Format Exam ChildrenVI FinalTerm

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Oral Exam- Children VI-Final Term

Part I-A

(To both Ss)

T: Good morning.

T: I’m _______. Now, what’s your name?

(Ask the following questions to Ss. First Student A)

T: What’s your last name? Back-up prompts

T: How do you write your last name?

T: How do you spell it?

T: Where do you live? Back-up prompts

T: Where are you from?

T: Do you study English at school?

T: Do you like it?

Part I-B

(Select one or more questions from the list to ask each candidate. First Student B)

Back-up prompts
T: When’s your mother’s / father’s birthday?
T: When’s your birthday?
T: When’s your brother’s / sister’s birthday?
T: How were you yesterday?
T: Were you happy on Christmas?
T: Were you tired yesterday?

Part II

(Give Student A and Student B the following cards. Student A starts the conversation)

T: I’m going to give you these cards. Then, complete the conversation with was / were.

Student A Student B
1- Hi Tony, how are you today? 2- Today I’m happy, but yesterday I ___
very sad.
3- Really? ____ you sick?
4- No. My dog ___ sick. We went to the
6- I ____ really tired. I went running in the vet.
5- What about you? How ____ you
7-I ____ so excited that I run 10 miles. yesterday?

9- Sure. See you tomorrow at 4 in the 8-Wow. That’s incredible. Can I run with
park. you tomorrow?

10- See you.

Part III

(Picture Description. Feelings)

(Select a topic for each Student. Then, ask 3 questions to each of them. First Student B)

T: I’m going to show you some pictures. Please tell me how the people were.

1- How was Brian?

2- How was Pete?
3- How was Charlie?
4- How was Aron?
5- How was Willy?
6- How were the children?
7- How was Simon?

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