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ICE BREAKING: Activity 1

Name of Activity Simon Says

Description The students will stand in line one next to the other, the activity
managers will give some orders for them to perform but only if the
managers say: “Simon says”. If the managers don’t say “Simon
says” at the beginning of the order the students won’t act the order
out. It’s very important to be quick performing the actions.
The students who get wrong performing the actions or acting them
when the managers haven’t said “Simon says…” will be taken out of
the game.
Objectives Understand commands and orders in English in a quick and correct
Contents to Review Feel confident with their knowledge of the language not depending
on their mates’ performances.
Vocabulary Used Prepositions of place: ON, IN, UNDER, IN FRONT OF,
Parts of the body.
Classroom objects.
Assessment Process Be able to understand orders and perform them properly
Materials Chairs, classroom objects, books, pens, rulers

Simon says touch your cheeks.
Simon says wink your eyes. Bend your knees.
Simon says wave your hands. Point your toes. Stick out your tongue.
Simon says bend your spine.
Simon says pull up your shoulders.
Simon says touch your ankles.

Extra ideas:

Sit down Take one step forward Open your mouth

Stand up Sprint on the spot Touch your knee
Fold your arms Nod your head Kneel down
Clap your hands Smile Swing your arms
Point your finger Scratch your back Touch your ear
Stamp your feet Touch your elbow Lick your lips
Close your eyes Stand on one leg

Name of Activity The spelling bee

Description Part 1: The activity manager will read a word and the contestant will
spell it without seeing the word.
Part 2: The activity manager will read a word and the contestant will
write it.
Objectives Spelling words correctly
Contents to Review Alphabet and spelling.
Vocabulary Used Subjects, family, hobbies, animals, subjects, parts of the day, jobs,
sports, British cities and adjectives.
Assessment Process 1 point for each correct word spelt.
1 point for each correct word written.
Materials 50 cards (words) and a little blackboard


Name of Activity Picture Sentence Game

Description 1. Sit in a line of odd numbers.
2. Facilitator will show the sentence to the first person of the line,
you have to draw a picture of that sentence.
3. Second person have to write a sentence about that picture.
4. Continue in this way until you complete the game. When you
are done, last person will share the sentence to your team. Share
some good laughs about what your team came up with!
Objectives Be able to draw what you read and read what you draw.
Contents to Review Sentence with a subject, object and verb
Vocabulary Used Subjects, family, hobbies, animals, subjects, parts of the day, jobs,
sports, and adjectives.
Assessment Process 2 points for each correct sentence
Materials 10 cards (sentence), a paper


Name of Activity About Me

Description 1. The students sit in group; each player rolls the dice in turn.
2. On their turns, the players move their game pieces along the
path according to the dice.
3. Players then finish the sentence written on the space where they
land using personal experience, imagination or critical thinking.
4. Some spaces penalize the players. The game continues until all
players reach the “Finish” space.
Objectives Using English to express their opinions and preferences.
Contents to Review Response with a simple or complex sentence
Vocabulary Used Subjects, family, hobbies, animals, subjects, parts of the day, jobs,
sports, and adjectives.
Assessment Process Be able to give a quick response and express their opinions
Materials Board, dice, players’ card

Name of Activity Tongue Twister

Description 1. Write some English tongue twister on the board and ask
students to read the tongue twister aloud. Then faster, three
times in a row.
2. Ask students to get in line. Ask the first person to read and
memorize the tongue twister.
3. Second person have to hear and memorize the tongue twister.
4. Continue in this way until they complete the game. When
they are done, last person will share the tongue twister to the
Objectives To practise pronouncing difficult sounds in English
Contents to Review Pronunciation
Vocabulary Used E.g
1. She sells sea shells on the sea shore
2. A proper copper coffee pot
Assessment Process 5 points for correct answer
Materials Flashcards


Name of Activity Paragraph Puzzle

Description 1. Select a paragraph with 5 or more sentences.
2. Type sentences so that they can be cut into strips.
3. Add one sentence that does not belong in the paragraph.
4. Add errors in grammar/punctuation/spelling for the students to
5. Color code sentences for easier discussion.
6. Cut the sentences into strips.
7. Place the sentence strips into envelopes.
8. Divide students into pairs or groups and tell them they are to
form the strongest paragraph possible.
9. Ask students to delete the irrelevant sentence.
10. After the groups have finished, have groups read the order,
discuss the method used to arrange sentences, point out the
errors, and rewrite the revised paragraph.
Objectives Practise descriptions of people
Contents to Review Identify within context a variety of appropriate sentence-combining
Vocabulary Used E.g comma + coordinating conjunction, use of semi colon,
introductory phrases and/or clauses
Assessment Process Demonstrate knowledge of Standard English sentence structure.
Materials Envelopes with sentences for each group, transparency listing
revisions, chart paper, magic markers

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