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This Internship program is proved to be a bridge between the student life and professional life.
The various types of orientation programs, tasks and trainings that I have been undertaking
during this past four months on the site and the office enhanced my knowledge in road
construction. I am very glad to see that what I have learnt in the university can be a repeated in
the working world. I was able to apply my theoretical knowledge of surveying, designing and
construction works in the real life situation.

This program played an important role to break the conventional thought that field works can be
only implemented by students who hold a degree or people who have an experience in road
construction. I was able to acquire a high level of confidence to deal with problems that arise in a
road construction. Having worked in this site with foreign company consultancy and Chinese
contractor for the last four months, I was exposed to life and culture which transformed my

During these past four months I had been able to see the different theoretical aspects,
methodologies and how to design road network. In the supervision session, I had been able to see
the important theoretical and practical aspects of road construction. I had been fulfilling my
curiosity into road construction takes to this internship program.

However, this internship program was not free from challenges. The first and foremost challenge
was lack of engineers that spoke the language English or Amharic. The second challenge was the
amount of money allocated to the project was insufficient to handle all the expense of the
students during the internship experience.

Overall the internship program laid sound foundation for me to start my career. I am proud to be
able to contribute towards nation building during the country's extremely critical period of the
history. It will be definitely sensible to scale this practice up and to replicate in other disciplines
as well.

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