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UNIT : 1

Pavan Kumar M.P B.E ,M.Sc(Tech) by Research,(Ph.D)

Assistant Professor
Dept of ISE
J.N.N .College Of Engineering
Characteristic of Database Approach
Work Behind the scene and Action on the Scene
Advantage of DBMS
Brief History
Data Model and Schemas
Schemas Architecture
Data Independence
Database language and interface
The database system
Centralized and client-server architectures;
Classification ofDatabase Management systems.
• I would like to say few words towards information system before we need to know about

• Early days, We have been a information system , even before the invention of
computer system. Hope you agree this statement.!!!!!

• You go anywhere in early dayz or visit the industry or go to hospital or railway

station we found a chamber or booth entitled like  may I help you, “enquiry” , “
Public relationship officer” etc.

• Do they represent the information system?????

• I said YES, they will respond for peoples queries and give a valid suggestion on that
idea today we come with a advance technology call it as DBMS.

• DBMS another name is info - database system. It was discovered due to fast growth in
internet and parallel to this data generation growth is also very fast. In this context
DBMS was evolved.
• Before define the term Database Management System (DBMS) , We should formally
define the term DATA and Database.

• Data : it represent the collective information./ Data is some recorded facts and figures.
Ex: Text , Audio, Numeric , video and Person name, address, email id , ph number
and so on.

• Usually a Computer process the data and it must be recorded and stored in a
appropriate format and finally user access the information With the help of appropriate
Data Structure.

• Data is discrete, It becomes an useful information when it became a concrete/

structured one by way of collection. That Concrete facility we obtained from

• Data is generated from different source: Bank system/Sector, GIS System , OLAP
(online Analytical Processing)

• Data can be collected, It can be stored, process and manipulated .

Database: is an integrated collection of related data where cross references is
permitted on various set of data.

• Database is nothing but collection of inter related data stored together.

• Organizing the collective data / collection of data ( Homogeneous /


• ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

• Due to advancement of Science and Technology , today it is possible to store the

data and retrieve the data and manipulate the data in a effective manner.

• To database and database technology have a major impact on developing the

advance computer machine. Coz maintain the huge data is not at all a simple

• Advance Computer Machines are used for various real time operation and their
maintenances. Ex: Aviation, Business, Control the satellite, Engineering,
Education, Medical, Military, Library science etc.
Database: Data base and database system are an essential in our Daily activities, every
day most of our activity and interaction with DB and DBMS.

Ex: Cash with drawl from Bank ATM or Bank Counter

Cash Deposit to a bank account.

online purchasing , booking the flight tickets and so on these interactions are
called as Traditional DB applications.

In which most of the information is stored and accessed is either textual or numerical .

• Database : collection of related data stored together.

• Usually Data bases are designed, created and maintained in order to represent few of
the real world entities or objects.

• Database has capable to receive several queries from end user and gives the perfect
• Address book is best example for Simple DB:

• Address book having : Name , Address, phone number, mobile number, email id of
different people say friends, relatives, colleagues and so on.

• How ever now days we are having computerized DB facility from bank, insurance
companies and so on.

Active database are used in control industries and manufacturing industries.

Now a days we can store the image , audio and video these are most important data for
multimedia DB

Database: data base may be built and maintained manually or it can be created and
manipulated and maintained as well with the help of computers.

ex: in early days library system maintain the ledgers of various account holders.

Now a days library system replace the ledgers by computers.

DATABASE CAN BE any size and varying complexity can be built, operated and

Once DB is created it can entertain to change their real word entity information.
• Address book is best example for Simple DB:

• Geographical Information system: can be used to store the satellite images, weather
data storage.

• DB and DBMS technology play major role in :

• Business

• Electronic commerce

• Engineering

• Medicine

• Law

• education and library science

• In a Precise way database can be Defined as Follows:
Data base is a collection of related data. By means we can store the data and
retrieve the data that has implicit / precise meaning.

Ex: Name , Address, Telephone number. Etc.

We store the recorded data in an indexed book and we may store it on hard disk or
software ( Microsoft excel or access or oracle database ) via indexing concept.

• Collection of data with an implicit meaning is DATABASE.

Database has the following implicit property:

1. Database are also called as UOD ( university of Disclosure) or Miniworld

coz it represent the real world aspects / Some part of the real world about which
data is stored in a database.

For example, student grades and transcripts at a university

Ex: Image database , flower database, student database, bank database, medical
picture database all are belongs to real time operations.
2. Database is logically coherent ( consistent )collection of data with inheritance Meaning .

Ex: college database  which consist a data which are logically related to college.

3. Database is designed , built and populated / occupied with data for specific application

Ex: Youtube database  which Is meant for video storage and retrieval.
Usually user expect, database should be accurate and reliable.

Data base is used for various research and real time application, in such a cases,
we (end users / users ) should interact with the database for inserting the data,
updating the data or to retrieval the data.

Ex: I would like to purchase the Pen drive in a Flipkart. Flipkart has maintain
the database of pen drive. Suppose flipkart DB has contain only one pendrive.
Once I purchased that with in a fraction of sec flipkart db shows empty list.

This indicates that single modification / changes in the database that reflection
appear in the database as soon as possible.
Database size ?

Database can be any size, it may be simple database or complex database.

Example for Simple database : Our college database is the best example For simple
database. our college maintain DB having a record from 1980 to till today.

Ex: In college db contain: 1. Faculty profile information 2. Student profile information 3.

Academic Information 4. Salary and management information

Q1. What it indicates?

Consider a Simple DB and Complex DB !!! Ex???

Consider Amazon db example: Amazon is a online selling company it maintained a huge

database for storing the product detail and their detailed information.

Amazon Db consist : 20 million books , CD’s DVD’s, electronic devices and other apparel
information. For this purpose amazon maintain 2terebyte(TB) of data and stored the
data over 200 different computers. This indicated the complexity.

 Huge db maintenance is not a simple task. !!!! And it Require high computation
machine for maintain a huge DB.
Database Management System (DBMS)

Is a collection of program that enables the user to create and maintain the database.

DBMS is a general purpose software system that facilitates the process of defining,
constructing, manipulating and sharing the database among various end-users,
real and non real time application .

Once we create the data base , we should have awareness towards their constraints ,
maintenance, data types and structures. DB is set of tables.

Data type of various data item is stored in one or more tables.

• Meta – Data : In DB data are stored in the form of catalog or dictionary( meta
data is a set of data that describes and gives the information about other data)
called as Meta Data.

Constructing(storage) the data base means creating and storing the data on some
storage media(secondary storage) that is controlled by DBMS.

Manipulating the Database: means updateting the dB or to retrieve the specific data .

Sharing DB: means all the multiple user to access the DB at a time/ simultaneously.
Database Management System (DBMS)

Application Program : user can access the data with the help of application program
in associated with a well defined queries. Or request.

Query : systematic way to access the data from DB.

Using queries Data to be retrieved from DB.

Transaction : means some data to be read and some data to be written in a DB.

Protection : Means database should be access and retrieved by authenticated users.

Sometimes DB can generally accessed by all users but can't modify the DB.

Maintains: Should be regularly maintained and monitored  their requirements are

change over time.
How to Create a Database Management System (DBMS)

By using General purpose software can we create DB???? ??

No – we can’t create the computerized data base by using general purpose DBMS
software (oracle 10g) , so for we should write our own program for creating the
computerize database!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Databases system means= DB + db software together we call as DB system.

Lab Session : we use Oracle 10g software , it act as general purpose db software.
Why DBMS ????

• Optimizing the physical storage by this way DBMS removes the duplication.

• DBMS gives a Security to the users information

• Multiple users can access the data at a time!!!!

• Unauthorized person cant change the DB design, it entertains only authorized user
to modify the changes in DB.
Users / Programs

DB System

Application program queries

Database software

Software To Process Queries / Programs

Software to access the stored DATA

Stored DB
Stored DB
Meta Data

Dig for Simplified DBMS environment

Types of Databases and Database
• Numeric and Textual Databases : VTU DB
• Multimedia Databases : , torrent,
• Geographic Information Systems (GIS) :
Satellite DB
• Data Warehouses : Flipkart, amazon
• Real-time and Active Databases :
Basic Definitions
Database: A collection of related data. / collection of facts and

Data: Known facts that can be recorded and have an implicit

Mini-world: Some part of the real world about which data is stored
in a database.
For example, student grades and transcripts at a university.
Database Management System (DBMS): A software package/
system to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a computerized
Database System: The DBMS software together with the data itself.
Sometimes, the applications are also included.
Typical DBMS Functionality
• Define a database : in terms of data types,
structures and constraints
• Load :Construct or Load the Database on a
secondary storage medium
• Manipulating the database : querying,
generating reports, insertions, deletions and
modifications to its content
• Processing :Concurrent Processing and Sharing
by a set of users and programs – yet, keeping all
data valid and consistent
An Example

Consider an University example:

University database usually consist Student, Section, course, and grades.

This tables represent the

database structure.
here database is organized
as five files/tables

Each file store the data

records of same types.

Student file store the

data/record on each
Course file store the data
record on each course.
Section File: Store data
record on each section of
Section File: Store data on
each section of course.

Grade_Report: stores the

data on grades that
students receives in
various section they have

Prerequisite: file stores

the prerequisite of each
An Example

• In Construction of a University database, different data is stored in different


• Records in the various files are related each other

• Student Name Smith is appear twice in Grade Table.

• DB may includes many types of records and each record may have many
relationship among the records.

• In DBMS , Vary Important one Is Data Manipulation: Querying and Updating.

• Querying Means:

• Retrieve the Transcript - I Would Like to List out all the DB users / courses/
grades of smith .

• List out the Students names who choose / study only Database Subject.
An Example

Updating :

- Adding the new data in the name of Smith .

- Change name from smith to Smitha

- Add a grade to Smitha .

- In IT Industry, Database may be consist of various related application data.

- We can create a new application inside the existing database called as Requirement
definition analysis .

- Ex: Single Db may handle both bank Db and University DB

– Some mini-world relationships:
– SECTIONs are of specific COURSEs
– COURSEs have prerequisite COURSEs
– COURSEs are offered by DEPARTMENTs

– Take your own example and write the mini

world relationship.
Characteristics of the Database approach

Many of characteristics distinguish the DB approach from the traditional Approach

of Programming with Files.

In early days no DB!!!

In Traditional File Processing: Each user have maintain the individual files. That is
relatively hard/ trivial task for processing the individual names in different files.

Ex: (each user/Case workes maintain the separate File)

Raju Maintain the Eligibility Student list.

Ramesh Maintain the Grading Files.

XYZ Maintain the Section File.

Raghu Maintain the Account File ( Fee payment).

Here Names are duplicated and few information may not be know to other case
Raju don’t know anything about Account file and so on. This kind of situation create the
Redundancy in defining the store the data, It leads to Wastage of Memory in
Computer system.

Where as in case of DBMS concept:

- No Redundancy

- Single Repository of data is maintained

- Define once use/ access by many user.

- File Processing – Single Name may appear many times, In case of DBMS- No
Duplication at all.

- Data is defined once used reputedly by using queries, Transactions.

Main characteristics of DB approach Vs File Processing approach as follows:

- Self Describing nature of DB system.

- Insulation Between Program, Data, and Data Abstraction

- Support Multiple view of the Data.

- Sharing of Data and multiuser transaction processing.

- Self Describing nature of DB system:

- Fundamental Characteristics of DBMS is - DBMS not only contain the DB itself , but it
also contain Complete definition or description of Database structure and their

- This definition is stored in the DBMS catalog , which contain information such as
structure of each file, types and storage format(*.mdb) of each data item and various
constraints on data.

- Usually database store the data and user access the data on indexed basis and data is
represented on the basis of catalog call it as “META-DATA”. / Information stored in
the catalog is called as Meta Data.

Usually Database user and DBMS software uses the Catalog information to know the
structure of Database.

If we consider any DBMS software package - they meant for DB Creation and they don’t
have any direct application or not written for specific application. (Ex: Long Vehicle Chassis.
– build a bus or lorry.) So for DB user use the catalog to know the structure of the DB files.

DBMS –can access the various database by extracting the database definition from the
( Select * from Student  we get the list of information in student table.)
DBMS software work equally with any number of DB applications. Ex: Bank DB,
Hospital DB ,College DB etc.

In case of File Processing – data base definition is defined in program themselves and
these program is designed for particular application.. Whose structure is defined in
application program.
Ex: In file processing -db structure is defined inside the program.
Construct the structure using C++ class.
DBMS  software can access diverse DB by extracting the DB definition from the

DBMS Software System???

-Once we create DB ,the Software Package itself define the structure of db.

-DBMS Usually refers the catalog to know the structure of particular table (Ex: student).
- Insulation Between Program, Data, and Data Abstraction:

File Processing – want to change the structure of the file, which leads to change the
program code, but this kind of restriction may not be applicable to DBMS concept.

DBMS – consist the catalog of individual table. So for we can easily access the any
individual table and change it –this we call it as program data independency.

File access program may be written in such way that it can access the student records (fig
1.4). If we want add one more record say DOB to the student record need to change
the entire program in case of file processing.

Where as in case of DBMS  have to change the table description, no need to change
the program. (Alter Command)
- DBMS support for program data independence and program operation independence
call it as DATA abstraction.

- Data Model is type that is used to provide conceptual representation.

- Data Models uses the logical concepts such as objects , their properties and their

- Data model help to the user to understand the computer storage concept and hide the
implementation detail

- DBMS – support for conceptual / intangible representation of data. It does not say
how data is stored and how operation are implemented .
- Support of Multiple views of the DATA.

- In Multi user DBMS environment : every user have their own view and would like to
print only Smith information/ required information. Those operation are permitted
by DBMS.

- View may be a subset of database or it may contain virtual data derived from DB files.

- Multiuser DBMS whose users have a verity of Distinct applications must provide
facilities for defining multiple views.

- Ex1: Transcript Table is only printed.

- Ex:2 I would like to display the Student Name and Phone number from Student Table.


001 Arpitha Shimoga CV 9844
002 Bharath Shimoga EC 5719

NAME Phone
Arpitha 9844
Bharath 5719
Sharing of Data and multiuser transaction processing.

 In multiuser DBMS, Multi user can access the database at the same time.

 this (Multiuser transaction processing ) is very much essential, if the data for multiple
application is to be integrated and maintained by a single user/ single DB.

 Concurrency control  DBMS software ensures several user try to access and update
the DB in a controlled manner with high accuracy.

 Ex: Online Ticket Booking. - OLTP (online transaction processing system)

 Fundamental role of multi user DBMS  concurrent transaction operation correctly

and effectively.

 Transaction : accessing of one or more Database.

 In DBMS Environment: Do The well defined operations – reading and updating of DB


 Each transaction should be logically correct and one transactions should not affected by
another transactions.
Sharing of Data and multiuser transaction processing.

 DBMS supports for Isolation.

 Isolation : each transaction should be appear as isolate (separate) transaction, even

though thousands of transactions may be executing concurrently.

 Atomicity: ensure that all the DB operations in a transaction are executed.

1.4 Actors on the Scene

 If the DB is very small and used by a single user. In such a cases, a user effectively
defines, constructs and manipulate the DB, here DB may used by one user in such
cases there no sharing of Data in DB.

 In large organization, many people are involved in the define, design, Construct and
maintenance of large DB with a hundred of users.

 Actor on the scene : People/user those who involved in the Day by Day DB activity .

 ex: We / User are going to reserve the Railway Ticket and Bus Ticket.

 We / User interact with the ATM machine to with drawl the Money.

 In this Context User are called as Actor on the Scene.

1.4 .1 Database Administrator

 In any organization where many people use the common resources, those resources were
effectively allocate and managed by person called as Database Administrator (DBA).

 DBA Responsibility is to administering the DB Resources.

 DB consist 2 types of resources: Primary and Secondary Resources.

 Primary Resources: DB itself is a primary Resource.

 Secondary Resources: DBMS and Related software's.

 DBA Also play other important roles which are as follows:

 Allows authorize user to access the DB.

 Coordinating and monitoring.

 Software and Hardware Resource management.

 Install and Update the Application Tool.

 Backup and Restoring the DB during Failure.

 Should Assist to his/her staff to handle the DB in a effective manner.

 Avoid the security breaches.

1.4 .2 Database Designers

 The person / group of people who are going to develop and finalize the DB model is
called as DB Designer.

 DB Designer Should design the DB based on the existing requirement and a developed
DB Model should ensure and support the Real world system activities and demands. /
(DB Designer responsible for identifying the data to be stored in the database and
choosing appropriate structure to represent and store the data. )

 Before development of DB, DB Designer should conduct a Demand Survey from DB

user/end users. Based the DB user demand DB designer developed the DB.

 DB Designer Should Do the following:

 Create Conceptual Design of DB. ( what kind of DB should be develop)

 DB designer should interact with group users and develop the Views of DB that ensure/ fulfill
the user requirement.

 DB Should be designed to store the data (group of Data) and choose the appropriate Data
Structure to represent and retrieval of Data.

 Define Tables, Identify the Primary Key, Constraint, Define the Relationship.
1.4 .3 END USERS

 End user are nothing but a people those who is going to access, updating the DB via
queries, and generating the reports.

 There are many end users in DBMS:

 Casual End users: Access the DB Occasionally, and their requirements are vary from
time to time.

 Casual users would like to access the different information at different time.

 They must use highly sophisticated DB query language (SQL) to specify their request.

 Casual End users are High level managers and occasional users.
1.4 .3 END USERS

 Naïve or Parametric End user : Constantly engage in querying and updating the
database via standard types of queries and updates – termed as Canned Transactions.

 Naive user includes Bank teller(Cashier –cum clerk sitting in the bank tellers counter),
Booking agents, Reservation Clerk at counter for airline, Railway, Hotel Reservation.

 Sophisticated End user :

 Here Sophisticated end-user Implement their applications on databases for their varied
and as per complex requirements.

 Includes Engineers, Scientist, Business analyst.

 Standalone Users: Readymade Software Package

 User maintain their DB for personal Use.via built in Package that offers User Friendly
Graphical Interface.

 Ex: Income Tax assessment Package- Tally Software.

1.4.4 System Analysts and Application Programmers (Software Engineers)

 System Analysts: ( Provides user Requirement Blue Print)

 Who should understand the requirement of end user and develop DB according to User

 Prepare and understand the problem

 Design the proposed system.

 Monitor and review the new system.

 Application Programmers :

 Application Programmers are software engineers who implement the user requirement
and System analyst specification .

 After Implementation , he/she going to conduct the Testing to find the bugs and recover .

 Provides adequate document.

1.5 Workers Behind The scene

 The person who is typically not interested towards DB such kind of personalities we call them as
Work behind the scene.

 It includes :Designer, implementer , administrator, Analyst and who made DB operation

for Updating and maintenance.
 Let’s see one by one:


 Itz a Core Team for DBMS devlopment and its activities.

 DBMS is very complex software system that consist many components or modules, .

 They Design and implement the DBMS modules and develop very best Graphical user interfaces for
DBMS software package over Operating system in associated with well matured Programming

 DB Modules including the module for implementation the catalog, programming query language
interface , Concurrency control , Data Recovery and security.

 They also integrate the all these DBMS module into General purpose software package.

DBMS must interface with other system software such as OS and complier for various programming language.
1.5 Workers Behind The scene

 Tool Developers :

 Tool is a separate packages, separately we have to purchase, in addition to general

purpose DB software.

 The person who design and implement the various software tool and utilities - they assist
the DB Design, Performance monitoring, graphical interface,. These people will also
conducted the DB design and testing.

 Ex of Tools: Performance Monitoring, Natural Language GUI, Test simulation.

 They take the Trail of usage (work with Developed DB Software) just to find the
performance and monitoring.

 Operator and Maintenance Personnel :

 Person who conduct the execution and maintenance activities of actual hardware and
software in DBMS Environment.

 Ex: Instructors in Lab.

1.5 Intended Use of DBMS:

 Provides the Data Independence.

 Provides Multiple user interface and sharing of DATA.

 Providing Back Up and Recovery.

 Providing the facility to Restrict the unauthorized persons to access the DB.

 Reduce the Redundancy ( Store the Same Data Multiple Times)

1.5 Advantages of Using DBMS

Good DBMS should posses the following

 Concurrency and Redundancy Control:

 In Case of File Processing , single record or information may be stored in multiple times.
This leads a various problems.

 Ex: University DB ID Name Address DOB

01 Pavan M.P Shimoga 04/03/1987
01 Pavan Kumar Shivamoga 04/march/1987

 Redundancy means Storing the same data multiple times which leads to several
 1. Duplication – same data is stored multiple times.

 2. Storage Space is wasted.

 3. Inconsistency – Representing the same data in a different format leads inconsistent.

Ex: 04/03/1987 march / 03 /87 pavankumar M.P , M.P pavan Kumar

1.5 Advantages of Using DBMS

Good DBMS should posses the following

 Concurrency and Redundancy Control:

 In case of DBMS approach, Views of Different users/ group users are integrated during
DB design to come with BEST DBMS. (Bank DB: Manager and USER View)

 In a well defined dB: in DB Data are stored in logical way and dbms is the only one place
to store the data without duplication.

 Concurrency Control : Entertains to access and update DB by multiple authentic users

at a time.

 This may ensure the consistency and save of storage space.

 concurrency control improve the performance of DB and also prohibit the inconsistency
among the files.
1.5 Advantages of Using DBMS

 Restricting unauthorized Access

 When multiple users shares the large DB, it is likely that most of the users will not be
authorized to access all information in the DB.

 Ex: JNNCE Students  not a permission to access the Kotak bank DB and JNNCE
Financial DB module.

 Only Authorized user /persons are allowed to access the such data. Ex principal and
account officer.

 Few user only the permission to retrieve the data.

 Ex: being a kotak bank customer , you can access your bank account information.

 DBA only access and control all the DB activities.

 DBMS system having General purpose DB software that provides a various kinds of
privileged to various users.
1.5 Advantages of Using DBMS

 Providing persistent (constant) Storage structure for programming Object

 DB can be used to provide a persistent storage for programming object and Data

 This is main reason we call DBMS has object Oriented DBMS. (Alternative Name)

 Programming Languages like C++, Pascal etc. which allows to create object by using
variables, once the program terminated, decaled Program object oriented programming
variables was discarded. Unless programmer store the data in a permanent files.

 [ In general, want to store the data permanently via Files: Programmer should convent
complex structure into appropriate file structure format, and if he/she want to access the
information from file again need to convert file structure format to programming variable

 Object oriented DBMS are more comfortable with JAVA and C++. DBMS perform
necessary conversion. Complex Object oriented C++/sql is stored permanently in OO DB
such a objects are called as persistent coz even the DB program was terminate , we can
Impedance Mismatch Problem : early days traditional DB may face the
impedance mismatch problem. Data Structure provides by the DBMS may not
compatible with Programming Language DATA STRUCTURE.

But now a day most of the DBMS system adopted the OOP Concept which may
provides compatibility between DBMS and one or more O .O. programming

Concussion of this Topic

1. In DBMS objects are Persistent coz even though program terminate
objects are safe.
2. Impedance Mismatch will be over come.
1.5 Advantages of Using DBMS

 Providing the Storage Structures for Efficient Query Processing

 DBMS has capable to store the data and update the data concurrently and finally data is
stored on DISK.

 If we want to speed up the DB to access the data in an earliest manner, we should

adopted the indexed concept, indexed concept is bases on either Tree based D.S or Hash
Based Data Structure.

 Buffering Module: which store the fetched data in a temporary manner and it support to
boost up the searching speed.

 Query Processing and Optimization modules ensure / provides the efficient query to
access the intended data from DB.
1.5 Advantages of Using DBMS

 Providing Backup and Recovery

 DBMS effectively manage the hardware and software failure.

 In DBMS , failure of hardware or software will not effect to the storage data.

 If the DBMS system failure in middle of the transaction, even though recovery subsystem
ensure the complete data transaction from failure point.

 Providing Multiple User interfaces

 Most of the DBMS now a day provides a WEB GUI.

 DBMS Provides various level / types of User interface according their cadre / working

 Ex: Query language facility to casual user in bank,

 Programming language interface to the application programmer.

 Form and command codes facility to parametric user.

 Natural language interface to the standalone users.

1.5 Advantages of Using DBMS

 Representing complex relationships among the data:

 DBMS has capable to represent variety of complex relationship among the data, and to
define the new relationship they arise. such that complex interrelated data can be cross
referenced. (university ex)

 Record for Brown in the Student File is related to 4 records in GRADE_REPROT.

 Enforcing the integrity constraints:

 Database enforcing the integrity constraints that means it specifies the data types for each
data items.

 If we going to deal with integer values, should specify the data type integer.

 In the same context, If we deal with string, should specify the data type character.

 If we deal with string and integer values, should specify the data type variable character
varchar / varchar2.

 in this table clearly say that

We can write the student name with

30 character not more than that.

1.6.1 Additional Implication (suggestion ) of using the DB Approach

 Potential for Enforcing Standards

 DBMS approach permits the DBA to define and enforce the Standards among DB users
in large organization.

 Enforcing the standards facilitates: allows the different people and departments work
towards to achieve the common goal in a DBMS ENVIORNMENT.

 Standard means Common Display Format, Report Structures format, Terminology and so
on. Ex: vijay bank ATM account statement , Receipt format is common to all users

 Reduced Application Development Time

 Once DB is created many different application can be deployed over DB by this manner
we can reduced the application development time.

 Flexibility:

 As per the requirement, DB can also be Change to fulfill the real time demand.

 Ex: would like to add one more to group to DB.

1.6.1 Additional Implication of using the DB Approach

 Availability of Up-to Date Information:

 DBMS is always up to date. If one user modified the data/ manipulate the data in shared
DB, all user get that modification with in fraction of seconds.

 Ex: Sensex – Gold Rate. US Currency Variation, WIKI Pedia Updates and Bank – Rate
of Interest and so on.

 Economies of Scale :

 DBMS allows to consolidated the data and applications , by this manner it reduces the
amount of wasteful data in DB.

 If the Data overlapping and redundancy occur in DBMS projects, it reduces the DBMS
computation speed and demand for super computer/ powerful processor, storage devices.
But DBMS avoids data overlapping by this manner ,it (DBMS) reduces the overall cost.
1.7 A brief History of Database Applications:

 1.7.1 Early Database Applications using Hierarchical and Network System:

 Early DB Applications  maintain the records in varies organization like hospital,

Corporations, Universities, Bank and so on.

 Many of these applications, stored the records of similar structure.

 Ex: University Application and their table relationship.

 Early Dayz DB - big problem – intermixing of conceptual relationship with physical storage
and placement of records on disk.

 Ex: grade table is stored next to student record.  chance of mixing the data.

 This type of intermixing may not provide the much flexibility to access the data .

 Early days system provided only programming interface . This made it time consuming and
expensive to implement the queries and transactions, since new programs had to be written ,
tested and debugged .

 Early 1960s, DB are implemented on Main frame computers and its expensive also`. In
Conceptually we said early system were based Hierarchy base, network base and inverted file
1.7 A brief History of Database Applications:

 Providing Application Flexibility with Relational DB.

 Relational DB was proposed to separate the physical storage of data from conceptual
representation and provide a mathematical foundation for content storage.

 In relation data model also introduce high level query language that furnish the
alternative to programming language interface.

 In 1970 – DBMS systems were slow!!!!!

 University Db ex is the best ex for relationship representation.

 1990- index concept was introduced for better way to access the DB , query processing
and optimization.
 Object Oriented Application and need for more Complex Databases:

 Appearance of OOPG (object oriented programming) in `– 1980 –capable to store and

share the Data. This leads and motivates to implement the OODB. (object oriented
Database )

 OODB is more advance and competitor to relation DB

 OODB provides general DATA STRUCTURE (DS), which incorporated many of useful
object oriented paradigms. Such as encapsulation, abstract data, inheritance and so on

 Early DB were lack of restrictions, those issues were overcome by adopting OOPS

 Even OOPS concept was used for engineering applications, manufacturing system and
so on.
1.7 A brief History of Database Applications:

 Interchanging DATA on web for E commerce”

 WWW provides a large network , it has capable to connect many number of Computers.

 User (employs) can create a Documents On web servers by using HTML . (hyper text
markup language ) those documents are accessed via hyperlinks.

 Now a days  XML is used to exchange the data between many databases.
1.7 A brief History of Database Applications:

 Extending Database Capability for new Applications:

 Success of DB system in traditional applications encourage to developers to develop other

types of applications. Such a type of application have their own file and Data Structure.
which are as follows:

 Scientific Applications: Store huge amount of DATA resulting from Scientific Experiments
in the area of high energy physics and satellite data .

 Storage and retrieval of images, from scanned news or personal photos, X ray images,
MRI images and a satellite images.

 Storage and retrieval of video clips, Historical Data Management and Data mining (
searching of exact pattern )

 Implementations of above application over a DB requires : More Advance Data Structure

modeling concepts are required rather than traditional simple relational representation.

 New Data Types were Need along with Numeric and Character String types.

 New storage and indexing concept in associated with optimal query language were needed.
Two popular DBMS packages in now a days:

Enterprises Resource planning (ERP) :

It include variety of functionalities like finance, Human Resource, Academic,

Department information, Students, Feed back with in the Organization.

Ex: JNNCE  ERP software and it was developed by sun+.

Customer Relationship management (CRM):

CRM is a web enabled application software.

It include variety of functionalities like Marketing, Finance and customer

support function.

Ex: google drive , Youtube

1.7 A brief History of Database Applications:
 Databases VS Information Retrieval

 Traditionally, DB stores the DATA in well defined Structure and format. In DB, data arise in
routine applications like Govt bodies, business and industry.

 Very big organization ( IRON, Software MNC, GOVT Funded Projects ) majorly used the DBMS
for information storage. When user going to access the data from DB, DBMS displayed the results
/information via a structured forms, this kind of operation is call it as Image Retrieval.

 Information Retrieval may also access the information from journals, technical papers, web sources
and books.
1.8When Not use a DBMS:
 DBMS has a many advantage at the same time it may not be necessary also.

 When DBMS may involves unnecessary overhead cost in such a cases DBMS may not be suitable.

Following Reasons says when not use a DBMS.

 High Initial Investment in Hardware, software and training.

 Overhead for providing security, concurrency control, Recovery and back up.

 Additional Problem may arises if the Database designers and DBA do not properly design the
database. Most cases regular files are more better than DBMS. Reasons as follows:

 If the user deal with simple Data, no need of DBMS. Ex: labors daily pay detail.

 Stringent (tough) – to meet the Real time DB requirement creates unnecessary overhead.

 NO multiuser access the DATA in DATABASE. ( single user DB )

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