Systematic Qualitative Analysis: Carbonate Ion

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Analysis of anions :


Carbonate ion – Colourless gas with CO3 2- is present

To the sait added dil H2SO4

Passed the gas through lime Lime water turns milky Confirms CO3 2-

To the salt solution added Solution turns pink Confirms CO3 2-


Sulphide ion – Colourless rotten egg smelling S 2- is present

To the sait added dil H2SO4

To the salt solution added Black ppt Confirms S 2-

Pb(CH3COO)2 solution.

To the solution added sodium Violet colour Confirms S 2-

nitroprusside solution

Sulphite ion- Colourless pungent smelling gas SO3 2- is present

To the sait added dil H2SO4

To the salt solution added dilute Solution turns green Confirms SO3 2-
H2SO4 and few drops of
K2Cr2O7 .

To the salt solution added dilute Pink colour disappears Confirms SO3 2-
H2SO4 and few drops of KMnO4 .

Nitrite ion- Brown gas NO3 – is present

To the sait added dil H2SO4

To the salt solution added dilute Solution turns dark brown or Confirms NO3 –
CH3COOH and FeSO4 solution. black.

To the salt solution added dilute Solution turns blue Confirms NO3 –
CH3COOH and drops of KI
followed by starch solution.


Chloride ion – Colourless pungent smelling Cl- Is present

To the salt added conc gas , gives dense white fumes
H2SO4 .Exposed the gas with a NH4OH.
evolved to a glass rod dipped
in NH4OH.

To the salt solution added White ppt soluble in NH4OH Confirms Cl-
AgNO3 solution. obtained

To the salt added K2Cr2O7 Yellow ppt obtained. Confirms Cl-

crystals and conc H2SO4 . Pass
the red vapours through NaOH
solution. Then added

Bromide ion – Brown gas Br- is present

To the salt added conc H2SO4

To the salt solution added Pale yellow ppt partially Confirms Br-
AgNO3 solution. soluble in NH4OH obtained

To the salt solution added CS2 Brown colour in the organic Confirms Br-
or CCl4 and then add Cl2 water layer obtained
dropwise with constant

Iodide ion- Violet gas I- is present

To the salt added conc H2SO4

To the salt solution added Yellow ppt insoluble in NH4OH Confirms I--
AgNO3 solution. obtained

To the salt solution added CS2 Violet colour in the organic Confirms I--
or CCl4 and then add drops of layer obtained
Cl2 water constant shaking.

Nitrate ion- Brown gas NO3 – is present

To the salt added conc

H2SO4 ,a piece of Cu or paper
and heated.

To the salt solution added A dark brown ring is formed at Confirms NO3 –
freshly prepared FeSO4 the junction of the layers of
solution and then add conc acid and solution.
H2SO4 slowly along the sides of
the test tube .

Acetate ion – Colourless vinegar smelling CH3COO- is present.

To the salt added conc H2SO4 vapours ,

To the salt added conc H2SO4 Fruity odour of ester detected Confirms CH3COO-
and heat. Then add ethyl
alcohol and pour the contents
into a beaker containing 25 mL

To the salt solution added Solution turns reddish which Confirms CH3COO-
neutral FeCl3 solution. converts into a ppt on heating
with water.

Sulphate ion – White ppt SO4 2- is present

To the salt solution added BaCl2


Add Conc HCl to a part of the Ppt does not dissolve Confirms SO4 2- .
white ppt

To the salt solution added lead White ppt Confirms SO4 2- .

acetate solution.

Phosphate ion – A yellow ppt or colouration PO4 3- is present

To the salt added conc HNO3
and boiled.Then added excess
of Ammonium molybdate
solution and heated.

To the salt solution added White ppt obtained Confirms PO4 3-

Magnesia mixture (solid NH4Cl +
NH4OH +MgSO4 solution)
Scratch the sides of the test


Sr No. Salt Colour

1 sulfides of Cu2+, Co2+, Pb2+ Black

2 Hydrated Cu2+ salts Blue

3 Ni2+ Green

4 Hydrated Mn2+ salts Light Pink

5 Hydrated Co2+ salts Reddish Pink

6 PbI2, Yellow

Classification of cations into groups


Zero NH4 + Preliminary test -( Salt + (NH3 gas evolves., gives

Conc NaOH + Heat ) dense white fumes with

I Pb 2+ Dil HCl PbCl 2 ( white )

II Cu 2+ DIl HCl + H2S CuS ( Black )

III Fe 3+ , Al 3+ NH4Cl +NH4OH Fe(OH)3 ( Brown )

Al(OH)3 ( White )

IV Co 2+ , Ni 2+ , Mn 2+ , Zn 2+ NH4Cl +NH4OH + H2S CoS , NiS ( Black )

MnS ( Buff coloured )
ZnS ( Dirty white )

V Ba 2+ , Sr 2+ , Ca 2+ NH4Cl +NH4OH + BaCO3 , SrCO3 , SrCO3

(NH4)2CO3 (white)

VI Mg 2+ Preliminary test –(Salt sol White ppt -

+ NH4Cl +NH4OH
(NH4)3PO4 sol + scratch
the walls of the test tube)

Analysis of Cations:
Zero group – NH4+
Heat a pinch of the salt with Ammoniacal smelling gas NH4+ is present
conc. NaOH evolves.

Bring a glass rod dipped in dil Dense white fumes is seen NH4+ is confirmed.
HCl close to the mouth of the
test tube.

To the salt added conc. NaOH, Brown precipitate is formed. NH4+ is confirmed.
heated and then add Nessler’s
To the salt solution added White ppt is formed Pb2+ is present

To the salt solution added Yellow ppt is formed confirms the presence of Pb2+

To the salt solution added KI Yellow ppt is formed confirms the presence of Pb2+

Second group - Cu2+

To the salt solution added
dil.HCl and H2S Black ppt is formed Cu2+ is present

To the salt solution added Deep blue Confirms the presence of Cu2+
excess NH4OH

To the salt solution added

K4[Fe(CN)6] Brown ppt is formed Confirms the presence of Cu2+

To the salt solution added NH4Cl White gelatinous ppt is formed Al3+ is present
and NH4OH

To the salt solution added White ppt is formed Al3+ presence is confirmed

To the salt solution added Blue ppt is formed Al3+ presence is confirmed
NaOH ,DIL HCl, Blue litmus and

To the salt solution added Brown ppt is formed Fe3+ is present
NH4OH and NH4Cl

To the salt solution KCNS Blood red colouration Fe3+ presence is confirmed

To the salt solution K4Fe(CN)6 Dark blue ppt is formed Fe3+ presence is confirmed
Fourth group-Ni2+
To the salt solution added
NH4Cl,NH4OH and H2S Black ppt is formed Ni2+ is present

To the salt solution added DMG

Red rose colouration Confirms the presence of Ni2+
To the salt solution added
NaOH Light green ppt Confirms the presence of Ni2+

To the salt solution NH4OH AND Black ppt is formed Co2+ is present
NH4Cl &H2S

To the salt solution added Blue ppt is formed Confirms the presence of Co2+

To the salt solution added Blue etherial layer is formed Confirms the presence of Co2+
NH4CNS and Ether
To the salt solution added Buff ppt is formed Mn2+ is present
NH4Cl,NH4OH and H2S

To the salt solution added Buff ppt is formed Confirms the presence of Mn2+

To the salt solution added Brown ppt is formed Confirms the presence of Mn2+

To the salt solution added Dirty white ppt is formed Zn2+ is present
NH4Cl,NH4OH and H2S

To the salt solution added White ppt is formed Confirms the presence of Zn2+

To the salt solution added Bluish white or yellowish ppt is Confirms the presence of Zn2+
K4Fe(CN)6 formed

To the salt solution added White ppt is formed (White ppt Ba2+ or Sr2+ or Ca2+ is present
NH4Cl,NH4OH & (NH4)SO4 dissolves in CH3COOH)

To the salt solution added Yellow ppt is formed Ba2+ is present
Flame test Light green flame Confirms the presence of Ba2+
To the salt solution added White ppt is formed Sr2+ is present
Flame test Crimson red flame Confirms the presence of Sr2+

To the salt solution added White ppt is formed Ca2+ is present

Flame test Brick red flame Confirms the presence of Ca2+

Sixth group - Mg2+

To the salt solution added White ppt is formed Mg2+ is present
NH4Cl,NH4OH and Na2HPO4

To the salt solution added White ppt is formed Confirms the presence of Mg2+

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