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Uses of Ultrasonic Waves

In the Field of Communication

Few animals such as bats and frogs have the ability to use ultrasound to communicate with
each other. Bats emit high pitched sound of short wavelength in order to navigate. These waves
hit the surrounding and bounce back allowing bats to get an exact map of the surrounding.
These bats communicate with each other with ease, thanks to the ultrasound waves.

Ultrasonic Cleaning

One of the many applications of ultrasonic sound waves is ultrasonic cleaning. It is used to get
rid of impurity from certain devices that are absorbed in aqueous solution. Materials like glass,
metals, and ceramics can be cleaned using this and in addition to that, ultrasonic waves can be
used to remove grease, oil and dirt. Ultrasonic sound waves are also used in industries in order
to get rid of chips and oil from machinery and other industrial equipments. It is also used to get
rid of sludge and lubricant from the apparatus of aircrafts and automobiles.

Ultrasonic Welding

Ultrasonic sound waves are also used for the purpose of welding plastic. High frequency
ultrasonic vibrations are used to weld couple of parts of the plastic. However, this welding
process is very well programmed and has time and frequency already programmed into the
welding machine and computer carry out each and every step of the welding process. (Our
welding products include: Ultrasonic Welding Generator & Ultrasonic Welding Transducer )

The welding process is a little complicated to understand. Its mechanism base on the method
in which semi piece of plastic is positioned on a permanent anvil and the other part is placed
on top of it. After that, a horn is placed down on an extension that is coupled to the transducer
of the welding machine. This horn is then used to apply swift but low-amplitude ultrasonic
vibrations in order to weld plastic. The ultrasonic sound waves are then converted into heat
because of the rapid vibrations, which result in welding the two parts of the plastic together.
However, it is still very risky to use this method to weld very large apparatus because a massive
amount of energy is released during the welding process.

Ultrasonic Waves: Other Uses

In addition to the above mentioned uses of ultrasonic waves, there are several other used of it
as well. For example, ultrasonic motion detectors use same ultrasonic waves in measuring
distance. These motion detectors get the job done by emitting ultrasonic pulses and then
measure the time upon the return of those waves. Sonogrpahy is a process that is used to create
the images of the internal organs of the body. This process also uses ultrasound waves to get
the job done.
Characteristics of Musical Sound

The characteristics of musical sounds help to distinguish one musical sound from
another. These are pitch, londness and quality.


The term pitch is the characteristic of musical notes that enables to classify a note as high or
low. It is a subjective quantity which cannot be measured by an instrument.

It depends on frequency. However, there does not exist any one-to-one

correspondence between the two. A shrill, sharp or acute sound is said to be of high pitch. But
a dull, grave and flat note is said to be of low pitch. Roaring of lion, though of high intensity,
is of low pitch. On the other hand, the buzzing of mosquito, though of low intensity, is of high


The loudness of sound is a subjective effect of intensity of sound received by listener's ear. The
intensity of waves is the average amount of energy transported by the wave per unit area per
second normally across a surface at a given point.

There is a large range of intensities over which the ear is sensitive. As such, logarithmic scale
rather than arithmetic intensity scale is more convenient.


It is the characteristic of sound waves which enables to distinguish between two notes of the
same pitch and intensity but sounded by two different instruments.

No instrument, except a tuning fork, can emit a pure note (a note of one particular frequency).

In general, when a note of frequency n is sounded, in addition to it, notes of higher frequencies
2n, 3n, 4n ... may also be produced. These notes, have different amplitudes and phase relations.
The resultant wave form of the emitted waves determines the quality of the note emitted.

Quality, like loudness and pitch is a subjective quantity. It depend on the resultant wave form.

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