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Maya Hook

English II PAP
Trump’s Attack on Women’s Health Care

Donald Trump has recently made numerous attacks on women’s health care specifically,

Planned Parenthood’s abortions and birth control. Abortions have been an immensely tense

topic, some people, including Donald Trump, believe that women should not have the choice to

remove an embryo out of her uterus. Birth control has also been a tremendously tense issue in the

news and especially in the White House. Trump and his administration believe that, “there isn’t

good evidence linking access to birth control to lower rates of unintended pregnancies” (Belluz).

Donald Trump’s recent attacks towards Planned Parenthood’s abortions and birth control make

him ignorant because he is falsely accusing them, without any facts, and it is a woman's choice,

not his.

Trump’s accusations to defund Planned Parenthood, because of abortions performed

there, are ignorant because Planned Parenthood focuses on more than just abortions. An abortion

is a woman’s own choice but,“Trump [has recently] signed a legislation...aimed at cutting off

federal funding to Planned Parenthood and other groups that perform abortions” (Davis).

Trump’s attacks towards Planned Parenthood are naive because “abortions represent [only] 3%

of total services provided by Planned Parenthood” (Robertson). Additionally, “Planned

Parenthood cannot use the money it receives from the federal government for abortions”, thus

Planned Parenthood must receive donations and use their own money to perform abortions

(Robertson). Furthermore, when Trump promises to cut federal funding of Planned Parenthood
attempting to discontinue abortions, is simply impossible. The federal funding given to Planned

Parenthood is used for other health services for women, including, breast checks and cancer

screenings, STD prevention and basic sexual and reproductive health. Abortions can be an

emotionally and physically difficult event for a women to go through, but abortions can save a

woman's life and decline teen pregnancies. Furthermore, the abortions given at Planned

Parenthood guarantee a safe and clean environment for a women to go to.

Secondly, Trump has taken action against birth control as well, which is a women’s right

and decision to use. The Trump administration had recently made new regulations that allow

companies to refuse to cover woman’s birth control, resulting in forcing women to buy their own

. Before the Trump administration made these regulations “ObamaCare required [large

companies] to cover all methods of birth control...without charging women anything for them”.

(Kodjak) Birth control can cost anywhere from “$160 to $600 a year”, this can add up

considering a women will most likely use it for her whole life (Palmer). Over “62 million

women” or “4 out of 5 women” depend on birth control for more than just avoiding pregnancies

(PP)(North). Birth control be used as well if a woman is diagnosed with “polycystic ovary

syndrome, [a disease in] which can cause irregular periods, acne, facial ​hair growth​ and can

increase the risk of endometrial cancer.” But, birth control is most commonly is used to “regulate

periods and lowers patients’ cancer risk” (North). As “[ACLU senior staff attorney, Brigitte

Amiri stated],‘The Trump Administration is forcing women to pay for their boss's religious

beliefs’” (Kodjak).

Abortions and birth control can sometimes not be an easy topic to talk about, but are

basic rights for women to obtain. Birth control and abortions should not be in the hands of a 6
year old man, but instead should be down to the women to make that choice for herself. To put in

a more simpler form, if one doesn’t agree with abortions or birth control, don’t get it. The recent

attacks Trump has made towards Planned Parenthood’s abortions and birth control make him

ignorant because he is falsely accusing them, without any facts, and it is a woman's choice, not

Works Cited

Belluz, Julia. “The Trump Administration's Case against Birth Control Is a Stunning Distortion
of Science.” ​​, Vox, 10 Oct. 2017,

Davis, Julie Hirschfeld. “Trump Signs Law Taking Aim at Planned Parenthood

Funding.”​​, The New York Times, 13 Apr. 2017,

Kliff, Sarah, and Dylan Scott. “Trump Just Officially Made It Easier for Employers to Stop

Covering Birth Control.” ​​, Vox, 6 Oct. 2017,​.

Kodjak, Alison. “Trump Guts Requirement That Employer Health Plans Pay For Birth Control.”​, NPR, 6 Oct. 2017,


North, Anna. “Birth Control Saves Lives. Trump Just Made It Harder to Get.” ​​, Vox, 6
Oct. 2017, ​​.

Palmer, Kimberly. “The Real Cost of Birth Control.” ​​, U.S. News & World Report,

5 Mar. 2012,


Robertson, Lori. “Planned Parenthood.” ​​, Fact Check, 18 Apr. 2011,​.


FOR 62 MILLION WOMEN.” ​​, Planned Parenthood, 6 Oct.



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