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Assistant Director Questionnaire

Kristin Ivey
Phone: 805-304-1857

1. An assistant director’s job is to have a vision for the show, that corresponds to the
director’s vision, and to assist the director in bringing that vision to light. They are there
to help with every aspect of the show such as casting, character work, costumes, etc. An
assistant director is also there to promote the show and fix any last minute problems that
may come up during the show. They are there is support and learn from the director.
2. An assistant director is still learning to direct and put on a show, while a director is an
experienced authority figure who is there to create the vision of the show and teach the
technique and responsibilities of being a director to the assistant director.
3. The show I’m interested in directing the most is the PAC Play Production show. My
second choice would be the PAC Children’s show.
4. I would be a great assistant director because I am already use to positions of leadership
and I know how to separate personal from professional life. I also will have been in this
program for four years as a senior, so I am well aware of how things should run. Also, as
both a theatre and stagecraft student I would be able to offer a unique perspective on the
more technical aspects of directing, such as costumes and lighting design.
5. I have taken four theatre classes with this program: Theatre Essentials, Children's Theatre
(twice), and Play Production. Next year I will once again take both Children’s Theatre
and Play Production.
6. I got a A in Theatre Essentials, a A in Children's Theatre (sophomore year), an A in
Children's Theatre (junior year), and an A in Play Production.
7. My current overall GPA is 3.46. My current theatre GPA is 4.00.
8. I will easily be able to adjust to being an assistant director to my peers because the
position is very similar to being a TD or SM, both of which I have been before. I find it
easy to transition into a leadership position and put my personal relationships with others
aside because I think of it as a professional environment and that this is our job. I don’t
believe in favoritism or slacking off because I want to shows to be the absolute best that
they can, so I wouldn’t allow my personal feelings towards someone get in the way of
their work ethic and their potential.
9. If I’m unable to get the senior project I desire, I plan to either produce and TD the spring
musical or put on my own show in the black box during one of the available slots.

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