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Lesson Plan : Takeout Menu Workout



Main Activity: Takeout Menu Equipment needed:

Lesson Length: 60 Attachments (i.e. task sheets, exit slips,
Grade Level: 10-12 assessment items):
Number of Teaching Style(s): Direct Instruction
students: 55

Student Learning Objectives, -the "learnable pieces":

Learning Domain Learning Objectives Standards

At least 90 percent of the students will be active SHAPE
Psychomotor throughout the entire class period and correctly Standard 1
perform body weight movements 95% of the time.
Affective Students will encourage a partner at least once throughout the 45- FFL.4.10
minute activity
Cognitive Students will be able to define aerobic and anaerobic by the FFL.3.21
end of class.
Health-Related Students will be physically active for at least 40 minutes to improve SHAPE
Fitness their cardiovascular and muscular endurance Standard 1

Lesson assessment(s):
Visual assessment.
Set induction:
Today, we get to do a Take-out Menu workout. You get to choose your own appetizers, main course, sides, and
desserts. Pay attention to the numbers above the menu description. For example, if you are on “Appetizers”, there is
a 3 posted next to it. This means you MUST choose 3 appetizers. You may not move on to the main course until all
3 appetizers are completed. Which activities you choose to complete is totally up to you. However, you may not
repeat activities. So you can’t do the same appetizer three times in a row. Try to complete as much of the menu as
possible in 45 minutes. If you need clarification on movements or rules, come find me. You may do this activity
with a partner or by yourself. If you get done before the time is up, come find me for your bonus challenge.
Time Learning Activities Cues Variations and Challenges Class Organization Reflection…
Warm-up “line-up” Easier NA 5 lines going halfway across
10 “go” Variation the gym. Teacher stationed
min Medium NA on the side.
Hard NA
45 Take-out Menu Activity Easier Pick easier tasks, modifications given Students are spread out
min Variation during activity around the indoor track/
workout area. Teacher is
Medium Activity as Prescribed positioned between track
Variation and workout floor
Hard Choose challenging tasks, Go through
Variation the menu a second time

5 Cool-down “stretch” Easier Don’t go as deep into stretch Students sit on the gym
“hold” Variation floor facing the teacher
“switch Medium Stretch as prescribed
Hard Go deeper into the stretch

1. Time
10 min warm-up
45 min Take-out Menu Activity
5 min Cool-down
2. Learning Activities
Warm-up: Students will line up in 5 lines on one side of the gym. At the teacher’s signal they will begin
the warm-up. This is a student-led warm-up so the teacher shouldn’t have to interfere. Warm-up laps
include: skipping for height, lunges, high knees, butt kickers.
Students will select their own workouts following the menu design.
Cool-down: Teacher will lead students through a static stretching routine.

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