. Pts fi i 0 a= 2 2500 2 owe 3 5000 oe ee 10,000 5 Se 20,000 6 6 49,000 7 Te 80,000 8 82 160,000 9 913 300,000 10 1041 450,000 11 1043 —_-600,000 12 114 750,000 ‘continue as 9-12 above ‘experience point steps above 20h are 300,000 points per level RANGER Level Hit Dice Exp. Pts. P22 0 3 2500 Se 5000 eS 12,000 Sees 25,000 Sener 50,000 ae 100,000 Bee 9, 175,000 9 10 275,000 10 1042 450,000 A eet 625,000 12 1142 800,000 continue as 9-12 above’ ‘experience point steps above 20th are 350,000 per level MAGICAL—CLERICAL-FIGHTER Level Hit Dice Exp. Pts det A DO Bt 2 2500 3 3s S000 4 Gel 10,000 5 41 20,000 6 #3 35,000 7 365,000 8 3 125,000 9 742 300,000 ie 475,000 1 82 630,000 12gi9) 825,000 13 942 1.06 1410 1,175,000 1S 10+ 1,350,000 16 102 1,525,000 ee 1,700,000 continue as 1517 above. experience point steps above 20th ‘are 350,000 per level. MAGICAL-CLERICAL~THIEF Level Hit Dice Exp. Pis. iRoom 0 2 132500 3 22 $000 4 3 10,000 3 342—_20,000 6 441 35,000 ne '50,000 et 100,000 9 G1 250,000 10 6+2——-400,000 11 6*3——_—550,000 122 700,000 continue by averaging the hit dice ‘taken by the three classes at each level. This clas advances in steps ‘of 300,000 above 20th level. (CLERICAL-FIGHTING- THIEF Level Hit Dice Exp. Pts, aoe) ° Ate aan 20 a eas See ao 4 438000 5 #2 16,000 6 2 32,000 7 62 64000 8 = 2 125,000 0,8, 300,000 10 -8#2——«475,000 183 ——_650,000 12 94 825,000 continue by averaging the hit dice taken by each of the three classes ateach level. This class advances in steps of 350,000 above 20th level. MAGICAL FIGHTING THIEF Level Hit Dice Exp. Pts et 0 2a ae 3 #25000 4 st 10,000 aL 120,000 6 #3 35,000 7 43 65,000 BERIRGEGSo Se ey Aweenw HIT DICE, 141 PP 2 2+3PIPS 3 4 443 PPS 5+ 2PIPs 6 +3 PPS 7 8 9 9+ 3 PIPS 10 10+1 PIP 10+2PIP u +1 PP 11+ 2 PRS 12 1241 PR HIT DICE 1 1+2 PRS 2+ 2 PIPS 3+ 2 PRPS 4+1PP 5 6 7 7+1PP 7+2 PIS 7+ 3 PIS 841 PP 3+2PIPS ‘8+ 3 PIPS 941 PP 9+ 2 PIS 9+ 3 PIS 1041 PP 10+ 2 PIPS 10+ 3 PIPS ELVISH ADVANCEMENT EXPERIENCE 0 3000 ‘6000 12,000 24,000 40,000 70,000 130,000 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,600,000 1,800,000 2,000,000 2,200,000 2,400,000 Te wee aan Koo sm sO Oslin AWOKE e eRe OUNNE HES Sap eEEOELERNHHE ‘THIEVISH ADVANCEMENT EXPERIENCE 100,000 ABILITIES ie Bg OC Cm mm YssARaUEsENH 3s Basaaannnaaavunes Gain ie ohn ny Sele CNS ANU aeRUuuENNee! | 8 63 125,000 9 TH —_300,000 10 73 475.00 1 a 60,000 12 83 825,000 continue by averaging the hit dice taken by the three clases at cach level. Above 20th level, this clase advances in steps of 350,000 points perlevel ‘QUADRUPLE (ages fighting lel hit Hit Dice Exp. Pa. EE ° 2 432500 ce a) 4 312 10,000 5 441 20,000 6 43 35.000 7 53 65,000 8 63 «125,000 9 m1 300,000 10 7483——_500,000 11 -81——700,000 32-82 ——990,000 ‘continue by averaging the hit dice taken by the four classes at each, level. Above 20th level, this class advances in steps of i advances in steps of 400,000 points ILLUSIONIST Level Hit Dice Exp. Pts. he ccd o 2 2-300 Scie 3 6000 4 22 12,000 5 con 8 25,000 6 342 50,000 loesiash 75,000 & 442 100,000 on Red, 200,000 10 542,300,000 continue as above until: 20 © 1012 ‘1,300,000 21 1083 ——_1'500,000 2B iM continue a8 20-23 above. Acquire spells at samme rate as MU. 2 104 1,700,000 100,000 IT DICE, 3 7+1 PR 7+2PIPS 7+ 3PIPs 8+1PR 8+2 PIS 8+ 3 PPS, 9+1 PP 9+ 2PIPS. 943 PRS, 1041 PR 10+ 2 PIs 10+ 3 Pps HIT DICE 1 +2 PIS 2+2 PIS 3+2PIPS 4+ 2 PRPS 5 5+2PIPS 6+ 2 PRPS, 7 7+ 2 PIS 842 PIS 9+ 2 PIPs 10 10+ 2 PIRS CLERICS ADVANCEMENT EXPERIENCE POINTS: Oe es o sieges 1500 feels 3000 Sh ‘6000 63 1 12,000 Bf 30 92 25,900 gerlamed| 0,000 to 4 3 100,000 ns 3 200,000 ees 300,000 B 6 4 400,000 “6 4 500,000 is, La 600,000 iaateet 700,000 ViaeheaS, $300,000 woB OS 900,000 9 9 6 1,000,000 20 9 6 1,100,000 2 10 6 1,200,000 22 10 7 1,300,000, as ii 7 MAGIC USERS ADVANCEMENT EXPERIENCE dpeaegh 3 0 2500 5000 10,000 20,000 35,000 50,000 175,000 100,000 200,000 300,000 ‘400,000 500,000, {600,000 "700,000 800,000 900,000 1,000,000 1,100,000 1,200,000 Aabbueuunnawn! SAVING THROWS (by Type and Level) xe ge £ 5 8 32 sho. ge gt pbb Hon be Ped i {tor Timea Feng hil Conran « 3 = 4 eT " 1 14 18 16 (or Fighter) ap, thy, RS g Pg Ag ee tpdeerieerye spay ie epee a Se ec aaraee eeeeeas Sr a eer ar a ee ee eee ee We ie = s 8 8 Ww Ww 12 13 16 18 Ppoapeee eeane ss ot (For Magie User sel tas) FaMoMe fe; wy ww ig Sa Oe ecsers erm aren gL Peicees eet 2 AE caelenme tt ong AO MMANE pea BietaeR Chal 8 Sees flie ch fuss tone te” ttioons esteasela settee 18 7 8 a: 0 8 (For Dwarves, Rangers, Paladins, & Halflinga) Me * -: » * a. 3 10 uw 12 43 14 pe ae Bese cates Sar Sie AONE TN 2 epee tice Sete is creer eh Aap

em ee ee 8 : toe cas sow om 8 4 > ite 81-83 at oo = % 3 oe se ie eed 8 " ewe ereereeie See alt i " fe ie tas a eer . H Seg rayne Uae en : Hy Sane eee ae ase 10 Special Saving Throws There are several types of Saving ‘Throw. that need some further explanation. Those on the Special Saving Throw table are for use in specific circumstances, as follows. BELIEF: This saving throw applies to all situations. involving lusions and. phantasms where the character tight be able to reason out the ‘unrealty of the situation. Basically, any character neods to roll s number equal to (21-character’s intelligence) in order to disbelieve a phantasm or fusion. This may be further adjusted, as mentioned in the spell escrptions FEAR: This saving throw applies mainly 10 situations where characteris hit by a Fear spell, or an equivalent effect caused by another being or circumstance. Failure to achieve this saving Uhrow means that the charicler retreats in an uncontrolled manner, checking. once pet turn thereafter to regain control, using the same saving throw neaded. ‘This saving throw is botod on the sum of the character's Wisdom Gudgment) and Strength (aptitude for combat). ENTANGLEMENT: This saving throw applies to all situations where the character is in danger of physical entrapment or falling. It is based on the sum of (2 times Aglty + (Dextedty)). This saving throw is used in case of walking over pit taps, ‘under falling nets, or into quicksand, among other cases. Failure to achieve ‘this saving throw rosults in being comught by whatever circumstance necessitated the saving throw. ‘CON: This saving throw is for use with the Thievish Con ability. The saving throw is based upon the DIFFERENCE between the sum of the this Intaligonce, Dexterity, and Charisma, and the sur of the victim's Intelligence and Wisdom. Failure by the victim to achieve the number needed for his particular difference means that he falls for the thiet's ploy, probably loring money or worse to the con man. Special Rules Elves: Elves have the following bonuses: +1 on archery shots with ‘bows, #1/6 chance of spotting hidden objects, +1/6 chance of not being ised by unusual circumstances, 41/6 chance of hearing or seeing approsching danger, and the ability Fighters: (This note also applies to Hives, Rangers, Paladins and all ‘combination ‘characters that include Fighter) Starting at 9th level, and each 3rd level thereafter, a Fighter gains an extra ability. This ability may be applied to adding one attack level per ability to the Fighter's attack with any ONE type of weapon (ie, a Sth level Fighter may choose to become Broadsword +1). It may instead be used to add #1 to the Fighter's archery shots with any ONE type of archery weapon. A fighter may apply more thin one of these abilities to any given weapon, to # ‘maximum of #3 per weapon. fects of Characteristics ‘There are beneficial and harmful effects caused by having high or low characteraties on a character. These ate as follows: PRIME REQUISITE: If the Prime Requisite of a character is 19 or more, he gets a 15% bonus added to his earned experience. 15—18 gets 9 10% bonus. 13-14 gets a 5% bonus. 9-12 gets no adjustment. A Prime Requisite of 7-8 subtracts 10% from ‘eared experience. 6 or less subtracts 20%. STRENGTH: See table for adjustments to carrying capacity and fighting ability. INTELLIGENCE: For 2 ‘magiousing character, an Intelligence of 13-15 gives. that character an extra 1/2 Spell Point for each Hit Die hho gots. An Intelligence of 16 or higher gives the character an extra 1 ‘Spell Point for each Hit Die he gets. WISDOM: For a clerical character, ‘Wisdom of 13-17 ges charter 8 ‘bonus of +1/2 pip per die of healing, ‘or per healing spell, whichever is the seater, and +1/2 per dle when rolling {o dispel undead, both for quantity and. for chance’ :0 affect them. Wisdom of 18 or greater gives a bonus of +1 per die or healing or healing spell, and +1 per die on undead. Further, a Wisdom ‘of 15 or higher gives a cleric a 5% bonus chance on dispeling demons. CONSTITUTION: Constitution of 15 of more gives a character a bonus of I hit point for each Hit Die. Constinution of 6 or less causes a character to lose 1 hit point foreach Hit Die tolled. DEXTERITY: Dexterity of 13 or pester adds +1 10 archery roll. Dexterity of 8 or low subtracts 1 ‘rom archery ros. AGILITY; Agility of 16 or greater adds +1 to the defense level of a character. Agility of 5 or less subtracts 1 ‘from the defense level ofa character. SIZE: The Ste ble gives the ‘asic weight of « normal human male for purposes of figuring out carrying capacity. For other types, adjust as follows: For Ewes, after caleultion of carrying capacity, determine actual weight by subtracting 2 from roled size; for Dwarves, adjust same as Elves; for Halflings, divide weight by 2 before figuring carrying capacity, but figure capacity as if the character weighed 20 pounds more than actual weight; for Female characters, subtract 20 pounds from the weight before figuring earying capacity (that 4s, the (emule character rolling 8 size of 12 would actually weigh only 140 pounds, not 160). Carrying capacity of a characteris caleulated by multiplying the weight of the character by the carrying eapacity multiplier for that n g pilus 10 10 40 7 6 a 2 1 2 is 2 15 a 5 2 2 0 ry 180 5 1 2 2 1 2s 5 338 wosKe, 4 t Q i i i i I ge ik i i of the character's own funds, If another character is willing to Toan the character more money, that may also be wed. tems that say NA in the COST column are not normally available for purchase, but are listed for weight calenlation. Weights of items are sted in pounds (sory, but the number worked out nester than with metric units). The costs are listed in Gold Pieces, The weight of @ set of armor is calelated as follows: each type of larmor weighs a percentage of the ‘weight of the character, by size (after [BONUSES AND PENALTIES DUE TO STRENGTH Swength carrying of Being Capacity eee an i preter aes : (tor ermee and 95 on eM SS eceap ea iieage eee see: geeaee me um eer vies oes ye 13 170 = aa pe his a ae 3 eet Sie ae ian He aaa cae me Sssrsgrsesseersaeasesayysyeey’ grececegcenseescacsecheses any adjustments). Leather armor (th helmet->> 1 N ° N E QA UNARMORED FIST 55 08 ARMORED FIST 55 1A DAGGER/KNIFE 55 18 KRIS 55 2A HATCHET 45 2B HAND AXE 35 20 SHORT SWORD 55 20 ROMAN TRIDENT 55 3A WARHAMMER 25 38 BEAKED HAMMER 40 4A MACE 25 5A BROADSWORD 45 5B LONGSWORD. 55 5C -FALCHION VS ARMOR 35 VS NATURAL HIDE 35 5D WIDE-BLADED FALCHION 35 SE SAMURA| SWORD 55 6A BATTLE AXE * 35 68 GREAT AXE * 35 6c BULLOVA * 45 7 MORNINGSTAR 45 8 SPEAR * 45 9A FLAIL 26 9B MAUL * 35 10 2-HANDED SWORD * 35 11 QUARTERSTAFF * 55 124 FAUCHARD * 55 123 POLE ARM * 45 190 LUCERNE HAMMER * 40 13 -HALBARD * 25 14 MOUNTED LANCE 55 18 PIKE * B + indicator 2-handed waspon adjustments for magic or sten The Montor Atak Mati the same except for the fact that the numbers on the left do not indiaie length of weapon. Those are only indicated by ‘Small, Medium and Lang: descriptions. Another note for the Monster ‘able i for Envelopment. These rmumbers ar what is needed to gab ‘ot engl? a struggling opponent, either for subdual o¢ for more evil purposes. It cover: grappling as vell asthe twisting of a python around ie victim, “4 2A 28 3 4A 4B 5A 5B Unig Ble oksr “Bg TORW & RH P Westie eect Ol R 6 oD s 45 22 35 2% 12 2 10 55 92 95 95 18 25 17 45 25 35 38 17 35 20 45 2% 35 35 17 35 20 35 20 35 2 11 15 10 36 25 20 20 12 20 17 45 25 35 35 17 35 20 45 2 35 35 17 35 20 2% 30 25 20 22 25 30 35 35 35 25 25 25 30 25 30 25 20 22 25 30 35 22 95 25 13 15 10 35 20 45 25 13 15 10 25 25 25 20 20 20 22 25 15 25 20 10 20 12 35 27 25 2 17 40 27 35 22 45 25 13 25 17 30 25 25 25 17 35 27 35 30 25 35 27 35 30 45°27 45 35 20 35 22 4535 96 35 27 35 27 35 20 35 30 16 28 15 25 30 25 2 2 35 35 35 35 95 35 35 35 35 35 35 95 35 90 35 35 45 25 35 25 12 25 15 45°30 45 45 27 35 25 45 32 45 35 2 35 27 35 35 95 25 25 25 30 25 30 25 35 30 48 40 55 40 85 55 37 45 35 2 22 2 2 7 25 2 ‘The rows labeled Small Crushing and Large Crushing have a special ‘note for the damage. Small Crushing, if mecessful, does 3 dice MINUS the strength of the victim being crushed. ‘Large Crishing does 6 dice minus the strength of the victim being crushed. ‘This i to simulate the fact that a stronger_man or monster is more difficult to constrict, since he is fighting back, The strongth is only subtracted If the victim is stil ‘conscious and struggling. Referees should remember a ‘couple of things: the armor class of 2 RRFSRRARRRSRRARSBaaSIIssss omvog ary ae ze egore pzo 05 08 10 10 06 10 10 10 2 2 22 u 06 ” 7 20 " 2 2 15 2 06 25 35 30 o7 7 W 2 35 2 W Ta 12 We 88 SSRRSSSRSRSSRSSSSRVSRRARRESAsssss target using a shield should only include that shield if he is being attacked from the general direction it is facing. A person in Chain and using 4 Shield would only defend as Chain if attacked from behind. ‘Also, a person using a two-handed weapon cannot at the sume time effectively use a shield, and so is also defending ss only whatever armor he is wearing, not armer and shield, wo wit mz mia ma mis mis M7 mis mio M20 mat M22 2a M25 26 waz 28 29 M30 M31 M33 M34 Armor Classes >>> SMALL TEETH MEDIUM TEETH LARGE TEETH LARGE MOUTH ‘SMALL CLAWS MEDIUM CLAWS LARGE CLAWS ‘SMALL PINCERS MEDIUM PINCERS LARGE PINCERS SLOW ENVELOPMENT FAST ENVELOPMENT ‘SMALL CRUSHING LARGE CRUSHING SMALL HORNS: ‘MEDIUM HORNS LARGE HORNS: ‘SMALL HOOVES MEDIUM HOOVES LARGE HOOVES MEDIUM PAWS LARGE PAWS LARGE STINGER MEDIUM STINGER SMALL STINGER SOFT, SMALL TAIL, OR TENTACLE SOFT, MEDIUM TAIL. OR TENTACLE SOFT, LARGE TAIL, OR TENTACLE HARD, SMALL TAIL (OR TENTACLE HARO, MEDIUM TAIL OR TENTACLE HARD, LARGE TAIL OR TENTACLE ‘SMALL BUTT/RAM MEDIUM BUTT/RAM LARGE BUTT/RAM ATTACK MATRIX NATURAL BODY WEAPONS mzoz- BESRASRRFRRRARGRRRFSRRATS 45 48 a RBRE 40 4“ 30 35 35 35 35 2 BaR8 BERSRRRSER OCU Tee 45, 35 ess asses 35 40 25 30 17; ” 25 a 7 25 2 17 7 zrog BRRIRBSRRBKSRS 8 Rk & BR RRFRKRIR e8eR zog Basses BSRSRRRBRaSBSRSase 8 S8BS 8 BS RB owog BRRRSSSARSSRKRRASSSTRRSS 20 5 25 25 7 15 7 apy SASRRRABSSRARSRSSRBASRRGB 8 15 10 18 op2e 10 15 6 10 ogore aun mo-o azo 1s Blows Per Phase The following section may be treated as optional for those of you ‘not familiar with this combat system. I is designed to add realism to the fame in the form of taking note of the fact that a fighter who is heevily burdened cannot fight as well as one who is carrying tittle or nothing. We With the rest of the combat rales ‘On the attack matiices, there is a ‘umber for each weapon that represents the number of blows pec melee. phase that someone ‘Wilding this weapon may strike. In actuality, that number represents the number of blows that someone loaded. s0 a to be able to move at speed 12” can strike, If someone is loaded more or less than this amount, it affects his ability to ight, as follows: Someone icaded to maximum carrying capacity and able to move ‘only speed 3? cannot use any ‘weapon listed as boing 1 or 2 blows/phase. He may only tke 1 Blow/phase with weapons listed as either 3 or 4 blow weapons. ‘Someone loaded to be able to move only speed 6” may not use any ‘weapon lise as being 1 blow/phase. He may take I blow/phsse with any weapon listed as either 2 or 3 blows/phase, and may take 2 blows with any " weapon listed as 4 ‘blows/ phase. Someone loaded 19 be able to ‘move only speed 9” takes normal biows with either 1 or 2 blow/phase ‘weapons, but may only take 2 blows with a 3 blow/phase weapon, and only 3 blows with a 4 blow/phase weapon. Someone loaded to be slo to rove speed 12” fights nonmally. Someone lightly enough loaded to be able to move at speed 15° takes normal blows with either 1 or 2 low/phase weapons, with two exceptions: at speed 15%, the wilder wets 2 lows with a 2handed broadsword, and 3 blows with a somningstar Further, he gets 4 blows with 3 How/phase weapons, and 5 blows with 4 blow/phase weapons. Someone lightly enough loaded to be able to move at speed 18” of greater takes 2 blows with any I blow/phase weapon, 3 blows with any 2 blow/phase weapon, 4 blows ‘with any 3 blow/phase weapon, and 6 blows with aay 4 blow/phase ‘weapon. 16 ote. tai there changes donot ‘occur when a heavily laden character 1 temporarily speeded up By means t's Speed spell or implement, see these metely increnefetnes of foot Archery Archery combat is done on a basis very different from that used for melee, Fist of all, archery is done using 8 die number 0-19, Rolling high is good, rolling Jow is bad. Unless otherwise noted, 219 will always hit, and a O will always miss. In Archery, there is no adjustment for attack and defense levels. Archery is mainly e matier of hitting and Penetrating the target. As explained alies, archery takes place during the same part of the phase as magic, and oes off based on the Dexterity of +, the archer, adjusted by adding 2-12, “The attow, stone, quarrel or whatever travels at a rae of 3” per Dexterity Count, Thrown weapons — (axes, spear, etc) travel only 2” per Dexterity Count. ‘The “Archery Table is used as follows: The first line is tho range of the shot, Any range les than that shown needs @ number greater than or equal {0 the number immediately below the range, rolled O~19, to hit the target, suming m0 anor or oder adjustments, ‘The armor of the target nocmally aMfects the number needed to hit ‘This is determined by looking at the line for each type of archery weapon and looking across to find the armor of the target. There is a number at that point that must be added to the umber needed to hit, Thusy if an archer is Bring et target 20" away, he needs a base number of 7 to hit If he is using a short bow, and the target ‘isin Leather aor (class 28), he adds the modifier in that colums, (0D), and gots d tot of 6. He needs to roll an B or better to bit. Esch archery weapon. has line of ‘information including the various modifier: for fring at each armor clas, the aumber of dice of damage each’ shot does, and the maximum range when used by a norm! human ox sar being. ‘here is a separate table for Hand ‘Thrown weapons for accuracy, but it is tead the tame, and has the same modifiers for conditions that are not telated to range oF armor, a follows: AIL archery or thrown weapons may be used only once pet phase except the following: Heavy Crosbow may only be wed once frety two phses, due 10 the slowness of reloading, Horm bow, long bow, short bow, and composite bow may be fed twice per phase at any one 4 Tf the target is moving, add-+1 per 3” of the target's movement speed to the number needed to hit. if the ier is moving, as wth hore bow, add H per 3” of the firer’s movement speed to the number needed to bit if the fer is a higher than 3rd level character, subtract -I from the number needed to hit for cach txpedence GROUP above first that hain. That is, Sh level charactor would subtract I, a 7th. level Character would sbirsct -2, and s0 fon, Experience groups are alivys the fame athe groupings for” when Saving Throws change. Tf the target i in melee, 20d #3 to the number needed to hit If the target is crouching behind an obstacle, or not occupied except for dodging your cealy seen archery, ad +4 to the number needed to hit If the target is prone or mostly conceded, ald +6" to. the umber needed to hit, Tf the fiter has a Dexterity of 13, cox eater, subtract =I from. the number needed to hit TF the fier is using a Hone Bow at range 25° or less, subtiact fom the number needed to hit 1 the fier is. vsing a Light Crosibow at range 50" or Jess, subtract ftom the umber needed tonit Ifthe fier is wing 0 Heary Crossbow at range $0" or es, _ subtract, -3 from the number neoded to hi, “and from 51" to 100" subtract -2 from the number needed tohit If the fier is using 4 Sling or a Javelin, calculate his umber to hit as if he were fing at a target 3 times the actual distance avay If the projeetle misses for_any reason other than bouncing off of amor (Le. missed by more than the adjustment for anor das) other posible targets within what i called the Danger Space of the shot may be allected. This Danger Space it 2 fadius equal to 3% of the range of the shot. Reroll the shot versus any ARCHERY TABLES BOWS/LONG RANGE ARCHERY Range in inches) 16-17 18 19 20 22 2% 25 29 32 35 41 48 57 72 95 120 196 Rollneededtoht: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 19 4 5.16 17 18 1B 19 Die Roll Modifiers (for armor class and specific weapon) ARMOR CLASS: Damage Max. WEAPON 1 2A 28 3 4A 4B 5A 5B 6A 6B 7 6 Dice Range (inches) Short Bow O HM 4 2 13 45 5 5 GG TT 100 Composite Bow O MH HH 44 48 MM 5 8 1 175 Long Bow 10 HOH MH 43 42 3 2 MT 175 Horse Bow O Ho M 42 13 5 4 45 15 18 6 47 1 125 ‘Staff Sling O H HM 42 43 45 44 45 15 8 8 47 1 100 Hand Sling O HH 4 42 43 45 44 4 48 16 46 47 1 100 Javelin O Mf 44 42 43 1 HM 5 45 48 8 47 1 40 Light Crossbow O H M42 43 45 a4 45 48 48 6 47 1K 180 Heevy Crossbow Oo 4 2 HOH 2 2 4 4 4 4 43 8 200 HAND-THROWN/SHORT RANGE ARCHERY = g ? Range (in inches) % 2 % 3 3% Roll needed to hit: 0 1 12:13: 4 1 16 17 «18 Die Roll Modifiers (for armor lass and specific weapon) ARMOR CLASS: Damage Max. 1 2A 28 3 4A 4B 5A 5B GA 68 7 8 Dice Range (inches) 100 4 MM 47 44 48 08 48 48 HOT S 10 4 4 4 47 44 48 48 48 48 410 1% 3 O oH HM 42 43 15 44 45 45 48 46 47 2 3a O H 4 2 43 6 45 +8 48 47 47 18 1% 6 10 43 + 42 14 44 45 45 48 18 47 2 9 Ho 5k? 3 ‘one other target in this area in the calculate the basic number needed to scored an Archery Fumble. Rell cease of such a mist. If more than one hit ax ifthe range were THREE times again. If the second murnber, afer all targst ie within this space, determine the actual range, adjusting for the adjustments, is not aufficient to. hit which one randomly, and reroll the low actual panetration of these the target, the fier has fumbled. Go shots, taking into account any armor weapons. to the Archery column on the fumble for other adjustments for this second Whenever the firer rolls a natural table and roll 212 to find the result. target. Note that this may hit persons (before adjustment) 19 on the 0-19 Again, referee dlieretlon should. be feendly to tho firer, which isa good rol, there is a chance that he hes used.” A bowatring break ona reason to be careful fring archery scored a Critical Hit. Roll egain, If hand-thrown axc means thatthe {nto meloes, the second number, after adjustment, thrower has hurt his hand, etc. Some of the archery weapons hive i sufficient to hit the target, an Pleas understand that this archery a better penetration of armor at short Archery Ciiical Hit has been scored. system is designed for small bates, ranges than others. To reflect this, Determiae location and severity asin as is the melee system. If you want rake the folowing adjustments when ‘Melee Catal Hit, but be sure to use to have sever hundred archers in a rolling shots with those weapons: the comect table (Archery and battle, by all means find some way of Hone Bow: —1 from number Stabbing for arrows and such, simplifying it or using another system ‘needed to hit at range 25” or less. Slashing for thyown axes and the altogether. For normal expedition Light Crossbow: —1 from sumber like). Referee discretion should be usage, however, this aystem is more needed to hit at range 50” or less. used at all times. Ifa creature doesn’t thin flexible enough to handle most Heavy Crossbow: ~3 from number have any eyes, ant arrow can't very situations. needed to hit at range 50” or less, well hit ome, now can itt =2 from 51-100”. ‘Whenever the firer rolls a natural ‘Also, when using javelin or hand (before adjustment) 0 on the 0-19) sing, both hand-thrown weapons, dle, there is a chance that he has 7 al 2-12 __Natwrl/Body Weapons __| Artic! Msi Wsopons Puncturng or cutting weapon 2 caught lone 1-4 blows, Wile blow, reroll. chars (tency or onary) within "Tip od fl Toke deve wl 2.42 bows with oun weepons FUMBLE TABLE ange. | srmor class to recon (se eu Inhalt ated by ose) ‘or enerny) wan range ‘Snag or jor weapon, ose 14 low. “Tip end al Toke 1 phase pr we Wil low, rolls others (Fondly | Archery Wenpons Projectiln2neowar breaks os oF squivalent), Drop weapon if hand-hrown, ‘fleets, Archar takes 0-3 polntsdomogs- ad rele, Shot ands ot ODOR OF Inde range. ‘Minor bresk in append ‘Drop weapon (takes We eau ‘Bowing or equivalent at Brae being uted to attck (OS points | 102-12 blown with that apon 0 zs area, sper nox uate ecovr i if male stil going on.) attack for 14. chase é ‘Strain in appendage being ued ‘Break weapon ise Whapon Breakage) —Projcle brea (ne Weapon Breakage ‘wattack, Wil only 2 172 Lote balan, ine 1 blow. ‘Saving Throw Table. ove rn, owe 1 Blow ‘Saving Throw Tabi Wid shor Triple danger space mis, aT __vss another tarot expanded spe, if any). $ sn | sereaee =e + Ste opporens weapon, “Tonle weapons tsa? with ‘Some a5. ‘Take 1=8 poines Garage pls any epcil camage due 0 {exible wenpons. Both self end ‘opponent ose 1 blow. ‘pponent's weapon, 70 ‘Sore as 3. Soren Sane 1 ‘Major brook appari ‘ire satan apoorani. Baik | — Same ae 3. Ding ued to attack, Take ‘take 0-3 points doa 2°12 poins damages, no further uve of eopendene ‘ual head @ ‘Sone a2. treat Dron Bow oF TTT CRITICAL HIT LOCATION TABLE (BY TYPE OF BEING HIT) Type, Direction HEAD NECK WEAPON SHIELD UPPER WINGS. tess TAIL OF Being ARM ARM == -BODY. OR FINS ‘Humaneia Biped, Front 2 6 49 10 - 8a - Humanoid Biped, Rear 34 " 2 87 = aie “Toute spas, Front 2 5 49 10 - 63 a “alle Bipad, Rear 34 1" 2 87 = 10 8 Winged Bioed, Front 2 8 ° 10 4 a8 fa Winged Bed, Roe 34 " 6 rea, 10m 9 (usceuped. Front ieee - 58 = 18 2 uscruped, Roar 3 = = 48 = 59,2111) 10 Winged Quscruped, Front ii gees a 6 5 2 Winged Quacruped, Fier 2 pat E ‘ a1 10,11 Instctiia, Front 6 e - a 2 Anwctlie, Fae 2 = - a 10,11 Serpant ike, Front 3 ~ = 8 1,12 = Secpent ia, ast 3 a = 6 710 2 Fiske, Front es = = 10 m2 Fite, Rese as = = a 10,11,12 Critic Hits and an extremely high number will ranges have a chance to Critical Hit Whenever two or more beings are involved in battle, there is a small chance that one or another will do Something out of the ordinary on any siven blow. Sometimes this something is good, sometimes bad. This is taken care of in our Critical Hit and Fumble system. ‘As you will remember, a low number on the 00-99 roll is likely 10 hit, anda high number Is likely to ‘mise. With our system, an extremely low number will score a Critical Hit, Fumble. A Critical Hit is not always ‘a hit that causes extra damage, but It is unually something that gives ihe person scoring the Critical Hit an advantage in the melee. A Fumble is not always 2 matter of being clumsy with a weapon, it i a matter of siving one’s opponent an advantage, ‘Once you determine what. number each person in a battle needs to hit, take note of any numbers that they oll that begin with either 4.9 or a 0. ‘This is because numbers in these or Fumble, There is « table in the Combat szetion of thes rules that shows, bused on what number is nosded by an attacker to hit what extreme numbers he must. roll to either Ceitical Hit or Fumble, For cxample, if a character needs to roll a 25 of les to hit an opponent, any time he ros a O1 he must roll again to get two more digits. If thee wo figs sre 30. or less, he has ccitcalled. If he had rolled 00 in this case, no further roll would have CRITICAL HITS: IMPACT OR SLASHING WEAPONS ALocaTion {1.2073 rolled S18 roe, Sraled_ HEAD X2.demage, 10% KO. Lose al etions | x2, 20% KO. 1/6 eyehit from font, | XS dase, 30% KO. 1/8 for 1-4 phews for HEAD hit. | 20510 ifeye hit. drm fne | SOK IK iheye ME. x8 domoge NECK ea Garoas (AY_10% KO. Ganot | X3 darage (i), 20% neck Broken or | 3 damage (pends daubie Tanna, TOR (Break set ot talk uni 60% heal 10% beheaded | beheaded: No talking untiheled. | neck broken ot ahead. ioe i) It slashing weapon otherwise broeen 1h] Weapon fst 7 point dag ‘Weapon Ta, oTRST Taree S| WRSpOn TOR, RAE ava, XT SS TCT hand broken so X2 domage (A) “STELD ARM] Bid broker arlen mara magead | Shield broke ones hore gical —| SH broken. BOW ara Woke, a0 Tee V2upper bod ‘han wmepon, Norma darrage ‘shan weapon, 2 Semage, 10% KO. | doubio nealing, X3 damage, 10% 1k tea ‘Lose Blow Por weapor. 1/6 eg | Low 2 bows per veapon. 1/3 eq [Love 3 blows por wappon. 1/3 leg brokan, LN. oF tae ‘roken, (v0 X2.damage, 1/L chance | brovan, ito X2domoqe (A)-2/t | ifs0 X3 damage (C). 2) chance of being necked down, locked down, UPPER BODY Pr Saamage, 8 IK. {2 damage (C) 1ON IK: Neads | Spine Hi, Spine 1— TOON davged. HRT ‘ipl Pela. Ti Each 20% fou of use of tm unl healed. Nee heating X10 on norms! domage sa se! “ToweRaoOY Grain Vit XE damage. Loe a blown and partes next 1=4 phases, Ne SIS daraoe 16 chance wing “2 damage. 1/3 chance wing TE data, 75 anc wing Gaavoved broken. fs, 3 damage no % {20,4 damage ro fying unl bead fying unl Peed Soin cmon raed X10 nesing Tait 1S damons 3 damage (8) Tal Broken, ‘ORITICAL HITS: ARCHERY OR STABBING WEAPONS ascaTion 4. Sal Ssotad HEAD It wring Xd damage 062i wearing helmet) | X6 damage OK3it wearing helmet) Eye 40% IK, 20% KO. hit Front (A) 20% 1K, 30% 1K if eye it nec 7X2 damage (A) 10% KO. 18 damage (BY, 15 KO, BRK, | Xa damage (C1. needs double Pein. "No taking wnt 50% has 728% KO, 10% ik fon mack nit trom font = WEAPON ARM | Wweopon ox, 1 damage (A). ‘Weeoon lost, X1 damegs (Bi, (01. | Weapon lost, 2 damage, (6, (D1 ‘SHIELO ARM ‘Shield punctured, X1.5 damage TAT | Shield Buncturad, X2 demogs (8) (| Hele punctured, X3 caregs, (8), (DI. ‘12 upper body cer a damage (AT. 3 damage, (), (0). 10% KO, 74 damage, (6), (0). Need couse heating. 18x KO. ‘UPPER BODY Ke damage. TOR TR. ‘3 damage (I. Ned erp healing. | 4 damage CY. Need ri healing, 70% 1K 15% IK. Be TOWER BODY | 5EF deoge (8). 10% KO. 52 damage 1). 20% KO, 33 der (. Nek doe ig. wane Xsan 2X2 damage No Tying unit 3 drags. No ving until holed. = damaging objet reed, Taian Xi dara 2 carnage (). "3 dares (8), (D), Limb not unabe a ‘TENTACLE ‘respon unt ald, been necessary, since 00 is obviously less than 0130. In this same caso, a roll of 9630 or higher would fumble. So, on the table, for each number needed to hit, the maximum number ical and the minimum ‘number needed to Fumble are listed. If a Critical Hit is scored, go to needed to Ci the Hit Location table. Look at the parcies for line that best describes the shape and position of the target with respect to the perton striking the Critiel, If he is allacking a giant snake from the rear, the line would be Serpe The attacker then roll two sixesided in the case dice for location. Suppose he rolls a 7. tm this case, Serpent, Rear, «7 is Slathing ta Lower Body. ‘Depending upon the weapon being wed, hie goes to the table. appropriate Critical Ut Effects table” On the and rolls a six sided die for severity. ‘Suppose he is using a slashing weapon (2 broadsword, for example) and rolls a 5 for severity. He looks at the Slashing table, Lower Boy, 45 column, This is 2 Groin Hit, meaning that he does X2 damage to the snake, and the snake loses all blows and 1-4 phases due to pain “The Slashing table is used for most impact and cutting weapons, and the Stabbing table is used for daggers, pears, “and most archery Weapons. Rear. The referee should use his disretion of unusual weapons. If it does its damage by impact, use the ble. If it does fis damnage by puncturing, use the Stabbing Critical Hic effects tables, you will notice that some of the effects have special notes. These sre to be interpreted 2s follows: KO: This means that the creature is unconscious or otherwise incapacitated for N x (1-10) tums, where N is the damage multiplier for ‘he individual critical hit effect. TK: This means that the creature is killed outright or otherwise rendered ‘nonexistant by the critical hit. (A): This note indicates that the creature hit wall bleed, and thus Continue to take damage from the wound at a rate of I point per turn until healing ie begun on the damage. (B): This note indicates that the ‘creature hit will bleed more heavily, and will continue to take 4 point of 9 damage per turn ull the creature is completely healed of all current ‘damage. (©): This note indicates fast bleeding, and that the creature hit ee ee Gamage per PHASE unt is ‘begun oa the damage. {D): This note indicates that the limb hit by the Critical Hit cannot be used for 1-4 phases after the Citic. ‘There are also two notes on the Shield Arm row of the table worthy ‘of not, The first is the note that says (1/2. upper body). What this ‘means & that if the creature or being. is not using a shield, 1/2 of the Shield Arm Critical Hits become Upper Body hits, the other 1/2 remaining Arm hits. The second note is that a shield may be broken or destroyed by this type of Critical Hit UNLESS the shield is MORE magical than the weapon or projectile hitting it Fumbles When a muriber is rolled that is high enough to score x Fumble, go straight to the Fumble table, No Jocation number is necessary. If the fambler was using a sword or other ‘melee weapon, use the Artificial Melee Weapons column. If he was ‘using claws or other body appendascs to attack, se the Natural/Body Weapons cotumn. In the cate of af Archery fumble, use that column devoted to Archery Weapons. or each fumble, oll two six-sided fice and_ note the result for that smumber. Follow all dictions to their natural conclusions. Most of the results are. seleexpianatory. Always remember to use

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