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Republic of the Philippines

Siniloan Integrated National High School

Siniloan, Laguna

Dear respondent,

I am currently conducting my thesis entitled “Facebook Implication on Social

Behavior of Junior High School Student. In this connection I would like to

seek for your help by answering this questionnaire towards the attainment of

the objectives of my study. I assured that your answer will be treated with

utmost confidentiality and it will be used solely for this study.

Thank you very much for your kind help and cooperation.

John Gabriel Ferrer Perez

Student Researcher

Please fill-in the following information by putting a check mark on the


1. Demographic profile of the respondents.

Name (Optional)_____________________

Age: ________ yrs. old.

Sex: __________

Civil status ___________

Educational attainment _______________

Monthly Income______________________
2. Extent of the ergonomic tricycle design to passengers appeal and



5-Veri Satisfied
1- Very Unsatisfied

Sidecar Layout
5 4 3 2 1
1. I using false identity something which enables them to do
wrong things without being identified.
2. I develop their self- identity. Choosing a profile photo, listing
likes and dislikes.
3. Social media helps me relieve stress because when I post the
stressor friends and family post comforting comments
4. In Facebook elevates my social status and earns me respect
among my peers, since I have many followers both in
5. I don’t need an adult to supervise me when am using for
instance my mobile phone in Facebook.

Sidecar position
1. I used Facebook to get a hold of or get to know classmates
2. .I used it to help facilitate group communication and to get
help with their assignments or ideas for projects
3. I used Facebook for co-curricular purposes in different ways.
(Students joined groups that helped them communicate with
other members that belonged to their on-campus
organizations. They posted events and reminders about
upcoming events. It also allowed the students to friend each
4. I used Facebook groups to provide such information as class
hours, upcoming events, deadline reminders.
5. I used Facebook for collaborative purposes without cheating.
Overall design 5 4 3 2 1
1.I used Facebook to keep in touch with my family
members, especially family members that lived abroad
2. I used Facebook to communicate with
3. I used Facebook to network with new people

4. I used Facebook for entertainment Specifically,

logged on to view other people’s pictures when was
bored and viewed my friends
5. I used Facebook to know what I’m doing and feeling
by the others.

Thank you for your time!

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