WRC Newsletter 1 Jan 2018 Print

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WRC Monthly Newsletter 1, January 1, 22, 2018


Officers 2018 Next Meeting February 3, 2018
President : Jill Mohn
Vice President: Cathy Gowen From the new 2018 WRC President
Secretary: Carisa McGehee Thank you for the opportunity to serve as President for the Western
Treasurer: Charlene Cooper Riding Club this year. Joining me as officers are as follows, Catherine
Newsletter: Myron Amsden
Gowans VP, Carisa McGeehe Sec, & the ever-steadfast Charlene
Cooper as Treasurer. I look forward to working with each one of you
this year & for volunteering to do this too.
Directors Speaking of looking forward, one goal for the year is calendar of
events. My hope is for this to be ready by end of February. Please
Renee Jensen send dates to me ASAP so they can be placed on calendar.
Barb Recla Our first scheduled trail ride of the year is coming up on Monday Feb
19 in the Emmett foothills. There is lots of talk of more trail rides
Debbie Amsden
coming through out the riding year.
Paulette Henderson
In the coming month or so, you may be receiving a call or email
James Henderson
asking you to work on one of our many committees. I hope your
Charlene Cooper
answer is “yes”. It takes a lot of people to participate in all this fun!
Bill Zink
And one last thing…please pay your 2018 dues. We really don’t like
sending out notices. If your dues lapse for over a year, WRC by-laws
state you will have to pay the initiation fee again. If you can afford to
have a horse and ride…me thinks you can pay your small portion. If
Committee Chairs times are hard, let us know, maybe this once we can help.
I welcome new ideas but remember this…if it’s a complaint you have,
what is the solution? How can it be made better?
Entertainment: So, let’s go riding, meet new friends and families and have some fun.
Grounds: James Henderson And by all means, be safe.
Royalty: Paulette submitted by Jill Mohn
Membership: Len Hickman _______________________________________
Trail Challenge: Two WRC family’s lost family members during the month of January,
Easter Egg Hunt: Royalty Catherine Gowans’ father, & Bill Zink’s mother. We offer our
condolences to both of these WRC families.

Committees in WRC (NEEDING PEOPLE )

Refreshments Membership
Trail Challenge Entertainment
Easter Egg
Play Days

WRC Monthly Newsletter 1, January 1, 22, 2018

Trail Rides

WRC 2018 President

Jill Mohn


President Renee Jensen dropped the gavel at precisely 7:30 pm. We had a nice group of 21 attendees and no guests.
MINUTES On question of changes or additions to the December Meeting Minutes, there being none, Paulette Henderson
offered the motion to accept them as written, seconded by Debbie Amsden, and motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT Charlene presented a concise report stating we have $11,068.71 in checking, savings in our three
CD accounts, and reported all current bills have been paid. Another reminder, though, that if you haven’t yet paid your 2018
dues, get your check to Charlene soon ($30/single or $45/family). Barb Recla then offered a motion to accept this report as
given, seconded by Lida Fry and members voted their approval.

Correspondence Renee said we had a letter from Weiser River Trail organization (an organization we normally include
in our annual donations to worthy causes); notification of progression on a proposed subdivision development in our
immediate vicinity; and a thank-you note from the JC Riders 4H’rs for our help in sending their reps to the recent national
Annual Audit of the 2017 Books Debbie Amsden volunteered to audit the books
Entertainment and Fundraising Nothing at this time.
Hospitality and Greeters Nothing at this time.
Royalty All three young ladies in our royalty court came forward and shared their recent activities attended: holiday
parades, Caldwell and Boise; assisted with the WRC Christmas Party; attended the JC Riders Christmas Party; and told us
of their upcoming trip to McCall the weekend of January 27 where they’ll be in the town’s festive Mardi Gras parade. They
have been made aware of the fact that parade attendees do expect parade participants to throw bead necklaces and candy
– a lot of it! Our gals are prepared to buy one carton of each ($100 per) but asked if WRC would agree to purchase a
second box of both so they will have enough for the event. On a motion made by Arlynn Hacker and seconded by Myron

WRC Monthly Newsletter 1, January 1, 22, 2018

Amsden, it was suggested we go ahead and purchase these two extra cartons of parade handouts for the royalty team,
and members voted their approval.
Nominations Committee Report Jill Mohn took charge of the process and proceeded through the offices; and after
members voted, the outcome presented WRC with the following 2018 slate of officers: President, Jill Mohn,
Vice President, Cathy Gowan, Secretary, Carisa McGehee & Treasurer, Charlene Cooper.
Board Members elected to serve: Debbie Amsden, Charlene Cooper, Paulette Henderson, James Henderson,
Renee Jensen, Barb Recla and Bill Zink. Congratulations and our sincere thanks to all who served through 2017. It
was an outstanding year for WRC, and everyone now looks forward to a real exciting time in this new year – hopefully with
lots of time in the saddle.
Real Estate/Club Property Charlene mentioned how nice and helpful the new solar lights are that Jamie Henderson
installed on the outside of the club house, and she suggested possibly we could use a couple more to extend the lighting
coverage. Paulette Henderson said she’d purchase the additional light fixtures and get the receipt back to Charlene for
payment. Then Jamie added he’d move forward to get the handrail installed on the building at the entrance area. Arlynn
suggested the rail be at least 2” in diameter to make it easier to grab on to.
Board of Directors Please make note that the next WRC Board of Directors Meeting (to include new electees) will be
held on Wednesday, January 17 at 7:00 pm. Debbie agreed that we could gather at the Idaho Horse Council’s office in
their Conference Rm. Also, regarding the upcoming 2018 Idaho Horse Expo, dated April 13-15 was highlighted by Myron
and Debbie. We were told the lead clinician will be Craig Cameron. Other favorites will be back, including the Cowboy
Race, etc., and you’ll have an exhibition of yoga on horseback on the program. Myron also invites you to contact him if
you have or know of competitors who’d like to compete in the Battle of the Breeds during this show.
Membership Again, Debbie Amsden has completed putting together our new Member Packet Folders, and everyone
interested in getting one will find them available when you come to the next meeting. Bring prospective new members
with you also.
Refreshments Renee acknowledged that tonights dessert treats are compliments of Barb Recla and Paula Vanhoozer.,
and they were so good!! Our thanksx, ladies.

UNFINISHED BUSINESS The issue of the City of Nampa proposing to sell a large chunk of land included at the Ford
Idaho Horse Park is still ‘yet to be determined.’ There will be another meeting at the Nampa City Hall on Tuesday, January
16 at 7:30 pm. Please try to come and show support that this land should not be auctioned off to the highest bidder and
that it should remain within the confines of the existing Horse Park – and don’t forget to wear your cowboy hat (black if
you have one or any other color if you don’t) so everyone in the room acknowledges how many area horse owners really
feel about this unacceptable proposal. Also, if you are inclined to speak at this meeting, don’t hesitate to be prepared to
do so. Again, that’s Tuesday evening, January 16.


1) Renee made mention that the paperwork for our 2018 insurance policy has been received and will be completed
and returned with the payment requested.
2) Our new president, Jill Mohn, said she encourages all club members to think about organizing a day or weekend
trail ride in the months ahead as this is a primary highlight of what we do and how we enjoy spending time with
our horses. So if you know of a good area, let’s work through putting it together and getting it on our calendar.

With all business attended to, our Mini Queen Rylee McGehee put out the motion the meeting be adjourned. Time was
8:40 pm. Our February meeting is set for the night of Saturday the 3rd when your new secretary Carisa McGehee
starts her tenure, and I’ll happily sit in the audience chair section. See you there!

Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Jackson, Secretary

Current Activities List of 2017

1/16/17 Tuesday Issue of Nampa wanting to sell 7:30 pm Nampa City Hall
off a portion of Horse Park land
1/17/17 Wed. WRC Board Meeting 7:00 pm IHC Conference Rm.
2/3/17 Sat. WRC’s February Meeting 7:30 pm Club House
4/13-15 Fri-Sun. Idaho Horse Expo All Day Ford Idaho Horse Center

WRC Monthly Newsletter 1, January 1, 22, 2018

WRC Monthly Newsletter 1, January 1, 22, 2018

Western Riding Club

23112 Blessinger
Star, Idaho 83669


WRC Monthly Newsletter 1, January 1, 22, 2018

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