18 Feb Newsl

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February 2018

Presidents Report
Well, January though wet, was a much better month weather wise than last year so I do hope
everybody survived with the minimum of coughs, colds and the dreaded flu.
It was nice to see how many members were at the Celebration of Life for Joyce Command. More
than 30 members attended and it is a tribute to the admiration and affection that we all felt for
her. Her smiling face and cheerful presence is going to be sorely missed, not to mention the val-
uable contribution that she made to the Christmas Show.
We are putting out feelers for new members through various publications and with our web site
(thanks to Malcolm) and hope that we are able to attract more to join us. Looking forward to
seeing you all (in romantic mood) at our next meeting on February 12 th.
Best regards

Dates to Remember—Mark Your Calendar

1. Monday, February 12th Monthly meeting @7:30 pm
Valentine themed entertainment
2. Friday, February 9th Winter Olympics start in South Korea
3. Wednesday, February 14th Valentines Day
4. Sunday, February 25th Winter Olympics finish

Luncheon Report
Twenty four hungry souls had lunch at Smitty's. A great turnout and thanks to all
who support our lunch dates. Next month we go to the COACH & HORSES in the
old railway station on Selby. See you there! Same time last Monday of the
Graham the Gourmet
Sunshine News
We sent our condolences to Joyce Command's family. Joyce will be sadly missed by us all.
Our get well wishes went out to Bill Lewis, who unfortunately has been in hospital with pneumonia.
Alison has been suffering from the 'flu and we hope she is feeling much better.
Sending best wishes to all who are feeling under the weather. Our beautiful spring flowers and blos-
soms are just around the corner!

February March
Ray D 1 Graham S 5th
Patricia C 4th Rob H 7th
Terry T 8th Malcolm H 19th
Pat T 12th Michael B 20th
Ian H 22nd Elizabeth C 31st
Patricia K 23rd

Engineers A Thought
To the optimist, the glass is half-full. A man who, on noticing that a rose smells better
To the pessimist, the glass is half-empty. than a cabbage, assumes it will also make better
To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it soup.
needs to be.

2018 Executive
President Colin Bishop Name Tags
Vice President Ron Brick
Treasurer Susan Brick Friendly reminder please remember to
Secretary Alison Lowrie wear your name tags.
Past President Allen Cunningham
2018 Committees
Audio #1 Brendan Rogers
Audio #2 Ian Hodson
Audio #3 Bob Davies
Luncheon Host Graham Shuttleworth
Membership Sec. Christine Cottrell abritchick@gmail.com
Newsletter Editor Malcolm Cottrell
Webmaster Malcolm Cottrell
Photographer John Martin
Publicity John Martin
Social #1 Jill Steff
Social #2 Gill Walker
Sunshine Person Jill Seip
Telephone #1 Pat Heyward
Telephone #2 June Hale
Telephone #3 Margaret Marsh
New Member
What’s in a Date?
Welcome to new member Ruth From, please give Ruth
2018 (MMXVIII) is the current year, and is a
a warm welcome when you meet her.
common year starting on Monday of the Gre-
gorian calendar, the 2018th year of the Com-
mon Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designa-
tions, the 18th year of the 3rd millennium, the
Club Website
18th year of the 21st century, and the 9th year
We have been very busy building ourselves a Club of the 2010s decade.
website. It is at an early stage at the moment but can
be seen at:
Free B.B.Q. available
Please note that the above address has just been
registered so may be a little slow in loading, but it is the I have a used B.B.Q in good shape, a three burn-
Club’s final address.
er, with side burner, free, if anyone in the club
would like it.
Comments and suggestions would be very welcome,
Please contact Terry Tutte.
please use the following email address:
Note that above links are live so if you click them you Renewals
will go directly to the site or the email. More to follow th
February 15 is fast approaching, so
in due course. remember to renew your membership.
Christine Cottrell

More Musings from the Waterfront

Why is it that whenever you are running late, you always hit eve-
ry red light on Bowen Road. Does the City know when you are
late, I wonder. Hmm. I have this image of our car emitting some
kind of signal that the occupants are stressed. Some entity picks
up the stress signals somewhere and says "hey Bert, looks like
those two old Brits in that black car are in a hurry, let's fix the
lights to slow them down," "ok Sid," is the response. Seriously
though, do we give off an aura, or something. Is it just a coinci-
dence one asks ones self. Hmm. Just wondering ...

More musings about life, how come is it I can remember every word to a Beach Boys song and not
remember why I have just walked into the living room. My theory is this, my brain has reached ca-
pacity and that last thought was too much for it, so it was rejected.

Christine Cottrell

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