Evaluation Lo2

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LO3 - Evaluation

LO2 For this learning objective you worked on

planning and production
What genres/formats have you chosen and I have chosen to do a documentary as it
why? is an informative, popular form of media
which is widely appreciated by all three
of the age groups I researched.
How much work did you complete outside of I did a lot of work outside of the lesson
the lessons? when it came to the production stage,
for example filming and editing, though I
feel like more should have been done
during the research stages as it would
have got the work done quicker
meaning I had more time to gain
responses from my survey and get on to
the production stage quicker.
What issues did you encounter whilst planning Whilst planning I encountered issues
and how did you overcome them? when it came to finding locations to
shoot my presenting pieces to camera. I
was looking for an area with graffiti and
an urban feel to it though when I came
to the location it didn’t have as much
graffiti as I thought, there was also a lot of
noise from the river and nearby traffic
which decreased my sound quality
significantly, for example you can hear
the traffic very loudly at 3.54. Also I had
hoped to have more interviews in my
documentary, I had planned to have the
interview with my dad showing from the
older generations point of view and then
an interview with my friend Alizae
showing from a younger persons point of
view. Though the fact she lives in London
made it difficult to get the footage I
needed. Next time I will do practise
shoots in multiple locations to find out
which looks the best and has the least
noise pollution, I will also shoot interviews
earlier to make sure I have all the
footage I need even if it is not all
How did you find the filming and editing I enjoyed my editing process though
process? filming was quite stressful due to the noise
of the location and the fact it was very
cold. I think shooting my interview with
my dad was very successful AS THE
due to shooting it inside there was no
external noises and the lighting was
good. Also when shooting my presenting
pieces it was hard to remember every
section so next time I will print off que
cards to help me. The editing process
was rather straight forward though I don’t
think I gave myself enough time to edit to
the best of my ability so again next time I
will work to have pre-production done
quicker in order to give me more time for
the production process.
Do you believe you met the requirements of I think in regards to what I was trying to
your target audience? How produce I did meet my target audience
as I made an informative documentary
about the issues that surround rap music.
Though I believe other elements could
have been included to make it more
specific to the older generation, for
example adding in another interview
with an older person who doesn’t like rap
music and maybe talking a bit more
about the history of rap music. Though
overall I believe my documentary could
appeal to all 3 audiences researched.
What was the feedback you received from From the feedback I received everyone
peers – do they believe you met the said I created a good documentary
requirements for your target audience? though most agreed with me on the
points for improvements mentioned. They
said I met my target audience though
You need responses from other interviews would have helped this,
1. Peers (10-18) one from another older person who sees
2. Adam / Sarah or Chris (30-40) rap music as a negative influence and
3. James (50-60) another from a young person who likes
the genre and how they see it from their
point of view, this would demonstrate my
point that it is not all about drugs and
violence. Including a more in depth
history of the genre agin was brought up,
instead of skipping from 1930s to 1979
include more about artists like Run
DMC/NWA in the 80s, Tupac/Notorious
B.I.G in the 90s, Dr Dre/Eminem in the
early 00s.
Were you able to show your production to the
intended target audience (peers and
teachers aside)
What did they have to say about your
How do you feel your product compares to I think some of my content is good and
existing professional products that reach all matches up to existing documentaries
targeted audiences? though the overall production looks very
amateur compared to documentaries I
have watched. With the sound issues it
makes a huge difference and makes the
documentary significantly less
professional as you can hear wind/ traffic
throughout also some of the images used
weren’t good quality and looked very
pixilated for example the early video of
The Sugarhill Gang which again didn’t
look professional. With the improvements
mentioned in the last question and
sound/ image improvements I think my
product would match up to existing
What area are you looking to improve on in In my next production I am going to
your next production? ensure that all images and shots used are
in perfect focus and look exactly how
they should, I will make sure my locations
have been tried and tested so they
again are exactly what I expected and
don’t have noise pollution. I will make
sure there are no jump cuts in my editing
and that everything flows smoothly. I will
also include a more in depth content
and use my knowledge of target
audiences to make sure my production
suits whatever audience I choose to aim
my production at.
High Grade Tips

Look to use these terms in order to improve the analysis of your own work.

Considered and capable demonstration of processes – detailed documentation of your

production process – such as still images, and annotated screenshots of your specific
production and editing process – including ‘what’ and ‘why’ and not just ‘how’.

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