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Stephen M.

86 US Route 4A, #12L
Lebanon, NH 03766

January 25, 2018

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing on behalf of Caleb Day. I have known Caleb since July of 2015, when he joined the staff
at Woodcrest Kennel, in Orford, NH. I was responsible for much of Caleb's orientation and training, as
well as his day to day supervision and evaluation. I had the pleasure of working with him for almost
two years.

Caleb stepped into a position that entailed a huge amount of responsibility, and conducted much of his
work without direct oversight. He was charged with providing excellent care for the beloved dogs of
our clients, as well as managing finances, answering the phones, making reservations, checking dogs in
and out, conducting tours, bathing and grooming tasks, and nearly constant cleaning. Caleb embraced
the new challenges of his position. He was reliable, and always arrived prepared to work and learn. He
is a quick learner, and rapidly became adept at animal care as well as customer service. Maintaining our
clients' trust was of paramount importance, and Caleb always met this challenge. Throughout my time
working with Caleb, and despite a sometimes daunting workload, two things that always remained
evident were his enthusiastic affection for and dedication to the dogs he was caring for, and his strong
commitment to outstanding service to our clientele.

There is a quote, attributed to John Wooden; “The true test of a man’s character is what he does
when no one is watching.” Caleb is one of those people who does the right things when no
one is watching. I can, without any reservations, offer Caleb my highest possible recommendation for
participation in the HACTC Employability Card program, as well as any other future pursuits. His
work ethic is exemplary. I trust him, and have the highest confidence in his integrity, motivation,
ability, organizational skills, enthusiasm, interpersonal skills, and professionalism.

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact me using the
information above, or by email at

Very truly yours,

Stephen M. Wheeler

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