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Appendix A. Frequency Tables for ITC Germany Four Page Summary

This document presents tables of data which correspond to the ITC Germany Four Page Summary. All tables are listed in chronological order of
the original document, and present weighted point estimates with corresponding 95% confidence intervals.

“Valid responses” refer to all responses included in the calculation of statistics reported in the Germany Four Page Summary, where point
estimates excluded item-specific non-responses; the only exceptions to this rule were for income, knowledge-based questions (where “Don’t
know” is considered a valid response), or where otherwise explicitly indicated. “All responses” includes all participants, whether the response
was a valid response, a non-response (such as “Refused” or “Don’t know”), or whether a response was missing altogether.

Reference table of statistics cited in the ITC Germany Four Page Summary
Report Report Appendix
Page # Figure # Table #
2 Text only Smokers' overall opinion of smoking 1
2 Figure 1 Percentage of smokers who have an overall negative/very negative opinion of smoking, by country 2
2 Text only Smokers' opinions: "If you could do it over again, you would not start smoking" 3
2 Text only Smokers' opinions: "If you could do it over again, you would not start smoking", by country 4
2 Text only Smokers' intention to quit in the future 5
2 Text only Smokers' opinions on whether the government should do more to help smokers quit 6
2 Text only Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who noticed smoking at last visit to a pub or bar 7
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who support or strongly support a complete public smoking ban on
2 Figure 2 local public transportation 8
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who support or strongly support a complete public smoking ban on
2 Figure 2 trains 9
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who support or strongly support a complete public smoking ban in
2 Figure 2 restaurants 10
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who support or strongly support a complete public smoking ban in
2 Figure 2 pubs and bars 11

Page 1

Reference table of statistics cited in the ITC Germany Four Page Summary (continued)
Report Report Appendix
Page # Figure # Table #

3 Text only Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements in newspapers or magazines 12
Percentage of smokers who noticed second-hand smoke advertisements in newspapers or magazines, by
3 Text only country 13
3 Text only Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements on TV 14
3 Text only Percentage of smokers who noticed second-hand smoke advertisements on TV, by country 15
3 Text only Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements on the radio 16

3 Text only Percentage of smokers who noticed second-hand smoke advertisements on the radio, by country 17
3 Text only Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who allowed smoking in their homes 18
3 Text only Percentage of smokers who noticed warning labels on cigarette packs in the last month 19
3 Figure 3 Percentage of smokers who noticed warning labels on cigarette packs in the last month, by country 20

Page 2

Table 1. Smokers’ and non-smokers’ overall opinion of smoking.

Q: What is your overall opinion of smoking?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI
Smoker Very positive 27 1.9 (1.1, 2.7) 1.9 (1.1, 2.7)
Positive 270 17.8 (15.6, 20.1) 17.7 (15.5, 19.9)
Neither positive nor negative 786 52.9 (49.9, 55.8) 52.4 (49.5, 55.3)
Negative 355 23.0 (20.6, 25.5) 22.8 (20.4, 25.3)
Very negative 63 4.3 (3.1, 5.6) 4.3 (3.0, 5.5)
Refused 4 . . . 0.3 (0.0, 0.7)
Don’t know 10 . . . 0.6 (0.1, 1.1)
Non-smoker Very positive 2 0.2 (0.0, 0.4) 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)
Positive 22 2.0 (1.1, 2.9) 2.0 (1.1, 2.9)
Neither positive nor negative 192 17.4 (15.0, 19.9) 17.4 (14.9, 19.9)
Negative 435 41.4 (38.1, 44.6) 41.3 (38.0, 44.5)
Very negative 405 39.0 (35.8, 42.3) 38.9 (35.7, 42.2)
Refused 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.3)
Don’t know 2 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.3)

Page 3

Table 2. Percentage of smokers who have an overall

negative/ very negative opinion of smoking.

Q: What is your overall opinion of smoking?

Country N % (95% CI)

Netherlands 445 21.8 (19.6, 24.1)
Germany 418 27.4 (24.7, 30.0)
Mexico 338 34.4 (29.2, 39.6)
Uruguay 446 45.9 (41.1, 50.7)
Scotland 263 49.1 (42.6, 55.6)
South Korea 534 50.5 (47.0, 54.1)
United Kingdom 997 51.3 (48.6, 54.0)
Thailand 1068 51.5 (49.3, 53.8)
United States 1051 51.8 (49.0, 54.6)
New Zealand 697 53.4 (49.9, 57.0)
China 2489 54.2 (51.8, 56.7)
Australia 1182 55.8 (53.4, 58.3)
Canada 1208 59.0 (56.4, 61.6)
France 1037 59.6 (57.0, 62.2)
Ireland 346 60.5 (55.3, 65.7)
Malaysia 1103 74.3 (69.1, 79.6)

Table 3. Smokers’ opinions: “If you could do it over again, you would not
start smoking.”

Q: Please tell me whether you [agree with the following statement]. If you
had to do it over again, you would not have started smoking.

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI
Strongly agree 665 46.0 (43.1, 49.0) 44.7 (41.8, 47.6)
Agree 486 31.5 (28.8, 34.2) 30.5 (27.9, 33.2)
Neither agree nor disagree 87 5.7 (4.4, 7.0) 5.5 (4.2, 6.8)
Disagree 185 13.1 (11.1, 15.2) 12.8 (10.8, 14.8)
Strongly disagree 47 3.7 (2.3, 5.0) 3.6 (2.3, 4.9)
Refused 2 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.3)
Don’t Know 43 . . . 2.8 (1.9, 3.7)

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Table 4. Smokers’ opinions: “If you could do it over

again, you would not start smoking”, by country.

Q: Please tell me whether you [agree with the

following statement]. If you had to do it over again,
you would not have started smoking.

Country N % (95% CI)

Mexico 543 58.1 (52.4, 63.8)
Uruguay 493 58.8 (54.0, 63.6)
China 3424 74.3 (71.9, 76.7)
Netherlands 1415 74.7 (72.5, 77.0)
Germany 1151 77.5 (74.9, 80.1)
Malaysia 1183 80.6 (76.1, 85.1)
New Zealand 1176 83.8 (80.9, 86.6)
South Korea 871 86.5 (84.1, 89.0)
United Kingdom 1763 87.2 (85.1, 89.2)
France 1524 87.7 (86.0, 89.5)
United States 1783 88.1 (86.3, 89.9)
Australia 1931 89.0 (87.4, 90.6)
Ireland 525 89.8 (86.4, 93.1)
Scotland 454 90.4 (87.2, 93.5)
Canada 1829 90.7 (89.2, 92.3)
Thailand 1912 93.6 (92.0, 95.3)

Table 5. Smokers’ intention to quit in the future.

Q: Are you planning to quit smoking?

Valid Responses All Responses

Quit intention N % 95% CI % 95% CI
Within the next month 85 6.3 (4.8, 7.9) 6.1 (4.6, 7.6)
Within the next 6 months 289 19.5 (17.2, 21.9) 18.9 (16.7, 21.2)
Sometime beyond 6 months 642 44.1 (41.1, 47.0) 42.6 (39.7, 45.5)
Not currently planning to quit 448 30.1 (27.4, 32.8) 29.1 (26.5, 31.8)
Refused 49 . . . 3.1 (2.1, 4.1)
Don’t Know 2 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)

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Table 6. Smokers’ opinions on whether the government should do more to

help smokers quit.

Q: Please tell me whether you [agree with the following statement]. The
government should do more to help smokers give up smoking.

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI
Strongly agree 307 21.4 (18.9, 23.8) 21.2 (18.8, 23.7)
Agree 443 31.1 (28.3, 33.9) 30.9 (28.1, 33.7)
Neither agree nor disagree 169 11.0 (9.2, 12.8) 11.0 (9.2, 12.8)
Disagree 406 25.3 (22.8, 27.8) 25.1 (22.7, 27.6)
Strongly disagree 178 11.2 (9.4, 13.0) 11.1 (9.3, 12.9)
Don’t Know 12 . . . 0.6 (0.2, 1.1)

Table 7. Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who noticed smoking at last visit to a
pub or bar.

Q: The last time you visited, were people smoking inside the pub or bar?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed smoking N % 95% CI % 95% CI
Smoker Yes 1130 94.0 (92.4, 95.6) 76.9 (74.5, 79.3)
No 75 6.0 (4.4, 7.6) 4.9 (3.6, 6.2)
Refused 2 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)
Don’t Know 3 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.5)
Did not visit in last 6 months 305 . . . 17.9 (15.8, 20.1)
Non-smoker Yes 728 87.0 (84.4, 89.6) 67.4 (64.3, 70.6)
No 98 13.0 (10.4, 15.6) 10.1 (8.0, 12.2)
Refused 0 . . . . . .
Don’t Know 7 . . . 0.6 (0.1, 1.1)
Did not visit in last 6 months 226 . . . 21.8 (19.1, 24.6)

Page 6

Table 8. Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who support or strongly support a

complete public smoking ban on local public transportation.

Q: Do you support or oppose a complete smoking ban on public local transportation in


Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Support N % 95% CI % 95% CI
Smoker Strongly support 399 26.9 (24.3, 29.6) 26.6 (24.0, 29.3)
Support 808 53.6 (50.7, 56.6) 53.0 (50.1, 55.9)
Oppose 227 15.1 (13.0, 17.2) 15.0 (12.9, 17.0)
Strongly oppose 66 4.3 (3.2, 5.5) 4.3 (3.1, 5.4)
Refused 6 . . . 0.3 (0.1, 0.6)
Don’t Know 9 . . . 0.8 (0.2, 1.4)
Non-smoker Strongly support 555 52.0 (48.7, 55.3) 51.9 (48.6, 55.2)
Support 400 38.2 (34.9, 41.4) 38.1 (34.9, 41.3)
Oppose 83 8.3 (6.4, 10.2) 8.3 (6.4, 10.1)
Strongly oppose 18 1.5 (0.8, 2.3) 1.5 (0.8, 2.3)
Refused 2 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)
Don’t Know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.3)

Table 9. Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who support or strongly

support a complete public smoking ban on trains.

Q: Do you support or oppose a complete smoking ban on trains in Germany?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Support N % 95% CI % 95% CI
Smoker Strongly support 204 14.0 (11.9, 16.1) 13.7 (11.6, 15.8)
Support 558 36.7 (33.8, 39.5) 35.9 (33.1, 38.7)
Oppose 630 42.5 (39.6, 45.4) 41.6 (38.7, 44.5)
Strongly oppose 93 6.8 (5.2, 8.4) 6.7 (5.1, 8.3)
Refused 7 . . . 0.5 (0.1, 1.0)
Don’t Know 23 . . . 1.6 (0.9, 2.3)
Non-smoker Strongly support 418 40.6 (37.3, 43.9) 40.1 (36.8, 43.4)
Support 428 40.0 (36.7, 43.2) 39.5 (36.2, 42.7)
Oppose 186 18.1 (15.5, 20.7) 17.8 (15.3, 20.4)
Strongly oppose 15 1.3 (0.6, 2.1) 1.3 (0.6, 2.0)
Refused 2 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)
Don’t Know 10 . . . 1.1 (0.4, 1.8)

Page 7

Table 10. Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who support or strongly

support a complete public smoking ban in restaurants.

Q: Do you support or oppose a complete smoking ban in restaurants in Germany?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Support N % 95% CI % 95% CI
Smoker Strongly support 139 8.8 (7.2, 10.5) 8.6 (7.0, 10.3)
Support 460 30.3 (27.6, 32.9) 29.6 (27.0, 32.3)
Oppose 618 42.3 (39.3, 45.2) 41.4 (38.5, 44.3)
Strongly oppose 270 18.6 (16.3, 21.0) 18.2 (15.9, 20.5)
Refused 6 . . . 0.4 (0.0, 0.8)
Don’t know 22 . . . 1.7 (0.9, 2.5)
Non-smoker Strongly support 380 36.4 (33.2, 39.7) 35.7 (32.5, 38.8)
Support 424 41.6 (38.3, 44.9) 40.7 (37.5, 44.0)
Oppose 212 20.1 (17.4, 22.7) 19.6 (17.0, 22.2)
Strongly oppose 18 1.9 (1.0, 2.8) 1.8 (0.9, 2.7)
Refused 8 . . . 0.7 (0.2, 1.2)
Don’t Know 17 . . . 1.5 (0.7, 2.2)

Table 11. Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who support or strongly support
a complete public smoking ban in pubs and bars.

Q: Do you support or oppose a complete smoking ban in pubs and bars in Germany?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Support N % 95% CI % 95% CI
Smoker Strongly support 39 2.4 (1.6, 3.3) 2.4 (1.6, 3.3)
Support 161 10.2 (8.5, 11.9) 10.0 (8.4, 11.7)
Oppose 816 54.2 (51.3, 57.2) 53.4 (50.5, 56.4)
Strongly oppose 475 33.1 (30.3, 35.9) 32.6 (29.8, 35.4)
Refused 4 . . . 0.3 (0.0, 0.6)
Don’t Know 20 . . . 1.2 (0.6, 1.9)
Non-smoker Strongly support 175 17.4 (14.8, 19.9) 16.5 (14.0, 18.9)
Support 397 39.0 (35.7, 42.4) 37.0 (33.8, 40.2)
Oppose 398 39.4 (36.1, 42.7) 37.4 (34.2, 40.6)
Strongly oppose 38 4.2 (2.8, 5.6) 4.0 (2.6, 5.3)
Refused 11 . . . 0.9 (0.3, 1.4)
Don’t Know 40 . . . 4.2 (2.8, 5.6)

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Table 12. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke

advertisements in newspapers or magazines.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about
the dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoke [in newspapers or magazines]?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Support N % 95% CI % 95% CI
Smoker Yes 726 49.0 (46.1, 52.0) 48.6 (45.7, 51.6)
No 775 51.0 (48.0, 53.9) 50.6 (47.6, 53.5)
Don’t Know 14 . . . 0.8 (0.4, 1.2)
Non-smoker Yes 600 59.1 (55.9, 62.4) 58.1 (54.9, 61.4)
No 444 40.9 (37.6, 44.1) 40.2 (36.9, 43.4)
Don’t Know 15 . . . 1.7 (0.7, 2.6)

Table 13. Percentage of smokers who noticed

second-hand smoke advertisements in
newspapers or magazines, by country.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed

advertising or information that talks about the
dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoke
[in newspapers or magazines]?

Country N % (95% CI)

France 791 46.5 (43.8, 49.2)
Germany 726 49.0 (46.1, 52.0)
Ireland 303 50.6 (45.4, 55.8)
Scotland 383 64.7 (58.5, 70.8)

Page 9

Table 14. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke

advertisements on TV.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about
the dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoke [on television]?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Support N % 95% CI % 95% CI
Smoker Yes 835 56.0 (53.0, 58.9) 55.5 (52.6, 58.5)
No 668 44.0 (41.1, 47.0) 43.7 (40.8, 46.6)
Don’t Know 12 . . . 0.8 (0.3, 1.3)
Non-smoker Yes 558 54.1 (50.8, 57.4) 53.5 (50.2, 56.8)
No 489 45.9 (42.6, 49.2) 45.4 (42.1, 48.7)
Don’t Know 12 . . . 1.1 (0.4, 1.8)

Table 15. Whether smokers noticed second-

hand smoke advertisements in newspapers or
magazines, by country.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed

advertising or information that talks about the
dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoke
[on television]?

Country N % (95% CI)

Germany 835 56.0 (53.0, 58.9)
Ireland 454 80.5 (76.6, 84.5)
France 1522 87.7 (85.9, 89.5)
Scotland 477 92.6 (87.6, 97.6)

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Table 16. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke

advertisements on the radio.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks
about the dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoke [on radio]?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Support N % 95% CI % 95% CI
Smoker Yes 340 22.6 (20.1, 25.0) 22.4 (19.9, 24.8)
No 1162 77.4 (75.0, 79.9) 76.7 (74.2, 79.1)
Don’t Know 13 . . . 1.0 (0.4, 1.6)
Non-smoker Yes 256 24.5 (21.7, 27.4) 24.3 (21.5, 27.1)
No 794 75.5 (72.6, 78.3) 74.9 (72.0, 77.7)
Don’t Know 9 . . . 0.8 (0.3, 1.4)

Table 17. Whether smokers noticed second-

hand smoke advertisements on the radio, by

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed

advertising or information that talks about the
dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoke
[on radio]?

Country N % (95% CI)

Germany 340 22.6 (20.1, 25.0)
France 521 31.3 (28.8, 33.8)
Scotland 168 35.0 (28.8, 41.1)
Ireland 205 35.5 (30.5, 40.6)

Page 11

Table 18. Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who allowed smoking in their homes.

Q: Which of the following statements best describes smoking inside your home? I mean
inside your house or dwelling and NOT on the balcony or terrace.

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Home smoking rules N % 95% CI % 95% CI
Smoker Allowed anywhere inside home 217 14.9 (12.8, 16.9) 14.9 (12.8, 16.9)
Allowed in some rooms inside home 641 43.1 (40.2, 46.1) 43.1 (40.2, 46.0)
Never allowed anywhere inside home 468 30.5 (27.8, 33.1) 30.4 (27.8, 33.1)
Only allowed in special circumstances 188 11.5 (9.7, 13.4) 11.5 (9.7, 13.4)
Refused 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)
Don’t know 0 . . . . . .
Non-smoker Allowed anywhere inside home 42 3.8 (2.5, 5.1) 3.8 (2.5, 5.1)
Allowed in some rooms inside home 88 8.9 (7.0, 10.8) 8.9 (7.0, 10.8)
Never allowed anywhere inside home 647 62.0 (58.8, 65.2) 61.8 (58.6, 65.0)
Only allowed in special circumstances 279 25.3 (22.4, 28.1) 25.2 (22.3, 28.0)
Refused 2 . . . 0.3 (0.0, 0.6)
Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.3)

Table 19. Percentage of smokers who noticed warning labels

on cigarette packs in the last month.

Q: In the last month how often have you noticed the warning
labels on cigarette packages or on roll-your-own packs?

Valid Responses All Responses

Support N % 95% CI % 95% CI
Never 283 18.6 (16.3, 20.8) 18.6 (16.3, 20.8)
Rarely 364 25.1 (22.5, 27.7) 25.1 (22.5, 27.7)
Sometimes 228 15.3 (13.1, 17.5) 15.3 (13.1, 17.4)
Often 316 20.3 (18.0, 22.6) 20.3 (18.0, 22.6)
Very often 322 20.7 (18.3, 23.1) 20.7 (18.3, 23.1)
Don’t Know 2 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Page 12

Table 20. Percentage of smokers who noticed warning labels on cigarette packs
in the last month, by country.

Q: In the last month how often have you noticed the warning labels on cigarette
packages or on roll-your-own packs?

Very often/Often Never/Not Often/Otherwise

Country N % (95% CI) N % (95% CI)
United States 544 27.5 (25.1, 30.0) 1489 72.5 (70.0, 74.9)
Netherlands 620 30.2 (27.6, 32.9) 1474 69.8 (67.1, 72.4)
Mexico 414 40.0 (34.0, 46.1) 661 60.0 (53.9, 66.0)
Germany 638 41.0 (38.1, 43.9) 877 59.0 (56.1, 61.9)
South Korea 432 41.8 (38.3, 45.3) 570 58.2 (54.7, 61.7)
Canada 913 44.9 (42.3, 47.5) 1109 55.1 (52.5, 57.7)
Malaysia 760 49.4 (42.2, 56.7) 873 50.6 (43.3, 57.8)
China 2321 49.5 (46.2, 52.8) 2403 50.5 (47.2, 53.8)
Ireland 298 50.6 (45.4, 55.8) 282 49.4 (44.2, 54.6)
New Zealand 735 50.8 (47.3, 54.3) 636 49.2 (45.7, 52.7)
United Kingdom 1176 58.8 (56.2, 61.4) 841 41.2 (38.6, 43.8)
Uruguay 629 65.7 (60.9, 70.5) 356 34.3 (29.5, 39.1)
Scotland 340 65.8 (59.5, 72.0) 167 34.2 (28.0, 40.5)
Thailand 1375 68.0 (63.0, 73.1) 677 32.0 (26.9, 37.0)
Australia 1464 68.1 (65.8, 70.4) 704 31.9 (29.6, 34.2)
France 1185 68.8 (66.4, 71.2) 550 31.2 (28.8, 33.6)

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