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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Region XII

Division of South Cotabato

Sto. Nino National High School

Sto. Nino, South Cotabato

“Daily weight of SNNHS Plastic Bottles entering the CMRF

per grade level”


Angela Penaflorida

Reymark Bogarso

Bainot Simpal

Gevy Joy Pesada

Fritz Joshua Fernandez

Chapter III


This chapter presents all the methods, procedures and materials, in

conducting the research and gathering of the data in determining the daily weight

of plastic bottles entering the SNNHS CMRF.


The materials used in conducting research are:

 Ball pen

 Pencil

 Listing sheet/record sheet

 Weighing scale

 Calculator

 Sacks

 Sticks


 Prepare all the materials for recording.

 Go to CMRF.

 Prepare the weighing scale.

 Make the students fall in lined for weighing of wastes per section.

 Do the weighing for plastic bottles per section.

 Determine the name of section.

 Record the data; name of section and mass of wastes.

 Instruct the students where to put the plastic bottles. (by year level)

 Compute the total mass by each grade level weekly.

Note: the procedures in weighing plastic bottles will be done daily.

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