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I Reading comprehension - An ordinary life…an amazing idea

Tim Berners- Lee looks very ___1____. He’s about fifty years old and has brown hair. He __2__
born in England but now __3__ Massachusetts in the USA. But __4__ 1989 Tim had a very
important idea. He invented the world wide web (www).
Tim went to school in London. __5__ his parents worked with computers so it isn’t surprising
that he loves computers from an early age. When he was eighteen, he left school and went to
Oxford University where he studied physics. __6__ Oxford, he __7__, more and more interested
__8__ computers, and he made his first computer from an old television. He graduated in 1976
and got a job with a computer company in Dorset, England. In 1989, he went to work in
Switzerland where he first __9___ the idea of an international information network linked by
computer. He decided to call it the world wide web, and he also decided to make his ideas free to
__10__ – that is why today we do not __11__ to use the internet.
In 1994 he went to live in the United States where he now __12__. In 1995 he wrote __13__
article __14__ the New York Times where he __15__, “The web is a universe of __16__
information and it is for everyone.” Today his idea of a web, where people form all __17__ the
world can __18__ information, is real!

1 Extraordinary Ordinary Normally

2 Be Is Was
3 Lives Is living Living
4 In At On
5 Neither of One of Both
6 In At On
7 Become Is becoming Became
8 In At On
9 Have Has Had
10 Everyone No one Someone
11 Buy Pay Sell
12 Work Works Worked
13 A An /
14 In At On
15 Said Told Spoke
16 An Some /
17 In Over The
18 Change Give Exchange
II Days of the week
1. M__d__ 5. F _ _ d _ _
2. T___d__ 6. S _ t _ _ _ _ _
3. W____s___ 7. S _ _ _ _ _
4. Th _ _ _ _ _ _

III Numbers
1. 21+42= _____ ________________________________________
2. 35+ 54= _____ ________________________________________
3. 29+71= ______ ________________________________________
4. 83+14= ______ ________________________________________

IV Write the plural of the words

1. diary 11. child
2. dictionary 12. woman
3. box 13. businessman
4. university 14. wife
5. baby 15. person
6. key 16. tooth
7. match 17. foot
8. watch 18. day
9. house
10. boy

V Questions
1. Where/live
2. When/get up
3. Where/went/on holiday
4. What/ doing
5. What/do/ after lunch
6. What/did/ after lunch

VI Prepositions
1. I always visit my parents ____ Fridays.
2. See you ____ two weeks.
3. I’m a policeman and I usually have to work ____ Christmas.
4. Everything depends ____ you.
5. The Colosseum is ____ Rome.
6. I was born ____ 1990.
7. I will pick you up ____ 7.30 p.m.
8. My birthday is ____ March 26th.
9. I have exams ____ January.
10. There is a picture ____ the wall.
11. Where are you? I am ____ the bus station.
12. ____ spring everything looks more beautiful.
13. ____ the beginning and ____ the end of the book you can find useful information, but
____ the middle there is addresser.
14. We arrived ____ London ____ noon.
15. Don’t point ____ something, it’s rude!
VII Present Simple, Present Continuous or Past Simple
1.I ______________(play) tennis yesterday, but I ______________ (not/win).
2. John ______________ (not/write) letters very often, he ______________ (prefer) phoning.
3. She ______________ (not/go) to work yesterday, because she ______________ (feel) ill.
4. The polar ice cap ______________ (consist) of millions tones of ice.
5. You ______________ (not/help) your brother, didn’t you? No, I ______________ (go) to the
6. Where __________________ (Mr Moor, fish) at the moment? I ______________ (not/know).
7. Be quiet, please! I ______________ (watch) television.
8. ______________ (you/know) where is your brother? Oh, I ______________ (meet) him an
hour ago at the mall.
9. James, where ______________ (be) Sarah? She ______________ (be) outside, she
______________ (play).
10. What ______________ (Dory/do) last night? She ______________ (study).
11. Last night we ______________(eat) and ______________ (drink) everything.
12. We ______________ (see) Julie at the party.
13. Every morning, he ______________ (get up) at 7 o’clock, ______________ (wash) his teeth
and ______________ (comb) his hair, after that he ______________ (have) breakfast and
______________ (go) to work.
14. I have some news. I ______________ (get) a little kitty next week.
15. Last summer, we ______________ (drive) to the beach, and we ______________ (spend) all
day on the beach. We ______________ (swim) and ______________ (tan), we even
______________ (bring) the ball and ______________ (play) the volleyball.

VIII Pronouns (Subject and Object) and Possessive Pronouns.

1. _______ mother always cooks for _______.
2. David’s sister is very hard working. _______ marks are excellent.
3. What do _______ eat when you go to a Chinese Restaurant? _______ eat pork. I like
4. I watch _______ programme every afternoon. _______ is a really good actress.
5. David is my best friend. _______ play with _______ and _______ sister every day.
6. I like piano very much, but I don’t play _______.
7. _______ doesn’t brush _______ teeth after every meal.
8. The teacher is not very happy with _______, because _______ talk all the time and don’t
listen to _______.
9. Is this your new house? _______ like _______. _______ is very big.
10. Jackie has a dog. _______ color is white.
11. Those children are very happy. _______ parents bought a new car, and they let _______
to drive _______.
12. Are you talking to _______? Sorry, but _______ can’t hear you.

IX Adjectives ED and ING

1. I will be very surprised/surprising if we do well on the test.
2. My new job is very tired/tiring.
3. I come home every day very tired/tiring.
4. He is such a bored/boring person.
5. I’m confused/confusing. I have no idea what to do.
6. I’m frightened/frightening of spiders.
7. The film is very excited/exciting.
8. These instructions are very confused/confusing. Can you explain to me?
9. It was very disappointed/disappointing not to play for basketball team.
10. His behavior is very embarrassed/embarrassing.

X Possessive ‘s
1. Is that Michael car?
2. It’s Tessa birthday on Saturday?
3. What’s your mother name?
4. Where’s Philip desk?
5. My husband name is Peter.
6. Jo is my sister friend.

XI Complete the questions with the verbs in the box

Do Does Can Is Has Are can Have are do does is
1. ______ trains crowded in Lisbon?
2. What time ______ people travel to work in Hong Kong?
3. ______ all the big cities in Germany got trains?
4. What time ______ the train leave in the morning?
5. ______ the traffic bad in Istanbul?
6. ______ Beijing got two airports?
7. ______ you drive from Moscow to St Petersburg in one day?
8. ______ they drive on the right in Malaysia?
9. How much ______ a flight from Bogota to Rio de Janeiro?
10. Where ______ the Orient Express go to?
11. What color ______ taxis in Singapore?
12. Where ______ I catch a taxi?

XII This-That/These-Those
1. Look at ________ newspaper here.
2. ________ are my grandparents, and ________ people over there are my friend’s
3. ________ building over there is Chrysler Building.
4. ________ is my mobile and ________ is your mobile on the shelf over there.
5. ________ photos here are much better than ________ in the book.
6. ________ was a great evening.
7. Is ________ your pencil?
8. ________ bottle over there is empty.
9. ________ boxes over there are my boxes.
10. John, take ________ folder and put it on the desk over there.

XIII A-An-Some-Any- /

1. I’d like _______ orange juice? Would you like _______?

2. Are there _______ students in the classroom?
3. I took _______ egg from the fridge.
4. Are there _______ sandwiches left?
5. Take _______ sugar in your _______ tea.
6. Is this _______ money yours?
7. I haven’t got _______ stamps.
8. There isn’t _______ meat in the fridge.
9. Can I have _______ ice-tea?
10. It will be _______ honor for me to do that!
11. Let me give you _______ advice!
12. Teacher gave us a lot of _______ homework.
13. I took _______ nice photographs on our vacation.
14. _______ university is important institution.
15. I met _______ European guy.

1. __________________ cupcakes does this recipe make?

2. __________________ eggs do you need?
3. __________________ flour do you use in this recipe?
4. __________________ tablespoons of sugar do you need?
5. __________________ oil do you use?
6. __________________ minutes do you cook the cupcakes?

XV Describe members of your family. (125 words)

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