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A Halloween Origin & Facts

Trivia Quiz
Learn about Halloween - origin, facts and more -
in a fun way, thanks to this trivia quiz.

Celebrated every October 31, the word

ʻHalloweenʼ was first coined in the 16th century.
Since then, our evening with ghouls and trick-or-
treat has exploded into a national holiday.

And with that in mind, nowʼs the chance to test what you know of Halloween
origin stuff.

Halloween Origin & Facts Trivia Quiz Mark with ✘

1. What vegetable was traditionally carved before the pumpkin?

a. Beetroot

b. Melon

c. Turnip

d. Swede
2. What is the day after Halloween called?

a. All Sinnersʼ Day

b. All Saintsʼ Day

c. After Hallowʼs Day

d. Hallowmass

3. What does the Halloween color orange represent?

a. The harvest

b. The twilight

c. The burning of spirits

d. The voice of spirits
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Halloween Origin & Facts Trivia Quiz Mark with ✘

4. What was the 6th most popular adult Halloween costume of 2009?

a. Bat

b. Pirate

c. Hangman

d. Cat

5. Apart from eating, how else are apples used on Halloween?

a. Bobbing for apples game

b. Good luck charms to hang on doors

c. Carve for miniature jack oʼ lanterns

d. Protective potions using apples

6. Why do you wear masks on Halloween?

a. To protect our faces in case the dead attacks us

b. To keep the dead from recognizing the living

c. To protect the dead from seeing us happy

d. To stop the dead from touching our faces

7. How long does it take a pumpkin to grow?

a. 30-60 days

b. 40-80 days

c. 60-90 days

d. 90-120 days

8. Halloween is the third largest US party day of the year. Which is the

a. Christmas Day

b. Super Bowl Sunday

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Halloween Origin & Facts Trivia Quiz Mark with ✘

c. Thanksgiving

d. New Yearʼs Eve

9. Barnbrack is a traditional Halloween food. What is it?

a. A fruit cake

b. A meat dish

c. A pumpkin punch

d. A special bread

10. How do you spell ʻSow-enʼ, the Celtic harvest festival where
Halloween originated?
a. S-o-w-h-u-a-n

b. S-a-h-m-h-e-n

c. S-a-m-h-a-i-n

d. S-a-r-h-a-r-n

11. Jerry Ayers is the worldʼs fastest pumpkin carver. How fast was
a. 22 seconds

b. 37 seconds

c. 45 seconds

d. 53 seconds

12. In England, are white cats believed to be

a. Bad luck?

b. Good luck?

c. Devilʼs protection?

d. Spirit protection?
13. What was the trick originally in ʻtrick or treatʼ?
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Halloween Origin & Facts Trivia Quiz Mark with ✘

a. Knock on the door and then run away

b. Throw water at the person opening the door

c. Sing a song to the person giving you the candy

d. Recite a good luck protection spell

14. What is Nos Calan Gaeaf?

a. Halloween in Polish

b. Halloween in French

c. Halloween in Icelandic
d. Halloween in Welsh

15. What does the color black signify in Halloween?

a. Death

b. The future

c. Uncertainty

d. Protection
16. The pumpkin is related to the potato…



17. Halloween is the second most commercially successful holiday

after what?

a. Easter

b. New Yearʼs

c. Christmas

d. Thanksgiving

18. Why do we ring a bell on Halloween?

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Halloween Origin & Facts Trivia Quiz Mark with ✘

a. To welcome the spirits

b. To scary away the spirits

c. To dance with the spirits

d. To comfort the spirits

19. Who was Jack OʼLantern?

a. A banished demon

b. A mischievous elf

c. A guardian angel
d. A shifty villain

20. In question 10, I asked you to spell ʻSow-enʼ (ʻsowʼ rhymes with
ʻcowʼ). What does ʻSow-enʼ mean?

a. End of summer

b. Start of autumn

c. End of sunlight

d. End of autumn


1. c. Turnip / 2. b. All Saintsʼ Day / 3. a. The harvest / 4. d. Cat / 5. a. Bob

for apples game / 6. b. To keep the dead from recognizing the living / 7. d.
90-120 days / 8. b. Super Bowl Sunday. New Yearʼs Eve is the 1st. / 9. a. A
fruit cake / 10. c. S-a-m-h-a-i-n / 11. b. 37 seconds / 12. a. Bad luck / 13. c.
Sing a song to the person giving you the candy / 14. d. Halloween in
Welsh / 15. a. Death / 16. False / 17. c. Christmas / 18. b. To scary away
the spirits / 19. d. A shifty villain / 20. a. End of summer.

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