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77). With the taxman putting out a request for private sector entities to help analyse the reams of data
collected as part of the demonetisation exercise, there is the fear that confidential tax data can now get
leaked and be used illegally. The government will obviously have to ensure there are no data leaks.
____________________. Despite this, the data doesn’t leak for two important reasons. One, just as the
taxman who handles data is bound by secrecy rules and a code of conduct, private sector vendors and
their employees are bound by confidentiality clauses and the law of the land for breaching this. Two, the
processor does not necessarily know the identity of the person/organisation whose information is being

a) The government has always ensured that the data doesn’t leaks and is always in safe hand.

b) The government’s move to include private players in data analysis has been highly criticized by the

c) It has to be kept in mind that, even today, there are several private sector players who assist the taxman in
both analysing and processing tax data.

d) But to improve the quality of data analysis of tax, it is important to include private sector.

e) Data leaks cannot be fully restricted, but this should not stop the government from including private sector in
tax data analysis as this will improve efficiency.

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78). Management courses are much sought after in a country like India. These courses are designed in
such a manner that they enable the students to step into the professional world with great confidence.
Thus, management is the art of coordinating activities of various nature and coping with the stress that’s
a part and parcel of corporate life. Most students decide on pursuing BBA, even at the slightest mention
of management. _____________________. Apart from the regular business administration, there are
courses like retail management, hotel management, NGO management health management and travel
and tourism management image management among others.

a) This course is one-of-its-kind.

b) But, this field is not as mundane as it sounds and has a plethora of options to choose from.

c) Retail management courses in India have also gained huge popularity.

d) It requires creativity along with management skills.

e) None of these

79). The Supreme Court took exception to government allowing contractors to charge high toll tax every
10-15 km even on under-construction National Highways (NHs). On the heels of a parliamentary panel’s
criticism of motorists having to pay toll taxes on roads still being constructed or widened, a bench of
Justices D. K Jian and A R Dave questioned the rationale and asked the Union Government to explain
the justification for such a policy decision. ___________________________________. The government
says infrastructure is for common man pays for it. We will examine it, we will examine, the bench said, | |
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while suo motu expanding the scope of a PIL petition that questioned the toll being charged on the
Gurgaon- Delhi expressway.

a) We are expanding the scope of the petition.

b) Under - construction highways are money making machines.

c) We are not on expressway toll plaza.

d) Under-construction highways are not money making machines.

e) We are spending more money in toll plaza.

80). India has seen the writing on the wall and is doing the “needful”, to use that inelegant but perfectly
fitting word of Indian officialdom, containing within it the parameters of karmic but adequate action.
India is clearly part of the international effort to pressure Iran but it won’t be shouting its support from
the roof tops. ________________________.

a) It prefers old-fashioned diplomacy, especially in these times of delicate coalitions and whimsical regional

b) India’s relations with Iran are riddled with complexity.

c) It doesn’t give preference.

d) It works on coalition and other important factors.

e) It is the actuality which should be sustained by India.

81). The Supreme Court’s directive for the government to taper off-and eventually stop-India’s Haj
subsidy within 10 years makes eminent sense. _________________________. This money, the court points
out, would be best spent improving the education and social services available to Muslim groups, often
found at the bottom of development indices in India. Such actions would suit a secular state far better,
which is supposed to orient its resources towards citizens’ public development, not spiritual practices
falling in the private realm. By investing the start realities, the Muslim community deals with daily the
state’s exposing itself at best to charges of empty political correctness, and at worst, to cynical vote-bank

a) It’s about constant introspection to achieve a closer understanding.

b) Govt. support for the Haj Pilgrimage has been a historic tradition.

c) The Supreme Court eventually abolishes Haj Subsidy.

d) At its core, the argument notes the subsidy involves over Rs. 650 crore annually.

e) None of the above | |

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82). ______________________________________. Only Poland followed the guidelines, counting both

those sleeping rough and those in temporary accommodation. Going to find rough sleepers is expensive
and time-consuming so most governments simply don’t bother. Paris has not kept a record since the mid

a) While snapshot counts like that of Los Angeles provide only a limited amount of information, the length of
time people spend on the streets is critical.

b) The European Union attempted to introduce a standardized method of counting the homeless as part of a
census in 2011.

c) It partly depends on the definition of homelessness.

d) Since the financial crisis of 2008 the number of people sleeping rough on the streets of London has more
than doubled, according to charities’ estimates.

e) But besides the highly visible vendors of street-newspapers such as the Big Issue, the homeless often try to
avoid attention and stay hidden.

83). _____________________________________________. In the first half, monetary policy was tightened

and liquidity conditions generally remained in line with the policy objective of maintaining moderate
deficit. In the second half, the Reserve Bank paused its tightening cycle. Liquidity deficit, however,
worsened due to forex interventions and sudden build up of government cash balances that persisted for
a longer duration.

a) The two halves of the year had adverse impact on the banking system.

b) Even when the monetary policy was not framed, its impact was clearly visible on the economy.

c) Such monetary policy can prove lethal for the banking system.

d) Despite showing positive growth in the first half the stock market collapsed in the second half.

e) Monetary and liquidity conditions in the year 2011-12 were marked by two distinct phases.

84). Improving credit delivery and financial inclusion have remained key priorities of the Reserve Bank.
One major step in this direction was to introduce biometric smart card system for the kisan credit card
(KCC), to be used in ATMs and hand held devices. The financial inclusion plan (FIP),
___________________________________ has been making substantial progress. The Reserve Bank has
recently issued guidelines on the implementation of electronic benefit transfer (EBT) and its convergence
with FIP. Apart from providing a whole range of banking services, this will enable the beneficiaries to
get the social security benefits.

a) which cannot be considered a good idea

b) which will be implemented from next fiscal year

c) under which the commercial banks set their targets for financial inclusion activities | |

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d) by which banks are incurring regular loss

e) which is the backbone of telecom industry and can take the world by strom

85). While the latest ASER report on rural education has both good and bad news, it unequivocally
shows the government needs to move away from the infrastructure-linked education policy to one
focused on learning outcomes. Enrolment rates across all age groups have improved, as have the
availability of toilets and access to mid-day meal scheme).__________________________________. There
were some gains to be seen in lower classes, but there has been a marginal decline in the performance of
the higher classes—considering the base was pretty poor to begin with, that’s not a happy state to be in.

a) The progress on learning has improved

b) The progress on learning has been mixed

c) The progress on learning has deteriorated

d) Progress in learning can never be achieved

e) The performance of students can be measured by such scheme

86). _________________________________. While pharma companies have claimed over the last few
years that most of their drug trials were taking place in “cosmopolitan towns” which have a
heterogeneous population, comprising various ethnic groups (a major requirement for the all important
phase-III clinical trials), submission is incorrect and the basic purpose of phase-III trials, even when
conducted, is not being served.

a) Smaller cities seem to have become prime target for drug trials.

b) Pharma companies targeting small cities for drug trials.

c) Other anti-pyretic fail to do so.

d) Big cities have huge business.

e) None of these

87). America has by far the largest rail network in the world. It has twice as much track as China. But it
lags far behind other first-world countries in ridership. ______________________________. Why don't
Americans ride trains? Rail ridership is usually measured in passenger-kilometres—one passenger-
kilometre represents one passenger travelling one kilometre. One 1,000-person train travelling 1,000
kilometres would on its own account for a million passenger-kilometres.

a) Instead of passengers, most of America’s massive rail network is used to carry freight.

b) In the European Union, railways accounted for nearly 400 billion, according to International Union of
Railways data. | |

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c) Yet American railroads accounted for just 17.2 billion passenger-kilometres in 2010.

d) America’s national-level politics are unlikely to become more functional in the near term.

e) Opposition to rail is now often seen as essentially conservative, and Republican governors oppose rail
projects to boost their conservative image.

88). __________________________________________________. But after pilot testing it was broadened

to become a general money-transfer scheme. Once you have signed up, you pay money into the system by
handing cash to one of Safaricom’s 40,000 agents, who credits the money to your M-PESA account. You
withdraw money by visiting another agent, who checks that you have sufficient funds before debiting
your account and handing over the cash.

A) Cash can thus be sent one place to another more quickly, safely and easily than taking bundles of money in
person, or asking others to carry it for you.

B) Electronic transfers save people time, freeing them to do other, more productive things instead.

C) M-PESA was originally designed as a system to allow microfinance-loan repayments to be made by phone,
reducing the costs associated with handling cash and thus making possible lower interest rates.

D) This is particularly useful in a country where many workers in cities send money back home to their families
in rural villages.

E) One study found that in rural Kenyan households that adopted M-PESA, incomes increased by 5-30%.

89). The government’s thrust on checking antibiotic resistance – against the backdrop of an American
national dying of complications related to the NDM-1 superbug – is admirable. But the way it seems to be
going about this seems quite ham-fisted. While the government mandated a ‘red line’ on the tablet-strip
to indicate that a particular antibiotic wasn’t to be consumed or sold without a prescription, the problem
is that even the so-called “weaker” antibiotics have the potential to drive up resistance. At the same time,
lacking awareness, _______________________________________. A 2011 WHO study showed that 53%
of Indians were taking antibiotics without a prescription.

a) doctors don’t prescribe antibiotics to the patients even when they are needed.

b) patients carefully check the red line and avoid using such medicines without doctor’s prescription.

c) being sick the patients are well aware of the side effects of using antibiotics.

d) patients often consume antibiotics without adhering to dosage and duration of drug administration specified.

e) conference must be organized to spread awareness about the harmful effects of antibiotics.

90). There has been a flurry of developments in India’s innovation landscape since the country
announced its National IPR Policy, earlier last summer. The policy document rightly underscores the
government’s recognition of the importance of strong intellectual property rights for fostering innovation | |
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and to ensure the success of its flagship programmes of Startup India and Digital India. Although this is
a welcome move, _____________________________________.

a) but we cannot predict the outcome of such highly profitable business.

b) so we can assume that it will be successful in the coming years.

c) but the countries financial situation is not supportive for such a budget.

d) because such policies are a boon for highly progressive India.

e) but India needs to adopt measures for implementing such forward-looking policies as well.

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91). Indian officialdom has all but acknowledged what many suspected all along - that there is something
amiss about the growth narrative. _________________. The finance ministry expects a 50,000-crore
shortfall in revenue collections, against the budgeted estimate of 14.5 lakh crore. It has promised that the
fiscal deficit target of 3.9 per cent of GDP will be adhered to, without serious cutbacks in expenditure.

a) But that may not be enough to spur investment, given the poor demand impulses, borne out by flat tractor
and auto sales, and the stock of unsold homes.

b) Indeed, while the Budget rightly prioritizes capital spending in infrastructure, setting aside some Rs. 70,000
crore, it is worth considering whether a larger sum is needed to get the investment cycle going — even if this
entails a small deviation from the fiscal deficit target.

c) There can be no better time than now to impart an intelligent, rather than populist, fiscal stimulus — with
inflation under control and oil prices not posing pressures on the subsidy front.

d) A lowering of the projections made in the Economic Survey, from 8.1-8.5 per cent to 7.5 per cent, hardly
comes as a surprise, given a 14 per cent deficient monsoon, persistently negative exports and indifferent
industrial growth.

e) The RBI has “frontloaded” its rate cuts and is helping banks deal with stressed assets so that they can lend

92). For many years, the continent Africa remained unexplored and unknown. The main reason was the
inaccessibility to its interior region due to dense forests, wildlife, savage tribal, deserts and barren solid
hills. ____________. While others explored with the idea of expanding their respective empires,
Livingstone did so to explore its vast and mysterious hinterland, rivers and lakes.

a) He was primarily religious man and a medical practitioner who tried to help mankind with it.

b) Livingstone was born in Scotland and was educated to become a doctor and priest.

c) He explored an unknown river in Western Luanda. However, he was reduced to a skeleton during four years
of travelling.

d) He discovered the origin of the River Nile in 1866. He again suffered many discomforts. He became too sick
and could not even walk. | |

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e) Many people tried to explore the could not survive the dangers, David Livingstone is among those brave few
who not only explored part of Africa but also lived among the tribals bringing them near to social milieu.

93). _______________________. Even the human body is a form of energy. Call it prana or jivatma or
simply vayu energy sustains the gross body and expresses it through sensory perceptions and the basic
physical elements. The three fundamental gunas- satvik, nijasik and tamasik which characterize the
nature of the human being, very often in a combination, are further sub divided into many basic qualities
commonly known as human values.

a) Energy is neither created nor destroyed; it is only recycled and recast in different forms.

b) Love, affection, integrity and truth, for instance, are values that are as important to life as breathing or eating.

c) Energy values are positive but in the course of practice and because they emanate from a mind that is
susceptible to negative thoughts, they get corrupted.

d) Energy generates negativity and manifest in the form of tying cheating or causing others harm.

e) The very fact that human civilization has survived over centuries shows that despite all the negativity, the
force of positive energy within all of us continues to expand and enrich.

94). Over the next five years, India faces one of the world’s biggest financing challenges: bringing clean,
affordable, reliable, water and energy to all, building the infrastructure for smart cities to thrive and
investing in enterprises that will provide livelihoods for an extra 10 million jobseekers each year.
Through all of this and beyond, a sustainable financial system is both a necessity and an opportunity.
_____________________. Actual practice suggests the reverse.

a) At IDFC, the business case for sustainable finance is real and multifaceted: reduced risk, increased market
share, access to international finance, reduced reputational risks and enhanced brand value.

b) For too long, a myth has been allowed to take root in India that sustainability and finance are at odds – that
taking account of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors raises costs, reduces returns and impedes

c) The fivefold increase in the country’s solar target to 100 GW of installed capacity by 2022 will require
unprecedented volumes of investment, perhaps as much as $ 100 billion as per some estimates.

d) The Small Industries Development Bank of India has found, for example, that loans to energy – efficient
companies have a much better loan recovery rate than the norm.

e) Sustainable finance is fundamentally about channeling capital to India’s real economy needs. Take

95). Central to the financial sector reforms would be the restructuring and financing of public sector
banks (PSBs). ___________________. Accordingly, it recommended that the minimum government
holding in PSBs should be reduced from 51 per cent to 33 per cent. It was argued that reducing the
government holding to 33 per cent would not mean a loss of control over the social objectives of PSBs,
but it would give a breather to these banks to meet minimum capital requirements.

a) The UPA government I and II swore by the 51 per cent minimum government holding and hence there was
an impasse. | |

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b) The Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission (2013) recommended a single Indian Financial Sector

c) The Narasimham Committee II on Banking Sector Reforms (1998) concluded that the fisc just could not
meet the capital requirements of PSBs.

d) The pronouncements of the present BJP government, however, indicate that they would not deviate from the
51 per cent government holding in PSBs.

e) Under the NDA regime, Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha made a valiant effort to get this recommendation
accepted, but parliamentarians from his own party blocked the move.

96). _______________. But the number of insured people is only around 20% which is very less
compared to other countries. There could be many reasons for this shortfall such as lack of awareness or
the inability of companies to reach the masses. But the government of India on its part has taken many
steps to increase insurance penetration.

a) India with a population of over 1 billion is the 2nd most populous country in the world.

b) The government has brought many reforms in the insurance sector, the above steps have helped more people
to take up insurance policies.

c) In the coming years, we can be confident of seeing higher growth in insurance penetration among Indians.

d) The biggest step taken by the government in recent years was raising the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to
49% from the earlier 26%.

e) The amendment paved way for foreign insurance companies to start operations in India by partnering with
existing entities & offer more products suited for Indian public.

97). Capitalism is a great slave, but a pathetic master. This truth unfortunately gets lost in our chase for
that elusive dream. Especially in the west, the land that has been marketed as the land of dreams - the
great Western dream. It’s the dream of being independent masters of our lives, of making big bucks and
of being happy - even if that happiness is being bought by money, which all of them chase out there.

a) That is what has made the rest of the world mindlessly chase Westernism, not necessarily happiness or an
ideal form of society.

b) All because the shop window looks very impressive and it has been marketed very well.

c) Thus, the shop window of Westernism looks lucidly attractive.

d) However, this has been achieved as a result of more than 200 years of unbridled growth and exploitation.

e) No doubt, the West, on its part, has been fairly successful in creating material comforts aplenty.

98). A long-standing perspective on modernity - that a march toward it would lead progressively to
lessening of religious and related affiliations – has been discredited over a period of time. ____________.
For example, even a product of the information revolution, the Internet, is used to hunt for marriage
partners of a given caste. Modern electoral politics is all about utilizing identities that predate this
modernity for political gain. | |

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a) We have assumed erroneously that we know what modernity is, thereby confusing its present character with
what we wish it to be.

b) Confusing a wish with the reality on the ground might well be called the Great Nehruvian Conceit — we are
all part of this.

c) It frequently goes back to the past and incorporates elements from long-forgotten eras into its unfolding

d) Modern technologies - such as television - feed growing religious appetites.

e) We have too easily assumed a linear narrative for modernity, even more so if we clearly observe that it
consists of bits and pieces from different historical periods, and that it unfolds in a circular rather than linear

99). _______________. The vast majority of those who backed him, those who gave the BJP he led a clear
mandate in the 2014 Lok Sabha election, bought his words of hope in to, and believed he could bring in
much-needed change and put the country back on a trajectory of growth and development. On the first
anniversary, some of the promises remain as proposals and many others appear too remote with little or
no chance of coming to fruition in the next four years.

a) As the previous Congress-led government ended its term entwined in scams and scandals, Mr. Modi
marketed himself as everything his predecessor Manmohan Singh was not, and sought to represent the varied
aspirations of whole classes of people.

b) Having come to power on the strength of mega-promises centered on the prospect of ache din for all, Prime
Minister Narendra Modi cannot but feel the weight of popular expectations on his government after an
uneventful first year.

c) To the government’s credit, inflation is down.

d) PM Modi wanted to offer much more than a concrete programme of action; he wanted to present a vision of
the future, a vision of India taking its place as an economic superpower in the first world.

e) Falling international oil prices might have had a role as also the resoluteness of the Reserve Bank of India in
not lowering interest rates, but the government kept a close watch on food prices.

100). We today revel in the idea that we are living in a world of science and science can work wonders for
us. It is evident that science has revolutionized modern life. What our forefathers, half a century ago,
could not even dream of, we have that on our beck and call. _______________. A button is pressed, the
room gets flooded with light; the fan moves, the A.C. Cools or warms the room, water is boiled or cooled
even is frozen, eatables can be preserved for days.

a) Artificial limbs can be fitted into the disabled bodies, even kidneys, and hearts are being performed.

b) Means of communication- The fax, The E-mail, The mobile smart phones are really wonderful means given
to us by science.

c) Electricity is a wonder and what it is doing would have appeared to be a fairy tale for our forefathers.

d) Human labor has been minimized but that has led to a more luxurious living and lens of physical activity. | |

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e) The worlds is getting exposed to the situations of great alarms and dangers. GMOs are good for some crops
and not so for others. Wild varieties cannot be allowed to go extinct.

Direction (1 to 100): I. Choose the Appropriate Sentence: Answers with Explanation:

1). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since in the paragraph is giving details about the dream and theory related to it. So,
option c) is fit to the blank and makes the paragraph coherent since it describes about records of dream.

2). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since in the beginning of the passage it is explaining about the war and need for
improving the troop (crowd). So, option e) will give a coherent passage since others are describing about
various factors with respect to troops.

3). Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the paragraph gives details about the rules by government that should be
followed by private medical college. So, option a) will be a perfect sentence since it also describe about the

4). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the colleges in India and its present situation.
So, option d) is explaining about Indian colleges and their economic situation while others are explaining the
academic factors.

5). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since in the paragraph is describing about the visit of Israeli PM to India. So, option
b) is opt for the blank since it explains the facts that discussed between Israeli and India.

6). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since in the paragraph is giving details about book publishing in India. So, option e)
is fit to the blank and makes the paragraph coherent since it describes about authors and readers of books.

7). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the integrity and its essentials. So, option d) is
explaining about integrity that taught by our parents.

8). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since in the paragraph is describing about the corruption and its influence in
people’s life. So, option b) is opt for the blank since it gives the best start regarding corruption.

9). Answer: a) | |

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Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the revolution in information by bit coins. So,
option a) is explaining about bit coin’s use in business while others are explaining securities under bit coins.

10). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage is describing about the affection which is needed to be happy. So,
option d) is explaining about affection and happiness.

11). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details about the facts related to novel and drama. So,
option c) is fit to the blank and makes the paragraph coherent since it describes about recourse of novel while
others are explaining about the activities of novelist.

12). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since in the beginning of the passage it is explaining about difficulties of the middle
class with respect to money. So, option e) will give a coherent passage since others are describing about various
factors like physical exercise, positive thinking and importance of education.

13). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about the effects of Tsunami and various
organizations that will monitor the seismic level and other factors. So, option b) is opt for the blank since it
explains the network under the Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System in finding the undersea tremors.

14). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the unemployment and different ways take in
USA to overcome unemployment and growth in Free Trade Agreement (FTA) among Asian countries. So,
option d) is explaining about problem of unemployment in the world and way of thinking of government.

15). Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the policies of FDI and ways to improve the
connectivity at low fares. So, option a) is explaining about raise in FDI and approval by foreign ownership.

16). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about the practical issues and problems with
respect to ethics in different companies and shareholders. So, option b) is opt for the blank since it explains
about the definition of ethics.

17). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details about the PSBs and its aim with respect to
insurance. So, option c) is fit to the blank and makes the paragraph coherent since it describes about role of
PSBs in insurance penetration.

18). Answer: a) | |

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Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the children and their fear for innovative
thinking and taking risk due to the people in surrounding. So, option a) is explaining about reason for creating
fear in children.

19). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since in the beginning of the passage it is explaining about liberalisation policy and
its impact in Indian government and some mission which was implemented by China. So, option e) will give a
coherent passage since others are describing about various facts like parliamentary democracy, enlarging
India’s export and economic reform.

20). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the reduction in unemployment in European
country which involves business, consumer confidence, GDP and also growth of Europe. So, option d) is
explaining about the business surveys and subdued recovery of Europe.

21). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about the destruction of two Japanese cities,
atom bombs, atom energy and its way of use in the environment. So, option e) will give a coherent passage
since it explains about proper usage of atomic energy; while others are describing about various factors like
nuclear armament, nuclear tests and the use of nuclear energy.

22). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about the importance of world government when
compared to International federation of mankind. So, option b) is opt for the blank since it explains how we can
solve our problems in political, social and cultural life with help of the world government.

23). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the GDP growth, trickledown economics and
benefits with respect to poor and rich. So, option d) is explaining about the states of rich and poor people.

24). Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the born out into globalisation of IT sector and
its rapid growth and also about chasing new clients and agents. So, option a) is explaining about regain after the
recession; while others are explaining about Cultural conflicts, emerging-market companies, future of India's
outsourcing sector and establishment of major local operations.

25). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details about the problems which are faced by Indian
women and reports which express the health of Indian women and state of children in India. So, option c) is fit
to the blank and makes the paragraph coherent since it describes about the failure of the reports which failed in
understanding the issue.

26). Answer: d) | |

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Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the water conflict in India and its effect in
developing countries and also its significant threat to economic growth, security and health of the ecosystem.
So, option d) is explaining about the political boundaries which are affected by water within the country.

27). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about the growth in the new categories of
Organized retail and also increase in the percentage of their business from modern retail outlets. So, option e)
will give a coherent passage since it explains about modern trade which increases by evolving high-end
products; while others are describing about modern retailers.

28). Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the urbanization and global report by UN –
Habitat on human settlements and also challenge in its efforts to distribute growth across urban countries. So,
option a) is explaining about inadequate infrastructure and its poor mobility; while others are explaining about
new areas of post-independence growth and master plan tends to paint the city.

29). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details about the Koala bear and its difference with
Kangaroo and also about its native place and its situation of extinct. So, option c) is fit to the blank and makes
the paragraph coherent since it describes about the koala bear which also made into stuffed toys in the world;
while others are explaining about natural habitats, Baby koalas, koala's worst enemy and its move at night.

30). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about the challenges faced by Manufacturers of
consumer packaged goods and also about consumer wages and their economic status. So, option b) is opt for
the blank since it explains how the company should change in order to reach consumers in terms of both
product distribution and communications.

31). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the concept of outsourcing, its perception,
impact on the quality of service and also its importance in maintaining the quality. So, option d) is explaining
about the negative rub – off due to the affected quality in the business sector and forms a coherent paragraph.

32). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about land masses that were irradiated by Sun,
energy requirement, benefit of solar energy on earth and also its definition. So, option b) is opt for the blank
since it explains how the beams of sun are used to satisfy the energy needs.

33). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about the Lokpal bill which is used to file a
complaint against corruption, also about ARC that recommends for constitution of Lokpal and about the bill
which was passed at first. So, option e) will give a coherent passage since it explains about not passing that bill
since it was pending in Rajya Sabha.

34). Answer: c) | |
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Option c) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details about the production and publishing of the
books in India in various languages, also about the readers, authors, publishers and the position of India in
publishing nations. So, option c) is fit to the blank and makes the paragraph coherent since it describes about
the number of publishers, titles, languages which all are fulfilling the need in multilingual nation.

35). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about the breakthrough on the Areva nuclear
equipment deal, its positive outcome, a twist in Make in India, also about Indo-U.S. nuclear negotiations. So,
option b) is opt for the blank since it explains about the production of heavy forging metal under the
supplementary deal which involves Areva and L&T for nuclear sector.

36).Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the affordability in unbanked market, need for
innovation in banking, attracting customers with their value preposition, secured and reassured adapting
mechanism. So, option a) is explaining about targeting audience by making the bank account safe, lifestyle
enabler, a convenient and easy to send money.

37). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about the small savers of the country who are
falling easily to financial scams, also about ineffective financial regulators and about the global survey between
Standard & Poor’s Ratings. So, option e) will give a coherent passage since it explains about the reason for lack
of basic financial literacy.

38). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details about the India’s success in reducing poverty,
helping people to build a more economically empowered life, also about job creation, productivity and
improved delivery of basic services and about Empowerment Line which was created by MGI. So, option c) is
fit to the blank and makes the paragraph coherent since it describes about the percentage of impact that depends
on the govt. spending additionally.

39). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about Grameen which is one of the largest
microfinance organizations, its lending to poor entrepreneurs, its financial staples in developing world and use
of the group-lending model and also about elimination of expensive loan officers. So, option d) is explaining
about the discovery of founders who made the entrepreneurs to be repaid on time.

40). Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the India’s desire in combining the
international and domestic pressures, also about its holding talks, stakes of Pakistan, sabotaging talks and also
about real problem of Pakistan with ISI. So, option a) is explaining about the lobbies in the West which are the
reason for International pressure.

41). Answer: d) | |

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Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about ambitious plans of Mr. Erdogan, Turkey’s
political system, chances for presidential system in Turkey, also about the Development party of Mr. Erdogan
and undesirable outcomes of the crisis. So, option d) is explaining about the Mr. Erdogan’s turning from
diplomatic crisis to political battle and also forms a coherent paragraph.

42). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about political challenge for conservative govt. in
London, accessing of common market by champions, also about the argument of Scotland’s trade and effects of
Brexit which continues to be divisive. So, option b) is opt for the blank since it explains how the economic
argument for Edinburgh reflects in oil price and fiscal deficit.

43). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about situation of Union Territories in loss of
revenue, such as relocation of enclaves in Puducherry and also about difficult situation of tourism in Goa. So,
option e) will give a coherent passage since it also explains about facts of city roads which are declared as
urban roads in Chandigarh which is also an UT.

44). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details about the survey of the GDP growth in 2015 –
16, advocacy of Mr. Subramanian for public investment, also about Railway budget and its long term
investment and also its increase in gross budgetary. So, option c) is fit to the blank and makes the paragraph
coherent since it describes about the growth locomotive of the Railways and ways to improve the economy.

45). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about the goods companies, banks and retail
chains which exploit customers to be transparent in business, RBI’s announcement about the chagrin of retail
players, also about zero per cent interest on EMI and hawking of smart phones. So, option b) is opt for the
blank since it explains about the end to unfair practices which are introduced by RBI to commercial banks.

46).Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about colleges and universities in India, influence of
politics in campus life, rise in no. of part time teachers which affects the morale of academic profession and
also the meaning of lack of accountability. So, option a) is explaining about difficulties in providing top quality
instruction and research due to more investment in libraries, labs, etc.

47). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about odd- even scheme which was much
publicised in New Delhi, plans to improve air quality in Indian cities and metrics of air quality and congestion.
So, option e) will give a coherent passage since it explains about the policies that targets air pollution and the
traffic congestion which cause more economic cost.

48). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details about the dearth of scientific temper which was
highlighted by Hamid Ansari in the country, state of Indian Science and also about the invention of airships in | |

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ancient India. So, option c) is fit to the blank and makes the paragraph coherent since it describes about the
description of Venkatraman Ramakrishnan about the science in congress.

49). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about assessments and success of the diplomacy,
actions taken to bring the diplomacy out, advantages of assessment, also about subjectivity and about second
practitioner who is a guard against premature excitement, euphoria and hubris. So, option d) is explaining about
the bilateral diplomatic successes for normalisation.

50). Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the changes in rural development, also the new
dimension and perspective of rural development, need for clienteles of development and participation of people
in development process. So, option a) is explaining about the implementation of planning and centerpiece in
rural development.

51). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about Women’s rights around the world, gender
discrimination, also about issues that range from the cultural and political and also about some other factors. So,
option e) is explaining about the issues that still faces by women apart from their successes and also forms a
coherent paragraph.

52). Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about Poverty and various questions about the
poverty an also describes about its factors. So, option a) is opt for the blank since the sentences immediately
after the blank uses the pronoun "they"; this is used to refer the poor people.

53). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since in the passage it talks about how the true effects of global warming would
have been on display if global dimming had not been there. So, the best concluding sentence would be option
c), which says that scientists believe that global dimming goes hand in hand with global warming.

54). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details about the relief to people with respect to
removing the restrictions on daily withdrawal of money and removal of all limits on cash withdrawals. So,
option c) is fit to the blank and makes the paragraph coherent since by seeing the next line after the blank, i.e
RBI has also removed all limits on cash, we get a hint that the last statement talks about removing of certain
restriction; likely option c) also talks about pace of demonetisation.

55). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about the Population of India and it is compared
with China and also it speaks of various factors like education, development, etc. There is a discontinuity
between the first and the second lines in the given passage; so, option b) is opt for the blank since it fills in the
gap between those sentences.

56).Answer: d) | |
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Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the notebooks, how they are getting more
popular. So, option d) is opt for the blank since it is also explaining about the increase in number of notebooks.

57). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about the different ways taken by a man to do
his duties, also about the performance against enemy to retreat and also about rich people who have to help the
poor. So, option d) will give a coherent passage since it explains about the army men and about their luggage
which may distract them from their duties and coincide with next line.

58). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details of different persons and characterizes them by
their relationship with books and friends. So, option e) is fit to the blank and makes the paragraph coherent
since it describes about the behavior of a person with perverted mind.

59). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about announcement by Guy Standing on
endorsement of universal basic income (UBI), research over UBI and existence of this scheme in Finland. So,
option b) is explaining about the thinking of Finland government about this scheme and makes the paragraph

60). Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the difference between negligence when it is
done at initial stage and done at final stage. So, option a) is explaining about the benefit of negligence when it is
done at initial stage itself and makes the paragraph coherent.

61). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about the various causes due to gradual subsidence
and talks about ground water, dried – up lands and other facts. The previous sentence of blank explains about
migration people. So, option b) is opt for the blank since it explains about the pressure to the planet due to the
demands of basic human sustenance in the land.

62). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about forces that talks of two formats to succeed in
Twenty20 and also explaining those formats. So, option d) is explaining about the second format and its
explanation which is coherent with the next sentence.

63). Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about worst part about liking or loving someone and
ways to express how you feel about them and about rejection. Previous sentence of blank talks about “find out
through mutual friends”; so, option a) is suit for the blank since it explains the reason behind the previous
sentence and also about impossibility of rejection.

64). Answer: e) | |

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Option e) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about influence of technology development in
games such as cricket which is used to analyze strength and weakness of the players. So, option e) will give a
coherent passage since it also explains about the fact that technology growth is involved in any field

65). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about the different measures that taken by RBI and
Government to encourage MSMEs. The next sentence to blank talks about need of nurture entrepreneurs; so,
option c) is opt for the blank since it explains about the demand-side requirement from public to setup MSMEs.

66).Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about inaugural speech of Donald Trump in America
and also about his declarations. The next sentence to blank describes about vital contributors of the election; so,
it mentions about white working-class men and all other men which is stated in option a) and it measuring the
gap between these two people for each component.

67). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about Baran who proposed the use of distributed
networks, also about the architecture and information of the networks. Previous sentence describes that the
network has no centre; so, option e) will give a coherent passage since it follows the idea of previous sentence
and explains about the connection of nodes and its redundancy.

68). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about the foreign direct investment (FDI) which
will be reformed only in domestically manufactured goods and also about various facts that influence the FDI.
So, option b) is opt for the blank since it explains about boosting in investment of both in real estate and in
manufacturing due to the real reform which is mentioned in previous sentence.

69). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council,
comfort that provided by legal backing and also about revenue projection from 2015 -16. Previous sentence
mentions about revenue loss for states and also gains for them. Option c) fits the blank as it is coherent with
previous and next both statement.

70). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the protest that convulsed in Romania and
explains about the reasons behind the protest. So, option d) only does not contradicts with Previous and Next
statements of the blanks which explains about the reaction of the president for this protest.

71). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about renewable power generation such as solar,
wind and etc. Next statement after the blank talks about energy storage; the previous sentence talks about solar
energy that it is generated only during day. That means there is need to store it. So, option d) is explains why
the storage of wind power is necessary. | |

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72). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about Union government which will not provide
annual Economic Survey and the Budget to the media and the public. So, option e) is opt for the blank since it
gives the impact of the new announcement.

73). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about Moon and some other factors such as
travel, appearance of Moon and etc. So, option e) only correctly matches both previous and next statement of
the blank and explains about the mystery. It is also supported by the line – the Moon continually inspires and

74). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details about the actions that was taken by Donald
Trump over free trade agreement and situation of India to strengthen WTO. So, option c) is fit to the blank and
makes the paragraph coherent since it speaks of the trade deals that represented by WTO.

75). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about the Philosophers and prophets; how they
became as object and how they honoured and also explains about Jesus Christ. So, option b) is opt for the blank
since it explains about the posterity which made them to be immortal.

76).Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about different kinds of persons such as sharp,
layman and antique dealer. So, option a) is opt for the blank since it is explaining about the behavior the sharp

77). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about taxman who helps to analyse the reams of
data collected, also about assurance by private sector for no data leakage and there is two important reasons
behind that. So, option c) will give a coherent passage since the next statement of blank states that “Despite this
the data doesn’t leaks” hence the blank statement should be related to something that there are already private
players in this field.

78). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details about the Management courses which enables
the students to compete in a professional world; also provides art of coordinating activities and also about
various types of managements. So, option b) is fit to the blank and makes the paragraph coherent since it
describes that there are surplus of options to choose in management.

79). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about contractors who are allowed to charge high
toll tax on National Highways and also about the PIL petition which questions about the toll charge. So, option
d) is explaining about the highways and that are not money-minded which makes the paragraph coherent. | |

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80). Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the Indian officialdom; its parameters of
karmic and also part of the action which is to pressure Iran. So, option a) is explaining about the old-fashioned
diplomacy which is needed at time.

81). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about Haj subsidy which will be stopped under the
order of Supreme Court and best ways to spend that money. So, option d) is opt for blank since it explains
about the approximate amount that collected under Haj subsidy.

82). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about the guidelines which are followed in Poland.
The next statement to the blank talks about some guidelines. So, option b) is fit to the blank and makes the
paragraph coherent since it describes about the description of the Standardized method and guidelines.

83). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about monetary policy and liquidity conditions
remained in line with the policy which means conditions were not bad. So, option e) suits the blank, as it talks
about monetary policy, liquidity and also two distinct phase and all these three things are mentioned in the next

84). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since the paragraph is giving details about the improvement of credit delivery a
financial inclusion by various schemes such as kisan credit card, financial inclusion plan and electronic benefit
transfer. So, option c) is fit to the blank and makes the paragraph coherent since it describes something about
financial inclusion plan and FIP making progress has been talked in the next line.

85). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since the paragraph is describing about ASER report which is of rural education. By
seeing the next two statements of blank that gain has been seen in lower class and decline in higher class, we
can say that the result has been mixed So, option b) is opt for the blank since it explains about mixing of

86).Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about pharma companies and their trial on drugs in
metropolitan city. So, option a) is opt for the blank as it explains about small cities which will be the target for
trials by pharma companies.

87). Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about America which is a largest rail network;
lagging in ridership and the calculation method of ridership. So, option a) will give a coherent passage since it
describes about the reason for lagging of ridership in America.

88). Answer: c) | |

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Option c) is correct answer since in the passage it is explaining about M –PESA and the procedures to transfer
the money using this application. So, option c) will give a coherent passage since it speaks of M – PESA and
what for it is originally introduced and gives coherency with the sentence after the blank.

89). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about antibiotic resistance and the problem of
having red – lined tablet without prescription. As the previous statement says that lacking awareness, option d)
is opt for blank since it is explaining about the patients who may consume tablets with over dosage.

90). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since the passage is explaining about the National IPR Policy for flurry of
developments and recognition of the importance of strong intellectual property rights. So, option e) is opt for
blank since it talks about need of India to adopt the measures in order to attain development.

91). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since in the beginning of the passage it is explaining about the worst case of the
economic situation. So, option d) is explaining about negative growth of economic condition while others are
explaining the ways to improve the economic state.

92). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since in the beginning of the passage it is explaining about the Africa and its region.
So, option e) will give a coherent passage since others are describing about Livingstone.

93). Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since in the paragraph is explaining about the Energy. So, option a) will be perfect
choice for starting the passage.

94) Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since in the paragraph is describing about the financial status. So, option b) is opt
for the blank since it explains the myth of the financial situation and makes the paragraph complete.

95) Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since in the paragraph is giving details about the reformation of PSBs. So, option c)
is fit to the blank and makes the paragraph coherent.

96) Answer: a)

Option a) is correct answer since the paragraph gives details insurance scheme among people. So, option a) will
be a perfect sentence for starting the passage since it describe about the people which is followed in next

97). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since the passage gives some facts about capitalism. So, option e) will be a correct
option for that blank since it makes the paragraph meaningful. | |

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98). Answer: d)

Option d) is correct answer since the passage explains about the modernity. So, option d) will be correct answer
since it makes the paragraph coherent which gives the continuation of previous sentence.

99). Answer: b)

Option b) is correct answer since in the paragraph is describing about the development that was done during the
past year by PM Narendra Modi. So, option b) is a correct sentence which gives correct starting for the

100). Answer: c)

Option c) is correct answer since in the paragraph is giving details about technology improvement in science.
So, option c) is exact sentence which makes the paragraph meaningful.

II. Combining Sentence:

Directions (Q.101-200):

Choose the appropriate phrase/connector/conjunction from the given three options which can be used to
form a single sentence from the two sentences I and II which are given below, implying the same meaning
as expressed in the statement sentences.

101). I. There was a meteor shower in space.

II. The crew did not know how to avoid the meteors.

(i) And

(ii) Since

(iii) But

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (i)

102). I. Rabbits make good pets.

II. They don’t make too much noise and they are clean.

(i) For

(ii) Because

(iii) So

a) (ii) & (iii) | |
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b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) Only (i)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

103). I. Manufacturers once took advantage of Hartford's access to the Connecticut River.

II. They also enjoyed Hartford's well-educated workforce.

(i) And

(ii) Or else

(iii) Yet

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (iii)

104). I. Mithun’s car didn’t start this morning.

II. He got a jump start from his neighbor and was able to make it to his appointment on time.

(i) However

(ii) Because

(iii) So that

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (ii)

c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

d) Only (iii)

e) Only (i)

105). I. Pooja seems to be a workaholic.

II. She spent the holiday in her office finishing the report.

(i) In fact

(ii) After all

(iii) Nevertheless | |
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a) Only (i)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) (i), (ii) & (iii)

106). I. Veni carefully reviewed the credit cards offers she had received this month.

II. She chose the one with the best terms and completed the application.

(i) Otherwise

(ii) Then

(iii) Even though

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (ii)

107). I. Abhimanyu worked in sales for five years, and he worked another three in accounting.

II. He is eligible for a management position.

(i) In addition

(ii) Therefore

(iii) According to

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) (ii) and (iii)

108). I. Akil’s wife was due to give birth to their first child in the next several days.

II. He still worked overtime.

(i) But

(ii) While | |
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(iii) As soon as

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) Only (iii)

109). I. The last storm to come through the area ripped some of the siding off George’s garage.

II. He visited the hardware store and invested in storm-proofing materials.

(i) If

(ii) So

(iii) Because

a) (i) & (iii)

b) Only (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

110). I. Plans for renovating downtown into an upscale shopping center were finalized.

II. Discussions began on budgeting city funds for the project.

(i) Consequently

(ii) Therefore

(iii) Unless

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (ii)

c) (i) & (iii)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

111). I. The president failed to explain the cause of the crisis.

II. He did not offer any solutions.

(i) Nor | |
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(ii) Due to

(iii) Because

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (i)

112). I. Renu had an intense headache all morning.

II. She smiled and remained alert throughout the entire meeting.

(i) Since

(ii) Yet

(iii) Although

a) (ii) & (iii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) Only (i)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

113). I. Enrollment in the university has been dropping in recent years.

II. Its facilities have been lacking proper maintenance.

(i) And

(ii) But

(iii) Otherwise

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (iii)

114). I. The nearest supermarket started to carry produce and spices that specifically matched the diets
of many people in the community. | |

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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

II. Shoppers continued to be lured to the big-box store out on the highway.

(i) Nevertheless

(ii) However

(iii) Unless

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

115). I. The main office has cut our printing and copying budget.

II. We will need to rely more heavily on e-mail, Skype, and instant messaging.

(i) Therefore

(ii) After

(iii) Consequently

a) Only (i)

b) (i) & (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) (i), (ii) & (iii)

116). I. Malar created a resume and copied it on expensive, high-quality paper.

II. Her prospective employer was not accepting resumes.

(i) Instead

(ii) But

(iii) Even though

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (ii) | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

117). I. The professor suspected that the student was plagiarizing on the final paper.

II. The student may have been plagiarizing since the beginning of the semester.

(i) Either - or

(ii) Indeed

(iii) In fact

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) (ii) and (iii)

118). I. The instructor copies his lesson directly from the textbook.

II. The students lose interest and doze off.

(i) Although

(ii) Whenever

(iii) As soon as

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) Only (iii)

119). I. Another candidate with more qualifications applies in the next forty-eight hours.

II. You should get the position without any difficulties.

(i) Unless

(ii) When

(iii) But

a) (i) & (iii)

b) Only (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (iii) | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

120). I. Venkat had prepared and practiced for the presentation thoroughly.

II. The projector died and the presentation was not successful.

(i) Due to

(ii) Although

(iii) If

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (ii)

c) (i) & (iii)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

121). I. I had to hand the project over to Max.

II. You didn’t respond to any of my e-mails.

(i) Accordingly

(ii) Since

(iii) Because

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (i)

122). I. Please respond to this e-mail at your earliest convenience, so that I can get started here.

II. Include your notes as an attachment.

(i) Furthermore

(ii) In addition

(iii) Moreover

a) (ii) & (iii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii) | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

d) Only (i)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

123). I. You keep calling our customers from last year.

II. You will make your sales quota.

(i) If

(ii) Yet

(iii) As soon as

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (iii)

124). I. I want to own my own company.

II. I want to pay all my workers a lot of money.

(i) Though

(ii) And

(iii) So that

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

125). I. We watched the robins.

II. They raised their young in our apple tree.

(i) While

(ii) Either - or

(iii) In spite

a) Only (i)

b) (i) & (ii) | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) (i), (ii) & (iii)

126). I. Divahar started medical training.

II. He drove a forklift for a living.

(i) Since

(ii) Before

(iii) Even though

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (ii)

127). I. I had dropped him at the station.

II. I drove straight to the supermarket.

(i) After

(ii) Having

(iii) Since

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) (ii) and (iii)

128). I. We watch the news every day.

II. We know what's going on in the world.

(i) Although

(ii) Since

(iii) Watching

a) (i), (ii) & (iii) | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) (ii) &(iii)

e) Only (iii)

129). I. They didn't have enough money.

II. They spent their holidays at home last year.

(i) As

(ii) Since

(iii) Though

a) (i) & (iii)

b) Only (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

130). I. The conference planned by non-governmental organizations.

II. The conference was about globalization.

(i) Neither - nor

(ii) Which

(iii) Unless

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (ii)

c) (i) & (iii)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

131). I. The rains had started the mud slides.

II. The homes were not safe to live in.

(i) Although

(ii) Because

(iii) Nevertheless | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (i)

132). I. The policemen delayed the drivers.

II. The wrecks were cleared in that place.

(i) But

(ii) Because

(iii) Until

a) (ii) & (iii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) Only (i)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

133). I. Irish people are living in Great Britain.

II. Irish people have the right to vote in British elections.

(i) So

(ii) Or else

(iii) Who

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (iii)

134). I. The rhythm of his sentences is like music to my ears.

II. The student is unaware of his natural ability to write well.

(i) When

(ii) Or else | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

(iii) Yet

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

135). I. The computer was making a loud noise.

II. The computer was broken.

(i) Because

(ii) After all

(iii) And

a) Only (i)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) (i), (ii) & (iii)

136). I. The typhoon ended on Thursday.

II. Everybody went to the beach to examine the damage.

(i) But

(ii) After

(iii) Though

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (ii)

137). I. You must plan your time wisely.

II. Otherwise, you won’t be able to study for all nine exams next month.

(i) Since | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

(ii) Because

(iii) Unless

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) (ii) and (iii)

138). I. She was thirsty after exercising.

II. She drank a whole bottle of water.

(i) Although

(ii) So

(iii) Otherwise

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) Only (iii)

139). I. Polar bears are cute.

II. The mothers are dangerous if they think you are threatening their cubs.

(i) Although

(ii) When

(iii) Because

a) (i) & (iii)

b) Only (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

140). I. I had not ridden a horse for a long time.

II. I found it very difficult to keep in the saddle. | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

(i) And

(ii) Not having

(iii) Unless

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (ii)

c) (i) & (iii)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

141). I. Some say that dogs are friendlier than cats.

II. Cats can also extremely loving.

(i) Although

(ii) Due to

(iii) Nevertheless

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (i)

142). I. Everyone is lying to me!

II. They’re trying to keep me from learning what they know.

(i) But

(ii) Because

(iii) Since

a) (ii) & (iii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) Only (i)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

143). I. They couldn’t think of anything better to do. | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

II. They decided to baby-sit for the family.

(i) So

(ii) Or else

(iii) As soon as

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (iii)

144). I. What we’ve accomplished is a milestone.

II. Let’s raise our glasses for a toast.

(i) And

(ii) Therefore

(iii) So that

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

145). I. We don’t believe the way you do.

II. Our culture is very different from yours.

(i) Because

(ii) After all

(iii) Since

a) Only (i)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) (i), (ii) & (iii) | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

146). I. Japan produces the largest number of cars.

II. The United States has the biggest car market with over two hundred million cars registered with it.

(i) When

(ii) But

(iii) Even though

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (ii)

147). I. Do you think we will be allowed to use our notes when we take the exam?

II. Will we be allowed to use our calculators?

(i) Either - or

(ii) Or

(iii) And

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) (ii) and (iii)

148). I. Some bees and wasps and all termites live in organized groups.

II. Ants' communities, known as colonies, are probably the most highly developed.

(i) Although

(ii) While

(iii) As soon as

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii) | |
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e) Only (iii)

149). I. There is work to be done in the area such as getting food, caring for the young, and defending the

II. The females, known as workers, do it.

(i) If

(ii) When

(iii) But

a) (i) & (iii)

b) Only (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

150). I. I can’t believe that you would do something so crazy.

II. If I were you I might do the same.

(i) Because of

(ii) Although

(iii) Unless

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (ii)

c) (i) & (iii)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

151). I. Leslie and Mary refuse to budget.

II. They feel that budgets are useful only for others.

(i) And

(ii) Because

(iii) Otherwise

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) Only (iii) | |

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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (i)

152). I. The chief fought the ice giants.

II. The ice giants came out of the north and carried away the women and children.

(i) Who

(ii) Although

(iii) Since

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) Only (i)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

153). I. The town was enclosed by strong wall.

II. The enemy was unable to capture it.

(i) Although

(ii) And

(iii) Having been

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (iii)

154). I. He will not oppose my design.

II. I can not approve of it.

(i) But

(ii) However

(iii) Or else

a) (i) & (ii) | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

b) Only (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

155). I. Indira Gandhi died in 1984.

II. Rajiv Gandhi thereafter became Prime Minister of India.

(i) When

(ii) Nevertheless

(iii) Although

a) Only (i)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) (i), (ii) & (iii)

156). I. Saran is well versed in English.

II. Saran was appointed as the English teacher in the school.

(i) So that

(ii) For his knowledge of

(iii) As

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

d) Only (i)

e) Only (ii)

157). I. Batman is a hero.

II. He is successful in catching the criminals in the city.

(i) But

(ii) For

(iii) And | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) (ii) and (iii)

158). I. Trash cans have been placed all over campus.

II. Students still throw garbage on the ground

(i) Although

(ii) But

(iii) As soon as

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (iii)

159). I. The administration promised to improve dining hall service.

II. The quality of the food is actually worse this year.

(i) But

(ii) When

(iii) Though

a) (i) & (iii)

b) Only (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

160). I. Students have to park far from their classrooms.

II. They are often late for class.

(i) Because of

(ii) Although | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

(iii) Unless

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (ii)

c) (i) & (iii)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

161). Georgia gathered the pictures. She could arrange them in a special album for her family.

(i) And

(ii) So

(iii) For

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (i)

162). Meriwether Lewis is justly famous for his expedition into the territory of the Louisiana Purchase
and beyond. Few people know of his contributions to natural science.

(i) But

(ii) In fact

(iii) While

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) Only (i)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

163). President Jefferson believed that the headwaters of the Missouri might reach all the way to the
Canadian border. He also believed that meant he could claim all that land for the United States.

(i) Although

(ii) But also | |

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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

(iii) And that

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (iii)

164). He studied the biological and natural sciences. He learned how to categorize and draw animals

(i) But

(ii) And

(iii) Or else

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

165). William Clark was not officially granted the rank of captain prior to the expedition's departure.
Captain Lawrence more or less ignored this technicality and treated Clark as his equal in authority and

(i) When

(ii) Nevertheless

(iii) Although

a) Only (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) (i), (ii) & (iii)

166). Captain Stephen allowed his men to make important decisions in a democratic manner. This
democratic attitude fostered a spirit of togetherness and commitment on the part of Stephen's fellow

(i) Allowing | |
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(ii) Even though

(iii) Accordingly

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

d) Only (i)

e) Only (ii)

167). Some of these factories have been torn down. Some of them have been converted to artists' studios.

(i) Others

(ii) Or

(iii) Because

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

168). The explorers approached the headwaters of the Missouri. They discovered, to their horror, which
the Rocky Mountain range stood between them and their goal, a passage to the Pacific.

(i) Accordingly

(ii) Either - or

(iii) As

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (iii)

169). Monday is a school holiday. The class will take the test on Tuesday

(i) Because

(ii) While | |

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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

(iii) Otherwise

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

170). Today, great wealth abounds in Hartford. The wealth is centered in the insurance industry.
However, few manufacturing jobs are still available.

(i) Because of

(ii) Although

(iii) In order to

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (ii)

c) (i) & (iii)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

171). I locked myself in my bedroom. I would not be disturbed by the children.

(i) Because

(ii) So that

(iii) Unless

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

d) Only (i)

e) Only (ii)

172). Daniel was having trouble with his English 101 paper. Daniel went to see a tutor in the Learning

(i) Although

(ii) As | |

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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

(iii) Nevertheless

a) Only (i)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) (i), (ii) & (iii)

173). The boys are afraid to go near that place. They have heard that it is haunted.

(i) Because

(ii) Owing to

(iii) Unless

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

d) Only (i)

e) Only (ii)

174). Rubbish was not collected regularly. The place became infested with rats.

(i) So

(ii) Although

(iii) Since

a) (i) & (iii)

b) Only (iii)

c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

d) Only (i)

e) Only (ii)

175). Adopting a mixed-breed dog from the pound can save a dog's life. Adopting a dog from the pound
helps reduce crowding in the animal shelters.

(i) Instead of

(ii) Since

(iii) While | |

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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (i)

176). Environmentalists have hope. Perhaps more communities will recycle newspaper and glass. Many
citizens refuse to participate.

(i) That - however

(ii) And - but

(iii) Because - since

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

d) Only (i)

e) Only (ii)

177). Dr. Farhath enjoys working with cadavers. He enjoys working with them so much that he built an
original construction from several.

(i) In fact

(ii) Moreover

(iii) But

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

178). Many young Englishmen condemned the English war against France in the 1790s. Many young
Americans condemned the American war against Vietnam in the 1960s.

(i) As soon as

(ii) Either - or

(iii) Likewise | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (iii)

179). Deepika loved climbing mountains. She decided to vacation in Yosemite, where opportunities to
rock climb and mountain climb abound.

(i) Even though

(ii) Therefore

(iii) There by

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (iii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

180). When our guinea pigs became listless, we took them to the doctor. We were able to stop their illness
before it became too grave.

(i) Thus

(ii) Indeed

(iii) Accordingly

a) Only (i)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (iii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) (i), (ii) & (iii)

181). The two countries reached an agreement on trade policies. They then were able to complete their
peace treaty.

(i) Although

(ii) After

(iii) Unless | |
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BASE INSTITUTE – NAMAKKAL | | PH: 900 37 111 66

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

182). The male hornbill builds a nest for his mate. He chooses a nest site that will protect her and her
chicks from predators.

(i) However

(ii) Consequently

(iii) Where

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (iii)

183). Video game manufacturers plan to impose a rating system to indicate violence. The ratings system
will be ineffectual without an accompanying plan for reinforcement.

(i) Because

(ii) Owing to

(iii) Unless

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

d) Only (i)

e) Only (ii)

184). The program's format allows individual users to make changes. This can be done each time users
encounter problems in implementing the program.

(i) Whenever

(ii) As soon as

(iii) Nevertheless | |
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a) Only (i)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (iii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) (i), (ii) & (iii)

185). The judges scored the performances using a new set of standards. This different method of scoring
resulted in unanticipated victories for several new competitors.

(i) Instead of

(ii) Which

(iii) Ever Since

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (i)

186). He has already delivered a good performance. Nobody can question his eligibility.

(i) Neither - nor

(ii) Otherwise

(iii) Since

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

d) Only (i)

e) Only (ii)

187). Jonarthan read the company website and articles about the company before his interview. He was
able to ask very good questions during his interview.

(i) Therefore

(ii) Though

(iii) Moreover | |

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a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (i)

188). Suriya checked the grammar in her college application essay twice. She asked her neighbor to
check the grammar one more time.

(i) In addition

(ii) Moreover

(iii) But

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

189). All his friends have been praising the high quality of service in the new coffee shop for months.
When he went there, the server was quite rude.

(i) Nevertheless

(ii) Either - or

(iii) Indeed

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (iii)

190). More students at the college are biking, walking, or carpooling. The price of gasoline is continuing
to rise.

(i) As soon as

(ii) Because

(iii) Not only – but also | |
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a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

191). Ramu passed the test. Rajesh also passed the test.

(i) However

(ii) As well as

(iii) Since

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

192). Madhu had little chance of success. She decided to go ahead.

(i) Either - or

(ii) But

(iii) Nevertheless

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (iii)

193). Rekha has many friends. She also has several enemies.

(i) Not only – but also

(ii) Whereas

(iii) Owing to

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii) | |
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c) Only (i)

d) Only (ii)

e) (i), (ii) and (iii)

194). You must study hard. You will not succeed in the examination.

(i) Neither - nor

(ii) Whereas

(iii) Otherwise

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) Only (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (i)

195). The warehouse was big. It was well-ventilated.

(i) And

(ii) Not only – but also

(iii) As well as

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (iii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (i)

196). He has failed many times. He still hopes to win.

(i) As soon as

(ii) Having

(iii) Because of

a) (i) & (ii)

b) Only (iii)

c) (i), (ii) and (iii)

d) Only (i) | |
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e) Only (ii)

197). The cat crept slowly through the grass. The cat was watching the mouse the whole time.

(i) Creeping slowly

(ii) As

(iii) Although

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (i)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (ii)

198). The diamond was hidden under the floorboards. It was safe many years.

(i) Although

(ii) Otherwise

(iii) Hidden under

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (i) & (iii)

c) Only (iii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) Only (i)

199). Sai weighed the gravity of the situation. He considered whether to stop or speed away.

(i) Considering whether

(ii) Weighing the

(iii) Because

a) (i), (ii) & (iii)

b) (ii) & (iii)

c) Only (ii)

d) (i) & (ii)

e) Only (i)

200). The teachers trained him well. They helped him find a work when his training was through. | |
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(i) And

(ii) But

(iii) Yet

a) Only (i)

b) (i) & (ii)

c) Only (iii)

d) (ii) & (iii)

e) (i), (ii) & (iii)

Direction (101 to 200): II. Combining Sentence: Answers with Explanation:

101). Answer: b)

There was a meteor shower in space, but the crew did not know how to avoid the meteors.

102). Answer: d)

Rabbits make good pets, for they don’t make too much noise and they are clean.

103). Answer: c)

Manufacturers once took advantage of Hartford's access to the Connecticut River and the city's well-educated

104). Answer: e)

Mithun’s car didn’t start this morning; however, he got a jump start from his neighbor and was able to make it
to his appointment on time.

105). Answer: a)

Pooja seems to be a workaholic; in fact, she spent the holiday in her office finishing the report.

106). Answer: e)

Veni carefully reviewed the credit cards offers she had received this month; then, she chose the one with the
best terms and completed the application.

107). Answer: d)

Abhimanyu worked in sales for five years, and he worked another three in accounting; therefore, he is eligible
for a management position.

108). Answer: c)

Akil’s wife was due to give birth to their first child in the next several days, but he still worked overtime.

109). Answer: b) | |

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The last storm to come through the area ripped some of the siding off George’s garage, so he visited the
hardware store and invested in storm-proofing materials.

110). Answer: a)

Plans for renovating downtown into an upscale shopping center were finalized; therefore discussions began on
budgeting city funds for the project.


Plans for renovating downtown into an upscale shopping center were finalized; consequently discussions
began on budgeting city funds for the project.

111). Answer: e)

The president failed to explain the cause of the crisis, nor did he offer any solutions.

112). Answer: a)

Renu had an intense headache all morning, yet she smiled and remained alert throughout the entire meeting.


Although Renu had an intense headache all morning, she smiled and remained alert throughout the entire

113). Answer: c)

Enrollment in the university has been dropping in recent years, and its facilities have been lacking proper

114). Answer: a)

The nearest supermarket started to carry produce and spices that specifically matched the diets of many people
in the community; nevertheless, shoppers continued to be lured to the big-box store out on the highway.


The nearest supermarket started to carry produce and spices that specifically matched the diets of many people
in the community; however, shoppers continued to be lured to the big-box store out on the highway.

115). Answer: b)

The main office has cut our printing and copying budget; therefore, we will need to rely more heavily on e-
mail, Skype, and instant messaging.


The main office has cut our printing and copying budget; consequently, we will need to rely more heavily on e-
mail, Skype, and instant messaging.

116). Answer: d) | |

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Malar created a resume and copied it on expensive, high-quality paper, but her prospective employer was not
accepting resumes.


Even though Malar created a resume and copied it on expensive, high-quality paper, her prospective employer
was not accepting resumes.

117). Answer: e)

The professor suspected that the student was plagiarizing on the final paper; in fact, the student may have been
plagiarizing since the beginning of the semester.


The professor suspected that the student was plagiarizing on the final paper; indeed, the student may have been
plagiarizing since the beginning of the semester.

118). Answer: d)

Whenever the instructor copies his lesson directly from the textbook, the students lose interest and doze off.

119). Answer: c)

Unless another candidate with more qualifications applies in the next forty-eight hours, you should get the
position without any difficulties.

120). Answer: b)

Although Venkat had prepared and practiced for the presentation thoroughly, the projector died and the
presentation was not successful.

121). Answer: d)

I had to hand the project over to Max, because you didn’t respond to any of my e-mails.


Since you didn’t respond to any of my e-mails, I had to hand the project over to Max.

122). Answer: e)

Please respond to this e-mail at your earliest convenience, so that I can get started here; furthermore, include
your notes as an attachment.


Please respond to this e-mail at your earliest convenience, so that I can get started here; in addition, include
your notes as an attachment.


Please respond to this e-mail at your earliest convenience, so that I can get started here; moreover, include your
notes as an attachment. | |

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123). Answer: c)

If you keep calling our customers from last year, you will make your sales quota.

124). Answer: b)

I want to own my own company, and I want to pay all my workers a lot of money.

125). Answer: a)

We watched the robins while they raised their young in our apple tree.

126). Answer: e)

Before Divahar started medical training, he drove a forklift for a living.

127). Answer: a)

After I had dropped him at the station, I drove straight to the supermarket.

Having dropped him at the station, I drove straight to the supermarket.

128). Answer: d)

Since we watch the news every day we know what's going on in the world.

Watching the news every day we know what's going on in the world.

129). Answer: c)

As they didn't have enough money they spent their holidays at home last year.

130). Answer: b)

The conference which was planned by non-governmental organizations was about globalization.

131). Answer: c)

Because the rains had started the mud slides, the homes were not safe to live in.

132). Answer: b)

The policemen delayed the drivers until the wrecks were cleared in that place.

133). Answer: e)

Irish people who live in Great Britain have the right to vote in British elections.

134). Answer: d)

The rhythm of his sentences is like music to my ears, yet the student is unaware of his natural ability to write

135). Answer: a)

The computer was making a loud noise because it was broken. | |

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136). Answer: e)

After the typhoon ended on Thursday, everybody went to the beach to examine the damage.

137). Answer: b)

Unless you plan your time wisely, you won’t be able to study for all nine exams next month.

138). Answer: d)

She was thirsty after exercising, so she drank a whole bottle of water.

139). Answer: c)

Although polar bears are cute, the mothers are dangerous if they think you are threatening their cubs.

140). Answer: a)

I had not ridden a horse for a long time and found it very difficult to keep in the saddle.


Not having ridden a horse for a long time I found it very difficult to keep in the saddle.

141). Answer: e)

Some say that dogs are friendlier than cats, although cats can also extremely loving.

142). Answer: a)

Everyone is lying to me because they're trying to keep me from learning what they know!

Everyone is lying to me since they're trying to keep me from learning what they know!

143). Answer: c)

They couldn't think of anything better to do, so they decided to baby-sit for the family.

144). Answer: b)

What we've accomplished is a milestone; therefore let's raise our glasses for a toast.

145). Answer: e)

We don't believe the way you do because our culture is very different from yours.

We don’t believe the way you do; after all, our culture is very different from yours.

We don't believe the way you do since our culture is very different from yours.

146). Answer: d)

Japan produces the largest number of cars, but the United States has the biggest car market with over two
hundred million cars registered with it. | |

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Japan produces the largest number of cars even though the United States has the biggest car market, with over
two hundred million cars registered with it.

147). Answer: a)

Do you think we will be allowed to use our notes or calculators when we take the exam?

Do you think we will be allowed to use either our notes or calculators when we take the exam?

148). Answer: d)

While some bees and wasps and all termites live in organized groups, ants' communities, known as colonies,
are probably the most highly developed.

149). Answer: c)

If there is work to be done in the area such as getting food, caring for the young, and defending the community,
the females, known as workers, do it.

150). Answer: b)

I can't believe that you would do something so crazy, although if I were you I might do the same.

151). Answer: c)

Leslie and Mary refuse to budget because they feel that budgets are useful only for others.

152). Answer: d)

The chief fought the ice giants who came out of the north and carried away the women and children.

153). Answer: e)

The town having been enclosed by strong wall, the enemy was unable to capture it.

154). Answer: b)

He will not oppose my design; however, I can not approve of it.

155). Answer: a)

When Indira Gandhi died in 1984, Rajiv Gandhi became Prime Minister of India.

156). Answer: c)

Saran is well – versed in English so that he was appointed as English teacher in the school

For his knowledge of English, Saran was appointed as English teacher in the school.

As Saran is well – versed in English he was appointed as English teacher in the school

157). Answer: e)

Batman is a hero and he is successful in catching the criminals in the city.

Batman is a hero, for he is successful in catching the criminals in the city. | |
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158). Answer: b)

Trash cans have been placed all over the campus but students still throw garbage on the ground.

Trash cans have been placed all over campus, although students still throw garbage on the ground.

159). Answer: a)

The administration promised to improve dining hall service but the quality of the food is actually worse this

The administration promised to improve dining hall service, though the quality of the food is actually worse
this year.

160). Answer: d)

Students have to park far from their classrooms, unless they are often late for class.

161). Answer: c)

Georgia gathered the pictures so she could arrange them in a special album for her family.

162). Answer: d)

Meriwether Lewis is justly famous for his expedition into the territory of the Louisiana Purchase and beyond,
but few people know of his contributions to natural science.

163). Answer: e)

President Jefferson believed that the headwaters of the Missouri might reach all the way to the Canadian border
and that he could claim all that land for the United States.

164). Answer: b)

He studied the biological and natural sciences and learned how to categorize and draw animals accurately.

165). Answer: a)

Although William Clark was not officially granted the rank of captain prior to the expedition's departure,
Captain Lawrence more or less ignored this technicality and treated Clark as his equal in authority and rank.

166). Answer: d)

Allowing his men to make important decisions in a democratic manner, Stephen fostered a spirit of
togetherness and commitment among his fellow explorers.

167). Answer: a)

Some of these factories have been torn down; others converted to artists' studios.

(OR) Some of the factories have been torn down or converted to artists' studios.

168). Answer: e) | |

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As the explorers approached the headwaters of the Missouri, they discovered, to their horror, which the Rocky
Mountain range stood between them and their goal, a passage to the Pacific.

169). Answer: c)

Because Monday is a school holiday, the class will take the test on Tuesday.

170). Answer: b)

Although there is much wealth centered in Hartford's insurance industry today, there are few manufacturing
jobs available.

171). Answer: e)

I locked myself in my bedroom so that I would not be disturbed by the children.

172). Answer: c)

As Daniel was having trouble with his English 101 paper, he went to see a tutor in the Learning Center.

173). Answer: d)

The boys are afraid to go near that place because they have heard that it is haunted.

174). Answer: a)

Rubbish was not collected regularly so the place became infested with rats.

Since rubbish was not collected regularly, the place became infested with rats.

175). Answer: b)

Adopting a mixed-breed dog from the pound can save a dog's life while helping reduce crowding in the animal

176). Answer: d)

Environmentalists have hope that perhaps more communities will recycle newspaper and glass; many citizens,
however, refuse to participate.

177). Answer: c)

Dr. Farhath enjoys working with cadavers; he enjoys working with them so much, in fact, that he built an
original construction from several.

178). Answer: e)

Many young Englishmen condemned the English war against France in the 1790s; likewise, many young
Americans condemned the American war against Vietnam in the 1960s.

179). Answer: b)

Devika loved climbing mountains; therefore, she decided to vacation in Yosemite, where opportunities to rock
climb and mountain climb abound. | |

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180). Answer: a)

When our guinea pigs became listless, we took them to the doctor; thus, we were able to stop their illness
before it became too grave.

181). Answer: d)

After the two countries reached an agreement on trade policies, they were able to complete their peace treaty.

182). Answer: e)

The male hornbill builds a nest for his mate where she and her chicks will be protected from predators.

183). Answer: b)

Unless video game manufacturers issue an accompanying plan for enforcement, their ratings system will be

184). Answer: a)

The program's format allows individual users to make changes whenever they encounter problems
implementing the program.

185). Answer: c)

The judges scored the performance using a new set of standards, which resulted in unanticipated victories for
several new competitors.

186). Answer: b)

Since he has already delivered a good performance, nobody can question his eligibility.

187). Answer: e)

Jonarthan read the company website and articles about the company before his interview; therefore, he was
able to ask very good questions during his interview.

188). Answer: a)

Suriya checked the grammar in her college application essay twice; in addition, she asked her neighbor to
check the grammar one more time.

Suriya checked the grammar in her college application essay twice; moreover, she asked her neighbor to check
the grammar one more time.

189). Answer: c)

All his friends have been praising the high quality of service in the new coffee shop for months; nevertheless,
when he went there, the server was quite rude.

190). Answer: d)

More students at the college are biking, walking, or carpooling because the price of gasoline is continuing to
rise. (or) | |

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Because the price of gasoline is continuing to rise, more students at the college are biking, walking, or

191). Answer: d)

Ramu, as well as, Rajesh passed the test.

192). Answer: e)

He had little chance of success; nevertheless he decided to go ahead.

193). Answer: c)

Not only has he many friends but also several enemies.

194). Answer: b)

You must study hard otherwise you will not succeed in the examination.

195). Answer: a)

The house was big and well-ventilated.

The house was not only big but also well-ventilated.

The house was big as well as well-ventilated.

196). Answer: e)

Having failed for many times, he still hopes to win.

197). Answer: c)

Creeping slowly through the grass, the cat watched the mouse the whole time.

198). Answer: b)

Although the diamond was hidden under the floorboards, it was safe for many years.

Hidden under the floorboards, the diamond was safe for many years.

199). Answer: d)

Weighing the gravity of the situation, Sai considered whether to stop or speed away.

Considering whether to stop or speed away, Sai weighed the gravity of the situation.

200). Answer: a)

The teachers trained him well and they helped him find a work when his training was through. | |

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III. Error Spotting:

Direction (201 to 300):

Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one or more
sentence. Then choose the sentence(s) without error as your answer. If there is error in all the sentences,
then your answer is e). (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any.)

201). A. The cabinet secretary has mentioned that if officials turn up without practice and their performance is
not up to the mark, we run the risk of the record claim in the Guinness Book of world Records effected.

B. Interaction to business leaders and entrepreneurs is programmed throughout the academic year through
industrial visits and workshops, thus giving students a practioner’s perspective.

C. Unplanned development, lack of political will and public concern has led to Delhi achieving the ignominious
distinction of being one of the most polluted capitals in the world.

D. Amnesty International released a detailed report, asserting that the Union government has often refused to
prosecute the Army or paramilitary personnel accused of human rights misuses.

a) Only C b) Only D c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

202). A. The palmist friend of Deepak had predicted that his son Prakhar would become an artist and the
prediction proved true.

B. He does not like this type of man who does nothing but find out fault in others.

C. Never have I listened to such a beautiful music as the piece we heard on radio last night.

D. An uncle of mine who is farmer gave me a piece of useful advice when I went to see him three week ago.

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both A & C d) Both D & B e) None of the sentence is correct.

203). A. The old man in the crowd warned Julius Caeser from the danger of death on a certain day.

B. Money which is source of the happiness in life becomes a source of peril and confusion unless we control it.

C. The rich cannot accumulate the wealth without the co-operation of poor in the society.

D. Having finished his breakfast he started working on the problem that have been awaiting disposal for the
long time.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

204). A. Mahatma Gandhi did not solve all the problems of the future but he did solve problems of his own age.

B. You must either be regular with your studies and study for longer period before the examination.

C. The government must go back on the drawing board and review the whole issue of youth training. | |
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D. Taken into consideration the advice of his colleagues he decided to stay in the institute.

a) Only B b) Only A c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

205). A. By upholding the State government’s appeal, the Supreme Court criticized the attitude of the single
judge who wrote the judgments.

B. Joining worldwide efforts to squeeze terror finances, India has announced a ban on trade with the Islamic
state and the al-Nusra Front and other groups associated with the al-Qaeda.

C. There is no doubt that some people are selfish and greedy, but there are lot of more people in the world who
are selfless and generous.

D. Many dangerous chemicals which caused the depletion of the ozone layer are now being boycotted by
people throughout the world and manufacturers are being forced to look for alternatives.

a) Only C b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

206). A. I was wondering whether I can produce a meal out of what’s left in the fridge.

B. She was told to give the award to whosoever she thought had done the most for the downtrodden.

C. Since the attachment of air-conditioned sleeping cars to all important trains, travelling became very pleasant,
especially during the summer season.

D. We are four brothers and sisters living in this house but neither of us is satisfied with it.

a) Only C b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

207). A. leading textile manufacturer, one of the fastest growing in the industry is looking for a marketing
manager to look up the marketing network of the company.

B. The single biggest gainer in this process was ITC's Gold Flake Kings sales are estimated to have moved up
from 50 million to 200 million sticks per month during 1987 and last year.

C. Salim and Antony are such good friends that one won't go to the pictures without his coming too.

D. Locke's treatises on government toleration and education show a mind fully awake in the possibilities of
social reconstruction.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & C d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

208). A. At the end of the year every student who had done adequate work was automatically promoted.

B. None of the students attending your class answered your questions, did they?

C. An animal can be just as unhappy in a vast area or in a small one. | |
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D. Though he stoutly persisted in denying his involvement in the case, the facts made it very clear that he had
hand in the cruel murder of his wife.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

209). A. The President had hardly spoken a few words when the microphone stopped functioning.

B. The presumption that the average investor does not understand or take interest in the affairs of the company
is not correct.

C. Emphasis on equality of life ensures for the health and happiness of every individual.

D. There was very heavy rain last night, and the rivers have overflown their banks causing severe hardship to
the people living by them.

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both C & D d) Both B & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

210). A. The meeting adjourned abruptly by the Chairman after about three hours of deliberation.

B. Every motorist knows road signs---whether symbols or color codes--- have an immediacy that neither the
spoken nor the written word can match.

C. The ability to plan, organize and coordinate work is all fundamental to working within deadline.

D. Another reason for pharmaceutical companies beefing up their OTC (Over the Country) divisions is that
prescription drugs with proven safety records which have been reached the end of the their patent protection
period are allowed to be sold without a prescription.

a) Only C b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

211). A. Gone are the days when people used to plan and save for years before buying the big-ticket items they
aspired for.

B. The poll contestants approached the commission complaining that the hoardings violated the code of conduct
and influenced the public perception.

C. The country has adequate laws but problems arise when these are not implemented in letter and spirit.

D. To be eligible for a loan, you need to have a regular source of income – salary, business or any occupation.

a) Only C b) A, C & D c) A, B & C d) Both D & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

212). A. They understood how just a twitch, a shuffle, smirk or a glare on stage or screen can give audiences
more insight into the impenetrable depths of a personality than a thousand-word dialogue.

B. Women tend to outlive their spouses, which makes it important for them to save money in instruments that
will help them build corpse to list a lifetime. | |

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C. Success at work should not carry a disproportionate price tag whereby we end up souring relationships with
our family members and friends which matter to us.

D. Yesterday a thief broke into my house but he could not steal anything.

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both A & C d) Both D & B e) None of the sentence is correct.

213). A. Most women undermine themselves by thinking that they are not qualified enough, or they haven’t
worked before or their husband won’t like it if they worked.

B. In case you cannot be if office on time, call in your senior at least an hour earlier and inform that you are
going to be late.

C. In case you cannot be if office on time not be easy once you make up the decision to take up a career.

D. Financial planning for women is tricky considering they have to take career breaks for a variety of reasons
such as marriage, child-birth, and looking after kids or the elder.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

214). A. The government contended that she could not be commissioned as she had rejected the offer earlier.

B. The plane that crashed in Colombia was out of fuel, had no electric power and was preparing for an
emergency landing when it crashed.

C. The astronomical phenomena of Aurora Borealis, commonly known as Northern Lights, is caused when the
Sun’s energy produce a ‘Solar Storm’, spreading charged particles across space.

D. Dictionary has named ‘Xenophobia’ as Word of the Year for 2016; it refers to the fear or hatred for
foreigners, people from different cultures or strangers.

a) Only B b) Only C c) Both B & C d) Both D & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

215). A. To the wake of demonetisation, a Noida - based startup named Tail mill is making home deliveries of
cash up to Rs. 1,000 per day per customer in valid currency notes.

B. This comes amid an ongoing territorial dispute between Israel and Palestine which started in 1948; Palestine
has been a non-member ‘Observer’ state in the UN since 2012.

C. A study on Mumbai parents has revealed nearly 75% mothers’ subject their children to helicopter-style
parenting, characterized by tendencies of overseeing their child’s life and rescuing them at the first sight of

D. Paragraph development continues with an expression of the rationale or the explanation that the writer gives
for how the reader should interpret the informations presented in the idea statement or topic sentence of the

a) Only D b) Only B c) Both A & C d) Both B & C e) None of the sentence is correct. | |
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216). A. The government said NGOs and voluntary organizations (VOs) need to register itself with NITI Aayog
to receive grant-in-aid from the Centre.

B. Sambhaji Brigade, one of the groups organizing Maratha protests across Maharashtra, is set to become a
political party, reports said.

C. Due to me being a newcomer I was unable to get a house suitable for my wife and me.

D. He could not plan his strategy until he knew whom his opponents could be.

a) Only C b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

217). A. The scientist must follow his hunches and his data wherever it may lead.

B. He is the general whom the reporters agree was most popular with the troops.

C. The interview panel asked the candidate to what city he came from.

D. The house owner did not know who of the servants broke the glass.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & C d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

218). A. The ruling party stood for implementation of the Bill and was ready to stake its political existence.

B. Our is the only country in the world than can boast of unity in diversity.

C. Concurrent with this programme, educational institutions may be urged to inculcate patriotism in each and
every one of its pupils.

D. One should make his best efforts if one wishes to achieve success in this firm.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

219). A. The current economic scenario could possibly undo the growth that followed the economic
liberalization of 1993.

B. A cash prize was award to the most successful salesman of the year by the CEO of the company.

C. The actor, who plays a detective in the film, is alleged to have pushed the director when he asked him to get
into his costume as it was getting late.

D. Many of the young people studying abroad agreed that returning home was always an attractive option.

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both C & D d) Both B & A e) None of the sentence is correct. | |

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220). A. The government needs to provide specific regulations that create an environment where trained
scientific personnel enjoyed space and freedom to design new products benefiting society.

B. This questions force us to face the unpleasant truth that the policies of social justice have reached a dead end.

C. Today, with the presence of numerous reputed institutes in the market, students don’t have to be dependent
on the IIMs.

D. With the new generation of youngsters bring up in a very different environment, management education has
had to undergo a transformation.

a) Only A b) Only C c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

221). A. She, who had been the apple of his eye, he now began to regard with something like distrust.

B. The whole block of buildings including two furniture stores and a draper establishment was destroyed in the

C. I can well afford to disregard he who is capable of making such statements.

D. Such goods are made for export, and are seldom or never used in the country.

a) Only C b) Only D c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

222). A. The wise people, who are very few in our country, they think before they act.

B. Many of the utterances beginning from the presidential address were marked with eloquence.

C. The government has a soft corner for the backward classes; it wants to pull them up.

D. Barbarian chiefs and barons carved out for themselves the fairest positions.

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both A & C d) Both D & B e) None of the sentence is correct.

223). A. A free press is not a privilege but an organic necessity in a free society.

B. The number of marks carried by each questions are indicated at the end of the question.

C. The drawing room was a mess with all the furniture scattered in total disarray.

D. As I prefer coffee than tea my friends always take the trouble to get me a cup of coffee, whenever I visit

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

224). A. Those who are excessively careful for their health are not generally healthy.

B. There has been little change in the patient's condition since he was moved to a special ward in the hospital.

C. Once we have agreed on the fundamentals, there will hardly be anything left to discuss about. | |
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D. They cook meals, lay the table and wash up, clean the house and mend the clothes.

a) Only B b) Only A c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

225). A. The gap between what he preaches and what he practises is too wide to accept by any sensible person.

B. The king was embarrassed to find evidences against his own queen.

C. While flying over India we had glimpses of the two sources of her culture Ganges and Himalayas.

D. I don't remember having met him before, although the voice sounds rather familiar to me.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & C d) Both A & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

226). A. A lot of travel delay is caused due to the inefficiency and, lack of good management on behalf of the

B. The manager called the clerk and said whether he was in the habit of sleeping at home as well.

C. The crew were on board and they soon busied themselves in preparing to meet the storm.

D. The statement made by the writer appears to be incorrect as Gandhiji was not born in Ahmedabad.

a) Only D b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

227). A. With the advancement of winter, the days grow shorter while the nights grow longer.

B. Amar introduced me to his friend who is a scientist and an engineer.

C. The future of food companies seems quite secure owed to ever-growing demand.

D. The Headmaster with all his senior teachers have come to attend the meeting.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & C d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

228). A. We met our prospective employer for a briefing session in the Taj Hotel.

B. Because of the severe snow storm and the road blocks, the air force dropped food and medical supplies close
to the city.

C. If I would have realized what a bad shape our library is in I would have done something, to arrest the

D. He has been enhanced in position as result of his diligence and integrity.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct. | |

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229). A. There is only one cure to the evils of which newly acquired freedom produces and that cure in

B. The college library is not only equipped with very good books but also with the latest journals.

C. Air pollution, together with littering, are causing many problems in our cities.

D. In 1906 a earthquake destroyed much of San Francisco.

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both C & D d) Both B & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

230). A. The teacher said that the building adjacent to his house needed repairs.

B. The vaccine when hit the Indian market is dogged by controversy.

C. If you absent from college your name is likely to be struck off the rolls.

D. When I lived in England it was natural to me to speak a lot of English.

a) Only C b) Only A c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

231). A. I have seen as bad or a worse scenes of disorder at the English fair than in any other Australian mining

B. The officers are now a perfectly happy fishing, boating, shooting, playing cricket and other sports.

C. While in conversation with a high military officer he told me that at the headquarters nothing was known.

D. The fear of an impending invasion has more to do with the debasing of the coinage than the financial

a) Only C b) Only D c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

232). A. There is something more in the fact that the guns have or are about to be sent abroad.

B. His assistants have done and are still doing excellent work for the organization.

C. He relieved the monotony of book peddling by becoming an assistant to a conjuror or to other similar

D. It is hoped that with the medical fee being withdrawn and men being tested and finally accepted, a large
number of people will come forward.

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both A & C d) Both D & B e) None of the sentence is correct.

233). A. Our strongest reason for siding with the communists is because our father is a communist.

B. The persecutors laid a heavy fine on an old man who being unable to pay, the soldiers were dragging him to
the prison. | |

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C. For this delightful excursion it was felt by the members that it was due to the secretary.

D. The use of public roads is seriously threatened by the freedom given or taken by the owners and drivers of
motor cars.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

234). A. He wishes to tax not only the luxuries of the rich but also the necessities of the poor.

B. The two men were not interested in the same thing and the work which each of them had to do was of
different nature.

C. Surely there was nothing very profound in this remark but it was received as thought it were Solomon’s.

D. I am sorry that a previous engagement will prevent me being present at that meeting.

a) Only B b) Only A c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

235). A. The pilot revealed that his airbus was carrying not less than three hundred passengers last evening.

B. On entering the room she was found hung from the ceiling.

C. Within twenty four hours of that order being given the setting up of T.V. stations will begin in this country.

D. He laid for half an hour in an unconscious state until a police man picked him up.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & C d) Both A & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

236). A. This year’s crisis seems to be, if not more, equally dangerous as last year’s.

B. He told the members of his staff that every one of them should carry out his task oneself.

C. He is trying his best to please his master who fears may be seriously offended by what has happened.

D. Most of the critics, all over the world, agree that this is one of the most interesting novels that has recently

a) Only C b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

237). A. The building, the work of the most famous among the living architects, which has been completed
after many years is to be formally inaugurated.

B. Hearing the strange noises, it at once occurred to me that thieves had entered the house.

C. I was much excited, being the first time for at least a few years that I had travelled by sea.

D. The new managing committee arranged everything except the weekly meetings were discontinued. | |

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a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & C d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

238). A. Unlike the last century there is a compulsory education class now for every child upto the age of

B. He generally maintains that the wife bringing a dowry is an evidence of her freedom.

C. Those who are desirous of applying for the post they should collect forms soon supplied by the office.

D. Someone had said that the English excelled all other nations, the Dutch being avaricious, the French, a set of
sycophants, the Germans drunk and gluttonous and the Spaniards were proud and insolvent.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

239). A. Advertising enables the public to know the value of what they are far more than did the people of the

B. I think that education and health and those sort of things are two of the main advantages of modern travel.

C. There were present Mr. John, Mr. Davis and Mr. Williams the last was full as ever of good spirits.

D. If this man had not been poor he would not have worked so hard.

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both C & D d) Both B & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

240). A. The Finance Minister has not and probably will not introduce the bill in this session of the Parliament.

B. Whatever your views may be I still hold that the purpose of education is to succeed in life.

C. Your information may be correct but this type of behavior from a father is hard to be believed.

D. None can deny that every scientific invention has proved more harmful to humanity than a beneficial.

a) Only C b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

241). A. He walked five miles which is really a great distance for a man like him who is not only old but also

B. The introduction of tea, coffee and such other beverages have not been without some effect.

C. The Secretary and Principal of the college is attending the District Development Council Meeting at the

D. Romanticism of melancholy in art and literature is the reason for insensitivity to those suffering from

a) Only C b) Only D c) Both B & C d) Both D & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

242). A. Every woman in the world fervently hope that her child will be a normal and healthy baby. | |

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B. This is a strange world where each one pursues his own golden bubble and laughs at others for doing the

C. He is one of those few post-colonial writer who believes that this talk about colonialism has gone too far and
has turned into a cliché.

D. If Mahatma Gandhi were alive, he would feel sorry for the poor and downtrodden who still struggle
everyday to make both end meet.

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both A & C d) Both D & B e) None of the sentence is correct.

243). A. A body of volunteers have helped in making this celebration a great success.

B. The type of qualities you acquire depend upon your company and so you associate yourselves with simple
and good natured people.

C. Whether she should get married or whether she should remain single is her personal problem.

D. He asked her that whether she knew what had happened last week when she was on leave.

a) Only C b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

244). A. The distinguished visitor said that he had great pleasure to be with us for some time and that the
pleasure was all the greater because his visit afforded him an opportunity to study the working of an institution
of such eminence as ours.

B. The boss reminded them of the old saying that honesty is the best policy and told them that they had better
be honest in their work.

C. The teenager reassured his father at the station, ‘Don‘t worry, dad I will pull on very nicely at the hostel’.

D. Most of the developing countries find it difficult to cope up with the problems created by the sudden arrival
of technological progress.

a) Only B b) Only A c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

245). A. We swam up to the drowning man, caught hold of his clothes before he could go down again and
pulled him out, safe to the shore.

B. Meena was so tired that she could hardly talk to the guests for a few minutes.

C. The hundred-rupees notes that he gave them for the goods bought from them looked genuine but later they
reliably learnt that the notes were all counterfeit.

D. Our first trip was the most interesting one, but our second one, was even more interesting.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & C d) Both A & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

246). A. He has been going to the office for a year now, and he even can’t understand it’s working.

B. He boasts of having visited Europe many times but he can neither speak English nor he can speak French.

C. Whenever possible, one should avail the opportunity that comes one’s way if one wants to achieve success
in life. | |
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D. The Chairman made it clear at the meeting that he would not step down from his position as chairman.

a) Only C b) Only B c) Both C & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

247). A. Just as he was driving along the road, a bus pulled up and the driver asked him if he has seen a
briefcase on the road.

B. The Foreign Minister said there was no use to criticize the policy of non-alignment which had stood the test
of time.

C. The media of films has been accepted by all as the most powerful force that influences the younger

D. How is it that neither your friend Mahesh nor his brother Ramesh have protested against this injustice?

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & C d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

248). A. The student could not answer the teacher when he was asked to explain why he was so late that day.

B. Though she has aptitude for Mathematics I won‘t allow her to take it up as a subject of study for the
Master‘s Degree because I know the labour involved will tell upon her health.

C. I am not familiar with all the important places in this town, although I have been living here since two years.

D. Here relatives could not explain to us why did not she come for the wedding as she was expected.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both D & C d) Both A & B e) None of the sentence is correct.

249). A. He was prevented to accept the assignment because he was a government employee and as such barred
from accepting such assignments.

B. He had lost a ring in the sand and I helped him search for it, but it was like a look for a needle in a haystack.

C. There are a number of people of every class and nationality who doubts the truth of his statement.

D. Lieutenant Anand was short and muscular with shoulders that bulged impressively against his smart

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both C & D d) Both B & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

250). A. Apart government agencies, a number of private organizations too have been making use of satellites.

B. She is very weak in the subject and does not understand things though the teacher explains her repeatedly.

C. What sort of a drug this is that no one seems to be able to predict its long-term effects with any certainty?

D. When the thief broke into their house they raised a hue and cry and the thief caught immediately by the

a) Only C b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

251). A. We discussed about the problem so thoroughly on the eve of the examination that I found it very easy
to work it out. | |

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B. The Indian radio which was previously controlled by the British rulers is free now from the narrow vested

C. I could not put up in a hotel because the boarding and lodging charges were exorbitant

D. An Indian ship laden with merchandise got drowned in the Pacific Ocean.

a) Only C b) Only D c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

252). A. A lot of travel delay is caused due to the inefficiency and lack of good management on the part of the

B. If you lend him a book he will lend it to someone else and never you will get it back.

C. When the dentist came in my tooth stopped aching out of fear that I might lose my tooth.

D. No sooner did I open the door when the rain, heavy and stormy, rushed in making us shiver from head to

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both A & C d) Both D & B e) None of the sentence is correct.

253). A. If a man diligently seeks to come into the contact with the best that has been thought and said in this
world he will become simple and unselfish.

B. He couldn't but help shedding tears at the plight of the villagers rendered homeless by a devastating cyclone.

C. Most of the members at the meeting felt that the group appointed for investigating the case was not
competent to do the job efficiently.

D. The long-awaited moment at last came, and we set out for the station as merry a band of children as I have
ever seen before or since.

a) Only C b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

254). A. Please try to understand that the dispute on this issue is between my brother and myself, and concerns
nobody else.

B. Many times the news has been published in the papers that the end of the world will be certain if a nuclear
war breaks out.

C. Everyone visiting the house asked the young girl how could she kill the wolf single handed and without a

D. According to a report issued by Indian Statistical Institute, the Iron and Steel Industry is investing more than
any other Indian industry on fighting pollution.

a) Only B b) Only A c) Both A & C d) Both B & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

255). A. When I were a newspaper journalist I always relied on the news editor and the subs to put things right.

B. I would swear on a thousand Gideon’s that my friend Charlie almost drowned one time while he was visiting
his aunt in Debalk. | |

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C. Film viewers claim that the number of scenes depicting alcohol consumption have increased dramatically
over the last decade.

D. Forty percent of the people alive today have never made a phone call, but thirty percent still have no
electricity connections to their homes.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & C d) Both A & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

256). A. Neither of my brothers do anything to make life better for our parents who are both suffering from

B. My grandmother's legacy is substantial, especially if the value of rare coins is taken into consideration.

C. Everyone who visits Singapore is impressed by its cleanliness, which is mainly a result of rigorous
implementation of their strict laws.

D. The bridal dress was unique: the prince designed it and his mother provided the lace fabric.

a) Only C b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

257). A. The purpose of organizing all these activities is more to instruct than providing entertainment.

B. He was fascinated by insects and the more he studied their habits greater was his fascination.

C. A large scale exchange of nuclear weapons will produce unprecedented amounts of radiation that can
penetrate into the biological tissue.

D. Such manufacturing plants will generated employment for over 1,000 skilled professionals over the next five

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & C d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

258). A. Videogames may not necessarily adversely affect the academic results of children contrary to most
parents’ perception.

B. Hema was trying for admission in the Medical College even though her parents wanted her to take up

C. We were happy that the audience responded well and gave all the speakers a patiently listening.

D. The Committee Chief warned the party members that if they persisted in their obstructionist attitude they
would be suspended.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & C d) Both A & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

259). A. The pledges that countries are making to battle climate change will still result in the world heating up
by more than 6 degree Celsius.

B. When the Emperor heard of the saga's wit and intelligence he sent to a messenger to invite him to the court.

C. Not only the judges acquitted him of all the charges leveled against him, but also commended all his actions.

D. The notorious gang opened the door quietly and escaped in the dark with whatever they had collected. | |

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a) Only D b) Only A c) Both C & D d) Both B & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

260). A. On account of the falling in its revenue and profitability the company has received a lower credit rating
this year.

B. There are several ways of investing money prudently and making substantial profit from the investments.

C. The recent study has indicated that there is perceptible change in the attitudes of the people.

D. The number of people applying were so large that the college had to stop issuing application forms.

a) Only C b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

261). A. Hindi films are certainly popular in the last decade but in these days our regional films have attained
more popularity.

B. The reason for my taking up this profession is that this vast country of our has not a sufficient number of
qualified doctors.

C. This was the opportunity the swindler was seeking, and he at once touch the feet of the sage for blessings,
"O Guruji, please accept me as your disciple.

D. The Secretary and the Principal of the college are attending the District Development Council Meeting at the

a) Only C b) Only D c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

262). A. The long-awaited moment at last came and we sent out for the station as merry a band of children as I
have ever seen before or since.

B. Many times the news has been published in the papers that the end of the world will be certain if a nuclear
war breaks out.

C. Congress dissidents and a wide range among the opposition has mounted a campaign to have the president

D. The crisis they are facing is the most critical natural disaster that ever happened in the Thai history.

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both A & C d) Both D & B e) None of the sentence is correct.

263). A. That day when they brought her back for the last time, there were many old-timers who were shocked
and fearful.

B. It is the families of the victims of the horror and the millions of Afghan refugees whose lives have been
turned down upside.

C. Shiksha Sahayog Yojana was launched with the objective to lessen the burden of parents in meeting the
educational expenses of the children.

D. The importance of sports in harnessing the power of youth towards nation building and economic
development was evident ever since the 1986 Olympic games.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct. | |

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264). A. Since the commencement of the Constitution in 1950, it is for the third time that governors-this time as
much as nine-have had to go following a change of guard at the Centre.

B. Women riding pillion on two-wheelers in the capital have to compulsorily wear helmets, according to the
final notification issued by Delhi government.

C. Lawmaking is the routine business of government, and reviewing for possible repeal should also happen

D. The poverty estimates indicate that the highest poverty headcount ratio exist in Bihar at fifty four percent as
against the national average of thirty percent.

a) Only B b) Only A c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

265). A. An important objective of development planning in India has been to provide for increasing
employment opportunities not only to meet the backlog of the unemployed but also the new additions to the
labor force.

B. The predominant presence of the textile industry in the Indian economy is manifested in its significant
contribution to industrial production, employment generation, and foreign exchange earnings.

C. Arun Jaitley’s life has been full or dramatic loops, sudden upswings and a few downturns, till finally he’s
arrived at a job that has him at the helm of the nation’s economic affairs.

D. The declaring of a long-term ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, after 50 days of off-again, on-again
fighting, has brought immediate relief to both sides of the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & C d) Both A & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

266). A. The roll of the institute is to provide technical support to other institutions and to constantly monitor
their facilities and performance.

B. The significant future is that none of the ancient Indian scientists claimed originality of their theories.

C. The most popular method adopted by an organization to communicate job vacancies to the public is through

D. The police could arrest only one thief of the club robbery and many of them are still in large.

a) Only C b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

267). A. A serial entrepreneur who made his first fortune in the early days of World Wide Web he has since
helped find a solar power company to generate green electricity

B. The three-day trip that India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, made to china is seen in some quarter as a
chance to reset the relationship between Asia’s two giants

C. All government officials above the rank of undersecretary have been issued circulars by their respective
ministries to ask them to attend yoga classes in the run-up to the event.

D. The char bodies of two women were recovered from a burning pile of dried cow dung at Sultanpur village.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & C d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct. | |

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268). A. With so many options lined up in this competitive world, one has to watch out for a proper
specialization and a suitable institute before deciding on anything.

B. The holy man took some roasted chickpeas and raisins from his pouch and gave them of the woodcutter.

C. While presenting his maiden speech Shyam seemed very confidently and people responded very well.

D. A total of ten blocks will be on offer in the third round of coal auctions which will take place between
August 11 to August 17.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

269). A. The lay-offs come among the continued debate over immigration reform in the US as the temporary
work visas are at the centre of a fierce debate in Congress.

B. Economic laws typically aims at balancing competing interests of various stakeholders as well as interests of
government departments charged with implementing such laws.

C. Providing two special economic zones exclusively for Indian investors is a clear reflection of Bangladesh’s
positive intent.

D. On a separate occasion, the High Court rapped the Director-General of Police for forwarding a complaint
against Raj to the state government instead of ordering an enquiry into it.

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both C & D d) Both B & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

270). A. A letter of credit is a guarantee issued by the importer’s bank that it will honor payment up to certain
amount of export bills to the bank of the exporter.

B. Widows by far outnumber widowers, because studies show that women live longer than men and tend to
marry men older than themselves.

C. A private company is one which restricts transfer of shares and does not invite the public to subscribe its

D. We couldn’t set up the computer network ourselves, so we are banking with an IT engineer from the
university to set it up for us.

a) Only C b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

271). A. It is important for a person to pursue his or her studies and certificates in professional courses before
enters into a full-time business.

B. "Imposition of minimum import prices for steel, for example, will be mildly positive for the sector,”
according to the note.

C. The Council noted that uncertainty in the global economy and high volatility in the financial markets is
prominent risks confronting the emerging market economies.

D. Necessity being the mother of invention, he resourcefully modifies the Rover to go on long drives even
though it have originally designed for short ones.

a) Only B b) Only A c) Both B & C d) Both C & D e) None of the sentence is correct. | |

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272). A. Nobody in the world know that he is alive, still, he persistently tries to beam messages back to Earth
using the spacecraft’s rotating camera.

B. The amount of water it contain and the nature of its core will provide clues about where the planet formed
early in the system’s life span.

C. By contrast, expensive telecom auctions in 2016 will contribute to a further increase in leverage in the
telecom sector, which is yet to digested last year’s auction outcome.

D. A photograph of a policeman, wrapping a blanket above a victim of violence and offering her a cup of
coffee, spoke volumes about the innate goodness that suffering often brings.

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both A & C d) Both C & B e) None of the sentence is correct.

273). A. The Indian radio which was previously controlled by the British rulers is free now from the narrow
vested interests.

B. A lot of travel delay is caused due to the inefficiency and lack of good management on behalf of the

C. I don’t usually prefer putting up at hotels, but last winter we spent a few weeks at a wonderful hotel by the

D. The speed of reforms has gone down considerably in many states because the choice of either of the extreme
options inevitably generates discontent among the people.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both A & B d) Both C & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

274). A. A potential buyer of the building was lost as she was asked to pay a considerable higher interest rate
than she could afford.

B. These days music albums generally comprise of seven or eight different songs that have hardly anything
common among them.

C. I have finally decided to take part in the two – mile race that is going to be conducted tomorrow morning.

D. As the coach was doubting the captain’s leadership ability, he decided to keep a close vigil on the team’s
overall performance.

a) Only D b) Only C c) Both B & C d) Both A & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

275). A. The young college graduates got carried off by the appeal to their patriotism and decided to enlist
themselves in the navy.

B. The police tactfully handled the farmers’ agitation for higher prices which has created law and order problem
in the district.

C. Though the year witnessed a rise in crimes against women, the police claimed that their changed images has
given confidence to women to come forward and lodge complaints.

D. The ministry considered several proposals for the development of small and medium enterprises during
Budget discussions. | |

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a) Only B b) Only A c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

276). A. As news of police violence spread, Patel community members, returning to villages and towns from
the rally, set fire government property.

B. It is time we design intelligent question papers that respect competence rather that just memory.

C. A lots of real estate companies may come up with tempting offers and discounts but buyers should always
keep their eyes open and must check whether all approvals are in place or not.

D. Having a visionary and motivating leader, she thinks out of the box and has her own style of doing things,
one of which is treating and respecting her employees as assets.

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both A & C d) Both C & B e) None of the sentence is correct.

277). A. Considering that a large part of the population in India does not have access to banking services,
payments banks are expected to reach far-flung areas extending the umbrella of financial inclusion to everyone.

B. With India’s urban population expected to grow exponentially over the next couple of decades urban
housing will be a central issue to the government.

C. The Bengaluru Police are proposing to use electronic tags on habitual offenders to monitor their movements,
after an analysis revealed that they were involved in more than forty percent crimes reported in the city.

D. Before investing, you should look after the overall business dynamics of the company along with efficient
management and good corporate governance.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

278). A. The Supreme Court verdict is not only a lesson for Novartis but also for many other drug companies
which see India as a market for making profits.

B. Though Tata Steel had acquired around 2,800 acre of land in mid 1990s for setting up a mega steel plant,
the company later shelves the project and decided to set up an industrial park there.

C. Research scholars city will have to be carefully while writing their PhD thesis and dissertations as authorities
tired of plagiarism have decided to use software that can trace any plagiarized work.

D. Canada is a good investment destination as it is investor-friendly and has a stable economic and political

a) Only C b) Only D c) Both B & D d) Both C & A e) None of the sentence is correct.

279). A. In the circumstances, the broad philosophy that Dr. Manmohan Singh outlined was that large scale
fiscal adjustment was needed but the poor should being protected from the burden of adjustment.

B. One of the biggest handicaps that journal editors face when confronted with evidence of scientific
misconduct to Indian researchers is non-cooperation by institutions in thoroughly investigating such matters.

C. The woman said it was the man who fell in love with her at first sight and was adamant on marrying her
although she was much older than him. | |

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D. In the sphere of direct taxes, the personal income tax and the wealth tax rate has been left untouched which
is no small mercy.

a) Only C b) Only B c) Both B & D d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

280). A. A look at migration data suggests that the number of deaths do not necessarily indicate the crisis that is
being described.

B. The decision has immediately drawn a sharp response from the Congress and the SP, who along with other
Opposition parties have been stalling the Bill’s passage in the Rajya Sabha.

C. To expect the organization to pay for the transport of the personal belongings of the employee is not fair.

D. Ahead of Modi’s visit of Bangladesh, External Affairs Minister said agreements on the contentious issue of
sharing of river waters including that of Teesta would not be on the agenda.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both B & C d) Both A & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

281). A. There will be no scrutiny or enquiry of money declared, neither under the Income - Tax Act or the
Wealth Tax Act and the declarants will have immunity from prosecution.

B. The victim was persuaded to recall back what had happened with her but she was unable to recollect

C. The carbonic acid thus produced leads to ocean acidulation by decreasing the pH of the ocean, reducing the
concentration of the carbonate ion.

D. The Constitution granted the right to citizens to join such bodies to pursue their interest in sports, religion,
culture and art etc.

a) Only B b) Only A c) Both A & C d) Both C & B e) None of the sentence is correct.

282). A. The government have decided to open a one-time, four month compliance window for domestic black
money holders.

B. The process to be adopted by the government for these activities has to be defined because the government is
responsible for any object put up in space and for what happens to it in orbit or because of it.

C. Should have been nice if we could have played this game before the Australia one, would have had a better
idea of the conditions.

D. We swap up to the drowning man, caught hold of his clothes, before he would go down again and pulled
him, out safe to the shore.

a) Only C b) Only D c) Both B & D d) Both C & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

283). A. The scheme which will be launched during the next two years requires an additional investment of one
hundred crores.

B. Household spends will support real domestic growth of 2 percent or perhaps more, because real earnings are
rising at 2 percent, house prices are increasing even faster in real terms and employment prospects are good.

C. The projects that the government takes up these days are all dominated by modern technologies. | |

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D. The Prime Minister has observed many changes in the rural areas when he last visited the country side.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both A & B d) Both B & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

284). A. The students decided to donate blood after they saw the plight of the injured in various accidents in a
documentary film.

B. An enquiry committee has been formed as devastating poverty and indebtedness have forced farmers in the
country to commit suicide.

C. Unemployed are more concerned to get an employment than to know the number of the unemployed in the

D. Martin Luther King, who led the Gandhian Movement against racial discrimination, brought considerable
amount of justice and equality for the blacks in the US.

a) Only B b) Only A c) Both B & C d) Both B & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

285). A. The leader told the people, “You yourself have to build your nation; and no neighbor or a powerful
county will come for your help.”
B. The Commonwealth Games committee is unhappy as the preparations for the 2010 games are in front of

C. Only till few years ago people could not dream of the facilities and comforts that they enjoy now.

D. R.K. Narayan’s, the famous Indian English authors, stories are known for deep insight into their characters.

a) Only B b) Only C c) Both A & B d) Both C & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

286). A. In time of crisis the Bhagavad Gita gives light and guide to the mind tortured by doubt and torn by
conflict of duties.

B. The builders have promised a customers that the construction will be completed as soon as possible.

C. While it is apparent that biotechnology offers significant benefits adequate attention has not been focused to
this vital area.

D. Each of the students whom I have chosen to take part in the discussion have indicated that he will be happy
to do so.

a) Only B b) Only D c) Both B & C d) Both A & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

287). A. I am opposed to the plan of action not because it is ill conceived but that it seems impractical.

B. The President of Costa Rica, along with two vice-presidents, are elected for a four-year term by the people.

C. The number of people applying was so large that the company had to stop issuing job application forms.

D. The Headmaster advised the student who had failed in the examination twice, not to attempt it again until he
had time to prepare for it properly.

a) Only B b) Only A c) Both B & C d) Both C & D e) None of the sentence is correct. | |

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288). A. Mahesh hesitated in accepting the post as he did not think that the salary package was enough for a
man with a family of ten.

B. Sumathi was trying for admission in the Engineering College even though her parents wanted her to do
something different.

C. Rajesh was popular with his college mates that he always had some or the other coming to his house.

D. Prem was the one person who could somehow manage to working in this job for such a long time.

a) Only D b) Only A c) Both A & C d) Both C & B e) None of the sentence is correct.

289). A. The car went off the road and fell into the valley because Tamizh was driving faster.

B. Even after working in the organization for ten years Hema had hardly mastered any job at all.

C. As soon as the police inspector entered the crime scene all people approached him and reported the matter.

D. Sooner than he had arrived his relatives arranged a grand welcome in his honour in at the city bus stand.

a) Only C b) Only A c) Both A & C d) Both B & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

290). A. He had obtained good grades not only in tenth class but also in eighth class which was full of
complicated subjects.

B. No sooner did Chandru see the Policeman that he jumped over the wall and ran away.

C. Raman was one of those great sons of India who has earned everlasting fame for scientific researches.

D. The only good thing about these books is their color and their premium pages.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both A & D d) Both B & C e) None of the sentence is correct.

291). A. Locke's treatises on government toleration and education show a mind fully awake in the possibilities
of social reconstruction.

B. A large scale exchange of nuclear weapons will produce unprecedented amounts of radiation that can
penetrate into the biological tissue.

C. The person who was recommended for the position did not fulfill the prescribed qualifications.

D. The presumption that the average investor does not understand or take interest in the affairs of the company
is not correct.

a) Only A b) Only D c) Both A & C d) Both C & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

292). A. At the moment the house was burgled the family attended a night party in the neighborhood.

B. Though he stoutly persisted in denying his involvement in the case, the facts made it very clear that he had
hand in the cruel murder of his wife.

C. There was very heavy rain last night, and the rivers have overflown their banks causing severe hardship to
the people living by them. | |

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D. Every motorist knows road signs---whether symbols or color codes--- have an immediacy for neither the
spoken nor the written word can match.

a) Only B b) Only A c) Both B & C d) Both C & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

293). A. Few scientists have changed people's ideas as much as Darwin with his Theory of Evolution.

B. The meeting adjourned abruptly by the Chairman after about three hours of deliberation.

C. Another reason for pharmaceutical companies beefing up their OTC (Over the Country) divisions is that
prescription drugs with proven safety records which have been reached the end of the their patent protection
period are allowed to be sold without a prescription.

D. Last month we celebrated the wedding of our sister for whom we have been looking for a suitable alliance
for three years.

a) Only B b) Only A c) Both A & C d) Both C & B e) None of the sentence is correct.

294). A. Unless you stop making noise at once I will have no option but to bring the matter to the attention of
the police.

B. Since India gained Independence 49 years ago much progress has been made in almost every field.

C. He wanted to work all night but we saw that he was completely worn out and so we persuaded him to stop.

D. The party chief made it a point to state that the Prime Minister and the Union Home Minister should also
come and they see what his party men had seen.

a) Only A b) Only D c) Both A & B d) Both C & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

295). A. This questions force us to face the unpleasant truth that the policies of social justice have reached a
dead end.

B. The judge advised the government to have metered auto rickshaws across the state while recounting his
personal experience where an auto- rickshaw driver made him to wait and also demanded Rs. 100.

C. India’s largest corporate house may be forced to review the selection parameters after struggling to shortlist
potential candidates for the past eight months.

D. Australian scientists have developed a new anti-venom treatment that could save household pets from deadly

a) Only C b) Only D c) Both A & B d) Both C & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

296). A. Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao will leave for New Delhi on Friday evening to attend the Inter-
State Council meeting convened by Prime Minister Narendra Modi the previous day.

B. Besides, the jallikattu ban is hardly enforceable as benign cultural practices enjoying widespread support
can’t be curbed through fiat.

C. Astronomers have found two exo-planet that are potentially habitable, as they do not have hydrogen-
dominated atmospheres that smother life. | |

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D. Researchers have discovered that a deadly bacteria, which can be picked up by a simple sniff, can travel to
the brain and spinal cord in just 24 hours.

a) Only B b) Only A c) Both B & D d) Both C & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

297). A. The idea ought to be to move to a competitive market price rather then a distorted subsidized price that
is perverse incentive for arbitrage and artificial shortages.

B. The broker plays an important part as a matchmaker enabling buyer and seller to agree to terms which would
spark a transaction.

C. Other investments planned in sectors like public transport (namely, low-floor buses) and railways also need
to be expediting to reap immediate benefits.

D. A good broker is aware that without strong logistics support, transactions could take longer to transpire, in
some cases might never happen.

a) Only A b) Only B c) Both A & B d) Both C & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

298). A. With theatrics such as these, both the Government and the Opposition have left an question hanging in
the politically charged air: what was the point?

B. It also failed to end the session on a note of federal cooperation to set on the shift to Budget day to February
1 from next year.

C. With the Opposition parties mustering all its disruptive tactics to stall the functioning of both Houses,
insisting on maximalist demands on just how the debate on demonetization should be structured, hopes for any
substantive work had diminished.

D. Basic self-interest demands that government and opposition avert the possibility for the Budget session
meeting the same fate as this one.

a) Only C b) Only D c) Both A & B d) Both C & D e) None of the sentence is correct.

299). A. My all hopes were dashed to the ground when I came to know that my son had fallen in bad company.

B. Although he only earns eight hundred rupees a month, he manages to support his family adequately.

C. Though the first portion of the book was dull, but the later part was quite interesting.

D. The current economic scenario could possibly undo the growth that had followed the economic liberalization
of 1991.

a) Only D

b) Only A

c) Both A & B

d) Both C & D

e) None of the sentence is correct.

300). A. The Renaissance was a time to ‘reawakening’ in both the arts and the sciences. | |
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B. While luminaries of the dance world have a dearth of opportunities to display their art upcoming dancers
suffer from an unfortunate lack of exposure.

C. Motivating employees with traditional authority and financial incentives have become increasingly difficult.

D. Our neighbors would have repeated the same illogical sequence of activities if we had not brought the facts
to their notice.

a) Only B

b) Only D

c) Both B & D

d) Both C & D

e) None of the sentence is correct.

Direction (201 to 300): III. Error Spotting: Answers with Explanation:

201). Answer: e)

In A, replace ‘effected’ with “affected”; In B, replace ‘to’ with “with”; In C, replace ‘ has’ with “have”; In D,
replace ‘misuses’ with “abuses”.

202). Answer: d)

In A, use “A palmist” in place of ‘The palmist’; In C, use “on the radio” in place of ‘on radio’.

203). Answer: a)

In B, remove ‘the’; In C, use “the poor” in place of ‘poor’; In D, use “a long time” in place of ‘the long time’.

204). Answer: e)

In A, “the problem of his own age” should come in place of ‘problems of his own age’; In B, replace ‘and’ with
“or”; In C, replace ‘on’ by “to”; In D, use “Taking into consideration” or “having taken into consideration” in
plce of ‘taken into consideration’.

205). Answer: c)

In A, delete ‘By’; In C, insert “a” before ‘lot’.

206). Answer: b)

In A, replace ‘was’ by “am”; In C, “has become” replaces ‘became’; In D, use “but none of us are” in place of
‘but neither of us is’.

207). Answer: e)

In A, use “look after” in place of ‘look up’; In B, use “sales of which are estimated” or “whose sales are
estimated” in place of ‘sales are estimated’; In C, use “the other’s” in place of ‘his’; In D, ‘awake in’ is replaced
by “alert to”. | |
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208). Answer: a)

In B, use “did one” or “did any” in place of ‘did they’; In C, use “as” in place of ‘or’; In D, “involved” is used
in place of ‘hand’.

209). Answer: d)

In C, remove ‘for’; In D, use “overflowed” in place of ‘overflawn’.

210). Answer: b)

In A, replace ‘adjourned abruptly ‘ by “abruptly adjourned”; In C, insert “the” before ‘deadline’; In D, remove

211). Answer: c)

In D, insert “other” after ‘any’.

212). Answer: a)

In A, ‘can’ is replaced by “could”; In B, “corpus” should come in place of ‘corpse’; In C, “who” should come
in place of ‘which’.

213). Answer: e)

In A, use “husbands” in place of ‘husband’; In B, use “call up” in place of ‘call in’; In C, replace ‘make up’ by
“make”; In D, use “elderly” in place of ‘elder’.

214). Answer: d)

In B, use “electrical” in place of ‘electric’; In C, use “produces” in place of ‘produce’.

215). Answer: d)

In A, use “In the wake of” in place of ‘To the wake of’; In D, use “information” in place of ‘informations’.

216). Answer: b)

In A, “themselves” should be used instead of ‘itself’; In C, “my being” should come in place of ‘me being’; In
D, replace ‘whom’ by “who”.

217). Answer: e)

In A, replace ‘it’ by “they”; In B, replace ‘whom’ by “who”; In C, replace ‘to what’ by “which”; In D, replace
‘who’ by “which”.

218). Answer: a)

In B, replace ‘our’ be “Ours”; In C, replace ‘its’ by “their”; In D, replace ‘his’ by “one’s”.

219). Answer: c)

In A, use “had followed” in place of ‘followed’; In B, use “awarded” in place of ‘award’.

220). Answer: b) | |

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In A, use “enjoy” in place of ‘enjoyed’; In B, use “These” in place of ‘This’; In D, use “brought” in place of

221). Answer: c)

In A, “begun” should come in place of ‘began’; In C, “him” should come in place of ‘he’.

222). Answer: a)

In A, “think” should come in place of ‘they think’; In B, “by” should come in place of ‘with’; In C, ‘pull them
up’ should be replaced by “uplift them”.

223). Answer: d)

In B, replace ‘are’ by “is”; In D, replace ‘than’ by “to”.

224). Answer: c)

In A, replace ‘for’ by “of”; In C, remove ‘to discuss’.

225). Answer: e)

In A, replace ‘to accept’ by “to be accepted”; In B, replace ‘evidences’ by “evidence”; In C, add “the” before
‘Ganges’ and ‘Himalayas’; In D, replace ‘although’ by “though”.

226). Answer: a)

In A, replace ‘on behalf’ by “on the part of”; In B, replace ‘said’ by “asked”; In C, replace ‘meet’ by “face”.

227). Answer: e)

In A, replace ‘advancement’ by “advent”; In B, “who is both a scientist and an engineer” or “who is a scientist
as well as an engineer” should come in place of ‘who is a scientist and an engineer’; In C, “hence owing to ever
growing demand” should come in place of ‘owed to’; In D, “has” should come in place of ‘have’.

228). Answer: b)

In A, ‘in’ is replaced by “at”; In C, ‘would have’ is replaced by “had”; In D, ‘enhanced’ is replaced by


229). Answer: d)

In C, ‘are’ is replaced by “is”; In D, “an earthquake” will come instead of ‘a earthquake’.

230). Answer: b)

In B, ‘is’ is replaced by “was”; In C, add “yourself” after ‘absent’; In D, ‘to’ is replaced by “for”.

231). Answer: b)

In A, “as” should come in place of ‘than’; In B, insert “indulging in” after ‘and’; In C, ‘he told me’ should be
replaced by “I was told”.

232). Answer: d) | |

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In A, “have been” should come in place of ‘have’; In C, “or by taking up other” should come in place of ‘or to

233). Answer: e)

In A, use “that” instead of ‘because’; In B, use “was being dragged by the soldiers” in pace of ‘the soldiers
were dragging him’; In C, “the members felt” should come in place of ‘it was felt by the members’; In D, use
“given to” in place of ‘given’.

234). Answer: d)

In B, insert “a” before ‘different’; In D, use “my being” instead of ‘me being present’.

235). Answer: c)

In A, “no fewer than” should come in place of ‘not less than’; In D, use “lay” instead of ‘laid’.

236). Answer: a)

In A, insert “than” after ‘more’; In B, ‘oneself’ should be replaced by “himself”; In D, “have” should come in
place of ‘has’.

237). Answer: e)

In A, insert “which is” after ‘The building’; In B, use “Having heard” instead of ‘hearing’; In C, “it being”
should come in place of ‘being’; In D, use “but” instead of ‘except’.

238). Answer: a)

In B, use “a” instead of ‘the’; In C, remove ‘they’; In D, remove ‘were’.

239). Answer: c)

In A, “better” should come in place of ‘more’; In B, “such” should come in place of ‘those’.

240). Answer: b)

In A, insert “introduced” after ‘has not’; In C, ‘to be believed’ should be replaced by “to believe”; In D, ‘a
beneficial’ should be replaced by “harmless”.

241). Answer: d)

In B, “has” should come in place of ‘have’; In C, “are” should come in place of ‘is’.

242). Answer: e)

In A, “hopes” should come in place of ‘hope’; In B, replace ‘there was no use’ by “it was of no use” (or) “it was
useless”; In C, “young” should come in place of ‘younger’; In D, “ends” should come in place of ‘end’.

243). Answer: a)

In A, ‘have’ should be replaced by “has”; In B, ‘depend’ should be replaced by “depends”; In D, remove ‘that’.

244). Answer: c) | |

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In A, “that of” should be added before ‘ours’; In C, use “carry on” in place of ‘pull on’;

245). Answer: b)

In A, “got hold” should be replaced by ‘caught hold’; In C, ‘hundred-rupees notes’ should be replaced by
“hundred-rupee notes”; In D, remove ‘the’.

246). Answer: c)

In A, ‘and’ should be replaced by “but” or “yet”; In B, remove ‘he can’.

247). Answer: e)

In A, “had” should come in place of ‘has’; In B, ‘his’ should be replaced by “their”; In C, “writers” should
come in place of ‘writer’ (or) “believe” should come in place of ‘believes’; In D, “has” should come in place of

248). Answer: d)

In C, use “for” in place of ‘since’; In D, use “she did not” in place of ‘did not she’.

249). Answer: a)

In A, use “ from accepting” in place of ‘to accept’; In B, use “search” instead of ‘search for’; In C, ‘doubts’
should be replaced by “doubt”.

250). Answer: b)

In A, “Apart from” should come in place of ‘Apart’; In C, “sorts” should come instead of ‘sort’; In D, add
“was” before ‘caught’.

251). Answer: e)

In A, remove ‘about’; In B, ‘free now’ should be replaced by “now free”; In C, “at” should come in place of
‘in’; In D, ‘got drowned’ should be replaced by “sank”.

252). Answer: c)

In B, ‘never you will’ should be replaced by “you will never”; In D, “than” should come in place of ‘when’.

253). Answer: a)

In A, ‘into the’ should be replaced by “into”; In B, ‘But’ should be removed; In D, ‘before or since’ should be
replaced by “since or before”.

254). Answer: d)

In A, “me” should come in place of ‘myself’; In C, ‘could she’ should be replaced by “she could”.

255). Answer: b)

In A, ‘were’ should be replaced by “was”; In C, “has” should come in place of ‘have’; In D, “and” should come
in place of ‘but’.

256). Answer: c) | |
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In A, “does” should come in place of ‘do’; In C, “its’ should come in place of ‘their’.

257). Answer: e)

In A, “to provide” should come in place of ‘providing’; In B, “the grater” should come instead of ‘greater’; In
C, remove ‘into’; In D, use “generate” in place of ‘generated’.

258). Answer: d)

In B, “to” should come in place of ‘in’; In C, ‘patiently’ should be replaced by “patient”.

259). Answer: a)

In A, use “warming” instead of ‘heating’; In B, use “sent a messenger” in place of ‘sent to a messenger’; In C,
‘Not only the judges’ should be replaced by “The judges not only”.

260). Answer: b)

In A, use “fall” in place of ‘falling’; In C, “a” should come before ‘perceptible’; In D, use “was” in place of

261). Answer: b)

In A, change ‘are certainly’ into “had certainly been”; In B, replace ‘touch’ by “touched” since it is the past
sentence; In C, change ‘our’ into "ours".

262). Answer: d)

In A, “ever seen since or before” should come in place of ‘ever seen before or since’; In C, replace ‘has’ by

263). Answer: d)

In B, “turned upside down” should come in place of ‘turned down upside’; In D, Replace ‘was’ with “has

264). Answer: e)

In A, replace ‘much’ with “many”; In B, Insert “the” before ‘Delhi’; In C, replace ‘reviewing’ with “review”;
In D, Replace ‘exist’ with “exists”.

265). Answer: c)

In A, It should be “to meet not only” instead of ‘not only to meet’; In D, Replace ‘declaring’ with “declaration”.

266). Answer: a)

In A, replace ‘roll’ by “role”; In B, replace ‘future’ by “feature”; In D, replace ‘in’ by “at”.

267). Answer: e)

In A, Replace ‘find’ with “found”; In B, Replace ‘quarter’ with “quarters” ; In C, Replace “to ask” with
“asking”; In D, Replace ‘Char’ with “charred”.

268). Answer: a) | |
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In B, replace ‘of’ with “to”; In C, Replace ‘confidently’ with “confident”; In D, Replace ‘to’ with “and”.

269). Answer: c)

In A, Replace ‘among’ with “amid”; In B, Replace ‘aims’ with “aim”;

270). Answer: b)

In A, Insert “a” before ‘certain’; In C, Insert “to” before ‘its’; In D, Replace ‘with’ with “on”.

271). Answer: a)

In A, ‘enter’ should be replaced by “entering”; In C, replace ‘is’ by “are”; In D, ‘have originally designed’
should be replaced by “has originally been designed”.

272). Answer: e)

In A, ‘know’ should be replaced by “knows”; In B, ‘contain’ should be replaced by “contains”; In C, ‘digested’

should be replaced by “digest”; In D, Replace ‘above’ with “around”.

273). Answer: d)

In A, ‘free now’ should be replaced by “now free”; In B, ‘behalf’ should be replaced by “part”;

274). Answer: b)

In A, “considerably” should come in place of ‘considerable’; In B, ‘comprise of’ should be replaced by


In D, ‘was doubting’ should be replaced by “doubted”.

275). Answer: c)

In A, ‘carried off’ should be replaced by “carried away”; In C, “had” should come in place of ‘has’.

276). Answer: e)

In A, “governance property on fire” should come in place of ‘fire government property’; In B, ‘replace ‘design’
with “designed”; In C, replace ‘lots’ with “lot”; In D, Replace ‘Having’ with “Being”.

277). Answer: d)

In B, replace ‘to’ with “for”; In D, replace ‘after’ with “at”.

278). Answer: b)

In A, “a lesson not only” should come in place of ‘not only a lesson’; In B, use “shelved” in place of ‘shelves’;
In C, “Careful” should replace ‘carefully’.

279). Answer: a)

In A, replace ‘being’ with “be”; In B, replace ‘to’ with “by”; In D, replace ‘has’ with “have”.

280). Answer: c)

In A, replace ‘do’ with “does”; In D, insert “the” before “Teesta”. | |
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281). Answer: e)

In A, ‘Neither’ should be replaced by “Either”; In B, ‘Back’ should be removed; In C, ‘the carbonate ion’
should be replaced by “carbonate ion”; In D, “Grants” should come in place of ‘Granted’.

282). Answer: c)

In A, ‘have’ should be replaced by “has”; In C, replace ‘should’ by “would”.

283). Answer: a)

In B, ‘spends’ should be replaced by “Spending”; In C, ‘takes up’ should be replaced by “is taking up”; In D”
observed” should come in place of ‘has observed’.

284). Answer: d)

In A, “had seen” should come in place of ‘saw’; In C, “the unemployed” should come in place of ‘unemployed’
at beginning of the sentence;

285). Answer: b)

In A, ‘yourself’ should be replaced by “yourselves”; In B, ‘in front of’ should be replaced by “behind”; In D,
‘R.K. Narayan’s, the famous Indian English authors’ should be replaced by “R.K. Narayan, the famous Indian
English author’s”.

286). Answer: e)

In A, replace 'guide' by ”guides”; In B, replace 'a customers' by “customer”; In C, use “on” in place of ‘to’; In
D, ‘have indicated’ should be replaced by “has indicated”;

287). Answer: d)

In A, ‘that’ should be replaced by “because”; In B, “is elected” should come in place of ‘are elected’.

288). Answer: b)

In B, use “Had wanted” in place of ‘wanted’; In C, “so popular” should come in place of ‘popular’; In D,
‘working’ should be replaced by “work”.

289). Answer: a)

In A, use “Fast” in place of ‘faster’; In B, ‘after working’ should be replaced by “after having worked”; In D,
use “No sooner had he arrived than” in place of ‘sooner than he had arrived’.

290). Answer: c)

In B, “than” should come in place of ‘that’; In C, use “who have” in place of ‘who has’.

291). Answer: d)

In A, replace ‘awake in’ by ‘alert to’; In B, remove “into”;

292). Answer: e) | |

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In A, remove “at”; In B, replace ‘hand’ by “involved”; In C, replace ‘overflown’ by “overflowed”; In D,

replace ‘ for’ by “that”.

293). Answer: b)

In B, ‘adjourned abruptly’ should be replaced by “was abruptly adjourned”; In C, remove ‘been’; In D, replace
‘have’ by “had”.

294). Answer: c)

In C, replace by ‘was completely’ by “had completely been”; In D, remove ‘they’.

295). Answer: a)

In A, Use “These” in place of ‘This’; In B, ‘made him to wait’ should be replaced by “made him wait”; In D,
replace “could” with “can”;

296). Answer: c)

In A, it should be “the next day” instead of “the previous day”. Because first part of sentence is in future tense
so meeting should be held on the next day; In C, it should be “exo-planets” instead of “exo-planet”

297). Answer: b)

In A, Replace “then” with “than” - Rather…than is correct sequence; In C, Replace “expediting” with
“expedited”; In D, Replace “might” with “may”.

298). Answer: e)

In A, it should be “a question” instead of ‘an question’; In B, Replace “on” with “up”; In C, it should be “their”
instead of ‘its’; In D, Replace “for” with “of”;

299). Answer: a)

In A, Put ‘all’ before ‘my’; In B, Change the position of ‘only’. Put it before ‘eight hundred rupees’; In C,
Substitute ‘but’ by ‘yet’ or delete ‘but’;

300). Answer: d)

In A, “of” should come instead of ‘to’; In B, “no” should come in place of ‘a’.

IV. Fill in the Blanks:

Direction (301 to 400):

In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each sentence there are four words
denoted by numbers a), b), c) and d). Find out ONE word that to be fitted in both the sentences I and II
and another word that fit to the sentence III and to make it meaningfully complete. In case no word is fit
to these sentences, option 'e' is the answer.

301). I. Despite the efforts of the firemen, the fire continued to ______________ the forest. | |

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II. The mobster swore he would ____________ the man’s family if he testified against him in court.

III. Before she began using a pseudonym, the author was _________________ known by another name.

a) Ravage, erstwhile

b) Desolate, former

c) Destroy, one - time

d) Bleak, current

e) Barren, afterward

302). I. Because of _____________ support, the bill will not be introduced in the upcoming legislative

II. If the ____________ principal does not enforce rules against gang activities, he will lose his school to
drugs and violence.

III. Because the critics called the play a ________ failure, few people purchased tickets for the stage

a) Firm, murky

b) Flabby, bleak

c) Limp, dreary

d) Wilted, desolate

e) Flaccid, dismal

303). I. Before the cruise ship departs, passengers are required to ______________ at a specified station
for a safety briefing.

II. When my mother wants us to spring clean; she blows a whistle to let us know it is time to __________
in the kitchen.

III. Because the school does not tolerate ___________ language, the student has been suspended for using

a) Congregate, impolite

b) Collect, unseemly

c) Muster, indecorous

d) Assemble, rude

e) Gather, uncouth

304). I. Many people were under the ___________ that school was going to be canceled after a rumor
spread online. | |

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II. Though she is popular, my classmate is under the __________ that everyone likes her.

III. As a five-time Grammy winner, Aretha has a huge _______________ in the music community.

a) Revelation, importance

b) Vision, consequence

c) Mirage, substance

d) Delusion, stature

e) Apparition, position

305). I. In order to get his bill passed, the politician went out of his way to ___________ about the release
of the environmental study.

II. In hopes of avoiding questions about his recent car accident, the actor tried to ________ during his

III. The ___________ in the cafeteria began when one student threw his lunch at another student.

a) Quibble, confusion

b) Prevaricate, chaos

c) Hedge, bedlam

d) Evade, turmoil

e) Dither, uproar

306). I. With his latest novel, James hopes to reach a whole new ___________ of readers.

II. The president’s __________ of advisers was unable to offer him a solution to the national problem.

III. I do not believe your story because the statement you gave yesterday is ____________ to a witness's

a) Crowd, absurd

b) Circle, strange

c) Surround, incompatible

d) Set, inconsistent

e) Coterie, incongruous

307). I. The _________ exam was greatly appreciated by the exhausted students who had studied all night
for the test.

II. Someone should be smart enough to convert the twenty hospital admission forms into a ________ two-
page document.

III. He was paid to ___________ the server, planting a computer virus that would destroy the system. | |
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a) Terse, harm

b) Concise, sabotage

c) Succinct, disruption

d) Abrupt, commotion

e) Snappish, distraction

308). I. Even the experienced wedding planner found it quite an _________ to plan and execute a
ceremony in twenty-four hours.

II. While participating in the triathlon was a physical __________, Jeremy felt it made him a stronger

III. Because he was known to __________ about his golf skills, they didn’t want to invite him to the

a) Trial, brag

b) Torment, swank

c) Agony, show off

d) Ordeal, boast

e) Enjoyment, possess

309). I. The fighter planes gave ____________ assistance to the ground forces that were surrounded by
the enemy.

II. When I received my license to practice medicine, I knew I had reached a __________ moment in my
quest to help others.

III. Since the prince was in a hurry to become king, he planned to ___________ his father’s influence by
convincing everyone the leader was insane.

a) Pivotal, subvert

b) Critical, undermine

c) Irrelevant, threaten

d) Essential, presage

e) Necessary, defend

310). I. Even though doctors have gone to school for many years, they are still _____________ because
they do not know everything.

II. The detective believed he was _______ and refused to even consider suspects other than the one he
had arrested. | |

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III. You should be cured of your cold within fourteen days, but take these pills in the _____________ to
help with your symptoms.

a) Reliable, permanent

b) Flawless, provisional

c) Infallible, interim

d) Unblemished, temporary

e) Perfect, acting

311). I. Sometimes my mother talks in such a ______________ manner that I am embarrassed by the
things she shares.

II. When the actress was questioned about her costar, she held nothing back and gave a ___________

III. If you ask Pooja to choose a restaurant for lunch, she will _____________ between restaurants

a) Blunt, decide

b) Honest, hesitate

c) Sincere, fluctuate

d) Frank, swing

e) Candid, vacillate

312). I. During the quest for Spanish expansion, Columbus was a _____________ in global explorations.

II. The eco-friendly hotel chain was recently recognized for being a ___________ in green practices.

III. Seeing an ____________ picture of my mother brought back fond memories of our last days together.

a) Initiate, redolent

b) Pioneer, evocative

c) Publish, suggestive

d) Issue, indicative

e) Distribute, reminiscent

313). I. If your gut ____________ tells you to avoid the spooky old house, then you shouldn’t go near the
spooky old house.

II. Even at the age of three, Todd had a natural ________________ for playing the piano.

III. The army captain, steadfast in his belief that the enemy would retreat, urged his troop to
_____________ themselves in the location. | |

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a) Character, embed

b) Sense, ingrain

c) Impulse, establish

d) Instinct, entrench

e) Desire, ensconce

314). I. John knows the ministry will never ___________ him as a priest because of his checkered past.

II. If the church decides to ______________ the convicted rapist as a deacon, many people will leave the

III. The chance to win a scholarship should __________ my daughter into studying for the college
admissions test.

a) Decree, incite

b) Proclaim, impel

c) Ordain, spur

d) Assert, urge

e) Announce, support

315). I. The taste of the wonderful dessert is sure to ________________ anyone who likes chocolate.

II. Being called “Miss Universe” is an experience that would ___________ any beauty pageant contestant.

III. Even though my air conditioning unit works very well, the temperature still tends to __________ in
my house during the summer months.

a) Astound, fluctuate

b) Surprise, vary

c) Daze, swing

d) Astonish, oscillate

e) Amaze, change

316). I. The vocalists began to ____________ their beautiful voices and wowed the crowd with their

II. No matter how hard they tried, the three singers could not ___________ their voices in a way that
sounded pleasing.

III. But then, on the Day of Resurrection, you will __________ one another, and curse one another.

a) Synchronize, renounce

b) Commune, disclaim | |
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c) Complement, deny

d) Clash, repudiate

e) Harmonize, disown

317). I. When the accountant was asked to ____________ the current budget, he discovered many ways
the company could save money.

II. We were so busy during the concert tour we did not have time to ___________ the natural beauty of
the island.

III. When my grandmother dies, she wants to be placed next to my grandfather in our family

a) Ponder, crypt

b) Contemplate, mausoleum

c) Consider, tomb

d) Think, catacomb

e) Reflect, vault

318). I. Digging through someone’s trash to get information is one of the oldest acts of ____________ in
the spy business.

II. The Chancellor learned he was a victim of ______________ when tiny cameras and microphones were
found throughout his home.

III. Throughout history, racist groups have tried to __________ minorities by way of force and fear.

a) Spying, coerce

b) Intelligence, afflict

c) Surveillance, liberate

d) Espionage, oppress

e) Scrutiny, release

319). I. With the ___________ of families moving into the city, the prices of single-family homes have
reached an all-time high.

II. Because the manager was short on staff, he worried about his restaurant’s ability to feed the
____________ of baseball fans set to arrive after the game.

III. She didn't tell her parents that she was failing math because she didn't want to _____________ them.

a) Influx, disconcert

b) Invasion, trouble | |

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c) Appearance, grieve

d) Advent, displease

e) Dawn, offend

320). I. The doctors tried to _________________ the baby’s condition to parental negligence, but tests
showed that he had a rare virus.

II. Although Cathryn’s explanation of the poem was interesting, she wasn’t able to _____________ her
interpretation to anything that made sense.

III. Self-discipline and persistence are two of the ____________ qualities to have for anyone who is
serious about being successful in life.

a) Assign, essential

b) Attribute, crucial

c) Ascribe, imperative

d) Consign, decisive

e) Dispense, significant

321). I. At the family reunion, I felt like an ____________ member because I was not blood related to

II. Because he was an ___________ professor, he was not allowed to vote on any decisions in the English

III. Individuals who are serious about becoming doctors should be prepared to __________ a demanding
educational journey.

a) Appendage, navigate

b) Adjunct, traverse

c) Addition, go over

d) Accumulation, steer

e) Accessory, turn

322). I. The ____________ policeman made me very angry when he asked me if the tree had perhaps
jumped in front of my car.

II. I get annoyed with people who are _______________ because I never know if they are telling the truth.

III. After Jim read over his teacher’s notes, he could only ________ he had not spent enough time on his
research paper.

a) Mordant, agree

b) Derisive, consent | |
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c) Scornful, concur

d) Disdainful, harmonize

e) Sarcastic, assent

323). I. Once the jury learned the defendant had a possible alibi, they had no choice but to announce an
___________ in the case.

II. The animal rights group was far from happy when the suspected puppy killer received an
____________ for the offense.

III. When the principal announced he would be leaving the school after thirty years, there was a
_______________ silence in the auditorium.

a) Acquittal, poignant

b) Emancipation, expressive

c) Expulsion, emotional

d) Ejection, significant

e) Eviction, momentous

324). I. I did not talk to my favorite celebrity at the party because he seemed __________ and not open to
making new friends.

II. The queen has an __________ personality which makes her appear snobbish to most people.

III. The skinny boy started a weightlifting program so he could become __________ and defend himself
against bullies.

a) Outlying, stout

b) Isolated, tough

c) Remote, strong

d) Aloof, robust

e) Inaccessible, sturdy

325). I. In his film, the director traces the _____________ of the civil rights movement and the lives of
those who started the fight for racial equality.

II. Many historians view the Boston Tea Party as the ___________ that set the American Revolution in

III. Since my effort to get a holiday ham was in ___________, we will be eating chicken for Christmas

a) Origin, futile

b) Start, feeble | |
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c) Genesis, vain

d) Beginning, frail

e) Opening, delicate

326). I. I wonder how many ____________ inventions were developed in the process of trying to discover
something totally different.

II. Probably the most horrific consequences of violence are the ___________ injuries or deaths of
innocent bystanders.

III. Because my brother has to spend more hours at his office than he likes, he tends to __________
quality time with his family.

a) Accidental, desire

b) Unplanned, crave

c) Deliberate, long for

d) Unintended, require

e) Inadvertent, covet

327). I. The incumbent politician became the _____________ in the city council race when he fell behind
the other candidates in the polls.

II. As far as technology goes, my uncle is viewed as a ______________ because he does not have a mobile

III. Our team must ____________ a ten-point deficit in order to come back and win the championship.

a) Straggler, overcome

b) Laggard, vanquish

c) Dawdler, defeat

d) Idler, conquer

e) Slacker, surmount

328). I. ______________ at the waste of the company’s resources, the financial director cut the supply
budget by sixty percent.

II. Whenever his favorite television channel went black, Henry did not hesitate to send an ___________
email to his cable company.

III. When she discovered that her brother had found her diary, she decided to ___________ some of the
juicier parts by tearing out the pages.

a) Fuming, abridge

b) Annoyed, purge | |
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c) Exasperated, cut

d) Indignant, expurgate

e) Infuriated, incise

329). I. Because the convict developed a full-proof escape plan, he was able to ___________ capture for
over twelve years.

II. Jason hurried out of the grocery store in an attempt to ___________ his crazy neighbour.

III. If an educator teaches something that isn’t in the school curriculum, she is said to be acting in an
___________ manner.

a) Elude, errant

b) Evade, aberrant

c) Dodge, abnormal

d) Avoid, atypical

e) Shun, anomalous

330). I. Because Bill is ____________ and not concerned about his retirement, he does not worry about
saving money.

II. When the lion trainer walked into the lion’s cage in an __________ manner, he let the animal know he
was not threatened in any way.

III. One of the responsibilities of the police is to preserve order so that ____________ will not come into

a) Nonchalant, order

b) Relaxed, resolution

c) Insouciant, anarchy

d) Detached, promise

e) Undisturbed, decision

331). I. The ______________ of traffic accidents and drunk driving was attributed to the opening of the
new downtown mall.

II. It was due to the _____________ of power amongst the oligarchy, and the way that they behaved
toward the masses, that caused the peasants to rebel.

III. Because business has been in ______________ for eight months, Edward has to lay off several

a) Erosion, languor

b) Addition, activity | |
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c) Accumulation, bustle

d) Accretion, torpor

e) Amassing, indolence

332). I. While I can be _____________ about remembering my friends’ birthdays, I never forget the birth
dates of my family members.

II. On the plane, I was unlucky enough to sit in front of an ____________ mother who did not seem to
care about her child kicking the back of my seat.

III. Although the old man pretended to be a ____________ in public, in private he did a lot of good deeds
for the homeless.

a) Unruffled, degenerate

b) Concerned, deteriorate

c) Fretful, improve

d) Unperturbed, depreciate

e) Insouciant, reprobate

333). I. Jason was shocked when he learned the ____________ of his cheating was immediate expulsion
from the university.

II. Before you quit your job; make sure you are aware of the _____________ of not having a salary to pay
your bills.

III. Even through the apartment walls, Jack was able to hear the ______________ argument between his

a) Implication, shrill

b) Ramification, strident

c) Insinuation, braying

d) Allusion, piercing

e) Outcome, stabbing

334). I. Because Lee’s contribution to the company has been _____________ this year, there is a chance
he may be terminated from his position.

II. The bartender served his customers ____________ alcohol even when they paid for premium spirits.

III. Following the catastrophic gun shooting on campus, counselors rushed in to ____________ grieving

a) Dreck, alleviate

b) Debris, diminish | |
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c) Dross, assuage

d) Chaff, ebb

e) Detritus, shrink

335). I. The _____________ does not appear to work and frequently asks tourists for money.

II. The media was quick to publicize the story of how the penniless _______________ won a scholarship
to Harvard University.

III. The middle school student could not understand any of the facts listed in the _____________
collegiate essay.

a) Vagrant, turgid

b) Itinerant, pompous

c) Drifter, haughty

d) Tramp, affected

e) Transient, pretentious

336). I. As the clock ticked past 7:30, the wedding guests became ___________ and started to shift in their
seats, wondering if something had happened.

II. Although we were careful to speak softly in front of the dog we had rescued, we couldn’t help but
notice that he was very ___________, as if he were afraid of us.

III. For the determined medical researcher, the cure for cancer is an ___________ which must be

a) Fidgety, problem

b) Edgy, quandary

c) Jittery, riddle

d) Nervous, difficulty

e) Restive, enigma

337). I. The valedictorian delivered a ___________ speech, contrast to the salutatorian's lengthy speech.

II. If you were ___________ with your lectures, then we could leave class 15 minutes early.

III. When the judge learned the jury had not reached a ___________ on the defendant’s guilt, he sent the
group back into the room for further discussion.

a) Concise, accord

b) Laconic, consensus

c) Curt, harmony | |

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d) Terse, pact

e) Abrupt, concord

338). I. Because our basketball team has an _______________ record, it is considered to be one of the
worst teams in the league.

II. Although I enjoyed the food at the restaurant, I found no pleasure in the ___________ service I

III. In my humble opinion, the good old American ____________ carries just as much wisdom as any
ancient Chinese proverb.

a) Dreadful, maxim

b) Awful, axiom

c) Dire, truism

d) Abysmal, adage

e) Terrible, platitude

339). I. With a thirty-point lead and only two seconds left in the game, it is certain the home team has an
____________ lead over its rival.

II. No one imagined the _________ beverage company would one day be purchased by a more successful

III. When the two enemies called a truce, everyone saw this action as a ___________ in their relationship.

a) Unassailable, harbinger

b) Tenuous, herald

c) Irrefutable, omen

d) Fragile, indication

e) Vague, portent

340). I. When the police officer was offered the plaque, he refused to accept an _____________ for doing
his job.

II. Since the lone fireman rescued twenty children from a burning bus, he will more than likely receive
an ___________ from the president.

III. While everyone else in the room was scared of spiders, Robin had no sense of ___________ when the
eight-legged critter crawled up the wall.

a) Honor, anxiety

b) Tribute, concern

c) Accolade, trepidation | |
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d) Praise, distress

e) Eulogize, disquiet

341). I. Airport police became suspicious of a passenger after one of the drug dogs __________ sniffed his
carry-on bag.

II. The pirates, listening ___________ at the mouths of the trees, heard the question put by every boy,
and alas, they also heard Peter's answer.

III. "Follow your _____________ leader," said Peter, and led the way down the hill towards the station.

a) Keenly, confident

b) Fervently, certain

c) Avidly, dauntless

d) Ardently, positive

e) Passionately, optimistic

342). I. Karen’s parents were serious people who did not seem to appreciate her acts of ___________
during church service.

II. As a student, I really liked Mrs. Walters because she was not too stern and always used ________ in
her lessons to make the class less formal.

III. Many agree that replacing typewriters with computers is a ____________ idea because computers
make typing, editing, and proofreading easier.

a) Frivolity, perceptive

b) Flippancy, clever

c) Lightness, smart

d) Merriment, witty

e) Levity, sagacious

343). I. When my stern father gives out consequences for bad behavior, he never displays any _________.

II. With a twinkle of ________ in his eyes, Santa Claus winked at the small child before going back up
the chimney.

III. Since I do not enjoy reading long books, I avoid ________ authors who write tales that exceed five
hundred pages in length.

a) Mirth, verbose

b) Fun, effusive

c) Glee, rambling | |

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d) Hilarity, concise

e) Joy, sprawling

344). I. Although Alan would like to participate in the challenge, his religious _________ will not allow
him to participate in a drinking event.

II. Since the swindler had no __________, he was not concerned about selling the old woman a worthless
life insurance policy.

III. We waited until after our parents went to sleep to have our __________ meeting about their surprise

a) Doctrines, furtive

b) Ethics, stealthy

c) Morals, sneaky

d) Scruples, clandestine

e) Beliefs, devious

345). I. When the author wrote a book about the decline of mankind’s morals, everyone knew he was a
very _________ man.

II. Even though Hank had experienced many disappointments in his life, he did not allow himself to
become ____________.

III. If your character ingests the ____________ mushroom, then he can't be harmed by anything in the
video game for fifteen seconds.

a) Pessimistic, unassailable

b) Cynical, invincible

c) Sarcastic, indomitable

d) Derisive, stubborn

e) Acerbic, doughty

346). I. Because of the __________ of the veteran congressmen, the political rookies found it hard to get a
bill on the docket.

II. Although the principal has __________ status over the students, she is a kind woman who treats all of
the children as if they were her own.

III. My manager is a _____________ who goes out of her way to make my workday unpleasant.

a) Supremacy, termagant

b) Ascendancy, tartar

c) Pre-eminence, hag, | |
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d) Incomparability, virago

e) Hegemony, shrew

347). I. To be an astronaut, you must be an _____________ person who craves adventure and is not
afraid of heights.

II. Although Jason loves jumping out of airplanes, he does not consider himself to be as ________ as a
soldier in battle.

III. Because the __________ really wanted a good grade in his Social Studies class, he gave his teacher an
expensive Christmas present.

a) Valiant, toady

b) Intrepid, sycophant

c) Stout, flatterer

d) Gallant, creep

e) Corpulent, fawner

348). I. The ____________ gentleman held up the checkout line as he rambled on to the cashier about his
pet squirrel.

II. While I was in labor, my best friend and I had a _______________ discussion about the uses of thumb

III. Jack realized he was having a ____________ day when he saw the four flat tires on his truck.

a) Voluble, fortunate

b) Taciturn, miserable

c) Reticent, despondent

d) Garrulous, hapless

e) Aloof, wretched

349). I. Next week, Patrick will join the ___________ of senior football players to be honored as a
member of the coach’s special team.

II. Ever since Charles won the lottery; he has considered himself to be a member of the uppermost
__________ of society.

III. Based on the work seen by the team, there is no reason to __________ from the opinion of the
external examiner that the overall standard of student work is high.

a) Echelon, demur

b) Stratum, agree

c) Vein, balk | |
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d) Rung, cringe

e) Tier, wince

350). I. If you think the weather is bad now, see how __________ conditions will be when the hurricane
makes landfall.

II. Choosing between closing my business or laying off employees puts me in a ___________ position.

III. The new head of the foster care system is going to reduce the _______________ that deters foster
parents from adopting.

a) Wobbly, administration

b) Stable, organization

c) Precarious, bureaucracy

d) Trembling, group

e) Rickety, society

351). I. When the man made an ________ offer to pay for the groceries I could not afford, he
overwhelmed me with his kindness.

II. When the teacher viewed the poor test grades, she knew her students had not studied in _________ for
the mid-term.

III. When ___________ of crows graze in a field, lookouts are posted to watch for approaching danger.

a) Serious, groups

b) Severe, herds

c) Earnest, flocks

d) Solemn, crowd

e) Sober, throng

352). I. The paper reports that one was seized by airport security in Athens last week, and that others
have been __________ at airports in England and Australia.

II. After she was taken away in handcuffs, says the Post today, authorities searched her apartment and
__________ notebooks, plus video and audio tapes.

III. The treaty was signed when both world leaders agreed to __________ from building nuclear weapons
for ten years.

a) Seized, desist

b) Taken away, abstain

c) Detained, give up | |

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d) Apprehended, withdraw

e) Confiscated, refrain

353). I. While I did not want to go to the show with Laura, her begging eventually caused me to

II. Although Larry’s every instinct told him to _________ and sign over his company, he decided to fight
for his future.

III. Whenever I smell something _________ coming from the kitchen, I know it is best to go to a friend’s
house for dinner.

a) Acquiesce, peculiar

b) Give in, abnormal

c) Agree, weird

d) Concur, strange

e) Consent, creepy

354). I. In later examples it is ______ in the marbles, the letters being rendered clearer by being coloured
with vermilion.

II. Many of his pieces have designs ________ or in relief and others are skillfully decorated with gold and

III. If you look inside of most classrooms, you will not see chalkboards because they are nearly
_________ in education today.

a) Cut in, outdated

b) Notched, archaic

c) Cut into, antiquated

d) Incised, obsolete

e) Nicked, superseded

355). I. Before the __________ was exposed, the butler and the housekeeper had stolen over fifty
thousand dollars from their employer.

II. Under the __________ between the crooked cops and the drug dealers, the officers receive fifteen
percent of the drug profits.

III. Each series receives the benefit of the interest on bonds belonging to it ________ by this special

a) Consent, repaid

b) Collusion, amortized | |

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c) Agreement, reimbursed

d) Contract, settled up

e) Convention, refunded

356). I. Because Sarah is disabled, she tends to _________ non-disabled people who use handicapped
parking spaces.

II. If you _____________ your situation in life, you should work to alter the things you dislike.

III. The wedding guests _________ their golf clubs in the air to form an arch for the young newlyweds to
walk under after their marriage ceremony.

a) Deride, heaved

b) Spurn, increased

c) Disdain, augmented

d) Snub, improved

e) Despise, raised

357). I. Complete the solution of the various ingredients by _______ live steam through the flask as in
making nutrient agar.

II. A pine fire was soon blazing, a pan of water soon _________ sociably over the flame, and the evening
meal was quickly prepared and disposed of.

III. Birds sang in the __________ trees that ringed the deck and there was a country smell of spring.

a) Sparkling, recognized

b) Bubbling, mature

c) Fizzing, established

d) Carbonated, traditional

e) Effervescent, conventional

358). I. The chocolate on James’ face was enough to ___________ the theory he was the one who stole the

II. After watching the videotape, the officials were able to _________ the runner’s claim of interference
during the race.

III. The children _________ into the air, and cheered to celebrate the end of the last day of school.

a) Support, hurdled

b) Uphold, raised

c) Endorse, soared | |

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d) Corroborate, leapt

e) Accept, dived

359). I. The student’s ___________ actions towards the teacher got him suspended from school.

II. Because the clerk was _____________ to me during checkout, I filed a complaint with the store

III. Due to the __________ of the two largest cable companies, many of the smaller competitors will soon
close their doors.

a) Flippant, convergence

b) Dismissive, meeting

c) Frivolous, congregation

d) Rude, convention

e) Caring, reunion

360). I. The teenager jumped off the building because he thought he was __________ and unable to get

II. Since the seaside town has never been hit by a hurricane, the residents view their community as

III. A ___________ of Russian and French voices and laughter filled the air round the tables in the

a) Unbeatable, collapse

b) Peerless, collide

c) Invincible, rumble

d) Vulnerable, hurtle

e) Superior, plunge

361). I. At one point, it looked as if an area of agreement would _____________ especially over the issue
of productivity linked wages.

II. Studies show that riots ___________ mainly in those cities where disorderly tactics can work - where
riots stand a chance of getting results other than all-out repression.

III. Because the ___________ public wanted to believe the killer was off the streets, they never questioned
the arrest of an innocent man.

a) Come out, innocent

b) Develop, naive

c) Emerge, credulous | |
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d) Grow, vociferous

e) Appear, credible

362). I. The political candidate often tries to _________ his rival as a wealthy man who is out of touch
with the common people.

II. The drawings on the cave walls __________ the lives of the earliest men on the planet.

III. The communalist represents the __________ of everything noble that we have inherited from our
culture and history.

a) Highlight, antidote

b) Follow, immorality

c) Offer, antagonism

d) Present, depravity

e) Depict, antithesis

363). I. He hoped to ___________ a response from his inquiry to the publisher so he could release his new

II. If you want to __________ business from them, you’ll have to communicate at their level.

III. The computer company has made a pledge to bring technology to __________ people in the
underdeveloped regions of Africa.

a) Seek, modern

b) Solicit, primitive

c) Implore, new

d) Entreat, innovative

e) Request, existing

364). I. Moreover, a fact finding mission _________ by BSN to India in January this year strongly
recommended that the French group should go it alone, and not hand over control to an Indian Partner.

II. Bala went into a small reception room, one door of which led into a study, the very one from which the
Russian Emperor had ________ him on his mission.

III. The earth is at present in great danger of becoming uninhabitable because of _______ environmental
pollution which is going on at an incredible rapid pace.

a) Constituted, gigantic

b) Comprised, inhuman

c) Represented, stupendous | |

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d) Dispatched, colossal

e) Characterized, enormous

365). I. The plane with a crew of five _______ earlier from Cali, 500 kilometers south- east of Bogota.

II. In the marriage ceremony of the ancient Incas, the couple was considered officially wed when they
__________ their sandals, and handed them to each other.

III. Now, the management graduate can expect to have a prosperous life on a ______ income without
having to depend on finding a place in family business having to tend the paternal estates.

a) Took off, regular

b) Took away, professional

c) Take up, meaningful

d) Took over, dependable

e) Took up, steady

366). I. She dropped the bowl and watched as glass shards started to _______ on the kitchen floor.

II. Knowing that everyone would _______ after graduation, she was worried that she would not see her
friends anymore.

III. He tried to ________ his rude behavior by saying that he was drunk and he didn't know what he was

a) Deviate, apology

b) Diverge, excuse

c) Wander, regret for

d) Amble, explain

e) Stroll, explicate

367). I. Although the prisoners of war were fed three meals a day, many of them still looked __________
and hungry.

II. Because the puppy had gone unfed for several days, it was now so _______ that its bones were visible
through its skin.

III. He knew everything better than anybody else, and it was an affront to his ___________ vanity that
you should disagree with him.

a) Frivolous, overdrawn

b) Disturbed, overwrought

c) Flippant, overwhelming | |

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d) Agitated, overweening

e) Emaciated, over strung

368). I. Deva grew up to be an _________ man because his parents never told him the difference between
right and wrong.

II. During battle, many soldiers become _______ and forget the difference between wrong and right
while fighting for their lives.

III. Because Sarah is disabled, she tends to ___________ non-disabled people who use handicapped
parking spaces.

a) Moral, discard

b) Immoral, neglect

c) Amoral, despise

d) Irrelevant, ignore
User Dead Collection
e) Extraneous, deride

369). I. The rust is ________ by voltaic action; the iron forms the negative pole, the zinc the positive of a
voltaic cell, in which the water is resolved into its constituents, viz.

II. When the undergrowth of a wood is _________, as it often is every few years, it is easy to observe a
considerable difference in the fungi.

III. State officials refused to _________ the official number of residents seriously affected by the
contaminated water supply.

a) Cleared away, disclose

b) Cleared out, conceal

c) Cleared off, release

d) Cleared up, obscure

e) Cleared on, hide

370). I. Democratic government is based on the __________ of the governed and represents an attempt to
make authority accountable to the people.

II. Fraud charges were filed after the woman used a friend’s credit card without her _________.

III. The astronauts became _________ on Mars when their rocket broke down soon after landing on the
red planet.

a) Approval, abandoned

b) Authorization, trapped

c) Support, ensnared | |
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d) Consent, stranded

e) Endorsement, fascinated

371). I. Marry returned to the School in May 1874, and quietly looked on when the _____________ took
place at the end of that year.
II. Schemes for the collection of funds and the complete __________ of the temple were immediately set
on foot, the architect being Mr. Aravind.
III. Science and _________ together led him to try to make his way into the soul which he believed was
born in Laura Bridgman as in every other human being.

a) Retrieval, belief

b) Resumption, substance

c) Restoration, faith

d) Renovation, certainty

e) Resurrection, confidence

372). I. The time between the recorded call and the fatal crash was such to give further ____________
that the kidnapper held his captors nearby.

II. Even though my daughter swore she told me the truth, I could not give any __________ to her story
about aliens eating the last slice of pie.

III. ______________ the size of a crowd is difficult but necessary for police in order to determine how
many officers will be required in case of problems.

a) Credence, estimating

b) Credit, determining

c) Trust, describing

d) Distrust, approximating

e) Confidence, guessing

373). I. Studies show that the impact of social origin on educational attainment has ___________ over the
past century.

II. The fur industry has _________ dramatically in the last 20 years as people come to realize how much
the animals suffer. | |
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III. The low number of people attending the lecture is a clear ____________ of lack of interest in the

a) Refused, data

b) Rejected, information

c) Developed, evidence

d) Finished, warning

e) Declined, indication

374). I. As the judge looked at the rebellious teen, he realized the fear of prison was not a strong enough
_____________ to keep young people out of trouble.

II. This is a __________ to war and a force for peace because it increases understanding, empathy, and
mutual self-interest.

III. When I walk into an expensive store wearing my sweat clothes, I always feel the sales people are
watching me with a great deal of ___________.

a) Restraint, search

b) Incitement, inspection

c) Command, assessment

d) Deterrent, scrutiny

e) Moderation, consideration

375). I. All were noted for the doctrinal coherence of their principles and the dialectical ____________ of
their arguments.
II. In those days the world had oscillated, under higher leading than its royal laxity, to ______________.

III. With his picture of the little girl crying, the photographer summed up a nation’s _________ after the

a) Stiffness, grief

b) Rigidity, anguish

c) Solidity, agony | |

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d) Strength, distress

e) Severity, misery

376). I. The change that has taken place in him cannot lessen his love for his neighbors; on the contrary,
that change can only _____________ love in his heart.

II. It said that cancellation of President Clinton's planned visit to India this fall would be disastrous and
only ___________ nationalist fervor in that country.

III. As the Looking-glass represents not any image within itself, unless it receive some from without; so
the Moon have not any light, but what is ___________ by the Sun.

a) Deepen, granted

b) Exaggerate, imparted

c) Inflate, given

d) Intensify, bestowed

e) Increase, conferred

377). I. Everything feels so warm and lovely, very much different from the ___________ atmosphere of
the sea over at our place.

II. Watching television or listening to music or a book on audiotape until becoming ________ promotes
falling asleep naturally.

III. That was made apparent by our ______________ of the subject, and by our agreeing-without
agreement-to make my recovery of the use of my hands a question of so many hours, not of so many

a) Drowsy, avoidance

b) Lethargic, prevention

c) Dozy, hindrance

d) Weary, difficulty

e) Indolent, complexity

378). I. When Margaret was trying to sell her home, she hired an interior decorator to ____________ the
spacious design of the property. | |
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II. I actually like a bit of humour; when applied correctly it can __________ the gist of an item and throw
into sharp relief what the "community" really thinks.

III. Psychologists now believe that memory deficits which occur as we get older may be because we lose
the ability to _____________ irrelevant thoughts or irrelevant stimuli.

a) Emphasize, stifle

b) Highlight, restrain

c) Stress, bring

d) Show up, contain

e) Accentuate, suppress

379). I. Former militants with military-style firearms were able to ________ millions of dollars from
Government coffers.

II. The con man hoped to ______________ money from the grocery story by pretending to fall on a
slippery floor.

III. However, the proposed Bill does not include the two crucial provisions for taking ______ of the
landowner and the social impact assessment of the displacement.

a) Wring, compliance

b) Extract, accord

c) Extort, consent

d) Force, denial

e) Vigor, dissent

380). I. Even though the company claims the energy drink is ________, you may experience some
unwanted side effects after drinking the beverage.

II. Because the new tax laws were voted in at the last moment, we can assume their effects will not be
nearly as __________ as Congress suggests.

III. A recent study reveals that good marriages may protect couples against the stress
of _____________ jobs in which the worker has little control.

a) Kind, difficult | |
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b) Benign, demanding

c) Gentle, severe

d) Tender, hard

e) Mild, challenging

381). I. The young politician ________ with his party and decided to contest the election as an
independent candidate.

II. He didn't break his leg when he ______ of the tree, but he did some serious damage to the tissue
around the bones in his ankle.

III. We should __________ our traditional ways to utilize the knowledge of medicine to plug the
loopholes in modern healthcare.

a) Fell down, implement

b) Fell out, evolve

c) Fell through, tackle

d) Fell off, forward

e) Fell in, progress

382). I. Militants within the party are calling for the leader's resignation, saying that he has ______ the
party's principles.

II. It is really sad that an organization which openly decries the constitution and the national flag and
__________ the national movement is not being checked.

III. It is gross superstition to suppose that knowledge can be _______ only by going to schools and

a) Sustained, accomplished

b) Rebuked, garnered

c) Censured, achieved

d) Reprimand, attained

e) Betrayed, obtained

383). I. The kind-hearted judge pardoned the thief since he had __________ for the theft.

II. Even before Otto left Rome the pope had, however, _______ of his recognition of a power which
threatened altogether to overshadow his authority, and had begun to conspire against the new emperor.

III. The booklets__________ you through the process of starting your own business.

a) Called, teaching | |
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b) Accepted, test

c) Repented, pilot

d) Forced, embolden

e) Denied, assess

384). I. The five-year-old angel, whose appearance in her life several weeks ago _______ her into the
Immortal underworld, squeezed through the cracked door.

II. Instead of waiting for the other to attack again, Darian spun and _______ his knife into the creature's

III. The vehicle careened down the block, narrowly missing a mail truck that _______ its irri-tation, and
sped around the corner before Dean had staggered to his feet.

a) Plunged, honked

b) Forced, hooted

c) Pushed, roared

d) Fell, yelled

e) Stabbed, bawled

385). I. The hornbeam _________ well on stiff, clayey, moist soils, into which its roots penetrate deeply;
on chalk or gravel it does not flourish.

II. Prosperity requires civil liberties, prosperity ___________ under lower taxes, and prosperity shrivels
as wars disrupt the free flow of labor and capital.

III. Though he frequently refers to the envy and ___________ which pursued him, Phaedrus seems to
have attracted little attention in antiquity.

a) Increases, extraction

b) Thrives, detraction

c) Raises, origin

d) Enhances, deviation

e) Improves, digression

386). I. He took each side of her collar and pulled, the ___________movement ripping the black uniform
down the middle.

II. The swimmer glided through the water with ______ motion on his way to setting a new world record
in the breaststroke.

III. I do remember some theories __________ relativity suggesting some sort of motion in space might
allow time travel if space-time geometrics are possible. | |

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a) Unforced, about

b) Graceful, with respect to

c) Refined, reverence

d) Effortless, concerning

e) Worthless, awe

387). I. It was a weekly summer ritual for one or the other, but _______ both; they enjoyed stocking up
on local-grown produce.

II. If you _________ wear an item of clothing, perhaps you should donate it to charity.

III. The steam crane has the __________ advantage of being completely self-contained.

a) Rarely, huge

b) Often, massive

c) Regularly, vast

d) Commonly, enormous

e) Seldom, immense

388). I. The old counts began irresolutely to __________ Nicholas and beg him to abandon his purpose.

II. It is suitable for a parent, teacher, or employer, to ________ for neglect of duty; but not for an inferior
to adopt such a course towards a superior.

III. Nowadays, the rate of birth and death along with immigration and emigration increases, the rate of
crimes are _________ as well.

a) Caution, increased

b) Reproach, higher

c) Admonish, Soaring

d) Censure, advanced

e) Rebuke, difficult

389). I. Everyone who works at that company is required to be completely ___________to all the terms of
the contract.

II. Since the fracture was so serious, the doctor instructed him to keep his arm immobile and __________
to his body.

III. In order to _______ food supplies throughout the harsh winter, the settlers had to reduce the size of
food portions.

a) Adherent, sustain | |

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b) Fanatic, prolong

c) Militant, protract

d) Radical, extend

e) Combative, pull out

390). I. Dean, who'd been on the force for their entire tenure, was used to their early morning
__________ and paid no attention.

II. That was some fun watching how the giant two-headed lizard's constant __________ among itself
eventually led to its extinction, a lesson for us all.

III. Russia has expressed support for a freeze, while China has voiced ___________ about lack of
flexibility on the part of the US.

a) Wrangling, distress

b) Squabbling, apprehensions

c) Disputing, anxieties

d) Bickering, concerns

e) Arguing, dreads

391). I. The purpose of the audit is to ________ all of the financial transactions made under the company
umbrella to ensure fraud has not occurred.

II. If you do not _______ your credit card statement each month, you may find yourself paying for charges you
did not incur.

a) Scrutinize

b) Secure

c) Analyze

d) Intent

e) None of the above fits to the sentence.

392). I. The 2000s saw the rise of commercially ________ seeds created by trans-genesis, that is, the insertion
of DNA from one species into another species.

II. While there is a lot of institutional and financial support for other entertainment media; those who go into
theatre generally have to struggle to make it a __________ full-time job.

a) Alternative

b) Successful

c) Lucrative | |

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d) Viable

e) None of the above fits to the sentence.

393). I. Environmental _________ groups are upset at the government's plans to allow mining in the sensitive
wilderness area.

II. Maybe your approach is better for the ________ of functional programming anyway makes it less

a) Promotion

b) Assertion

c) Advocacy

d) Support

e) None of the above fits to the sentence.

394). I. The atmosphere outside the courtroom where the victim's parents ________ the defendant's family was
quite volatile but police were able to keep everything under control.

II. The world is ___________ with environmental problems ranging from global warming to deforestation.

a) Exhausted

b) Confronted

c) Tackled

d) Dealt

e) None of the above fits to the sentence.

395). I. Leena recalled her long sad and severe look at those words and understood the meaning of the _____
and despair in that protracted gaze.

II. After learning the lawyer accepted a bribe, the committee decided to __________ him and suspends his

a) Rebuke

b) Censure

c) Reproach

d) Criticize

e) None of the above fits to the sentence.

396). I. The presence of bedding or cleavage planes against the general slope reduces the ____________ for
mass movements to grade the slope. | |

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II. Widening the differentials in the vehicle excise duty system could increase the ________ to purchase very
low emissions vehicles.

a) Character

b) Quality

c) Disposition

d) Propensity

e) None of the above fits to the sentence.

397). I. It's not uncommon to hide personal pain, because putting it on display for all to see can be embarrassing
and even ____________ relationships.

II. Those that do so usually overeat at the next meal and _________ the glycemic index and several other
metabolism-related factors.

a) Escalate

b) Wreck

c) Haunt

d) Trouble

e) None of the above fits to the sentence.

398). I. As a religious __________, we have to decide whether or not we want to merge with another church.

II. Without hesitation, the brainwashed _____________ handed over their lifesavings to the cult leader.

a) Staff

b) Flock

c) Congregation

d) Audience

e) None of the above fits to the sentence.

399). I. Since I had not studied for the exam, I was happy when the fire alarm went off in the _________ of the

II. In the ________ of the strange surroundings he still preserved that air of knowing, and being master of, his
fate, which was his chief attraction.

a) Nexus

b) Midst
User Dead Collection
c) Quagmire

d) Position | |
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e) None of the above fits to the sentence.

400). I. A good leader will __________ people to achieve their own forms of greatness rather than try to force
them on a certain path.

II. Even though I enjoy having you as a coworker, I ________ you to accept the new job opportunity because it
comes with a pay increase.

a) Exhort

b) Weaken

c) Sink

d) Urge

e) None of the above fits to the sentence.

Direction (301 to 400): IV. Fill in the Blanks: Answers with Explanation:

301). Answer: a)

Ravage – the severely damaging or destructive effects of something.

Erstwhile – formerly.

302). Answer: e)

Flaccid – (of part of the body) soft and hanging loosely or limply, especially so as to look or feel unpleasant.

Dismal – depressing; dreary.

303). Answer: c)

Muster – collect or assemble (a number or amount).

Indecorous – improper or not in keeping with good taste and propriety.

304). Answer: d)

Delusion – the action of deluding or the state of being deluded or misconception.

Stature – importance or reputation gained by ability or achievement.

305). Answer: b)

Prevaricate – speak or act in an evasive way.

Chaos – complete disorder and confusion. | |
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306). Answer: e)

Coterie – a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people.

Incongruous – not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something.

307). Answer: b)

Concise – giving a lot of information clearly and in a few words; brief but comprehensive.

Sabotage – deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage.

308). Answer: d)

Ordeal – a very unpleasant and prolonged experience.

Boast – an act of talking with excessive pride and self-satisfaction.

309). Answer: a)

Pivotal – of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else.

Subvert – undermine the power and authority of (an established system or institution).

310). Answer: c)

Infallible – incapable of making mistakes or being wrong.

Interim – in or for the intervening period; provisional or temporary.

311). Answer: e)

Candid – truthful and straightforward; frank.

Vacillate – alternate or waver between different opinions or actions; be indecisive.

312). Answer: b)

Pioneer – a person who is among the first to explore or be the first to use or apply.

Evocative – bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind.

313). Answer: d)

Instinct – imbued or filled with; or an innate ability that allows an individual or animal to respond without
actively making a decision. | |

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Entrench – establish (an attitude, habit, or belief) so firmly that change is very difficult or unlikely.

314). Answer: c)

Ordain – make (someone) a priest or minister; confer holy orders on.

Spur – a thing that prompts or encourages someone; an incentive.

315). Answer: a)

Astound – shock or greatly surprise.

Fluctuate – rise and fall irregularly in number or amount.

316). Answer: e)

Harmonize – produce a pleasing visual combination or coordination.

Disown – refuse to acknowledge or maintain any connection with.

317). Answer: b)

Contemplate – look thoughtfully for a long time at something.

Mausoleum – a building, especially a large and stately one, housing a tomb or tombs.

318). Answer: d)

Espionage – the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to obtain political and military

Oppress – keep (someone) in subservience and hardship, especially by the unjust exercise of authority.

319). Answer: a)

Influx – an arrival or entry of large numbers of people or things.

Disconcert – disturb the composure of; unsettle.

320). Answer: c)

Ascribe – attribute something to (a cause).

Imperative – of vital importance; crucial.

321). Answer: b) | |

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Adjunct – a thing added to something else as a supplementary rather than an essential part.

Traverse – an act of traversing something.

322). Answer: e)

Sarcastic – marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt.

Assent – the expression of approval or agreement.

323). Answer: a)

Acquittal – a judgment that a person is not guilty of the crime with which the person has been charged.

Poignant – evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.

324). Answer: d)

Aloof – not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant.

Robust – strong and healthy; vigorous.

325). Answer: c)

Genesis – the origin or mode of formation of something.

Vain – producing no result; useless.

326). Answer: e)

Inadvertent – not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning.

Covet – yearn to possess or have (something).

327). Answer: b)

Laggard – slower than desired or expected.

Vanquish – defeat thoroughly.

328). Answer: d)

Indignant – feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment.

Expurgate – remove matter thought to be objectionable or unsuitable from (a book or account).

329). Answer: a) | |

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Elude – evade or escape from (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skillful or cunning way.

Errant – erring or straying from the proper course or standards.

330). Answer: c)

Insouciant – showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent.

Anarchy – a state of disorder due to absence or non recognition of authority.

331). Answer: d)

Accretion – the process of growth or increase, typically by the gradual accumulation of additional layers or

Torpor – a state of physical or mental inactivity; lethargy.

332). Answer: e)

Insouciant – showing a casual lack of concern

Reprobate – an unprincipled person.

333). Answer: b)

Ramification – a consequence of an action or event, especially when complex or unwelcome.

Strident – loud and harsh; grating.

334). Answer: c)

Dross – something regarded as worthless; rubbish.

Assuage – make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense.

335). Answer: a)

Vagrant – an individual who lacks regular work and moves around frequently.

Turgid – swollen and distended or congested.

336). Answer: e)

Restive – (of a person) unable to keep still or silent and becoming increasingly difficult to control, especially
because of impatience, dissatisfaction, or boredom.

Enigma – a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand. | |

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337). Answer: b)

Laconic – (of a person, speech, or style of writing) using very few words.

Consensus – general agreement.

338). Answer: d)

Abysmal – extremely bad; appalling.

Adage – a proverb or short statement expressing a general truth.

339). Answer: a)

Unassailable – unable to be attacked, questioned, or defeated.

Harbinger – a person or thing that announces or signals the approach of another.

340). Answer: c)

Accolade – an award or privilege granted as a special honor or as an acknowledgment of merit.

Trepidation – a feeling of fear or agitation about something that may happen.

341). Answer: c)

Avidly – with great interest or enthusiasm.

Dauntless – showing fearlessness and determination.

342). Answer: e) User Dead Collection

Levity – the treatment of a serious matter with humour or lack of due respect.

Sagacious – having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgment; shrewd.

343). Answer: a)

Mirth – amusement, especially as expressed in laughter.

Verbose – using or expressed in more words than are needed.

344). Answer: d)

Scruples – a feeling of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality or propriety of a course of action.

Clandestine – kept secret or done secretively, especially because illicit. | |

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345). Answer: b)

Cynical – believing that people are motivated purely by self-interest; or distrustful of human sincerity or

Invincible – too powerful to be defeated or overcome.

346). Answer: e)

Hegemony – leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others.

Shrew – a bad-tempered or aggressively assertive woman.

347). Answer: b)

Intrepid – fearless; adventurous (often used for rhetorical or humorous effect).

Sycophant – a person who acts obsequiously toward someone important in order to gain advantage.

348). Answer: d)

Garrulous – excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.

Hapless – (especially of a person) unfortunate.

349). Answer: a)

Echelon – a level or rank in an organization, a profession, or society.

Demur – the action or process of objecting to or hesitating over something.

350). Answer: c)

Precarious – not securely held or in position; dangerously likely to fall or collapse.

Bureaucracy – excessively complicated administrative procedure or system.

351). Answer: c)

Earnest – a thing intended or regarded as a sign or promise of what is to come or showing sincere.

Flocks – a number of birds of one kind feeding, resting, or traveling together.

352). Answer: e)

Confiscated – take or seize (someone's property) with authority. | |

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Refrain – stop oneself from doing something.

353). Answer: a)

Acquiesce – accept something reluctantly but without protest.

Peculiar – strange or odd; unusual; belonging exclusively to.

354). Answer: d)

Incised – mark or decorate (an object or surface) with a cut or a series of cuts.

Obsolete – no longer produced or used; out of date.

355). Answer: b)

Collusion – secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others.

Amortized – reduce or extinguish (a debt) by money regularly put aside.

356). Answer: e)

Despise – feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.

Raised – lift or move to a higher position or level.

357). Answer: b)

Bubbling – (of a liquid) contain bubbles of air or gas rising to the surface.

Mature – fully developed physically; full-grown.

358). Answer: d)

Corroborate – confirm or give support to (a statement, theory, or finding).

Leapt – jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force.

359). Answer: a)

Flippant – not showing a serious or respectful attitude.

Convergence – the process or state of converging.

360). Answer: c)

Invincible – too powerful to be defeated or overcome. | |

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Rumble – a continuous deep, resonant sound like distant thunder.

361). Answer: c)

Emerge – move out of or away from something and come into view.

Credulous – having or showing too great a readiness to believe things.

362). Answer: e)

Depict – show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form.

Antithesis – a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else.

363). Answer: b)

Solicit – ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone.

Primitive – a person belonging to a preliterate, nonindustrial society or culture.

364). Answer: d)

Dispatched – deal with (a task, problem, or opponent) quickly and efficiently or send off to a destination or for
a purpose.

Colossal – extremely large.

365). Answer: a)

Took off – an instance of becoming airborne or depart hastily.

Regular – arranged in or constituting a constant or definite pattern, especially with the same space between
individual instances.

366). Answer: b)

Diverge – develop in a different direction or separate from another route and go in a different direction.

Excuse – a reason or explanation put forward to defend or justify a fault or offense.

367). Answer: e)

Emaciated – abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food.

Over strung – (of a person) extremely nervous or tense.

368). Answer: c)

Amoral – lacking a moral sense; unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something.

Despise – feel contempt or a deep repugnance for.

369). Answer: a)

Cleared away – removed | |

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Disclose – make (secret or new information) known.

370). Answer: d)

Consent – permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.

Stranded – (of a boat, sailor, or sea creature) left aground on a shore.

371). Answer: c)

Restoration – bringing back to a former position or condition.

Faith – complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

372). Answer: a)

Credence – belief in or acceptance of something as true.

Estimating – roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of.

373). Answer: e)

Declined – (typically of something regarded as good) become smaller, fewer, or less; decrease.

Indication – a sign or piece of information that indicates something.

374). Answer: d)

Deterrent – a thing that discourages or is intended to discourage someone from doing something.

Scrutiny – critical observation or examination.

375). Answer: b)

Rigidity – inflexibility

Anguish – severe mental or physical pain or suffering.

376). Answer: d)

Intensify – become or make more intense.

Bestowed – confer or present (an honor, right, or gift).

377). Answer: a)

Drowsy – sleepy and lethargic; half asleep.

Avoidance – the action of keeping away from or not doing something. | |
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378). Answer: e)

Accentuate – make more noticeable or prominent.

Suppress – forcibly put an end to.

379). Answer: c)

Extort – obtain (something) by force, threats, or other unfair means.

Consent – permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.

380). Answer: b)

Benign – (of a disease) not harmful in effect: in particular, (of a tumor) not malignant or gentle; kindly.

Demanding – (of a task) requiring much skill or effort.

381). Answer: b)

Fell out - Fall out means stop being friendly due to disagreement, break relations with.

Evolve - develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form.

382). Answer: e)

Betrayed – be disloyal to.

Obtained – get, acquire, or secure (something).

383). Answer: c)

Repented – feel or express sincere regret or remorse about one's wrongdoing or sin.

Pilot - done as an experiment or test before introducing something more widely.

384). Answer: a)

Plunged – push or thrust quickly.

Honked – make or cause to make a honk (sound).

385). Answer: b)

Thrives – grow or develop well or vigorously.

Detraction - a lessening of reputation or esteem especially by envious, malicious or petty criticism.

386). Answer: d)

Effortless – requiring no physical or mental exertion.

Concerning - on the subject of or in connection with; about. | |

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387). Answer: e)

Seldom – not often; rarely.

Immense – extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.

388). Answer: c)

Admonish - warn or reprimand someone firmly.

Soaring - fly or rise high in the air.

389). Answer: a)

Adherent - someone who supports a particular party, person, or set of ideas / sticking fast to an object or

Sustain - strengthen or support physically or mentally.

390). Answer: d)

Bickering - argue about petty and trivial matters.

Concerns - anxiety; worry.

391). Answer: a)

Scrutinize - examine or inspect closely and thoroughly.

392). Answer: d)

Viable - capable of working successfully; feasible.

393). Answer: c)

Advocacy – public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy.

394). Answer: b)

Confronted – meet (someone or something) face to face with hostile or argumentative intent.

395). Answer: a)

Rebuke – an expression of sharp disapproval or criticism.

396). Answer: d)

Propensity – an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a particular way.

397). Answer: e)

Destabilize – upset the stability of; cause unrest in.

398). Answer: c) | |

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Congregation – a group of people assembled for religious worship / a gathering or collection of people,
animals, or things.

399). Answer: b)

Midst - the middle point or part.

400). Answer: a)

Exhort - strongly encourage or urge (someone) to do something.

V. Odd One Out:

Direction (401 to 500):

Five statements are given below, labeled A, B, C, D and E. Among these, four statements are in logical
order and form coherent paragraph. From the given options, choose the option the does not fit into the
theme of the paragraph.

401). A. The Union government has found that an estimated Rs. 3-4 lakh crore of tax evaded income were
deposited during the 50-day window provided to get rid of the junked Rs. 1,000 and old Rs. 500 notes.

B. More than Rs. 10,700 crore in cash was deposited in different accounts in the Northeastern States since
November 9.

C. It had come to light that Rs. 25,000 crore in cash was deposited in dormant bank accounts while nearly Rs.
80,000 crore of repayment of loans was done in cash since November 8.

D. Starting from November 8, 2016, various reports were called for from the banks based on different threshold
of cash deposits made by different categories of persons. The reports were collated and analysed based on
intelligence, which has been available in the Government data bases.

E. But many politicians have opposed demonetization and termed it as the biggest scam of Indian history. They
even want the government to take back the step of demonetization of High denomination currency notes.

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) None of these

402). A. In the mid-1990s Japan had a smaller proportion of over-65s than Britain or Germany.

B. Between 2010 and 2040 the number of people aged 65 or over in metropolitan Tokyo, of which Tama is
part, is expected to rise from 2.7m to 4.1m.

C. Tama is a beautiful metropolitan city in Japan where the famous tama hill is located.

D. By 2025, officials in Tama predict, almost one in four elderly residents will be bedridden and one in seven
will suffer from dementia.

E. For Tama, though, the most worrying effects of ageing are fiscal. Two-thirds of the city’s budget goes on
social welfare, which old people require lots of.

a) E b) B c) A d) C e) All fits to paragraph | |

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403). A. The Public Accounts Committee of Parliament has sent a questionnaire to RBI Governor Urjit Patel
and other top finance-related officials on demonetization.

B. The officials will answer not just these questions but also others related to the decision to demonetise and the
economic impact.

C. Officials can respond to the members’ questions there or later in writing.

D. Officials must make sure that there is demonetization process never takes place again in near future.

E. Sources say the committee is expected to quiz the officials on these issues, as several details about
demonetization and new notes put into circulation have not been made public.

a) A b) D c) C d) E e) B

404). A. In a league table of education systems had drawn up in 2015 by the OECD club of mainly rich
countries, South Africa ranks 75th out of 76.

B. The GDP of South Africa is not so bad. But the country has to learn to effectively utilize its resources.

C. A shocking 27% of pupils from South Africa who have attended school for six years cannot read, compared
with 4% in Tanzania and 19% in Zimbabwe.

D. In South Africa public spending on education is 6.4% of GDP; the average share in EU countries is 4.8%.
More important than money are a lack of accountability and the abysmal quality of most teachers.

E. In one study done in South Africa in 2007, maths teachers of 11- and 12-year-olds sat tests similar to those
taken by their class. A scandalous 79% of teachers scored below the level expected of the pupils.

a) B b) A c) E d) C e) None of these

405). A. In 1998 Britain became the world leader due to its political stability and supportive politics from

B. In 2015 Britain gave away £12.1bn ($18.5bn) in foreign aid, more than any country bar America.

C. It was one of just six countries to meet the UN’s target of spending 0.7% of GDP on international assistance.

D. Yet although the leaders of all Britain’s main political parties support this generosity, grumbles that the
money should stay at home are growing louder.

E. Some backbench Conservatives have called for aid to be redirected to pay for social care for elderly Britons.

a) E b) C c) A d) B e) None of these

406). A. With over 130 million Indian consumers making online purchases in 2016 alone - more than the entire
population of Japan and a 76% growth over the previous year - the potential benefit of using technology and
innovation to reach India’s consumers is simply enormous.

B. In recent years, both domestic and international firms have found technology and e-commerce to be a
valuable path for entering Indian markets to provide new products and services.

C. Against this background, the question is how Indian regulators can take a dynamic approach to competition
regulation in the tech sector to ensure that the benefits of innovation spread to Indian consumers. | |
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D. India is one of the largest and fastest growing economies in the world and has a rapidly developing
technology sector.

E. Such intervention can impede innovative efforts by technology firms struggling to compete in the
marketplace and reduce the choices available to everyday Indian consumers.

a) E b) B c) A d) C e) All fits to paragraph

407). A. While Governments and NGOs in India are recycling the organic component of solid waste, inorganic
waste such as glass and metals are recycled by the informal sector.

B. But the Government needs to understand the importance of quality operations at all the composting plants, as
the organic manure output can be a good avenue for entrepreneurs wanting to market the same.

C. Organic composting is assuming an ever-increasing significance in today’s world, as the disposal of

increasing quantities of urban solid waste becomes a major challenge for municipal authorities.

D. However, organic composting in India is apparently not going as per plan. The primary cause is the
inefficient segregation of inorganic waste such as glass, plastic and metals from organic waste.

E. The common means of composting being used here is the ‘windrows method’; the Supreme Court’s
committee for solid waste management in the country endorses the windrows concept when large quantities of
waste have to be handled and put through the composting procedure.

a) C b) D c) E d) A e) None of these

408). A. However, at the time of inception, this technique faced much criticism.

B. Yet, time has broadly validated the technique, reduced costs, and made it safer and more reliable.

C. The objections ranged from the ethical—disrupting natural life processes—to concerns about the fate of
unwanted or unused embryos generated during the process, and possible social stratification due to the then
excessive financial costs of the procedure.

D. This will pose worrying legal questions regarding the definition of parenthood and penalties for
unauthorized cell access.

E. India’s first test-tube baby was born in 1986. In vitro fertilization (IVF), the technique used then, has since
gone on to prove a blessing for several infertile couples.

a) E b) A c) D d) C e) None of these

409). A. The finding that India is now the world’s third largest user of the Internet, after the US and China,
should warm the hearts of smart phone and computer manufactures and give a fillip to Internet service
providers as well.

B. This is not surprising given that a large section of the population is young and getting increasingly digital
savvy; some three-fourth of the Net users are in the age group of 35 and below.

C. A report by global digital measurement and analytics firm comScore has said that the number of Internet
users in the country has increased by a respectable 31 per cent since March 2012, and close to 74 million users
are now hooked to the Net. | |

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D. Service providers have still to reach the rural interiors with their dongles etc. If the problems are fixed, we
can see another Net revolution, this time in rural India.

E. The rise in sales of smart phones is but one indication of that. The rapid spread of social media in the country
too demonstrates the growing reach of the Internet.

a) B b) D c) E d) A e) None of these

410). A. Its WhatsApp service is preparing to start digital payments in the country, a move that would leverage
India’s rush to online transactions after November’s sudden demonetisation

B. WhatsApp would challenge local players including PayTM, which is backed by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.

C. After its plan to offer free internet in India was rejected, Facebook Inc. may soon find that the fastest way to
consumers’ hearts is through their wallets. Digitally.

D. More than a third of Indians now access the internet and mobile-phone penetration stands at around 80%,
with both figures rising rapidly.

E. The service would probably tap into India’s Unified Payments System, which is regulated by the Reserve
Bank of India (RBI) and was set up to facilitate the transfer of funds instantly over mobile devices.

a) D b) B c) A d) C e) All fits to paragraph

411). A. Among the people who praised it were T. S. Eliot, Herbert Read, Aldous Huxley, John dos Passes,
Ezra Pound--on the whole, not the writers who are in fashion at this moment. And in fact the subject matter of
the book, and to a certain extent its mental atmosphere, belong to the twenties rather than to the thirties.

B. TROPIC OF CANCER is a novel in the first person, or autobiography in the form of a novel, whichever way
you like to look at it.

C. During the boom years, when dollars were plentiful and the exchange-value of the franc was low, Paris was
invaded by such a swarm of artists, writers, students, dilettanti, sight- seers, debauchees, and plain idlers as the
world has probably never seen. The entire story revolves around these idlers.

D. It is a story of the American Paris, but not along quite the usual lines, because the Americans who figure in it
happen to be people without money.

a) D b) B c) C d) A e) All fits to paragraph

412). A. The word ‘Fascism’ has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies "something not desirable."
The words “Democracy, Socialism, Freedom, Patriotic, Realistic, Justice”, have each of them several different
meanings which cannot be reconciled with one another.

B. In certain kinds of writing, particularly in art criticism and literary criticism, it is normal to come across long
passages which are almost completely lacking in meaning.

C. When one critic writes, "The outstanding feature of Mr. X's work is its living quality," while another writes,
"The immediately striking thing about Mr. X's work is its peculiar deadness," the reader accepts this as a simple
difference of opinion If words like ‘Black’ and ‘White’ were involved, instead of the jargon words Dead and | |

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Living, he would see at once that language was being used in an improper way; many political words are
similarly abused.

D. Words like “Romantic, Plastic, Values, Human, Dead, Sentimental, Natural, Vitality”, as used in art
criticism, are strictly meaningless, in the sense that they not only do not point to any discoverable object, but
are hardly even expected to do so by the reader.

a) D b) B c) A d) C e) All fits to paragraph

413). A. I have little direct evidence about the atrocities in the Spanish civil war; I know that some were
committed by the Republicans, and far more (they are still continuing) by the Fascists.

B. Everyone believes in the atrocities of the enemy and disbelieves in those of his own side, without ever
bothering to examine the evidence.

C. But unfortunately the truth about atrocities is far worse than that they are lied about and made into

D. But what impressed me then, and has impressed me ever since, is that atrocities are believed in or
disbelieved in solely on grounds of political predilection.

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) All fits to paragraph

414). A. Ants have all sorts of jobs we normally think of as human, from architect to farmer to insect-in-chief.
Now, scientists are adding one more occupation to that list: chemist.

B. A new study shows that wood ants protect their colonies from disease by crafting a potent antibiotic
“cocktail” made of tree resin and poison from their own bodies.

C. The finding, one of the most sophisticated examples of animal pharmacology, could explain how some ants
evade epidemics.

D. Now, a new study on the world’s first genetically modified ants finds that ants’ sociality depends on their
sense of smell.

a) A b) D c) C d) B e) All fits to paragraph

415). A. Legislating laws to prohibit marriage between races hurt the couples involved.

B. These laws prohibited intermarriage between people of different races and often couples who had lived
together for years had to separate

C. Up to the 1960s, miscegenation laws were still enforced in some parts of the United States.

D. Which caused loneliness and bitterness because of ignorance and a desire to see themselves as better than
people of other races?

a) D b) C c) B d) A e) All fits to paragraph | |
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416). A. For no apparent reason you cannot help yourself from humming or singing a tune by Lady Gaga or
Coldplay, or horror upon horrors, the latest American Idol reject.

B. Songs that get stuck in your head and go round and round, sometimes for days, sometimes for months.

C. Some people call them earworms.

D. It there was nothing unique about them they would be swamped by all the other memories that sound similar

a) B b) D c) A d) C e) All fits to paragraph

417). A. The most recent interruption was the arrival of the second post, which brought him two circulars and
an income tax demand printed in red.

B. If things are normal with him he will be suffering from malnutrition, but if he has recently had a lucky streak
he will be suffering from a hangover.

C. He is a man of 35, but looks 50; he is bald, has varicose veins and wears spectacles, or would wear them if
his only pair was not chronically lost.

D. At present it is half-past eleven in the morning, and according to his schedule he should have started work
two hours ago; but even if he had made any serious effort to start he would have been frustrated by the almost
continuous ringing of the telephone bell, the yells of the baby, the rattle of an electric drill out in the street, and
the heavy boots of his creditors clumping up and down the stairs.

a) B b) D c) C d) A e) All fits to paragraph

418). A. I guess what I’m saying is that I’m not sure that this book fits into any one category.

B. I profile three people who I think embody those types, and then I use the example of Paul Revere and his
midnight ride to point out the subtle characteristics of this kind of social epidemic.

C. I think that word of mouth is something created by three very rare and special psychological types, whom I
call Connectors, Mavens, and Salesmen.

D. There’s a whole section of the book devoted to explaining the phenomenon of word of mouth, for example.

a) D b) B c) A d) C e) None of these

419). A. In these centuries, there were important advances in the aesthetics of nature, including the emergence
of the concepts of disinterestedness and the picturesque, as well as the introduction of the idea of positive

B. Although environmental aesthetics has developed as a sub-field of philosophical aesthetics only in the last
40 years, it has historical roots in eighteenth and nineteenth-century aesthetics. | |
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C. Thus, by the end of the eighteenth century, there were three clearly distinct ideas each focusing on different
aspects of nature’s diverse and often contrasting moods.

D. These notions continue to play a role in contemporary work in environmental aesthetics, especially in the
context of its relationship to environmentalism.

a) C b) B c) D d) All fits to paragraph e) None of these

420). A. In general, it is fair to say that these activities are performed more efficiently as a result.

B. Many activities that were previously performed “for free” such as home maintenance, and care for the sick
and elderly, are now frequently outsourced and counted as economic output.

C. People whose skills are worth, say, $50 per hour spends more of their time earning $50, rather than
performing chores “worth” $10 or $20 per hour.

D. But many individuals, most of the time, go online without any interest in buying something.

a) C b) B c) A d) D e) All fits to paragraph

421). A. Somewhere or other Byron makes use of the French word LONGEUR, and remarks in passing that
though in England we happen not to have the WORD, we have the THING in considerable profusion.

B. The abiding purpose of every nationalist is to secure more power and more prestige, NOT for himself but for
the nation or other unit in which he has chosen to sink his own individuality.

C. As the nearest existing equivalent I have chosen the word 'nationalism', but it will be seen in a moment that I
am not using it in quite the ordinary sense, if only because the emotion I am speaking about does not always
attach itself to what is called a nation—that is, a single race or a geographical area.

D. In the same way, there is a habit of mind which is now so widespread that it affects our thinking on nearly
every subject, but which has not yet been given a name.

E. It can attach itself to a church or a class, or it may work in a merely negative sense, AGAINST something or
other and without the need for any positive object of loyalty.

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) All fits to paragraph

422). A. But his partial autobiography, which ends in the nineteen-twenties, is strong evidence in his favour, all
the more because it covers what he would have called the unregenerate part of his life and reminds one that
inside the saint, or near-saint, there was a very shrewd, able person who could, if he had chosen, have been a
brilliant success as a lawyer, an administrator or perhaps even a businessman.

B. Saints should always be judged guilty until they are proved innocent, but the tests that have to be applied to
them are not, of course, the same in all cases.

C. To give a definite answer one would have to study Gandhi's acts and writing in immense detail, for his
whole life was a sort of pilgrimage in which every act was significant. | |

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D. In Gandhi's case the questions on feels inclined to ask are: to what extent was Gandhi moved by vanity--by
the consciousness of himself as a humble, naked old man, sitting on a praying mat and shaking empires by
sheer spiritual power--and to what extent did he compromise his own principles by entering politics, which of
their nature are inseparable from coercion and fraud?

E. It was also apparent that the British were making use of him, or thought they were making use of him.

a) D b) B c) A d) C e) E

423). A. Somebody suggested one poem, someone else suggested another, there was a short discussion and then
came the poem itself, read in a different voice, preferably the author's own.

B. About a year ago I and a number of others were engaged in broadcasting literary programmes to India, and
among other things we broadcast a good deal of verse by contemporary and near-contemporary English writers-
-for example, Eliot, Herbert Read, Auden, Spender, Dylan Thomas, Henry Treece, Alex Comfort, Robert
Bridges, Edmund Blunden, D.H. Lawrence

C. The essential point was that our literary broadcasts were aimed at the Indian university students, a small and
hostile audience, unapproachable by anything that could be described as British propaganda.

D. Just why these particular programmes (a small and remote out-flanking movement in the radio war) were
instituted there is no need to explain here, but I should add that the fact that we were broadcasting to an Indian
audience dictated our technique to some extent.

E. It was known in advance that we could not hope for more than a few thousand listeners at the most, and this
gave us an excuse to be more "highbrow" than is generally possible on the air.

a) D b) E c) C d) A e) B

424). A. In every page of his work one can see a consciousness that society is wrong somewhere at the root; it
is when one asks 'Which root?' that one begins to grasp his position.

B. Whatever else Dickens may have been, he was not a hole-and-corner soul-saver, the kind of well-meaning
idiot who thinks that the world will be perfect if you amend a few bylaws and abolish a few anomalies.

C. It is worth comparing him with Charles Reade, for instance; Reade was a much better informed man than
Dickens, and in some ways more public-spirited; he really hated the abuses he could understand, he showed
them up in a series of novels which for all their absurdity are extremely readable, and he probably helped to
alter public opinion on a few minor but important points.

D. But it was quite beyond him to grasp that, given the existing form of society, certain evils CANNOT be
remedied; fasten upon this or that minor abuse, expose it, drag it into the open, bring it before a British jury,
and all will be well that is how he sees it.

E. Dickens at any rate never imagined that you can cure pimples by cutting them off.

a) D b) A c) E d) B e) All fits to paragraph | |

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425). A. The Jewish population is almost entirely concentrated in half a dozen big towns and is mostly
employed in the food, clothing and furniture trades.

B. The Jews seem, on the contrary, to have failed to keep up with the modern tendency towards big
amalgamations and to have remained fixed in those trades which are necessarily carried out on a small scale
and by old-fashioned methods.

C. There are about 400,000 known Jews in Britain, and in addition some thousands or, at most, scores of
thousands of Jewish refugees who have entered the country from 1934 onwards.

D. A few of the big monopolies, such as the ICI, one or two leading newspapers and at least one big chain of
department stores are Jewish-owned or partly Jewish-owned, but it would be very far from the truth to say that
British business life is dominated by Jews.

E. It so happens that the war has encouraged the growth of anti-Semitism and even, in the eyes of many
ordinary people, given some justification for it.

a) E b) C c) B d) A e) None of these

User Dead Collection

426). A. Glivec will now be available to local producers who can manufacture copies of that drug at drastically
lower costs and sell it at affordable prices.

B. A lot of money and time goes into the development of new drugs and medicines, and it is only fair that those
who invest billions get to enjoy the benefits of selling a profitable product.

C. In developing countries such as India, it is these relatively low-cost generic drugs that make life-saving
treatment accessible to the poor.

D. The Supreme Court’s rejection of multinational pharmaceutical company Novartis AG’s plea for patent
protection to its life-saving cancer drug Glivec, marks a huge victory for patients in the country.

E. For example, nine years ago when Glivec was being sold abroad at $2600, its generic versions were
available at about $200 in India.

a) E b) B c) A d) C e) All fits to paragraph

427). A. Elected representatives should also give details of one-time expense exceeding, say, Rs 50,000.

B. Salaries and perks of MPs can be withheld till the parliamentarians submit all the above mentioned details.
The benefits should also be held back if the details which the elected members submit are found to be false or

C. Parliamentarians should be required to provide all their particulars in their bio-data, including the name of
spouse/s, to be put in the public domain through the websites of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha.

D. Their wealth and assets must be declared to their respective heads.

E. The terms of Assemblies can be extended by up to one year to hold simultaneous elections. | |

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a) B b) D c) E d) A e) None of these

428). A. Several booths refused to issue receipts, others tried to pass off candies instead of change.

B. There has always been petty corruption across India, from parking attendants to toll booths; yet if we have to
tackle corruption, one of the best tools we have today is technology.

C. It is very peculiar why a nationwide system for monitoring traffic offences has not been initiated.

D. And while some innovative use of technology is being made, India needs to use technology more
intelligently to tackle corruption.

E. Recently on a dive across northern India, at several toll booths one noticed a very strange thing.

a) D b) A c) C d) E e) None of these

429). A. Most often we use charity to avoid recognizing the problem and finding the solution for it.

B. When we want to help the poor, we usually offer them charity.

C. But charity is no solution to poverty. Charity only perpetuates poverty by taking the initiative away from the

D. But charity begins at home.

E. Charity becomes a way to shrug off our responsibility.

a) B b) E c) A d) D e) None of these

430). A. If the country is serious in boosting the investment climate, it has to have a stable and sensitive system.

B. Investors feel India is an unstable destination, where laws, particularly relating to taxes, are changed on
bureaucratic whims.

C. But policies that harass foreign automobile players, for instance, on the allegation that they “evaded excise
duty payment”, is changing the global perception.

D. India lives in two eras: Socialist, when it comes to realize taxes, and liberalized, when it is benefitting some
near and dear one.

E. India has the capacity to draw billions of dollars.

a) D b) B c) A d) C e) All fits to paragraph

431). A. It came as something of a surprise when scientists determined that human beings share almost 99
percent of their genetic material with chimpanzees.

B. Prehuman bipeds predated stone tools, which appeared approximately 2.5 million year ago. | |

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C. Despite all, this is held in common; however, the differences are crucial and allow humans to be allotted
their won genus and species, Homo sapiens.

D. This led one scientific journalist to refer to humans as “the third chimpanzee.”

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) All fits to paragraph

432). A. A. Reliance Industries (RIL), India’s largest company, saw its earnings before interest and taxes jump
15 per cent from the first quarter to the second, though net profits grew at a far more modest 2.6 per cent.

B. Part of the reason for this was a sharp, 8 per cent-plus fall in its refining margins, down from $8.40 per barrel
in Q1 to $7.70 per barrel in Q2.

C. For RIL, refining and selling oil and making petrochemicals are not new. Investors understand these
businesses and value them realistically.

D. This fall happened because the Asian demand — and, therefore, pricing — of lighter fuels like diesel and
petrol was under pressure, possibly because most major emerging economies are growing slower than they
were before.

a) D b) B c) A d) C e) All fits to paragraph

433). A. But it is worth noticing that the dislike of Dickens implied in this remark is something unusual.

B. When Chesterton wrote his introductions to the Everyman Edition of Dickens's works, it seemed quite
natural to him to credit Dickens with his own highly individual brand of medievalism, and more recently a
Marxist writer, Mr. T. A. Jackson, has made spirited efforts to turn Dickens into a bloodthirsty revolutionary.

C. On the other hand, Nadezhda Krupskaya, in her little book on Lenin, relates that towards the end of his life
Lenin went to see a dramatized version of THE CRICKET ON THE HEARTH, and found Dickens's 'middle-
class sentimentality' so intolerable that he walked out in the middle of a scene.

D. The Marxist claims him as 'almost' a Marxist, the Catholic claims him as 'almost' a Catholic, and both claim
him as a champion of the proletariat (or 'the poor', as Chesterton would have put it).

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) All fits to paragraph

434). A. It is quite true that the scale of the Allied blitzing of Germany is even now not realised in this country,
and its share in the breaking-down of German resistance is probably much underrated.

B. When one thinks of the stupendous task of rebuilding hundreds of European cities, one realises that a long
period must elapse before even the standards of living of 1939 can be re-established.

C. As the advance into Germany continues and more and more of the devastation wrought by the Allied
bombing planes is laid bare, there are three comments that almost every observer finds himself making. The
first is: 'The people at home have no conception of this.' The second is, 'It's a miracle that they've gone on
fighting.' And the third is, 'Just think of the work of building this all up again!' | |
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D. It is difficult to give actuality to reports of air warfare and the man in the street can be forgiven if he
imagines that what we have done to Germany over the past four years is merely the same kind of thing they did
to us in 1940.

a) D b) A c) C d) All fits to paragraph e) None of these

435). A. This is curious, not only because tea is one of the main stays of civilization in this country, as well as
in Eire, Australia and New Zealand, but because the best manner of making it is the subject of violent disputes.

B. When I look through my own recipe for the perfect cup of tea, I find no fewer than eleven outstanding
points. On perhaps two of them there would be pretty general agreement, but at least four others are acutely

C. If you look up 'tea' in the first cookery book that comes to hand, you will probably find that it is
unmentioned; or at most you will find a few lines of sketchy instructions which give no ruling on several of the
most important points.

D. Anyone who has used that comforting phrase 'a nice cup of tea' invariably means Indian tea.

a) C b) B c) D d) A e) All fits to paragraph

436). A. The books that I have counted and priced are the ones I have here, in my flat. I have about an equal
number stored in another place, so that I shall double the final figure in order to arrive at the complete amount.

B. I have counted only those books which I have acquired voluntarily, or else would have acquired voluntarily,
and which I intend to keep.

C. I have not counted oddments such as proof copies, defaced volumes, cheap paper-covered editions,
pamphlets, or magazines, unless bound up into book form.

D. This idea that the buying, or even the reading, of books is an expensive hobby and beyond the reach of the
average person is so widespread that it deserves some detailed examination.

a) D b) B c) A d) C e) All fits to paragraph

437). A. During September of 1781, the combined land forces of Rochambeau and Washington marched south.

B. American forces marched over 200 miles in a period of about two weeks. The plan worked perfectly.

C. Rochambeau forces were always considered to be most powerful forces in America.

D. The plan was strictly confidential, and the generals kept their final destination secret from even the soldiers.

a) B b) D c) C d) A e) All fits to paragraph

438). A. Thomas Edison was born February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. | |
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B. At age 11, Edison moved to Michigan where he spent the remainder of his childhood.

C. Meanwhile, Edison married Mary Stillwell, had three children and moved his family to Menlo Park.

D. He was nicknamed “Al” at an early age.

a) D b) A c) B d) C e) None of these

439). A. Banks are places where people can keep their money.

B. Today, when a person earns money from their job, their paycheck is deposited (put) into their account.

C. Bank account are used to earn money by making fixed deposits.

D. Most people use banks to save money in their savings accounts and to pay money from their checking

a) A b) B c) D d) All fits to paragraph e) None of these

440). A. The United States is a large country. It is the third largest in the whole world!

B. Parts of the United States touch three different oceans.

C. United States is largest economy in the whole world!

D. It is located in a continent called North America.

a) D b) C c) A d) B e) All fits to paragraph

441). A. By Ptolemy V’s reign in 205 BC, Egypt was in open revolt and the Rosetta stone was one of many
that Ptolemy commissioned as a piece of political propaganda in 196 BC, to state publicly his claim to be the
rightful pharaoh of Egypt.

B. These Greek rulers could neither speak the language of the people nor read hieroglyphs, and this fuelled
resentment amongst the population.

C. Beginning with the conquest of Alexander the Great in 332 BC, Greek was the language of the governing
elite in Egypt.

D. Without the Rosetta stone, we would know nothing of the ancient Egyptians, and the details of their three
thousand years of history would remain a mystery.

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) All fits to paragraph

442). A. Cognitive science, however, tells us that students need to develop these different ways of thinking by
means of extended, focused mental effort.

B. No matter what happens in the relatively brief period students spend in the classroom, there is not enough
time to develop the long-term memory structures required for subject mastery. | |

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C. A traditional science instructor concentrates on teaching factual knowledge, with the implicit assumption
that expert-like ways of thinking about the subject are already present.

D. To ensure that the necessary extended effort is made, teachers need to engage students in thinking deeply
about the subject at an appropriate level, monitor that thinking and guide it to be more expert-like.

a) D b) B c) A d) C e) All fits to paragraph

443). A. What we call “fundamentalism” has always existed in a symbiotic relationship with a secularization
that is experienced as cruel, violent and invasive.

B. Historically, wherever secular governments were established to separate religion and politics, a counter-
cultural movement developed in response, determined to bring religion back into public life.

C. In the developing world, secularization usually came with colonial rule; it was hence seen as a foreign
import and rejected as profoundly unnatural.

D. All too often an aggressive secularism has pushed religion into a violent riposte.

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) All fits to paragraph

444). A. Besides generating buzz, a season-based reality show does as well as a top-five show in terms of

B. The key, then, is for channels to find bankable reality formats and milk them till the cows come home.

C. Then again, they have realized that the easier way to gain ad revenue to cover costs is by luring advertisers
to a fail-proof, steady-TRP format like reality TV.

D. The nearly 15% year-on-year rise in production cost levels for reality shows has networks rattled.

a) D b) A c) C d) B e) All fits to paragraph

445). A. Forecasts say that in just two years, the total quantum of e-waste generated around the world will be
50 million tonnes.

B. In China, for instance, 73.9 million computers, 0.25 billion mobile phones and 56.6 million televisions were
sold in 2011.

C. While Europe and North America are by far the largest producers of e-waste, Asia’s cities are fast catching
up as consumers of electronic goods and as generators of e-waste.

D. Close to 90 per cent of the world’s electronic waste — worth nearly $19 billion — is illegally traded or
dumped each year, to destinations half way across the world.

a) C b) D c) B d) A e) All fits to paragraph

446). A. In 400 BC, Leonidas' 300 Spartans died at Thermopylae in Greece while their countrymen vied at

B. Troops were forbidden to enter the sacred Olympic precinct; but they were there in 420 B.C. when a Spartan
attack was feared. Spartans had been banned from competing.

C. And yet, Spartan-like, America was represented at the Games while she was still fighting in Vietnam. | |
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D. Civilization has advanced since then and—commendably — Olympiads of 1916, 1940 and 1944 were
cancelled due to worldwide conflagration.

a) D b) B c) A d) C e) All fits to paragraph

447). A. Rowling’s declarations on Twitter on what she “always thought” of a particular character are not only
newsworthy, but a cause for pride.

B. Rowling seems eager to retain an influence on how we understand her books by revealing ostensibly new
information about her characters.

C. Rowling’s chances for being a diverse author lie in the future, not the past.

D. Whether these character points were announced to readers via Twitter or alluded to within the Potter books,
however, the meanings that we as a diverse international community of readers wishes to take from them trump
Rowling’s intentions as an author.

a) B b) D c) C d) A e) All fits to paragraph

448). A. Since birds are the modern descendants of dinosaurs, they are likely to have once had teeth instead of

B. However, 100 million years ago a diverse range of non-avian dinosaurs spouted all manner of plumage, and
like modern birds, doubtless made a great deal of use of them, even if they could not fly.

C. This fact became known way back in 1861 when paleontologists discovered a bird fossil, about 150 million
years old, now classified as Archaeopteryx, which had teeth.

D. Researchers have now published details of how avian edentulous occurred in one common bird ancestor
more than 100 million years ago.

a) D b) A c) B d) C e) None of these

449). A. Muhammad Ali’s rejection of the Vietnam War was thus a rejection of war itself as a viable means of
solving human problems, real or perceived.

B. In refusing the draft, Ali thus also refused to believe that national boundaries somehow categorically divided
human beings into “us” and “them”.

C. Violence is the tool of the hegemon; by eschewing it you are already challenging the means through which
hegemony is legitimized.

D. The best way to stand up to power and injustice is to be steadfast in your resistance while shunning violence.

a) A b) C c) D d) All fits to paragraph e) None of these

450). A. If we are not to make grievous mistakes in the name of good things such as fighting corruption or
tackling crime, then we, the people, must reflect.

B. The problem is not of manipulation or political ambition; it is the willingness with which otherwise sensible
citizens allow themselves to follow the Piper. | |

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C. If we realize that it is our sentiments that are disturbed, not our security, perhaps we will see the issue with
greater equanimity.

D. It is in the nature of democratic politics for ambitious politicians to use emotions to climb up the ladder of

a) D b) B c) A d) C e) All fits to paragraph

451). A. At one time in the history of education, one had to be wealthy to attend school.

B. At other times, women were kept from attending school, despite their standing in finances.

C. Financial aid was widely available to aid those less fortunate.

D. Today, this is not the case because school attendance is obligatory.

E. The law requires students who are between six and 16 years of age to attend school.

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) All fits to paragraph

452). A. A lot of energy is wasted because of poor infrastructure and lack of understanding of efficiency

B. The Environment Ministry’s proposal to prescribe energy-efficient temperature limits for air-conditioning
units in public facilities is promising.

C. It is possible, for instance, to adopt the Paris idea and ask all major buildings to incorporate solar panel
roofing or suitable green cover.

D. Equally, the Centre should conduct audit of public buildings to determine whether they are suitably
designed, as climate control relies as much on passive influences such as insulation, green roofing and the
nature of materials used in construction.

E. The continued success of the Montreal Protocol in its goal to eliminate HCFCs (Hydro chlorofluorocarbons)
by 2030 will depend on reducing the acquisition costs of cleaner technologies.

a) E b) B c) A d) C e) All fits to paragraph

453). A. The first test would be of the strength of bilateral U.S.-Japan ties on the watch of U.S. President
Donald Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

B. The launch seems timed to test the strategic fortitude and tactical capabilities of new relationships in the
broader power balance that reins in Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions.

C. North Korea’s provocative action of launching four missiles into the Sea of Japan a few hundred kilometres
from the Japanese coastline has triggered fears of renewed tension between nuclear-armed powers.

D. The commendable effort of the Six Party Talks to invest diplomatic currency in bringing Pyongyang back to
the negotiating table got derailed early on in President Barack Obama’s first term.

E. North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un had already given these two leaders a wake-up call when his
regime fired a medium-range missile last month.

a) A b) E c) C d) D e) B | |
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454). A. A frequently cited example of obliteration is the loss of ecology in Goa due to rampant, illegal mining.

B. Given the weak effort at forging a consensus, there is little purpose in the Centre returning to the drawing
board with another draft notification to identify ecologically sensitive areas.

C. Quite unscientifically, the issue is being framed as one of development-versus-conservation.

D. The idea that whatever is left of these fragile mountainous forests should be protected from unsustainable
exploitation in the interests of present and future generations, while presenting sustainable ways of living to the
communities that inhabit these landscapes, is being lost sight of.

E. The hesitation shown by the Central government in deciding upon full legal protection for one of its most
prized natural assets, the Western Ghats in their totality is a major disappointment.

a) D b) A c) E d) B e) None of these

455). A. Unlike earlier discoveries of exoplanets, all seven planets could possibly have liquid water — a key to
life as we know it on Earth — with three planets having the greatest chance.

B. This is by far the largest collection of Earth-like planets in the habitable ‘Goldilocks’ zone of a star —
neither too close nor too far from a star, which raises the possibility of liquid water being present on the surface.

C. Only Earth has liquid water in the solar system.

D. The quest to find life outside the solar system got a big boost with the discovery of seven Earth-size extra-
solar planets, or exoplanets, orbiting a dwarf star about 40 light years away.

E. Since the TRAPPIST-1 system is close by and the star is cool enough, it would be easier to decipher the
various critical features of the planets.

a) E b) C c) B d) A e) None of these

456). A. Therefore it is not very easy for someone to lose body fat and it can be very frustrating as well.

B. While dieting or losing weight, there are often times when we are tempted to eat things which we are not
supposed to eat.

C. Following a high-protein diet over a long period of time can cause considerable health problems.

D. However, many studies nowadays support the idea that while dieting one should allow him to eat once a
week whatever he desires.

E. It has been proved that this not only makes the dieter happy but also helps the person to continue his diet.

a) E b) B c) A d) C e) All fits to paragraph

457). A. Trouble started on Tuesday when members of the Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad, the student
organisation linked to the BJP, stormed Ramjas College to disrupt a seminar titled “Cultures of Protest”
organised by its English department and the literary society.

B. They focused attention on the participation of Umar Khalid, a student leader from Jawaharlal Nehru
University (JNU) who had been controversially booked for sedition last year in a particularly fraught
ideological stand-off between the establishment and the left-leaning JNU. | |

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C. Universities are arenas for intellectual evolution, they are meant to be spaces where discussion and debate
push boundaries, where students learn not only the art of provocation but also the argumentative skills to defend
and oppose such provocation.

D. A very uneasy calm was restored to the Delhi University’s North campus by Thursday, with anxiety still
gripping colleges and hostels after two days of violence.

E. They forced the cancellation of not just his session at Ramjas College but also what remained of the two-day

a) B b) D c) E d) A e) None of these

458). A. In the case of cardiac stents, this argument does not hold water since stakeholder consultations held by
the NPPA in January revealed that there are ‘huge unethical markups’ in the supply chain.

B. Rising costs have led to impoverishment of families and litigation demanding regulation.

C. It was estimated five years ago by the Planning Commission’s expert group on universal health coverage
that rising spending on public procurement of medicines to 0.5% of GDP (from 0.1%) would provide all
essential medicines to everyone.

D. Health-care providers often demand market-determined pricing of medical technologies on the ground that
newer ones will not be available under a regulated regime.

E. It would serve the cause of medical innovation if costing is transparent, and a system of risk pooling is
introduced to help patients get expensive treatment without high out-of-pocket spending.

a) D b) A c) B d) C e) None of these

459). A. Several studies show long-term evidence of a steady deterioration in air quality in many countries, and
South Asia, dominated by India, is today among the worst places to live.

B. The government has no one to blame but itself, since it has not been able to supply affordable seeder
machinery in sufficient numbers to eliminate the need to remove the straw.

C. Last year, helpless farmers in the northern States who wanted to quickly switch from rice to wheat burnt the
waste in the fields, in some cases defying local prohibitory orders.

D. Although the central role played by burning of crop residues in causing pollution is well-known, and the
Indian Agricultural Research Institute proposed steps to convert the waste into useful products such as enriched
fodder, biogas, bio-fuel, compost and so on, little progress has been made.

E. India’s clean-up priorities need to shift gear urgently, covering both farm and city.

a) B b) E c) D d) A e) None of these

460). A. If the newly elected leader of the AIADMK Legislature Party, Edappadi Palaniswami, is able to show
the support of at least 117 MLAs, he will have to be sworn in as Chief Minister.

B. Governor Ch. Vidyasagar Rao had held off inviting Ms. Sasikala to form the government despite her
demonstrating the support of a majority of the members of the legislature precisely because he anticipated such
a situation. | |

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C. Now, however, the options before him are a lot clearer.

D. Politically, this could not have come at a worse time for Ms. Sasikala, who was making a determined bid for
power, staking claim to form the government after displacing one-time loyalist O. Panneerselvam.

E . Corruption in high places is a malaise that is easy to diagnose but difficult to cure.

a) E b) B c) A d) C e) All fits to paragraph

461). A. Picking up where The Hands of History left off, Simon Hoggart’s brilliant new collection of
parliamentary sketches takes us from the dying days of Tony Blair’s leadership, through the shadow-filled days
of Gordon Brown and on to the utterly bewildering days of that comedy double-act Cameron and Clegg.

B. Above all, he gives us incisive and witty pen-portraits of those responsible for our plight: the belligerent
Brown, the unintelligible Prescott, the slippery Cameron and the bemused Miliband.

C. He is a striking representative of a great British tradition, of something we do well, and where he stands with
his own heroes, George Cruikshank and Thomas Rowlandson.

D. He charts the events that made the news, the fauxpas that should have, and the myriad mistakes that have
landed us all where we are now.

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) All fits to paragraph

462). A. Often, those who settled abroad was classified as selfish and self-serving, betraying the homeland.

B. Even in the West, all that we seem to be aware of, and revel in, are the Indians who have made good, not the
many more working at low-end jobs or in the shadowy grey market.

C. Now, not only are they more valued but it is their intellectual labour which defines research fashion and

D. Be it literature or films, social science theorizing or managerial/entrepreneurial models – experience abroad

is valorized and sought to be transplanted back home.

a) C b) D c) A d) B e) All fits to paragraph

463). A. For this was Dickens with the laughter taken out.

B. That Great Expectations achieves its seriousness of purpose by sometimes comic means, that the language
bursts with life, that its gusto leaves you breathless and its shame makes the pages curl, that you are implicated
in every act of physical and emotional cruelty to the point where you don’t know who’s the more guilty, you or
Pip, you or Orlick, you or Magwitch, goes without saying if you are a reader of Dickens.

C. But you would never have guessed any of these things from the BBC’s adaptation.

D. We must guess that the BBC is embarrassed by the eccentricity of the writing, the hyperbole of the
characterization, the wild marginalia, and the lunatic flights of fancy?

a) C b) B c) A d) All fits to paragraph e) None of the above

464). A. Doing research is essentially like solving a puzzle.

B. Puzzles have rules and predetermined solutions | |
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C. Research involves extrapolating knowledge to newer territories and unforeseen challenges.

D. A striking feature of doing research is that the aim is to discover what is known in advance.

a) A b) C c) B d) D e) None of the above

465). A. Taking his own ignorance as a given, his style of dogged questioning of every certainty and his huge
influence over the youths of Athens led to his trial, his defiant comment that “the unexamined life is not worth
living for a human being”, and ultimately to his execution by hemlock.

B. Socrates established a method of probing into the eternal questions of existence and morality by relentless
inquiry and debate.

C. His demeanour is gentle and slow, but his endless questioning of moral norms puts him in direct conflict
with authority.

D. Socrates is never mentioned in this book and it’s not necessary to know anything about him, but the parallels
are obvious.

a) C b) B c) D d) All fits to paragraph e) None of the above

466). A. Our culture is full of assumptions and stereotypes about how the mind works, perhaps none so
enduring as the legend of the “tortured artist”.

B. However, while the final verdict is still out on the issue, both the folk and the scientific evidence provide
tantalizing clues that this legend may be fact.

C. The image is durable, but science has not yet been able to conclusively verify or disprove it.

D. Science stamps natural phenomena with a systemic form, and its theories with a natural inevitability.

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) All fits to the paragraph

467). A. For me paper wealth and tangible wealth amount to the same thing.

B. If I get more money, I have more wealth because I can spend the money for other things — real things.

C. But if we all get more money overnight, as in a shower of money from helicopters, only our paper wealth
increases; our collective tangible wealth doesn’t change because there aren’t more things to buy with the
additional money.

D. If it did, the government could cure poverty and increase nation’s wealth simply by printing more money.

a) C b) B c) D d) All fits to paragraph e) None of the above

468). A. At other times it is the repetitiveness more than the variability of the names that makes them seem less
than distinctive, an impression sometimes heightened by their transparent meaning.

B. The heroines of two different myths may have the same name, while the heroine in two versions of the same
myth will have a different name.

C. This apparent contradiction reflects the two poles of the heroine’s situation: to be little more than a name in
a genealogy, or to be distinct, to suffer, sometimes even to achieve immortality. | |

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D. On the other hand, a few of the most familiar figures have names that are significant and distinctive.

a) D b) C c) B d) All fits to paragraph e) None of the above

469). A. More specifically, it is human beings alone who operate in their everyday activities with an
understanding of Being and are able to reflect upon what it means to be.

B. But to think of Being in this way would be to commit the very mistake that the capitalization is supposed to
help us avoid.

C. If we look around at beings in general-from particles to planets, ants to apes-it is human beings alone who
are able to encounter the question of what it means to be.

D. This gives us a way of understanding statements such as “Dasein is ontically distinguished by the fact that,
in its very Being, that Being is an issue for it.”

a) B b) C c) A d) D e) None of the above

470). A. a. As far as we know, death is a great emptiness for us-a threshold beyond which we can directly
perceive nothing.

B. Such a threshold is inseparable from the sacred, which aids us in our struggles to reconcile our inherent
limitedness with our convictions.

C. Nevertheless, that which is beyond the threshold of death is unavailable to us in any direct or unmediated

D. Granted, we readily project our fantasies into, and live out of faiths in relation to this void.

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) All fits to the paragraph

471). A. New technologies of various kinds, together with globalization, are powerfully affecting the range of
employment options for individuals in advanced and developing countries alike – and at various levels of

B. From recent research, we have learned a number of interesting things about how the evolution of economic
structure affects employment.

C. How, then, should policymakers confront the new and difficult challenges for employment especially in
developed economies?

D. Technological innovations are not only reducing the number of routine jobs, but also causing changes in
global supply chains and networks that result in the relocation of routine jobs – and, increasingly, non-routine
jobs at multiple skill levels – in the tradable sector of many economies.

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) All fits to paragraph

472). A. Not long ago the world’s main worry was that people had too little to eat.

B. In an age of plenty, individuals have the luxury of eating what they like.

C. Persuading children to eat vegetables is hardly a new struggle, nor would it seem to rank high on the list of
global priorities. | |

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D. Yet America, for its entire libertarian ethos, is now worrying about how its citizens eat and how much
exercise they take.

a) B b) D c) A d) C e) None of the above

473). A. Among the many new gadgets unveiled at the recent Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas was a
pair of smart phones able to exchange data using light.

B. Using light offers the possibility of breaking out of this conundrum by exploiting a completely different part
of the electromagnetic spectrum, one that is already ubiquitous because it is used for another purpose:

C. These phones, as yet only prototypes from Casio, a Japanese firm, transmit digital signals by varying the
intensity of the light given off from their screens.

D. The flickering is so slight that it is imperceptible to the human eye, but the camera on another phone can
detect it at a distance of up to ten meters.

a) C b) D c) A d) B e) All fits to paragraph

474). A. A thorough understanding of what civilization and culture are requires knowledge of all the qualities
that make up human nature and a full understanding of world history.

B. To be truly world history, an account of the past must not only retell what happened but must also relate
events and people to each other.

C. It must inquire into causes and effects.

D. It must try to discern false hood in the old records, such as attempts of kings to make themselves look better
than they really were.

a) A b) C c) B d) D e) None of the above

475). A. Since our economy is heavily dependent on cash, demonetisation has caused a lot of problems and
imbalance in the functioning of the nation.

B. The effects are more severe as only less than half the population uses banking system for monetary

C. The aim of demonetisation was to free the society of black money and make the terrorists powerless who
had entered our country.

D. Demonetisation has hit trade and consumption hard and has severely affected the wages and income of huge
masses of people.

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) All fits to the paragraph

476). A. The rapid shrinkage of Arctic ice cover is one of the most dramatic changes in nature currently
occurring anywhere on the planet, with profound environmental and economic implications.

B. There are several oil-related environmental risks specific to the Arctic Ocean. | |

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C. The once fabled northeast and northwest passages will reduce shipping times and costs by as much as half,
bringing China and Japan much closer to Europe and North America’s east coast.

D. We stand to lose one of the Earth’s largest and most significant ecosystems.

a) C b) D c) A d) All fits to paragraph e) None of the above

477). A. NASA could design another rover, equipped with all sorts of life-hunting instrumentation, only to find
it is taking the wrong measurements with the wrong detectors.

B. The reason scientists favour a sample return mission is that they do not know exactly what they are looking

C. Lunar rocks and soil were sealed in bags and only opened in airtight laboratories.

D. Martian life, for example, could come in many different guises and using equipment designed to detect life
on Earth, may not pick it up on Mars.

a) A b) B c) C d) D e) All fits to the paragraph

478). A. In these centuries, there were important advances in the aesthetics of nature, including the emergence
of the concepts of disinterestedness and the picturesque, as well as the introduction of the idea of positive

B. Although environmental aesthetics has developed as a sub-field of philosophical aesthetics only in the last
40 years, it has historical roots in eighteenth and nineteenth-century aesthetics.

C. Thus, by the end of the eighteenth century, there were three clearly distinct ideas each focusing on different
aspects of nature’s diverse and often contrasting moods.

D. These notions continue to play a role in contemporary work in environmental aesthetics, especially in the
context of its relationship to environmentalism.

a) C b) B c) D d) All fits to paragraph e) None of the above

479). A. Drugs with serious adverse safety profiles are used to treat potentially fatal conditions – including
various forms of cancer, inflammatory arthritis, and HIV – because they ultimately help more than they hurt.

B. Moreover, drug safety is a leading factor in determining how medicines are regulated.

C. Rather than assess a medicine’s safety in isolation, its adverse effects must be considered in relation to its

D. In other words, a benefit-risk balance must be struck.

a) A b) D c) C d) B e) All fits to the paragraph

480). A. For better or worse, youth brands have lost the fear of alienating people who are not the core

B. The ’91 and later generations have grown up with a far wider and more global set of influences.

C. Or at least expect them to take a lot more ribbing without complaining. | |

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D. These ads are early signs of the clash between the pre and post liberalization generations.

a) C b) D c) A d) All fits to paragraph e) None of the above

481). A. As unemployment has risen throughout the world, governments have become more focused on
protecting their own industries than on promoting international commerce.

B. The US, though typically an enthusiastic supporter of open markets, included flailing “buy American”
clauses in its stimulus package and propped up its failing auto industry with handouts.

C. But according to the Asian Development Bank (ADB), in the part of the world that was hit hardest by the
trade crash – Asia – the number of Free-Trade Agreements (FTAs) signed by Asian countries has grown from
just three in 2000 to 56 by the end of August 2009.

D. Nineteen of those FTAs are among 16 Asian economies, a trend that could help the region become a
powerful trading bloc.

E. When there is a free trade agreement it makes it a lot easier for countries to deal with each other and work
out good deals.

a) A b) B c) D d) E e) All fits to the paragraph

482). A. A decade after the devastating tsunami on December 26, 2004, that killed more than 2 lakh people

B. This change in governance distinguished UNESCO from its predecessor, the CICI, in how member states
would work together in the organization's fields of competence.

C. 14 countries and leveled entire towns and villages, is the world, and India, where 12,000 people died, better
prepared to deal with a crisis of that magnitude?

D. In a heartening departure from the usual story of benign government neglect that characterizes long – term
responses to such events, indications are that some lessons have indeed been learnt.

E. Ten years on, and not without some finger – pointing and political jockeying, the multilateral, UNESCO –
supported Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System has established a network of seismometers,
tidal gauges and tsunami buoys to detect undersea tremors.

a) C b) A c) E d) D e) B

483). A. “In the absence of data, there are only two options: you can stay with existing structures and forecast
them or, as a lot of people have done, make assumptions about what the structures are.

B. That India’s economic momentum has slowed down is now beyond doubt.

C. Advance GDP estimates and gross value added (GVA) for the current fiscal year from the Central Statistics
Office clearly reveals the extent of the slowdown.

D. While GDP growth is now pegged at 7.1 per cent, compared with a 7.6 per cent pace in 2015-16, GVA is
forecast to expand at 7 per cent this year, easing from the 7.2 per cent posted 12 months earlier. | |

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E. And as the Chief Statistician emphasized, these projections were based solely on data from the first seven
months through October and do not factor in the impact from the withdrawal of high-value banknotes and the
consequent cash crunch.

a) A b) B c) D d) E e) All fits to the paragraph

484). A. The move to make New Delhi’s iconic Connaught Place a pedestrian zone from February, and keeps
out cars and other vehicles from its middle and inner circle roads; during a three-month trial programme is an
inspiring attempt to reconquer public space.

B. Urban design in India is the preserve of State governments and local bodies, which have failed spectacularly
to provide a safe, comfortable and accessible experience for walkers.

C. The pilot project in the national capital represents a refreshing change, taking a leaf out of the book of global
cities that have pedestrianised their landmarks, often in the face of conservative opposition.

D. Prominent examples are Times Square in New York and the route along the Seine in Paris, and the curbs on
cars in central avenue in Madrid.

E. Contrary to apprehensions that restrictions affect commercial activity, the experience around the world has
been quite the opposite: better walking and public transport infrastructure and availability of food plazas attract
more people, improving the local economy.

a) C b) A c) E d) B e) All fits to the paragraph

485). A. The assault on the purity of the environment is the price that we pay for many of the benefits of
modern technology.

B. If global warming is your issue, and then pushes to make plants that remove CO2 from the environment
better than anything nature has produced so far.

C. For the advantage of automotive transportation we pay a price in smog-induced diseases; for the powerful
effects of new insecticides, we pay a price in dwindling wildlife and disturbances in the relation of living things
and their surroundings; for nuclear power, we risk the biological hazards of radiation.

D. By increasing agricultural production with fertilizers, we worsen water population.

E. The highly developed nations of the world are not only the immediate beneficiaries of the good that
technology can do that are also the first victims of environmental diseases that technology breeds.

a) A b) B c) D d) E e) All fits to the paragraph

486). A. There was a marked difference of quality between the personages who haunted near bridge of brick
and the personages who haunted the far one of stone.

B. Those of lowest character preferred the former, adjoining the town; they did not mind the glare of the public

C. They had been of no account during their successes; and though they might feel dispirited, they had no sense
of shame in their ruin. | |

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D. Those who, while they disapprove of the character and measures of a administration, yield to it their
allegiance and support are undoubtedly its most conscientious supporters, and so frequently the most serious
obstacles to reform.

E. Instead of sighing at their adversaries they spat, and instead of saying the iron had entered into their souls
they said they were down in their luck.

a) C b) B c) D d) E e) All fits to the paragraph

487). A. Two were reading different sections of a newspaper while Roger was stirring his coffee and chatting,
although no one seemed to be listening.

B. The casual horrors and real disasters are thrown at newspaper reader without discrimination.

C. In the contemporary arrangements for circulating the news, an important element, evaluation is always weak
and often wanting entirely.

D. There is no point anywhere along the line somewhere someone put his foot down for certain and says, "This
is important and that does not amount to row of beans; deserves no one’s attention, and should travel the wires
no farther".

E. The junk is dressed up to look as meaningful as the real news.

a) A b) B c) D d) E e) All fits to the paragraph

488). A. Modern economies do not differentiate between renewable and non-renewable materials, as its
method is to measures everything by means of a money price.

B. Thus, taking various alternatives fuels, like coal, oil, wood or water power: the only difference between them
recognized by modern economics is relative cost per equivalent unit.

C. When energy is produced by the sun and it can easily be recreated, this is an example of renewable energy.

D. The cheapest is automatically the one to be preferred, as to do otherwise would be irrational and

E. From a Buddhist point of view of course this will not do, the essential difference between non-renewable
fuels like coal and oil on the one hand and renewable fuels like wood and water power on the other cannot be
simply overlooked.

a) A b) B c) C d) E e) All fits to the paragraph

489). A. The Indian middle class consist of so many strata that it defines categorization under a single term
class, which would imply a considerable degree of homogeneity.

B. Corruption is a poison which has been spread in the mind of wrong people of the society, community and

C. Yet two paradoxical features characterize its conduct fairly uniformly; extensive practice and intensive
abhorrence of corruption.

D. In the several recent surveys of popular perceptions of corruptions, politicians of course invariably and
understandably top the list, closely followed by bureaucrats, policemen, lawyers, businessmen and others. | |
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E. The quintessential middle class. If teachers do not figure high on this priority list, it is not for lack of trying,
but for lack of opportunities.

a) C b) B c) D d) E e) All fits to the paragraph

490). A. Soft bodied animals like caterpillars often fall a prey to voracious hunters like birds or reptiles.

B. Despite having no means to 'actively' defend them, with weapons like claws or jaws, they have nevertheless,
evolved other equally effective deterrents.

C. A particular species of the caterpillar lives at an altitude over 2.500 metres in the Himalayas.

D. It uses prominent colour to inform would be predators of its in edibility.

E. Butterfly wings are amazingly fragile, yet also incredibly strong, thin as tissue; these wings carry the
butterfly on flights of thousands of miles.

a) A b) E c) C d) D e) All fits to the paragraph

491). A. To gain some perspective on the Centre’s decision to divest 25% of its stake in five public sector
general insurers, consider these numbers.

B. Last year, the gross premium income of four of these companies - New India Assurance, United India
Insurance, Oriental Insurance and National Insurance - increased by over 12%.

C. The companies whose stake would be offloaded, as per stock market watchdog Securities and Exchange
Board of India’s listing norms, are The New India Assurance Company, United India Insurance Company,
Oriental Insurance Company, National Insurance Company, and General Insurance Corporation of India.

D. But their profits after tax fell by more than half from a year earlier, from Rs.3,094 crore in 2014-15 to just
Rs.1,499 crore in 2015-16.

E. A closer scrutiny reveals that high underwriting losses, which increased 55% in the year, were largely
responsible for profits falling at these firms even as revenues rose.

492). A. The world has turned the page on 2016 with the worrying revelation that it was the warmest year on
the instrumental record since the late 19th century, and the hottest of three record-breaking years in a row.

B. While the rise in global average surface temperature by about 1.1º C last year over the pre-industrial era was
aggravated by the El Nino phenomenon of 2015-16, the trend is a warning to all countries that they cannot
afford to rely on carbon-intensive growth any longer.

C. Explaining the scientific view, NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies points to the rise in temperature
as being driven “largely by increased carbon dioxide and other human-made emissions into the atmosphere.”

D. The global average temperature last year was 1.69°Fahrenheit (0.94°C. above the 20th century average, and
0.07°F (0.04°C. warmer than in 2015, the last record-setting year, according to NOAA. A separate analysis by
the U.S. space agency NASA also found that 2016 was the hottest on record.

E. The warming pattern must be seen in the context of declining sea ice cover in the Arctic, compounding the
loss of ice sheets in Greenland and the Antarctic. | |

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493). A. Mr. Obama said on Wednesday that he granted clemency to Ms. Manning because she had gone to
trial, taken responsibility for her crime and received a sentence that was harsher than other leakers have

B. Chelsea Manning, the American whistle-blower slapped with a 35-year sentence for leaking classified State
Department documents to the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks, has had her sentence commuted by the outgoing
President, Barack Obama.

C. Earlier known as Bradley, she has gender dysphoria, is undergoing hormone therapy for gender
reassignment, and has twice attempted suicide while being held at a men’s prison.

D. She has served more than six years of her sentence and, assuming Mr. Obama’s commutation is
implemented, could hope to be freed by May 2017.

E. Even as White House officials underscored that the 44th President had commuted the sentence, not pardoned
her, and thus had not removed a federal crime from her record, Mr. Obama insisted that “justice has been

494). A. The Tamil Nadu government may have had few political options but to go in for an ordinance to
facilitate the conduct of jallikattu once the surge in popular sentiment in favour of the traditional bull-taming
sport gathered an enormous, unstoppable momentum.

B. The State amendment to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, seeks to exempt jallikattu from the
purview of the law.

C. With the implacable mass movement demanding a legal solution to overcome the judicial ban on jallikattu
on the one side, and related litigation pending in the Supreme Court on the other, there was little that the Union
government could have done on its own.

D. For the Centre to bring in an amendment would have incurred the wrath of the Supreme Court, which stayed
a January 2016 notification and will rule on its validity soon.

E. Youths protesting at Tamukkam ground here are determined to continue with their agitation till permanent
measures for the regular conduct of jallikattu are taken.

495). A. President Xi Jinping’s message to the World Economic Forum in Davos was timely and perhaps
visionary as well, in this time of extraordinary global uncertainty.

B. There is "no point in blaming economic globalisation for the world's problems," he said, saying that the
process was not at the root of the Syrian refugee situation or the 2008 financial crisis.

C. It is no surprise if, as in the case of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s potential leadership of the Western
alliance, questions have arisen at this juncture about Mr. Xi’s willingness to take up cudgels on behalf of
broader internationalism and against the rising tide of inward-looking nationalism.

D. His address at the opening plenary before captains of business and industry could not have been a more
robust and reassuring defence of the current world economic order, perceived to be at its most fragile in the
post-War era with the election of Donald Trump as U.S. President.

E. Foremost is Mr. Xi’s caution against attempts to prevent the free flow of goods, services, capital and people
as running counter to the historical trend. | |

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496). A. The split, and the retention of the election symbol, appear to have compensated in some measure for
the party’s failings on the governance front over the last five years.

B. Mr. Akhilesh Yadav is now able to seek a fresh mandate on his own terms; moreover, he can, with some
degree of credibility, blame the shortcomings on the party’s old guard.

C. Also, an alliance with the Congress is now very much within the realm of possibility.

D. The Election Commission on Monday allotted the “bicycle” symbol to the Akhilesh faction of the
Samajwadi Party as the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister enjoyed majority in the party’s organisational and
legislative structures.

E. Mr. Mulayam Singh was averse to a tie-up, but Mr. Akhilesh Yadav seems to enjoy a better rapport with the
Congress leadership.

497). A. The suspense over the timing of the Union Budget for 2017-18 finally ended on Monday with the
Election Commission and the Supreme Court scotching calls, in the light of upcoming elections for five State
Assemblies, to defer the February 1 date proposed by the Centre.

B. The NDA government has been keen to abandon the tradition of presenting the next financial year’s Budget
on the last working day of February, citing the potential benefits for the economy from faster spending of the
approved public expenditure.

C. With a February-end Budget, transmission of funds, and thereby meaningful implementation, seldom starts
before June, by which time the monsoon sets in.

D. This leaves just about two quarters to spend a whole year’s funding for projects involving physical
infrastructure capacity-creation, for instance.

E. Noting that there is “nothing concrete” to back the notion that presentation of the annual budget can sway the
minds of people during the State Assembly polls, the Supreme Court on Monday dismissed a petition seeking
the postponement of the Central budget till the Assembly elections in five States.

498). A. Everybody loves a good protest — an orderly, self-limiting protest at iconic landmarks organised with
state sanction and police protection.

B. But what began as a people’s protest on Chennai’s Marina beach against the ban on jallikattu quickly
descended into chaos and confusion when the protesters stood their ground even after the government came up
with a practical, legislative solution to the judiciary-imposed prohibition of the annual bull-taming ritual.

C. As the police resorted to force, violence broke out in several parts of Tamil Nadu.

D. Unfortunately, some in the police not only used excessive force but also tried to match the rioters in
lawlessness by attacking two-wheelers and setting fire to auto rickshaws.

E. The State prepared itself for a shutdown on Friday as trade unions, traders, hoteliers and others in the service
sector announced a dawn-to-dusk bandh in support.

499). A. The number of unemployed people in India is expected to rise by 1 lakh in 2017 and another 2 lakh in
2018, according to the International Labour Organisation (ILO). | |

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B. The mismatch between the number of people who annually reach working age and the availability of jobs
has been a matter of constant concern globally during the better part of the period since the global financial
crisis of the last decade.

C. The International Labour Organisation’s latest forecast that a few more millions are set to join the pool of
the jobless during this year and the next, is in line with its own previous estimates.

D. In any case, with the growth in global gross domestic product registering a six-year low in 2016,
expectations of generation of new jobs were always going to be low.

E. But a no-less-serious concern in the ‘World Employment and Social Outlook 2017’ pertains to the stubborn
challenge of reducing the extent of vulnerability that currently affects about 42 per cent of the total working

500). A. That India’s economic momentum has slowed down is now beyond doubt.

B. Advance GDP estimates and gross value added (GVA. for the current fiscal year from the Central Statistics
Office clearly reveal the extent of the slowdown.

C. India’s gross domestic output is expected to grow at a slower pace of 7.1 per cent in 2016-17 compared to
the 7.6 per cent clocked in the previous year, Chief Statistician TCA Anant said.

D. While GDP growth is now pegged at 7.1 per cent, compared with a 7.6 per cent pace in 2015-16, GVA is
forecast to expand at 7 per cent this year, easing from the 7.2 per cent posted 12 months earlier.

E. And as the Chief Statistician emphasised, these projections were based solely on data from the first seven
months through October and do not factor in the impact from the withdrawal of high-value banknotes and the
consequent cash crunch.

Direction (401 to 500): V. Odd One Out: Answers with Explanation:

401). Answer: e)

Option e) (Sentence E) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are present some facts
and data about post demonetization. But option e) does not fit since it explains about the opposition by
politicians against demonetization.

402). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph since all the other sentences are explains
about the ageing and 65+ aged citizen's living in Japan; But option d) is explaining about Tama, a city in Japan.

403). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it is explaining about the
demonetization and its situation in future; while others are explaining about questioning the RBI governor and
other officials about demonetization and the possible ways to give answer for those questions and also about the
quiz on these questions.

404). Answer: a) | |

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Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explain about the
South Africa and its education system. But option b) talks about GDP of South Africa and need to utilize its

405). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others explain about the foreign aid such as
GDP on international assistance and backbench Conservatives of Britain. But option c) is logically incorrect
because it talks about political stability due to which Britain became the world leader.

406). Answer: a)

Option a) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it explains about innovative efforts
by technology firms to compete in marketplace; while others are explaining about fastest growing economies,
online purchases, potential benefit of using technology, e-commerce and dynamic approach to competition

407). Answer: e)

Option e) (i.e. statement B) is not belong to the paragraph since others are explaining about significance of
Organic composting, recycling of organic component and inorganic waste by Govt. & NGO, windrows method,
the inefficient segregation of inorganic waste. But statement C is explaining about the Govt. which needs to
understand the importance of Composting.

408). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about the test tube
baby technique and the problem faced to implement the technique. But option c) does not fit since it explains
about the legal questions regarding the definition of parenthood and penalties.

409). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explain about the
Internet users around the world, percentage of adult users and influence of smart phones. But option b) talks
about service providers and their reach in rural interiors.

410). Answer: a)

Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others explain about the Whatsapp digital
payment in India by introduction of wallet. But option a) is logically incorrect because it talks about the internet
and mobile-phone penetration in Indians.

411). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it speaks of the critical reception
and praising of authors of the book; while the other sentences speak of the ‘TROPIC OF CANCER’ novel and
its contents.

412). Answer: e)

Option e) is correct answer since all the sentences are fit to the theme of the paragraph and explains about
different words which are meaningless under art criticism and literary criticism. | |

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413). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it says the truth about atrocities is
far worse than that they are lied about. But nowhere in the passage we see that the atrocities are lied about;
while the author says that he has little direct evidence on atrocities in Spanish, he further comes to add what
impressed him then, and still impresses now and believes and disbelieves of atrocities.

414). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explain about the
physical feature of ant such as antibiotic “cocktail” and epidemics of Ants. But option b) talks about sensing
feature of ant such as sense of smell and others.

415). Answer: a)

Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others explain about the Legislative laws
for marriage and its rules, also describes about miscegenation laws in US. But option a) is logically incorrect
because it talks about the impact of separation and not the legislative laws, and is hence not in coherence with
the rest of the paragraph, although it speaks of the same subject matter.

416). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it is contrary to theme of the
paragraph; while others are explaining about what are “earworms” and their uniqueness.

417). Answer: e)

Option e) is the correct answer since all the sentences are fit to the theme of the paragraph and explains about a
person who is affected by malnutrition and also gives other information such as work, behavior.

418). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about the writer’s
comment about a whole section of his book. But option c) does not fit since it explains about the book which
does not fit to any category and having no relation with other three sentences.

419). Answer: a)

Option a) is not belong to the paragraph since others are explaining about the development of environmental
aesthetics, its roots in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the emergence of the concepts of
disinterestedness and the picturesque in these centuries and how these concepts still influence. But statement C
talks about end of eighteenth century and nature’s diverse which doesn’t fit to the theme of the paragraph.

420). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it is explaining abruptly about going
online without any interest in buying. It is disconnected from the other three sentences; while others refer to the
activities which are frequently outsourced now – a – days and doing in effective manner will increase their

421). Answer: b) | |

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Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explains about something that
exists in England but has not been given a name, also there is something more that exists but has not been given
a name, then the naming process happens and also about ‘nationalism’. But option b) does not fit since it
explains about the ‘nationalists’.

422). Answer: e)

Option e) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it is explaining about British who
makes use of Gandhi; while others are explaining about broad idea and speaks about saints, the questions to be
asked in Gandhi’s case, way to answer those questions and also about his auto - biography.

423). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it is explaining about some facts
related to Poem; while others are explaining about the literary programs which are instituted for broadcasting
the essential literary points.

424). Answer: e)

Option e) is the correct answer since all the given sentences are fit to the theme of the paragraph and explains
about the person named Dickens who was compared with Charles Reade and describing about character,
behavior and work of Dickens.

425). Answer: a)

Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others explain about Jews in British and
about their information such as employment, dominance over British. But option a) is logically incorrect
because it talks about war which encouraged the growth of anti-Semitism.

426). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it talks about drugs and its cost in
favour of investors.; while others speaks that drugs should be sold at low cost and reasons behind that.

427). Answer: c)

Option c) is not belong to the paragraph since others are explaining about the transparency in details of elected
representative such as their expense, asset, and family details. But statement E is explaining about the terms of
Assemblies to hold simultaneous elections.

428). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about the corruption
in toll booths and way to use technology in eradicating corruption. But option c) does not fit since it explains
about the system for monitoring traffic offences.

429). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explain about the
charity which is not the only way to eradicate poverty and our responsibility to that. But option d) talks about
beginning of Charity and also it is a proverb.

430). Answer: a) | |
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Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others speaks about India which is unstable
destination and boosting the investment climate, also about capacity of India and the global perception. But
option a) is logically incorrect because it talks about the different eras in which India lived.

431). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are describing what
is common between chimpanzees and human species and yet how different they are. So option b) has to be
eliminated as it talks of predated stone tools and its appearance and has no connection with this theme.

432). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explain about the
Reliance Industries (RIL) and its profit and fall percentage and also describes the reason to fall. But option d)
has to be eliminated as it talks of things that are produced by RIL and also about its investors.

433). Answer: a)

Option a) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it is explaining about the ‘dislike of
Dickens’, which is nowhere mentioned in the passage; while others are explaining only about the introductions
to the Everyman Edition of Dickens's works by Chesterton, turning of Dickens’ into a Marxist revolutionary,
claims by Marxist and Catholic and about the edition, “THE CRICKET ON THE HEARTH” which gives
details of Dickens's 'middle-class sentimentality'.

434). Answer: e)

Option e) (Sentence B) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are
speak about Germany and German cities. But option e) talks about European cities.

435). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others explain about not mentioning about
Tea in first cookery book, fond of tea among civilization of various countries and also our own recipe for
perfect cup of Tea. But option c) is logically incorrect because it talks of comforting phrase about Indian Tea.

436). Answer: a)

Option a) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it explains about buying the books;
while others are explaining about counting of books.

437). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it is explaining about Rochambeau
which is one of the forces in America; while others talks about the confidential plan which is executed by
combined land forces of Rochambeau.

438). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about the childhood
life of Thomas Edison and about his nick names. But option d) does not fit since it explains about the life of
Thomas Edison after his marriage. | |

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439). Answer: e)

Option e) (i.e. statement C) is not belong to the paragraph since others are explaining about the money that
earned by individual and the deposit in bank account. But statement C talks of money that we will get from
bank as interest which doesn’t fit to the theme of the paragraph.

440). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it is explaining about the economy
status of America; while others explains about the America by its area, continent and touching the ocean.

441). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it is explaining about the Rosetta
Stone and knowledge in ancient Egyptians; while others refer to the fact that Greek was the language of the
governing elite, hinting that the language of the governed was something else and also says that “Greek rulers
could neither speak the language of the people” which is elaborating on the same theme. Though both sentence
A and D are talking about Rosetta Stone, there is a link between B and A as well. B talks of fueling resentment
while A elaborates on this by stating “Egypt was in open revolt”.

442). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explain about the
Cognitive science which is used in developing ways of thinking of students, also for extended & focused mental
effort, teaching method of traditional science instructor in improving way of thinking and the necessary of
extended effort. But option b) has to be eliminated as it talks of “long term memory structure” which is not
explained by any of the other sentences.

443). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it is explaining about the
Secularization that came with colonial rule and rejected in the developing world which is linking secularism
with colonial rule; while others are explaining only about the secularism and fundamentalism – i.e., co –
existence of Fundamentalism and secularization which was also seen as violent, cruel and invasive, the
“Aggressive” secularism that instigates a violent reply from religion and also about an attempt which was made
to separate religion and politics.

444). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explain about the
year-on-year increase in production costs for reality shows which has rattled networks, realizing the easy way
to gain ad revenue by luring advertisers to reality TV and also about bankable reality formats for channels. But
option b) talks about generation of buzz and how well a reality show does in terms of viewership.

445). Answer: a)

Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others explain about the amount of e-waste
around the world, largest producers of e-waste and how Asian cities catching up and also giving the example of
China which is a huge consumer of electronic goods also generator of e-waste. But option a) is logically
incorrect because it talks about illegal dumping of e-waste, which does not fit in with the rest. | |

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446). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it explains about troops which were
not allowed in the Olympic precinct as war with Sparta was thought to be imminent and also provides an
example of an exception made to the Olympic rules at a time war was expected; while others are explaining
about warring countries that still competing at the Olympic Games and compares America to Sparta and
cancellation of Olympiads in 1926, 1940 and 1944 due to world wars and also about Spartans who were at war
with Greece and dying, some of their countrymen were competing at that time at the Olympia.

447). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it is explaining about the Rowling’s
declarations on characters as being newsworthy and a cause for pride; while others refer to the wishes of
Rowling to influence how readers understand her books by revealing new information about her characters,
Rowling’s alluding to the characters in her books and also states that the international community of readers
draws from the books trump or prevail over Rowling’s intentions as an author.

448). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about the birds in
modern descendants of dinosaurs, about their teeth which became known in 1861 with the discovery of
Archaeopteryx, also about the fact of birds once had teeth and about researchers who have discovered that avian
edentulous, or loss of teeth, occurred in one common bird ancestor 100 million years ago. But option c) does
not fit since it explains about the non-avian dinosaurs which sprouted feathers 100 million years ago.

449). Answer: e)

Option e) (i.e. statement B) is not belong to the paragraph since others are explaining about the rejection of the
war Ali showed that he believed that war could not solve human problems, shunning of violence while standing
up to injustice and also about violence that is used to legitimize hegemony or dominance. But statement B talks
of a completely new idea - of national boundaries dividing humans into opposing factions which doesn’t fit to
the theme of the paragraph.

450). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it is explaining about the specific
“issue” that the rest of the sentences cannot explain i.e, about our sentiments and the issue of greater
equanimity; while others refer to the grievous mistakes in the name of good things such as fighting corruption
or tackling crime, willingness with sensible citizens in case of manipulation or political ambition and also about
nature of democratic politics.

451). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about history of
education, women’s situation regarding education apart from finance and also about the law and attendance of
school. But option c) does not fit since it explains about the financial aid and fortunate.

452). Answer: e) | |

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Option e) is the answer since all the sentence are fit to the theme of the paragraph and explains about method to
prescribe energy – efficient temperature, wastage of energy, poor infrastructure, idea of Paris in solar panel
concept, climate control and elimination of HCFC by Montreal protocol.

453). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it is explaining about the effort of
six – party and investment of diplomatic currency; while others are explaining about triggering of four missiles
by North Korea into the sea of Japan, strengthening of bilateral US – Japan ties by missile test, balancing power
by the bilateral relation which reins ambition of Pyongyang and also about the wakeup call by Kim Jong - Un.

454). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explain about the
hesitation of the central govt. in protecting the Western Ghats, the importance of mountains for future
generation, the issue with respect to development and conversation and also giving notification to identify
ecologically sensitive areas. But option b) talks about loss of ecology in Goa due to some factors.

455). Answer: a)

Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others explain about the Earth like planets -
exoplanets and the possibility of water in those exoplanets. But option a) is logically incorrect because it talks
about TRAPPIST-1 and its features.

456). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which does not fit to the theme of the paragraph, since it explains about health problems
due to the high protein diet for longer period; while others are explaining about diet, our temptation of eat, way
to manage the temptation and also about happiness of the person.

457). Answer: e)

Option e) (i.e. statement C) is not belong to the paragraph since others are explaining about the violence that
happened in Delhi University’s North campus due to the students who are linked to BJP. But statement C is
explaining about the purpose of Universities where learning is the main motive.

458). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about the medical
technologies with respect to health care providers, cardiac stents, stakeholder consultations, cause of medical
innovation and also about Planning Commission’s expert group over public procurement of medicines. But
option c) does not fit since it explains about the cost which is rising appropriately.

459). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explain about the
steady deterioration in air quality, insufficient supply of affordable seeder machinery, burning of the waste in
the fields by farmers of northern states and also the Indian Agricultural Research Institute proposed steps to
convert the waste into useful products. But option b) talks about India’s clean – up priorities and need to shift.

460). Answer: a) | |

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Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others explain about the AIADMK party,
worst situation of Sasikala, the thing that should be done in order to make Edappadi Palaniswami as CM. But
option a) is logically incorrect because it talks about the corruption and its state.

461). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about a review of a
book by Simon Hoggart which was about the political culture and politicians and the book talks about the
political reasons of our plight and the mistakes of the big politicians. But option c) does not fit since it stands
out as heroes and tradition represent positive ideas that are contradictory to the rest of the sentences.

462). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which is not part of the paragraph since it states that we are only aware of Indians who are
doing well in foreign countries and not the ones engaged in low end jobs; While the other three sentences are
about the people’s situation in the past and compares the situation to the present scenario who settled in abroad
and also citing examples of various fields which value international concepts and theories.

463). Answer: e)

Statement D is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since it talks about guessing with respect to
BBC; where others are describing about the BBC’s adaptation of Great Expectations and elaborates the virtues
of Great Expectations, also introduces a contrast by presenting a comparison of the book with its BBC’s

464). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking about
feature and the aim of research and also comparing the aspect of research with solving a puzzle. But option b)
talks about research as an extrapolation and is not in sync with the characterization of research as essentially a
process of discovering what is known in advance.

465). Answer: a)

Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others states the method employed by
Socrates which summarizes the consequences of the method in terms of his increased influence over the youth
as well as his execution because of those methods and also states that the book (in question) never mentions
Socrates directly but the parallelism between the protagonist (of the book) and Socrates is obvious. But option
a) does not match with these lines because of the tense inconsistency between it and the other lines and
moreover option a) is a repetition of the idea already mentioned in sentence A.

466). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which is not part of the paragraph since it states about the science and its natural
phenomena and theories with respect to natural inevitability; While the other three sentences are contribute to
the discussion on the “tortured artist” and issues over the culture and stereotypes and also explaining about the
scientific evidences.

467). Answer: c) | |

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Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since in others the author is talking about money
and its true value. He discusses two cases; i.e. what happens when he gets more money and the author wants to
explain what all is considered as money and also talks about the second scenario when everybody gets money
(becomes rich). But option c) is not linked to all these lines because a link is missing. The link should be that
increase in money does not increase the wealth of the nation i.e. money does not represent the wealth of the
nation. Thus the ‘it’ in statement D does not have an antecedent.

468). Answer: e)

Statement A is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since it talks about variability of the names
which have not been talked about in any of the options and make them less distinctive; where others are
describing about the different myths, contradiction and significance between heroines and about their
uniqueness in name.

469). Answer: a)

Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others explain the concept of Being and
states that it is human beings alone who can associate themselves with the question of what it means to be
which further elaborates the same; also refers to the concept of Being. But option a) is logically incorrect
because it talks about capitalization which has not been introduced in the previous lines. Nothing has been
mentioned about the theory of capitalization that can help in understanding that why it is incorrect to think of
Being in this way.

470). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are describing the
death as a great void which we cannot directly perceive (though we try to “live out of faiths in relation to this
void”). But option b) talks vaguely about our inherent limitedness without connecting such “limitedness” with
death or mortality.

471). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking about how
new technologies affect jobs and raises the question how policy makers this challenge. But option b) is defining
about the “evolution of economic structure” not necessarily new technologies or globalization.

472). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about the eating habits
of Americans – children don’t eat vegetable – individuals eat what they like – their eating habit has become a
national concern. But option c) does not fit well in this scheme of things.

473). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which is not part of the paragraph since “breaking out of this conundrum” in statement B
does not related to any of the other three sentences; While the other three sentences introduce a new discovery
or technology to us.

474). Answer: a) | |

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Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about the world
history and some facts. But option a) explains some facts about culture and civilization.

475). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explaining about
the negative impacts of demonetisation. But option c) is defining about the aim of demonetization.

476). Answer: e)

Statement B is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since it is explaining about “oil related
environmental risks”; where others are describing about the effects of rapid shrinkage of Arctic ice cover.

477). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph because others are explaining about, why
scientists prefer sample return missions. But option c) is giving details about soils and rocks.

478). Answer: a)

Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph since others are explaining about the
development of environmental aesthetics – its roots in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. But option a) is
explaining about some ideas with respect to nature’s diverse.

479). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which is not part of the paragraph because other sentences are explaining about the drugs
and its security risks. But option d) talks about regulation related to drugs.

480). Answer: e)

Statement B is the one which is not part of the paragraph; while the other three sentences are about youth
brands. But statement B talks about – wider and more global exposure of the liberalized generation.

481). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking about the
unemployment and opportunities with respect to available sources. But option d) is explaining about the free
trade agreement.

482). Answer: e)

Option e) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking about the
Tsunami and its effects. But option e) is defining about the UNESCO and its work with member states.

483). Answer: a)

Solution: Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking
about economy which was slow. But option a) is defining about the structures and its related data.

484). Answer: e)

Option e) is the answer since all the options are talking about the Unblocking the cities pedestrian zone. | |

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485). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking about the
impurity in the environment and the diseases caused due to that. But option b) is defining about the issue of
global warming.

486). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explaining about
two different types of people. But option c) is defining about the people’s character in an organization.

487). Answer: a)

Option a) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking about the
content in the newspaper. But option a) is defining about conversation between two persons who are reading the

488). Answer: c)

Option c) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are explaining about
the modern economy with respect to renewable and non-renewable materials. But option c) is defining about
the renewable energy source.

489). Answer: d)

Option d) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking about the
characteristics of middle class and surveys. But option d) is explaining about the description of corruption.

490). Answer: b)

Option b) is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking about the
Caterpillar and its habits. But option b) is defining about the butterflies.

491). Answer: C.

Solution: Option C. is the one which is not part of the coherent paragraph as we see that other options are
talking about the disinvestment in rebooting in public sector insurers. But option C. is defining the list of five
insurance companies.

492). Answer: D.

Solution: Option D. is the one which is not part of the coherent paragraph as we see that other options are
talking about the living in the place which is hotter in the world. But option D. is defining the record of the
hottest year 2016.

493). Answer: A.

Solution: Option A. is the one which is not part of the coherent paragraph as we see that other options are
talking about the deserved commutation by Chelsea Manning. But option A. is defining the defending by
Obama over Chelsea Manning.

494). Answer: E. | |

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Solution: Option E. is the one which is not part of the coherent paragraph as we see that other options are
talking about the permanence of jallikattu. But option E. is defining the about the protesters.

495). Answer: B.

Solution: Option B. is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking
about the conversation between President Xi Jinping and WEF. But option B. is defining the message by Xi
Jinping to the word.

496). Answer: D.

Solution: Option D. is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking
about the communication that happened after the retention of election symbol. But option D. is defining about
the allocation of election symbol.

497). Answer: E.

Solution: Option E. is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking
about the budgeting in elections. But option E. is defining about the budget before polling.

498). Answer: E.

Solution: Option E. is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking
about the jallikattu protest and its ending. But option E. is defining about the shutdown of power during the

499). Answer: A.

Solution: Option A. is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking
about the job market vagaries. But option A. is defining about the jobless peoples in India.

500). Answer: C.

Solution: Option C. is the one which is not part of the logical paragraph as we see that other options are talking
about the decreasing nature of economy. But option C. is defining about the GDP growth.

VI. Sentence Improvement:

Direction (501 to 600):

Which of the words/phrases (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below should replace the words/phrases given in
bold in the following sentences to make it meaningful and grammatically correct? If the sentence is
correct as it is and ‘No improvement required’, mark (e) as the answer.

501). Digitization and universal admittance to financial services that have the etiquette to transform lives of
millions of citizens in a short duration of time, should get reputation in this budget.

a) Contact, right, lapse, promoted

b) Access, potential, span, prominence | |

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c) Permission, power, lag, prompt

d) Consent, protocol, period, answer

e) No correction required

502). It was an ‘historic Budget’ not only for the reasons précised by the finance minister, but also for the
effective leadership exposed by this government is sustaining the momentum of reforms.

a) Inaugurated, efficient, shown, at

b) Displayed, valuable, presented, from

c) Mentioned, important, hidden, for

d) Specified, transformative, displayed, in

e) No correction required

503). Nobody is too worried by competition to banks in their ancillary businesses: if, say, Google can help
people manage their money more efficiently, that is to be welcomed.

a) Concerned, additional, handle, greeted

b) Bothered, main, control, saluted

c) Troubled, major, direct, addressed

d) Disturbed, foremost, hold, acknowledged

e) No correction required

504). Vodafone’s investors has recommended an exit from India, but the company did choose the middle path
by going along a merger with Idea Cellular and retaining a small stake in the combination entity.

a) Had recommended, chosen, with, combined entity

b) Have recommended, took, for, combination entity

c) Have been recommending, has chosen, by going for, combined entity

d) Recommends, had chosen, along, entity

e) No correction required

505). The ministry of consumer affairs recently declared that the customer is free to ignore off the service
charge if not contented with the service and that the service charge section of the invoice is optional. | |

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a) Announced, waive, satisfied, component

b) Proclaimed, enforce, pleased, element

c) Publicized, inflict, relaxed, constituent

d) Stated, overlook, content, reproduction

e) No correction required

506). Fulfilling his poll promise to cart the US out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement,
American President Donald Trump declared an executive order to discard the free trade deal on his first full
work day in office.

a) Get, finalized, help, agreement

b) Swing, presented, withdraw, accord

c) Pull, signed, jettison, pact

d) Help, discarded, finalize, contract

e) No correction required

507). However recent statements by the nation’s policy-makers indicate that the perception of this issue is
changing. ‘Brain bank’ and not ‘brain drain’ is the more appropriate idea, they suggest since the expertise of
Indians abroad is only deposited in other places and not lost.

a) Announcement, opinion, graduates, put

b) Declaration, acuity, students, placed

c) Report, belief, scholars, dropped

d) Assertion, discernment, learner, lifted

e) No correction required

508). It’s not simple being an Indian cricketer, what with the constant pressure to perform, the piercing
inspection that is the effect of the tyranny of the 24-hour news cycle and the need to perpetually shoulder the
trouble of expectations of millions of fans.

a) Manageable, analysis, outcome, weight

b) Difficult, opinions, victim, outcome

c) Easy, scrutiny, result, burden

d) Helpful, review, outcome, hype | |

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e) No correction required

509). As the basic qualities of services and goods differ – the main particulars of services are intangibility,
inseparability of production and consumption, heterogeneity, perish-ability and constrained ownership one
would expect that the epitope of internationalization are not the same in the two sectors.

a) Characteristics, specifics, restricted, determinants

b) Traits, facts, inhibited, antigenic

c) Individuality, information, guarded, responsibilities

d) Uniqueness, essentials, controlled, works

e) No correction required

510). We have strong relationships and deepening partnerships with other nations that had been built since
decades; none much important than our relationship with India.

a) Deepened, has, through, like

b) Strong, had, by, alike

c) Profound, has, along, well

d) Deep, have, over, more

e) No Correction Required

511). Fort Ticonderoga was a small, decrepit British fort preserved by the British at the southern tip of Lake
Champlain in upstate New York. It was a strategically essential fort in the French and Indian War, and was
recognized then known as Fort Carillon.

a) Decaying, destroyed, significant, notorious

b) Feeble, retained, vital, identified

c) Dilapidated, maintained, important, known

d) Infirm, sustained, main, well - known

e) No correction required

512). Jackie would become the first person in the history of UCLA to make varsity letters in four different
sports. He outrivaled in all four sports and led the Pacific Coast Conference (now the PacK10) in gaining as a
basketball player. In addition, he was a national champion long jumper.

a) Earn, excelled, scoring, furthermore | |

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b) Get, shined, achieving, moreover

c) Receive, surpassed, attaining, besides

d) Produce, buffed, making, additionally

e) No correction required

513). After William Penn was granted the land that became Pennsylvania in 1682, he persuaded the Duke of
York to lease him the western shore of Delaware Bay so that his colony could have an outlet to the sea.

a) Arranged, convinced, let, vent

b) Approved, influenced, charter, opening

c) Established, swayed, employ, expel

d) Settled, converted, deed, uttered

e) No correction required

514). Before the team was named the Cowboys, they were known as the Steers and then the Rangers. When the
Cowboys’ first holder, Clint Murchison Jr., finally established on the “Cowboys,” he engaged Tom Landry as
the team’s first coach.

a) Described, vendor, developed, employed

b) Called, owner, settled, hired

c) Identified, possessor, completed, appointed

d) Entitled, carrier, recognized, selected

e) No correction required

515). Then, sacred dances representing the harvest would be presented for several hours within the sacred
circle, a large pit that also integrated a fire lit with a sacred branch that was strike by lightning. The ceremony
would end with various other dances and services including one in which the entire village danced around the
sacred fire.

a) Executed, incorporated, smack, rites

b) Achieved, indulged, spank, habits

c) Made, involved, cuff, practices

d) Performed, included, struck, rituals

e) No correction required | |

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516). The turning point in the war, however, aroused on July 1, 1863, when Associate and Union armies met at
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The battle that resulted was one of the bloodiest battles in American history.
Eventually, Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia was driven away from Pennsylvania by Union general
George Meade and his Army of the Potomac.

a) Transpired, accomplice, followed, driven in

b) Occurred, confederate, ensued, driven away

c) Happened, ally, developed, driven off

d) Taken place, co – conspirator, proceeded, driven through

e) No correction required

517). The guards joined the revolution after the Battles of Lexington and Concord and marched to
Massachusetts. On the way, Benedict formulated a plan to seize Fort Ticonderoga (in New York) and its
cannons for the fledgling Continental Army.

a) United, protested, invented, hatchling

b) Attached, rallied, prepared, nascent

c) Fixed, stridden, originated, callow

d) Connected, walked, devised, entrant

e) No correction required

518). Howe brought his army south from New York and plagued the Patriot capital of Philadelphia. Although
he thrived in capturing the city and forcing Congress to escape to York, Pennsylvania, he determined to camp
his army in the capital for the winter, rather than proceeding with the plan and marching to Albany.

a) Attacked, failed, run away, decisive

b) Occupied, achieved, take off, resolute

c) Assaulted, accomplished, sprint, firmed

d) Invaded, succeeded, flee, decided

e) No correction required

519). He climbed the tree and skillfully set a ensnare for the bird. The bird, quite unaware of the danger it was
in, waited on the tree and sang merrily. But it was soon caught in the hunter's trap. The hunter immediately
detained it and heaved it into a cage. | |

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a) Ambush, resided, held, trusted

b) Fence in, lived, apprehended, propelled

c) Trap, stayed, seized, shoved

d) Lock in, settled, in custody, jostled

e) No correction required

520). As the thief was mystified as to how to divide the three pieces into two portions, the king recommended.
"We have taken off everything else. Let us depart one diamond piece for the poor king and share the rest

a) Puzzled, suggested, taken over, leave

b) Confused, proposed, taken through, stay

c) Perplexed, implied, taken for, disappear

d) Baffled, advocated, taken, keep

e) No correction required

521). It is required that the Budget proposes limited measures to rationalize tax and boosting transparency in
the policy-evacuated real estate sector.

a) Highly predictable, relative, absorb, adopted

b) Needed, instantaneous, limit, change

c) Adopted, likely, conduct, unlimited

d) Welcome, several, boost, challenged

e) No Correction Required

522). Newspapers abound from daily reports of cheatings, forgery and counterfeiting so much so that we all
tend to think that these happenings are bounded to happen in richer states with huge commercial activities and
that such happenings will only increased as the states develop.

a) Bound with, so much, bound, can be increased

b) Abound with, so much so, are bound, will only increase

c) Bound from, so much so, are bounding, would increase

d) Abound on as much as, are bounded, will increase

e) No Correction Required | |

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523). In the chrysalis, the caterpillar will liquefy into a soup of living cells. Then, it will reorganize into a
butterfly and the metamorphosis is complete. In later parts of the chrysalis stage, you can see the forming
butterfly through the chrysalis.

a) Dissolve, rearrange, divisions, in

b) Melt, reorder, elements, on

c) Solidify, shuffle, components, over

d) Congeal, restructure, sections, to

e) No correction required

524). In 1776, the colonists concerned the Declaration of Independence, a document written by Thomas
Jefferson that sketched America's aim to become a new country split from England.

a) Announced, elaborated, plan, divide

b) Provided, explained, preparation, gash

c) Issued, outlined, intention, separate

d) Proclaimed, clarified, research, partition

e) No correction required

525). Before the introduction of the horse, Sioux warriors would chase the buffalo by dressing up as wolves as
trapping them into running off of crags and ledges. When an adult buffalo went to examine, the warriors
would kill it with spears and arrows.

a) Hunt, tricking, cliffs, investigate

b) Track, catching, peaks, observe

c) Hound, ensnaring, mountains, scrutinize

d) Stalk, ambushing, rocks, inspect

e) No correction required

526). When Indian campaigners against triple talaq felt tired and disheartened, they must find strengthen in
remembering that it was against much taller odds that women won the suffrage; also remembering how
dominant patriarchy doesn’t just surrender his privileges but fights hard and dirty to hold to them.

a) Start feeling tired, would not find strength, get surrendered, to held on

b) Feeling tired, may find strengthening seriously surrender, to hold | |

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c) Feel tired, may find strength, just surrender its, to hold on

d) Feeling tired, can find strength, surrender, to held on

e ) No Correction Required

527). There for the first time I realized what the World War meant. Instead of new uniforms and brass bands, I
saw only the result of four years’ desperate struggle men without arms and legs, men who were paralyzed and
men who were blind.

a) Found, in spite of, effect, resist

b) Recognized, according to, consequence, effort

c) Understood, with respect to, outcome, fight

d) Explicated, variety of, upshot, battle

e) No correction required

528). The Jefferson Memorial is devoted to the author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd president,
Thomas Jefferson. The Jefferson Memorial was finished in 1943. A 10,000 pound bronze statue of Jefferson
lies inside. The walls are emblazoned with passages from several of his famous credentials.

a) Dedicated, completed, inscribed, documents

b) Committed, concluded, adorned, deeds

c) Fanatical, accomplished, decorated, articles

d) Stanched, fulfilled, extolled, files

e) No correction required

529). As winter fallen upon Pennsylvania in 1777, General George Washington chose Valley Forge,
Pennsylvania, some eighteen miles west of Philadelphia as spot of the winter encampment of the Continental
Army. The area was far enough away from the British in Philadelphia to deject surprise attacks and its location
between high hills and the Schuylkill River made it easily justifiable.

a) Tumbled, location, depress, defendable

b) Slide, place, daunt, securable

c) Slithered, position, dampen, valuable

d) Descended, site, discourage, defensible

e) No correction required | |

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530). Hundreds of addressees from Washington lined the hills of the battlefield to applaud on the Union.
McDowell, who was doubtful of the Union plan, combined 35,000 soldiers – the largest land army ever
assembled in America at the time, to attack the Confederate positions.

a) Audience, shout, convinced, group of

b) Spectators, cheer, skeptical, amassed

c) Viewers, merriment, cynical, crowd of

d) Listeners, gaiety, sarcastic, collective of

e) No correction required

531). It was expected that banks would take advantage of the changing operational environment and improve
their performance. Towards this end, the Reserve Bank of India initiated a host of measures for the creation of
a competitive environment.

a) Anticipated, receive, started, formation

b) Estimated, acquire, begun, conception

c) Described, obtain, instigated, development

d) Projected, accept, established, configuration

e) No correction required

532). Her kindness preceded her status in the kingdom and her hands were always full to give. People in the
kingdom respected her because if she passed by, she always gave to the sympathetic and poor.

a) Bounty, character, valued, concerned

b) Charity, disposition, honored, empathetic

c) Generosity, reputation, revered, compassionate

d) Liberality, quality, admired, considerate

e) No correction required

533). A brighter idea sparked into the mind if the fat her who explained the guruji, “Sir, you are a saint and
have no relatives to grieve your death.

a) Flashed, told, renunciate, mourn

b) Flared, informed, paragon, bewail

c) Exploded, advised, devotee, lament | |

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d) Stroked, notified, apotheosis, bemoan

e) No correction required

534). Luke planned to accompany his uncle to the orchard. Though hesitant because of Luke’s habit of
euphoric display of extreme excitement, Sean decided to take him along.

a) Projected, unwilling, demonstration, approved

b) Wished, averse, presentation, granted

c) Anticipated, keen, exposition, established

d) Proposed, reluctant, exhibition, agreed

e) No correction required

535). The King was soon joined by his troops and the children were still deepen in their game. The King
ordered, “Cane them hard.” The children’s parents came running from the nearby village and said, “They are
green, it was just a game, please grant them forgive.”

a) Absorbed, swayed, immature, excuse

b) Immersed, commanded, naive, pardon

c) Engrossed, grasped, adolescent, reprieve

d) Wrapped up, controlled, youthful, amnesty

e) No correction required

536). The expedition from farm to consumer engages multiple levels of transportation, handling expenses,
commissions of agents and a mandi-cess, adding nearly 20% cost to food prices. This silliness was
acknowledged years ago, and a new Model APMC Act suggested by the Centre in 2003.

a) Trip, absorbs, irrationality, opted

b) Crossing, occupies, farce, described

c) Journey, involves, absurdity, recommended

d) Voyage, rivets, sensibleness, stated

e) No correction required

537). However, the composition of long term debt which is reckoned to be durable and ‘safe’ is also
worrisome. While the share of almost risk free sovereign, multilateral and bilateral credit has reduced | |

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significantly over the years, it is private corporate sector debt and ‘retail’ component in terms of NRI deposits
that has swelled over the years.

a) Disposition, considered, considerably, bulged

b) Layout, imagined, drastically, bloated

c) Balance, measured, radically, enlarged

d) Symmetry, supposed, extensively, distended

e) No correction required

538). While the strategy appears to improve GDP growth and, thereby, reduce fiscal deficit for revenue
resilience, such a strategy is burdened with risks.

a) Seems, through, buoyancy, fraught

b) Looks, during, rigidity, filled

c) Employs, throughout, firmness, laden

d) Utilizes, from, insistence, loaded

e) No correction required

539). The dicey financial position of the government has left banks capital famished - the allocation for this
year is tiny evaluated with the amount desired to meet Basel III standards.

a) Terrible, lust, contrasted, required

b) Parlous, starved, compared, needed

c) Dangerous, ravenous, balanced, wanted

d) Perilous, esurient, estimated, essential

e) No correction required

540). Future historians may see predictable and unalterable patterns in the way things have extended in India
in the last decade. Baru’s book will be a source that will help the historian focus with some modesty on issues
of choice and chance.

a) Certain, relentless, stretched, meekness

b) Unavoidable, persistent, outspread, arrogance

c) Usual, ruthless, delayed, conceit

d) Inevitable, inexorable, unfolded, humility | |
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e) No correction required

541). The railroad was not the first organization to force regularity on society, or to illustrate attention to the
importance of particular timekeeping.

a) Association, strength, show, perfect

b) Society, entail, give, accurate

c) Institution, impose, draw, precise

d) Foundation, bring, provide, correct

e) No correction required

542). Call it the negligence of the government or the rashness of the drivers, the underlying fact is that at the
end of the day, the common man is the one who suffers the most.

a) Carelessness, indiscretion, original, endure

b) Inattention, foolishness, fundamental, tolerate

c) Distraction, imprudence, essential, abide

d) Diversion, recklessness, primary, experiences

e) No correction required

543). The steel pipe plaits through crooked canyons, climbs steep mountains stabs over rocky crags, makes its
way through thick forests, and exceeds over or under hundreds of rivers and streams.

a) Merges, sharp, cracks, surpasses

b) Weaves, sheer, plunges, passes

c) Entwines, gentle, sinks, crosses

d) Braids, vertical, falls, traverse

e) No correction required

544). Academic writing is the skilful elucidation and explanation of the dispute, which the writer has carefully
examined and developed over a protracted period of time.

a) Description, agreement, inspected, expanded

b) Clarification, harmony, observed, extended

c) Illumination, accord, studied, prolonged

d) Exposition, argument, researched, sustained

e) No correction required | |

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545). If one had watched The Pirates of The Caribbean movies, one would realize that even in the late
eighteenth century, executions were public events - a large portion of the populace would gather around the
site of the hanging in the city square in order to see justice being meted out in front of their very own eyes.

a) Recognize, implementations, public, fairness

b) Appreciate, accomplishments, masses, honesty

c) Identify, achievements, population, integrity

d) Classify, exploitations, people, reliability

e) No correction required

546). Surveillance studies have shown that these techniques might not be too efficient at all times, citizens
might pretend decent behavior in order to evade themselves from getting into a brawl with the law of the land.

a) Effective, feign, avoid, tussle

b) Valuable, put on, elude, scrap

c) Helpful, invent, shirk, clash

d) Important, simulate, escape, collide

e) No correction required

547). Indians as a society have always been known to be inventive and hard-working, and it is clearly
established by the students bearing abroad for undergraduate or higher studies.

a) Civilization, practical, confirmed, going

b) People, ingenious, recognized, leaving

c) Populace, creative, proved, departing

d) Community, resourceful, demonstrated, heading

e) No correction required

548). Much of the conventional studies of India’s position in the world depend on the all - too well-known
indices of GDP, remarkable economic growth rates and our military prowess.

a) Research, based, recognizable, incredible

b) Analyses, rely, familiar, impressive

c) Investigations, put, identifiable, exciting

d) Survey, stand, renowned, striking

e) No correction required | |

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549). For India, it means paying attention to the features and products of our society that the world would find
smart - not in order to directly influence others to support us but to improve our country's standing in their

a) Attributes, elegant, sway, develop

b) Elements, impressive, manipulate, expand

c) Aspects, attractive, persuade, enhance

d) Characteristics, remarkable, convince, boost

e) No correction required

550). Opera refers to a staged art form, originating in Europe, in which the emotional substance is expressed
to the viewers as much through music, both vocal and instrumental, as it is through the lyrics.

a) Dramatic, content, conveyed, audience

b) Theatrical, matter, suggested, listeners

c) Vivid, stuff, proposed, spectators

d) Stunning, things, implied, addressees

e) No correction required

551). The government is demanding to put in place policies that will invigorate manufacturing and persuade
investment in new construction facilities.

a) Soothing, strengthen, support, invention

b) Annoying, boost, promote, creation

c) Trying, energize, encourage, production

d) Aggravating, increase, endorse, formation

e) No correction required

552). At IDFC, the business case for sustainable finance is real and multifaceted: reduced risk, increased
market share, access to international finance, reduced reputational risks and enhanced brand value.

a) Genuine, condensed, influence, improved

b) Actual, abridged, admission, increased

c) Definite, low, permission, enlarged

d) Distinct, increased, control, augmented

e) No correction required

553). The obama administration has planned a sensible new rule to do away with veiled fees and conflict of
notice in financial advice, to improve Americans’ retirement savings. | |

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a) Projected, overt, attention, increase

b) Proposed, hidden, interest, boost

c) Anticipated, unconcealed, concentration, decrease

d) Predicted, blatant, awareness, decline

e) No correction required

554). Apple is now the company with the highest market evaluation, a mind-boggling $ 700 billion-more than
usual biggies like Exxon; its new handset, the iphone 6, is taking off the shelves and contributing massively to
its profitability ($18 billion in the last quarter).

a) Estimation, conventional, taking over, vastly

b) Assessment, customary, flying over, extremely

c) Opinion, regular, took off, awfully

d) Valuation, traditional, flying off, hugely

e) No correction required

555). Under the NDA regime, Finance Minister Yashwant Sinha made a valiant effort to get this
recommendation accepted, but parliamentarians from his own party blocked the move.

a) Rule, noble, established, sterile

b) Command, courageous, acknowledged, infertile

c) System, good, approved, refused

d) Administration, brave, recognized, abandoned

e) No correction required

556). Given the policy of not making any commercial bank to pass on, over the years, flagging private sector
banks have been merged with public sector banks with a substantial financial drain on the Government.

a) Letting, die, failing, consequential

b) Leasing, expire, fading, significant

c) Allowing, pass away, vanishing, important

d) Leaving, terminate, worsening, essential

e) No correction required

557). The US Federal Reserve’s simple mention of lessening its extraordinary bond-buying programme, then,
prompted massive capital outflows and shorting of the rupee by international currency traders.

a) Apparent, narrowing, produced, over-all

b) Clear, shrinking, activated, universal | |
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c) Basic, dwindling, caused, whole

d) Mere, tapering, triggered, global

e) No correction required

558). IRDA has also promoted the Insurance Institute of India to carry out qualifying examination for the
agents and to take over books and training material in various dialect languages.

a) Cheered, do, take care of, parlance

b) Encouraged, conduct, bring out, vernacular

c) Supported, perform, bring in, jargon

d) Introduced, present, let out, idiom

e) No correction required

559). It’s the vision of being independent masters of our lives, of creating big bucks and of being happy - even
if that happiness is being got by money, which all of them trail out there.

a) Idea, providing, obtained, track

b) Visualization, taking, procured, pursue

c) Dream, making, bought, chase

d) Proposal, enchanting, gained, follow

e) No correction required

560). The fear of failure is a leading one- by being over - shielding and making people dependent upon those
in authority, we avoid people from experimenting, taking safety and the joy of discovery.

a) Dominant, protective, prevent, risks

b) Important, protecting, put off, security

c) Essential, defending, evade, defense

d) Significant, looking, shun, resistance

e) No correction required

561). The actress was regulated to wear an alcohol- checking bracelet and offer to random weekly drug testing
after she refused to appear for a court date last week.

a) Planned, observing, suggest, declined

b) Prepared, screening, recommend, snubbed

c) Intended, testing, present, excused

d) Ordered, monitoring, submit, failed | |

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e) No improvement required

562). As far as the issue of land encroachment in villages is concerned, people will have to make a start from
their villages by sensitizing and educating the villagers about this issue.

a) Problem, worried, create, humanizing

b) Concern, afraid, build, enlightening

c) Difficulty, frightened, craft, refining

d) Trouble, bothered, generate, taming

e) No improvement required

563). The power tax had already been raised twice in the last 15 months and the Electricity Board had also
charged additional monthly charges under consumers.

a) Due, hoisted, put, to

b) Tariff, increased, levied, on

c) Excise, heaved, imposed, for

d) Expunge, boosted, forced, from

e) No improvement required

564). Till a few years ago, while the technology for mobile phone was expanded and used separately, it was
not linked to the growth of PC or the web.

a) When, as, improved, related

b) Once, where, inflated, associated

c) Until, though, developed, connected

d) But, even as, made bigger, unrelated

e) No improvement required

565). In the recent international discussions conducted under the UNFCCC the industrialized countries have
labeled upon developing countries to add to the global attempt to address climate change.

a) Negotiations, called, contribute, effort

b) Debate, termed, donate, endeavor

c) Conference, described, adjoin, venture

d) Consultation, identified, attached, idea

e) No improvement required

566). The recent sharp rise in risk premium on long-term bonds issued by several industrial countries suggests
that markets no longer consider sovereign debt low risk. | |
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a) Current, given, proposes, take

b) Modern, provided, advises, get

c) Present, offered, recommends, obtain

d) Contemporary, granted, implies, attain

e) No improvement required

567). When she secured our coasts, she battled for her customers, and grouped our ships loaded with wealth,
which we had purchased for her by our industry.

a) Protected, combated, assembled, obtained

b) Shielded, struggled, amassed, procured

c) Defended, fought, convoyed, acquired

d) Fortified, conflicted, gathered, found

e) No improvement required

568). Since then, the stock markets have restrained, as it came to be felt that this huge package will only offer
a breather and not tackle the basic causes that fetched about the crisis in the first place.

a) Moderated, provide, address, brought

b) Released, present, deal with, carried

c) Controlled, affords, concentrate on, took

d) Restricted, grant, focus on, conceded

e) No improvement required

569). The Prime Minister is eager to execute the Right to Education Act and the HRD ministry has been
granted with adequate budgetary distribution to meet the demand.

a) Fanatical, carry out, permitted, division

b) Intense, accomplish, allowed, circulation

c) Dedicated, bring, contributed, transmission

d) Keen, implement, provided, allocation

e) No improvement required

570). When you are losing and out, that is when you need others to whip up your spirits, you need a few words
of support with the help of which you will be in a better position to reclaim your lost self-confidence.

a) Behind, lash, confidence, retrieve

b) Down, lift, encouragement, regain | |

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c) Downward, boost, hope, recover

d) Sliding, haul, assurance, pick up

e) No improvement required

571). Due to last year’s vigorous hurricane season, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has
advised coastal residents to extend a family evacuation plan, arrange important documents and valuables and
create a disaster supply kit for use in the car and at the evacuation destination.

a) Dynamic, supported, enlarge, sort out

b) Active, urged, develop, organize

c) Forceful, insisted, improve, manage

d) Vibrant, recommended, increase, handle

e) No improvement required

572). Reports from New York and Paris specify that this season’s style is an eclectic mix of fashions from past
decades, varying from the empire-waist dresses of the rested and liberated 1960s to the legwarmers of the
excessive and generous 1980s.

a) Show, changing, settled, lenient

b) Illustrate, differing, respite, soft

c) Prove, diverging, reprieved, tolerant

d) Indicate, ranging, relaxed, indulgent

e) No improvement required

573). While global warming has already made the Hudson River a seemingly fragile ecosystem, the
introduction of invasive species has the potential to destroy nearly all of the aquatic plants and animals that
inhabit the river.

a) Though, delicate, insidious, demolish

b) Although, flimsy, subtle, wipe out

c) Whereas, feeble, restrained, raze

d) Even if, pathetic, sinister, flatten

e) No improvement required

574). Though we have kept in mind to try and keep most facilities, we would like to demand you to kindly
stand with us any problem that may be caused.

a) Maintain, request, bear, inconvenience

b) Sustain, appeal, abide, difficulty | |

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c) Preserve, ask, tolerate, complexity

d) Retain, call, endure, trouble

e) No improvement required

575). These days urbanized countries have begun looking after for under - developed countries because it is
beneficial for both the parties.

a) Residential, commenced, since, helpful

b) Built-up, instigated, while, profitable

c) Developed, started, as, advantageous

d) Industrialized, initiated, seeing that, useful

e) No improvement required

576). People with persistent headaches are hence as likely to develop bed’s palsy even as research accounts
for other factors which could increase the risk of conditions like diabetes.

a) Constant, improve, features, boost

b) Relentless, expand, aspects, rise

c) Insistent, recover, causes, enhance

d) Ruthless, look up, parts, add to

e) No improvement required

577). India has declared a long anticipated programme of measures aimed to open its markets and settle
foreign trade negotiators.

a) Pronounced, expected, intended, soothe

b) Stated, predictable, deliberate, pacify

c) Announced, awaited, designed, appease

d) Affirmed, estimated, considered, conciliate

e) No improvement required

578). Transforming ineffective bureaucracies into active, this mission of customer-driven organizations is
challenging under general circumstances.

a) Inefficient, dynamic, task, prevailing

b) Unsuccessful, vibrant, chore, existing

c) Useless, alive, errand, main

d) Vain, vivacious, assignment, popular | |

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e) No improvement required

579). There is a good chance for the members of our society provide we think ourselves Indians first and
everything else later.

a) Luck, area, believe, nothing

b) Option, group, imagine, nobody

c) Prospect, region, assume, no one

d) Fortune, community, consider, anything

e) No improvement required

580). Having been definite to their homes for a week after a leopard was viewed; the villagers nurtured
restless and disturbed.

a) Decided, appeared, fostered, annoyed

b) Confirmed, sighted, grew, frustrated

c) Resolute, stared, reared, aggravated

d) Determined, gazed, cherished, perturbed

e) No improvement required

581). When it was frightened that the serfs might go too far and increase their freedom from serfdom, the
protestant leaders united the princes at crushing them.

a) Worried, rise, combined, into crushing

b) Feared, gain, joined, in crushing

c) Scared, swell, unified, without crushing

d) Terrified, enhance, integrated, while crushing

e) No improvement required

582). They are social insects, living in communities, regulated by definite laws, each member of society
bearing well-defined and separate part in the work of a colony.

a) Creatures, synchronized, bringing, detach

b) Mortals, controlled, accepting, divide

c) Persons, standardized, abiding, split

d) Media, adjusted, allowing, break

e) No improvement required

583). Realizing is the importance of technical education for mounting country; the government laid aside a
large sum on it in the last plan-period. | |
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a) Substance, growing, put, within

b) Meaning, swelling, locate, into

c) Implication, rising, lay, inside

d) Significance, developing, set, during

e) No improvement required

584). In India today many of our scholars still converse in terms of the French Revolution and the Rights of
Man, not understanding that much has ensued since then.

a) Researchers, contrary, knowing, developed

b) Academicians, communicate, realizing, followed

c) Intellectuals, talk, appreciating, happened

d) Investigators, discuss, recognizing, occurred

e) No improvement required

585). The logic of Berlin wall had already been undermined but when the news came through that the wall
itself had been opened I jumped into a car.

a) Reason, subverted, during, leaped

b) Motive, threatened, for, hopped

c) Explanation, dispirited, in favor, dived

d) Details, deflated, in support, soared

e) No improvement required

586). It is the social process that manages the use and request of a technology which decides whether a
particular technology brings more good than bad.

a) Controls, application, determines, delivers

b) Organizes, demand, chooses, conveys

c) Directs, purpose, prefers, fetches

d) Supervises, function, requires, obtains

e) No improvement required

587). The great Acharyas have said that, having determined a great goal, give up yourself to that goal and
work towards it, drawing your insight from that goal whereby you will get a new column of energy.

a) Discovered, surrender, act, inspiration

b) Realized, capitulate, perform, motivation | |

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c) Established, relent, operate, impulse

d) Created, cede, proceed, inclination

e) No improvement required

588). While we learn most words from familiar conversations, the best way of growing one's vocabulary is by
reading good books and mentioning to the dictionary whenever one comes athwart a difficult word.

a) Easy, rising, looking, over

b) Casual, improving, pointing, above

c) Informal, increasing, referring, across

d) Comfortable, expanding, spotting, through

e) No improvement required

589). A serious theoretical problem often raised about general disarmament is that even if you thrive in
eliminating all nuclear weapons on earth, you cannot eliminate man's knowledge of the science following it.

a) Notional, common, deteriorate, next to

b) Conceptual, universal, succeed, behind

c) Speculative, complete, bloom, subsequent to

d) Fancied, entire, decline, over

e) No improvement required

590). Caring people extend a practical gospel that underlined hard work, temperance and prudence and the
result was quite remarkable.

a) Solicitous, swell, accentuated, discretion

b) Kind, expand, high light, diplomacy

c) Attentive, broaden, bring out, carefulness

d) Thoughtful, spread, emphasized, frugality

e) No improvement required

591). In the U.S., German luxury brands has been succeeded in getting people who could once have thought
the cars were out of their league towards buying and leasing some snazzy rides.

a) Has succeeded, once might have, in buying, leasing

b) Have succeeded, should have once, for buying, leasing

c) Have succeeded, might have once, to buy, lease

d) Had succeeded, once should have, on the way to buy, leased | |

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e) No correction required

592). Denial of wages forced scientists and teachers at the agriculture universities throughout the country to
go on strike, crippling crucial research that could help the state of agriculture in the country.

a) Strained, during, critical, condition

b) Required, all over, vital, situation

c) Worried, all through, essential, status

d) Concerned, in the course of, important, position

e) No correction required

593). After that the Tsunami had killed thousands of people beside the coasts of southern India; parliament
approved a bill that proposed to set up an institutional mechanism to respond quickly to natural disasters.

a) Soon after, along, passed, promptly

b) Later on, next to, accepted, swiftly

c) Anon, alongside, permitted, rapidly

d) In a while, adjacent to, established, punctually

e) No correction required

594). In an aim to boost their profits, many edible oil manufacturing companies have been engaging
themselves in misinformation against commonly used oils and supporting exotic and expensive varieties of
oils as more healthier options.

a) Effort to, making, party line, sustaining

b) Plan to, creating, doctrine, encouraging

c) Intend to, generating, cant, sponsoring

d) Attempt to, producing, propaganda, promoting

e) No correction required

595). During the days of the League when India's benefit were affected, such as in matters of trade or the place
of Indians overseas, the Indian delegation did not falter to make known its autonomous position, for what it
was worth.

a) Advantage, situation of, vacillate to, sovereign

b) Assistance, part of, dither to, hopeful

c) Interests, position of, hesitate to, independent

d) Support, state of, wane to, positive

e) No correction required | |

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596). Unless India and the US are signing a new extradition treaty or adjusting the existing one is rather
unclear, but there is no doubt that India's extradition requests have usually been turned by western

a) If, modifying, fairly, turned in

b) Whether, amending, somewhat, turned down

c) Because of, altering, a bit, turned up

d) When, improving, not at all, turned on

e) No correction required

597). When women are allowed to work in a profession of their choice, when they have access to financial
services and when they are protected, by law, from domestic violence, they are not only economically
empowered, they also live longer.

a) Permitted, contact to, confined, authorized

b) Accepted, entrance to, cosseted, allowed

c) Tolerated, way in, cramped, endorsed

d) Established, aperture, curbed, certified

e) No correction required

598). The force of technical improvement in armaments on man, have to be analyzed with a sane mind, and
heart free from prejudices of any kind towards modernization.

a) Impact, advancement, needs to, rational

b) Brunt, encroachment, wants to, coherent

c) Collision, development, will, lucid

d) Power, enlargement, should, cogent

e) No correction required

599). The Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) approximates that America forgoes about $ 17 billion in
retirement earnings annually as financial advisers suggest investments that generate profitable commissions
for themselves but shortchange their clients with high fees, not a hundred percent performance and risky

a) Guessed, advocated, rewarding, not at best

b) Calculated, advised, beneficial, in poor

c) Educated, proposed, productive, meager

d) Estimates, recommend, lucrative, below-par

e) No correction required | |
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600). The greater part of the poor remain in rural areas, and measures to rectify poverty must concentrate on
striking both agricultural expansion and non-farm employment.

a) Majority, redress, enhancing, growth

b) Most, correct, outstanding, development

c) Large amount, resolve, prominent in, progress

d) Mainstream, remedy, attraction in, enlargement

e) No correction required

Direction (501 to 600): VI. Sentence Improvement: Answers with Explanation:

501). Answer: b)

Access – a means of approaching or entering a place.

Potential – having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.

Span – the length of time for which something lasts.

Prominence – the state of being important or famous.

502). Answer: d)

Specified – identify clearly and definitely.

Transformative – causing a marked change in someone or something.

Displayed – give a clear demonstration of (a quality, emotion, or skill).

In – expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by something else.

503). Answer: e)

Worried – anxious or troubled about actual or potential problems.

Ancillary – providing necessary support to the primary activities or operation of an organization, institution,
industry, or system.

Manage – use (money, time, or other resources) sensibly.

Welcomed – greet (someone arriving) in a glad, polite, or friendly way.

504). Answer: c)

Have been recommending – put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a
particular purpose or role.

Has chosen – having been selected as the best or most appropriate.

By going for – generally accepted as fair or correct; current. | |
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Combined entity – merging of a thing or system with distinct and independent existence.

505). Answer: a)

Announced – make a public and typically formal declaration about a fact, occurrence, or intention.

Waive – refrain from insisting on or using (a right or claim).

Satisfied – contented; pleased.

Component – constituting part of a larger whole; constituent.

506). Answer: c)

Pull – move steadily in a specified direction or manner.

Signed – authorize (a document or other written or printed material) by attaching a signature.

Jettison – abandon or discard (someone or something that is no longer wanted).

Pact – a formal agreement between individuals or parties.

507). Answer: e)

Statements – a definite or clear expression of something in speech or writing.

Perception – the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.

Expertise – expert skill or knowledge in a particular field.

Deposited – put or set down (something or someone) in a specific place.

508). Answer: c)

Easy – achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties.

Scrutiny – critical observation or examination.

Result – a consequence, effect, or outcome of something.

Burden – the main responsibility for achieving a specified aim or task.

509). Answer: a)

Characteristics – a feature or quality belonging typically to a person, place, or thing and serving to identify it.

Specifics – a precise detail.

Restricted – limited in extent, number, scope, or action.

Determinants – a factor which decisively affects the nature or outcome of something.

510). Answer: d)

Deep – far down or in; deeply. | |

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Have – used with a past participle to form the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect tenses, and the conditional

Over – expressing passage or trajectory across an area.

More – to a greater extent.

511). Answer: c)

Dilapidated – (of a building or object) in a state of disrepair or ruin as a result of age or neglect.

Maintained – provide with necessities for life or existence.

Important – of great significance or value; likely to have a profound effect on success, survival, or well-being.

Known – recognized, familiar, or within the scope of knowledge.

512). Answer: a)

Earn – (of a person) obtain (money) in return for labor or services.

Excelled – be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity or subject.

Scoring – gain (a point, goal, run, etc.) in a competitive game.

Furthermore – in addition; besides (used to introduce a fresh consideration in an argument).

513). Answer: e)

Granted – agree to give or allow (something requested) to.

Persuaded – cause (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.

Lease – a contract by which one party conveys land, property, services, etc. to another for a specified time,
usually in return for a periodic payment.

Outlet – a pipe or hole through which water or gas may escape.

514). Answer: b)

Called – give (an infant or animal) a specified name.

Owner – a person who owns something.

Settled – accept or agree to (something that one considers to be less than satisfactory).

Hired – employ (someone) for wages.

515). Answer: d)

Performed – carry out, accomplish, or fulfill (an action, task, or function).

Included – contained as part of a whole being considered.

Struck – (of a disaster, disease, or other unwelcome phenomenon) occur suddenly and have harmful or
damaging effects on. | |
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Rituals – a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed

516). Answer: b)

Occurred – happen; take place.

Confederate – joined by an agreement or treaty.

Ensued – happen or occur afterward or as a result.

Driven away – force to go away.

517). Answer: e)

Joined – link; connect.

Marched – walk in a military manner with a regular measured tread.

Formulated – create or devise methodically (a strategy or a proposal).

Fledgling – a young bird that has just fledged.

518). Answer: d)

Invaded – (of an armed force or its commander) enter (a country or region) so as to subjugate or occupy it.

Succeeded – achieve the desired aim or result.

Flee – run away from a place or situation of danger.

Decided – (of a quality) definite; unquestionable.

519). Answer: c)

Trap – catch (an animal) in a trap.

Stayed – remain in a specified state or position.

Seized – take hold of suddenly and forcibly.

Shoved – push (someone or something) roughly.

520). Answer: a)

Puzzled – unable to understand; perplexed.

Suggested – put forward for consideration.

Taken away – something taken back or away.

Leave – go away from a place without taking (someone or something).

521). Answer: d)

Welcome – greet (someone arriving) in a polite or friendly way. | |

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Several – separate or respective.

Boost – help or encourage (something) to increase or improve.

Challenged – (of a guard) order (someone) to prove their identity.

522). Answer: b)

Abound with – To have something in great numbers or quantities; to possess in such abundance as to be
characterized by.

So much so – to such a great degree.

Are bound – heading toward somewhere.

Will only increase – an instance of growing or making greater.

523). Answer: e)

Liquefy – make or become liquid.

Reorganize – change the way in which (something) is organized.

Parts – a piece or segment of something such as an object, activity, or period of time, which combined with
other pieces makes up the whole.

Through – by means of (a process or intermediate stage).

524). Answer: c)

Issued – supply or distribute (something).

Outlined – give a summary of (something).

Intention – a thing intended; an aim or plan.

Separate – cause to move or be apart.

525). Answer: a)

Hunt – an act of hunting wild animals or game.

Tricking – deceive or outwit (someone) by being cunning or skillful.

Cliffs – a steep rock face, especially at the edge of the sea.

Investigate – carry out a systematic or formal inquiry to discover and examine the facts of (an incident,
allegation, etc.) so as to establish the truth.

526). Answer: c)

Feel tired – feel or cause to feel in need of rest or sleep.

May find strength - the quality or state of being strong, in particular.

Just surrender its – the action of surrendering. | |
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To hold on – endure in difficult circumstances.

527). Answer: e)

Realized – become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly.

Instead of – in place of someone or something.

Result – a consequence, effect, or outcome of something.

Struggle – make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction.

528). Answer: a)

Dedicated – devote (time, effort, or oneself) to a particular task or purpose.

Completed – finish making or doing.

Inscribed – write or carve (words or symbols) on something, especially as a formal or permanent record.

Documents – record (something) in written, photographic, or other form.

529). Answer: d)

Descended – move or fall downward.

Site – an area of ground on which a town, building, or monument is constructed.

Discourage – cause (someone) to lose confidence or enthusiasm.

Defensible – able to be protected.

530). Answer: b)

Spectators – a person who watches at a show, game, or other event.

Cheer – a shout of encouragement, praise, or joy.

Skeptical – not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.

Amassed – gather together or accumulate (a large amount or number of valuable material or things) over a
period of time.

531). Answer: e)

Expected – regard (something) as likely to happen.

Take – carry or bring with one; convey.

Initiated – cause (a process or action) to begin.

Creation – the action or process of bringing something into existence.

532). Answer: c)

Generosity – the quality of being kind and generous. | |

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Reputation – the beliefs or opinions that are generally held about someone or something.

Revered – feel deep respect or admiration for (something).

Compassionate – feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others.

533). Answer: a)

Flashed – move or pass very quickly.

Told – order or advise someone to do something.

Renunciate – any religious devotee who renounces earthly pleasures and lives as an ascetic

Mourn – feel or show deep sorrow or regret for (someone or their death), typically by following conventions
such as the wearing of black clothes.

534). Answer: d)

Proposed – put forward (an idea or plan) for consideration or discussion by others.

Reluctant – unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.

Exhibition – a display or demonstration of a particular skill.

Agreed – discussed or negotiated and then accepted by all parties.

535). Answer: b)

Immersed – involve oneself deeply in a particular activity or interest.

Commanded – give an authoritative order.

Naïve – (of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.

Pardon – the action of forgiving or being forgiven for an error or offense.

536). Answer: c)

Journey – an act of traveling from one place to another.

Involves – (of a situation or event) include (something) as a necessary part or result.

Absurdity – the quality or state of being ridiculous or wildly unreasonable.

Recommended – put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose
or role.

537). Answer: e)

Composition - a legal agreement to pay an amount of money in lieu of a larger debt or other obligation.

Reckoned - establish by counting or calculation; calculate.

Significantly - in a sufficiently great or important way as to be worthy of attention. | |

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Swelled - become or make greater in intensity, number, amount, or volume.

538). Answer: a)

Seems - give the impression or sensation of being something or having a particular quality.

Through - by means of (a process or intermediate stage).

Buoyancy - a high level of activity in an economy or stock market.

Fraught - causing or affected by great anxiety or stress.

539). Answer: b)

Parlous - full of danger or uncertainty; precarious.

Starved - deprive of something necessary.

Compared - estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between.

Needed - require (something) because it is essential or very important.

540). Answer: d)

Inevitable – certain to happen; unavoidable

Inexorable – impossible to stop or prevent.

Unfolded – (of events or information) gradually develop or be revealed.

Humility – a modest or low view of one's own importance; humbleness.

541). Answer: c)

Institution – a society or organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose.

Impose – force (something unwelcome or unfamiliar) to be accepted or put in place.

Draw – direct or attract (someone's attention) to something.

Precise – marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail.

542). Answer: e)

Negligence – failure to take proper care in doing something.

Rashness – the trait of acting rashly and without prudence

Underlying – be the cause or basis of (something).

Suffers – experience or be subjected to (something bad or unpleasant).

543). Answer: b)

Weaves – twist and turn from side to side while moving somewhere in order to avoid obstructions.

Sheer – perpendicularly. | |
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Plunges – jump or dive quickly and energetically.

Passes – an act or instance of moving past or through something.

544). Answer: d)

Exposition – a comprehensive description and explanation of an idea or theory.

Argument – a summary of the subject matter of a book.

Researched – investigate systematically.

Sustained – continuing for an extended period or without interruption.

545). Answer: e)

Realize – become fully aware of (something) as a fact; understand clearly.

Executions – the carrying out of a sentence of death on a condemned person.

Populace – the people living in a particular country or area.

Justice – a judge or magistrate, in particular a judge of the supreme court of a country or state.

546). Answer: a)

Effective – successful in producing a desired or intended result.

Feign – pretend to be affected by (a feeling, state, or injury).

Avoid – keep away from or stop oneself from doing (something).

Tussle – engage in a vigorous struggle or scuffle.

547). Answer: d)

Community – a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.

Resourceful – having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties.

Demonstrated – clearly show the existence or truth of (something) by giving proof or evidence.

Heading – a direction or bearing.

548). Answer: b)

Analyses – detailed examination of the elements or structure of something, typically as a basis for discussion or

Rely – depend on with full trust or confidence.

Familiar – well known from long or close association.

Impressive – evoking admiration through size, quality, or skill: grand, imposing, or awesome.

549). Answer: c) | |

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Aspects – a particular part or feature of something.

Attractive – (of a thing) pleasing or appealing to the senses.

Persuade – cause (someone) to do something through reasoning or argument.

Enhance – intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.

550). Answer: a)

Dramatic – of or relating to drama or the performance or study of drama.

Content – the ideas that are contained in a piece of writing, a speech, or a film.

Conveyed – communicate (a message or information).

Audience – the assembled spectators or listeners at a public event, such as a play, movie, concert, or meeting.

551). Answer: c)

Trying – difficult or annoying; hard to endure.

Energize – give vitality and enthusiasm to

Encourage – give support, confidence, or hope to (someone).

Production – the process of or financial and administrative management involved in making a movie, play, or

552). Answer: e)

Real – true or actual.

Reduced – make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size.

Access – a means of approaching or entering a place.

Enhanced – intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.

553). Answer: b)

Proposed – put forward (an idea or plan) for consideration or discussion by others.

Hidden – kept out of sight; concealed.

Interest – the state of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.

Boost – help or encourage (something) to increase or improve.

554). Answer: d)

Valuation – an estimation of something's worth, especially one carried out by a professional appraiser.

Traditional – existing in or as part of a tradition; long-established.

Flying off – to go away quickly or suddenly; hurry off | |

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Hugely – very much; to a great extent.

555). Answer: e)

Regime – a system or planned way of doing things, especially one imposed from above.

Valiant – possessing or showing courage or determination.

Accepted – generally believed or recognized to be valid or correct.

Blocked – make the movement or flow in (a passage, pipe, road, etc.) difficult or impossible.

556). Answer: a)

Letting – not prevent or forbid; allow.

Die – become extinct

Failing – in default of; in the absence of.

Consequential – following as a result or effect.

557). Answer: d)

Mere – that is solely or no more or better than what is specified.

Tapering – diminish or reduce or cause to diminish or reduce in thickness toward one end.

Triggered – cause (an event or situation) to happen or exist.

Global – of or relating to the whole world; worldwide.

558). Answer: b)

Encouraged – give support, confidence, or hope to (someone).

Conduct – the action or manner of managing an activity or organization.

Bring out – to introduce formally to society

Vernacular – (of language) spoken as one's mother tongue; not learned or imposed as a second language.

559). Answer: c)

Dream – contemplate the possibility of doing something or that something might be the case.

Making – the process of making or producing something.

Bought – obtain in exchange for payment.

Chase – an act of pursuing someone or something.

560). Answer: a)

Dominant – most important, powerful, or influential.

Protective – capable of or intended to protect someone or something. | |
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Prevent – keep (something) from happening or arising.

Risks – a situation involving exposure to danger.

561). Answer: d)

Ordered – arrange (something) in a methodical or appropriate way.

Monitoring – observe and check the progress or quality of (something) over a period of time; keep under
systematic review.

Submit – present (a proposal, application, or other document) to a person or body for consideration or

Failed – (of a person) unsuccessful in a particular activity.

562). Answer: e)

Issue – problem for debate or discussion.

Concerned – worried, troubled, or anxious.

Make – form (something) by putting parts together or combining substances; construct; create.

Educating – give intellectual, moral, and social instruction to (someone, especially a child), typically at a school
or university.

563). Answer: b)

Tariff – a tax or duty to be paid on a particular class of imports or exports.

Increased – become or make greater in size, amount, or degree.

Levied – impose a tax, fee, or fine on.

On – supported by (a surface).

564). Answer: c)

Until – up to (the point in time or the event mentioned).

Though – despite the fact that; although.

Developed – grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.

Connected – bring together or into contact so that a real or notional link is established.

565). Answer:

Negotiations – discussion aimed at reaching an agreement.

Called – (of a person) pay a brief visit.

Contribute – give (something, especially money) in order to help achieve or provide something.

Effort – a vigorous or determined attempt. | |
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566). Answer: e)

Recent – having happened, begun, or been done not long ago or not long before; belonging to a past period of
time comparatively close to the present.

Issued – supply or distribute (something).

Suggests – put forward for consideration.

Consider – think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.

567). Answer: c)

Defended – resist an attack made on (someone or something); protect from harm or danger.

Fought – take part in a violent struggle involving the exchange of physical blows or the use of weapons.

Convoyed – (of a warship or armed troops) accompany (a group of ships or vehicles) for protection.

Acquired – buy or obtain (an object or asset) for oneself.

568). Answer: a)

Moderated – make or become less extreme, intense, rigorous, or violent.

Provide – make available for use; supply.

Address – think about and begin to deal with (an issue or problem).

Brought – come to a place with (someone or something).

569). Answer: d)

Keen – having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm.

Implement – put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect.

Provided – make adequate preparation for (a possible event).

Allocation – the action or process of allocating or distributing something.

570). Answer: b)

Down – toward or in a lower place or position, especially to or on the ground or another surface.

Lift – raise to a higher position or level.

Encouragement – the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.

Regain – obtain possession or use of (something) again after losing it.

571). Answer: b)

Active – energetic.

Urged – try earnestly or persistently to persuade (someone) to do something. | |

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Develop – grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.

Organize – arrange into a structured whole; order.

572). Answer: d)

Indicate – point out; show.

Ranging – differ in size, amount, degree, or nature from something else of the same general class.

Relaxed – free from tension and anxiety; at ease.

Indulgent – having or indicating a tendency to be overly generous to or lenient with someone.

573). Answer: e)

While – during the time that; at the same time as.

Fragile – (of an object) easily broken or damaged.

Invasive – (especially of plants or a disease) tending to spread prolifically and undesirably or harmfully.

Destroy – put an end to the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it.

574). Answer: a)

Maintain – cause or enable (a condition or state of affairs) to continue.

Request – politely or formally ask for.

Bear – endure (an ordeal or difficulty).

Inconvenience – trouble or difficulty caused to one's personal requirements or comfort.

575). Answer: c)

Developed – grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.

Started – come into being; begin or be reckoned from a particular point in time or space.

As – used to indicate that something happens during the time when something is taking place.

Advantageous – involving or creating favorable circumstances that increase the chances of success or
effectiveness; beneficial.

576). Answer: e)

Persistent – continuing to exist or endure over a prolonged period.

Develop – grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.

Factors – a circumstance, fact, or influence that contributes to a result or outcome.

Increase – an instance of growing or making greater.

577). Answer: c) | |

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Announced – make a public and typically formal declaration about a fact, occurrence, or intention.

Awaited – wait for (an event).

Designed – decide upon the look and functioning of (a building, garment, or other object),

Appease – relieve or satisfy (a demand or a feeling).

578). Answer: a)

Inefficient – wasting or failing to make the best use of time or resources.

Dynamic – a force that stimulates change or progress within a system or process.

Task – a piece of work to be done or undertaken.

Prevailing – existing at a particular time; current.

579). Answer: d)

Fortune – chance or luck as an external, arbitrary force affecting human affairs.

Community – a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.

Consider – think carefully about (something), typically before making a decision.

Anything – used to refer to a thing, no matter what.

580). Answer: b)

Confirmed – firmly established in a particular habit, belief, or way of life and unlikely to change.

Sighted – manage to see or observe (someone or something); catch an initial glimpse of.

Grew – become gradually or increasingly.

Frustrated – feeling or expressing distress and annoyance, especially because of inability to change or achieve

581). Answer: b)

Feared – be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening.

Gain – an increase in wealth or resources.

Joined – link or connect.

In crushing – bring about a feeling of overwhelming disappointment or embarrassment in (someone).

582). Answer: e)

Insects - An insignificant or contemptible person.

Regulated - control or maintain the rate or speed of (a machine or process) so that it operates properly.

Bearing - (of a person) carry. | |

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Separate – forming or viewed as a unit apart or by itself.

583). Answer: d)

Significance – the state or fact of being of great significance or value.

Developing – grow or cause to grow and become more mature, advanced, or elaborate.

Set – fixed or arranged in advance.

During – throughout the course or duration of (a period of time).

584). Answer: c)

Intellectuals – a person possessing a highly developed intellect.

Talk – speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings;

Appreciating – understand (a situation) fully; recognize the full implications of.

Happened – be experienced by (someone); befall.

585). Answer: e)

Logic - reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.

Undermined - erode the base or foundation of (a rock formation).

Through - moving in one side and out of the other side of (an opening, channel, or location).

Jumped - (of a person) move suddenly and quickly in a specified way.

586). Answer: a)

Controls – the power to influence or direct people's behavior or the course of events.

Application – the action of putting something into operation.

Determines – firmly decide.

Delivers – bring and hand over (a letter, parcel, or ordered goods) to the proper recipient or address.

587). Answer: a)

Discovered – find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search.

Surrender – the action of surrendering or committing to particular work.

Act – take action; do something.

Inspiration – the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something

588). Answer: c)

Informal – having a relaxed, friendly, or unofficial style, manner, or nature. | |

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Increasing – become or make greater in size, amount, intensity, or degree.

Referring – mention or allude to.

Across – from one side to the other of (something).

589). Answer: b)

Conceptual – of, relating to, or based on mental concepts.

Universal – of, affecting or done by all people or things in the world or in a particular group; applicable to all

Succeed – achieve the desired aim or result.

Behind – at or to the far side of (something), typically so as to be hidden by it.

590). Answer: d)

Thoughtful – absorbed in or involving thought.

Spread – the fact or process of spreading over an area.

Emphasized – give special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or writing.

Frugality – the quality of being economical with money or food; thriftiness.

591). Answer: c)

Have succeeded – German luxury brands is plural. So “have succeeded” will come.

Might have once – The sentence is explaining about the certainty i.e. the people may or may not think about it.
So “might” will come.

To buy, lease – It will be the correct idiomatic.

592). Answer: e)

Forced - produced or maintained with effort;

Throughout – in every part of

Crucial – decisive or critical, especially in the success or failure of something or of great importance.

State – the particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time.

593). Answer: a)

Along - moving in a constant direction on

Passed - approve or put into effect

Promptly - with little or no delay

594). Answer: d) | |

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Attempt to - an act of trying to achieve something

Producing - make or manufacture from components or raw materials.

Propaganda - information, especially of a biased or misleading nature

Promoting - further the progress of (something, especially a cause, venture, or aim); support or actively

595). Answer: c)

Interests – the advantage or benefit of a person or group.

Position of – a place where someone or something is located or has been put.

Hesitate to - pause before saying or doing something, especially through uncertainty.

Independent - free from outside control; not depending on another's authority.

596). Answer: b)

Whether - expressing a doubt or choice between alternatives.

Amending - make minor changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer,

Somewhat - to a moderate extent or by a moderate amount;

Turned down - to decline to accept

597). Answer: e)

Allowed - admit (an event or activity) as legal or acceptable.

Access to – a means of approaching or entering a place.

Protected - keep safe from harm or injury.

Empowered - give (someone) the authority or power to do something.

598). Answer: a)

Impact – the action of one object coming forcibly into contact with another

Advancement – the process of promoting a cause or plan

Needs to – circumstances in which something is necessary, or that require some course of action; necessity

Rational – based on or in accordance with reason or logic.

599). Answer: d)

Estimates – judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.

Recommend – put forward (someone or something) with approval as being suitable for a particular purpose or
role. | |

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Lucrative – producing a great deal of profit.

Below-par – better (or worse) than is usual or expected.

600). Answer: a)

Majority – the greater number.

Redress – remedy or compensation for a wrong or grievance.

Enhancing – intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.

Growth - the process of increasing in physical size.

VII. Sentence Rearrangements:

Direction (601 to 700):

Direction (Q. 601-610): In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence
(S1) and the final sentence (S6) are given. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and
jumbled up. These are labeled as A), B), C) and D). You are required to find out the proper sequence of
the four sentences from the five alternatives.

601). S1: I can think of no serious prose play that has survived the generation that gave it birth.

A. They are museum pieces.

B. They are revived now and then because a famous part tempts a leading actor or a manager in want of a stop
gap thinks he will put on a play on which he has no loyalties to pay

C. A few comedies have haphazardly travelled down a couple of centuries or so.

D. The audience laughs at their wit with politeness and at their farce with embarrassment.

S6: They are not held nor taken out of themselves.


602). S1: The ears are fragile instruments.

A. These impulses travel via the auditory nerve to the brain, where they are interpreted as, say, words, music or
an approaching vehicle.

B. When sound waves enter the ear, they cause the eardrum to vibrate.

C. These in turn stimulate auditory nerve fibers, each attuned to a different frequency.

D. The vibrations are transmitted to the cochlea, in the inner ear, where fluid carries them to neatly organized
rows of hair cells.

S6: Damage to this delicate apparatus results from both volume and length of exposure to sound.

a) BCAD b) DABC c) BDCA d) BDAC e) CDAB | |
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603). S1: All human beings are aware of the existence of a power greater than that of the mortals – the name
given to such a power by individuals is an outcome of birth, education and choice.

A. Logically, therefore such a power should be remembered in good times also.

B. Their other philanthropic contributions include the construction and maintenance of religious places such as
temples or gurudwaras.

C. Industrial organizations also contribute to the veneration of this power by participating in activities such as
religious ceremonies and festivities organized by the employees.

D. This power provides an anchor in times of adversity, difficulty and trouble.

S6: The top management/ managers should participate in all such events, irrespective of their personal choice..


604). S1: A thorough knowledge of the path or course to be followed is essential for achieving success.

A. Seniors must show the path clearly by laying down the precise expectations of the management in terms of
job description, key result areas and personal targets.

B. They should also ‘light the path’ by personal example.

C. Advice tendered or help offered must be objectively evaluated for its effectiveness in achieving the desired

D. A display of arrogance and a false sense of ‘self-worth’ in order to belittle those who come up to help, prove

S6: The individuality of each employee must be respected.


605). S1: In the long run, national recognition of same-sex marriage is inevitable.

A. It is only a matter of time before all state laws reflect that view.

B. Prudence counsels that marriage equality should be allowed to continue gaining support in the states, and
that a federal resolution should be left for another day.

C. Same-sex marriage rights, at first imposed by courts, have now been recognized by state legislatures and
prevailed in all four states where they were on the ballot in last year’s election.

D. Young people overwhelmingly support it, and public opinion has shifted on this issue faster than on almost
any other social issue in history.

S6: What is more, the court’s doctrine dictates just this deferral.


606). S1: Water is a renewable natural resource and public good.

A. However, most rivers, ponds, lakes and aquifers are common property. | |

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B. Hence, excluding others from using water is not possible and the results are competition, over extraction and

C. But the ownership right on land bestows a private character on water.

D. Therefore, water rights are not clearly defined and the right to using the resources is not protected.

S6: However, cooperation has a greater role in achieving social harmony in water allocation and increasing
human welfare.


607). S1: Currency movements can have a dramatic impact on equity returns for foreign investors.

A. This is not surprising as many developing economies try to peg their exchange rates to the US dollars or to a
basket of currencies.

B. Many developing economies manage to keep exchange rate volatility lower than that in the industrial

C. India has also gone in for the full float on the current account and abolished the managed exchange rate.

D. Dramatic exceptions are Argentina, Brazil and Nigeria.

S6: Another emerging market specific risk is liquidity risk.


608). S1: 1. Conflicting demands for resources are always voiced by different functions/ departments in an

A. Every manager examines the task entrusted to him and evaluates the resources required.

B. Availability of resources in full measure makes task achievement easy because it reduces the effort needed to
somewhat make-do.

C. A safety cushion is built into demand for resources to offset the adverse impact of any cut imposed by the

D. This aspect needs to be understood as a reality.

S6: Dynamic, energetic, growth-oriented and wise managements are always confronted with the inadequacy of
resources with respect to one of the four Ms ( men, machine, money and materials) and the two Ts (time and


609). S1: The top management should perceive the true worth of people and only then make friends.

A. Such ‘true friends’ are very few and very rare.

B. Factors such as affluence, riches, outward sophistication and conceptual abilities are not prerequisites for
genuine friendship. | |

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C. Such people must be respected and kept close to the heart.

D. Business realities call for developing a large circle of acquaintances and contacts; however, all of them will
be motivated by their own self-interest and it would be wrong to treat them as genuine friends.

S6: There is always a need for real friends to whom one can turn for balanced, unselfish advice, more so when
one is caught in a dilemma.


610). S1: Despite the passage of time, a large number of conflicts continue to remain alive, because the
wronged parties, in reality or in imagination, wish to take revenge upon each other, thus creating a vicious

A. At times, managers are called upon to take ruthless decisions in the long-term interests of the organization.

B. People hurt others, at times knowingly, to teach them a lesson and at other times because they lack correct
understanding of other person’s stand.

C. The delegation of any power to any person is never absolute.

D. Every ruthless decision will be accepted easily if the situation at the moment of committing the act is
objectively analyzed, shared openly and discussed rationally.

S6: Power is misused; its effects can last only for a while, since employees are bound to confront it someday.


Direction (Q. 611-620): In each of the questions below, five sentences are given which are denoted by A),
B), C), D) and E). By using all the five sentences you have to frame a meaningful paragraph. The correct
order of the sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order
of sentences and mark it as your answer.

611). A. Two reforms are possible here. The first is to encourage more entrants, since competition will reduce
the incentive to store for long periods.

B. However, if storage facilities are controlled by a small group of middlemen who procure in large volumes to
manipulate price, it amounts to market failure.

C. Hence, creation of storage facilities is encouraged in policy circles.

D. Indian agriculture is vulnerable to sharp price cycles.

E. The second is to bring in some degree of transparency and market intelligence.


612). A. This is now orthodoxy to which I subscribe— up to a point.

B. It emerged from the mathematics of chance and statistics

C. Therefore the risk is measurable and manageable. | |

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D. The fundamental concept: Prices are not predictable, but the mathematical laws of chance can describe their

E. This is how what business schools now call modern finance was born.


613). A. Lying at the point where the Eurasian plate constantly bumps up against the Indo-Australian plate,
volcanoes in the archipelago have long been associated with outsized eruptions, deaths and misery.

B. With some 130 active volcanoes, Indonesia is a hotbed of tectonic plate activity.

C. The flip side of the destruction is the availability of a vast amount of geothermal energy that if harnessed,
can provide Indonesia with the kind of clean and reliable energy source it is in desperate need of.

D. The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa, for example, killed more than 36,000 people and is considered to be one of
the loudest sounds ever heard in modern history.

E. But all this geological ferment is not an unmitigated negative.


614). A. Another of his start-ups was sold to Google.

B. He founded the first company to sell virtual reality products.

C. But unlike most of his fellow technologists, he eventually came to feel that the rise of digital networks was
no panacea.

D. He was there, more or less, at its creation.

E. Lanier has an unusual authority to criticize the digital economy:


615). A. The book was Jonah Lehrer's how We Decide and the epiphany was that consciousness could reside in
the brain.

B. But Mc Nerney was no neurobiologist, was a twenty-year-old philosophy major at Hamilton College.

C. In January 2010, while driving from Chicago to Minneapolis, Sam Mc Nerney played an audio book and had
an epiphany.

D. The quest for an empirical understanding of consciousness has long preoccupied neurobiologists.

E. The standard course work-ancient, modern, and contemporary philosophy-enthralled him.


616). A. He felt justified in bypassing Congress altogether on a variety of moves.

B. At times he was fighting the entire Congress.

C. Bush felt he had a mission to restore power to the presidency. | |

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D. Bush was not fighting just the democrats.

E. Representative democracy is a messy business, and a CEO of the White House does not like a legislature of
second guessers and time wasters.


617). A. The two neighbours never fought each other.

B. Fights involving three male fiddler crabs have been recorded, but the status of the participants was unknown.

C. They pushed or grappled only with the intruder.

D. We recorded 17 cases in which a resident that was fighting an intruder was joined by an immediate
neighbour, an ally.

E. We therefore tracked 268 intruder males until we saw them fighting a resident male.


618). A. This burnt off many living forms and it took a long time before oxygen- using life forms started
flourishing about 500 million years later.

B. Some of this was ‘fixed’ by iron and organic matter of earth, but the rest soon led the ‘poisonous’ gas,
oxygen, attain levels of about 20 per cent in the air.

C. Those days, the earth was rich in a set of microbes called cyanobacteria, which started the early events of
photosynthesis, wherein the microbe used CO2 for energy production and emitted oxygen gas as the waste

D. One such massive upheaval of the earth’s atmosphere occurred about 2.4 billion years ago, during what is
called the “Oxygen Catastrophe”.

E. Cyanobacteria reproduced very fast (doubling every 30 minutes), leading to vast amounts of oxygen in the


619). A. These children may look normal but their brain development and immune systems most certainly are

B. The media focus on children who are desperately thin and obviously wasting away means that chronic under
nutrition – just as deadly – can be overlooked.

C. In the same regions, about 7%-15% of children suffer from wasting.

D. Their stunted height is a grisly marker of multiple deprivations regarding food intake, care and play, clean
water, good sanitation and health care.

E. Approximately 40% of all children under five in south Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are short for their age.


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620). A. The number of development studies courses offered by colleges and universities has grown over the
last 20 years.

B. What are you hoping to get out of your course?

C. Has your interest been sparked by other studies, travel, or family connections?

D. As the new academic year begins for some people this month, we would like to hear what is motivating you
to study development.

E. The content of those courses has also changed to reflect new interests and trends in the sector, with topics
covering a range of subjects, from economics and politics, to the environment, gender and anthropology.


Direction (Q. 621-630): In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence
(S1) and the final sentence (S6) are given. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and
jumbled up. These are labeled as A), B), C) and D). You are required to find out the proper sequence of
the four sentences from the five alternatives.

621). S1: Security inks exploit the same principle that causes the vivid and constantly changing colours of a
film of oil on water.

A. When two rays of light meet each other after being reflected from these different surfaces, they have each
travelled slightly different distances.

B. The key is that the light is bouncing off two surfaces, that of the oil and that of the water layer below it.

C. The distance the two rays travel determines which wavelengths, and hence colours, interfere constructively
and look bright.

D. Because light is an electromagnetic wave, the peaks and troughs of each ray then interfere either
constructively, to appear bright, or destructively, to appear dim.

S6: Since the distance the rays travel changes with the angle as you look at the surface, different colours look
bright from different viewing angles.


622). S1: Commercially reared chicken can be unusually aggressive, and are often kept in darkened sheds to
prevent them pecking at each other.

A. The birds spent far more of their time—up to a third—pecking at the inanimate objects in the pens, in
contrast to birds in other pens which spent a lot of time attacking others.

B. In low light conditions, they behave less belligerently, but are more prone to ophthalmic disorders and
respiratory problems.

C. In an experiment, aggressive head-pecking was all but eliminated among birds in the enriched environment.

D. Altering the birds’ environment, by adding bales of wood-shavings to their pens, can work wonders. | |

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S6: Bales could diminish aggressiveness and reduce injuries; they might even improve productivity, since a
happy chicken is a productive chicken.


623). S1: The concept of a ‘nation-state’ assumes a complete correspondence between the boundaries of the
nation and the boundaries of those who live in a specific state.

A. Then there are members of national collectivities who live in other countries, making a mockery of the

B. There are always people living in particular states who are not considered to be (and often do not consider
themselves to be) members of the hegemonic nation.

C. Even worse, there are nations which never had a state or which are divided across several states.

D. This, of course, has been subject to severe criticism and is virtually everywhere a fiction.

S6: However, the fiction has been, and continues to be, at the basis of nationalist ideologies.


624). S1: In the sciences, even questionable examples of research fraud are harshly punished.

A. But no such mechanism exists in the humanities—much of what humanities researchers call research does
not lead to results that are replicable by other scholars.

B. Given the importance of interpretation in historical and literary scholarship, humanities researchers are in a
position where they can explain away deliberate and even systematic distortion.

C. Mere suspicion is enough for funding to be cut off; publicity guarantees that careers can be effectively

D. Forgeries which take the form of pastiches in which the forger intersperses fake and real parts can be
defended as mere mistakes or aberrant misreading.

S6: Scientists fudging data have no such defenses.


625). S1: Horses and communism were, on the whole, a poor match.

A. Fine horses bespoke the nobility the party was supposed to despise.

B. Communist leaders, when they visited villages, preferred to see cows and pigs.

C. Although a working horse was just about tolerable, the communists were right to be wary.

D. Peasants from Poland to the Hungarian Pustza preferred their horses to party dogma.

S6: “A farmer’s pride is his horse; his cow may be thin but his horse must be fat,” went a Slovak saying.


626). S1: Making people laugh is tricky. | |
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A. At times, the intended humor may simply not come off.

B. Making people laugh while trying to sell them something is a tougher challenge, since the commercial can
fall flat on two grounds.

C. There are many advertisements which do amuse but do not even begin to set the cash tills ringing.

D. Again, it is rarely sufficient for an advertiser simply to amuse the target audience in order to reap the sales

S6: There are indications that in substituting the hard sell for a more entertaining approach, some agencies have
rather thrown out the baby with the bath water.


627). S1: Picture a termite colony, occupying a tall mud hump on an African plain.

A. Hungry predators often invade the colony and unsettle the balance.

B. The colony flourishes only if the proportion of soldiers to workers remains roughly the same, so that the
queen and workers can be protected by the soldiers, and the queen and soldiers can be serviced by the workers.

C. But its fortunes are presently restored, because the immobile queen, walled in well below ground level, lays
eggs not only in large enough numbers, but also in the varying proportions required.

D. The hump is alive with worker termites and soldier termites going about their distinct kinds of business.

S6: How can we account for her mysterious ability to respond like this to events on the distant surface?


628). S1: According to recent research, the critical period for developing language skills is between the ages of
three and five and a half years.

A. The read-to child already has a large vocabulary and a sense of grammar and sentence structure.

B. Children who are read to in these years have a far better chance of reading well in school, indeed, of doing
well in all their subjects.

C. And the reason is actually quite simple.

D. This correlation is far and away the highest yet found between home influences and school success.

S6: Her comprehension of language is therefore very high.


629). S1: High-powered outboard motors were considered to be one of the major threats to the survival of the
Beluga whales.

A. With these, hunters could approach Belugas within hunting range and profit from its inner skin and blubber.

B. To escape an approaching motor, Belugas have learned to dive to the ocean bottom and stay there for up to
20 minutes, by which time the confused predator has left. | |

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C. Today, however, even with much more powerful engines, it is difficult to come close, because the whales
seem to disappear suddenly just when you thought you had them in your sights.

D. When the first outboard engines arrived in the early 1930s, one came across 4 and 8 HP motors.

S6: Belugas seem to have used their well-known sensitivity to noise to evolve an ‘avoidance’ strategy to
outsmart hunters and their powerful technologies.


630). S1: The reconstruction of history by post-revolutionary science texts involves more than a multiplication
of historical misconstructions.

A. Because they aim quickly to acquaint the student with what the contemporary scientific community thinks it
knows, textbooks treat the various experiments, concepts, laws and theories of the current normal science as
separately and as nearly seriatim as possible.

B. Those misconstructions render revolutions invisible; the arrangement of the still visible material in science
texts implies a process that, if it existed, would deny revolutions a function.

C. But when combined with the generally unhistorical air of science writing and with the occasional systematic
misconstruction, one impression is likely to follow.

D. As pedagogy this technique of presentation is unexceptionable.

S6: Science has reached its present state by a series of individual discoveries and inventions that, when gathered
together, constitute the modern body of technical knowledge.


Direction (Q. 631-640): In each of the questions below, five sentences are given which are denoted by A),
B), C), D) and E). By using all the five sentences you have to frame a meaningful paragraph. The correct
order of the sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order
of sentences and mark it as your answer.

631). A. Events intervened, and in the late 1930s and 1940s, Germany suffered from “over-branding”.

B. The British used to be fascinated by the home of Romanticism.

C. But reunification and the federal government’s move to Berlin have prompted Germany to think again about
its image.

D. The first foreign package holiday was a tour of Germany organized by Thomas Cook in 1855.

E. Since then, Germany has been understandably nervous about promoting itself abroad.


632). A. Four days later, Oracle announced its own bid for PeopleSoft, and invited the firm’s board to a

B. Furious that his own plans had been endangered, PeopleSoft’s boss, Craig Conway, called Oracle’s offer
“diabolical”, and its boss, Larry Ellison, a “sociopath”. | |

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C. In early June, PeopleSoft said that it would buy J.D. Edwards, a smaller rival.

D. Moreover, said Mr. Conway, “he could imagine no price nor combination of price and other conditions to
recommend accepting the offer.”

E. On June 12th, PeopleSoft turned Oracle down.


633). A. Branded disposable diapers are available at many supermarkets and drug stores.

B. If one supermarket sets a higher price for a diaper, customers may buy that brand elsewhere.

C. By contrast, the demand for private-label products may be less price sensitive since it is available only at a
corresponding supermarket chain.

D. So, the demand for branded diapers at any particular store may be quite price sensitive.

E. For instance, only SavOn Drugs stores sell SavOn Drugs diapers; then, stores should set a higher incremental
margin percentage for private-label diapers.


634). A. Having a strategy is a matter of discipline.

B. It involves the configuration of a tailored value chain that enables a company to offer unique value.

C. It requires a strong focus on profitability and a willingness to make tough tradeoffs in choosing what not to

D. When a company’s activities fit together as a self-reinforcing system, any competitor wishing to imitate a
strategy must replicate the whole system.

E. A company must stay the course even during times of upheaval, while constantly improving and extending
its distinctive positioning and strategy goes far beyond the pursuit of best practices.


635). A. “This face off will continue for several months given the strong convictions on either side,” says a
senior functionary of the high-powered task force on drought.

B. During the past week-and-half, the Central Government has sought to deny some of the earlier
apprehensions over the impact of drought.

C. The recent revival of the rains had led to the emergence of a line of divide between the two.

D. The state governments, on the other hand, allege that the Centre is downplaying the crisis only to evade its
full responsibility of financial assistance that is required to alleviate the damage.

E. Shrill alarm about the economic impact of an inadequate monsoon had been sounded by the Centre as well
as most of the states, in late July and early August.


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636). A. This fact was established in the 1730s by French survey expeditions to Equador near the Equator and
Lapland in the Arctic, which found that around the middle of the earth the arc was about a kilometer shorter.

B. One of the unsettled scientific questions in the late 18th century was the exact nature of the shape of the

C. The length of one-degree arc would be less near the equatorial latitudes than at the poles.

D. One way of doing that is to determine the length of the arc along a chosen longitude or meridian at one-
degree latitude separation.

E. While it was generally known that the earth was not a sphere but an ‘oblate spheroid’, more curved at the
equator and flatter at the poles, the question of ‘how much more’ was yet to be established.


637). A. But in the industrial era, if you need to destroy the enemy’s productive capacity means bombing the
factories which are located in the cities.

B. So in the agrarian era, if you need to destroy the enemy’s productive capacity, what you want to do is burn
his fields, or if you’re really vicious, salt them.

C. Now in the information era, destroying the enemy’s productive capacity means destroying the information

D. How do you battle with your enemy - the idea is to destroy the enemy’s productive capacity, and depending
upon the economic foundation, that productive capacity is different in each case.

E. With regard to defence, the purpose of the military is to defend the nation and be prepared to do battle with
its enemy.


638). A. Michael Hofman, a poet and translator, accepts this sorry fact without approval or complaint.

B. But thanklessness and impossibility do not daunt him.

C. He acknowledges too - in fact he returns to the point often - that best translators of poetry always fail at
some level.

D. Hofman feels passionately about his work, and this is clear from his writings.

E. In terms of the gap between worth and rewards, translators come somewhere near nurses and street-cleaners.


639). A. This very insatiability of the photographing eye changes the terms of confinement in the cave, our

B. Humankind lingers unregenerate in Plato’s cave, still reveling, its age-old habit, in mere images of truth.

C. But being educated by photographs is not like being educated by older images drawn by hand; for one thing,
there are a great many more images around, claiming our attention. | |

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D. The inventory started in 1939 and since then just about everything has been photographed, or so it seems.

E. In teaching us a new visual code, photographs alter and enlarge our notions of what is worth looking at and
what we have a right to observe.


640). A. To be culturally literate is to possess the basic information needed to thrive in the modern world.

B. Nor is it confined to one social class; quite the contrary.

C. It is by no means confined to “culture” narrowly understood as an acquaintance with the arts.

D. Cultural literacy constitutes the only sure avenue of opportunity for disadvantaged children, the only reliable
way of combating the social determinism that now condemns them.

E. The breadth of that information is great, extending over the major domains of human activity from sports to


Direction (Q. 641-650): In each of the questions below, five sentences are given which are denoted by A),
B), C), D) and E). By using all the five sentences you have to frame a meaningful paragraph. The correct
order of the sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order
of sentences and mark it as your answer.

641). A. In the west, Allied Forces had fought their way through southern Italy as far as Rome.

B. In June 1944 Germany’s military position in World War Two appeared hopeless.

C. In Britain, the task of amassing the men and materials for the liberation of northern Europe had been

D. The Red Army was poised to drive the Nazis back through Poland.

E. The situation on the eastern front was catastrophic.


642). A. But this does not mean that death was the Egyptians’ only preoccupation.

B. Even papyri come mainly from pyramid temples.

C. Most of our traditional sources of information about the Old Kingdom are monuments of the rich like
pyramids and tombs.

D. Houses in which ordinary Egyptians lived have not been preserved, and when most people died they were
buried in simple graves.

E. We know infinitely more about the wealthy people of Egypt than we do about the ordinary people, as most
monuments were made for the rich.


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643). A. Too much of the Labour movement, it symbolizes the brutality of the upper classes.

B. And to everybody watching, the current mess over foxhunting symbolizes the government’s weakness.

C. To foxhunting’s supporters, Labour’s 1991 manifesto commitment to ban it symbolizes the party’s
metropolitan roots and hostility to the countryside.

D. Small issues sometimes have large symbolic power.

E. To those who enjoy thundering across the countryside in red coats after foxes, foxhunting symbolizes the
ancient roots of rural lives.


644). A. In the case of King Merolchazzar’s courtship of the Princess of the Outer Isles, there occurs a
regrettable hitch.

B. She acknowledges the gifts, but no word of a meeting date follows.

C. The monarch, hearing good reports of a neighbouring princess, dispatches messengers with gifts to her court,
beseeching an interview.

D. The princess names a date, and a formal meeting takes place; after that everything buzzes along pretty

E. Royal love affairs in olden days were conducted on the correspondence method.


645). A. The wall does not simply divide Israel from a putative Palestinian state on the basis of the 1967

B. A chilling omission from the road map is the gigantic ‘separation wall’ now being built in the West Bank by

C. It is surrounded by trenches, electric wire and moats; there are watchtowers at regular intervals.

D. It actually takes in new tracts of Palestinian land, sometimes five or six kilometres at a stretch.

E. Almost a decade after the end of South African apartheid, this ghastly racist wall is going up with scarcely a
peep from Israel’s American allies who are going to pay for most of it.


646). A. Luckily the tide of battle moved elsewhere after the American victory at Midway and an Australian
victory over Japan at Milne Bay.

B. It could have been no more than a delaying tactic.

C. The Australian military, knowing the position was hopeless, planned to fall back to the south-east in the
hope of defending the main cities. | |

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D. They had captured most of the Soloman Islands and much of New Guinea, and seemed poised for an

E. Not many people outside Australia realize how close the Japanese got.


647). A. The celebrations of economic recovery in Washington may be as premature as that “Mission
Accomplished” banner hung on the USS Abraham Lincoln to hail the end of the Iraq war.

B. Meanwhile, in the real world, the struggles of families and communities continue unabated.

C. Washington responded to the favorable turn in economic news with enthusiasm.

D. The celebrations and high-fives up and down Pennsylvania Avenue are not to be found beyond the Beltway.

E. When the third quarter GDP showed growth of 7.2% and the monthly unemployment rate dipped to 6%,
euphoria gripped the US capital.


648). A. A few months ago I went to Princeton University to see what the young people who are going to be
running our country in a few decades are like.

B. I would go to sleep in my hotel room around midnight each night, and when I awoke, my mailbox would be
full of replies—sent at 1:15 a.m., 2:59 a.m., 3:23 a.m.

C. One senior told me that she went to bed around two and woke up each morning at seven; she could afford
that much rest because she had learned to supplement her full day of work by studying in her sleep.

D. Faculty members gave me the names of a few dozen articulate students, and I sent them e-mails, inviting
them out to lunch or dinner in small groups.

E. As she was falling asleep she would recite a math problem or a paper topic to herself; she would then
sometimes dream about it, and when she woke up, the problem might be solved.


649). A. Surrendered, or captured, combatants cannot be incarcerated in razor wire cages; this ‘war’ has a
dubious legality.

B. How can then one characterize a conflict to be waged against a phenomenon as war?

C. The phrase ‘war against terror’, which has passed into the common lexicon, is a huge misnomer.

D. Besides, war has a juridical meaning in international law, which has codified the laws of war, imbuing them
with a humanitarian content.

E. Terror is a phenomenon, not an entity—either State or non-State.


650). A. To avoid this, the QWERTY layout put the keys most likely to be hit in rapid succession on opposite
sides. This made the keyboard slow, the story goes, but that was the idea. | |
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B. A different layout, which had been patented by August Dvorak in 1936, was shown to be much faster.

C. The QWERTY design (patented by Christopher Sholes in 1868 and sold to Remington in 1873) aimed to
solve a mechanical problem of early typewriters.

D. Yet the Dvorak layout has never been widely adopted, even though (with electric typewriters and then PCs)
the anti jamming rationale for QWERTY has been defunct for years.

E. When certain combinations of keys were struck quickly, the type bars often jammed.


Direction (Q. 651-660): In each of the questions below, five sentences are given which are denoted by A),
B), C), D) and E). By using all the five sentences you have to frame a meaningful paragraph. The correct
order of the sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order
of sentences and mark it as your answer.

651). A. Experts such as Larry Burns, head of research at GM, reckon that only such a full hearted leap will
allow the world to cope with the mass motorization that will one day come to China or India.

B. But once hydrogen is being produced from biomass or extracted from underground coal or made from water,
using nuclear or renewable electricity, the way will be open for a huge reduction in carbon emissions from the
whole system.

C. In theory, once all the bugs have been sorted out, fuel cells should deliver better total fuel economy than any
existing engines.

D. That is twice as good as the internal combustion engine, but only five percentage points better than a diesel

E. Allowing for the resources needed to extract hydrogen from hydrocarbon, oil, coal or gas, the fuel cell has an
efficiency of 30 %.


652). A. Who can trace to its first beginnings the love of Damon for Pythias, of David for Jonathan, of Swan for

B. Similarly with men.

C. There is about great friendships between man and man a certain inevitability that can only be compared with
the ageold association of ham and eggs.

D. One simply feels that it is one of the things that must be so.

E. No one can say what was the mutual magnetism that brought the deathless partnership of these wholesome
and palatable foodstuffs about.


653). A. Call it the third wave sweeping the Indian media. | |

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B. Now, they are starring in a new role, as suave dealmakers who are in a hurry to strike alliances and

C. Look around and you will find a host of deals that have been inked or are ready to be finalized.

D. Then the media barons wrested back control from their editors, and turned marketing warriors with the brand
as their missile.

E. The first came with those magnificent men in their mahogany chambers who took on the world with their
mighty fountain pens.


654). A. I am much more intolerant of a human being’s shortcomings than I am of an animal’s, but in this
respect I have been lucky, for most of the people I have come across have been charming.

B. Then you come across the unpleasant human animal—the District Officer who drawled, “We chaps are here
to help you chaps,’ and then proceeded to be as obstructive as possible.

C. In these cases of course, the fact that you are an animal collector helps; people always seem delighted to
meet someone with such an unusual occupation and go out of their way to assist you.

D. Fortunately, these types are rare, and the pleasant ones I have met more than compensated for them—but
even so, I think I will stick to animals.

E. When you travel round the world collecting animals you also, of necessity, collect human beings.


655). A. It involves the configuration of a tailored value chain that enables a company to offer unique value.

B. Having a strategy is a matter of discipline; it requires a strong focus on profitability and a willingness to
make tough tradeoffs in choosing what not to do.

C. Strategy goes far beyond the pursuit of best practices.

D. A company must stay the course even during times of upheaval, while constantly improving and extending
its distinctive positioning.

E. When a company’s activities fit together as a self-reinforcing system, any competitor wishing to imitate a
strategy must replicate the whole system.


656). A. This fact was established in the 1730s by French survey expeditions to Equador near the Equator and
Lapland in the Arctic, which found that around the middle of the earth the arc was about a kilometer shorter.

B. One of the unsettled scientific questions in the late 18th century was the exact nature of the shape of the

C. The length of one-degree arc would be less near the equatorial latitudes than at the poles.

D. One way of doing that is to determine the length of the arc along a chosen longitude or meridian at one-
degree latitude separation. | |
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E. While it was generally known that the earth was not a sphere but an ‘oblate spheroid’, more curved at the
equator and flatter at the poles, the question of ‘how much more’ was yet to be established


657). A. If caught in the act, they were punished, not for the crime, but for allowing themselves to be caught
another lash of the whip.

B. The bellicose Spartans sacrificed all the finer things in life for military expertise.

C. Those fortunate enough to survive babyhood were taken away from their mothers at the age of seven to
undergo rigorous military training.

D. This consisted mainly of beatings and deprivations of all kinds like going around barefoot in winter, and
worse, starvation so that they would be forced to steal food to survive.

E. Male children were examined at birth by the city council and those deemed too weak to become soldiers
were left to die of exposure.


658). A. Both parties use capital and labour in the struggle to secure property rights.

B. The thief spends time and money in his attempt to steal (he buys wire cutters) and the legitimate property
owner expends resources to prevent the theft (he buys locks).

C. A social cost of theft is that both the thief and the potential victim use resources to gain or maintain control
over property.

D. These costs may escalate as a type of technological arms race unfolds.

E. A bank may purchase more and more complicated and sophisticated safes, forcing safecrackers to invest
further in safecracking equipment.


659). A. Since then, intelligence tests have been mostly used to separate dull children in school from average or
bright children, so that special education can be provided to the dull.

B. In other words, intelligence tests give us a norm for each age.

C. Intelligence is expressed as intelligence quotient, and tests are developed to indicate what an average child
of a certain age can do: what a 5-year-old can answer, but a 4-year-old cannot, for instance.

D. Binet developed the first set of such tests in the early 1900s to find out which children in school needed
special attention.

E. Intelligence can be measured by tests.


660). A. Similarly, turning to caste, even though being lower caste is undoubtedly a separate cause of disparity,
its impact is all the greater when the lower-caste families also happen to be poor. | |

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B. Belonging to a privileged class can help a woman to overcome many barriers that obstruct women from less
thriving classes.

C. It is the interactive presence of these two kinds of deprivation—being low class and being female—that
massively impoverishes women from the less privileged classes.

D. A congruence of class deprivation and gender discrimination can blight the lives of poorer women very

E. Gender is certainly a contributor to societal inequality, but it does not act independently of class.


Direction (Q. 661-670): In each of the questions below, four sentences are given which are denoted by A),
B), C) and D). By using all the four sentences you have to frame a meaningful paragraph. The correct
order of the sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order
of sentences and mark it as your answer.

661). A. It also gives rise to a feeling of animosity among the different sections of the society.

B. In a democratic system, frequent use of power is never desirable, be it on the part of government or the

C. Therefore, citizens should never resort to violent ways and means in democracy, though they have the right
to oppose the government.

D. It destroys the stability and security in public life.


662). A. The facts speak for themselves so, they need exposition only, not demonstration.

B. At the present moment, it is widely recognized that India holds the balance in the world-wide competition
between rival ideologies.

C. It is not, of course, only in geographical sense that India is in a key position.

D. India’s key position simply needs pointing out.


663). A. The peasant, the shoemaker, the sweeper and such other lower classes of India have much greater
capacity for work and self-reliance than you.

B. Remember that the nation lives in the cottage.

C. They are producing the entire wealth of the land without a word of complaint.

D. This process of production is going through long ages.


664). A. Recovery was given inadequate attention and consequently some banks’ branches regularly incurred
heavy losses and their parent bodies had to bail them out. | |
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B. As a result, banks indulged in extensive lending to borrowers who had little or no potential to make

C. To fulfill the social objectives laid down by the masters of nationalization, banks were asked to lend to
identify priority sectors.

D. 1992-93 results showed that the loss making branches of public sector banks increased from 10,000 to
13,000 and the quantum of losses showed at Rs. 3,369 crores.


665). A. Now under liberated economy, they are learning to compete domestically and globally.

B. In India, corporations, until recently achieved success by avoiding competition, using protected and
regulated domestic markets.

C. The trend is irreversible.

D. Business leaders are preparing themselves to meet competitive challenges, and to avoid being swept away.


666). A. But categorization schemes are not always helpful in determining what one can do with or about
organisational culture.

B. Much of the literature on organisational cultures is focused on categorising the types of cultures.

C. It has taken the understanding of corporate culture far beyond what used to be called the informal

D. This literature is both interesting and informative.


667). A. Much of the argument, which goes on around the alternative solution, occurs because people hold
different perceptions of the problem.

B. One of the reasons that Japanese managers are perceived as making superior decisions as compared to
Western managers is that they spend a great deal of effort and time determining that the problem is correctly

C. Unfortunately, too often in the west, managers assume that the initial definition of the situation is correct.

D. Up to half of the time in meetings is spent in asking “Is this the real problem”?


668). A. Such a system will help to identify and groom the executives for the positions of strategists.

B. Evaluation of performance is more often than not done for the purpose of reward or punishment for the past

C. They must become an integral part of the executive evaluation system. | |

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D. Even where the evaluation system is for one’s promotion to assume higher responsibilities, it rarely includes
items that are a key for playing the role of strategists effectively, e.g., the skills for playing the role of change
agent and creative problem solving.


669). A. This feeling of an extensive group gives rise to a fellow feeling, a feeling of brotherhood amongst the

B. This feeling takes up beyond the bounds of family, caste, religion as well as region and helps us to develop a
broad perspective that all of us together constitute an extensive group called ‘the nation’.

C. National integration is the feeling among all the citizens of a country that they all are part of one nation.

D. We do not, then, limit our thinking to our own caste or religion but think about all our fellow citizens.


670). A. Finally, the bureaucratic organisation took over from the pioneering enterprise.

B. The nineteenth century was the age of entrepreneur, the self-made man.

C. Thoughtful business administration took over from action centered business entrepreneurship.

D. In the twentieth century, the rational executive took command.


Direction (Q. 671-680): In the following items, each passage consists of six sentences. The first sentence
(S1) and the final sentence (S6) are given. The middle four sentences in each have been removed and
jumbled up. These are labeled as A), B), C) and D). You are required to find out the proper sequence of
the four sentences from the five alternatives.

671). S1: Discussions on drug addiction should also be concerned with the vast majority of people who are not

A) What makes him dangerous is the desperate need for money to buy the next dose.

B) Their homes and lives are insecure because our narcotics laws drive such people to crime.

C) Drugs are available only in an illegal black market.

D) The drug addict is almost never dangerous when he is under the influence of drugs.

S6: The costs are stupendous, and this is what drives the addict to steal, rob and even kill.


672). S1: Many doctors flatly refused to believe Jenner when he announced that he had found a preventive
against smallpox.

A) Some of the ‘vacca’ used by Jenner were not pure and some harms were done; but when supplies of pure
vaccine were available, the practice of vaccinating spread all over England and from England to other countries. | |

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B) The Latin word for cow is ‘vacca’; it is the root from which the word vaccination was formed.

C) They declared vaccination to be a dangerous practice.

D) But the dread of smallpox was in everybody’s heart, and people flocked to Jenner to be vaccinated.

S6: We hardly hear of outbreaks of smallpox now.


673). S1: The sky was already full of rusting wings.

A) The house above the world had its huge bay-windows through which one could see the horizon from one
edge to the other.

B) Then he suddenly swam back to land and clambered up the winding path to his house.

C) But when Jean stepped into the still lusterless water, he seemed to be swimming in an indeterminate
darkness until he saw the streaks of red and gold over the horizon.

D) After a great deal of panting he reached a little gate, pushed it open and climbed a stairway.

S6: Here, no one complained of exhaustion; everyone had his joy to conquer, every day.


674). S1: Fortunately, it is as yet only through fantasy that we can see what the destruction of the scholarly and
scientific disciplines would mean to mankind.

A) The ability of the man of disciplined mind to direct this power effectively upon problems for which he has
not specifically trained is proved by examples without number.

B) The sheer power of disciplined thought is revealed in practically all the great intellectual and technological
advances which the human race has made.

C) The real evidence for the value of liberal education lies in history and in the biographies of men who have
met the valid criteria of greatness.

D) From history we can learn what their existence has meant.

S6: These support overwhelmingly the claim of liberal education that it can equip a man with fundamental
powers of decision and action, applicable not only to boy-girl relationship, to tinkering hobbies, or to choosing
the family dentist, but to all the great and varied concerns of human life not least, those that are unforeseen.


675). S1: The art of growing old is one which the passage of time has forced upon my attention.

A) Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of these is undue absorption in
the past.

B) It does not do to live in memories, in regrets for the good old days. | |
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C) This is not always easy; one’s past is a gradually increasing weight.

D) One’s thoughts must be directed to the future.

S6: The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth on the hope of sucking vigor from its vitality.


676). S1: It is said that ideas are explosive and dangerous; to allow them unfettered freedom is, in fact, to invite

A) It is impossible to draw a line round dangerous ideas, and any attempt at their definition involves monstrous

B) But, to this position, there are at least two final answers.

C) For disorder is not a habit of mankind.

D) If views, moreover, which imply disorder, are able to disturb the foundations of the state, there is something
supremely wrong with the governance of the state.

S6: We cling so eagerly to our accustomed ways that, as even Burke insisted; popular violence is always the
outcome of a deep popular sense of wrong.


677). S1: The psychological causes of unhappiness, it is clear, are many and various; but all have something in

A) A man may feel so completely thwarted that he seeks no form of satisfaction, but only distraction and

B) There is, however, a further development which is very common in the present day.

C) The typical unhappy man is one who, having been deprived in youth of some normal satisfaction, comes to
value this one kind of satisfaction more than any other, and has therefore given to his life a one-side direction,
together with a quite undue emphasis upon the achievement as opposed to the activities connected with it.

D) He then becomes a devotee of ‘pleasure’. This is to say, he seeks to make life bearable by becoming less

S6: Drunkenness, for example, is temporary suicide – the happiness that it brings is merely negative, a
momentary cessation of unhappiness.


678). S1: The world is very full of people-appallingly-full, it has never been so full before, and they are all
tumbling over each other.

A) The other way is much less thrilling, but it is on the whole the way of the democracies, and I prefer it. | |

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B) Most of these people one doesn’t know and some of them one doesn’t like.

C) Well, what is one to do? There are two solutions. One of them is the Nazi solution.

D) If you don’t like people, kill them, banish them, and segregate them.

S6: If you don’t like people, put up with them as well as you can; don’t try to love them; you can’t, you’ll only
strain yourself. But try to tolerate them.


679). S1: We should preserve nature to preserve life and beauty.

A) A beautiful landscape, full of green vegetation, will not just attract our attention but will fill us with infinite

B) Man will perish without Nature, so modern man should continue this struggle to save plants, which give us
oxygen, from extinction.

C) In a few places, some Natural reserves are now being carved out to avert the danger of destroying Nature

D) Unfortunately, because of modernization, much of nature is now yielding to towns, roads and industrial

S6: Moreover, Nature’s essential to man’s health.


680). S1: In nearly all human populations a majority of individuals can taste the artificially synthesized
chemical phenylthiocarbamide (PTC).
A) Among European populations 90% of individuals have a sticky yellow variety rather than a dry, gray one,
whereas in northern China these numbers are approximately the reverse. Perhaps like PTC variability, cerumen
variability is an incidental expression of something more adaptively significant.

B) A somewhat more puzzling human polymorphism is the genetic variability in earwax, or cerumen, which is
observed in two varieties.

C) That this polymorphism is observed in non-human primates as well indicates a long evolutionary history
which, although obviously not acting on PTC, might reflect evolutionary selection for taste discrimination of
other, more significant bitter substances, such as certain toxic plants.

D) However, the percentage varies dramatically--from as low as 60% in India to as high as 95% in Africa. | |

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S6: Indeed, the observed relationship between cerumen and odorous bodily secretions, to which non-human
primates and, to lesser extent humans, pay attention suggests that during the course of human evolution genes
affecting body secretions, including cerumen, came under selective influence.


Direction (Q. 681-690): In each of the questions below, four sentences are given which are denoted by A),
B), C) and D). By using all the four sentences you have to frame a meaningful paragraph. The correct
order of the sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order
of sentences and mark it as your answer.

681). A. The situations in which violence occurs and the nature of that violence tends to be clearly defined at
least in theory, as in the proverbial Irishman’s question: ‘Is this a private fight or can anyone join in?’

B. So the actual risk to outsiders, though no doubt higher than our societies, is calculable.

C. Probably the only uncontrolled applications of force are those of social superiors to social inferiors and even
here there are probably some rules.

D. However binding the obligation to kill, members of feuding families engaged in mutual massacre will be
genuinely appalled if by some mischance a bystander or outsider is killed.


682). A. The likelihood of an accident is determined by how carefully the motorist drives and how carefully the
pedestrian crosses the street.

B. An accident involving a motorist and a pedestrian is such a case.

C. Each must decide how much care to exercise without knowing how careful the other is.

D. The simplest strategic problem arises when two individuals interact with each other, and each must decide
what to do without knowing what the other is doing.


683). A. In rejecting the functionalism in positivist organization theory, either wholly or partially, there is often
a move towards a political model of organization theory.

B. Thus the analysis would shift to the power resources possessed by different groups in the organization and
the way they use these resources in actual power plays to shape the organizational structure.

C. At the extreme, in one set of writings, the growth of administrators in the organization is held to be
completely unrelated to the work to be done and to be caused totally by the political pursuit of self-interest.

D. The political model holds that individual interests are pursued in organizational life through the exercise of
power and influence.


684). A. Group decision making, however, does not necessarily fully guard against arbitrariness and anarchy,
for individual capriciousness can get substituted by collusion of group members. | |
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B. Nature itself is an intricate system of checks and balances, meant to preserve the delicate balance between
various environmental factors that affect our ecology.

C. In institutions also, there is a need to have in place a system of checks and balances which inhibits the
concentration of power in only some individuals.

D. When human interventions alter this delicate balance, the outcomes have been seen to be disastrous.


685). A. He was bone-weary and soul-weary, and found himself muttering, “Either I can’t manage this place, or
it’s unmanageable.”

B. To his horror, he realized that he had become the victim of an amorphous, unwitting, unconscious
conspiracy to immerse him in routine work that had no significance.

C. It was one of those nights in the office when the office clock was moving towards four in the morning and
Bennis was still not through with the incredible mass of paper stacked before him.

D. He reached for his calendar and ran his eyes down each hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour, to see where his
time had gone that day, the day before, the month before.


686). A. With that, I swallowed the shampoo, and obtained most realistic results on the spot.

B. The man shuffled away into the back regions to make up a prescription, and after a moment I got through on
the shop telephone to the Consulate, intimating my location.

C. Then, while the pharmacist was wrapping up a six-ounce bottle of the mixture, I groaned and inquired
whether he could give me something for acute gastric cramp.

D. I intended to stage a sharp gastric attack, and entering an old-fashioned pharmacy, I asked for a popular
shampoo mixture, consisting of olive and flaked soap.


687). A. The two neighbours never fought each other; we therefore tracked 268 intruder males until we saw
them fighting a resident male.

B. Fights involving three male fiddler crabs have been recorded, but the status of the participants was unknown.

C. They pushed or grappled only with the intruder.

D. We recorded 17 cases in which a resident that was fighting an intruder was joined by an immediate
neighbour, an ally.


688). A. Representative democracy is a messy business, and a CEO of the White House does not like a
legislature of second guessers and time wasters.

B. He felt justified in bypassing Congress altogether on a variety of moves. | |

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C. Bush felt he had a mission to restore power to the presidency.

D. Bush was not fighting just the democrats; at times he was fighting the entire Congress.


689). A. As officials, their vision of a country shouldn’t run too far beyond that of the local people with whom
they have to deal.

B. Ambassadors have to choose their words; they do a specialized job and it is necessary for them to live
ceremonial lives.

C. To say what they feel they have to say, they appear to be denying or ignoring part of what they know.

D. So, with ambassadors as with other expatriates in black Africa, there appears at a first meeting a kind of


690). A. Passivity is not, of course, universal.

B. In areas where there are no lords or laws, or in frontier zones where all men go armed, the attitude of the
peasantry may well be different.

C. So indeed it may be on the fringe of the unsubmissive.

D. However, for most of the soil-bound peasants the problem is not whether to be normally passive or active,
but when to pass from one state to another.


Direction (Q. 691-700): In each of the questions below, four sentences are given which are denoted by A),
B), C) and D). By using all the four sentences you have to frame a meaningful paragraph. The correct
order of the sentences is your answer. Choose from the five alternatives the one having the correct order
of sentences and mark it as your answer.

691). A. However, organized attempts to promote foreign trade were made only after Independence,
particularly with the onset of economic planning.

B. The origin of India’s foreign trade can be traced back to the age of the Indus Valley civilization.

C. During that period, India was a supplier of food stuffs and raw materials to England and an importer of
manufactured goods.

D. But the growth of foreign trade gained momentum during the British rule.


692). A. The United Nations was set up 70 years ago to save future generations from the scourge of war.

B. Preferably, assessments are best when undertaken by those who are not themselves camp followers and
cheerleaders | |

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C. While it has arguably succeeded in preventing another great war, its track record on peace and security has
not always been stellar.

D. Assessments on the vitality, durability and success of diplomacy in any year — including 2015 — are best
carried out away from high-decibel levels and cantankerous TV anchors.


693). A. Under investment in libraries, information technology, laboratories, and classrooms make it very
difficult to provide top quality instruction or engage in cutting-edge research.

B. The rises in the number of part-time teachers and freeze on new full time appointments in many places have
affected morale in the academic profession.

C. At many of them, politics has introduced into campus life, influencing academic appointments and decisions
across levels.

D. India’s colleges and universities, with just a few expectations, have become large, under unfounded,
ungovernable institutions.


694). A. Result: consumer goods companies, retail chains and banks which were having a free run, alluring and
exploiting gullible customers will have to be more transparent and rationale while doing business.

B. The biggest move, of course, was the ban on zero per cent interest EMI’s (equated monthly installments).

C. The RBI recently put an end to several unfair practices in retail banking through a series of customer
friendly circulars to commercial banks and credit card companies.

D. The RBI comes just weeks before the onset of the festival season, and much to the chagrin of retail players.


695). A. Just as implementation is the touchstone for planning, people’s participation is the centerpiece in rural

B. Rural development in India has witnessed several changes over the years in its emphasis, approaches,
strategies and programmes.

C. Rural development can be richer and more meaningful only through the participation of clienteles of

D. It has assumed a new dimension and perspective as a consequence.


696). A. Ironically, as globalization and the Internet have in some sense erased geographic boundaries,
xenophobic tendencies are only growing more pronounced in various pockets all around the world.

B. The tragic shooting at Orlando, and Brexit exemplify how intolerance and divisiveness are spreading their
tentacles across either side of the Atlantic.

C. Recent events in the news suggest that the world is growing more insular and polarized. | |
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D. Closer home, the racial attacks against Africans in Delhi suggest that India, despite its rich diversity and
famed hospitality, also harbors deep prejudices.


697). A. Most traditional organizations have accepted, in theory at least, that they must either change or die.

B. Even giants such as eBay,, and America Online recognize that they need to manage the
changes associated with rapid entrepreneurial growth.

C. Despite some individual successes, however, change remains difficult to pull off, and few companies
manage the process as well as they would like.

D. The new economy has ushered in great business opportunities-and great turmoil.


698). A. Buying a house is the single largest financial investment an individual makes.

B. Occasionally, deviant promoters are called to account as was the case in the detention of Unitech’s

C. Yet, in India this act is fraught with risk and individuals depend on weak laws for justice.

D. This incident shows up the fallout of an absence of proper regulation to cover contracts between buyers and
real estate promoters.


699). A. The top managements of the four banks are in the process of preparing a blueprint that would explain
the rationale for absorbing one or two entities, said the people cited above, none of whom wanted to be named.

B. India’s banking sector may be getting ready for a wave of consolidation as the country tries to build
institutions of world class proportions.

C. Four big state run banks – State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Bank of Baroda and Bank of India –
have already begun on exercise to identify takeover targets to gain access to franchises that would augment
their capabilities, said three top bankers familiar with the move.

D. Employees at these state run banks are engaged in the exercise after Finance Minister Arun Jaitley gave the
lenders the go-ahead to decide how they would strategiese to remain relevant in the emerging economic


700). A. This may hold true although the separation line between goods and services has become quite blurred
reflecting the growing service content of manufacturing and a certain tendency towards the industrialisation of
parts of the service sector.

B. Nevertheless, empirical research on FDI is still concentrated on manufacturing.

C. The long-term trend of an increasing share of service sector FDI has accelerated over the last twenty years. | |

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D. As the basic characteristics of services and goods differ – the main specifics of services are intangibility,
inseparability of production and consumption, heterogeneity, perishability and restricted ownership one would
expect that the determinants of internationalisation are not the same in the two sectors.


Direction (601 to 700): VII. Sentence Rearrangements: Answer Key:

601) a; 602) c; 603) e; 604) d; 605) a; 606) b; 607) d; 608) b; 609) e; 610) c;

611) d; 612) b; 613) a; 614) e; 615) d; 616) b; 617) a; 618) e; 619) c; 620) c;

621) b; 622) d; 623) a; 624) c; 625) e; 626) c; 627) b; 628) d; 629) a; 630) e;

631) c; 632) a; 633) e; 634) b; 635) d; 636) b; 637) a; 638) c; 639) d; 640) e;

641) b; 642) c; 643) a; 644) e; 645) b; 646) a; 647) d; 648) c; 649) d; 650) e;

651) a; 652) b; 653) d; 654) a; 655) e; 65) b; 65) a; 658) b; 659) c; 660) b;

661) b; 662) c; 663) d; 664) c; 665) e; 666) a; 667) b; 668) d; 669) e; 670) c;

671) b; 672) e; 673) a; 674) c; 675) d; 676) e; 677) c; 678) d; 679) a; 680) b;

681) a; 682) d; 683) c; 684) e; 685) b; 686) a; 687) e; 688) b; 689) c; 690) d;

691) d; 692) e; 693) b; 694) a; 695) c; 696) a; 697) e; 698) d; 699) c; 700) b;

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