Andhra University Question Papers 5 Years LLB

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First Semester

(General Principles of Contract (Sec 1 to 75) including

Specific Relief Act)

(Effective from the admitted batch of (2013—2014)

TIME : Three hours Maximum : 85 marks

PART - A (6X4 =24 marks)

Answer any SIX questions.

Each question carries 4 marks.

1.Consideration. 2.Contract. 3.Revocation. 4.Minor.

5.Consent.6.Misrepresentation. 7.Void agreements. 8.Quasi-contracts.

9.Rescission of contracts.

PART B—(2X18=36 marks)

Answer any TWO questions.

Each question carries 18 marks.

10. Define consideration and distinguish between consideration and privity of


11. What is meant by specific performance of a contract? Discuss the

provisions relating to specific performance under the Act.

12. Define contract. Explain the essential requisites of a valid contract.

13. Explain the various modes in discharge of a contract.

PART C—(2x12 ½=25 marks)

Answer any TWO questions.

Each question carries 12 ½ marks.

14. A advance to B a minor, Rs. 50000 on the guarantee of C. On demand for

repayment, B refuses to pay on the ground of minority. Can A recover the

amount from C.

15. ‘A’ and ‘B’ are the partners in a firm ‘A’ is the managing partner who

managed the firm for 3years and misappropriated the funds. ‘B’ wanted

to file a suit regarding settlement of accounts. Advice B.

16. A sells to B a horse and agrees to deliver it the coming week. B agreed to

pay the price on delivery. But the horse before it is delivered. Who has to

suffer the loss?

17. ’A’ lends a book to ‘B’ and ‘B’ promises to return it one week before

examinations. B did not return it in spite of ‘A’ repeated demands. A sues

B for breach of contract and claims demands. B pleado absence of

consideration and so not a contract. Decide.



First Semester


(Effective from the admitted batch of (2013—2014)

TIME : Three hours Maximum : 85 marks


Answer any SIX questions

[6X4=24] Marks

1. Explain the Law of Supply Principles.

2. What are the characteristics of Mixed Economy?
3. Write the functions of Money.
4. Give brief note about Oligopoly.
5. What are the determinants of National Income.
6. State the role of taxes in resource mobilisation.
7. Write the main functions of Commercial Banks.
8. What are the forms of business organsisations.
9. Explain the functions of Central Bank.


Answer any TWO questions [2X12 ½=25]

1. Define Economics and write the relevance of economics to the subject of


2. Explain the main featuers of planned economy.

3. Define Monopoly. How prices are determined under Monopoly.

4. Write about the price elasticity of demand, Income elasticity of demand

cross elasticity of demand.

5. Examine the relation between Investment and rate of interest.

6. Write the role of labour unions in wage determination.


Answer any four questions.

[4x9=36] marks

1. List out the problems of economic concentration and suggest measures

over come them.

2. Define National Income and write about its determining factors.

3. Discuss the role of international financial institutions in economic


4. Critically examine the merits and demerits of Balanced and Un –

balanced growth theories



First Semester

(Effective from the admitted batch of (2013—2014)

TIME : Three hours Maximum : 85 marks

PART – A [5x5=25]

Answer any FIVE questions

Each question carries equal marks.

1. Social contract theory

2. Natural Law

3. Hindu concept of sale

4. Military rule

5. Non – violence

6. Secular state

7. Liberalism

8. Sarvodaya

9. Class war
PART –B [ 4X15=60)

Answer any FOUR questions

Each question carries 15 marks.

10. What are the differences between unitary and federal forms of


11. Comment on the party system in India and assess its impact on the

working of Parliamentary Democracy in the country.

12. Explain the importance of public opinion in modern democracies.

13. Discuss the function of legislature and account for its decline in a
modern state.

14. Explain the concept of political and legal sovereignty.

15 What are important features of the parliamentary form of

government in India.

16. Describe the Marxian political thought and its influence in India.

17. Write an easy on structure and functions of parliament in India



First Semester

(Effective from the admitted batch of (2013—2014)

TIME : Three hours Maximum : 85 marks

PART – A [ 2x5=10]

Annotate any TWO questions

1. a) The like or more was between septimius serverus and plautians.

For he force his eidest son to marry the daughter of plautions.

b) You may see by it I was even then acquainted with the poets,

For the conclusions is taken out of Horse.

c) On the other side, neat and vivacity image is an excellent composition

for business. Young men are fitter to invent than to Judge.

d) What fact more conspicuous in modern history, than the creation of

the gentleman?

2. Answer any TWO of the following in about 150 words:

( 2x5=10 )
a)Discuss the merits of Cowley’s ‘OF Myself’ as a portrait of his boyhood
and youth

b) What is the merits of ‘The Spider and the Bee’? Explain the relevance

to us today.

c) Evaluate Hunt’s The maid- servant’ as the portrait of a character.

3. Answer any ONE of the following in about 250 words:

a) What are the qualities of a gentleman given by Emerson in his essay?

b) How does ‘Forgetting’ reveal Lynd’s wit and humour?

c) Discuss how Bacon contrast youth and age.


5. Answer any ONE of the following in about 250 words: (15)

a) What is the right meaning of ‘ Content of Court’ according to
b) Define the events of Great Trail’ and elaborate the Gandhiji’s
statement as recorded in court.
c) Write an essay on the views of Gandhiji on practicing Lawyers.

6. Answer any ONE of the following in about 250 words: (10)

a) Discuss the important aspects of Lala Radha Krishnan’s case.
b) Attempt an essay on An Advocate‘s Dilemma.
c) Describe the Gandhi’s life as a student in England.

Rewrite as directed any FIVE of the following. (5x1=5)
7. a) The goal keeper misses the ball and it is a goal. (Rewrite
in the simple past)
b) This coffee is too hot to drink. (Rewrite the sentence using ‘’so –that’’)
c) Man does not live –bread alone. (Use the correct preposition)
d) There was an ugly scar on the face------------- prisoner.
e) A table was being made by the carpenter. (Change into Active Voice)
f) She may be allowed to s ay. This is her request. (Change into complex
sentence by using Noun clause)
g) He betted and lost a lot of money at the races. (Correct the sentence)
h) He treats all his servants equally. (Changing into Comparative

8. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions.

There I was put to a primary school, and I can well recollect those days,
including the names and other particulars of the teachers who taught
me. As at porbandar so here , there is hardly anything to note about my
studies. I could only have been a mediocre student. From this school, I
went to the suburban school and thence to the high school, having
already reached my twelfth year. I do not rem ember having ever told a
lie during this short period, either to my teachers or to my schoolmates.I
used to be very shy avoided all company. My books and my lessons were
my sole companions. To be at school at the storke of the hour and to run
back home as soon as the school closed- that was my daily habit. I
literally ran back, because I could not bear to talk to anybody.

Answer the following questions:

1) What could he recollect?

2) What did he avoid?
3) What did not remember?
4) What were his companions?
5) Why did he run back?

9. Use any THREE of the following in sentence of your own:

a) Look into b) Get on

c) Fall in d) Get through

e) Cut off f) Bring up

Give the meaning of any FOUR of the following:

a) Status quo b) Vice Versa c) Detenu

d) Modus operandi e) Non- bailable f) Respondent

g) Prosecution h) Defacto

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