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“The Creation”

Genesis 1

First Day
In the surrounding we see different creations we just normally ignore.
When we look at the sky, we only see just a sky. When we look at the ground,
we only see just a ground. In the book of Genesis, God created the whole
universe through His word and humans through his hands. But the amazing
fact here is that He put so many clues that can lead us to His will. When we
dig deeper to the book of Genesis, and meditate it by context to context, then
we will realize that the creation is not just a pass-by display, but it has
meaningful relation to our personal relationship with God.

“In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”

In man’s eye view, there are only heaven and earth visible. Logically, the
heaven presents the universe outside the planet we live in. If the universe is
created, it does not only mean the stars and the planets, but those hundreds
of galaxies outside our own galaxy are also His creation! This passage leads
us to how God is related to us, and to realization that we don’t have anything
to be proud of by ourselves, as He created this whole thing---and if He
created the universe, of course He created us. We are His creation.

“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face
of the deep..”

Before our planet was created, it was without form, and void;.. No shape, no
color, no beauty, no light as darkness was upon the face of the deep; just like
us, bible-believers of Christ, lived in a dull life of no shape, no color, no
beauty, and no light at all, through those years we haven’t accepted Jesus
Christ in our hearts. We lived the life the way we wanted but were ignorants
of our destiny of damnation to hell. The reason why our former life before we
met Christ was dull, unshaped, and dark, was because we lived in the
bondage of sin. We sought after pleasures of the world because we thought
these could satisfy, until when all the pleasures ran out, then we thought we
were hopeless, plus acknowledging our destiny to damnation in hell. Sin
makes everything dark. Sin makes our vision black. Sin makes our minds
corrupt. Sin makes our souls filthy. Sin makes everything dark. So as the
world without form and void, we were as the world before the creation---dark
and dull.

“..And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

God is a spirit (verse). He is omnipresent, meaning, He is present in all

places. What is strange here is that part moved upon the face of the waters.
So is it really possible that the sea was involved as I call it---in the alpha
times, when there is actually no beginning at all? No. In Genesis 1:7, God
divided the waters with the sky. So it means, this whole thing was actually
water! Logically, the sea is a salt-water, while the water stated in the passage
was--of course a water! It just leads us into realization about Who God is. He
is omnipresent. He is present everywhere---even in the water too!

“And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.”
When I think about the word light, one that pops up in my mind is hope. This
passage leads us into thinking that we can never find light by anyone and
anything else but God. We can never find light in this world. Only Him can
give us true light---true hope in His promises.

Second Day
“And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from
darkness…And God called the firmament Heaven..”

Light is obviously contrary to darkness. We cannot see light in the dark,

neither darkness in the light. This passage leads us to the point that the
believers should not meddle with the unbelievers (see Romans 12:2, 2
Corinthians 6:17) . Believers are the light of the world (see Matthew 5:14) and
our job is to let our light shine before them to glorify God (see Matthew 5:16).
We don’t shine if we meddle in the darkness, because the darkness itself
separates from the light. The only way we can meddle with the unbelievers is
to become an unbeliever in lifestyle and conversation. But God has saved us
from the bondage of sin to live in the light and be free from darkness, so
there is no way we should live like the ungodly anymore (see Galatians 5:1,
Ephesians 5:8). Somehow, it does not mean we should hate or condemn the
unbelievers as enemies. It is said in the scriptures that we must love our
enemies and bless them that curse us. Love is shown not through tolerating
bent things but making things straight (see Galatians 5:13). Love is shown
through helping others to become better persons-- not condemning them but
the sin. Our goal as the light of the world is to lead people to the hope of
liberty from the chains of darkness. This is how we can win them to Christ and
help them be free from living in darkness-- love them!

Third Day
“And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto
one place…”

According to studies, every person has a different perspectives. Somehow it

is accurate, that is why instead of considering it as a nature, God
commanded His children to be of the same mind, just as how He commanded
His children to flee from sin (see ). This passage leads us into a realization
that we, believers in Christ, should walk as one in Spirit (see ) as the waters
were gathered together. Then in the end of the passage, it said “.. and God
saw that it was good.”

“And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding see, and the
fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind… and God saw that it was good.”

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