553550-Terrlens Guide To Ardeep Forest

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Introduction: The Ardeep Forest, close by to Waterdeep, is one of the last remnants of an ancient
forest that once spanned much of the Sword Coast. It was home to the moon elves of the kingdom of
Ardeep until they departed for Evermeet in 1344 DR, and since then the forest has become an
increasingly inhospitable place.

This guide is an accompaniment to Terrlen’s map of the forest, and is not designed to be
comprehensive, but rather to to pique interest in the area, with the hope that readers will seek out
the other sources quoted within to learn more.

Ex-lycanthrope and guide of the Nentir Vale, accidental planar

traveller to the Forgotten Realms, amazing swordsman as well as
lover (no, really!), bold and intrepid traveller, holder of the most
enviable calf muscles, and currently employed cartographer

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“The nearest stand of deep green danger and mystery
where elves and fey things lurk, and damp dirt is less
spoiled than under the cobbles here.”
The Forest
The first couple of miles into the forest are filled with
—Donniglar Rhuel, Waterdhavian Poet, ~1340 DR
relaxing, sun-dappled paths. However, further in the
terrain is much thicker and harder to navigate. Ridges,
The Ardeep Forest was once relatively free of danger, gullies, and thick vines and shrubbery abound. Walking
and home to moon elves of the Kingdom of Ardeep. It speed in the forest’s interior should be slowed to at
was said that wild boar was amongst the most least half pace.
dangerous of creatures one would see under the
blueleaf, duskwood, and weirwood trees within. That, Trees and Plants
unfortunately, is no longer true.
The trees of the forest predominantly consist of
blueleaf and duskwood trees, though cedar and elm
A Brief History of Ardeep can also be found in various glades throughout the
The history of the Ardeep forest goes back a very long forest. Weirwood too, can be occasionally seen, though
way, and is beyond the scope of this short text. It has it is exceedingly rare.
been part of multiple great elven realms, including vast
 Blueleaf, although common in the North, is
Illefarn. The realm of Ardeep, a splinter of Illefarn, valued for its durability and flexibility, as well
came to be around -1,100 DR, and flourished for well as the vivid blue dye that its many-pointed
over a millennia, in a time when the forest was far
leaves produce.
bigger than that which remains today. Ardeep was
 Duskwoods are half again taller than blueleaf
ruled by laranlors and laranlas – elven terms for the
trees, are even more durable, and are as hard
kings and queens of minor kingdoms respectively.
as iron. They also happen to resist flame
rather well, and thus are favoured in building.
In 342 DR, after fighting against a terrible orc horde
 Cedar and elm trees are much like they are on
alongside the dwarves of Dardath (now the Forlorn
other worlds.
Hills to the east), the elves of Ardeep joined other races
 Weirwood trees are rare, and are thought
in the Council of Illefarn – a formal alliance that, it was
linked to the fey, who are often found
hoped, would usher in a new era of prosperity.
protecting them. They do not burn in non-
However, that orc horde had not been the first, and it
magical fires, and create incredible sounds
would not be the last. In 523 DR, the orc attacks
when used in instruments.
pushed the various nations to unite formally into the
Realm of Three Crowns, Phalorm. When Phalorm’s
The interior of the forest is also covered in dimly
armies finally collapsed under orc pressure at what is
glowing mushrooms that illuminate many areas, even
now known as the Mere of Dead Men in 615 DR, the
in total darkness.
elves of Ardeep abandoned their kingdom for the isle
of Evermeet, far across the Trackless Sea.
The Underdark
It was not until moon elves from the recently fallen
Eaerlann arrived in 882 DR that the realm of Ardeep During the time of Phalorm, allied dwarves of Dardath
was re-established. This realm endured for centuries, carved out many tunnels beneath the forest. Some of
until it too came to an end in the elven Retreat of 1344 these linked up with Underdark tunnels, which ended
DR, whereupon elves from across Faerun abandoned up being a route in for some of the foul denizens that
the continent for the isle of Evermeet, far across the make the forest their home today.
Trackless Sea. Now, in 1491 DR, the forest has been
abandoned for 147 years.

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though the venomous creature did not dwell here long,
Inhabitants preferring to roam the forests to the south.
Since the elves departed, rangers have taken it upon
themselves to patrol the outskirts of the forest,
keeping the sun-dappled paths of the first mile or two Locations
inside relatively safe. However, the interior of the Ardeep Forest has been the centre of multiple moon
forest has become increasingly unsafe. Goblins, elven kingdoms, and is thus littered with abandoned
kobolds, stirges, and crueler things have made the ruins and tombs. Although the elves took most objects
forest their home. of value with them when they departed for Evermeet,
there are still a few sites that hold interest for
In the years after the Retreat, a small band of moon adventurers.
elven adventurers who had remained behind ensured
the monster populations were kept low, though they
were well past their prime. Down the years they found Ardeep & South Ardeep Rivers
unexpected and unappreciated allies in this in the
arrival of two separate cells of the Eldreth Veluuthra - These rivers, beginning from springs within the forest,
elven supremacists who had come to ensure the drain out to the southwest before merging into the
protection of the elven relics within the forest. Selpir, which itself travels out to empty into the Sea of
However, that was over a century ago. The last of the Swords. As the rivers drain past ruins of Ardeep, they
moon elven adventurers was last heard from some occasionally flood old tombs, and thus occasionally
time ago, and the Eldreth Veluuthra have been silent relics of the moon elven kingdom can be found in its
since a disastrous skirmish with loggers in the western waters.
forest, where much blood was shed on both sides. No
one has seen or heard from them in years, and many The Ardessway
believe the survivors have moved on, and the monster
populations have only grown since. This trail runs alongside the Dessarin River all the way
from Zundbridge up to Wormford.
Current Inhabitants
It is only recently that elves have been seen active in Circle of the Deepening Moon
the forest once more. A small band from Evermeet Here ancient, moss-covered standing stones are
have returned to ensure the protection of the old relics positioned in a circle, not far from the forest (though
of the Kingdom of Ardeep, and they have proved very once it stood within it). The site is avoided by all, for
resistant to human encroachments into the forest. occasionally one who steps within the circle suddenly
These elves have shown no outward signs of belonging disappears, and is never heard from again.
to the Eldreth Veluuthra, but neither have they shown
much willingness to engage with the outside world. Sages know that the circle is actually a one-way portal
They have been aggressive in dealing with the goblin that serves as a gate to the Wyllowwood within
and kobold tribes within, and the forest has disgorged Undermountain, and is thus best avoided. Perhaps
more than a couple of these since their arrival. luckily, the gate only functions in cloud cover.

Monstrous Denizens Crypts of the Deepening Moon

Goblins, kobolds, assassin vines, nyths, tendriculouses, These crypts hold the royal vaults of Ardeep, where the
and worse now call Ardeep forest home. Less sinister laranlor and laranla of the realm were interred.
threats that still hold danger include owlbears, wolves, Although the vaults are rumoured to hold vast wealth,
stirges, and wild boar. The ruins of Ardeep may also be the site is guarded by a trio of moon elven baelnorn
guarded by the powerful good elven undead known as and a legion of green warders. Although many have
baelnorn, as well as green warders – plant-like beings gone seeking the crypts, none have ever returned.
that assume the shape of elves. The forest was also
where the green dragon Chuth was born, in 942 DR,

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Dancing Dell have spent time with Aloevan, attempting to soothe
her broken soul by recreating her Court. Passage
This small glade is home to a finger of rock known as between the realms can only take place on a solar
the Ladystone, and is a site holy to the drow goddess eclipse, and none but Sehanine’s servants have ever
Eilistraee. It is periodically visited by those that worship returned.
the goddess, who honour her by dancing within the
glade. The gate itself is within a cloudy pool in the centre of
the glen, which is guarded by an otherworldly dragon.
None who have seen it will speak on it, so I cannot say
Dessarin River what the nature of this strange creature may be.
The closest crossings of this cold, deep river are to the
southwest at Zundbridge, and to the north at Ironford,
which is not far from Wormford and the Ardessway. It Green Glade
is navigable between the two, as well as further north. This peaceful glade embeds within all that walk here a
It’s famous for the silver shalass – a favoured delicacy sense of ease and calm, which is actually due to a
of the North – and it is also home to catfish, coldwater minor mythal created by ancient elven high magic from
crabs, and the lout fish. the days of Illefarn. The mythal ensures the glade is
protected from evil, and it has been found that disease
and lycanthropy are cured more easily here. Another
Floating Castles interesting effect of the mythal is that non-magical
More than one local tale has been told about floating wood brought into the glade begins to sprout leaves
castles being seen above Ardeep Forest. Few, if any, and roots! However, the site is very difficult to find,
have ever been substantiated. The sage Volo once and any trail leading here does not seem to last very
speculated that they likely belonged to cloud giants or long.
powerful mages, but the truth continues to go
Harpshield Castle
This castle was once part of the human realm of
Gates to Other Lands Harpshield, though it fell to drow raiders in 942 DR.
Besides for the portals said to exist within the House of The survivors fled to Waterdeep and became House
Long Silences, there are also other gates to other Majarra. They never returned to the site, and it was
realms throughout the forest. One of these in the claimed by the elves of Ardeep for a time, until it fell
eastern forest is gate to Stardock in Undermountain, into total disrepair following their departure for
while another in the western forest is a portal to the Evermeet. It is now periodically made use of by Gurs
Herald’s Rest festhall in Berdusk. The presence of these nomads and foul creatures from the forest and the
is far from widely known – and in fact their existence is Underdark.
probably known to only a select few.
House of Long Silences
Glen of Aloevan This ancient ruined manor of pale white stone is said to
The tale of Aloevan, one of the laranlas of Ardeep, is a house a network of portals that once connected elven
long and sad one, and too intricate to fully tell here. Let realms across Faerûn. The network was put to use
it be said that she was driven mad whilst using the during the Elven Retreat, where elves from across the
silver fire of Mystra, the goddess of magic. Her spirit continent travelled through gates to Ardeep, and from
has been trapped within the silver fire, preventing her there headed to Waterdeep to set sail for Evermeet.
from moving on to the afterlife.
This site is watched over carefully by Lord Elorfindar
Clerics of the elven goddess Sehanine created a gate Floshin and Lady Shalendra Floshin, siblings and heirs
within this glen to the pocket plane Aloevan is trapped of Floshin Manor, south of the forest on the way to
in, and throughout the centuries clerics of the goddess Daggerford. Although the distance between the sites is

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vast, the Floshin siblings have some way to travel few farms, a windmill, a wooden temple devoted to
between them quickly, likely through a gate of their Lathander (god of the dawn) and Mielikki (goddess of
own. forests), and a small inn.

It is said that the House of Long Silences was at the

centre of a plot a few years ago, where the Red Phylund Hunting Lodge
Wizards of Thay planned to invade the Sword Coast This lodge is the property of the noble House Phylund
using the portal network. The plan was, perhaps of Waterdeep. Though it was long used as a base to
obviously, foiled, and it is unknown to me whether or hunt the creatures of the forest, it was abandoned a
not the portal network still functions as a result of century ago when one of the Lords of the House, Lord
what happened in that conflict. Urtos II, was revealed to be a werewolf.

Over the century since, House Phylund’s fortunes took

House of Stone a turn for the worst, forcing them to abandon the
This massive stone fortress, also known as Stoneturn, is lodge in favour of focusing on endeavours into renting
one of the last vestiges of the realm of Phalorm. Local out city accommodation out and moneylending, both
legend tells that it is a trap for adventurers, luring them of which had little success. To add to their woes, the
in with tales of wealth and items of power, only to abandoned lodge was taken over by gnolls a few years
have them die in the innumerous traps within. ago, although adventurers eventually cleared them out.

It was guarded over by the elves of Ardeep until their House Phylund now believes its fortunes are once
departure, but since its tests have been attempted by again on the rise, with the title of Open Lord passing to
many a bold adventurer. A select few have ever Laeral Silverhand. It remains to be seen if they will
returned, bringing with them tales of a wild variety of recover enough to reclaim their family hunting lodge.
traps, monsters, and strange magical effects – and little
Reluraun’s Tomb
Reluraun was once a great elven hero, but his spirit
Lovers’ Glades was twisted in his final battle and he now haunts his
Three glades sit in the northwestern part of the forest, tomb as a disembodied pair of floating eyes and
and have traditionally been used as a romantic escape skeletal arms holding an enchanted icy sword. The
by young lovers whose families do not approve of their spirit is aggressive, and hunts down intruders that
union. They’ve also long been used as meeting places, approach his tomb. The site is also guarded by no less
though the site is often being watched by rangers, than three baelnorn – more than enough of a
Harpers, brigands, or far worse. deterrent to any greedy adventurers.

Strangely enough, Reluraun’s tormented spirit holds a

Nandar Lodge different sword to the one said to be kept with his
This ruined site holds little more than a few stones and body. The sword carried by the spirit is covered in ice
an empty cellar pit, though it was once home to a and its cut chills the very soul, whereas the sword of
grand lodge belonging to House Nandar of Waterdeep. Reluraun, called Wyrmsheart, never did any such thing.
Disagreements with the moon elves of Ardeep had One adventurer that managed to enter the vault (only
forced the Nandars to abandon the lodge, and they to be chased off by the spirit) claimed that Reluraun’s
never returned. coffin floated in midair in a domed undergound
chamber, with a lifelike effigy atop it clutching what
appeared to be his true blade.
This small village sits on an island in the Ardeep river,
which is watched over by a small stone keep owned by
House Nandar of Waterdeep. The village is home to a

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Stump Bog
Although across the Dessarin River, the smell of this
bog occasionally wafts across the borders of the
northern forest when there is a strong southerly wind.
In 1395 DR, just as the Spellplague was ending, the bog
was the source of a terrible pestilence that devastated
the farms of the region, bringing a period of famine to

Talmost Keep
Once the centre of the small kingdom of Talmost, this
keep was abandoned to drow raiders in 942 DR. It is
now said to be haunted by those killed there, and any
attempts to move back in have always been thwarted
by hordes of fiendish spiders that seem to move in very
suddenly. Some believe drow still lurk beneath the

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Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . TERRLEN’S GUIDE TO ARDEEP FOREST 7
1st Edition
Dragon Magazine #125 – “Woodlands of the Realms” article
Dragon Magazine #128 – “Welcome to Waterdeep” article
FR5 – The Savage Frontier

2nd Edition
Dragon Magazine #270 – “The Ardeep” article
Dragon Magazine #273 – “The House of Stone” article
FR11 – Dwarves Deep
Demihuman Deities
The North – Guide to the Savage Frontier
The Seven Sisters
Undermountain: Maddgoth’s Castle
Undermountain: Stardock

3rd Edition
Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide
Champions of Ruin
Grand History of the Realms
Lost Empires of Faerûn
“Waterdeep Environs” online supplement to “City of Splendors: Waterdeep”

4th Edition
Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide

D&D Next
Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle
Scourge of the Sword Coast
Dead in Thay

5th Edition
Storm King’s Thunder

Candlekeep Forum at forum.candlekeep.com
Markustay (reference for the Ardessway and Ardeep river naming)

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