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Particle Suspension in Air-Agitated Pachuca Tanks:

Investigation of Hysteresis and a Novel Split Air Injection


Particle suspension is an important parameter in the design of an energy-efficient Pachuca tank. The
objectives of the present investigation are to (1) establish the phenomenon of hysteresis, (2) examine
the effect of a novel split air injection technique on the critical velocity for particle suspension, and
(3) determine the optimum state of suspension in full center column (FCC) Pachuca tanks. Extensive
investigations have been carried out in three laboratory-scale Pachuca tanks with a maximum slurry
density of 25 wt pct solids. Results that have a bearing on the design of energy-efficient Pachuca
tanks have emerged. The magnitude of hysteresis in FCC Pachuca tanks is of the order of 20 pct,
which is about 10 times less than in bubble columns. Split air injection, with 30 pct air injected into
the annulus from the top and 70 pct air injected into the draft tube from the bottom, lowers the critical
air velocity for particle suspension by 37 pct, with respect to bottom-blown Pachuca tanks.

I. INTRODUCTION content of the slurry is maintained in suspension. Also, in

the case of a power failure or maintenance-related work, air
PACHUCA tanks are cylindrical, air-agitated slurry injection into the Pachuca tank will be disrupted, leading to
reactors with a conical bottom primarily used as leaching
vessels in the extraction of nonferrous metals such as ura- a complete settling of particles from the slurry. Under these
nium, gold, zinc, and copper. Details about the classification, conditions, the air compressor should have the capability to
design, and operation of Pachuca tanks are available in the resuspend the settled solids; its power rating, therefore,
literature.[1,2] As these tanks are operated with slurries con- should conform with the critical air velocity required to
taining 50 to 60 wt pct solids, the principal objective in generate suspension. However, hysteresis in particle suspen-
Pachuca leaching is to keep the solids in suspension.[1,2] sion has not been adequately characterized.[5,6] Moreover,
With the help of extensive experiments and mathematical studies on hysteresis have been limited to bubble columns
modeling. Roy et al.[1] have clarified the effect of the design only, which substantially differ from Pachuca tanks both in
and operating parameters of Pachuca tanks on the minimum terms of dimensions and mode of operation.[1]
superficial air velocity, defined as the volumetric air flow The mode of air injection is also an important aspect of
rate divided by the tank cross-sectional area and referred to Pachuca design. In most conventional Pachucas, air is
as the critical air velocity required to keep the particles injected from the bottom. There are a few exceptions, how-
in suspension. However, several important questions still ever. For instance, in the Pachucas of the Uranium Corpora-
remain unanswered. tion of India Ltd. at Jaduguda in the state of Bihar, air is
Critical air velocity can be defined separately for main- injected downward from two tubes placed opposite each
taining and generating suspensions. For maintaining suspen- other in the annulus. Lamont[7] had also reported that the
sions, critical air velocity is defined as the superficial air earlier Pachuca tanks at Eldorado’s Beaverlodge operation
velocity below which particles start settling from a state of had split air addition, with air being injected both from the
complete off-bottom suspension. Superficial air velocity, in bottom and from inside the draft tube at various heights. A
turn, is defined as the volumetric air flow rate divided by comparison of different modes of air injection with respect
the tank cross-sectional area. On the other hand, the critical to the efficacy of particle suspension in Pachuca tanks was
air velocity for generating suspension is defined as the super- not found in the literature.
ficial air velocity above which particles are suspended from Another important aspect is the optimum state of suspen-
a completely settled state. There is a possibility of hysteresis, sion or, in other words, the extent of suspension desirable
because the two critical air velocities may be different. Parti- in Pachuca tanks. In most investigations on bubble columns,
cle suspension has been characterized with respect to both
as well as in that of Hallett et al.[3] on Pachuca tanks, particle
maintaining[1] and generating[3,4] suspensions. Moreover,
suspension has been characterized in terms of complete off-
both definitions of critical air velocity have practical rele-
bottom suspension. On the other hand, Roy et al.[1] have
vance. In practice, several Pachuca tanks are operated in
series and slurry is continuously fed through each tank. used the term “onset of suspension” to characterize particle
Hence, the critical air velocity should be such that the solid suspension in Pachuca tanks. The critical velocity defined
with respect to the onset of suspension is the superficial air
velocity below which all particles settle at the bottom of the
tank. A question now arises: Should the operating superficial
S.P. MEHROTRA, Professor, and R. SHEKHAR, Associate Professor,
are with the Department of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering, Indian
air velocity be in consonance with the critical velocity
Institute of Technology, Kanpur 208 016, India. defined with respect to the complete off-bottom suspension
Manuscript submitted March 16, 2000. or the onset of suspension? No study of this kind was


Table I. Different Design and Operating Parameters Used
in Laboratory and Industrial Tanks
Parameter Industry Laboratory
Ug ⫻ 10⫺2 (m/s) 0.1 to 0.75 —
Dd /Dt 0.1 0 to 0.3
Dt /Dn — 08
Ht /Dt 1 to 3 3
Cone angle 30 to 60 deg 45 deg
Wt pct solids 50 to 60 5 to 25

unearthed in the literature survey. The objectives of the

present investigation are threefold:
(1) experimentally establish the phenomenon of hysteresis,
(2) examine the effect of a novel split air injection technique
on the critical velocity for particle suspension, and
(3) determine the optimum state of suspension.
As it has already been established[1] that the full center
column (FCC) Pachucas are more efficient in suspending
particles than are the stub column (SC) or the free air lift
(FAL) Pachuca, the present investigation is primarily con-
fined to FCC Pachucas. Only one set of experimental data
for a FAL Pachuca tank is presented for comparison.


Fig. 1—Schematic representation of the experimental setup.
The laboratory-scale Pachuca tanks were designed such
that important design and operating parameters, namely, Ht /
Dt , Dd /Dt , cone angle, and superficial air velocity Ug , were
in the same range as typically used in industry (Table I). diameter, symmetrically placed around the draft tube such
that the air injection points were at the same level as the
bottom end of the draft tube. The ratio of the horizontal
A. Experimental Setup distance between the tubes and the tank diameter was 0.4.
The experimental setup, schematically shown in Figure A distributor valve was used in the compressor line to split
1, consisted of a laboratory-scale Pachuca tank, a rotameter, air in a specified ratio.
a manometer, and an air compressor. It was similar to the White river sand with a density of 2500 kg/m3 and a
setup employed in our earlier investigation,[1] although minor particle size ranging between 150 and 250 ␮m was used as
modifications were made to incorporate split air injection. the solid particulate.
Indigenously fabricated Pachucas were made of Perspex.
Initially, a cylindrical tank with a flat bottom was con-
B. Experimental Methodology
structed. The conical base was then simulated by inserting
a cone, with a (half) cone angle of 45 deg at the bottom. A large number of experiments were carried out to mea-
Three tanks with diameters of 0.15, 0.25, and 0.36 m and sure critical air velocities for particles suspended under dif-
heights of 0.45, 0.75, and 1.05 m, referred to as tanks 1, 2, ferent operating conditions, as shown in Table I. In each
and 3, respectively, were used in our experiments. The draft experiment, four critical velocities were recorded:
tube was clamped onto a vertical rod that was suspended Uc1: critical velocity for onset of settling, i.e., the mini-
from the top through a superstructure above the tank. The mum velocity below which particles in a fully suspended
bottom end of the draft tube was always positioned at a slurry just begin to settle down;
fixed distance of 0.1 Hc from the cone wall, while the top Uc2: critical velocity for complete settling, i.e., the mini-
end was at a distance of 0.15 Hd below the free surface of mum air velocity below which all solid particles in slurry
water. A single nozzle, with Dt /Dn ⫽ 80, was placed 0.1 m settle down;
below the bottom end of the draft tube. To get a clear view Uc3: critical velocity for onset of suspension, i.e., the air
of particle motion near the tank bottom, the conical portion velocity at which initially settled particles just begin to go
of the tank was illuminated. into suspension; and
The structure shown by dashed lines in Figure 1 was Uc4: critical velocity for complete suspension, i.e., the
superimposed on the conventional Pachuca with bottom minimum air velocity at which all particles in the slurry are
injection only, and this entire assembly was used in the brought from a fully settled state to a full suspension state.
experiments with split air injection, downward into the Critical velocity data were recorded by observing the set-
annulus and upward into the draft tube. Air injection into tling behavior of particles on the cone wall. To ensure ade-
the annulus was made through two tubes, each 0.003 m in quate visibility of solid particulates in the slurry, experiments


were carried out with slurry densities much lower than those scouring particles from the sand bed inside the draft tube
generally employed in industrial Pachucas. At high slurry (Figure 2(a)). As the air flow rate is increased, more particles
densities, it was not possible to identify various stages of are suspended, which decreases the bed height inside the
suspension. Each experiment was repeated 2 to 4 times, and draft tube until a cavity forms right down to the nozzle, as
the mean values have been reported in this article. Variation shown in Figure 2(b). The presence of the cavity was verified
in the critical velocity values in most cases was less than by inserting a wooden stick inside the draft tube. At small
5 pct. draft tube–to–nozzle diameter ratios, the particle bed inside
For measuring Uc1 and Uc2 air was initially injected at a may also be lifted to form the cavity. A further increase in
high enough flow rate to ensure complete suspension. The the air flow rate leads to the erosion of the side walls of the
air flow rate was then gradually reduced, and the suspension cavity, which, in turn, leads to the collapse of the particle
behavior of particulates continuously monitored. The air flow bed in the annulus adjacent to the draft tube, creating a path
rate at which solid particles just began to settle on the cone for slurry circulation (Figure 2(c)). The clearance between
wall was recorded as Uc1. On further reduction of the air the draft tube and the sand layer on the cone increases with
flow rate, a stage came, at Uc2, in which the recirculation of the increasing air flow rate (Figure 2(d)), in all probability,
slurry stopped completely and all the particles started settling. according to the mechanism described in our earlier study
At this stage, air injection was stopped. Once the particles on maintaining particle suspension.[1] In that study, it was
were fully settled, air injection was restarted and the flow observed that solid particles slid along the inclined cone
rate slowly increased. The air flow rate at which solid parti- wall toward the apex of the cone and were then lifted into
cles just started getting into suspension corresponded to the the draft tube by a vortex extending from the air injection
air velocity Uc3. A further increase in the air velocity above point to the draft tube inlet. To ensure that the particles
Uc4 led to the complete suspension of all particles, a state are entrained in the circulating slurry, two conditions must
characterized by the continuous motion of particles, or the be satisfied:[1]
absence of a static particle layer, on the cone wall. (1) slurry velocity over the cone wall should be such that
Tank 1, the 0.15 m Pachuca with Dd /Dt ⫽ 0.2 and Ht /Dt it prevents deposition on the cone wall; and
⫽ 3 and 100 pct air injection from the bottom, was taken (2) once the particles manage to avoid deposition, the verti-
as the reference configuration. An earlier study[1] had shown cal liquid velocity in the cone should lift the particles
that, for particle suspension, the optimum Dd /Dt ratio was inside the draft tube.
of the order of 0.1 for industrial-scale Pachucas, with the
ratio being close to 0.2 for the laboratory Pachucas. It was The slurry velocity required to fulfill condition 1 is expec-
also observed that Uc decreased with increasing Ht /Dt ratio. ted to be significantly higher than that required to fulfill
And since industrial Pachuca tanks operate with a maximum condition 2. Consequently, preventing the deposition of par-
Ht /Dt of 3, the same value was used in our experiments. In ticles on the cone wall was identified as the rate-controlling
all the experiments, the liquid level was kept 0.025 m above mechanism for maintaining suspension. Hence, a suspension
the draft tube top.[1] can be maintained if the velocities in the cone are high
enough to prevent deposition of particles on the cone wall.
In a similar manner, for generating suspension, once a
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION clearance between the draft tube and cone wall is created,
particle suspension can be enhanced if the velocities in the
A. Mechanism for Generating Suspension cone are high enough to suspend particles settled on the
The mechanism of particle suspension was observed in cone wall. Once the clearance is created, as the air flow rate
the FCC Pachuca tank with a diameter of 0.15 m, with Dd/ is increased, there is a corresponding increase in the slurry
Dt of 0.1 and 10 wt pct slurry. The Pachuca was first filled circulation velocity, which leads to increasing velocities in
with water to a level 0.025 m above the draft tube top. The the cone. Consequently, particles start getting suspended
requisite amount of sand was added to the tank and the from the sand layer on the cone wall, and the clearance
particles were allowed to settle overnight. It was observed between the draft tube and the sand layer on the cone wall
that in a completely settled state, the bed heights inside the is increased. Because of continuity, the increased clearance
draft tube and the annulus were the same. At very low air leads to lower velocities in the cone. As soon as the liquid
flow rates, air bubbles were seen to be coming out through velocity in the cone reduces to a level such that condition
the draft tube top in clear water, a clear sign that recirculation 1 is not satisfied, particle suspension from the sand layer
of slurry had still not started. A continuous flow of slurry on the cone wall stops. This sequence is repeated as the air
started coming out of the draft tube at a slightly higher air flow rate is further increased to a higher value up to the
velocity. Slurry flow was also observed in the annulus. At point of complete suspension.
this point, there was no perceptible decrease in the particle
level on the cone wall. A continuous flow of slurry emanating B. Hysteresis
from the draft tube implied that slurry was recirculating in
the tank, even though a static particle layer remained on the Figure 3(a) shows a typical hysteresis plot for the refer-
cone wall. At higher air velocities, the static sand layer on ence configuration. It is seen that the critical air velocity
the cone wall disappeared and flow was characterized by for generating suspension is greater than that for maintaining
the continuous motion of particles on the cone wall. Based suspension. Hysteresis is defined for both complete suspen-
on the aforesaid observations, a mechanism for particle sus- sion and onset of suspension (i.e., complete settling) as
pension is proposed. follows:
At very low air flow rates, bubbles escaping through the ⌬Ucs ⫽ Uc4 ⫺ Uc1
draft tube create a recirculating flow that has the effect of ⌬Uos ⫽ Uc3 ⫺ Uc2



(c) (d )
Fig. 2—Steps showing the suspension of sand particles as the air velocity increases from (a) to (d ).

Fig. 3—Typical hysteresis plot showing experimentally measured critical air velocity as a function of weight percent solids for various top to botto m air
injection ratios for a Pachuca tank of 0.15-m diameter: (a) 0%, (b) 25%, (c) 30%, (d) 40%, (e) 60% and (f) 75%.


Table II. Comparison of Hysteresis in Bubble Column[5] and Pachuca Tanks
Heck and Onken[5] Dt ⫽ 0.15 m Dt ⫽ 0.25 m Dt ⫽ 0.36 m
Wt Pct ⌬Ucs ⌬Ucs /U1 ⌬Ucs ⌬Ucs /U1 ⌬Ucs ⌬Ucs /U1 ⌬Ucs ⌬Ucs /U1
5 0.01 0.58 0.001 0.15 0.0010 0.22 0.00075 0.16
10 0.028 2.8 0.001 0.19 0.0018 0.23 0.001 0.14
15 0.048 2.7 0.002 0.17 0.0020 0.20 0.002 0.20
20 0.072 3.6 0.004 0.25 — — — —
25 0.084 3.8 0.004 0.29 — — — —

Fig. 4—Experimental plots of critical air velocity as a function of weight Fig. 5—Experimental plots of critical air velocity as a function of weight
percent solids for various top to bottom air injection ratios for a Pachuca percent solids for various top to bottom air injection ratios for a Pachuca
tank of 0.25-m diameter: (a) 0%, (b) 25%, (c) 30% and (d) 40%. tank of 0.36-m diameter: (a) 0%, (b) 25%, (c) 30% and (d) 40%.

From Figure 3(a),* it is apparent that both ⌬Ucs and ⌬Uos 3). However, in up to 9 wt pct solids, hysteresis effects seem
increase with weight percent solids in the slurry. ⌬Ucs to be similar in both FCC and FAL configurations.
increases from 0.001 m/s at 5 wt pct solids to 0.004 m/s at Another interesting feature that emerges from Figures 3
25 wt pct solids, which represents an increase in ⌬Ucs from through 5 is that the critical velocity curves for generating
15 to 29 pct with respect to Uc1 (Table II). That is, the critical suspension closely follow those for maintaining suspensions.
velocity for complete suspension is 15 to 29 pct higher for For example, earlier studies[1] had shown that the critical
generating suspension with respect to maintaining suspen- velocity for maintaining suspension (1) increases with
sion for 5 to 25 wt pct solids. The corresponding increase weight percent solid and (2) decreases with increasing tank
in ⌬Uos was from 0.0005 to 0.0035 m/s, which represents diameter. A similar pattern is followed by both critical air
an increase in ⌬Ucs from 25 to 32 pct, with respect to Uc2. velocity curves for generating suspension. As suggested in
A comparison of Figure 3(a) with Figures 4(a) and 5(a) Section A, this phenomenon indicates that the mechanisms
shows that an increase in tank diameter from 0.15 to 0.36 for generating and maintaining suspensions are similar in
m does not have any significant effect on hysteresis in up Pachuca tanks. Consequently, hysteresis can be attributed to
to 15 wt pct slurry. Hysteresis behavior of FAL tanks is the fact that the solid particles settled at the bottom of the
shown in Figure 6 for slurries containing up to 9 wt pct tank are densely packed and interact with each other to
solids. As expected, the critical velocities for suspension are produce additional forces, the so-called Coulomb forces.
higher than those for the corresponding FCC tank (Figure These forces are expected to increase with increasing weight
percent solids. Hence, bringing such settled particulates into
suspension requires additional energy and, therefore, higher
*All Uc vs weight percent solid plots (Figs. 3 through 7) are experimental critical velocities for generating suspension.
plots. In one of the plots in Figure 3, actual experimental points as well
as smoothened curves are shown. In all other plots, however, only the For complete suspension, Heck and Onken[5] observed
smoothened curves are shown; experimental points are not shown to avoid significant hysteresis in a bubble column (Dt ⫽ 0.2 m, Ht
unnecessary cluttering. ⫽ 1.8 m) equipped with a draft tube (Dd ⫽ 0.12 m, Hd ⫽


Fig. 6—Typical hysteresis plot for a FAL Pachuca tank of 0.15-m diameter.

Table III. Design and Operating Parameters Used in a

Bubble Column[5] and the Present Study
Parameter Heck and Onken[5] Present Study
Dt 0.2 0.15 to 0.36
Ht /Dt 9.0 3
Dd /Dt 0.4 0.2
Cone angle 60 deg 45 deg
Sparger perforated plate single nozzle
Solid particles glass spheres sand (150 to 250 ␮m)
(dp ⫽ 308 ␮m)

1.5 m). A perforated plate with a diameter of 80 mm, and

with holes 0.8 mm in diameter covering 54 pct of the plate’s
cross-sectional area, was used as the air distributor. Glass
spheres ( p ⫽ 2440 kg/m3, dp ⫽ 308 ␮m) were used as solid
particles and weight percent solids were varied from 4.7 to
37 pct. Table II compares the magnitude of hysteresis
observed by Heck and Onken[5] and in our study. Hysteresis
seems to be more dominant in bubble columns than in
Pachuca tanks. This difference may be attributed to the
difference in the design parameters, as shown in Table III.
That the suspension behavior is different in Pachuca tanks Fig. 7—Effect of split air injection on the critical air velocity for complete
and bubble columns has been shown in our earlier study.[1] suspension, Uc4.

C. Split Air Injection

tanks. Air injection in the annulus will be subsequently
Figure 7 illustrates the effect of split air injection on Uc4. referred to as top injection.
Solid lines are for a tank 0.15 m in diameter; dashed lines A similar trend was also observed for the other critical
are for the tank 0.36 m in diameter. The most fascinating velocities, namely, Uc1, Uc2 and Uc3. Experiments also show
aspect of this figure is that, in both the tanks, minimum Uc4 that there is a minimum in hysteresis, especially ⌬Ucs , at
occurs when 70 pct of the air is injected from the bottom the 30:70 top-bottom air injection ratio (Figures 3 through
and 30 pct in the annulus. Moreover, as shown in Table IV, 5). Figure 8 shows that an increase in tank diameter from
the minimums in Figure 7 represent, uniformly, 37 pct lower 0.15 to 0.36 m has only a marginal effect on Uc4 for a 30:70
values of Uc4 with respect to 100 pct bottom-blown Pachuca top-bottom split air injection. This figure also shows that


Table IV. A Comparison of the Values of Uc4 for Bottom Blown and 30:70 Top-Bottom Split Air Injection on Uc4
Dt ⫽ 0.15 m Dt ⫽ 0.36 m
Wt Pct Solids Uc4 (0 Pct) Uc4 (30 Pct) ⌬Uc4 (Pct) Uc4 (0 Pct) Uc4 (30 Pct) ⌬Uc4 (Pct)
5 0.70 0.30 57 0.55 0.34 38
10 0.96 0.56 42 0.80 0.50 37
15 1.40 0.90 36 1.20 0.74 38
20 2.04 1.30 34 — — —
Uc4 (0 pct) and Uc4 (30 pct) refer to the values of Uc4 for 100 pct bottom and 30–70 top-bottom air injection conditions, respectively.
⌬Uc4(pct) refers to the percent decrease in Uc4 from 100 pct bottom air injection to 30:70 top-bottom air injection. ⌬Uc4(pct) ⫽ 100 [Uc4
(0 pct) ⫺ Uc4 (30 pct)]/Uc4 (0 pct).

(2) preventing the deposition of particles on the cone wall.

Agitation levels in the conical region are expected to increase
with increasing air flow rates from the top. Another possible
effect of air injection into the annulus was the release of
some air bubbles into the annulus leading to a net decrease
in the overall recirculation rate, which would have the effect
of increasing the critical velocities for suspension. However,
this phenomenon was discounted because experiments with
clear water showed that the release of free air bubbles into
the annulus was negligible.
With the same air flow rate as in bottom injection, air
injection in the annulus (top injection) will be more effective
in suspending particles from the sand layer (or preventing
their deposition on the cone wall) and in transporting them
toward the apex of the cone. However, the vortex created
by 100 pct top injection is much weaker than the vortex
generated by bottom injection. It may be recalled that this
upward thrust is responsible for lifting the sand particles
from the cone into the draft tube. As a result, with 100 pct
top injection, even if the particles reach the cone apex, they
can only be lifted into the draft tube, and hence suspended
in the recirculating flow, at high air flow rates. Hence, top
injection promotes the suspension of particles in the cone,
while bottom injection aids in lifting the particles into the
draft tube. Clearly, the minimum critical air velocity can be
attained by having a judicious combination of top and bottom
injection. The expected slurry circulation for split air injec-
Fig. 8—Effect of tank diameter on Uc4 for the case of 30:70 top-bottom
split air injection.
tion is shown in Figure 9.
Starting from 100 pct bottom air injection, as the propor-
tion of air injected from the top increases, there is a simulta-
neous increase in the agitation levels in the cone and a
split air injection with a 30:70 top-bottom ratio is more
decrease in the vortex strength. In the initial stages, the
energy-efficient than 100 pct bottom injection. In the follow-
increase in the agitation levels in the cone may be higher
ing paragraph, the behavior of suspensions during split air
than the decrease in the vortex strength, thereby reducing
injection is discussed.
the critical velocity for particle suspension. At higher air
When air is injected only from the bottom, it results in
flow rates from the top, the first effect may start dominating
two effects: (1) it creates an upward thrust (vortex) near the
the second effect. The two effects balance out at a 30:70
air injection point that lifts the solid particles from the cone
top-bottom air injection ratio, resulting in a critical veloc-
into the draft tube. The ability of the vortex to lift particles
ity minimum.
inside the draft is expected to be proportional to the flow
Our investigations clearly indicate that split air injection
rate of air injected from the bottom; (2) it generates slurry
is essential for operating energy-efficient Pachuca tanks.
recirculation, and the velocity component parallel to the
However, it should be pointed out that the critical velocity
cone wall facilitates the rolling of solid particles, which
minimum will depend on the location of the down-facing
otherwise tend to settle on the cone wall.
nozzles in the annulus. For example, raising the air injection
Air injection in the annulus, as shown in Figure 1, pro-
point inside the annulus compared to that shown in Figure
motes agitation inside the cone and the cylindrical section
1 should increase the value of the minimum critical velocity.
just above the cone. Increased agitation, in turn, helps in
At a given air flow rate, a higher air injection point would
(1) overcoming the interparticle forces, thereby suspending lower the extent of agitation in the cone and may also lead
particles; and to a decrease in the net recirculation rate.


(a) (b)

(c) (d )
Fig. 9.—Slurry flow characteristics for (a) split air injection with low air flow rate, (b) split air injection with total air flow rate greater than that in a, (c)
split air injection with higher air flow rate than b, and (d ) 100 pct top injection with total air flow greater than that in c.

D. Optimum State of Suspension air velocity. Table V shows that, for both bottom and split
air injection, there is a substantial reduction in critical air
At what air flow rate should the Pachuca tank be operated?
Uc1 ⫺ Uc2
Should the air flow rate correspond to the onset of suspension
or to complete off-bottom suspension? The answer to this
velocity ⌬U21 ⫽ 100 冢
Uc1 冣
, when a Pachuca tank is
question can be provided by comparing the specific leaching operated at an air flow rate corresponding to the onset of
rate per unit power consumed between the two critical veloc- suspension with respect to complete off-bottom suspension.
ity states. Here, the specific leaching rate is defined as the At higher tank diameters, the percentage reduction in critical
leaching rate per unit tank volume. The maximum value of air velocity seems to be between 25 and 50 pct.
the specific leaching rate per unit power consumed corres- The preceding discussion indicates that both the specific
ponds to the optimum state of suspension. The discussion leaching rate and the power consumption would be lower
that follows is qualitative, primarily because of the absence at the onset of suspension vis-à-vis complete suspension.
of specific leaching rate data. Based on the available data, however, the specific leaching
Investigations such as those of Harriot[8] have shown that, rate per unit power consumed cannot be objectively com-
once particles are in suspension, increased turbulence does pared between the two states of suspension. The air flow
not lead to a significant increase in the solid-liquid mass rate for the optimum state of suspension should correspond
transfer coefficient and, thus by inference, the leaching rate. to a state between the onset of suspension and complete
Consequently, the leaching rate would depend on the propor- suspension.
tion of total suspended solids. Settled solids also represent
an effective reduction in tank volume. At the onset of suspen-
sion, only a small fraction of solids is suspended. Therefore, IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
higher specific leaching rates should be expected for tanks Experiments have been carried out in laboratory Pachuca
operated in a state of complete suspension. tanks to examine the (1) effect of a new split air injection
For a given tank operating condition, power consumption technique on the critical air velocity for particle suspension,
is directly proportional to the air flow rate, or the critical (2) phenomenon of hysteresis, and (3) the optimum state of


Table V. Difference in Critical Air Velocity between Complete Off-Bottom Suspension and Onset of Suspension for 100
Percent bottom and 30:70 Top-Bottom Split Air Injection
Dt ⫽ 0.15 m Dl ⫽ 0.25 m Dt ⫽ 0.36 m
Wt Pct ⌬U21 (0 Pct) ⌬U21 (30 Pct) ⌬U21 (0 Pct) ⌬U21 (30 Pct) ⌬U21 (0 Pct) ⌬U21 (30 Pct)
5 63 100 23 33 25 31
10 54 43 40 23 27 42
15 71 50 50 35 39 37
20 83 67 — — — —
⌬U21 (0 pct) ⫽ 100 (Uc2 ⫺ Uc1)/Uc1 for bottom air injection.
⌬U21 (30 pct) ⫽ 100 (Uc2 ⫺ Uc1)/Uc1 for 30:70 top-bottom split air injection.

suspension. Results that have a bearing on the design of Dn air inlet nozzle diameter (m)
energy-efficient Pachuca tanks have emerged from this Ht tank height (m)
investigation. Uc critical superficial air velocity for particle
suspension (m/s)
1. Split air injection, with 30 pct air injected into the annulus
Ug superficial air velocity (m/s)
and 70 pct air injected from the bottom into the draft tube,
⌬Ucs hysteresis for complete suspension (m/s)
lowers the critical air velocity for particle suspension by
⌬Uos hysteresis for complete onset of suspension
37 pct with respect to bottom-blown Pachuca tanks. In
(i.e., complete settling) (m/s)
fact, the 30:70 air injection ratio corresponds to a mini-
Uc4(0 pct) Uc4 for 100 pct bottom air injection (m/s)
mum in the critical air velocity vs air injected into the
Uc4(30 pct) Uc4 for 30 pct top–70 pct bottom split air
annulus curve
injection (m/s)
2. The present investigation shows that hysteresis does
occur in FCC Pachuca tanks and that its magnitude is of Subscript
the order of 20 pct, which is about 10 times less than in cs complete suspension
bubble columns. os onset of suspension
1 onset of settling with respect to main-
Experiments in our study were carried out with a maxi- taining suspension
mum slurry density of 25 wt pct solids. Industrial Pachucas 2 complete settling with respect to main-
operate with slurry densities greater than 50 wt pct solids. taining suspension
Hence more experiments need to be carried out (a) at slurry 3 onset of suspension with respect to generat-
densities greater than 50 wt pct solids and (b) with larger ing suspension
size Pachucas before the preceding conclusions can be firmly 4 complete suspension with respect to generat-
established. Simultaneous determination of leaching rates is ing suspension
also essential for determining the optimum state of sus-
1. G.G. Roy, R. Shekhar, and S.P. Mehrotra: Metall. Mater. Trans. B,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1998, vol. 29B, pp. 339-49.
The authors are grateful to Mr. G.P. Bajpai for carrying 2. R. Shekhar and J.W. Evans: Metall. Trans. B, 1989, vol. 20B, pp.
out all the experiments. 3. C.J. Hallett: Ph.D. Thesis. Imperial College of London, London, 1981.
4. K. Koide, K. Horibe, H. Kawabata, and S. Ito: J. Chem. Eng. Jpn.,
1984, vol. 17 (4), pp. 368-74.
NOMENCLATURE 5. J. Heck and U. Onken: Chem. Eng. Sci., 1987, vol. 42, pp. 1211-12.
6. M. Abraham, A.S. Khare, S.B. Sawant, and J.B. Joshi: Ind. Eng. Chem.
dp particle diameter (m) Res., 1992, vol. 31, pp. 1136-47.
Dt tank diameter (m) 7. A.G.W. Lamont: Can. J. Chem. Eng., 1958, Aug., pp. 153-60.
Dd draft tube diameter (m) 8. P. Harriot: AIChE J., 1962, vol. 8, pp. 93-102.


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