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Answers of Open Source Operating system

 Login as Guest
1. useradd guest
2. passwd guest
3. Ctrl + alt + f2
4. login as guest
 Find The Present directory
1. pwd
 Write the / directory structure
1. ls
 Write a few commands available in /bin and /sbin directory

1. /bin (pwd ,cat ,echo )

2. /sbin (traceroute,netconfig,ifconfig)

 Write the permissions of guest directory

1. ls –l /home

Your will find guest directory’s permission

 Create a new Directory test in guest directory

1. mkdir /home/guest/test

 Write the permissions of test directory

1. ls –l /home/guest

Your will find guest directory’s permission

 Copy the file /etc/resolv.conf in test directory

1. cp /etc/resolv.conf /home/guest/test/

 Rename the test directory to testing

1. mv /home/guest/test /home/guest/testing

 Delete the testing directory

1. rm –r /home/guest/testing

 Change the permissions of guest directory to 775

1. chmod 755 /home/guest

 Change the permissions of /tmp directory to 700

1. chmode 700 /tmp

 Login as root user

1. Ctrl + atl + F3

2. Login name = root

 Change the permissions of guest directory to 700

1. chmod 700 /home/guest

 The location of kernel files in Unix File System is /boot and by looking at the kernel file,

write the kernel version you are using in your system.

1. when you login in the linux you will find the kernel version on the top of the


Practical No. 2

 Login as root

1. Login name = root

 Open two Text Mode Virtual Consoles and login as guest and root. Switch between different

Text Mode Consoles and GUI Mode Consol.

1. for Consol 1 PressCtrl+Atl+F1

2. for Consol 2 PressCtrl+Atl+F2

3. for GUI Interface PressCtrl+Atl+F7

 Create a folder of your name on the desktop

1. Right Click on desktop

2. Click on “New Folder” or “New Directory”

3. Type Your Name and press Enter

 Use the Text Editor and write a few lines. Save the file on the Desktop

1. Right Click on desktop

2. Click on “New Terminal”

3. vi Yourfilename

4. type some lines

5. Press “Esc” then press “:wq” and Press Enter

 Change the Desktop Background

1. click on Main Menu(in Linux Click on Hat)

2. click on “Preference” and go to “Background” Tab

 Change the font

1. in “Preference” go to “Font”

 Change the screen resolution to

1. type on terminal in GUI Mode

2. redhat-config-xfree86

 Find out the current run-level and how many daemons are running

1. ps

2. who

 Restart the service and install it again

1. service DaemonName restart

2. example: service network restart

3. To install service we need rpm

4. To install type = rpm -ivh rpm full name

 Find out the current CPU and Memory Utilization

1. click on Main Menu(in Linux Click on Hat)

2. go to “System Tools” and then Click on “System Monitor”

3. free(command)

 Take a screenshot of a terminal session and save it on your desktop

1. Press “PrtScrn” Key on keyboard and save it.

Practical No. 3

 Delete this file and try to recover it later on

1. create the file named “temp.tmp”

2. right click on “temp.tmp”

3. click in “delete”

4. to recover go to “Trash” which is on the desktop

5. and recover the file “temp.tmp”

 Remove the software package for Mozilla Firefox and try to access Internet. Reinstall it again and

try to access Internet

1. to remove the mozila

2. rpm –e rpm name

3. to install

4. rpm –ivh rpm name

 Find out the current CPU and Memory Utilization

1. free

 See the System Logs

1. click on Main Menu(in Linux Click on Hat)

2. click on “system tools” and go to “System Log” Tab

 Login in KDE Desktop mode and see the difference between the GNOME and KDE Desktop


Program No. 4

 List the contents of /home directory

1. ls /home

 Find the group to which guest belongs

1. vi /etc/group

2. find the name guest

3. or

4. cd /home/

5. ls -l

 Create a file sidbi in the home area of guest

1. touch sidbi

 Find the permissions of the file sidbi

1. ls –l sidbi

 Find the inode number of file sidbi

1. ls –i sidbi

 Copy the file sidbi to sidbi1

1. cp sidbi sidbi1

 Find the inode number of file sidbi1

1. ls –i sidbi1

 Move the file sidbi to sidbi2

1. mv sidbi sidbi2

 Find the inode number of file sidbi2

 Move sidbi2 to sidbi

 Create a new user guest1 with same group as

1. useradd guest1

2. passwd guest1

 Create a new user guest2 with a different group than the group of guest

1. useradd –g groupname guest2

2. or

3. useradd guest2

4. passwd guest2

5. Go to /etc/passwd and delete the 4th column of the guest2 user’s line and

write the guest1’s group ID(4th column)

6. save it

7. go to /etc/group

8. delete the line of guest2

9. add guest2 in guest1’s line seprated by comma “,”

10. save it

 Find, what permissions should the file sidbi have, so that both guest1 and guest2 can write

into this file.

1. chmod 722 sidbi

Program -5

 Open Terminal and find out the shell you are using.

1. echo $SHELL

 Change your shell to sh

1. Type = sh
2. or

3. init 1(single user mode)

 Write a shell script to add two numbers.

1. echo “Enter two number for addition

2. read one

3. read two

4. echo `expr $one +$ two` //( ` ` ) are backcoat

 Move the contents of test directory in test1 directory

1. mkdir /home/guest/test1

2. mv /home/guest/test/*.* /home/guest/test1/

 Copy the test1 directory in /tmp

1. cp /home/guest/test1 /tmp

 Write, the date of Creation/Modification, ownership, group and permissions of test1 directory

1. ls –l /tmp/test1

 Tar and gzip the contents of test1.

1. Tar –cvf test1.tar test1

2. gzip test1.tar

 Move the test1.tgz into your area and Untar it

1. gunzip test1.tgz

2. tar –xvf test1.tar /home/guest1/

 Delete the test1 directory

1. rm test1

 Create a command to create new users

1. vi addnewuser

2. if $1
3. then

4. adduser $1

5. fi

6. save it and run

7. to run : sh adnewuser username

 Give appropriate permission so that only guest user can run this command

1. chmod 744 adnewuser

Program -6

 Find out the disk usage of /etc directory.

1. du /etc

 Find the hostname and domain name of the system.

1. hostname

2. domainname

 Find the CPU and Memory utilization of the system.

 Find the PID of the Process which is consuming maximum CPU can see the maximum cpu consuming process

 Shutdown the system using command.

1.init 0

 Find out the disk usage of / directory

1. du /

 Compare it with the usage of / partition

1.df /
 Traceroute to and try to find out how many routers are there between your

machine and google server

1. traceroute

 Write a shell script to find greater among two numbers

1. vi grt

2. echo “give to number”

3. read one

4. read two

5. if test one -gt two

6. then

7. echo “$one is greatest”

8. else

9. echo “$two is greatest”

10. fi

11. save the file and run it

12. sh grt

Program -7

 Find out the disk usage of /etc directory

 Find out the disk free space of / partition

 Create two users guest1 and guest2. guest1 should have his home directory in /users/guest1

and guest2 should have home directory in /home/guest2.

1.useradd guest2

2.passwd guest2

3. Enter the Password

4.useradd guest1

5.passwd guest1

6.Enter the password

7. mkdir /users

8. mv /home/guest1 /users /etc/passwd

10.change the home directory in guest1’s line

Replace /home/guest1 with /users/guest1 and exit

 Set their passwords to guest123.

1.Passwd guest1

 Use ssh or telnet to access your friends machine using guest1 and guest2 accounts

.1.telnet ipaddress (address of friend machine)

 Delete the users guest1 and guest2 and remove their home directories.

1.userdel -r guest1

2.userdel –r guest2

 Find out the total CPU utilization and Memory Utilization


 Find out the PPID and PID of httpd process

 Kill the httpd process

2.kill PID of the httpd

 Traceroute to and find out the round trip time to reach google server.

 Find out the Default Gateway of your machine


 Find out the IP address


 Find out the uptime of your system

 Check if the server is reachable on the network.
Program -8

 Find out the current network settings.




 Use the GUI to configure the IP address of your machine to, DNS to and the gateway to

 Use the Text Mode to restore the network configurations back to your original settings. Check

if your network is working by pinging to

 Write a script to take the full backup of the home areas of all the users in /backup directory.

1.mkdir backup backfile

3.cp /home /backup and exit

5, sh backfile

 Connect using Telnet to another system.

1.telnet ipaddress

Program -9

 Configure a DHCP Server

1.instal the rpms

2.cp /usr/share/doc/dhcp-3.0.1/dhcpd.conf.sample /etc/dhcpd.conf

3.make the changes as given below in the dhcpd.conf file

4.netconfig (give the below ipaddress and default gateway )

5.service network restart

6.service dhcpd restart

 Subnet :

 IP range : to

 Gateway :

 DNS :

 DNS Domain :

 Test the DHCP server by configuring neighboring machine as DHCP client

Program -10

 Write a program and Algorithm to find greatest among three numbers using C.Execute the

same on Linux greater.c

2. #include<stdio.h>


Int fst,scd,thd;

Printf(“Enter any three numbers”);

Scanf(“%d %d %d”,&fst,&scd,&thd);

If(fst>scd && fst>thd){

Printf(“\n %d”,fst,”is greater’);

elseif(scd>fst && scd>thd){

printf(“\n%d”,scd,”is greater”);


Printf(“\n%d”,thd,”is greater”): and exit

4.gcc –o greater greater.c

5. ./greater

 configure a Telnet Server

1.install rpms

2.rpm –ivh telnet-*

3.rpm -ivh telnet-server-*

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