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Journal of Motor Behavior, Vol. 46, No.

1, 2014
Copyright C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Specificity of Learning a Sport Skill to the Visual Condition
of Acquisition
Jalil Moradi1,2, Ahmadreza Movahedi2, Hamid Salehi2
Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran. 2College
of Sport Sciences, University of Isfahan, Iran.

ABSTRACT. The authors’ main purpose was to determine whether knowledge of results regarding accuracy after each trial. Fol-
learning of a real-world sport skill (basketball free throws) is spe- lowing acquisition, participants were transferred to the target
cific to the sources of afferent visual information available during only condition with no feedback. The investigators found
practice. Twenty-eight male high school students (inexperienced in
the experimental task) were randomly assigned to a full vision or that full vision training resulted in decreased accuracy in
target only vision group. Participants trained under full vision or tar- the transfer test compared to the group that practiced under
get only condition for 15 sessions. Following training, in immediate the target only condition. More interestingly, the accuracy
tests, they were examined under full vision and then under target deterioration was more profound for the 2,000-trial condi-
only conditions. Ten days later, in delayed tests, they performed tion than for the 200-trial condition.
the task under full vision and then under target only conditions.
Results showed both groups performed the task similarly across Investigators have widely documented the specificity of
the experimental period. Interestingly, it was found that immediate practice effect across a wide variety of motor tasks includ-
and delayed retention performance is specific to the training visual ing key typing (Wright & Shea, 1991), aiming task (Isabelle
context. The groups’ performances dropped significantly when we & Proteau, 2007; Proteau, Marteniuk, & Lévesque, 1992),
tested them at a visual condition that differed from what they had waveform production (Ivens & Marteniuk, 1997), video-
experienced while learning the task. Performance of the task seemed
to have integrated with the visual information available during the aiming task (Robin, Toussaint, Blandin, & Proteau, 2005),
task acquisition. These findings provide evidence for the specificity powerlifting (Tremblay & Proteau, 1998), ball interception
of practice hypothesis in the field of motor learning and control. task (Tremblay & Proteau, 2001), baseball batting (Scott
Keywords: basketball free throws, specificity of practice hypothesis,
& Gray, 2007), and flexion-extension Movements (Blandin,
vision Toussaint, & Shea, 2008). Investigators have suggested that
performers develop a sensory-specific movement represen-
tation with practice so that the experimenters’ withdrawal of
visual information under which they practiced disrupts per-
pecialists in the field of human motor behavior and
S sport psychology have been sharing many theoretical
approaches to provide athletes with some skills for achiev-
formers’ ability to accurately perform the task (Krigolson,
Gyn, Tremblay, & Heath, 2006).
The specificity of practice hypothesis has failed to ob-
ing their optimal performances. The specificity of practice tain support from investigations of gross motor skills such
hypothesis is one of those prominent theoretical approaches as power lifting (Bennett & Davids, 1995), beam walking
(Henry, 1958/1968; Proteau, 1992). The hypothesis which (Robertson, Collins, Elliott, & Starkes, 1994; Robertson &
stems from Thorndike’s (1913) studies of identical elements, Elliott, 1996), and one-handed ball catching (Whiting &
and then introduced by Henry’s study of individual differ- Savelsbergh, 1992; Whiting, Savelsbergh, & Pijpers, 1995).
ences to the field of motor behavior holds that practice Challenge to the specificity of practice hypothesis has also
environment that resembles retention environment results come from investigations of relatively fine motor tasks such
in achieving optimal performance of a task. Identical ele- as the directional aiming task (Bennett & Davids, 1997) and
ments theory of transfer proposed by Thorndike (1913) and manual aiming task (Bennett & Davids, 1998). Results of
Thorndike and Woodworth (1901) claimed that the amount those studies failed to show deteriorations of performance
of transfer in one condition would have on another would following altering the visual conditions available during prac-
be best established by the amount of elements that the two tice.
conditions shared. Investigators have explained why findings of some studies
The specificity of practice hypothesis in the field of motor were at odds with the specificity of practice hypothesis. Skill
behavior emerged from a series of studies in which the role of level of the performer (Bennett & Davids, 1995; Robertson
visual information in performing motor tasks has been inves- et al., 1994), nature of the task (Bennett & Davids, 1995;
tigated as a function of the amount of practice participants Whiting & Savelsbergh, 1992; Whiting et al., 1995), and
receive (Tremblay & Proteau, 1998). Proteau, Marteniuk, the dominant source of information available during practice
Girouard, and Dugas (1987) provided first-hand empirical have been suggested to account for the occurrence of this
support for the practice-specificity effect in controlling mo-
tor tasks. In Proteau et al.’s original work, the accuracy of
Correspondence address: Jalil Moradi, Department of Phys-
an aiming movement performed for 200 trials or 2,000 trials ical Education and Sport Sciences, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic
practice in two visual conditions (full vision and target only) Azad University, Pasdaran Street, Sanandaj, Iran. e-mail: jalil-
was investigated. Experimenters provided participants with

J. Moradi, A. Movahedi, & H. Salehi

controversy. Robertson et al. showed that expert gymnasts condition that participants experienced in acquisition would
were less reliant on visual information compared to novice support the specificity of practice hypothesis.
athletes. Their findings suggest that experienced individuals
use different sources of sensory information for movement.
Proteau, Tremblay, and DeJaeger (1998) suggested that elite Method
athletes may not be as dependent as novices on vision in Participants
relatively simple and gross motor tasks such as powerlifting
and beam walking. Moreover, Bennett and Davids (1995) We randomly selected 28 right-handed male high school
found that the performance of skilled participants was not students (M age = 17.14 ± 0.75 years) for the study. All par-
affected by manipulation of visual feedback. They proposed ticipants were inexperienced at the experimental task. The
that visual feedback information is the main source of afferent participants did not have visual problems (except corrected
information for movement control in early stages of learning vision) and participate in the study voluntarily (after obtain-
but that it progressively substituted by other information such ing a written consent). The Committee for Ethical Consid-
as kinesthetic information. In motor tasks in which direct erations in Human Experimentation of University of Isfahan
vision of the limbs is not critical, intensive practice creates a assessed and approved the experimental protocol.
sensorimotor representation that is not reliant on vision.
All of the aforementioned studies have tried to determine Experimental Task
whether performance was specific to the visual condition
Basketball free throw test was used as the experimental
available during practice. However, in other areas of speci-
task. Performance data were coded using a three-point scor-
ficity, some studies have suggested that learning was specific
ing system. Shots that were successful, unsuccessful shots
to auditory information or arousal state available during prac-
but bounced off the rim or the board, and unsuccessful shots
tice. Wright and Shea (1991) required participants to work
without touching the rim or the board (air balls) were scored
on learning specific patterns of key-pressing movements. The
2, 1, and 0, respectively. Similar coding systems have been
participants were provided with an incidental auditory stim-
reliable in previous basketball shooting studies (Movahedi
ulus for each pattern. In retention, participants were tested
et al., 2007).
with either the same auditory stimulus or a different stim-
ulus. Their performance in retention was maximal when
the same auditory stimulus was present. Movahedi, Sheikh,
Bagherzadeh, Hemayattalab, and Ashayeri (2007) found that Before any research intervention and in a briefing session,
achieving peak performance depended on the resemblance the correct method of performing the free throw skill in bas-
between the arousal state throughout training sessions and ketball was explained and then demonstrated by a skilled
the arousal state in retention. coach. Then, the performance scoring system was explained
To date, the majority of support for the specificity of prac- by one of the researchers. The participants were asked to
tice hypothesis has been obtained from studies using labo- stand behind the free-throw line, and, without bouncing the
ratory tasks (Ivens & Marteniuk, 1997). On the other hand, ball against the court, throw the ball toward the rim with their
the challenge to the specificity of practice hypothesis has dominant hand. After each throw, the coach gave feedback to
come from studies using motor tasks in which visual feed- the participant about the throw. The maximum allowed time
back information might not have been the dominant source of for each throw was 5 s, and a violation of the time allowed
information (Proteau et al., 1998). However, there has been would lead to a score zero. By the end of the first session, the
some debate as to whether specificity of practice hypothe- pretest was performed and the participants were matched and
sis holds for a real-world sport skill such as basketball free divided into two groups (n1 = n2 = 14) according to their
throws in which visual feedback information is of outmost pretest score. In pretest, each participant performs 15 trials of
importance. To address these gaps in the area, in the present basketball free throws. Afterwards, group A practiced under
study our main goal was to determine whether learning of full vision. The court light was changed for group B and only
basketball free throws is specific to the sources of afferent a projector lighted up the rim (Figure 1). The participants in
visual information available during practice. To reach that both groups practiced the task (15 trials in each session) for
goal, we required two groups of participants to train under 15 sessions. The breaks between throws were 10 s. The prac-
a full vision or target only vision condition across acquisi- tice was done three sessions in a week for five weeks. All the
tion sessions. After acquisition training, they switched to the conditions of skill acquisition except the court light were the
other visual condition and then switched back to the original same for both groups. Two hours after the last session, im-
one. Ten days later, they performed the task at the original mediate tests (under full vision and target only vision) were
visual condition and then switched once more. We examined taken. Ten days later, the delayed tests were taken similarly.
whether immediate and delayed performances were specific The tests were carried out under conditions similar to prac-
to the visual condition that the participants experienced dur- tice sessions, with the difference that the participants did not
ing task acquisition. The finding that visual switching de- receive any augmented feedback on their throws and their
creased performance in comparison with that at the visual scores. The tests were first conducted in full vision condition

18 Journal of Motor Behavior

Specificity of Learning to Vision

FIGURE 1. View of the training visual condition in target only vision group.

and then in target only visual condition so that it was con- Results
sidered as a retention test for one group but transfer test for
At baseline, independent t test revealed no significant dif-
another one. In transfer tests, the participants who had prac-
ferences in mean task scores between the two study groups,
ticed the task under target only condition were transferred to
t(26) = 0.11, p = .91. In acquisition phase, data were an-
full vision condition and those who had practiced under full
alyzed with a 2 Practice Condition × 15 Practice Session
vision condition were transferred to target only condition. In
repeated measures ANOVA, where practice session repre-
acquisition phase, in order to avoid the warm-up decrement,
sented the mean of 15 basketball free-throws scores. In the
the participants made five throws under the same visual con-
acquisition, Mauchly’s test indicated that the assumption of
dition and then took the test, but in test phase, they made five
sphericity had been violated for the main effect of practice
throws under the test visual condition.
sessions, χ 2(104, the number of participants: 28, the number
of repeated measures: 15) = 187.10, p < .001. Therefore, de-
grees of freedom were corrected using Greenhouse–Geisser
Statistical Analysis
estimates of sphericity (ε = .49). The results showed that
We used independent sample t tests to assess group differ- there was a significant main effect of the practice sessions,
ences at baseline. To evaluate the participants’ performance F(6.91, 179.80) = 37.06, p < .001. Polynomial trend con-
in acquisition phase, we use a 2 Group (full vs. target only trasts revealed significant linear, F(1, 26) = 269.99, p < .001,
vision) × 15 Training Session analysis of variance (ANOVA) partial η2 = .9, and quadratic, F(1, 26) = 10.36, p < .001,
with repeated measures on the training sessions. To analyze partial η2 = .28, trend effect. No significant main effect of
the data in the test phase, we use a 2 Group (full vs. target group (training condition), F(1, 26) < 1, p = .82, partial η2 =
only vision) × 2 Test Condition (full vs. target only vision) × .002, and interaction effect, F(14, 364) < 1, p = .91, partial
2 Test Delay (immediate vs. delayed) ANOVA with repeated η2 = .014, were found. This indicates that the groups im-
measures on the last two factors. Also, in order to compare proved during the practice sessions, independent of practice
the performance of participants on immediate retention tests condition. Figure 2 shows the performance of the two groups
and immediate transfer test, and also on delayed retention having practiced under full and target only vision conditions
test and delayed transfer test, paired t test was used. on basketball free throw tests in acquisition phase.

2014, Vol. 46, No. 1 19

J. Moradi, A. Movahedi, & H. Salehi

FIGURE 2. Performance scores of the experimental groups in pretest and acquisition sessions.

In the test phase, data were analyzed with a 2 Training with its mean score in their immediate transfer test, which we
Condition (full vs. target only vision) × 2 Test Condition administered when the group was in a target only condition.
(full vs. target only vision) × 2 Test Delay (immediate vs. We found a significant decrease, t(13) = 15.62, p < .001.
delayed) mixed design ANOVA with repeated measures on We also found a significant difference for the target only
the last two factors. The results showed that main effects of group, which was initially tested in full vision condition and
the training condition, F(1, 26) = 1.22, p = .28, partial η2 = then, in the immediate retention test, in target only condition,
.045, and test condition, F(1, 26) < 1, p = .75, partial η2 = t(13) = 6.14, p < .001.
.004, were not significant. There was a significant interaction To investigate whether the results obtained in the two im-
effect between the training condition and the test condition, mediate tests persisted we compared the mean score that the
F(1, 26) = 186.59, p < .001, partial η2 = .88. This indicates full vision group achieved in participants’ delayed retention
that visual test condition had different effects on the learners’ test with its mean score in their delayed transfer test, which
basketball free-throws scores depending on which type of we administered when the group was in a target only con-
training condition was used. In the analysis, main effect of dition. We found a significant decrease, t(13) = 8.77, p <
the test delay was significant, F(1, 26) = 59.74, p < .001, .001. We also found a significant difference for the target
partial η2 = .70, but interaction effect between the training only group, which was initially tested in the full vision con-
condition and the test delay was not significant, F(1, 26) < dition and then, in the delayed retention test, in the target
1, p = .94, partial η2 = .04. Finally, there was a significant only condition, t(13) = 4.79, p < .001.
three-way (training condition by test condition by test delay)
interaction effect, F(1, 26) = 21.08, p < .001, partial η2
= .45. The performance of the two groups in test phase is
demonstrated in Figure 3. The main purpose of the present study was to determine
To investigate the effect of change in visual condition (vi- whether learning of a real-world sport skill (basketball free
sual switching) or whether visual condition integrates with throws) is specific to the sources of afferent visual informa-
performance, we compared the mean score that the full vi- tion available during practice. We found that immediate and
sion group achieved in participants’ immediate retention test delayed retention performance is specific to the training vi-

20 Journal of Motor Behavior

Specificity of Learning to Vision

FIGURE 3. Performance scores of the experimental groups in immediate and delay tests.

sual context. In immediate and delayed transfer, when the conditions. In other words, participants’ task performance
visual conditions changed, participants’ performance in both on the tests varied consistent with the visual conditions of
groups was significantly deteriorated. Our findings support training. The participants showed a significantly poorer per-
the specificity of practice hypothesis in motor learning and formance on the transfer test (visual conditions of the test
control. varied from the visual conditions of training). These find-
In acquisition phase, the results of data analysis showed ings support the specificity of practice hypothesis, suggesting
that participants in both groups improved in performance of that both the test and training should bear similar conditions
the basketball free throw. However, there was no significant for the participants to show their maximum acquired per-
difference between the two groups in task performance dur- formance.
ing the acquisition phase. Lack of difference in acquisition A question that may arise here is why the performance
between the two groups can probably be attributed to the fact scores decreased by changing visual conditions in transfer
that participants of both groups were asked to employ their tests if peripheral vision is not dependent on light changes.
peripheral visual system for motor control. Peripheral vision A probable explanation is that the participants became de-
is specific to motor control and is not sensitive to the light pendent on the environmental information and visual con-
in the environment, specifically when a closed motor skill ditions in practice sessions through the acquisition phase.
(a skill in which action occurs in a stable and predictable Therefore, when participants underwent a different visual
environment) is performed (Schmidt & Lee, 2011). Hence, condition in immediate and delayed transfer tests, their per-
it can be concluded that changes in peripheral visual condi- formance scores decreased. For the participants of the present
tions, such as those in the present study, could not change the study who did not have any previous experience of perform-
perceptuomotor control of basketball free throw skill, which ing the task, the information obtained via visual feedback
is a closed skill. dominated over that of other senses and the beginners got ac-
In immediate and delayed tests, the results revealed a customed to the visual conditions. It seems that if there is not
significant interaction between training conditions and test sufficient practice or there is a low level of the skill, complete

2014, Vol. 46, No. 1 21

J. Moradi, A. Movahedi, & H. Salehi

integration between the performance conditions and visual derlying cause of practice specificity, Proteau (2005) stated
information will not occur, and the perceptual-motor repre- that
sentation resulting from the skill under question will not be
sufficiently robust. So, a slight change in the visual condition
during the practice, among the set of afferent informa-
will most probably decrease the performance score (Proteau tion sources, use of the source which provides optimized
& Carnahan, 2001). performance gradually becomes dominant over the use of
Also in immediate and delayed tests, the results showed other sources. Then, elimination or change of the dom-
that the delayed test exerted a significant effect on task perfor- inant source will lead to significant decrease in perfor-
mance although the interaction effect of training conditions
was not significant on the delayed test. This finding suggests
that, independent of training conditions, task performance Generally, our findings indicate that visual conditions of
deteriorated in all participants over time. Some levels of task the practice can affect later performance. Khan and Franks
performance during the acquisition phase and in immediate (2004) stated that frequent and continuous availability of vi-
retention test may relate to the contribution of temporary sual information during practice and increased use of this
variables. information will lead to overdependence on such informa-
The last previously mentioned finding is in agreement with tion and neglecting the processing of valuable sources of
the practice specificity hypothesis and is in accordance with internal feedback. Thus, although increasing the process of
most studies, which have evaluated this hypothesis by using visual feedback through visual clues and aids during the ac-
simple aiming tasks in laboratory environments (for more quisition phase of a motor skill can be helpful in guiding
details, see Proteau, 2005; Proteau & Isabelle, 2002). The movement of extremities, such processes should be avoided
findings of the present study demonstrate that this hypoth- or at least limited to the early stages of learning tasks (e.g.,
esis is valid not only for laboratory tasks, but also for field basketball free throws) whose successful performance does
tasks. However, the hypothesis is under dispute for real tasks. not rely on visual guidance of the extremity (Khan & Franks,
Bennett and Davids (1995) assessed the accuracy of power 2004).
lifting squat in beginners and skilled individuals under dif- The previously mentioned conclusions could be general-
ferent visual conditions. Their findings showed that the per- ized only if the assessments carried out in the present study
formance of skilled athletes did not change by manipula- are repeated for other motor and sports tasks under the same
tion of visual conditions. This finding is not in agreement conditions or with slight changes. However, the important
with practice specificity hypothesis since, according to the issue in learning most sports skills is maintaining the con-
hypothesis; skilled individuals have experienced extensive ditions under which the beginners accomplish the highest
levels of practice with a special feedback source. Thus, we efficiency in the least possible time. This will be achieved
expected a greater slump in elite than in novice athletes. if the coach makes the skill acquisition condition as similar
But in beginners, their findings are consistent with our re- as possible to the competition conditions. It was shown that
sults and participants’ performances decreased by changing decreasing the light would lead to a decrease in performance
visual conditions. in basketball free throws. A basketball player may have to
Other similar studies, which used other tasks such as gym- perform a free throw under different conditions; thus, as the
nasts’ movements on balance beam (Robertson et al., 1994) athletes’ performance may decrease in a different visual con-
and one-handed catching (Bennett & Davids, 1996), also did dition, basketball coaches are advised to plan and carry out
not confirm practice specificity hypothesis. However, Pro- their practices under the same light condition as that of the
teau et al. (1998) and Tremblay and Proteau (1998, 2001) test condition, at least for beginners. The present study can
duplicated these studies using a different research method- be repeated for different sports and sports tasks with higher
ology and concluded that practice specificity hypothesis is control over different variables and by employing different
valid for such tasks, and in order to test this hypothesis it is methodologies. For instance, it is possible to select a skill that
better to have higher control over real sensory information is not possible to be practiced except in the practice sessions.
during practice. In the present study we evaluated the sensory characteristic
According to the specificity of practice hypothesis, sen- as an element of practice specificity. It is recommended that
sory stores for vision and proprioception are separate at the further research be carried out on other forms of practice
early stages of training. In such conditions, if one of the sen- specificity elements such as context and processing charac-
sory sources is removed, participants will employ the other teristics as well.
source of feedback. After training is continued, vision and
proprioception become integrated and an intermodal repre-
sentation of the expected outcomes will be formed. Thus, at ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
advanced stages of training, withdrawal of one of the sensory The authors would like to thank Professor Howard N. Zelaznik,
information sources will lead to a decrease in performance who introduced specificity effects in the field of motor behavior and
(Proteau, 1992). In another justification for the probable un- sport psychology to them.

22 Journal of Motor Behavior

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2014, Vol. 46, No. 1 23

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