ITC France National Report Appendix

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Appendix A. Frequency Tables for ITC France National Report

This document presents tables of data which correspond to the ITC France National Report. All tables are listed in chronological order of the
original document, and present weighted point estimates with corresponding 95% confidence intervals.
“Valid responses” refer to all responses included in the calculation of statistics reported in the France National Report, where point estimates
excluded item-specific non-responses; the only exceptions to this rule were for income, knowledge-based questions (where “Don’t know” is
considered a valid response), or where otherwise explicitly indicated. “All responses” includes all participants, whether the response was a valid
response, a non-response (such as “Refused” or “Don’t know”), or whether a response was missing altogether.

Reference table of statistics cited in the ITC France National Report

Report Report Appendix
Page # Figure # Table #
Executive Summary
2 Text only Frequency of smoking 5
2 Figure ES-1 Smokers' level of addiction to cigarettes 11
2 Text only Number of cigarettes smoked per day in daily smokers 6
2 Text only Mean number of cigarettes smoked per day in daily smokers, by country 8
2 Text only Whether smokers ever attempted to quit smoking 12
2 Text only Smokers' intention to quit in the future 14
2 Text only Smokers' level of regret for having started smoking 9
2 Text only Smokers' opinions on whether the government should do more to help smokers quit 34
2 Text only Whether smokers who visited a doctor received advice to quit smoking 29
2 Text only Frequency that smokers thought in the last month about the harm caused by smoking 36
2 Text only Whether price of cigarettes was a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 18
2 Text only Whether personal health was a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 15
2 Text only Frequency that smokers thought in the last month about money spent on cigarettes 74
2 Text only Whether smokers spent essential household money on cigarettes 72
2 Text only Whether setting an example for children was a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 25
2 Text only Whether smoke's effect on non-smokers was a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 16

Page 1

Reference table of statistics cited in the ITC France National Report (continued)
Report Report Appendix
Page # Figure # Table #
Executive Summary
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who noticed smoking at last visit to a café, pub or bar before
2 Figure ES-2 French public smoking ban 77
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who noticed smoking at last visit to a café, pub or bar after French
2 Figure ES-2 public smoking ban 78
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who noticed smoking at last visit to a restaurant before French
2 Figure ES-2 public smoking ban 81
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who noticed smoking at last visit to a restaurant after French
2 Figure ES-2 public smoking ban 82
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who believe the French public smoking ban in cafés, pubs and bars
2 Text only is being enforced 83
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who believe the French public smoking ban in restaurants is being
2 Text only enforced 84
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who felt a public smoking ban was a good or very good thing, after
3 Text only the French public smoking ban 90
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who support or strongly support the French public smoking ban in
3 Figure ES-3 cafés, pubs and bars, before the ban 91
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who support or strongly support the French public smoking ban in
3 Figure ES-3 cafés, pubs and bars, after the ban 92
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who support or strongly support the French public smoking ban in
3 Figure ES-3 restaurants, before the ban 93
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who support or strongly support the French public smoking ban in
3 Figure ES-3 restaurants, after the ban 94
3 Figure ES-4 Percentage of smokers who noticed warning labels on cigarette packs in the last month, by country 38
3 Text only Percentage of smokers who noticed warning labels on cigarette packs in the last month 37
3 Text only Percentage of somkers who read or looked closely at warning labels on cigarette packs in last month 39
3 Text only Frequency that warning labels made smokers think about the health risks of smoking 40

Page 2

Reference table of statistics cited in the ITC France National Report (continued)
Report Report Appendix
Page # Figure # Table #
Main Report
7 Table 1 Sex of smokers and non-smokers 1
7 Table 1 Age of smokers and non-smokers 2
7 Table 1 Monthly income of smokers and non-smokers 3
7 Table 1 Highest level of education of smokers and non-smokers 4
9 Text only Frequency of smoking 5
9 Text only Number of cigarettes smoked per day in daily smokers 6
9 Figure 2 Number of cigarettes smoked per day in daily smokers, by gender 7
9 Figure 3 Mean number of cigarettes smoked per day in daily smokers, by country 8
10 Text only Smokers' opinions: "If you could do it over again, you would not start smoking" 9
10 Figure 4 Smokers' opinions: "If you could do it over again, you would not start smoking", by country 10
10 Figure 5 Smokers' level of addiction to cigarettes 11
10 Text only Whether smokers have ever attempted to quit smoking 12
10 Text only Number of times smokers have ever attempted to quit smoking 13
10 Figure 6 Smokers' intention to quit smoking in the future 14
11 Figure 7 Whether personal health was a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 15
11 Figure 7 Whether smoke's effect on non-smokers was a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 16
11 Figure 7 Whether society's disapproval was a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 17
11 Figure 7 Whether price of cigarettes was a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 18
11 Figure 7 Whether smoking restrictions at work were a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 19
11 Figure 7 Whether public smoking restrictions were a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 20
11 Figure 7 Whether doctor's advice was a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 21
11 Figure 7 Whether free/low cost stop-smoking medications were a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 22
11 Figure 7 Whether availability of a telephone quitline was a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 23
11 Figure 7 Whether warning labels on cigarette packs were a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 24
11 Figure 7 Whether setting an example for children was a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 25
11 Figure 7 Whether prevention messages were a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 26

Page 3

Reference table of statistics cited in the ITC France National Report (continued)
Report Report Appendix
Page # Figure # Table #
Main Report
11 Text only Whether smokers ever used stop-smoking medications 27
11 Text only Whether smokers visited a doctor in the last 6 months 28
11 Figure 8 Whether smokers who visited a doctor received advice to quit smoking 29
11 Figure 8 Whether smokers who visited a doctor received a referral to a stop-smoking program 30
11 Figure 8 Whether smokers who visited a doctor received a prescription for stop-smoking medications 31
11 Figure 8 Whether smokers who visited a doctor received pamphlets to help quit smoking 32
11 Figure 8 Whether smokers who visited a doctor received a nicotine dependence test 33
11 Figure 9 Smokers' opinions on whether the government should do more to help smokers quit 34
11 Figure 9 Smokers' opinions on whether the government should supply free stop-smoking medications 35
12 Text only Percentage of smokers who noticed warning labels on cigarette packs in the last month 37
12 Figure 10 Percentage of smokers who noticed warning labels on cigarette packs in the last month, by country 38
12 Text only Percentage of smokers who read or looked closely at warning labels on cigarette packs in the last month 39
12 Figure 11 Frequency that warning labels made smokers think about the health risks of smoking 40
12 Figure 11 Frequency that warning labels made smokers more likely to quit smoking 41
12 Figure 11 Frequency that warning labels prevented smokers from having a cigarette in the last month 42
12 Text only Smokers' opinions on whether some types of cigarettes are less harmful than others 43
12 Text only Smokers' opinions on whether tar or nicotine levels indicate less harm in cigarettes 44
Smokers' opinions on whether words like 'smooth' or 'ultra' on a cigarette package indicate less harmful
12 Text only cigarettes 45
13 Figure 12 Frequency of smokers and non-smokers noticing promotional tobacco advertisements 46
13 Figure 12 Frequency of smokers and non-smokers noticing anti-smoking advertisements 47
13 Figure 13 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed promotional tobacco advertisements at sporting events 48
13 Figure 13 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed promotional tobacco advertisements at arts events 49
13 Figure 14 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements on TV 50
13 Figure 14 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements on the radio 51
13 Figure 14 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements at the cinema 52

Page 4

Reference table of statistics cited in the ITC France National Report (continued)
Report Report Appendix
Page # Figure # Table #
Main Report
13 Figure 14 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements on posters or billboards 53
13 Figure 14 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements in newspapers or magazines 54
13 Figure 14 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements in tobacco shop windows 55
13 Figure 14 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements on cigarette packages 56
13 Figure 14 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements on leaflets 57
13 Figure 14 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements on the internet 58
13 Figure 14 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements anywhere else 59
14 Figure 15 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements on TV 60
14 Figure 15 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements on the radio 61
14 Figure 15 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements at the cinema 62
14 Figure 15 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements on billboards or posters 63
14 Figure 15 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements in newspapers or magazines 64
14 Figure 15 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements in tobacco shop windows 65
14 Figure 15 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements on cigarette packages 66
14 Figure 15 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements on leaflets 67
14 Figure 15 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements on the internet 68
14 Figure 15 Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements anywhere else 69
Smokers' and non-smokers' agreement on whether tobacco companies can be trusted to tell the truth about
14 Figure 16 their products 70
Smokers' and non-smokers' agreement on whether tobacco companies have tried to convince the public that
14 Figure 16 there is little health risk from second-hand smoke 71
15 Text only Whether smokers spent essential household money on cigarettes 72
15 Figure 17 Whether smokers spent essential household money on cigarettes, by country 73
15 Figure 18 Frequency that smokers thought in the last month about money spent on cigarettes 74
15 Text only Whether price of cigarettes was a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking 18

Page 5

Reference table of statistics cited in the ITC France National Report (continued)
Report Report Appendix
Page # Figure # Table #
Main Report
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who visited a café, pub or bar in last 6 months before the French
16 Text only public smoking ban 75
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who visited a café, pub or bar in last 6 months after the French
16 Text only public smoking ban 76
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who noticed smoking at last visit to a café, pub or bar before the
16 Figure 19 French public smoking ban 77
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who noticed smoking at last visit to a café, pub or bar after the
16 Figure 19 French public smoking ban 78
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who visited a restaurant in last 6 months before the French public
16 Text only smoking ban 79
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who visited a restaurant in last 6 months after French public
16 Text only smoking ban 80
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who noticed smoking at last visit to a restaurant before the French
16 Figure 19 public smoking ban 81
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who noticed smoking at last visit to a restaurant after the French
16 Figure 19 public smoking ban 82
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who believe the French public smoking ban in cafés, pubs and bars
16 Text only is being enforced 83
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who believe the French public smoking ban in restaurants is being
16 Text only enforced 84
16 Text only Percentage of smokers who smoked at last visit to a café, pub or bar, before the French public smoking ban 85
16 Text only Percentage of smokers who smoked at last visit to a café, pub or bar, after the French public smoking ban 86

Page 6

Reference table of statistics cited in the ITC France National Report (continued)
Report Report Appendix
Page # Figure # Table #
Main Report
Of those who smoked at last visit to a café, pub or bar, percentage of smokers who smoked inside or
16 Figure 20 outside, before the French public smoking ban 87
Of those who smoked at last visit to a café, pub or bar, percentage of smokers who smoked inside or
16 Figure 20 outside, after the French public smoking ban 88
17 Figure 21 Smokers' and non-smokers' opinion of a public smoking ban, before the French public smoking ban 89
17 Figure 21 Smokers' and non-smokers' opinion of a public smoking ban, after the French public smoking ban 90
Smokers' and non-smokers' level of support for the French public smoking ban in cafés, pubs and bars,
17 Figure 22 before the ban 91
Smokers' and non-smokers' level of support for the French public smoking ban in cafés, pubs and bars, after
17 Figure 22 the ban 92
17 Figure 22 Smokers' and non-smokers' level of support for the French public smoking ban in restaurants, before the ban 93
17 Figure 22 Smokers' and non-smokers' level of support for the French public smoking ban in restaurants, after the ban 94
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who allowed smoking in their homes, before the French public
17 Figure 23 smoking bans 95
Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who allowed smoking in their homes, after the French public
17 Figure 23 smoking bans 96
17 Figure 24 Smoking policies in the workplaces of smokers and non-smokers, before the French public smoking ban 97
17 Figure 24 Smoking policies in the workplaces of smokers and non-smokers, after the French public smoking ban 98

Page 7

Table 1. Sex of smokers and non-smokers.

Interviewer entered: Respondent's sex.

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Sex N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Female 837 57.1 (54.4, 59.8) 55.7 (53.0, 58.3)

Male 898 42.9 (40.2, 45.6) 44.3 (41.7, 47.0)

Non-smoker Female 181 45.0 (40.1, 49.9) 45.0 (40.1, 49.9)

Male 344 55.0 (50.1, 59.9) 55.0 (50.1, 59.9)

Table 2. Age of smokers and non-smokers.

Derived Variable: Respondent's age (categorical).

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Age in years N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker 18 to 24 233 17.5 (15.2, 19.7) 17.5 (15.2, 19.7)

25 to 34 415 24.5 (22.2, 26.7) 24.5 (22.2, 26.7)

35 to 44 489 23.8 (21.7, 25.9) 23.8 (21.7, 25.9)

45 to 54 376 19.9 (17.8, 22.0) 19.9 (17.8, 22.0)

55 to 64 169 10.6 (8.9, 12.3) 10.6 (8.9, 12.3)

65 and older 53 3.8 (2.7, 4.9) 3.8 (2.7, 4.9)

Non-smoker 18 to 24 42 9.5 (6.6, 12.4) 9.5 (6.6, 12.4)

25 to 34 72 14.3 (11.0, 17.6) 14.3 (11.0, 17.6)

35 to 44 112 16.1 (12.9, 19.4) 16.1 (12.9, 19.4)

45 to 54 114 19.0 (15.3, 22.6) 19.0 (15.3, 22.6)

55 to 64 93 19.3 (15.3, 23.4) 19.3 (15.3, 23.4)

65 and older 92 21.7 (17.5, 25.9) 21.7 (17.5, 25.9)

Page 8

Table 3. Monthly income of smokers and non-smokers.

Derived Variable: Respondent's level of education.

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Income in Euros N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Less than 1500 502 25.6 (23.4, 27.8) 25.6 (23.4, 27.8)

1500 to 3000 767 44.0 (41.4, 46.7) 44.0 (41.4, 46.7)

Greater than 3000 413 27.0 (24.5, 29.4) 27.0 (24.5, 29.4)

Not stated 53 3.4 (2.4, 4.5) 3.4 (2.4, 4.5)

Non-smoker Less than 1500 138 24.8 (20.7, 28.9) 24.8 (20.7, 28.9)

1500 to 3000 236 43.4 (38.6, 48.2) 43.4 (38.6, 48.2)

Greater than 3000 123 25.6 (21.2, 29.9) 25.6 (21.2, 29.9)

Not stated 28 6.3 (3.8, 8.7) 6.3 (3.8, 8.7)

Table 4. Highest level of education of smokers and non-smokers.

Derived Variable: Respondent's household income.

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Education N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Less than completed high school 778 45.6 (43.0, 48.3) 45.5 (42.9, 48.2)

Completed high school/some university 612 35.2 (32.7, 37.8) 35.2 (32.6, 37.7)

Completed university/post-graduate 343 19.1 (17.1, 21.2) 19.1 (17.0, 21.1)

Refused 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.4)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.3)

Non-smoker Less than completed high school 264 48.8 (44.0, 53.7) 48.8 (44.0, 53.7)

Completed high school/some university 159 32.7 (28.0, 37.3) 32.7 (28.0, 37.3)

Completed university/post-graduate 102 18.5 (14.8, 22.1) 18.5 (14.8, 22.1)

Refused 0 . . . . . .

Don’t know 0 . . . . . .

Page 9

Table 5. Frequency of smoking.

Derived Variable: Smoking status.

Valid Responses All Responses

Frequency N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Daily smokers 1564 91.4 (90.0, 92.7) 91.4 (90.0, 92.7)

Weekly smokers 125 6.5 (5.3, 7.7) 6.5 (5.3, 7.7)

Monthly smokers 46 2.1 (1.5, 2.8) 2.1 (1.5, 2.8)

Table 6. Number of cigarettes smoked per day in daily smokers.

Q: On average, how many cigarettes do you smoke each day, including both
[factory-made/packet] and roll-your-own cigarettes?

Valid Responses All Responses

Cigarettes N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Less than 10 cigarettes 743 47.3 (44.5, 50.1) 43.2 (40.6, 45.9)

11 to 20 cigarettes 690 44.3 (41.5, 47.1) 40.5 (37.9, 43.1)

21 to 30 cigarettes 105 6.7 (5.3, 8.0) 6.1 (4.8, 7.4)

More than 30 cigarettes 26 1.7 (1.0, 2.4) 1.5 (0.9, 2.2)

Non-daily smokers 171 . . . 8.6 (7.3, 10.0)

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Table 7. Number of cigarettes smoked per day in daily smokers, by gender.

Q: On average, how many cigarettes do you smoke each day, including both [factory-
made/packet] and roll-your-own cigarettes?

Valid Responses All Responses

Sex Cigarettes N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Female Less than 10 cigarettes 327 41.6 (37.7, 45.4) 38.9 (35.2, 42.6)

11 to 20 cigarettes 378 49.1 (45.1, 53.0) 46.0 (42.2, 49.8)

21 to 30 cigarettes 54 7.1 (5.1, 9.1) 6.7 (4.8, 8.5)

More than 30 cigarettes 17 2.3 (1.1, 3.4) 2.1 (1.1, 3.2)

Non-daily smokers 61 . . . 6.3 (4.6, 7.9)

Male Less than 10 cigarettes 416 55.0 (51.1, 58.9) 48.6 (44.9, 52.3)

11 to 20 cigarettes 312 38.0 (34.3, 41.8) 33.6 (30.2, 37.1)

21 to 30 cigarettes 51 6.1 (4.3, 7.9) 5.4 (3.8, 7.0)

More than 30 cigarettes 9 0.9 (0.2, 1.5) 0.8 (0.2, 1.3)

Non-daily smokers 110 . . . 11.6 (9.3, 13.9)

Table 8. Mean number of cigarettes smoked per

day in daily smokers, by country.

Q: On average, how many cigarettes do you smoke

each day, including both [factory-made/packet] and
roll-your-own cigarettes?

Country N Mean (95% CI)

Mexico 834 9.6 (8.7, 10.4)
Thailand 1644 12.1 (10.8, 13.3)
France 1564 13.5 (13.1, 14.0)
Malaysia 1414 13.8 (13.1, 14.5)
Germany 1376 16.3 (15.8, 16.8)
Uruguay 944 16.5 (15.6, 17.4)
United Kingdom 1622 16.6 (16.1, 17.1)
Canada 1645 17.2 (16.7, 17.7)
Scotland 478 18.3 (17.4, 19.3)
China 4418 18.3 (17.8, 18.8)
South Korea 951 18.6 (18.0, 19.3)
Ireland 533 18.7 (17.0, 20.3)
Australia 1677 18.7 (18.2, 19.3)
United States 1704 18.8 (18.2, 19.5)

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Table 9. Smokers’ opinions: “If you could do it over again, you would not start smoking.”

Q: Please tell me whether you [agree with this statement]… If you had to do it over again,
you would not have started smoking.

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Strongly agree 1309 75.4 (73.1, 77.7) 75.3 (72.9, 77.6)

Agree 215 12.3 (10.6, 14.1) 12.3 (10.6, 14.1)

Neither agree nor disagree 52 2.8 (1.9, 3.7) 2.8 (1.9, 3.7)

Disagree 77 4.7 (3.5, 5.9) 4.7 (3.5, 5.8)

Strongly disagree 80 4.8 (3.7, 5.9) 4.8 (3.6, 5.9)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)

Table 10. Smokers’ opinions: “If you could do it over

again, you would not start smoking”, by country.

Q: Please tell me whether you [agree with this

statement]… If you had to do it over again, you
would not have started smoking.

Country N % (95% CI)

Mexico 543 58.1 (52.4, 63.8)
Uruguay 493 58.8 (54.0, 63.6)
China 3424 74.3 (71.9, 76.7)
Germany 1151 77.5 (74.9, 80.1)
Malaysia 1183 80.6 (76.1, 85.1)
South Korea 871 86.5 (84.1, 89.0)
United Kingdom 1763 87.2 (85.1, 89.2)
France 1524 87.7 (86.0, 89.5)
United States 1783 88.1 (86.3, 89.9)
Australia 1931 89.0 (87.4, 90.6)
Ireland 525 89.8 (86.4, 93.1)
Scotland 454 90.4 (87.2, 93.5)
Canada 1829 90.7 (89.2, 92.3)
Thailand 1912 93.6 (92.0, 95.3)

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Table 11. Smokers’ level of addiction to cigarettes.

Q: Do you consider yourself addicted to cigarettes?

Valid Responses All Responses

Addiction N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Not at all addicted 166 9.7 (8.1, 11.3) 9.7 (8.1, 11.3)

Yes, somewhat addicted 617 36.3 (33.7, 38.8) 36.2 (33.6, 38.8)

Yes, very addicted 949 54.0 (51.4, 56.7) 54.0 (51.3, 56.6)

Don’t know 3 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.3)

Table 12. Whether smokers have ever attempted to quit smoking.

Q: Have you ever tried to quit smoking?

Valid Responses All Responses

Ever attempted N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Yes 1269 71.7 (69.3, 74.1) 71.6 (69.2, 74.1)

No 465 28.3 (25.9, 30.7) 28.3 (25.9, 30.7)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Table 13. Number of times smokers have ever attempted to quit smoking.

Q: How many times have you ever tried to quit smoking?

Valid Responses All Responses

Number of attempts N % 95% CI % 95% CI

1 attempt 371 30.7 (27.8, 33.7) 22.0 (19.8, 24.3)

2 to 5 attempts 774 60.0 (56.9, 63.1) 43.0 (40.4, 45.6)

6 or more attempts 124 9.3 (7.5, 11.0) 6.6 (5.4, 7.9)

Never attempted to quit 466 . . . 28.4 (25.9, 30.8)

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Table 14. Smokers’ intention to quit smoking in the future.

Q: Are you planning to quit smoking?

Valid Responses All Responses

Intention to quit N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Within the next month 226 12.8 (11.0, 14.6) 12.6 (10.9, 14.4)

Within the next 6 months 434 25.6 (23.2, 27.9) 25.3 (23.0, 27.6)

Sometime beyond 6 months 586 34.5 (31.9, 37.0) 34.1 (31.6, 36.6)

Not currently planning to quit 468 27.1 (24.7, 29.5) 26.8 (24.5, 29.2)

Don’t know 21 . . . 1.1 (0.6, 1.7)

Table 15. Whether personal health was a reason smokers thought

about quitting smoking.

Q: In the past 6 months, [has concern for your health] led you to
think about quitting?

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Not at all 900 52.4 (49.7, 55.0) 52.4 (49.7, 55.0)

Somewhat 519 29.8 (27.3, 32.2) 29.8 (27.3, 32.2)

Very much 316 17.9 (15.9, 19.9) 17.9 (15.9, 19.9)

Table 16. Whether smoke’s effect on non-smokers was a reason

smokers thought about quitting smoking.

Q: In the past 6 months, [has concern about the effect of your cigarette
smoke on non-smokers] led you to think about quitting?

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Not at all 702 41.1 (38.5, 43.7) 41.1 (38.4, 43.7)

Somewhat 614 36.0 (33.4, 38.5) 35.9 (33.4, 38.5)

Very much 417 22.9 (20.7, 25.1) 22.9 (20.7, 25.1)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.4)

Page 14

Table 17. Whether society’s disapproval was a reason smokers

thought about quitting smoking.

Q: In the past 6 months, [has the notion that society disapproves of

smoking] led you to think about quitting?

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Not at all 1182 67.9 (65.4, 70.4) 67.9 (65.4, 70.4)

Somewhat 359 21.2 (19.0, 23.4) 21.2 (19.0, 23.4)

Very much 194 10.9 (9.2, 12.5) 10.9 (9.2, 12.5)

Table 18. Whether the price of cigarettes was a reason that smokers
thought about quitting smoking.

Q: In the past 6 months, [has the price of cigarettes] led you to think
about quitting?

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Not at all 644 38.2 (35.7, 40.8) 38.2 (35.7, 40.8)

Somewhat 567 31.4 (29.0, 33.9) 31.4 (29.0, 33.9)

Very much 524 30.3 (27.8, 32.8) 30.3 (27.8, 32.8)

Table 19. Whether smoking restrictions at work were a reason smokers thought
about quitting smoking.

Q: In the past 6 months, [have smoking restrictions at work] led you to think
about quitting?

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Not at all 843 67.5 (64.6, 70.4) 47.7 (45.1, 50.4)

Somewhat 273 21.8 (19.2, 24.4) 15.4 (13.5, 17.3)

Very much 143 10.7 (8.8, 12.6) 7.6 (6.2, 8.9)

Don’t know 3 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)

Not currently employed 473 . . . 29.1 (26.6, 31.5)

Page 15

Table 20. Whether public smoking restrictions were a reason that

smokers thought about quitting smoking.

Q: In the past 6 months, [have smoking restrictions in public places

like restaurants or bars, cafés or pubs] led you to think about quitting?

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Not at all 1110 64.4 (61.9, 66.9) 64.4 (61.9, 66.9)

Somewhat 427 24.2 (22.0, 26.5) 24.2 (22.0, 26.5)

Very much 198 11.4 (9.7, 13.1) 11.4 (9.7, 13.1)

Table 21. Whether a doctor’s advice was a reason smokers thought

about quitting smoking.

Q: In the past 6 months, [has advice from a doctor, dentist or other

health professional] led you to think about quitting?

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Not at all 1237 71.7 (69.3, 74.1) 71.7 (69.3, 74.0)

Somewhat 367 20.5 (18.4, 22.6) 20.5 (18.4, 22.6)

Very much 129 7.7 (6.3, 9.2) 7.7 (6.3, 9.2)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Page 16

Table 22. Whether the availability of free/low-cost stop-smoking

medications was a reason smokers thought about quitting smoking.

Q: In the past 6 months, [has free, or lower cost, stop-smoking

medication] led you to think about quitting?

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Not at all 1064 62.2 (59.6, 64.7) 61.7 (59.1, 64.3)

Somewhat 382 21.8 (19.6, 23.9) 21.6 (19.5, 23.8)

Very much 276 16.1 (14.1, 18.1) 16.0 (14.0, 17.9)

Don’t know 13 . . . 0.7 (0.3, 1.1)

Table 23. Whether the availability of a telephone quitline was a reason

that smokers thought about quitting smoking.

Q: In the past 6 months, [has the availability of a telephone

helpline/quitline/information line] led you to think about quitting?

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Not at all 1460 84.7 (82.7, 86.7) 84.1 (82.1, 86.1)

Somewhat 207 12.4 (10.6, 14.2) 12.3 (10.5, 14.1)

Very much 54 2.9 (2.0, 3.9) 2.9 (2.0, 3.8)

Don’t know 14 . . . 0.7 (0.3, 1.1)

Page 17

Table 24. Whether warning labels on cigarette packs were a reason

that smokers thought about quitting smoking.

Q: In the past 6 months, [have warning labels on cigarette packages] led

you to think about quitting?

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Not at all 1143 66.1 (63.6, 68.6) 66.1 (63.6, 68.6)

Somewhat 484 28.0 (25.6, 30.4) 28.0 (25.6, 30.4)

Very much 107 5.9 (4.6, 7.1) 5.9 (4.6, 7.1)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Table 25. Whether setting an example for children was a reason that
smokers thought about quitting smoking.

Q: In the past 6 months, [has setting an example for children] led you to
think about quitting?

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Not at all 342 20.0 (17.9, 22.2) 20.0 (17.8, 22.2)

Somewhat 543 30.9 (28.5, 33.3) 30.9 (28.4, 33.3)

Very much 847 49.1 (46.4, 51.7) 49.0 (46.3, 51.7)

Don’t know 3 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.3)

Page 18

Table 26. Whether prevention messages were a reason that

smokers thought about quitting smoking.

Q: In the past 6 months, [has a prevention message or campaign] led

you to think about quitting?

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Not at all 812 47.0 (44.4, 49.7) 47.0 (44.4, 49.7)

Somewhat 707 41.1 (38.4, 43.7) 41.1 (38.4, 43.7)

Very much 216 11.9 (10.2, 13.6) 11.9 (10.2, 13.6)

Table 27. Whether smokers ever used stop-smoking medications.

Q: Have you used any stop-smoking medications, such as nicotine replacement therapies like nicotine
gum or the patch, or other medications that require a prescription, such as Zyban?

Valid Responses All Responses

Used N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Yes 579 32.0 (29.5, 34.5) 32.0 (29.5, 34.5)

No 1143 67.3 (64.9, 69.8) 67.3 (64.9, 69.8)

Never heard of stop-smoking medications 13 0.7 (0.3, 1.0) 0.7 (0.3, 1.0)

Table 28. Whether smokers visited a doctor in the last 6 months.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you visited a doctor or other health

professional, for smoking or another reason?

Valid Responses All Responses

Visited N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Yes 1101 62.3 (59.7, 64.9) 62.3 (59.7, 64.9)

No 633 37.7 (35.1, 40.3) 37.7 (35.1, 40.3)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.0 (0.0, 0.1)

Page 19

Table 29. Whether smokers who visited a doctor received advice to quit smoking.

Q: During any visit to the doctor or other health professional in the last 12 months, did you
receive advice to quit smoking?

Valid Responses All Responses

Received advice N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Yes 347 32.6 (29.5, 35.8) 20.3 (18.2, 22.4)

No 754 67.4 (64.2, 70.5) 42.0 (39.3, 44.6)

Did not visit doctor in last 12 months 634 . . . 37.7 (35.1, 40.3)

Table 30. Whether smokers who visited a doctor received a referral to a stop-smoking

Q: During any visit to the doctor or other health professional in the last 12 months, did you
receive additional help or a referral to another service to help you quit?

Valid Responses All Responses

Received referral N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Yes 43 3.8 (2.5, 5.1) 2.4 (1.6, 3.2)

No 1058 96.2 (94.9, 97.5) 59.9 (57.3, 62.5)

Did not visit doctor in last 12 months 634 . . . 37.7 (35.1, 40.3)

Table 31. Whether smokers who visited a doctor received a prescription for stop-smoking

Q: During any visit to the doctor or other health professional in the last 12 months, did you
receive a prescription for stop-smoking medication?

Valid Responses All Responses

Received Rx N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Yes 45 3.7 (2.5, 4.9) 2.3 (1.5, 3.1)

No 1056 96.3 (95.1, 97.5) 60.0 (57.3, 62.6)

Did not visit doctor in last 12 months 634 . . . 37.7 (35.1, 40.3)

Page 20

Table 32. Whether smokers who visited a doctor received pamphlets to help quit smoking.

Q: During any visit to the doctor or other health professional in the last 12 months, did you
receive pamphlets or brochures on how to quit?

Valid Responses All Responses

Received pamphlet N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Yes 216 20.0 (17.3, 22.7) 12.4 (10.7, 14.2)

No 884 80.0 (77.3, 82.7) 49.8 (47.2, 52.5)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.0 (0.0, 0.0)

Did not visit doctor in last 12 months 634 . . . 37.7 (35.1, 40.3)

Table 33. Whether smokers who visited a doctor received a nicotine dependence test.

Q: During any visit to the doctor or other health professional in the last 12 months, did you
receive a short test in order to assess your level of dependence on cigarettes?

Valid Responses All Responses

Received test N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Yes 141 12.2 (10.1, 14.4) 7.6 (6.2, 9.0)

No 958 87.8 (85.6, 89.9) 54.5 (51.9, 57.2)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Did not visit doctor in last 12 months 634 . . . 37.7 (35.1, 40.3)

Page 21

Table 34. Smokers’ opinions on whether the government should do more to help
smokers quit.

Q: Please tell me whether you [agree with this statement]… The government should do
more to help smokers give up smoking.

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Strongly agree 636 37.3 (34.7, 39.9) 37.2 (34.7, 39.8)

Agree 438 25.7 (23.3, 28.1) 25.7 (23.3, 28.0)

Neither agree nor disagree 147 8.5 (7.0, 10.0) 8.5 (7.0, 10.0)

Disagree 251 13.8 (12.0, 15.6) 13.8 (12.0, 15.6)

Strongly disagree 259 14.7 (12.8, 16.5) 14.6 (12.8, 16.5)

Don’t know 4 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)

Table 35. Smokers’ opinions on whether the government should supply free
stop-smoking medications.

Q: Please tell me whether you [agree with this statement]… The government should do
more to make sure stop-smoking medications are available to everyone who wants them.

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Strongly agree 873 51.0 (48.3, 53.6) 50.9 (48.2, 53.6)

Agree 517 29.6 (27.2, 32.1) 29.6 (27.2, 32.0)

Neither agree nor disagree 94 5.3 (4.1, 6.5) 5.3 (4.1, 6.5)

Disagree 144 7.8 (6.5, 9.2) 7.8 (6.4, 9.2)

Strongly disagree 105 6.2 (4.9, 7.5) 6.2 (4.9, 7.5)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.3)

Page 22

Table 36. Frequency that smokers thought in the last month about
the harm caused by smoking.

Q: In the last month, how often, if at all, did you think about the harm
your smoking might be doing to you?

Valid Responses All Responses

Frequency N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Never 199 11.8 (10.0, 13.5) 11.8 (10.0, 13.5)

Rarely 173 10.4 (8.8, 12.1) 10.4 (8.8, 12.1)

Sometimes 386 22.4 (20.2, 24.7) 22.4 (20.2, 24.7)

Often 635 36.3 (33.8, 38.9) 36.3 (33.8, 38.9)

Very often 342 19.0 (17.0, 21.1) 19.0 (17.0, 21.1)

Table 37. Percentage of smokers who noticed warning labels on

cigarette packs in the last month.

Q: In the last month, how often have you noticed the warning labels
on cigarettes packages or on roll-your-own packs?

Valid Responses All Responses

Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Never 170 9.6 (8.1, 11.1) 9.6 (8.1, 11.1)

Rarely 194 11.7 (10.0, 13.4) 11.7 (10.0, 13.4)

Sometimes 186 9.9 (8.4, 11.5) 9.9 (8.4, 11.5)

Often 509 30.4 (27.9, 32.9) 30.4 (27.9, 32.9)

Very often 676 38.4 (35.8, 41.0) 38.4 (35.8, 41.0)

Page 23

Table 38. Percentage of smokers who noticed warning labels on cigarette packs
in the last month, by country.

Q: In the last month, how often have you noticed the warning labels on cigarettes
packages or on roll-your-own packs?

Very often/Often Never/Not Often/Otherwise

Country N % (95% CI) N % (95% CI)
United States 544 27.5 (25.1, 30.0) 1489 72.5 (70.0, 74.9)
Mexico 414 40.0 (34.0, 46.1) 661 60.0 (53.9, 66.0)
Germany 638 41.0 (38.1, 43.9) 877 59.0 (56.1, 61.9)
South Korea 432 41.8 (38.3, 45.3) 570 58.2 (54.7, 61.7)
Canada 913 44.9 (42.3, 47.5) 1109 55.1 (52.5, 57.7)
Malaysia 760 49.4 (42.2, 56.7) 873 50.6 (43.3, 57.8)
China 2321 49.5 (46.2, 52.8) 2403 50.5 (47.2, 53.8)
Ireland 298 50.6 (45.4, 55.8) 282 49.4 (44.2, 54.6)
United Kingdom 1176 58.8 (56.2, 61.4) 841 41.2 (38.6, 43.8)
Uruguay 629 65.7 (60.9, 70.5) 356 34.3 (29.5, 39.1)
Scotland 340 65.8 (59.5, 72.0) 167 34.2 (28.0, 40.5)
Thailand 1375 68.0 (63.0, 73.1) 677 32.0 (26.9, 37.0)
Australia 1464 68.1 (65.8, 70.4) 704 31.9 (29.6, 34.2)
France 1185 68.8 (66.4, 71.2) 550 31.2 (28.8, 33.6)

Table 39. Percentage of smokers who looked closely at warning labels in the last month.

Q: In the last month, how often, if at all, have you read or looked closely at the warning
labels on cigarette packages?

Valid Responses All Responses

Looked closely N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Never 318 20.2 (18.0, 22.4) 18.3 (16.2, 20.3)

Rarely 322 21.1 (18.8, 23.5) 19.1 (17.0, 21.2)

Sometimes 358 22.8 (20.4, 25.1) 20.6 (18.4, 22.7)

Often 360 22.4 (20.1, 24.7) 20.2 (18.1, 22.3)

Very often 206 13.5 (11.5, 15.5) 12.2 (10.4, 14.0)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Never noticed labels in last month 170 . . . 9.6 (8.1, 11.1)

Page 24

Table 40. Frequency that warning labels made smokers think about
the health risks of smoking.

Q: To what extent, if at all, do the warning labels make you think about
the health risks of smoking?

Valid Responses All Responses

Frequency N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Not at all 184 10.4 (8.8, 12.0) 10.4 (8.8, 12.0)

A little 142 8.2 (6.8, 9.7) 8.2 (6.8, 9.7)

Somewhat 544 31.3 (28.8, 33.8) 31.3 (28.8, 33.8)

A lot 861 50.0 (47.3, 52.7) 49.9 (47.2, 52.6)

Don’t know 4 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)

Table 41. Frequency that warning labels made smokers more

likely to quit smoking.

Q: To what extent, if at all, do the warning labels on cigarette packs

make you more likely to quit smoking?

Valid Responses All Responses

Frequency N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Not at all 877 50.9 (48.3, 53.6) 50.8 (48.2, 53.5)

A little 376 21.3 (19.2, 23.5) 21.3 (19.1, 23.5)

Somewhat 338 19.9 (17.8, 22.1) 19.9 (17.7, 22.0)

A lot 140 7.8 (6.4, 9.2) 7.8 (6.4, 9.2)

Don’t know 4 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)

Page 25

Table 42. Frequency that warning labels prevented smokers from

having a cigarette in the last month.

Q: In the last month, have the warning labels stopped you from having a
cigarettes when you were about to smoke one?

Valid Responses All Responses

Frequency N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Never 1363 79.2 (77.0, 81.3) 79.2 (77.0, 81.3)

Once 57 3.5 (2.5, 4.5) 3.5 (2.5, 4.5)

A few times 269 14.8 (12.9, 16.6) 14.8 (12.9, 16.6)

Many times 46 2.6 (1.7, 3.4) 2.6 (1.7, 3.4)

Table 43. Smokers’ opinions on whether some types of cigarettes are less harmful than others.

Q: Do you think that some types of cigarettes or brands of rolling tobacco could be less
harmful than other types, or are all cigarettes equally harmful?

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Some could be less harmful 412 24.3 (22.0, 26.7) 24.3 (22.0, 26.7)

All are equally harmful 1298 74.3 (72.0, 76.7) 74.3 (72.0, 76.7)

Don’t know 25 1.3 (0.8, 1.9) 1.3 (0.8, 1.9)

Table 44. Smokers’ opinions on whether tar or nicotine levels indicate less harm in cigarettes.

Q: [Does the taste, such as the harshness of the smoke, help] to indicate whether a cigarette brand
could be less harmful compared to others?

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Yes 345 82.4 (78.1, 86.8) 20.1 (17.9, 22.2)

No 64 16.8 (12.5, 21.2) 4.1 (3.0, 5.2)

Don’t know 3 0.7 (0.0, 1.6) 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)

Thinks all cigarettes are equally harmful 1323 . . . 75.7 (73.3, 78.0)

Page 26

Table 45. Smokers’ opinions on whether words like ‘smooth’ or ‘ultra’ indicate less harm in

Q: [Do the tar or nicotine levels for a brand help] to indicate whether a cigarette brand could be less
harmful compared to others?

Valid Responses All Responses

Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Yes 138 34.2 (28.8, 39.5) 8.3 (6.8, 9.9)

No 251 60.8 (55.4, 66.2) 14.8 (12.9, 16.7)

Don’t know 23 5.0 (2.8, 7.2) 1.2 (0.7, 1.8)

Thinks all cigarettes are equally harmful 1323 . . . 75.7 (73.3, 78.0)

Table 46. Frequency of smokers and non-smokers noticing promotional tobacco advertisements.

Q: Thinking about everything that happens around you, in the last 6 months how often have you
noticed things that promote smoking?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Never 765 44.2 (41.6, 46.9) 44.1 (41.5, 46.8)

Rarely 327 18.8 (16.7, 20.9) 18.8 (16.7, 20.9)

Sometimes 297 16.7 (14.7, 18.7) 16.7 (14.7, 18.6)

Often 249 15.0 (13.1, 17.0) 15.0 (13.1, 17.0)

Very often 93 5.3 (4.1, 6.4) 5.2 (4.1, 6.4)

Don’t know 4 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)

Non-smoker Never 121 22.9 (18.8, 27.0) 22.7 (18.6, 26.7)

Rarely 145 27.8 (23.5, 32.2) 27.5 (23.2, 31.8)

Sometimes 118 24.6 (20.3, 28.9) 24.4 (20.1, 28.6)

Often 107 20.0 (16.1, 23.8) 19.8 (15.9, 23.6)

Very often 28 4.7 (2.8, 6.6) 4.6 (2.7, 6.5)

Don’t know 6 . . . 1.0 (0.1, 2.0)

Page 27

Table 47. Frequency of smokers and non-smokers noticing anti-smoking advertisements.

Q: In the last 6 months, how often, if at all, have you noticed [advertising or information that
talks about the dangers of smoking, or encourages quitting]?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Never 158 9.4 (7.8, 11.0) 9.4 (7.8, 11.0)

Rarely 299 17.0 (15.0, 19.0) 17.0 (15.0, 18.9)

Sometimes 496 29.0 (26.5, 31.4) 28.9 (26.5, 31.4)

Often 593 34.0 (31.4, 36.5) 33.9 (31.4, 36.4)

Very often 187 10.7 (9.1, 12.4) 10.7 (9.1, 12.3)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.3)

Non-smoker Never 22 3.8 (2.0, 5.5) 3.8 (2.0, 5.5)

Rarely 76 14.2 (10.9, 17.6) 14.2 (10.8, 17.6)

Sometimes 176 35.1 (30.4, 39.8) 35.0 (30.3, 39.7)

Often 212 41.1 (36.3, 45.8) 41.0 (36.2, 45.8)

Very often 38 5.8 (3.8, 7.9) 5.8 (3.7, 7.9)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.5)

Page 28

Table 48. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed promotional tobacco

advertisements at sporting events.

Q: [Thinking] about the last 6 months, have you seen or heard about any sport or sporting
event that is sponsored by or connected with either cigarette brands or tobacco companies?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 396 24.9 (22.5, 27.2) 24.8 (22.4, 27.2)

No 1333 75.1 (72.8, 77.5) 74.9 (72.5, 77.3)

Don’t know 6 . . . 0.3 (0.0, 0.6)

Non-smoker Yes 116 24.9 (20.6, 29.3) 24.7 (20.5, 29.0)

No 402 75.1 (70.7, 79.4) 74.4 (70.1, 78.7)

Don’t know 7 . . . 0.9 (0.2, 1.5)

Table 49. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed promotional tobacco

advertisements at arts events.

Q: [Thinking] about the last 6 months, have you seen or heard about any music,
theatre, art, or fashion event that is sponsored by or connected with either cigarette
brands or tobacco companies?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 114 6.7 (5.3, 8.0) 6.6 (5.3, 8.0)

No 1616 93.3 (92.0, 94.7) 92.9 (91.4, 94.3)

Don’t know 5 . . . 0.5 (0.0, 1.0)

Non-smoker Yes 35 5.9 (3.6, 8.1) 5.8 (3.6, 8.0)

No 484 94.1 (91.9, 96.4) 93.2 (90.9, 95.6)

Don’t know 6 . . . 1.0 (0.2, 1.8)

Page 29

Table 50. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements on TV.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the dangers of smoking, or
encourages quitting on television?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 1403 88.7 (86.9, 90.5) 80.2 (78.0, 82.4)

No 170 11.3 (9.5, 13.1) 10.2 (8.5, 11.8)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 160 . . . 9.5 (7.9, 11.1)

Non-smoker Yes 439 86.6 (83.0, 90.2) 83.1 (79.4, 86.8)

No 62 13.4 (9.8, 17.0) 12.9 (9.4, 16.3)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.3)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 23 . . . 3.9 (2.2, 5.7)

Table 51. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements on the radio.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the dangers of smoking,
or encourages quitting on the radio?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 613 39.9 (37.1, 42.6) 35.9 (33.3, 38.4)

No 951 60.1 (57.4, 62.9) 54.1 (51.5, 56.8)

Don’t know 11 . . . 0.5 (0.2, 0.8)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 160 . . . 9.5 (7.9, 11.1)

Non-smoker Yes 219 44.4 (39.4, 49.4) 41.5 (36.7, 46.3)

No 271 55.6 (50.6, 60.6) 52.1 (47.2, 56.9)

Don’t know 12 . . . 2.4 (0.9, 3.9)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 23 . . . 3.9 (2.2, 5.7)

Page 30

Table 52. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements at the cinema.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the dangers of smoking, or
encourages quitting at the cinema?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 212 13.3 (11.4, 15.2) 11.8 (10.1, 13.5)

No 1335 86.7 (84.8, 88.6) 77.2 (74.9, 79.4)

Don’t know 28 . . . 1.6 (0.9, 2.2)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 160 . . . 9.5 (7.9, 11.1)

Non-smoker Yes 78 15.7 (12.2, 19.3) 14.6 (11.3, 18.0)

No 403 84.3 (80.7, 87.8) 78.3 (74.5, 82.2)

Don’t know 21 . . . 3.1 (1.6, 4.6)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 23 . . . 3.9 (2.2, 5.7)

Table 53. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements on posters or billboards.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the dangers of smoking, or
encourages quitting on posters or billboards?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 839 54.3 (51.5, 57.1) 49.0 (46.4, 51.7)

No 732 45.7 (42.9, 48.5) 41.3 (38.7, 43.9)

Don’t know 4 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.5)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 160 . . . 9.5 (7.9, 11.1)

Non-smoker Yes 286 56.9 (51.9, 61.8) 54.4 (49.5, 59.2)

No 213 43.1 (38.2, 48.1) 41.2 (36.4, 46.0)

Don’t know 3 . . . 0.5 (0.0, 1.1)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 23 . . . 3.9 (2.2, 5.7)

Page 31

Table 54. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements in newspapers or magazines.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the dangers of smoking, or
encourages quitting in newspapers or magazines?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 937 59.8 (57.1, 62.6) 54.2 (51.5, 56.8)

No 637 40.2 (37.4, 42.9) 36.3 (33.8, 38.9)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.0 (0.0, 0.1)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 160 . . . 9.5 (7.9, 11.1)

Non-smoker Yes 328 64.8 (60.0, 69.6) 62.1 (57.3, 66.8)

No 172 35.2 (30.4, 40.0) 33.7 (29.1, 38.4)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.6)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 23 . . . 3.9 (2.2, 5.7)

Table 55. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements in tobacco shop windows.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the dangers of smoking, or
encourages quitting on shop windows or inside shops where you buy tobacco?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 492 32.7 (30.1, 35.4) 29.4 (27.0, 31.9)

No 1070 67.3 (64.6, 69.9) 60.4 (57.8, 63.0)

Don’t know 13 . . . 0.7 (0.3, 1.1)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 160 . . . 9.5 (7.9, 11.1)

Non-smoker Yes 116 23.5 (19.2, 27.8) 22.1 (18.0, 26.1)

No 371 76.5 (72.2, 80.8) 71.9 (67.6, 76.2)

Don’t know 15 . . . 2.1 (0.9, 3.2)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 23 . . . 3.9 (2.2, 5.7)

Page 32

Table 56. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements on cigarette packages.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the dangers of smoking, or
encourages quitting on cigarette packs?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 1356 85.6 (83.6, 87.6) 77.4 (75.2, 79.7)

No 217 14.4 (12.4, 16.4) 13.0 (11.2, 14.8)

Refused 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.0 (0.0, 0.1)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 160 . . . 9.5 (7.9, 11.1)

Non-smoker Yes 397 80.6 (76.6, 84.6) 75.8 (71.6, 80.0)

No 94 19.4 (15.4, 23.4) 18.3 (14.4, 22.1)

Refused 0 . . . . . .

Don’t know 11 . . . 2.0 (0.7, 3.3)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 23 . . . 3.9 (2.2, 5.7)

Table 57. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements on leaflets.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the dangers of smoking, or
encourages quitting in leaflets?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 429 27.4 (24.9, 29.9) 24.8 (22.5, 27.1)

No 1144 72.6 (70.1, 75.1) 65.6 (63.1, 68.2)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.1)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 160 . . . 9.5 (7.9, 11.1)

Non-smoker Yes 155 29.9 (25.4, 34.4) 28.5 (24.2, 32.9)

No 342 70.1 (65.6, 74.6) 66.8 (62.3, 71.3)

Don’t know 5 . . . 0.7 (0.0, 1.5)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 23 . . . 3.9 (2.2, 5.7)

Page 33

Table 58. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking advertisements on the internet.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the dangers of smoking, or
encourages quitting on the Internet?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 222 15.1 (13.0, 17.1) 13.4 (11.6, 15.3)

No 1332 84.9 (82.9, 87.0) 75.8 (73.4, 78.1)

Refused 0 . . . . . .

Don’t know 21 . . . 1.3 (0.6, 2.0)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 160 . . . 9.5 (7.9, 11.1)

Non-smoker Yes 54 12.2 (8.7, 15.6) 11.2 (8.0, 14.4)

No 429 87.8 (84.4, 91.3) 80.9 (77.0, 84.8)

Refused 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.4)

Don’t know 18 . . . 3.9 (1.9, 5.9)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 23 . . . 3.9 (2.2, 5.7)

Table 59. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed anti-smoking ads anywhere else.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the dangers of smoking, or
encourages quitting anywhere else?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 259 15.9 (13.9, 17.9) 14.4 (12.5, 16.2)

No 1312 84.1 (82.1, 86.1) 76.0 (73.7, 78.3)

Don’t know 4 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 160 . . . 9.5 (7.9, 11.1)

Non-smoker Yes 66 11.3 (8.3, 14.3) 10.8 (7.9, 13.8)

No 436 88.7 (85.7, 91.7) 85.2 (81.9, 88.5)

Don’t know 0 . . . . . .

Never noticed any anti-smoking ads 23 . . . 3.9 (2.2, 5.7)

Page 34

Table 60. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements on TV.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the
dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoking on television?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 1522 87.7 (85.9, 89.5) 87.6 (85.8, 89.4)

No 212 12.3 (10.5, 14.1) 12.3 (10.5, 14.1)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.4)

Non-smoker Yes 452 87.6 (84.4, 90.7) 87.2 (84.1, 90.4)

No 70 12.4 (9.3, 15.6) 12.4 (9.2, 15.5)

Don’t know 3 . . . 0.4 (0.0, 0.8)

Table 61. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke

advertisements on the radio.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the
dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoking on the radio?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 521 31.3 (28.8, 33.8) 31.1 (28.6, 33.6)

No 1204 68.7 (66.2, 71.2) 68.3 (65.8, 70.8)

Don’t know 10 . . . 0.6 (0.1, 1.0)

Non-smoker Yes 166 31.4 (26.9, 35.9) 30.8 (26.3, 35.2)

No 349 68.6 (64.1, 73.1) 67.4 (62.9, 71.9)

Don’t know 10 . . . 1.8 (0.5, 3.1)

Page 35

Table 62. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke

advertisements at the cinema.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the
dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoking at the cinema?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 176 9.5 (8.0, 11.0) 9.3 (7.9, 10.8)

No 1530 90.5 (89.0, 92.0) 89.0 (87.3, 90.6)

Don’t know 29 . . . 1.7 (0.9, 2.4)

Non-smoker Yes 55 10.4 (7.4, 13.5) 10.2 (7.2, 13.1)

No 454 89.6 (86.5, 92.6) 87.4 (84.1, 90.6)

Don’t know 16 . . . 2.5 (1.1, 3.9)

Table 63. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke

advertisements on billboards or posters.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the
dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoking on posters or billboards?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 745 44.3 (41.7, 47.0) 44.3 (41.6, 47.0)

No 987 55.7 (53.0, 58.3) 55.6 (52.9, 58.3)

Don’t know 3 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Non-smoker Yes 220 40.8 (36.0, 45.5) 40.3 (35.6, 45.1)

No 300 59.2 (54.5, 64.0) 58.6 (53.9, 63.4)

Don’t know 5 . . . 1.0 (0.0, 2.0)

Page 36

Table 64. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke

advertisements in newspapers or magazines.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the
dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoking in newspapers or magazines?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 791 46.5 (43.8, 49.2) 46.5 (43.8, 49.1)

No 942 53.5 (50.8, 56.2) 53.5 (50.8, 56.1)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Non-smoker Yes 287 54.1 (49.2, 59.0) 53.7 (48.8, 58.5)

No 234 45.9 (41.0, 50.8) 45.5 (40.7, 50.4)

Don’t know 4 . . . 0.8 (0.0, 1.9)

Table 65. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements
in tobacco shop windows.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the
dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoking on shop windows or inside shops where
you buy tobacco?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 350 20.9 (18.7, 23.1) 20.8 (18.6, 23.0)

No 1377 79.1 (76.9, 81.3) 78.8 (76.6, 81.0)

Don’t know 8 . . . 0.4 (0.1, 0.7)

Non-smoker Yes 103 18.9 (15.1, 22.7) 18.3 (14.6, 22.0)

No 407 81.1 (77.3, 84.9) 78.5 (74.5, 82.5)

Don’t know 15 . . . 3.2 (1.3, 5.2)

Page 37

Table 66. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements on
cigarette packages.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the
dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoking on cigarette packs?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 1123 65.2 (62.7, 67.7) 65.1 (62.5, 67.6)

No 608 34.8 (32.3, 37.3) 34.7 (32.2, 37.2)

Don’t know 4 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.5)

Non-smoker Yes 250 48.7 (43.8, 53.6) 47.6 (42.8, 52.5)

No 262 51.3 (46.4, 56.2) 50.1 (45.3, 55.0)

Don’t know 13 . . . 2.2 (0.7, 3.7)

Table 67. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements
on leaflets.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the
dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoking in leaflets?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 420 24.5 (22.2, 26.8) 24.4 (22.1, 26.7)

No 1309 75.5 (73.2, 77.8) 75.3 (73.0, 77.6)

Don’t know 6 . . . 0.3 (0.0, 0.5)

Non-smoker Yes 138 25.4 (21.3, 29.6) 25.3 (21.1, 29.5)

No 383 74.6 (70.4, 78.7) 74.1 (69.9, 78.3)

Don’t know 4 . . . 0.6 (0.0, 1.3)

Page 38

Table 68. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements
on the internet.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the
dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoking on the Internet?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 200 12.0 (10.3, 13.8) 11.9 (10.1, 13.6)

No 1513 88.0 (86.2, 89.7) 86.8 (85.0, 88.7)

Refused 0 . . . . . .

Don’t know 22 . . . 1.3 (0.6, 1.9)

Non-smoker Yes 46 9.3 (6.4, 12.2) 9.0 (6.2, 11.8)

No 464 90.7 (87.8, 93.6) 88.0 (84.7, 91.2)

Refused 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.4)

Don’t know 14 . . . 2.9 (1.2, 4.6)

Table 69. Whether smokers and non-smokers noticed second-hand smoke advertisements
anywhere else.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you noticed advertising or information that talks about the
dangers of passive smoking or second-hand smoking anywhere else?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 213 11.5 (9.8, 13.2) 11.5 (9.8, 13.2)

No 1516 88.5 (86.8, 90.2) 88.3 (86.6, 90.0)

Don’t know 6 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)

Non-smoker Yes 65 10.9 (7.9, 13.8) 10.8 (7.9, 13.8)

No 458 89.1 (86.2, 92.1) 88.8 (85.8, 91.8)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.3 (0.0, 0.9)

Page 39

Table 70. Smokers and non-smokers agreement on whether tobacco companies can be trusted to tell
the truth about their products.

Q: Please tell me whether you [agree with this statement]… tobacco companies can be trusted to tell the
truth about the dangers of their products.

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Agreement N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Strongly agree 153 8.5 (7.1, 10.0) 8.5 (7.1, 10.0)

Agree 130 8.2 (6.7, 9.7) 8.2 (6.6, 9.7)

Neither agree nor disagree 54 3.5 (2.5, 4.6) 3.5 (2.5, 4.6)

Disagree 319 17.7 (15.7, 19.8) 17.7 (15.7, 19.7)

Strongly disagree 1073 62.0 (59.4, 64.6) 61.8 (59.2, 64.4)

Don’t know 6 . . . 0.3 (0.0, 0.6)

Non-smoker Strongly agree 25 4.9 (2.9, 6.9) 4.9 (2.9, 6.9)

Agree 37 6.3 (4.1, 8.6) 6.3 (4.0, 8.6)

Neither agree nor disagree 12 2.1 (0.8, 3.4) 2.1 (0.8, 3.4)

Disagree 127 22.9 (18.9, 27.0) 22.8 (18.8, 26.9)

Strongly disagree 320 63.7 (59.1, 68.3) 63.4 (58.7, 68.0)

Don’t know 4 . . . 0.5 (0.0, 1.1)

Page 40

Table 71. Smokers and non-smokers agreement on whether tobacco companies have tried to convince
the public there is little health risk from second hand smoke.

Q: Please tell me whether you [agree with this statement]… tobacco companies have tried to convince the
public that there is little or no health risk from second-hand smoke.

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Agreement N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Strongly agree 310 18.3 (16.2, 20.4) 18.2 (16.1, 20.3)

Agree 273 15.8 (13.8, 17.7) 15.6 (13.7, 17.6)

Neither agree nor disagree 166 9.6 (8.0, 11.2) 9.5 (7.9, 11.1)

Disagree 363 20.0 (18.0, 22.1) 19.9 (17.8, 22.0)

Strongly disagree 606 36.3 (33.7, 38.9) 36.0 (33.5, 38.6)

Don’t know 17 . . . 0.7 (0.3, 1.1)

Non-smoker Strongly agree 77 14.9 (11.4, 18.4) 14.8 (11.3, 18.3)

Agree 80 15.0 (11.7, 18.3) 14.9 (11.6, 18.1)

Neither agree nor disagree 31 5.9 (3.7, 8.1) 5.9 (3.7, 8.0)

Disagree 138 24.8 (20.6, 28.9) 24.6 (20.5, 28.7)

Strongly disagree 195 39.5 (34.6, 44.3) 39.2 (34.4, 44.0)

Don’t know 4 . . . 0.7 (0.0, 1.5)

Table 72. Whether smokers spent essential household money on cigarettes.

Q: In the last 6 months, have you spent money on cigarettes that you knew
would be better spent on household essentials like food?

Valid Responses All Responses

Spent money N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Yes 579 33.0 (30.5, 35.5) 33.0 (30.5, 35.5)

No 1154 67.0 (64.5, 69.5) 66.9 (64.4, 69.4)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.3)

Page 41

Table 73. Whether smokers spent essential household money on cigarettes, by


Q: In the last 6 months, have you spent money on cigarettes that you knew would
be better spent on household essentials like food?

Yes No
Country N % (95% CI) N % (95% CI)
China 414 9.8 (8.6, 11.0) 4221 90.2 (89.0, 91.4)
Germany 170 11.2 (9.3, 13.0) 1340 88.8 (87.0, 90.7)
South Korea 114 13.6 (10.9, 16.2) 888 86.4 (83.8, 89.1)
Ireland 98 18.8 (14.6, 23.0) 479 81.2 (77.0, 85.4)
United Kingdom 326 20.0 (17.7, 22.4) 1475 80.0 (77.6, 82.3)
Uruguay 197 20.6 (16.4, 24.8) 793 79.4 (75.2, 83.6)
Scotland 140 25.5 (20.9, 30.2) 367 74.5 (69.8, 79.1)
United States 475 25.7 (23.2, 28.3) 1386 74.3 (71.7, 76.8)
Australia 530 27.6 (25.2, 30.0) 1405 72.4 (70.0, 74.8)
Canada 537 30.0 (27.5, 32.5) 1283 70.0 (67.5, 72.5)
Mexico 297 32.8 (27.6, 38.0) 770 67.2 (62.0, 72.4)
France 579 33.0 (30.5, 35.5) 1154 67.0 (64.5, 69.5)
Malaysia 910 65.5 (60.4, 70.6) 508 34.5 (29.4, 39.6)
Thailand 1349 76.2 (71.2, 81.2) 488 23.8 (18.8, 28.8)

Table 74. Frequency that smokers thought in the last month about
money spent on cigarettes.

Q: In the last month, how often, if at all, did you think about the
money you spend on smoking?

Valid Responses All Responses

Frequency N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Never 283 15.8 (13.9, 17.7) 15.8 (13.9, 17.7)

Rarely 195 11.1 (9.4, 12.8) 11.1 (9.4, 12.8)

Sometimes 264 15.0 (13.1, 16.9) 15.0 (13.1, 16.9)

Often 521 29.9 (27.4, 32.3) 29.9 (27.4, 32.3)

Very often 472 28.3 (25.8, 30.7) 28.3 (25.8, 30.7)

Page 42

Table 75. Frequency that smokers and non-smokers visited a café, pub or bar in last 6 months,
before the French public smoking ban.

Q: In the last 6 months, how often have you visited a café, bar or pub where you live?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Frequency N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker More than once 307 18.6 (16.5, 20.7) 18.6 (16.5, 20.7)

About once 331 19.8 (17.6, 21.9) 19.8 (17.6, 21.9)

About once or twice 389 21.6 (19.5, 23.8) 21.6 (19.5, 23.8)

Less than once 350 19.5 (17.4, 21.6) 19.5 (17.4, 21.6)

Never 357 20.5 (18.4, 22.7) 20.5 (18.4, 22.7)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.0 (0.0, 0.1)

Non-smoker More than once 47 10.5 (7.4, 13.7) 10.5 (7.4, 13.7)

About once 59 12.4 (9.2, 15.6) 12.4 (9.2, 15.6)

About once or twice 128 22.5 (18.6, 26.4) 22.5 (18.6, 26.4)

Less than once 136 25.1 (20.9, 29.3) 25.1 (20.9, 29.3)

Never 155 29.5 (25.0, 34.0) 29.5 (25.0, 34.0)

Don’t know 0 . . . . . .

Page 43

Table 76. Frequency that smokers and non-smokers visited a café, pub or bar in last 6 months, after the
French public smoking ban.

Q: Since the recent smoking ban came into effect – that is, since January 1st of this year – how often have you
visited a café or bar?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Frequency N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker More than once a week 205 13.3 (11.3, 15.2) 13.3 (11.3, 15.2)

About once a week 272 16.8 (14.6, 18.9) 16.8 (14.6, 18.9)

About once or twice a month 399 24.2 (21.8, 26.6) 24.2 (21.8, 26.6)

Less than once a month 432 23.4 (21.1, 25.7) 23.4 (21.1, 25.6)

Never 395 22.4 (20.1, 24.7) 22.4 (20.1, 24.6)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Non-smoker More than once a week 33 7.6 (4.8, 10.4) 7.6 (4.8, 10.4)

About once a week 61 12.8 (9.5, 16.1) 12.8 (9.5, 16.1)

About once or twice a month 135 25.2 (20.9, 29.5) 25.2 (20.9, 29.5)

Less than once a month 140 24.0 (19.9, 28.1) 24.0 (19.9, 28.1)

Never 146 30.4 (25.5, 35.3) 30.4 (25.5, 35.3)

Don’t know 0 . . . . . .

Page 44

Table 77. Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who noticed smoking at last visit to a café, pub or bar, before
the French public smoking ban.

Q: The last time you [visited], were people smoking inside the café, bar or pub?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 1331 96.8 (95.7, 97.8) 76.7 (74.5, 79.0)

No 43 3.2 (2.2, 4.3) 2.6 (1.7, 3.4)

Don’t know 3 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)

Did not visit in last 6 months 358 . . . 20.6 (18.4, 22.7)

Non-smoker Yes 337 93.0 (90.3, 95.8) 64.9 (60.3, 69.6)

No 30 7.0 (4.2, 9.7) 4.9 (2.9, 6.8)

Don’t know 3 . . . 0.7 (0.0, 1.6)

Did not visit in last 6 months 155 . . . 29.5 (25.0, 34.0)

Table 78. Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who noticed smoking at last visit to a café, pub or bar,
after the French public smoking ban.

Q: The last time you visited, were people smoking inside the café or bar?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 51 4.1 (2.8, 5.4) 3.2 (2.2, 4.2)

No 1256 95.9 (94.6, 97.2) 74.1 (71.7, 76.5)

Did not visit in last 6 months 396 . . . 22.5 (20.2, 24.7)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.3 (0.0, 0.8)

Non-smoker Yes 16 5.0 (2.2, 7.7) 3.5 (1.5, 5.4)

No 353 95.0 (92.3, 97.8) 66.2 (61.2, 71.5)

Did not visit in last 6 months 146 . . . 30.4 (25.5, 35.3)

Don’t know 0 . . . . . .

Page 45

Table 79. Frequency that smokers and non-smokers who visited a restaurant in last 6 months, before
the French public smoking ban.

Q: In the last 6 months, how often have you visited a restaurant where you live?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Frequency N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker More than once a week 149 8.7 (7.2, 10.2) 8.6 (7.1, 10.1)

About once a week 161 11.2 (9.5, 12.9) 9.3 (7.8, 10.9)

About once or twice a month 608 35.4 (32.9, 38.0) 36.5 (33.8, 39.2)

Less than once a month 627 32.5 (30.0, 35.0) 36.2 (33.6, 38.8)

Never 158 12.2 (10.5, 13.9) 9.3 (7.7, 10.9)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Non-smoker More than once a week 29 6.0 (3.7, 8.4) 4.8 (2.9, 6.7)

About once a week 47 7.8 (5.0, 10.5) 10.1 (7.0, 13.2)

About once or twice a month 213 36.4 (31.8, 41.1) 42.3 (37.2, 47.3)

Less than once a month 180 36.3 (31.7, 41.0) 33.3 (28.6, 38.0)

Never 46 13.3 (9.9, 16.7) 9.5 (6.3, 12.7)

Don’t know 0 . . . . . .

Page 46

Table 80. Frequency that smokers and non-smokers who visited a restaurant in last 6 months, after the
French public smoking ban.

Q: Since the recent smoking ban came into effect – that is, since January 1st of this year – how often have you
visited a restaurant?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Frequency N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker More than once a week 149 8.6 (7.1, 10.1) 8.6 (7.1, 10.1)

About once a week 161 9.4 (7.8, 10.9) 9.3 (7.8, 10.9)

About once or twice a month 608 36.5 (33.8, 39.2) 36.5 (33.8, 39.2)

Less than once a month 627 36.2 (33.6, 38.9) 36.2 (33.6, 38.8)

Never 158 9.3 (7.7, 10.9) 9.3 (7.7, 10.9)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Non-smoker More than once a week 29 4.8 (2.9, 6.7) 4.8 (2.9, 6.7)

About once a week 47 10.1 (7.0, 13.2) 10.1 (7.0, 13.2)

About once or twice a month 213 42.3 (37.2, 47.3) 42.3 (37.2, 47.3)

Less than once a month 180 33.3 (28.6, 38.0) 33.3 (28.6, 38.0)

Never 46 9.5 (6.3, 12.7) 9.5 (6.3, 12.7)

Don’t know 0 . . . . . .

Page 47

Table 81. Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who noticed smoking at last visit to a restaurant,
before the French public smoking ban.

Q: The last time you [visited], was there smoking inside the restaurant?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 1066 70.8 (68.2, 73.4) 62.0 (59.4, 64.6)

No 444 29.2 (26.6, 31.8) 25.6 (23.3, 27.9)

Don’t know 6 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.5)

Did not visit in last 6 months 219 . . . 12.2 (10.5, 13.9)

Non-smoker Yes 255 56.8 (51.6, 62.0) 48.7 (43.8, 53.5)

No 195 43.2 (38.0, 48.4) 37.0 (32.3, 41.7)

Don’t know 5 . . . 0.9 (0.1, 1.8)

Did not visit in last 6 months 70 . . . 13.4 (10.0, 16.8)

Table 82. Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who noticed smoking at last visit to a restaurant, after
the French public smoking ban.

Q: The last time you visited, were people smoking inside the restaurant or café?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Noticed N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Yes 27 2.0 (1.1, 2.8) 1.8 (1.0, 2.6)

No 1517 98.0 (97.2, 98.9) 88.8 (87.1, 90.6)

Did not visit in last 6 months 159 . . . 9.4 (7.8, 11.0)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.0 (0.0, 0.1)

Non-smoker Yes 13 2.7 (1.1, 4.3) 2.4 (1.0, 3.9)

No 454 97.3 (95.7, 98.9) 87.6 (84.2, 91.1)

Did not visit in last 6 months 46 . . . 9.5 (6.3, 12.7)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.4 (0.0, 1.1)

Page 48

Table 83. Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who believe the French public
smoking ban in cafés, pubs and bars is being enforced.

Q: In your experience, to what extent are your local cafés and bars enforcing the recent
smoking ban?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Enforced N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Not at all 7 0.7 (0.1, 1.2) 0.7 (0.1, 1.2)

Somewhat 47 4.1 (2.7, 5.5) 4.1 (2.7, 5.5)

Totally 1253 95.2 (93.7, 96.7) 95.1 (93.6, 96.6)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Non-smoker Not at all 10 2.6 (0.6, 4.7) 2.6 (0.6, 4.7)

Somewhat 37 10.9 (7.3, 14.5) 10.8 (7.2, 14.4)

Totally 320 86.5 (82.5, 90.5) 86.1 (82.1, 90.2)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.4 (0.0, 1.0)

Table 84. Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who believe the French public
smoking ban in restaurants is being enforced.

Q: In your experience to what extent are your local restaurants enforcing the smoking ban?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Enforced N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Not at all 9 0.6 (0.1, 1.0) 0.5 (0.1, 1.0)

Somewhat 29 1.8 (1.0, 2.5) 1.8 (1.0, 2.5)

Totally 1506 97.7 (96.8, 98.5) 97.6 (96.7, 98.4)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Non-smoker Not at all 8 1.6 (0.3, 2.9) 1.6 (0.3, 2.9)

Somewhat 26 6.0 (3.4, 8.6) 6.0 (3.4, 8.6)

Totally 433 92.4 (89.6, 95.2) 92.3 (89.4, 95.1)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)

Page 49

Table 85. Percentage of smokers who smoked at last visit to a café, pub or bar,
before the French public smoking ban.

Q: Did you smoke at all at the café, pub or bar during your last visit, either inside or outside?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoked N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Yes 1186 86.6 (84.6, 88.5) 68.6 (66.1, 71.1)

No 188 13.4 (11.5, 15.4) 10.7 (9.1, 12.3)

Don’t know 3 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)

Did not visit in last 6 months 358 . . . 20.6 (18.4, 22.7)

Table 86. Percentage of smokers who smoked at last visit to a café, pub or bar,
after the French public smoking ban.

Q: Did you smoke at all at the café, pub or bar during your last visit, either inside
or outside?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoked N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Yes 842 72.9 (70.0, 75.9) 30.7 (28.2, 33.2)

No 330 27.1 (24.1, 30.0) 50.6 (47.8, 53.3)

Did not visit in last 6 months 532 . . . 18.8 (16.6, 20.9)

Table 87. Of those who smoked at last visit to a café, pub or bar, percentage of
smokers who smoked inside or outside, before the French public smoking ban.

Q: Did you smoke inside, outside, or both?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoked N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Inside 708 51.5 (48.5, 54.5) 40.8 (38.2, 43.4)

Outside 67 4.1 (3.1, 5.2) 3.3 (2.4, 4.1)

Both inside and outside 411 30.9 (28.1, 33.7) 24.5 (22.2, 26.8)

Did not smoke at last visit 188 13.4 (11.5, 15.4) 10.7 (9.1, 12.3)

Did not visit in last 6 months 361 . . . 20.7 (18.6, 22.9)

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Table 88. Of those who smoked at last visit to a café pub or bar percentage of
smokers who smoked inside or outside, after the French public smoking ban.

Q: Did you smoke inside, outside, or both?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoked N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Inside 3 0.4 (0.0, 0.8) 0.3 (0.0, 0.6)

Outside 820 97.1 (95.7, 98.4) 70.8 (67.8, 73.8)

Both inside and outside 19 2.6 (1.2, 3.9) 1.9 (0.9, 2.9)

Did not smoke at last visit 330 . . . 27.1 (24.1, 30.0)

Table 89. Smokers’ and non-smokers’ opinion of a public smoking ban, before the
French public smoking ban.

Q: Overall, would you say that a ban on smoking in bars and other public places is a good
thing or a bad thing?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Very bad 205 12.1 (10.3, 13.8) 12.0 (10.2, 13.7)

Bad 482 28.2 (25.8, 30.6) 28.0 (25.6, 30.4)

Good 736 42.5 (39.9, 45.1) 42.2 (39.6, 44.9)

Very good 301 17.3 (15.3, 19.3) 17.2 (15.2, 19.1)

Refused 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.4)

Don’t know 10 . . . 0.5 (0.1, 0.8)

Non-smoker Very bad 20 3.9 (2.1, 5.8) 3.9 (2.1, 5.8)

Bad 57 10.9 (7.9, 13.9) 10.9 (7.9, 13.9)

Good 230 41.3 (36.5, 46.0) 41.2 (36.5, 46.0)

Very good 217 43.9 (39.0, 48.7) 43.8 (39.0, 48.7)

Refused 0 . . . . . .

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.3)

Page 51

Table 90. Smokers’ and non-smokers’ opinion of a public smoking ban, after the
French public smoking ban.

Q: Overall, would you say that a ban on smoking in restaurants, cafés, bars and pubs, and
other public places is a good thing or a bad thing?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Opinion N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Very bad 56 3.4 (2.4, 4.4) 3.4 (2.4, 4.4)

Bad 180 11.3 (9.5, 13.1) 11.3 (9.5, 13.1)

Good 669 38.6 (40.0, 41.3) 38.6 (35.9, 41.3)

Very good 798 46.7 (43.9, 49.4) 46.7 (43.9, 49.4)

Refused 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Don’t know 0 . . . . . .

Non-smoker Very bad 8 1.7 (0.4, 3.1) 1.7 (0.4, 3.1)

Bad 15 3.3 (1.5, 5.1) 3.3 (1.5, 5.1)

Good 159 30.3 (25.6, 35.0) 30.3 (25.6, 35.0)

Very good 332 64.6 (59.7, 69.5) 64.4 (59.5, 69.3)

Refused 0 . . . . . .

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.3 (0.0, 0.9)

Page 52

Table 91. Smokers’ and non-smokers’ level of support for the French public smoking
ban in cafés, pubs and bars, before the ban.

Q: Do you support or oppose a French total ban on smoking inside cafés, bars and pubs?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Support N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Strongly support 203 11.7 (10.0, 13.4) 11.7 (10.0, 13.4)

Support 284 16.3 (14.3, 18.2) 16.2 (14.3, 18.2)

Oppose 658 37.1 (34.6, 39.7) 37.1 (34.5, 39.6)

Strongly oppose 587 34.9 (32.3, 37.5) 34.8 (32.2, 37.4)

Don’t know 3 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.4)

Non-smoker Strongly support 163 31.8 (27.3, 36.3) 31.7 (27.2, 36.2)

Support 170 32.7 (28.1, 37.3) 32.6 (28.0, 37.2)

Oppose 145 26.5 (22.3, 30.8) 26.5 (22.3, 30.7)

Strongly oppose 44 9.0 (6.0, 11.9) 8.9 (6.0, 11.8)

Don’t know 3 . . . 0.3 (0.0, 0.6)

Page 53

Table 92. Smokers’ and non-smokers’ level of support for the French public smoking
ban in cafés, pubs and bars, after the ban.

Q: Do you support or oppose the French total ban on smoking inside cafés and bars?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Support N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Strongly support 544 32.8 (30.2, 35.4) 32.8 (30.2, 35.4)

Support 497 27.6 (25.2, 30.1) 27.6 (25.2, 30.1)

Oppose 448 26.0 (23.5, 28.4) 26.0 (23.5, 28.4)

Strongly oppose 214 13.6 (11.6, 15.6) 13.6 (11.6, 15.6)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.0 (0.0, 0.1)

Non-smoker Strongly support 271 53.4 (48.3, 58.4) 53.1 (48.0, 58.2)

Support 159 30.4 (25.7, 35.1) 30.3 (25.6, 35.0)

Oppose 59 11.3 (7.9, 14.6) 11.2 (7.9, 14.5)

Strongly oppose 24 5.0 (2.7, 7.2) 4.9 (2.7, 7.2)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.4 (0.0, 1.1)

Page 54

Table 93. Smokers’ and non-smokers’ level of support for the French public smoking
ban in restaurants, before the ban.

Q: Do you support or oppose a French total ban on smoking inside restaurants?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Support N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Strongly support 441 25.1 (22.9, 27.4) 25.1 (22.9, 27.4)

Support 455 26.0 (23.7, 28.3) 26.0 (23.7, 28.3)

Oppose 458 27.6 (25.2, 30.0) 27.6 (25.1, 30.0)

Strongly oppose 380 21.2 (19.1, 23.4) 21.2 (19.1, 23.4)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Non-smoker Strongly support 256 49.1 (44.2, 54.0) 49.0 (44.1, 53.8)

Support 154 30.0 (25.5, 34.5) 29.9 (25.4, 34.4)

Oppose 88 16.1 (12.6, 19.6) 16.1 (12.6, 19.5)

Strongly oppose 25 4.8 (2.7, 7.0) 4.8 (2.7, 6.9)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.2 (0.0, 0.5)

Page 55

Table 94. Smokers’ and non-smokers’ level of support for the French public smoking ban in
restaurants, after the ban.

Q: Do you support or oppose the French total ban on smoking inside restaurants?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Support N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Strongly support 784 46.6 (43.9, 49.4) 46.6 (43.8, 49.3)

Support 570 32.3 (29.8, 34.9) 32.3 (29.8, 34.8)

Oppose 233 14.3 (12.2, 16.3) 14.2 (12.2, 16.2)

Strongly oppose 115 6.8 (5.4, 8.2) 6.8 (5.4, 8.2)

Refused 1 . . . 0.0 (0.0, 0.1)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Non-smoker Strongly support 317 61.5 (56.5, 66.5) 61.5 (56.5, 66.5)

Support 153 29.0 (24.4, 33.6) 29.0 (24.4, 33.6)

Oppose 32 7.0 (4.1, 9.8) 7.0 (4.1, 9.8)

Strongly oppose 13 2.6 (0.9, 4.2) 2.6 (0.9, 4.2)

Refused 0 . . . . . .

Don’t know 0 . . . . . .

Page 56

Table 95. Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who allowed smoking in their homes before the ban.

Q: Which of the following [statements] best describes smoking inside your home?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Home smoking rules N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Allowed anywhere inside your home 260 16.5 (14.4, 18.6) 16.5 (14.4, 18.6)

Allowed in some rooms only 786 45.7 (43.1, 48.4) 45.7 (43.1, 48.4)

Never allowed anywhere inside home 408 23.0 (20.8, 25.2) 23.0 (20.8, 25.2)

Only allowed in special circumstances 281 14.7 (12.9, 16.6) 14.7 (12.9, 16.6)

Don’t know 0 . . . . . .

Non-smoker Allowed anywhere inside your home 33 6.9 (4.3, 9.4) 6.9 (4.3, 9.4)

Allowed in some rooms only 122 23.1 (19.0, 27.2) 23.1 (19.0, 27.2)

Never allowed anywhere inside home 219 40.6 (35.8, 45.3) 40.5 (35.8, 45.2)

Only allowed in special circumstances 150 29.4 (24.9, 33.9) 29.4 (24.9, 33.9)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.4)

Page 57

Table 96. Percentage of smokers and non-smokers who allowed smoking in their homes after the ban.

Q: Which of the following [statements] best describes tobacco consumption inside your home?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Home smoking rules N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Allowed anywhere inside your home 175 12.7 (10.6, 14.8) 12.7 (10.6, 14.8)

Allowed in some rooms only 694 39.9 (37.2, 42.6) 39.9 (37.2, 42.6)

Never allowed anywhere inside home 500 29.2 (26.7, 31.7) 29.2 (26.7, 31.7)

Only allowed in special circumstances 334 18.2 (16.1, 20.3) 18.2 (16.1, 20.3)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.0 (0.0, 0.1)

Non-smoker Allowed anywhere inside your home 19 3.0 (1.6, 4.5) 3.0 (1.6, 4.5)

Allowed in some rooms only 77 16.1 (12.3, 19.9) 16.1 (12.3, 19.9)

Never allowed anywhere inside home 269 49.9 (44.8, 55.0) 49.9 (44.8, 55.0)

Only allowed in special circumstances 150 31.0 (26.1, 35.9) 31.0 (26.1, 35.9)

Don’t know 0 . . . . . .

Page 58

Table 97. Smoking policies in the workplaces of smokers and non-smokers, before the ban.

Q: Which of the following [statements] best describes the smoking policy where you work?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Workplace policy N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Smoking not allowed indoors 620 48.0 (44.9, 51.1) 34.0 (31.5, 36.5)

Smoking allowed in some indoor areas 468 37.3 (34.2, 40.3) 26.4 (24.1, 28.7)

Smoking allowed anywhere indoors 125 10.9 (8.9, 12.9) 7.7 (6.2, 9.2)

Outdoor workplace only 48 3.9 (2.7, 5.1) 2.7 (1.9, 3.6)

Not currently employed 473 . . . 29.1 (26.6, 31.5)

Don’t know 1 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.2)

Non-smoker Smoking not allowed indoors 161 54.6 (48.1, 61.1) 27.8 (23.6, 32.1)

Smoking allowed in some indoor areas 95 30.7 (24.9, 36.6) 15.7 (12.4, 19.0)

Smoking allowed anywhere indoors 28 11.1 (6.8, 15.4) 5.7 (3.4, 7.9)

Outdoor workplace only 8 3.5 (1.0, 6.1) 1.8 (0.5, 3.1)

Not currently employed 233 . . . 49.0 (44.1, 53.9)

Don’t know 0 . . . . . .

Page 59

Table 98. Smoking policies in the workplaces of smokers and non-smokers, after the ban.

Q: Which of the following [statements] best describes the smoking policy where you work?

Valid Responses All Responses

Smoking Status Workplace policy N % 95% CI % 95% CI

Smoker Smoking not allowed indoors 1047 79.7 (77.1, 82.4) 58.7 (55.9, 61.4)

Smoking allowed in some indoor areas 158 12.9 (10.8, 15.0) 9.5 (7.9, 11.1)

Smoking allowed anywhere indoors 42 4.3 (2.8, 5.8) 3.1 (2.0, 4.3)

Outdoor workplace only 31 3.1 (1.9, 4.3) 2.3 (1.4, 3.2)

Not currently employed 424 . . . 26.3 (23.9, 28.8)

Don’t know 2 . . . 0.1 (0.0, 0.1)

Non-smoker Smoking not allowed indoors 238 83.5 (78.8, 88.2) 40.8 (35.9, 45.6)

Smoking allowed in some indoor areas 34 10.6 (6.7, 14.5) 5.2 (3.2, 7.1)

Smoking allowed anywhere indoors 8 2.5 (0.5, 4.4) 1.2 (0.2, 2.2)

Outdoor workplace only 10 3.4 (1.1, 5.7) 1.7 (0.5, 2.8)

Not currently employed 222 . . . 50.7 (45.6, 55.7)

Don’t know 3 . . . 0.5 (0.0, 1.1)

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