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PAGE 1 2-7-3 / A is more ~ than B / Matthew Standley

A: Do you like movies?
B: Yes, I like adventure and comedy.
A: I like adventure, too. It’s more exciting than comedy.
B: Yes, but comedy is funnier than adventure.
A: What movie do you like?
B: I like Star Wars. How about you?
A: The Hobbit. It’s longer than Star Wars, but it’s a great story.

__er than more ~~~ than

This is longer than that. This is more exciting than that.


Some examples
__er than more ~~~ than
(A) larger (E) more famous
(B) hotter (F) more important
than… than…
(C) earlier (G) more beautiful
(D) busier (H) more difficult

How many sounds?

Word Sounds Comparative form

A large large larger than
B hot hot hotter than
2 (with ~y)
C early ear ・ ly earlier than
D busy bu ・ sy busier than
E famous fa・ mous more famous than
F important im ・ por ・ tant more important than
G beautiful beau ・ ti ・ ful more beautiful than
H difficult dif ・ fi ・ cult more difficult than
PAGE 2 2-7-3 / A is more ~ than B / Matthew Standley
Please try
Words Sounds Comparative form Your language
A. large large (1) _______________ _______________
B. early ear ・ ly (2~y) _______________
C. famous fa・ mous (2) _______________ _______________
D. important im ・ por ・ tant (3) _______________
E. difficult dif ・ fi ・ cult (3) _______________ _______________

A. Your house is ________ ________ mine.

B. I go school ________ ________ he does.

C. Ken is ________ ________ ________ Matthew.

D. Friends are ________ ________ ________ money.

E. Math is ________ ________ ________ kanji.

Interview Time (You need one card)

1. What animal is larger than an elephant?  _____________________ is.

2. Who goes to school earlier than students?  ______________________ do.

3. Who is more famous than Ken?  ______________________ is.

4. What is more important than money?  ______________________ is.

5. What is more difficult than math?  _______________________ is.

Make a sentence

Your car… (large) / my car. Your car is larger than my car.


I get up…(early) / you. _________________________________________________

Michael Jackson… (famous) / you. ___________________________________________

Food… (important) / music _________________________________________________

Kanji…(difficult) / hiragana. _________________________________________________


1. What animal is larger than an elephant

2. Who goes to school earlier than students?

3. Who is more famous than Ken?

4. What is more important than money?

5. What is more difficult than math?

NOTES Please find your own images for flashcards

For students who have had at least one lesson on comparative adjectives using:
__er than…
Ss listen to the conversation which includes the use of both *-er than…* and *more –
Ss repeat the conversation.
T briefly demonstrates the difference between one pattern and the other.
T runs through some examples, using adjectives that Ss already know by this point. (
+ flashcards is a good idea here)
T briefly demonstrates how to choose whether to use –er than / more – than, by
pointing out how many sounds there are in the adjective and whether or not it ends
in –y
T asks the Ss to please try to make the comparative form for A-E. ( + flashcards is a
good idea here)
Ss use the comparative form they have just written to make sentences A-E.
Ss do Interview Time, asking their classmates the questions and sitting down when
they have all 5 answers written down. ( + pics in the cards is a good idea here)
Ss finish off with a make a sentence activity - Writing

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