Meet 3 - Team Event 2000-2001 Answers

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Meet 3 - Team Event 2000-2001

Questions are worth 2-2-2-4-4 points respectively.
Remember your units.

18 inches 1. 9/3=3 inches on one side of the triangle. Six triangle sides form the
perimeter of the hexagon, so P=6 x 3 = 18 inches

75 miles 2. 50 min= 5/6 hours, 5/6 hr x 60 mph=50 miles which is 2/3 of the way.
50 x 3/2 = 75 miles

4 cm 3. 33.132-20.566=12.566= arc length of 1/4 circle. 20.566-12.566=8 cm

diameter. Therefore radius =0.5(8)=4 cm

160 miles 4. 3.2(50) = 160 miles

1 mile x 4
3.2 miles 5. = , x = = 3.2
1.25 in 4in 1.25

0.4 6. 0.05(0.32)(25) = 0.4

4 1/3 7. 2 + 4.5 = 3.2x − 1.7x, 6.5 = 1.5x, x = 6.5 /1.5 = 4.3

or 4.3 x x
−1 = 6 − 1 = −6
2 2
x x
-10 and 14 8. =7 or = −5
2 2
x = 14 x = −10
x − 3 = 4 9.
-1 3 7

221.25 mi 10. 75 min= 1.25 hours, 65 x 1.25 +70 x 2 = 221.25 miles

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