Final Lesson Plan

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Pioneers and Westward Expansion

Serenity Martinie

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 220 Principles of Education Psychology

Professor Hooks

April 11, 2016


I. 15 fourth grade students, 1 LD student, 1 ELL student, 3 gifted students.

II. Social Studies/Pioneer Life

III. After Whole Group Learning and Group Investigation of the pioneer life, students will be

able to complete quiz items with 90% accuracy.

IV. Using pictures (ex. The pioneer enviroment, clothing, tools, etc,), role playing activities

(pretending to be a pioneer, having students write a journal as a pioneer after being read

one by a real pioneer), and forming a map of the Oregon Trail featuring mini “camping”

breaks where they will be read a tall tale. The students will learn about the basics of

pioneers. After 30 mins of learning, students will break up into their Group Investigations

(6 groups of 3) and each group will write down or draw a compilation of pioneer aspects

from that topic (ex. food, clothing, places,challenges, pastimes ) and each group will

share one thing. They will do this for 10 mins, afterwards they will be given a quiz.

V. Materials: Pictures, Projector, computer, powerpoint, tape, location signs, pioneer

journal, map of Oregon trail, 6 big sheets of paper, writing utensils, 18 pieces of other

paper, quiz, tall tale

VI. Grouping: Whole group-Guided Practice/ Group Investigation- 6 groups of 3

VII. Modifications: All students are working co-operatively with teachers facilitation.

VIII. Quizzes will be graded, scores will be awarded.

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