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_7 Knighthood_  

ANNABEL - king / page’s father / tournament sound effects

WILLIAM - sidney (page, squire, and knight)

DYLAN - narrator/ kings squad at beginning

JOHNNY - rival (page, squire, and knight)

AUSTIN - Magical horse (supernatural aid)/ kings squad at beginning

Scene 1:

PAGE’S FATHER: Sidney, my boy, you make me so proud! Guess what is going to happen to
you today.

SIDNEY: What, father?

PAGES FATHER: As the son of a noble, y​ou have been selected to train as a page​, and then a
squire in the nearby castle, Dukenbreckert! ​(Call to adventure)

SIDNEY: But, father! I’m scared of becoming a page, then a squire, then *gasp* a knight! ​I can’t
do this, dad, please help me. I’m so afraid!​ ​(Refusal of call)

PAGE'S FATHER: Tut, tut, my son. How dishonorable of you to refuse such an offer! They are
already on their way to get you-
*king and squad arrive*

SQUAD: All hail the king!

*all hail king*

KING: Sidney of Burrowsville, you’ll be coming with me, the king, to Dukenbreckert, to train into
knighthood if you can prove yourself worthy in the next 10 years.

SIDNEY:*looks at father* Yes, your majesty...

*all mount horses and skoot*

Scene 2

*All arrive at the castle*

KING: You will be staying here with several other young boys to train to become a knight. This
is your chamber.

SIDNEY: *Opens door* Woahhh! I mean, thank you, Your Majesty.

*King exits*

NARRATOR: Sidney was fascinated with the chambers he would be staying in. He was not
expecting such luxurious rooming! There was one other boy in his chamber as well.

MEAN PAGE: Who are you supposed to be?

SIDNEY: I’m Sidney. I’m a page training here at the castle to become a knight, i suppose.

MEAN PAGE: *mocking laughter* You? You think you could be a knight? No way. Just look at

SIDNEY: *suddenly passionate about becoming a knight* I’ve got just as much of a right to be
here as you do, fool!

MEAN PAGE: We’ll see about that in the tournament. Once I’m finished here as a page, and
then a squire, I’ll be the best jouster in all the land, and win my knighthood. You will simply sit
here, stuck in your scrawny little body.
*Mocking laughter, exits*

SIDNEY: Well, he was certainly rude. I’ve got a lot of work to do to beat him.

Scene 3

NARRATOR: *Six months later*

SIDNEY: *Wipes sweat from brow* Phew! It’s been a long day ​waiting the table at mealtimes,
helping the lords get dressed, and acquiring my simple skills.

MEAN PAGE: Ha! Scrawny boy, you’ll never guess what happened to me today! ​I got moved up
to squire because I’m 14 years old today.

SIDNEY: *tries to hide disappointment* I couldn’t care less. I’m minding my own business, fool.
*mean squire leaves*

SIDNEY: Ugh, I knew it! After all this work, and the mean squire is still ahead of me! I’ll never be
good enough.

UNICORN: What’s this I hear about failure?

SIDNEY: AH, who are you??

UNICORN: Failure is not a permanent condition, my boy. *Looks off into distance quizzically*
My name is George, and I am a magic unicorn sent to help you succeed! ​(supernatural aid)

SIDNEY: No way! So, how can I become a good squire? My birthday is only in a few days, but I
want to know everything I can do to master my work after I become of age.

UNICORN: I cannot tell you how to do your job, but I can help you with what you already know.
Here is a hint however: ​knighthood is all about Chivalry​. Once you understand that, there is no
doubt you will succeed!
*Unicorn leaps into distance*

SIDNEY: Awesome! A unicorn is helping me achieve my goals of becoming a knight and

beating the mean squire once and for all! Time to get cranking.

Scene 4:

KING: I pronounce you, Sidney, a squire in the kingdom of Dukenbrekert! ​(crossing threshold)

SIDNEY: Thank you, your majesty! I won’t let you down.

KING: Your training begins tomorrow morning in the Hall of Chivalry. Don’t be late.

SIDNEY: Yes sir!

NARRATOR: Sidney learned from that moment on a series of important information. He listened
intently to the teachings of the values of knighthood and memorized ​the Code of Chivalry...

*Sidney acts out listening and learning*

NARRATOR: ...​He began using a sword for the first time and training his simple skills

*Sidney acts out picking up a sword and fighting*

NARRATOR: ​Sidney even learned to sing love songs.

MEAN SQUIRE: All ears to me, if you will.

*Singing* M’lady is a beaut, M’lady is so kind, M’lady is one of a kindddddd*

SIDNEY: Excuse me, I have also written a song I’d love to share.

*Plays L.O.V.E in the background, sidney lip syncs*

MEAN SQUIRE: *looks at sidney in amazement, saunters off embarrassed*

KING: Sidney, that was wonderful work you are creating.

SIDNEY: *stunned* Oh, I didn’t know you were watching your majesty! Uh, thank you…

*King exits*

UNICORN: OOooh, I saw that! The king totally is watching you and all your hard work is paying


Scene 5:

NARRATOR: Sidney had been ​working hard as a squire for 7 years now​, and learned a lot. It
was almost time for the big jousting tournament that would determine who would become the
first knight of his age group of squires.

SIDNEY: *sleeping*

MEAN SQUIRE: *sneaks up in background* Here’s for 7 years of beating me… good luck in the
tournament tomorrow

SOUND EFFECTS: *makes sound effects of spell trickling down onto sidney*

NARRATOR: The next morning…

SIDNEY: *yawns, tries to stand* Ahhhhhh! What is wrong with my right arm? I can’t move it at

UNICORN: This is no ordinary paralysis. This was a spell! I can sense it. Sidney, someone has
sabotaged your tournament today. Instead of riding one of those boring horses, ride me! I will
help you defeat as you normally would.
SIDNEY: No, George. As much as I would like to, this is my fight. If I must joust left handed, so
be it.


KING: Here, here! Thank you all for gathering here today for the jousting tournament of the

KING: Let the tournament begin!

NARRATOR: (announcer) Sidney of Burrowsville vs Mean Squire!

MEAN SQUIRE: *bumps into sidney’s arm* Oh, sorry- hope that didn’t hurt you too much! *Evil

SIDNEY: *Gasps* That dirty little cockroach! I should’ve known the mean squire would be
responsible for this. Oh, well. If he is looking for a fight, he’s got one. *puts on helmets*

NARRATOR: *blows horn* COMMENCE!

*Sidney and mean squire begin fighting, sound effects makes sound effects, sidney looks
sloppy bc it’s his left hand, suddenly mean squire knocks his weapon out of sidney’s hand*


NARRATOR: Suddenly, sidney had a vision of his old home.

SIDNEY: Father?

SIDNEY’S FATHER: Son, I am sorry. I pushed you to go on to knighthood when you were least

SIDNEY: It’s okay father. I realized this is where I am supposed to be… but I don’t know how to
go on.

SIDNEY’S FATHER: Sidney, you are more than this mean squire. It is time you prove your
worth and get what you deserve. ​(Atonement with father)


SIDNEY: *Ducks mean squires blow* Aha! *Grabs sword and attacks from behind*
MEAN SQUIRE: AHHHHHH! *Falls to ground*

NARRATOR: Sidney of Burrowsville has won! Hip hip hoorah!

KING: Sidney- come forth.

*Sidney kneels in front of king*

KING: Over the last few years I have been ever so impressed with you. You have proven
yourself worthy of becoming a knight, and it won’t wait any longer. ​There shall be a knighting
ceremony tonight​ in your honor.​ (Ultimate boon)

SIDNEY: Thank you, your Majesty. I am so honored.

GEORGE: Woo Hooooo!

NARRATOR: Later that night…

KING: ​*taps sidney’s shoulders* Arise, Sir Sidney.

*Everyone claps and honors sidney*

SIDNEY: Thank you, your honor. I won’t let you down.

NARRATOR: From that moment on, Sir Sidney was honored by everyone in all of Dukenbrekert.
(Freedom to live)

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