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Sherry Halls, President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Members attending: Niels Nielsen, Maureen Nielsen, Stephanie Smith, Rob Walker,
Cory Vernon, JoAnne Kirkland, Kay Broadhead, Kassandra Merritt, Ken Merritt,
Val Merritt, Ron Ruddick, Jill Ruddick, Trelaine Severed, Lana Severed, Art Kaehn,
Lesley McConnachie, Brad McEachern, Linda Bolstad, Kristine Brownscombe,
Chelsea Brownscombe, Willie McAuley, Nancy Billinger, Micky Bencher, Pat Suter,
Larry Thompson, Tamara Colebank, Christina Marshall, Ruth Burzek, Nicole Hafner,
Cliff Halls, Sherry Halls
Introduction of Board of Directors and House Rules for meetings: cell phones to be on
silent – if calls to be taken, member to leave room; introduce yourself and stand up to
talk; will have speakers list; respect each others opinions.
Adoption of Agenda: Rob Walker added an item under New Business – Number of
Directors to be Elected. Motion to adopt agenda as amended – Linda Bolstad –
seconded JoAnne Kirkland. Carrried.
Treasurer’s Report – Christina Brlecic not in attendance at meeting – moved to New
Old Business:
Fall Clean Up – volunteers thanked for their hard work. Cory Vernon spoke on fall
clean-up. Lots of work done by volunteers, mostly inside as weather did not co-operate
for outside work. Old rotten picnic tables need to be hauled away.
Endowment Fund Grant – picnic table/bridge – at meeting held for directors, it was
decided that due to the costs, the cement picnic table and bridge were not feasible at
this time. Instead of purchasing one concrete picnic table, replace the five existing rotten
picnic tables. Discussion on bridge – Hyde Park has a trail to swimming hole – having a
bridge built would make a circle route, easier accessibility. Grant money has not been
used, suggestion that the Endowment Fund committee be notified of the changes.
Motion that the issue of the picnic table and bridge be referred to the new executive –
Niels Nielsen – seconded Linda Bolstad. Carried.
Committee/Community Reports:
Hixon Seniors Activity Society – reported by Niels Nielsen. Elections were held.
Niels thanked the old executive and welcomed the new executive. Membership is
$10.00 a person. Two bus trips are planned for December – Trip to Barkerville on
December 11th and Dinner/Lights Tour in Prince George on December 17 th. Call Niels
for more information.
Page 2.
Hixon Hill Riders – reported by JoAnne Kirkland. Grant application has been
4-H Club – reported by Lesley McConnachie – registrations can now be done on-
Building Committee – reported by Niels Nielsen – Building inspector from the
Regional District did inspection in November. Waiting for report.
Motion made to accept committee and community reports as presented – Cliff Halls –
seconded Niels Nielsen. Carried.
New Business:
Financial Report – Christina Brlecic reported on financials. Nothing much has
changed. Had one hall rental in November. Invoice received from Orkin for 2018 pest
control at $77.43 per month. Motion to have Orkin continue the pest control and pre-pay
for one year- Cliff Halls – seconded Christine Marshall. Carried.
Insurance – JoAnne Kirkland reported the quote from Capri Insurance has not
been received. She will follow-up on this.
Societies Act – workshop held on November 4th.
Christmas Thoughts – Kassandra Merritt brought up having a Christmas tree light
up on same day as the Christmas Bazaar. Other ideas were to have sleigh rides,
Christmas caroling. Contact Kassandra for more information/suggestions 250-998-4550
Hixon Hill Riders Christmas Bazaar on December 18th at the Community Hall,
from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Clean-up after. Hixon Hill Riders have rented hall, tables
rented at $10.00, any money made will be donated to the HCA. Soup and buns will be
available. Santa will arrive that day, time to be determined. Linda Bolstad thanked
those who started making baskets. Donations are appreciated.
Blue Grass Festival Hall Rental – request made by Val Merritt to have hall rental
same as last years. Applied for hall rental in May and in September given information
on hall rental increase. Cannot afford new rate – attendance down this year. Have 9
different types of classes pay instruments. Looking at 15 bands this year, with bands
being paid an average of $400.00 each.
Val, Ken and Kassandra asked to leave the room which a discussion took place.
Discussion took place, questions were asked, why so much of a rent increase, do
they get other monies to operate, have financials been given, should be same rate for
everyone. Rate not changed for some time, other communities get fund from property
taxes to operate – we do not. If a lower rate is requested, people can come to a meeting
and plead their case.
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The bottom line is that we don’t want to see the Blue Grass Festival cancelled or moved
to another community. Consensus was that we need to support one another.
Motion made that hall rental for the Blue Grass Festival be $700.00 for 3 days
rental, plus $25.00 per day for set-up and clean up costs and they supply their own toilet
paper and paper towel – Kay Broadhead – seconded Niels Nielsen. Carried with one
opposed – Niels Nielsen
Number of Directors to be Elected
Motion made that the Directors to be elected be seven – Rob Walker – seconded
Niels Nielsen. JoAnne Kirkland brought up that there is no maximum number under our
current by-laws but the Society’s By-Laws states no more that eleven directors to be
elected. At the October meeting there were fifteen directors elected. Art Kaehn stated
there needs to be a Special Resolution Meeting before this can be put in place. Vote
taken on motion that the Directors elected be seven. Fourteen in favour, Nine opposed.
Next Meeting Date: January 9th, 2018

Adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

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