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Test: MySQL Sales Specialist Assessment Test

Review your answers, feedback, and question scores below. An asterisk (*) indicates a correct answer.

This 30-question assessment is the final step towards becoming an MySQL Sales Specialist. Be Recognized!
Pass the test, score 80% or more, and get your OPN Specialist Certificate!

MySQL - Pricing & Packaging

(Answer all questions in this section)

1. Choose the server socket counts that MySQL commercial subscriptions have
separate pricing for. (Select all that apply) Mark for Review
(2) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

1-4 socket servers (*)

1-2 socket servers
2-4 socket servers
5+ socket servers (*)

Correct. MySQL commercial subscriptions have pricing for 1-4 socket servers
and 5+ socket servers

2. The cost of MySQL Enterprise Edition for a 1 year subscription on a 1-4 socket
server is: Mark for Review
(1) Points

$ 4000
$ 5000 (*)
$ 2000
$ 10000

Correct. The cost of MySQL Enterprise Edition for a 1 year subscription for a 1-
4 socket server is $5,000

MySQL - Product Positioning & Opportunities

(Answer all questions in this section)

3. Choose the common factors that allow MySQL to easily spread throughout an
organizations Mark for Review
(2) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Simple procurement cycle (*)

Ease of use (*)
Reliability (*)
Performance (*)
Correct. MySQL Community Edition easily spreads throughout organizations
because there is a simple procurement cycle, performance, reliability, and
ease of use.

4. Which type of MySQL license are partners able to sell renewals and establish a
constant revenue stream for? Mark for Review
(1) Points

MySQL Subscription Licenses (*)

MySQL Perpetual Licenses
MySQL OEM Licenses
None of the above

Correct. Partners are able to sell renewals for MySQL subscription licenses and
establish a constant revenue stream!

5. Which of the following Customer Profiles are more likely to lead to opportunities for
MySQL Enterprise Edition? Mark for Review
(2) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Oracle Customers (*)

Open Source Customers (*)
Customers implementing an ERP solution
MySQL Community Users (*)

Correct. The Customer Profiles which offer better opportunities for MySQL are
Existing Oracle Customers, Open Source Customers and MySQL Community
MySQL - Product Positioning & Opportunities
(Answer all questions in this section)

6. Choose the Oracle product(s) that MySQL Enterprise Edition is certified to work Mark for Review
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Oracle Fusion Middleware (*)

Oracle Enterprise Manager (*)
Oracle Linux & OVM (*)
Oracle GoldenGate (*)

Incorrect. MySQL Enterprise Edition is certified to work with Oracle Linux &
OVM, Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle Enterprise Manager, and Oracle
7. What percentage of Oracle users are estimated to also have MySQL running Mark for Review
somewhere in their environment.
(1) Points

55 %
60 %
70 % (*)
80 %

Correct. An estimated 70% of Oracle users also use MySQL somewhere in

their environment.

Intro to MySQL Cloud Service

(Answer all questions in this section)

8. Oracle MySQL Cloud Service helps customers innovate by:

Mark for Review
(1) Points

Reducing agility
Removing experimentation
Allowing iterations with customers (*)
Slowing time to market


9. Overall Oracle MySQL Cloud Service will help customers:

Mark for Review
(1) Points

Focus resources on Infrastructure Management

Decrease business agility
Increase Total Cost of Ownership
Ensure security, performance and uptime (*)


10. MySQL Enterprise Edition combined with the power of the Oracle Cloud deliver a
cloud service that is: Mark for Review
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Enterprise Ready (*)

Simple (*)
Integrated (*)
Automated (*)

Intro to MySQL Cloud Service
(Answer all questions in this section)

11. Which attributes of a modern infrastructure does MySQL Cloud Service provide to Mark for Review
end users?
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Security (*)
Simplification (*)
Agility (*)


MySQL - Competition
(Answer all questions in this section)

12. The areas to emphasize when competing with MSFT SQL Server are: Mark for Review
(Choose all the apply)
(2) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Open Source (*)

Customer References (*)
Number of features
TCO Savings (*)

Correct. areas to emphasize when competing with MSFT SQL Server are:
Open Source, TCO savings, and customer references

13. What is the tool that end users can use to identify how much money MySQL
Enterprise Edition can save them compared to the competition? Mark for Review
(1) Points

MySQL Savers Digest

MySQL Investment Calculator
MySQL Discount Double-Check
MySQL TCO Calculator (*)
Correct.To identify how much money MySQL end customers can save the
best tool to use is the MySQL TCO calculator available at

14. What are some of the strategies employed against MySQL forks? (Please select all Mark for Review
that apply)
(2) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Lack of Support resources at Fork organizations (*)

Oracle's 24x7 Support SLA (*)
Risk of lock-in with unstable versions of MySQL produced by Forks (*)
Risk of Fork's software quality (*)

Correct. Strategies employed against MySQL forks include: Oracle's 24x7

support, risk of fork's software quality, risk of lock-in with unstable versions
of MySQL produced by fork, and lack of support resources at fork's

MySQL - Product Functions & Features (non-technical)

(Answer all questions in this section)

15. What is included in MySQL Consultative Support?

Mark for Review
(2) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Performance tuning (*)

Schema Review (*)
Remote troubleshooting (*)
Replication review (*)

Correct. Remote troubleshooting Replication review Partitioning review

Schema review Performance tuning
MySQL - Product Functions & Features (non-technical)
(Answer all questions in this section)

16. Please choose the reasons why customers buy MySQL Enterprise Edition? (Please Mark for Review
select all that apply)
(1) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Get immediate help if and when needed (*)

Access to tools to improve performance and reliability (*)
Reduce TCO (*)
Enhance productivity (*)

Correct. Access to tools to improve performance and reliability, Get

immediate help if and when needed, Reduce TCO, Enhance productivity

17. What are the main benefits of MySQL Enterprise Support? Mark for Review
(2) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Hot fixes & maintenance releases (*)

Backed by the MySQL developers, (*)
World-class support in English only
Consultative support (*)

Correct. Backed by the MySQL developers, World-class support, in 29

languages, Hot fixes & maintenance releases, Consultative support

MySQL - The Product Overview

(Answer all questions in this section)

18. Why is MySQL the best choice for Web & Cloud Applications? (Choose all the Mark for Review
(2) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

#1 open source database in the Cloud (*)

Integrated with Hadoop in Big Data platforms (*)
World's most popular open source database (*)
Leading open source databsae for web applications (*)

Correct. MySQL is the best choice for Web & Cloud Applications because it is
the world's most popular open source database, is the leading open source
database for web apps, is the #1 open source database in the cloud, and
can be integrated with Hadoop in Big Data platforms

19. Please choose the reasons why customers buy MySQL Enterprise Edition. (Choose Mark for Review
all that apply)
(2) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Business Critical Applications (*)

Risk Mitigation (*)
24x7 support (*)
Low TCO (*)

Correct. Customers choose MySQL EE for 24x7 support, risk mitigation, low
TCO, and for business critical applications

20. Many of MySQL's latest architectural improvements have focused on which areas? Mark for Review
(Choose all that apply)
(2) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Web (*)
Cloud (*)

Correct. Many of MySQL's latest architectural improvements have been

focused on Web & Cloud.
MySQL - Background & Market Definition
(Answer all questions in this section)

21. Which of the following does NOT describe MySQL? Mark for Review
(1) Points

World's most popular open source relational database

Ideal for high volume, low margin applications
Linux only platform (*)
The "M" in the LAMP Stack

Correct: MySQL is the "M" in the LAMP stack, the world's most popular open
source database, runs on multiple platforms, and is ideal for high
volume/low margin applications.

22. According to, MySQL is the 2nd most popular database in the Mark for Review
marketplace behind what other database?
(1) Points

Microsoft SQL Server
Oracle Database (*)

Correct: According to, MySQL is second only to Oracle DB in

terms of popularity among databases.

23. MySQL powers many of the web's most popular websites. Which of the following Mark for Review
websites rely on MySQL? (Choose all that apply)
(2) Points
(Choose all correct answers)

Twitter (*)
Youtube (*)
Facebook (*)

Correct. MySQL is used to power Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube

MySQL - Overview of High Availability & Replication

(Answer all questions in this section)

24. Which of the following High Availability solutions are available for MySQL? Mark for Review
(2) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Fabric (*)
DRBD (*)
Replication (*)
MySQL Cluster (*)

Correct. Replication,Fabric, DRBD,MySQL Cluster

25. What is the basic function of MySQL Replication? Mark for Review
(1) Points

Only supports Master/Slave Topologies

Can provide full synchronous replication
Duplication of data from a "Master" to a "Slave" asynchronously (*)
Scale out through sharding

Correct. The basic function of MySQL Replication is to duplicate data from a

"Master" to a "Slave" asynchronously
MySQL - Overview of High Availability & Replication
(Answer all questions in this section)

26. Which MySQL feature provides an extensible and easy-to-use framework for Mark for Review
managing a farm of MySQL servers supporting high-availability and sharding
(1) Points

MySQL Cluster
MySQL Replication
MySQL Enterprise Manager
MySQL Fabric (*)

Correct. MySQL Fabric provides an extensible and easy-to-use framework for

managing a farm of MySQL servers supporting high-availability and sharding

MySQL - Customer Success Stories

(Answer all questions in this section)

27. Which MySQL product does Alcatel-Lucent rely on to powers its Subscriber Data Mark for Review
Manager and to deliver converged IMS services to mobile and fixed line users?
(2) Points

MySQL Community Edition

MySQL Enterprise Edition
MySQL Standard Edition
MySQL Cluster Carrier Grade Edition (*)

Correct. Alcatel-Lucent relies on MySQL CGE to powers its Subscriber Data

Manager and to deliver converged IMS services to mobile and fixed line

MySQL - Sales Growth through Upsell & Cross-sell

(Answer all questions in this section)

28. Which Oracle product can be used with MySQL Enterprise Edition to collect local
MySQL audit stream XML data based on MySQL "collector" and auditing data from Mark for Review
MySQL packets on network? (1) Points

Oracle GoldenGate
Oracle Clusterware
Oracle Audit Vault (*)
Oracle Enterprise Manager

Correct. Audit Vault collects local MySQL audit stream XML data based on
MySQL "collector" and auditing data from MySQL packets on network

29. Which Oracle product provides a migration path from/to MySQL from other Mark for Review
databases with minimal downtime?
(1) Points

Oracle GoldenGate (*)

Oracle VM
Oracle Secure Backup
Oracle Audit Vault & Database Firewall
Correct. Oracle GoldenGate provides a migration path from/to MySQL from
other databases with minimal downtime

MySQL - Target Markets & Market Trends Overview

(Answer all questions in this section)

30. Which company relies on MySQL and Hadoop to display 1 billion advertisements Mark for Review
to 60 million people across 430,000 web sites and social network profiles every
month? (1) Points

boo-box (*)

Correct. boo-box relies on MySQL and Hadoop to display 1 billion

advertisements to 60 million people across 430,000 web sites and social
network profiles every month
MySQL - Target Markets & Market Trends Overview
(Answer all questions in this section)

31. The features and attributes that make MySQL Enterprise Edition the ideal Mark for Review
database for taking applications from the web to the cloud are (Choose all that
apply) (2) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Scalability (*)
Ubiquity of dev/ops skills (*)
Low performance on commodity hardware
Runs on all major platforms & languages (*)

Correct. The features that make MySQL EE ideal for taking applications from
the web to the cloud are scalability, runs on all major platforms & languages,
and its ubiquity of dev/ops skills.

32. MySQL includes customers in which of these vertical markets? Mark for Review
(Choose all that apply)
(2) Points

(Choose all correct answers)

Government (*)
Telecom (*)
Web (*)
Retail (*)
Correct. MySQL customers can be found in Retail, Web, Government, and

33. Name three of the IT market trends discussed in this lesson where MySQL is an
ideal fit to be used in. Mark for Review
(1) Points

Alternative Productivity Applications, Mobile, Telework

Virtualization, Telework, Cloud
Cloud, Mobile, Big Data (*)
Virtual Networking, Big Data, Document Imaging

Correct. MySQL is an ideal fit for cloud, mobile, and Big Data markets.

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