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(Power point slide 1-3) ( Narrator part )

It is wonderful the way a little town keeps track of itself and of all its units. If every single man and
woman, child and baby, acts and conducts itself in a known pattern and breaks no walls and differs with
no one and experiments in no way and is not sick and does not endanger the ease and peace of mind or
steady unbroken flow of the town, then that unit can disappear and never be heard of. But let one man
step out of the regular thought never be heard of. But let one man step out of the regular thought or
the known and trusted pattern, and the nerves of the townspeople ring with nervousness and
communication travels over the nerve lines of the town. Then every unit communicates to the whole.

(Power point slide 4) ( Narrator part )

Thus, in La Paz, it was known in the early morning through the whole town that Kino was going to sell his
pearl that day. It was known among the neighbors in the brush huts, among the pearl fishermen; it was
known among the Chinese grocery-store owners; it was known in the church, for the altar boys
whispered about it. Word of it crept in among the nuns; the beggars in front of the church spoke of it,
for they would be there to take the tithe of the first-fruits of the luck. The little boys knew about it with
excitement, but most of all the pearl buyers knew about it, and when the day had come, in the offices of
the pearl buyers, each man sat alone with his little black velvet tray, and each man rolled the pearls
about with his finger-tips and considered his part in the picture.

(Power point slide 5)
Actor : Pearl buyer 1, Pearl buyer 2, Pearl buyer 3

Pearl buyer No. 1 : That pearl is going to be mine ;)

Pearl buyer No. 2 : I͛m going to get the pearl, soon! Muwahahaha !

Pearl buyer No. 3 : ( Pointing to other pearl buyers ) They are day dreaming, I͛m the best buyer around

[ Pearl buyers arguing to each other ]

(Power point slide 6-7)
Actor : Kino, Juan Tomas

Juan Tomas : You must be careful to see they do not cheat you.

Kino : And very careful.

(Power point slide 8-9)
Actor : Kino, Juan Tomas

Juan Tomas : We do not know the prices are paid in other places, how can we know what is a fair
price for our pearl?

Kino : That is true, but how can we know? We are here, we are not there.

Juan Tomas : Kino, the old ones thought of a way to get more money for their pearls. They thought it
would be better if they had an agent who took all the pearls to the capital and sold them there and kept
only his share of the profit.

Kino : (Nod head) I know, it was a good thought. And so they got such a man, they pooled the
pearls and they started him off. After that, he was never heard of again and the pearls were lost.

Juan Tomas : Then they got another man, and end up in the same way. And so they gave the whole
thing up and went back to the old way.

(Power point slideshow remains same) (Power point slide 9)
Actor : Pearl buyer 1, Pearl buyer 2, Pearl buyer 3

The news of the approach of the procession ran ahead of it, and in their little dark offices the pearl
buyers stiffened and grew alert. They got out papers so that they could be at work when Kino appeared
and they put their pearls in the desk, for it is not good to let an inferior pearl be seen beside a beauty.

(Power point slideshow 10-11) ( Narrator part )
Actor : Kino, Juan Tomas, Pearl buyer 1

Pearl Buyer 1 : Good morning, my friend. What can I do for you?

Kino : I have a pearl.

Pearl Buyer 1 : You have a pearl. Sometimes a man brings in a dozen. Well, let us see your pearl. We
will value it and give you the best price.

Pearl Buyer 1 : ( Toss the great pearl, poked and insult the pearl. Then come to a sad and
contemptuous smile. ) I am sorry, my friend.

Kino : It is a pearl of great value.

Pearl Buyer 1 : You have heard of fool͛s gold. This pearl is like fool͛s gold, it͛s too large! Who would
buy it? There is no market for such things. It is a curiosity only. I am sorry. You thought it was a thing of
value, and it is only a curiosity.

Kino : It is the Pearl of the World! No one has ever seen such a pearl!

Pearl Buyer 1 : Some museum might perhaps take it in a collection of sea-shells. I can give you, about
a thousand pesos.
Kino : It is worth fifty thousand. You know it and you want to cheat me.

Pearl Buyer 1 : Do not blame me, I am only an appraiser. Go and ask the others, show them your pearl
ʹ or better, let them come here, so you can see there is no collusion. Boy, go to their offices and ask
them to come here but without telling them why. Just say I will be pleased to see them.

(Power point slideshow 12) ( Narrator part )
Actor : Kino, Juan Tomas, Pearl buyer 2

And so Kino went to another office to see another pearl buyer.

Pearl Buyer 2 ͞ Here comes the pearl, I must not waste this opportunity.͟

Pearl Buyer 2 : Can I help you, Sir?

Kino : Pearl buyer 1 wished to meet you, he asked me to come and invite you to his office.

Pearl Buyer 2 : Why would he wanted to see me?

Kino : He just asked me to invite you to his office.

Pearl Buyer 2 : Fine, I will be there in a second.

(Power point slideshow 13) ( Narrator part )
Actor : Kino, Juan Tomas, Pearl buyer 3

Then, Kino went to see Pearl Buyer 3.

Kino : Sir? Pearl buyer 1 would like you to meet him in his office.

Pearl Buyer 3 : But I am very busy now, why would he want to meet me?

Kino : He just ordered me to invite you to his office, Sir.

Pearl Buyer 3 : (Neglect Kino) I͛ll go to his office as soon as possible.

Kino : But sir͙

Pearl Buyer 3 : Wha͙

Kino : It͛s about the pearl !

Pearl Buyer 3 : (Stopped for a moment) Alright then, I will go there together with you.

(Power point slideshow 14-15) ( Narrator part )
Actor : Kino, Juan Tomas, Pearl buyer 1, Pearl buyer 2, Pearl buyer 3

Then, in the office of the Pearl buyer, they did not glance at one another nor at the pearl.

Pearl Buyer 1 : I have put a value on this pearl. The owner here does not think it fair, I will ask you to
examine this ʹ this thing, and make an offer. Notice, I have not mentioned what I offered. Do not
include me in the discussion, I will make no offer at all. I do not want it. This is not a pearl ʹ it is a

Pearl buyer 2 : (Examine the pearl) Better pearls are made of paste. I know these things. This is soft
and chalky, it will lose its colour and die in a few months.

Kino : How can you know?

Pearl buyer 2 : (Took out a magnifying glass) Look, this is a instrument called ͚Magnifying Glass͛,
anything under it will be looked magnified. Let͛s us see the pearl under the magnifying glass. You just
have to look through the glass with the pearl under it.

Kino : (Look the pearl through the magnifying glass) (Shocked)

Pearl buyer 2 : See? Isn͛t it soft and chalky? I told you so. This pearl of yours might be a fool͛s gold.

Pearl buyer 3 : (Took the pearl from Kino͛s hands) Hey, one of my clients like such things. I would like
to buy it.

Kino : How much are you offering?

Pearl Buyer 3 : I offer 500 pesos for it.

Kino : 500 ?

Pearl Buyer 3 : Ya and maybe I could sell it to my client for 600 pesos.

Kino : (Being fierce) What?

Pearl Buyer 1 : I͛m a fool, I know, but my first offer stands. I still offer one thousand.

Kino : (Keep the pearl away) I am cheated! My pearl is not for sale here. I will go to the

(Pearl Buyers glance at one another)

Pearl Buyer 3 : Hey, how about fifteen hundred?

Kino : No!

Pearl Buyer 3 : Well, my client will surely appreciate this pearl. What is your offer for this pearl?

Kino : I will not sell it to you! (Walked away)

(Power point slideshow 16-17) ( Narrator part )
Actor : Kino, Juan Tomas

Juan Tomas : Kino, I felt strange about what had happen just now.

Kino : I felt the same too.

Juan Tomas : Those dealers did not discuss these things but they knew the pearl was valueless.

Kino : I suppose they had arranged it before.

Juan Tomas : If that is so, then all of us have been cheated all of our lives.

Kino : Ya, you͛re right.

(Power point slideshow 18) ( Narrator part )

Perhaps, people argued, perhaps it would have been better if Kino took the one thousand five hundred
pesos. That is a great deal of money, more than Kino has ever seen. Maybe Kino is being a pig-headed

In his house Kino buried his pearl under a stone of the fire hole. He had lost one world and had not
gained another. He was afraid. Never in his life had been far from home. He was afraid of strangers and
of strange places. He was terrified of that monster of strangeness they called the capital. It lay over the
water and through the mountains, over a thousand miles, and every strange terrible mile was
frightening. But Kino had lost his old world and he must clamber on to a new one. For his dream of the
future was real and never to be destroyed, and he had said ͚ I will go͛, and that made a real thing too. To
determine to go and to say it was to be halfway there.

(Power point slideshow 19) ( Narrator part )
Actor : Kino, Juan Tomas

Juana was busy doing to chores and take care of Coyotito. Juan Tomas came in and squatted down
beside Kino and remained silent for a long time, until at last Kino demanded,

Kino : What else could I do? They are cheats.

Juan Tomas : (Nod gravely)It is hard to know. We do know that we are cheated from birth to the
overcharge on our coffins. But we survive. You have defied not the pearl buyers but the whole structure,
the whole way of life, and I am afraid for you.

Kino : What have I to fear but starvation?

Juan Tomas : (Shook head slowly) That we must all fear. Bt suppose you are correct ʹ suppose your
pearl is of great value ʹ do you think then the game is over?

Kino : What do you mean?

Juan Tomas : I don͛t know, but I am afraid for you. It is new ground you are walking on, you do not
know the way.

Kino : I will go. I will go soon.

Juan Tomas : Yes, that you must do. But I wonder if you will find it any different in the capital. Here
you have friends and me, your brother. There you will have no one.

Kino : What can I do? Some deep outrage is here. My son must have a chance. That is what
they are striking at. My friends will protect me.

Juan Tomas : Only so long as they are not in danger or discomfort from it, go with God.

(Power point slideshow 20-21) ( Narrator part )

Long after Juan Tomas had gone Kino sat brooding on his sleeping-mat. A lethargy had settled on him,
and a little grey hopelessness. Every road seemed blocked against him. In his head he heard only the
dark music of the enemy. His senses were burningly alive, but his mind went back to the deep
participation with all things, the gift he had from his people. He heard every little sound of the gathering
night, the sleepy complaint of settling birds, the love agony of cats, the strike and withdrawal of little
waves on the beach, and the simple hiss of distance. And he could smell the sharp odour of exposed
kelp from the receding tide. The little flare of the twig fire made the design on his sleeping-mat jump
before his entranced eyes.

(Power point slideshow 22-24)


(Presenter Part)

(Power point slideshow 25-36)

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