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This project entitled “Customer Query Tracking System” Creation for MARUTHI
POWER SOLUTION system is complete solutions forMaruthi power solution Company and the
various modules together form the entire project.This project handles the details about the
products Services, new Products, Clients Query and Maintenance tips given to the clients. This
application is basically intended to provide the customers with detailed information about the
services by the Company in easy and convenient manner.
The system has a major problem in finding the product support and service activities that
are undertaken by the employees. Once the products have installed at the client’s site, the cycle
of warranty maintenance starts. To keep the customers in a proper chain of satisfaction the
system needs the data to be organized in a proper relational way.
The project is to maintain the relational communication among the project is to maintain
this relational communication among the data, such that consistency, reliability and integrity can
be achieved. The major technicality within the system lies in managing the coordination among
the sales and service departments, which is the major hold upon the system to gain or achieve


 Login
 Home
 Products
 online Purchase
 Customer query Booking
 Job allocation
 Job statas
 Contact us/ Suggestions

Coding Language : JSP,HTML

Designing : Photoshop

This module contains the details of the organisation website home page linked with its

About Us

The about us module contains the details about the organization, Infrastructure and


The Product details can be viewed through this module. In this module the product details
can be shown in the screen.

Customer Query Booking

Customers should be free to post their queries to the concern department. The system
must identify each query with an automatically generated Query Id, for future references.

Contact Us/Suggestion
The contact us Module contains the details to contact with the school through all mode of
communicationsand it also provides the customer to give suggestions regaring the process or any
details to the concern through online.

This project is mainly used to track the queries of the customers in the organization and
resolve the queries. This Project also sends the services to the customer to find out the customer
satisfaction and employee performance. The system has a major problem in finding the product
support and service activities that are undertaken by the employees. Once the products have
installed at the client’s site, the cycle of warranty maintenance starts. To keep the customers in a
proper chain of satisfaction the system needs the data to be organized in a proper relational
way.This Project also sends the services to the customer to find out the customer satisfaction and
employee performance.
The system has a major problem in finding the product support and service activities that
are undertaken by the employees. Once the products have installed at the client’s site, the cycle
of warranty maintenance starts. To keep the customers in a proper chain of satisfaction the
system needs the data to be organized in a proper relational way. The project is to maintain the
relational communication among the project is to maintain this relational communication among
the data, such that consistency, reliability and integrity can be achieved. The major technicality
within the system lies in managing the coordination among the sales and service departments,
which is the major hold upon the system to gain or achieve profits.


Maruthi Power Supply has grown to be a leader in the field of power conditioning by
manufacturing and exporting products like Domestic Inverters, UPSs, Automatic stabilizers,
Servo Controlled Stabilizers, CVT (constant voltage transformers), Auto Transformers, Isolation
Transformers, Automatic water level controller, Solar PCU, MPPT charger controller, Solar
power plant, Solar lantern, solar garden lights, Solar street lights, solar water pump and solar
Water heater. Our expertise is based on 15 years of experience in developing customized power
solution to meet the specific requirements of various industrial and commercial applications. Our
company is committed to offer unmatched quality products at market leading prices to ensure
client satisfaction across the Coimbatore. For attaining our established quality trademark, we
procure these stabilizers and other UPS from those manufacturers and suppliers who have
established themselves in this sector by offering only reliable and durable Constant Voltage
Transformer and Induction Stoves.
We always try to deliver quality. Hence, before offering these Automatic & Servo
Stabilizers, Home UPSs, Online UPSs, Constant Voltage Transformers (CVT) and Induction
Stoves, we perform quality testing of all procured UPS and Stabilizers. Since our inception, we
have been following ethical business approach such as integrity, dependability and endurance
that help us in maintaining the long term relationship with our existed clients and creating new
clientele with us. Our absolute power backup and power cut solution has enabled us to contribute
considerably in the arena of continuous backup in the power industry.

The existing system is used manual. The user has been maintaining their system manually
is a tedious job. All the process must be done manually.The users are interested to speed up the
Operations and all the operations must be done automatically. Existing system is the manual one
which has the following drawbacks.


 Waste of time for manual operations.

 Sometimes the operations done manually will prone to unsecured access.
 Required information cannot be retrieved easily.
 Risk of mismanagement and of data when the project is under development.
 Less Security.
 No proper coordination between different Applications and Users.
The proposed system is to computerize for maintaining secure of file operations. The aim
of the proposed system is the overcome the difficulties of the existing system. The proposed
system is to computerize for various purposes and maintained securable process. The latest
technology will be used in the proposed system.

 The required information can be secured easily.
 Time will not be wasted in the process.
 There is no risk of data mismanagement at any level
 Wastage of manpower is reduced.

Hardware Requirements:
• System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
• Hard Disk : 40 GB.
• Floppy Drive : 1.44 Mb.
• Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.
• Mouse : Logitech.
• Ram : 512 Mb.

Software Requirements:
• Operating system : Windows XP.
• Coding Language : JSP,HTML
• Designing : Photoshop

Table Name: Login

Primary key: sno
Description: This table is to store the user login details.
Sno integer 1 Primary Key Serial Number
Uname Varchar 20 Not null Username
Pword Varchar 20 Not null Password
Status Varchar 3 Not null Login Status
Ip Varchar 16 IP Address

Tabel Name: Product

Primary key: product code
Description: This table is to store the Product Details.
Pcode Integer 5 Primary Product code
Ptype Varchar 20 Not Null Product Type

Pname Varchar 30 Not Null Product Name

pcname Varchar 30 Not Null Product Company Name

Pprice Varchar 5 Not Null Product Price

Fname Varchar 30 Not Null Product Image File Name

Table Name: Online purchase

Secandary key: pcode
Description: This table is to store the Client Suggestion Details.
Pcode Integer 5 Secondary key Product code
Cname Varchar 25 Not null Customer Name
Caddress Varchar 250 Not null Customer address
Mobno Varchar 15 Not null Mobil no
Cemailid Varchar 15 Not null Customer email id

Cashmod Varchar 10 Not null Cash mode

Tabel Name: Customer Query Booking_details
Primary key: ccode
Description: This table is to query Details.
Ccode Integer 5 Primary Customer code
Cname Varchar 25 Customername
Cadd Varchar 250 Customer address
Mobile no Int 15 Mobile no
Emil Varchar 30 Email
pname Varchar 25 Not Null Product Name
pcat Varchar 20 Not Null Product Category
cname Varchar 25 Not Null Customer Name
cnum Varchar 15 Not Null Customer Number
cmail Varchar 40 Not Null Customer Email
cadress Varchar 200 Not Null Customer Address
odate Date Not Null Complaint Date

Tabel Name: Job allocation

Primary key: jcode
Description: This table is to store the Service Details.
jobcode Integer 5 Primary Job code
Cuscode Integer 5 Secondary Customer code

cusname Varchar 30 Not Null Customer Name

mob Varchar 13 Not Null Mobile Number

email Varchar 35 Not Null Email Address

ptype Varchar 20 Not Null Product Type

pname Varchar 25 Not Null Product Name

problem Varchar 300 Not Null Problem Of The Product

adate Varchar Not Null Appointment Wanted Date

pdate Varchar Not Null Posted Date

Table Name: Job status
Primary key: job code
Description: his table is to store the job stats Details.
jobcode Integer 5 Primary Job code
Cuscode Integer 5 Secondary Customer code

problem Varchar 300 Not Null Problem Of The Product

adate Varchar 10 Not Null Appointment Wanted Date

pdate Varchar 10 Not Null Posted Date

Stats Varchar 15 Job statas

Table Name: Suggestion

Secandary key: coid
Description: It holds the details of the customer suggestion given to website.
Field Name Data Type Width Key Field Description

coid integer 05 Foreign Key Consumer id

stype character 08 Not Null suggestion type

pno integer 02 Not Null Phone number

caddr varchar 08 Not Null Contact address

sugdes integer 04 Not Null Suggestion description

Login Customer Query

Admin Tracking

Home Details

Product stored
Home process

Product details
Suggestion details

Suggestion Suggestion Query Detail
Details Process process
receipts process

Query detail Online

query purchase Purchase Detail
Cus query Detail
Process Process

Service Details
Level 2

Customer qury
Qury booking

Customer Booking Job allocation

qury booking process

Job allcation data

Job statas data

Job status Job status Job allocation

Process Process
process process

Customer qury
Customer qury

cname caddr
categor email
sno cashmod

Product Purchase

stype suges
addr Purchase

cusco probl
de e adate cname cmail

jobc stats pcat caddr


pname odate
Job Status
Process ccode

Online Query Booking
cusna email
cuscode ptype

Job e Query
Process Job Allocation process
Software testing methods are traditionally divided into black box testing and white
box testing. These two approaches are used to describe the point of view that a test engineer
takes when designing test cases.
Black box testing

Black box testing treats the software as a "black box," without any knowledge of
internal implementation. Black box testing methods include: equivalence partitioning, boundary
value analysis, all-pairs testing, fuzz testing, model-based testing, traceability matrix, exploratory
testing and specification-based testing.
Specification-based testing

Specification-based testing aims to test the functionality of software according to the

applicable requirements. Thus, the tester inputs data into, and only sees the output from, the test
object. This level of testing usually requires thorough test cases to be provided to the tester, who
then can simply verify that for a given input, the output value (or behavior), either "is" or "is not"
the same as the expected value specified in the test case.
White box testing

White box testing, by contrast to black box testing, is when the tester has access to
the internal data structures and algorithms (and the code that implement these)
Types of white box testing

The following types of white box testing exist:

 api testing - Testing of the application using Public and Private APIs.
 code coverage - creating tests to satisfy some criteria of code coverage. For example, the
test designer can create tests to cause all statements in the program to be executed at least
 fault injection methods.
 mutation testing methods.
 static testing - White box testing includes all static testing.
Code completeness evaluation

White box testing methods can also be used to evaluate the completeness of a test
suite that was created with black box testing methods. This allows the software team to examine
parts of a system that are rarely tested and ensures that the most important function points have
been tested.
Two common forms of code coverage are:
 function coverage, which reports on functions executed
 and statement coverage, which reports on the number of lines executed to complete the
They both return a coverage metric, measured as a percentage.

Acceptance testing

Acceptance testing can mean one of two things:

1. A smoke test is used as an acceptance test prior to introducing a build to the main testing
2. Acceptance testing performed by the customer is known as user acceptance testing

Unit testing is a software design and development method where the programmer
verifies that individual units of source code are working properly. A unit is the smallest testable
part of an application. In procedural programming a unit may be an individual program, function,
procedure, etc., while in object-oriented programming, the smallest unit is a method, which may
belong to a base/super class, abstract class or derived/child class.
Ideally, each test case is independent from the others; Double objects like stubs, mock
or fake objects as well as test harnesses can be used to assist testing a module in isolation. Unit
testing is typically done by software developers to ensure that the code other developers have
written meets software requirements and behaves as the developer intended. This is basically
done to make sure that each module of the project is working properly.


Integration testing (sometimes called Integration and Testing, abbreviated I&T) is the
phase of software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a
group. It follows unit testing and precedes system testing.The purpose of integration testing is to
verify functional, performance and reliability requirements placed on major design items of the
project. Thus using this testing we have verified the complete functionality for project and we
have made sure that the project will be easily accepted by the client given the output of
integration testing.


Validation testing is black-box testing performed on a system prior to its delivery. In

software development, validation testing by the system provider is often distinguished from
validation testing by the customer prior to accepting transfer of ownership. Validation testing is
also called as Acceptance Testing. In such environments, acceptance testing performed by the
customer is known as user acceptance testing (UAT). This is also known as end-user testing, site
(acceptance) testing, or field (acceptance) testing. Acceptance testing generally involves running
a suite of tests on the completed system. Each individual test, known as a case, exercises a
particular operating condition of the user's environment or feature of the system, and will result
in a pass or fail boolean outcome.

The output of the project should be acceptable to the system user. Output requirements are
defined during the system analysis. Testing a software system is done against the output
requirement and the output testing was completely successful.
Software deployment is all of the activities that make a software system available for use.
The general deployment process consists of several interrelated activities with possible
transitions between them. These activities can occur at the producer site or at the consumer site
or both. Because every software system is unique, the precise processes or procedures within
each activity can hardly be defined. Therefore, "deployment" should be interpreted as a general
process that has to be customized according to specific requirements or characteristics.

Deployment activities
The release activity follows from the completed development process. It includes all the
operations to prepare a system for assembly and transfer to the customer site. Therefore, it must
determine the resources required to operate at the customer site and collect information for
carrying out subsequent activities of deployment process.
Install and activate
Activation is the activity of starting up the executable component of software. For simple
system, it involves establishing some form of command for execution. For complex systems, it
should make all the supporting systems ready to use.
In larger software deployments, the working copy of the software might be installed on a
production server in a production environment. Other versions of the deployed software may be
installed in a test environment, development environment and disaster recovery environment.
Deactivation is the inverse of activation, and refers to shutting down any executing
components of a system. Deactivation is often required to perform other deployment activities,
e.g., a software system may need to be deactivated before an update can be performed.
The adaptation activity is also a process to modify a software system that has been
previously installed. It differs from updating in that adaptations are initiated by local events such
as changing the environment of customer site, while updating is mostly started from remote
software producer.
The update process replaces an earlier version of all or part of a software system with a
newer release.
Mechanisms for installing updates are built into some software systems. Automation of
these update processes ranges from fully automatic to user initiated and controlled. Norton
Internet Security is an example of a system with a semi-automatic method for retrieving and
installing updates to both the antivirus definitions and other components of the system.

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