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Assessing the provision of ICT for Inclusion: 5 in a set of 8

Cognitive and learning difficulties

A guide to identifying ICT provision to help pupils with cognitive and

learning difficulties

Some pupils will have general learning difficulties that range from moderate to severe or profound
learning difficulties. Others will have specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia and dyspraxia.
They may also have physical or sensory impairments, autistic spectrum disorders or behavioural

Does the pupil's difficulty lie in spoken or written communication?

Look at the section on ICT provision for helping pupils with communication and interaction difficulties.

Does the difficulty lie in reading?

If the reading difficulty is a result of a physical or sensory impairment, look at the section on ICT
provision to help pupils with sensory or physical needs.

Unsupported text may not be an appropriate means of written communication for pupils with
additional learning difficulties, particularly if those difficulties are severe or profound. For information
on ICT that supports the use of symbols, look at the section ‘Where can I find out more?’ below.

A symbol processor is software that links symbols to words as they are typed, thus enabling a teacher
to prepare reading materials with symbol-supported text.

An overlay keyboard or an on-screen grid, prepared with appropriate symbol-supported text for the
task, will enable learners themselves to write.

A portable or desktop computer with text-to-speech facility will give aural support by reading back
either all the text or just selected words.

Does the difficulty lie in accessing the computer?

For many learners with severe or profound learning difficulties, the usual input methods of standard
keyboard and mouse will not be appropriate and alternative methods will be needed.

Consider the use of the following devices.

• Touch screen This gives a more direct method of access. Special software transfers the
mouse action to the membrane of the touch screen so that the learner can control the
activities by touching the screen.
• Tracker ball This is often easier to use than a mouse for pupils with learning difficulties.
The tracker ball unit remains stationary while moving the ball on its surface controls
the movement of the cursor.
• Overlay keyboard This can be used as an input device by restricting the choices offered
on the overlay to those required by the activity.
• Switch By pressing a switch attached to the computer, learners can control what is shown
on the screen, turning sounds on and off or changing pictures. In doing so, they are gaining
experience of cause and effect.

© Becta 2002 page 1 of 2

published March 2002
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Where can I find out more?

An introduction to symbols from the ACE Centre Advisory Trust

Communication – symbols: introduction for SEN

This document gives an overview of symbol systems used.

Dyslexia, learning difficulties and voice-recognition systems fact sheets

These sheets can be downloaded from the Abilitynet web site.

Canterbury College, Christchurch, Xplanatory web site

This site has information about approaches to teaching pupils with learning difficulties

Planning, teaching and assessing the curriculum for pupils with learning difficulties
This publication is available from QCA

British Dyslexia Association (BDA)

The BDA provides information on using speech recognition and screen readers

Speech-recognition systems, an introduction

An information sheet is available from Becta

Symbol Forum
This is an on-line area where symbol users can exchange ideas and share work.

Using symbols
Ways in which symbols are being used to support learning can be found on the Becta web site

Special note

This guide identifies particular ICT approaches and provision that you may consider using to support pupils’
individual needs. It follows the conventions introduced in the Code of Practice for SEN. The information
should be used only as general guidance, since many pupils are likely to need specific solutions to meet
their individual needs. Where pupils have particular disabilities or complex special educational needs, an
expert assessment should be sought. Owing to the inter-linked nature of pupils’ needs, you will be referred
to other guides in this series for further information.

See also the Becta ICT information sheets on:

Learning difficulties and ICT
Dyslexia and ICT

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