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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 1, 2015


A Survey Secure Routing Protocols Mobile AdHoc Network

Shameer Mohamad1, Imran Khan2
1(Computer Science and Engineering,Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering,Chennai)

Mobile Ad hoc Networks are assortment of mobile terminals or nodes, allowing no
stationary infrastructure and centralized administration. Several routing protocols have been
proposed in recent years for possible deployment of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) in
military, government and commercial applications. The strength of its infrastructure (wireless
nature) also becomes the point of its greatest vulnerability. Thus decreasing the confidence level
of the system as it pertains to availability, reliability, data integrity and privacy concerns.
Protocols are introduced for improving the routing mechanism to find route between any source
and destination host across the network. In this paper we present a survey on routing protocols
and we review OLSR protocol and improvements on this protocol.

Keywords — Ad hoc networks, routing protocols, security, wireless systems, mobile routing..

terminal problems etc. Thus, routing protocol is

I. Introduction: structured for purposes such as fully distributed,
In the next generation of wireless adaptive frequent and stable topology, loop free
communication systems, there is a tremendous and minimum number of collisions.
need for the rapid deployment of independent
mobile users. Mobile Ad hoc Network DSR Protocol:
(MANET) is a set of mobile devices (nodes), The Dynamic Source Routing protocol (DSR)
which over a shared wireless medium is a simple and efficient routing protocol
communicate with each other without the designed specifically for use in multi-hop
presence of a predefined infrastructure or a wireless ad hoc networks of mobile nodes. DSR
central authority. Due to no stationary allows the network to be completely self-
infrastructure, all nodes can move freely, organizing and self-configuring, without the
topology may change rapidly and unpredictably need for any existing network infrastructure or
over time, and nodes have to form their own administration. The protocol is composed of the
mutual infrastructures. The security of two mechanisms of Route Discovery and Route
communication in ad hoc wireless networks is Maintenance, which work together to allow
important, especially in military applications. nodes to discover and maintain source routes to
The absence of any central coordination arbitrary destinations in the ad hoc network.
mechanism and shared wireless medium makes Dynamic source routing protocol (DSR) is an
MANETs more vulnerable to digital/cyber on-demand protocol designed to restrict
attacks than wired networks. Designing of the bandwidth consumed by control packets in
routing protocol in AdHoc network depends ad hoc wireless networks by eliminating the
various factors like mobility, bandwidth, periodic table-update messages required in the
resource constraint, hidden and exposed table-driven approach. The major difference

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 1, 2015
between this and the other on-demand routing to be sent) until the time the route is actually
protocols is that it is beacon-less and hence acquired.
does not require periodic hello packet (beacon)
transmissions, which are used by a node to
inform its neighbors of its presence. The basic DSDV Protocol:
approach of this protocol (and all other on- DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance
demand routing protocols) during the route Vector Routing DSDV) is a table driven routing
construction phase is to establish a route by scheme. Its based on Bellman-Ford algorithm.
flooding Route Request packets in the network. Each entry in the routing table contains a
The destination node, on receiving a Route sequence number which is generated by the
Request packet, responds by sending a Route destination by the destination and the emitter
Reply packet back to the source, which carries needs to send out the next update using this
the route traversed by the Route Request packet number. Routing information is distributed
received. between nodes by sending full dumps
infrequently and smaller incremental updates
AODV Protocol: more frequently.
An adhoc network is the cooperative
engagement of a collection of mobile nodes II. Routing Algorithms Comparisons:
without the required inter vention of any
centralized access point or existing in
DPRAODV Protocol:
frastructure In this paper we present Adhoc On DPRAODV received signal is higher than
Demand Distance Vector Routing AODV a the threshold value, then the sender node is
novel algorithm for the operation of such adhoc regarded as black hole node and then a blacklist
networks Each Mobile Host operates as a is constructed with the attacker node increases
specialized router and routes are obtained as the packet delivery ratio with nominal increase
needed ondemand with little or no reliance on in routing overhead. This method cannot detect
periodic advertisements Our new routing the cooperative black hole attacks. Also the
algorithm is quite suitable for a dynamic self false detection ratio of this scheme is high.
starting networkas required by users wishing to
• Secure Adhoc Routing:
utilize adhoc networks. The AODV (Ad-Hoc Ad hoc network routing protocols have
On-Demand Distance Vector) routing protocol been based in part on distance vector
is a reactive routing protocol that uses some approaches, they have generally assumed a
characteristics of proactive routing protocols. trusted environment. In this research project,
Routes are established on-demand, as they are we design and evaluate the Secure Efficient Ad
needed. However, once established a route is hoc Distance vector routing protocol (SEAD), a
maintained as long as it is needed. Reactive (or secure ad hoc network routing protocol based
on-demand) routing protocols find a path on the design of the Destination-Sequenced
between the source and the destination only Distance-Vector routing protocol (DSDV).
when the path is needed (i.e., if there are data to
be exchanged between the source and the • Intrusion Detection System:
destination). An advantage of this approach is An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a
that the routing overhead is greatly reduced. A device or software application that monitors
disadvantage is a possible large delay from the network or system activities for malicious
moment the route is needed (a packet is ready activities or policy violations and produces

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International Journal of Computer science engineering Techniques-– Volume 1 Issue 1, 2015
reports to a management station. IDS come in a trust relationships with other nodes without
variety of “flavors” and approach the goal of relying on trusted authorities.
detecting suspicious traffic in different ways. Breaking the Cyclic Dependency : We remove
There are network based (NIDS) and host based dependency by using a secure binding
(HIDS) intrusion detection systems. Some mechanism for establishing secure node-tonode
systems may attempt to stop an intrusion associations that is independent of secure
attempt but this is neither required nor expected routing and other security services. Idea of a
of a monitoring system. Intrusion detection and secure binding between an IP address and a key
prevention systems (IDPS) are primarily that is independent of any other security
focused on identifying possible incidents, services by control messages of MIPv6.
logging information about them, and reporting
attempts Intrusion Detection:

Gray Hole Attack The Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR)

protocol is a proactive Mobile Ad hoc Network
This usually occurs from a router becoming (MANET) routing protocol.
compromised from a number of different causes.
One cause mentioned in research is through a The OLSR Protocol:
denial-of-service attack on the router using a The protocol is an optimization of the
known DDOS tool. Because packets are classical link state algorithm tailored to the
routinely dropped from a lossy network, requirements of a mobile wireless LAN. The
the packet drop attack is very hard to detect and key concept used in the protocol is that of
prevent. multipoint relays (MPRs). MPRs are selected
nodes which forward broadcast messages
Attacks on AODV Protocol: during the flooding process. This technique
At the start of communication routes are substantially reduces the message overhead as
generated by Network Each and every node has compared to a classical flooding mechanism,
its own sequence number, and this number where every node retransmits each message
increases whenever a link changes. Sends a when it receives the first copy of the message.
route request (RREQ) message by using In OLSR, link state information is generated
broadcasting. The RREQ ID increases by one only by nodes elected as MPRs. Thus, a second
every time node S sends an RREQ message If optimization is achieved by minimizing the
they have a valid route to the destination, then number of control messages flooded in the
they send an RREP message to node. network. As a third optimization, an MPR node
may chose to report only links between itself
Bootstrapping Security Associations for and its MPR selectors.
A Cyclic Dependency Problem: Routing service
depends on security services to authenticate the PRISM: Privacy-friendly Routing in Suspicious
source of a message (i.e., its IP address) and the MANETs (and VANETs):
message content. To acquire secure bindings Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) play an
between a node‟s IP address and key, it must increasingly important role in many
either reach a trustedauthority node or establish environments and applications, especially, in
critical settings that lack fixed network
infrastructure, such as: emergency rescue,

ISSN: 2455-135X Page 3

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