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Color Plates of Solanales Species

The first half of the color plates (Plates 1–8) shows a selection of phytochemically
prominent solanaceous species, the second half (Plates 9–16) a selection of convol-
vulaceous counterparts. The scientific name of the species in bold (for authorities
see text and tables) may be followed (in brackets) by a frequently used though
invalid synonym and/or a common name if existent. The next information refers to
the habitus, origin/natural distribution, and – if applicable – cultivation. If more
than one photograph is shown for a certain species there will be explanations for
each of them.
Finally, section numbers of the phytochemical Chapters 3–8 are given, where
the respective species are discussed. The individually combined occurrence of sec-
ondary metabolites from different structural classes characterizes every species.
However, it has to be remembered that a small number of citations does not neces-
sarily indicate a poorer secondary metabolism in a respective species compared
with others; this may just be due to less studies being carried out.


Plate 1a Anthocercis littorea (yellow tailflower): erect or rarely sprawling shrub

(to 3 m); W- and SW-Australia; Sects. 3.1 / 3.4
Plate 1b, c Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade): erect herbaceous perennial
plant (to 1.5 m); Europe to central Asia (naturalized: N-USA; cultivated as a
medicinal plant); b fruiting twig; c flowers, unripe (green) and ripe (black) berries;
Sects. 3.1 / 3.3.2 / 3.4 / 3.5 / 6.5.2 / 7.5.1 / 7.7.2 /
Plate 1d Brugmansia versicolor (angel’s trumpet): shrub or small tree (to 5 m);
tropical parts of Ecuador west of the Andes (cultivated as an ornamental in tropical
and subtropical regions); Sect. 3.4
Plate 2a Brunfelsia pauciflora (yesterday-today-tomorrow): shrub (to 2.4 m);
Brazil (cultivated as an ornamental in tropical and subtropical regions); Sects. 3.1 /
6.6.2 /

584 Appendix

Plate 2b Capsicum annuum var. frutescens (chili, Cayenne pepper): suffrutex (to
1.5 m); Neotropics, only known as a cultivated plant related to the wild species C.
chacoënse and C. annuum var. glabriusculum (cultivated pantropically for the com-
mercial production of pungent fruits); Sects. / 3.4 / 3.5 / / 6.4 / 6.6.3
/ 6.7.1 / / / / / 7.5.1 / 7.6.1 / / 7.7.2 / / / / 7.12.1 /
Plate 2c Cestrum diurnum (day blooming Cestrum, day jessamine): shrub; tropical
S-America (cultivated as an ornamental in tropical and subtropical regions);
Sects. 3.3 / / 7.7.2 / / 7.9.3 /
Plate 2d Cestrum elegans: shrub; Mexico (cultivated as an ornamental in tropical
and subtropical regions); Sects. / / 7.7.2 / (Table 7.7)
Plate 2e Cestrum parqui (willow-leafed jessamine, green poisonberry): shrub (to
3 m); S-America (cultivated as an ornamental in subtropical regions, sometimes
naturalized); Sects. / / / / / / /
7.5.1 / 7.7 / / 7.7.2 / (Table 7.7) /
Plate 3a Datura stramonium (common thornapple, jimson weed): erect annual
herb (to 1.2 m); temperate to tropical regions worldwide (cultivated as a medicinal
plant); Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / 4.1.1 / 6.6.2 / / / / 7.5.1 /
7.10.3 (Table 7.9)
Plate 3b–d Duboisia myoporoides × D. leichhardtii: cultivated as bushes in
Queensland, Australia; {[D. myoporoides (poisonous corkwood, yellow basswood):
tree (to 15 m); Queensland]; [D. leichhardtii (common names like D. myoporoides):
small tree (to 3 m); Queensland]}: b inflorescence; c single bush; d plantation near
Murgon/Queensland; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / 5.1.4 / 7.5.1
Plate 4a Hyoscyamus albus (white henbane): erect annual or biennial herb (to
0.8 m); S-Europe to Near East; Sects. 3.1 / 3.4 / 3.5 / / / / /
Plate 4b Hyoscyamus niger (black henbane): erect annual or biennial herb (to
0.8 m); Europe, N-Africa, N-Asia, N-India; Sects. 3.1 / 3.4 / 3.5 / /
/ / 7.10.3 /
Plate 4c Iochroma gesnerioides (syn.: I. coccineum, I. fuchsioides): shrub (to 4 m);
Columbia, Ecuador; Sects. / 7.10.3 (Table 7.9)
Plate 4d Nicandra physalodes (apple of Peru): erect annual herb (to 2 m); Peru to
N-Argentina (cultivated as an ornamental in tropical and subtropical regions; often
naturalized); Sects. 3.1 / 3.4 / 3.5 / / / / /
Plate 4e Nicotiana glauca (tree tobacco): shrub/small tree (to 6 m); S-America,
introduced to many subtropical regions, semideserts, dry open countries; Sects. 3.3
/ /
Appendix 585

Plate 5a Nicotiana langsdorffii (green flowering tobacco): erect annual herb;

Brazil, Chile; Sects. 3.3 / / /
Plate 5b Nicotiana sylvestris: perennial; one parent of N. tabacum; Bolivia;
Sects. 3.3 / / / / /
Plate 5c Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco): erect annual herb (to 3 m); only known as
a cultivated plant, assumed to be a hybrid of the wild S-American species N. syl-
vestris and N. tomentosiformis (N. tabacum: cultivated almost worldwide for the
production of tobaccos); Sects. 3.3 / 3.5 / 5.1.3 / / 6.5.1 / 6.6.2 / / / 6.6.4 / / / / / 7 / / / / / 7.5.1 / 7.6.1 / 7.7.2 / /
Plate 5d Petunia × hybrida (petunia): small perennial herb, obtained as a hybrid of
the wild S-American species P. axillaris and P. integrifolia (P. × hybrida: cultivated
almost worldwide as an ornamental); Sects. 3.5 / 6.3.3 / / 6.5.1 / 6.6.2 / / 6.6.4 / / 6.7 / / / / / 7.7.2 / 7.11 /
Plate 6a Salpiglossis sinuata (velvet flower, painted tongue, palito amargo): peren-
nial herb (to 1.2 m); Chile (cultivated as an ornamental in temperate regions of the
world); Sects. 3.3 /
Plate 6b Schizanthus pinnatus (butterfly flower, mariposita): annual herb (to
0.5 m); Chile (cultivated as an ornamental); Sects. 3.1 / 3.4 / 7.6.1
Plate 6c Solandra maxima (goldcup vine, chalice vine): large woody climber (to
30 m) of the tropical rainforest; Neotropics (cultivated as an ornamental in tropical
and subtropical regions); Sects. 3.1 / 3.4
Plate 6d Solanum betaceum (syn.: Cyphomandra betacea; tree tomato, tamarillo):
tree; Neotropics (cultivated in subtropical regions of the world for edible fruits);
Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / 5.1.4 / /
Plate 7a Solanum laciniatum (kangaroo apple): shrub (to 4 m); S-Australia;
Sects. 3.1 (Table 3.1) / / 7.8.3 / (Table 7.8)
Plate 7b Solanum laxum (syn.: Solanum jasminoides; potato vine, jasmine night-
shade): semi-evergreen climber; Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay (cultivated
as an ornamental in tropical and subtropical regions, sometimes naturalized);
Sects. 7.7 (Tables 7.1, 7.2) / /
Plate 7c Solanum pseudocapsicum (Jerusalem cherry): shrub (to 1.2 m); S-
America (cultivated worldwide as an ornamental due to its red/orange-coloured
fruits); Sects. / / 7.8.2 (Table 7.3) /
Plate 7d Solanum sisymbrifolium (viscid nightshade): erect annual herb (to
1.5 m); S-America; Sects. 3.1 (Table 3.1) / / 7.7 (Tables 7.1, 7.2) / 7.10
(Tables 7.9, 7.10)
586 Appendix

Plate 7e Solanum tuberosum (potato): herbaceous annual, only known as a culti-

vated plant; Bolivian/Peruvian Andes (ssp. andigenum), Chile (ssp. tuberosum), for
details see Sect.; cultivated worldwide (agricultural production of tubers);
Sects. 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / 5.1.6 / 5.1.7 / / 6.5.1 / / / /
/ / / / / 7.6.1 / / 7.7.2 / 7.8 / 7.8.1 / / / / / / / / / / /
Plate 8a, b Solanum wrightii (potato tree); forest tree (to 20 m); Bolivia (cultivated
pantropically for ornament): a tree; b inflorescence; Sects. 7.7 (Tables 7.1, 7.2) / /
Plate 8c Streptosolen jamesonii (firebush): shrub (to 2 m); Ecuador, Peru (culti-
vated as an ornamental in tropical and subtropical regions); Sect. 3.3
Plate 8d Withania somnifera: perennial suffrutex; Africa, S-Europe to S-Asia,
China (cultivated in India as a medicinal plant); Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 /
/ 7.6.1 / 7.10.1 / / / / 7.10.4 / 7.10.5 / /


Plate 9a Aniseia martinicensis: herbaceous vine (moist habitats); Neotropics, nat-

uralized in the Paleotropics; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / 5.2.2
Plate 9b Argyreia capitata: large twiner (to 15 m); SE-Asia; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 /
3.5 / 5.2.3 / 5.2.4 / / / 7.5.2
Plate 9c Argyreia mollis: large twiner (to 10 m); SE-Asia; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 /
3.5 / / 5.2.3 / 5.2.4 /
Plate 9d Argyreia nervosa (Hawaiian baby woodrose): large twiner (to 10 m);
India, Sri Lanka (cultivated, sometimes naturalized in other tropical regions);
Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / / 5.2.3 / 5.2.4 / 6.1.2 / /
Plate 9e–g Bonamia spectabilis: climbing shrub; Zaire to E- and SE-Africa,
Madagascar: e,f blue-blooming form; g white-blooming form; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4
/ 3.5 / 6.1.2 / /
Plate 10a Convolvulus cneorum (silverbush): suffrutex; Italian and Balkan regions
(ornamental cultivars: subtropical countries); Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 /
Plate 10b Convolvulus dorycnium: shrub with many, closely branched, greenish
shoots (to 1 m); the photograph shows a fruiting plant; Greece, N-Africa; Sects. 3.1
/ 3.3 / 3.4
Appendix 587

Plate 10c Convolvulus sabatius ssp. mauritanicus (blue rock bindweed): perennial
herb; Italy, N-Africa (ornamental cultivars: subtropical and temperate countries);
Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 /
Plate 10d Cuscuta australis (dodder): annual parasitic vine with (due to caroten-
oids) yellowish herbaceous stems twining around the host plants attached to them
by haustoria; found from S-Europe/Africa to Australia; Sects. 3.1/ 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / / / 8.3.3
Plate 10e Erycibe rheedii: large woody climber (to 20 m); Major Sunda Islands,
Malaysia (peninsula); Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5
Plate 11a Evolvulus alsinoides: annual or suffrutescent herbs (to 60 cm);
Neotropics, widely naturalized in the Paleotropics; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4
Plate 11b Ipomoea alba (syn.: Calonyction bona-nox; moonflower/moonvine):
herbaceous vine (to 5 m), woody basally; Neotropics, widely naturalized in the
Paleotropics (cultivated worldwide as an ornamental); Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 /
3.6 / / / 6.1.2 / 6.2.2 / / /
Plate 11c Ipomoea aquatica (water spinach): herbaceous annual vine, rooting at
nodes, procumbent on wet ground or floating on water; Paleotropics (cultivated as
a vegetable especially in Asia; sometimes naturalized in the Neotropics); Sects. 3.1
/ 3.2.2 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / / 5.2.4 / /
Plate 11d, e Ipomoea asarifolia: climbing and prostrate herbaceous perennial
long-trailing vines, rooting at the nodes; Neotropics, tropical Africa, tropical Asia:
d white-blooming form; e purple-blooming form; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 /
/ / 4.2.4 / /
Plate 11f, 12a, b Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato): perennial herb, prostrate, rooting
at nodes or twining (to 5 m); wild form in the Neotropics, cultivated throughout
tropical and subtropical regions of the world (agricultural production of tubers),
sometimes cultivated for horticultural purposes (ornamental: flowers and/or leaves):
11f wild form; 12a cultivar for tuber production; b ornamental cultivars; Sects. 3.1
/ 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / 4.1.2 / / 5.2.4 / 6.2.2 / (Appendix) / 6.5.2 /
/ / / 7.2.2 / / 7.3.2 / 7.5.2 / 7.6.2 / / 7.12.3 / / / 8.3.2 / /
Plate 12c Ipomoea cairica (railway creeper): herbaceous vine; tropical Africa and
Asia (cultivated and naturalized in many tropical and subtropical regions); Sects. 3.1
/ 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / 4.1.2 / / /
Plate 12d Ipomoea carnea ssp. fistulosa: erect shrub (to 3 m), woody basally, her-
baceous at tips; Neotropics, meanwhile pantropical through cultivation (cultivated
as an ornamental and/or as a fence); Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / 3.5.3 (Appendix) / / / / / / 8.3.2 / /
588 Appendix

Plate 12e Ipomoea hederifolia (scarlet morning-glory): annual herbaceous vine;

Neotropics, introduced into the Paleotropics; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / / / / / / / 8.3.2
Plate 13a Ipomoea hildebrandtii: subwoody shrublet (to 2.4 m); E-Africa;
Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / / / 4.2.4
Plate 13b Ipomoea lobata (syn.: Mina lobata; Spanish flag, firecracker vine):
annual or perennial herbaceous vine with zygomorphic, red corollas later becoming
pale yellow or whitish; Neotropics (cultivated worldwide as an ornamental, some-
times naturalized); Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / /
Plate 13c, d Ipomoea muelleri: perennial herbaceous vine, stems trailing, twining
at tips; NW- to central Australia; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / / /
Plate 13e, f Ipomoea neei: liana; Mexico to Panama; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 /
Plate 14a Ipomoea nil (syn.: Pharbitis nil; Japanese morning-glory): annual vine;
Neotropics, meanwhile pantropical (cultivated as an ornamental worldwide, with
unusual efforts and cultural background in Japan); Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / 4.1.2
/ / 5.2.5 / 6.3.3 / / / / / / /
/ 8.3.2
Plate 14b, c Ipomoea obscura: herbaceous twiner (to 2 m); Paleotropics from E-
Africa to N-Australia/Polynesia: b yellow to orange-blooming form; c cream to
white-blooming form with purple centre; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / / 6.2.2
/ /
Plate 14d, e Ipomoea pes-caprae (beach morning glory, railroad vine, bay hops):
herbaceous perennial long-trailing vine (to 30 m) with a thick taproot, rooting at
nodes; pantropical (beaches): d ssp. pes-caprae; e ssp. brasiliensis; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3
/ 3.4 / 3.5 / / / 6.2.2 / / / 7.12.3 / 8.3.2 /
Plate 14f Ipomoea setifera: twining or decumbent vines; Neotropics, tropical
Africa; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / /
Plate 15a Ipomoea squamosa: herbaceous vine, suffrutescent at base; Neotropics;
Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / / 8.3.2
Plate 15b Ipomoea tricolor cv. ‘heavenly blue’ (seeds: “badoh negro”): annual
herbaceous vine (to 3 m); Mexico, meanwhile pantropical (ornamental cultivars:
almost worldwide); Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / / 4.2.2 / 4.2.3 / / / 4.2.4 / / 6.5.3 / / / / 8.3.2 / /
Plate 15c Jacquemontia pentantha: herbaceous vine; Neotropics (widely culti-
vated as an ornamental); Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 /
Plate 15d Maripa panamensis: woody liana (>30 m, stems to 30 cm in diameter);
E-Panama, N-Colombia, N-Venezuela; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5
Appendix 589

Plate 15e Merremia dissecta: perennial herbaceous vine (to 4 m); Neotropics,
meanwhile pantropical; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / 6.2.2 / / /
Plate 15f Merremia guerichii: perennial suffrutex; Namibia; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4
Plate 15g Merremia quinquefolia: herbaceous twiner, woody and perennial
basally; Neotropics; Sects. 3.1 / 3.2.2 / 3.3 / 3.4 / / 4.1.2 / / 6.1.2 /
Plate 15h Merremia tuberosa (woodrose): liana; Neotropics, cultivated as an orna-
mental (flowers and fruits, the latter = “woodrose”), sometimes naturalized in other
tropical regions; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / / / / /
Plate 16a Merremia vitifolia: large twiner; tropical Asia; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 /
6.2.2 / /
Plate 16b Porana volubilis: large woody twiner (to 20 m; diameter to 2 cm); SE-
Asia (cultivated in gardens for ornamental purposes); Sect. 3.5
Plate 16c Stictocardia beraviensis: woody liana; W-Africa to Madagascar;
Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 /
Plate 16d Stictocardia mojangensis: woody liana; W-Madagascar; Sects. 3.1 / 3.3
/ 3.4 / 3.5 / / 6.2.2 /
Plate 16e Turbina corymbosa (seeds: ololiuqui): liana, herbaceous at tips, woody
at base; Mexico (cultivated for ornament in many tropical regions, sometimes natu-
ralized); Sects. 3.1 / 3.3 / 3.4 / 3.5 / / 4.2.3 / / / 4.2.4 /
/ /

Contribution of photographs to the color plates by Winfried Krautwurst

(Mainz): 1c, 4b; Alex Espinosa (Panama City): 9a; Kristina Jenett-Siems (Berlin):
15f; Elisabeth Bäumel-Eich (Berlin): 1a, 2a, 2c–e, 3a–d, 4a, 4c–e, 5a–d, 6a–d, 7b–
e, 8a–d, 10a–c, 11a–c, 11f, 12d, 13a, 13b, 13e, 13f, 14e, 14f, 15a–e, 15g, 15h, 16b,
16c, 16e; Eckart Eich (Berlin): 1b, 1d, 2b, 7a, 9b–g, 10d, 10e, 11d, 11e, 12a–c, 12e,
13c, 13d, 14a–d, 16a, 16d
Plate 1a Anthocercis littorea

Plate 1b Atropa belladonna

Plate 1c Atropa belladonna

Plate 1d Brugmansia versicolor

Plate 2a Brunfelsia pauciflora

Plate 2b Capsicum annuum var. frutescens

Plate 2c Cestrum diurnum

Plate 2e Cestrum parqui

Plate 2d Cestrum elegans

Plate 3a Datura stramonium
Plate 3b Duboisia myoporoides × D. leich-

Plate 3c Duboisia myoporoides × D. leichhardtii

Plate 3d Duboisia myoporoides × D. leichhardtii

Plate 4a Hyoscyamus albus Plate 4b Hyoscyamus niger

Plate 4c Iochroma gesnerioides

Plate 4d Nicandra physalodes

Plate 4e Nicotiana glauca
Plate 5b Nicotiana sylvestris

Plate 5a Nicotiana langsdorffii

Plate 5c Nicotiana tabacum

Plate 5d Petunia × hybrida

Plate 6a Salpiglossis sinuata

Plate 6b Schizanthus pinnatus

Plate 6c Solandra maxima

Plate 6d Solanum betaceum

Plate 7a Solanum laciniatum

Plate 7b Solanum laxum

Plate 7c Solanum pseudocapsicum

Plate 7d Solanum sisymbrifolium Plate 7e Solanum tuberosum

Plate 8b Solanum wrightii

Plate 8a Solanum wrightii

Plate 8d Withania somnifera

Plate 8c Streptosolen jamesonii

Plate 9b Argyreia capitata

Plate 9a Aniseia martinicensis

Plate 9d Argyreia nervosa

Plate 9c Argyreia mollis

Plate 9f Bonamia spectabilis

Plate 9e Bonamia spectabilis

Plate 9g Bonamia spectabilis

Plate 10b Convolvulus dorycnium

Plate 10a Convolvulus cneorum

Plate 10c Convolvulus sabatius ssp. mauritanicus

Plate 10d Cuscuta australis

Plate 10e Erycibe rheedii

Plate 11b Ipomoea alba

Plate 11a Evolvulus alsinoides

Plate 11c Ipomoea aquatica Plate 11d Ipomoea


Plate 11e Ipomoea asarifolia Plate 11f Ipomoea batatas

Plate 12a Ipomoea batatas

Plate 12b Ipomoea batatas

Plate 12c Ipomoea cairica Plate 12e Ipomoea hederifolia

Plate 12d Ipomoea carnea ssp. fistulosa

Plate 13a Ipomoea hildebrandtii

Plate 13b Ipomoea lobata

Plate 13c Ipomoea muelleri Plate 13d Ipomoea muelleri

Plate 13e Ipomoea neei Plate 13f Ipomoea neei

Plate 14a Ipomoea nil

Plate 14b Ipomoea obscura

Plate 14c Ipomoea obscura Plate 14d Ipomoea pes-caprae

Plate 14e Ipomoea pes-caprae Plate 14f Ipomoea setifera

Plate 15a Ipomoea squamosa Plate 15b Ipomoea tricolor

Plate 15d Maripa panamensis

Plate 15c Jacquemontia pentantha

Plate 15f Merremia guerichii

Plate 15e Merremia dissecta

Plate 15h Merremia tuberosa

Plate 15g Merremia quinquefolia
Plate 16c Stictocardia beraviensis

Plate 16a Merremia vitifolia

Plate 16b Porana volubilis

Plate 16e Turbina corymbosa

Plate 16d Stictocardia mojangensis

Subject Index

A N-Acyl-5-hydroxytryptamines 300, 528

Abienol 363 2-O-Acyl-d-myo-inositol 526
Abutilosides 382, 394, 406–409, 419, N′-Acylnornicotines 75, 81, 85, 108
420, 444 3α-Acyloxy-7β-hydroxytropanes 118
Acacetin 307 3α-Acyloxytropanes 34, 49, 115, 134,
Acetamiprid 105 140, 148
Acetoacetyl CoA 150 3β-Acyloxytropanes 34, 49, 125, 134, 138,
5-Acetoxy-11-hydroxy-4-oxo- 144, 149
tetradecanoic acid 544, 556 N-Acyltyramines 299
16α-Acetoxyhyoscyamilactol 470 Adrenoceptors 246
3β-Acetoxy-labd-8(17)-ene-15-ol 365 Aesculetin 276, 292
9-Acetoxynerolidol 351 Aethiosides 460
25-Acetoxyrobustin 400 Agroclavine 218, 225–230, 236–238
23-Acetoxysoladulcidine 400 Agroclavine 17-hydroxylase 218
25-Acetoxysolasodine 400 Ajugins 471
3β-Acetoxysolavetivone 354 l-Alanine 220, 531
23-Acetoxy-5α,22αN-spirosolan-3β-ol 400 Alkanes 529
23-Acetoxytomatidine 400 Alkyl p-coumarates 295
3-Acetoxytropanes 49, 110, 125, 148 Alkyl ferulates 295
1-Acetyl-3-carbomethoxy-β-carboline 213 Allopregnenolone 384, 446
Acetylcholine 99, 154 16-Aminoacyloxypregnenolones 407,
Acetyl cholinesterase 447, 482 409, 434
Acetyl-CoA:tropine acyl transferase 152 Aminoacyl sugars 531
16-O-Acetyletioline 403 26-Aminocholesterol 443
O-Acetylhomoserine 267 Aminocycloheptanones 176
O(23)-Acetylleptinidine 402, 417 3-Amino-22,26-epiminocholestanes 404,
N′-Acetylnornicotine 78, 91 416, 418
N-Acetylphenylethylamine 3-Amino-α-epiminocyclohemiketals 406,
see N-(2-Phenylethyl)acetamide 416, 419
3-Acetylpyridine 90 3-Amino-α-epiminocycloketals 406, 419
O-Acetylsolasodine 400 1-(3-Aminopropyl)pyrrolinium cation 267
Acnistins 472, 475 3-Aminosolanidanes 403, 417
Aculeamine 405 3-Aminospirosolanes 402, 409, 415
Aculeatiside A 375 3-Aminospirostanes 406, 419
Acyclic diterpenoids 361 1β-Amino-2α,3β,5β-
26(N)-Acylamino-cholestan-22-ones 406, 419 trihydroxycycloheptane 176
N′-Acylanabasines 85 Amorphane 348
N′-Acylanatabines 86 4-Amorphen-11,15-diol 348
Acylated steryl glycosides 370, 371 Amygdalin 274

608 Subject Index

Amyrins 366, 368 Steroidal alkaloids 456

Anabasamine 81 Withanolides 481
Anabasine 34, 78, 81, 90–92 Withasteroids see Withanolides
Anaferine 70 Antitumor effects see Cytotoxic effects
Anahygrine 34, 70 Antiviral effects
Anatabine 78, 91 Lignanolides 326
Anatalline 81, 91 Steroidal sapogenins 396, 398
Andesgenin 373, 382 Steroidal saponins 396, 398
Angelic acid 118, 152, 179 Apigenin 305, 306
Angeloylretronecines 187 Apiose 282
Anguivine 426 Apoatropine 124
Anguiviosides 375, 382, 394 Apobonabilic acid 141
Anhydrolutein I 490 Apo-12′-capsorubinal 491
Animartinines 266 Apocarotenoids 489, 493
Aniseoside 366 Apolycopenals 490
Anisodamine 34, 110, 112, 121, 152 Aposcopolamine 124
Anisodamine N-oxide 123 Arabinose 375, 421
Anisodine 34, 123 Arachidic acid 533, 559, 560
Anisodinic acid 113, 121, 123, 277 Arboresinic acid 537
Anosmagenin 373 Arboresins 537
Antheraxanthin 492 Arbutin 280
Anthocyanidin 3-acylrutinoside- Arcapitins 368
5-glucosides 310 Arctigenin 321, 326
Anthocyanidins 309 Armarillone 348
Anthocyanidin synthase 304 Aromadendrane 352
Anthocyanins 310, 313, 314 Arudonine 409, 427
Antibacterial effects Ashwagandha 481
Clavines 249 Ashwagandhanolide 471, 476
Flavonoids 303 l-Aspartic acid 95
Glycoresins see Resin glycosides Astrimalvine A N-oxide 145
Isoflavonoids 320 Astrimalvines 49, 145
Resin glycosides 566 Athanagrandione 358
Steroidal sapogenins 399 Atropic acid 110, 124
Steroidal saponins 399 Atropine see Hyoscyamine
Withanolides 481 Atroposides 390
Withasteroids see Withanolides Atroscine 113
Antifungal effects Aubergenone 354
Flavonoids 303 Aureoside 366
Glycoalkaloids see Steroidal alkaloids
Glycoresins see Resin glycosides
Isoflavonoids 320 B
Resin glycosides 568 Badoh negro 216, 223, 249
Sesquiterpenoid phytoalexins 353, Bajamarin 382
355–358 Baogongtengs 49, 127, 131, 132
Steroidal alkaloids 455, 457 Barogenin 373, 382
Steroidal sapogenins 396, 398 Batatic acid 358
Steroidal saponins 396, 398 Belladonnines 124
Withanolides 481 Bellaradine 66
Withasteroids see Withanolides Benzaldehyde 274, 280
Antillaridine 406 Benzenoids see Phenylpropanoids
Antillidine 406 Benzofurans 344
Antiprotozoal effects Benzoic acid 275, 279
Glycoalkaloids see Steroidal alkaloids Benzoic acid 2-hydroxylase 279
Sesquilignans 329 Benzoyl-CoA 279
Subject Index 609

Benzoyl-CoA:benzyl alcohol/ Calonysterone 465

phenylethanol benzoyltransferase 281 “Calystegin” see Palmatine
3α-Benzoyloxynortropane 134 Calystegines 49, 110, 149, 160, 441
3α-Benzoyloxytropane 134, 135, 148, 151 “Calystigine” see Palmatine
Benzoyltropeine Campesterol 371
see 3α-Benzoyloxytropane Camphene 345
Benztropine see 3α-Benzoyloxytropane Camphor 345
Benzyl acetate 280 Cannabisins 323, 325
Benzyl alcohol 280 Canusesnols 352
Benzyl-[O-β-D-apiofuranosyl-(1→6)]- Capric acid 533, 560
β-d-glucopyranoside 282 Caproic acid 533, 559, 560
2-Benzylaziridine 273 Caprylic acid 533
Benzyl benzoate 280 Capsaicin 283
(2-Benzyl)-hydroxymethylaziridine 273 Capsaicinoid glycosides 283
(2-Benzyl)-methylaziridine 273 Capsaicinoids 283
α-Bergamotene 349 Capsaicin(oid) synthase 286
Betaine 264, 267 Capsaicin receptor
Bipyridines see Dipyridyls see Vanilloid receptor subtype 1
Bisabolane 352 Capsanthin 489, 490
β-Bisabolene 352 Capsanthin epoxides 490, 491
Bis-catechols 327 Capsanthone 491
N1,N10-Bis(dihydrocaffeoyl)spermidine 303 Capsenone 355
20,25-Bisisoetioline 403, 418 Capsianosides 361
Boehmeryl acetate 368 Capsianside A 361
Boivinose 461 Capsiansides see Capsianosides
Bonabilic acid 141 Capsiate 287
Bonabilines 49, 141 Capsicastrine 403
Bonaseminols 344 Capsicosides 376, 385, 390, 392
Bonaspectins 328 Capsicosines 376, 385, 391
Brassicasterol 371 Capsidiol 352
Brazilian jalap 536 Capsimine 403
Braziliolic acid 533, 556 Capsinoids 287
Brugine 164 Capsorubin 489, 491
Brunfelsamidine 263 Capsoside A 525
N′-n-Butanoylnornicotine 86 N′-Carbethoxynornicotine 86
2-Butenoic acid 559 β-Carbolines 213
Butropine 115, 133 2α-Carbomethoxytropan-3β-ol
N-Butylscopolaminium bromide 112, 154 see Methylpseudoecgonine
Butyryl cholinesterase 447 2β-Carbomethoxytropan-3β-ol
3α-n-Butyryloxytropane 133 see Methylecgonine
2-Carbomethoxytropan-3-one 110, 150
C p-hydroxybenzamide 299
Cadinane 348 Carboxyparquin 361
Cadinadienes 348, 351 3-Carboxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-β-carboline
α-Cadinol 351 see Lycoperodine-1
Caelagenin 373 2-Carboxytropan-3-one 150
Caffeic acid 271, 275, 292, 310, 313 2-Carboxytropinone
Caffeoylgentiobiose 295 see 2-Carboxytropan-3-one
Caffeoylglucaric acid 297 2-Carene 347
1-O-Caffeoyl-β-glucose 277, 297, 298 β-Carotene 109, 346, 483
3-Caffeoyloxytropanes 49, 149 Carotene epoxides 490, 493, 494
6-O-Caffeoylsophorose 319 Carotenes 483, 490, 493, 494
N-Caffeoylspermidine 303 Carotenoid cyclization 109, 487
610 Subject Index

Carotenoids 486, 490, 493 Clyosin 321

Carpesterol 370 Coagulins 470
Carvone 347 Cocaine 65, 113, 126, 132, 149, 150
β-Caryophyllene 349, 352 Cochlearine 148
Caryophyllene oxide 349 Commersonine 423, 425, 437
Castanospermine 174 Concneorine 49, 134, 138, 146
Castasterone 466 Confolidine 134
Catechin 306 Confoline 133, 134, 135
CAY-1 392 Coniferaldehyde 277
α-Cedrene 349 Coniferyl alcohol 277, 321
Cembranoids 363 Conioidines 75
Cembratrienediols 86, 363, 529 Consabatines 49, 142, 147
Cembrene 363 Consiculic acid 142
Ceramides 528 Consiculine 49, 142, 147
Cerebroside 528 Convolacine 134, 144
Cesternosides 278 Convolamine 49, 134, 135
CGA 293343 105 Convolamine N-oxide 134, 145
Chaconine 422, 424, 437 Convolicine 133, 134
Chacotriose 384, 421, 423, 460 Convolidine 49, 134, 135, 143
Chaenorhine 301 Convoline 134
Chalcone 306 Convolvidine 133, 134, 143
Chalcone isomerase 304 Convolvine 134, 135
Chalcone synthase 306, 309 Convolvulin 548
Chanoclavines 221, 225–230, 236–238 Convolvulinolic acid 533, 549, 555
Chanoclavine I acid 229, 245 Convosine 133, 134
Chanoclavine-I aldehyde 218 Corymbosin 365
Chanoclavine-I aldehyde cyclase 218 β-Costal 359
Chaperones 176 β-Costol 359
Chlorogenic acid 272, 276, 296 Cotinine 81, 91–94, 108
Chlorogenin 373, 377 Cotinine-N-oxide 107
Chlorogenone 379 p-Coumarates 294
Chlorophylls 359 p-Coumaric acid 177, 271, 275, 292, 305
Chlorowithanolides 476 1-O-p-Coumaroyl-β-d-glucose 295
Cholecalciferol 461 N-p-Coumaroyloctopamine 299
(25S)-5α-Cholestan-3β,27-diol 393 N-p-Coumaroylputrescine 302
5α-Cholestan-3β-ol 393, 444 Nb-(p-Coumaroyl)serotonin 301
5α-Cholestan-3-one 393 N-p-Coumaroyltyramine 299
5α-Cholest-8-en-3β-ol 371 Cresoside 293
Cholesterol 369, 371, 442, 461 Crotonic acid 533
Cilistadiol 470 Crustecdysone 465
Cilistepoxide 470 Cryptocapsin 489, 490, 492
Cilistols 470, 478, 479 Cryptochlorogenic acid 296
1,8-Cineole 345 Cryptoxanthin 492
Cinerolide 470 Cryptoxanthin epoxide 494
Cinnamic acid 110, 271, 275, 533, 559, 560 Cucurbitachrome-1 490
Cinnamic alcohol 280 Cucurbitaxanthins 490
Cinnamic aldehyde 280 Curcumene 352
Cinnamoylcocaine 125 Cured tobacco 84
Nα-Cinnamoylhistamine 303 Cus-1 549, 560
3-Cinnamoyloxytropanes 34, 123, 149 Cus-2 549, 560
Cinnamyl acetate 280 Cuscohygrine 34, 49, 66, 69, 72, 148
Citral 347 Cuscutamine 214
Citronellol 347 Cuscutic acids 535, 549
Clavines 217, 225–230, 236–238 Cuscutic resinoside A 534, 549, 557
Subject Index 611

Cuscutin 295 1,2-Dehydro-α-cyperone 351

Cuscutosides 326 Dehydrodiconiferyl alcohol 327
Cyanidin 309, 313 2,6-Dehydrohygrine 49, 72
3-Cyanopyridine 90 7,8-Dehydroipomeamarone 358
Cycloartanol 370 6,7-Dehydrostrophanthidin 461
Cycloartenol 369 Dehydrotomatine 410, 433
β-Cyclocitral 493 Delphanin 312
Cycloclavine 219, 229, 245 Delphinidin 309
Cyclodebneyol 355 4-Demethylsterols 371
Cycloeucalenol 370 Demissidine 402, 414, 416, 422, 423, 432
Cyclooxygenase-2 482, 526 Demissidine-based glycoalkaloids 416,
Cycloviolaxanthin 490 431, 436
15, 21-Cyclowithanolides 481 Demissine 402, 416, 422–425, 437
Cynarin 296 6-Deoxo-28-norcathasterone 466
l-Cysteine 476 6-Deoxo-28-nortyphasterol 466
Cytotoxic effects 6-Deoxoteasterone 466
Clavines 249 2-Deoxycapsicoside A 392
Conioidines 76 4′-Deoxycarpesterol 371
Glycoalkaloids see Steroidal alkaloids 2-Deoxyconsiculic acid 142
Glycoresins see Resin glycosides Deoxyhypusine synthase 179
Lignanolides 326 Desmethyldihydrocapsaicin 289
Resin glycosides 568 O-3′,O-2′′-Diacetylipomoeassin D 563
Sesquiterpenoid phytoalexins 359 3α,7β-Diacyloxytropanes 118
Steroidal alkaloids 453 Diazepam 264
Steroidal sapogenins 397 3,5-Di-O-caffeoyl-4-O-p-coumaroylquinic
Steroidal saponins 397 acid 297
Withanolides 481 4,5-Di-O-caffeoyldaucic acid 297
Withasteroids see Withanolides 4,5-Di-O-caffeoyl-1,3-di-O-p-coumaroyl-
quinic acid 297
N,N-Dicaffeoylputrescine 302
D 3,4-Di-O-caffeoylquinic acid 296
Daidzein 321 N,N-Dicaffeoylspermidine 303
Damascenones 492, 494 5,5′-Dicapsaicin 287
Damascones 492 4′-O-5-Dicapsaicin ether 287
Dammarane 368 N,N-Di-p-coumaroylputrescine 302
Danaidal 188 N,N-Di-p-coumaroylspermidine 303
Datumetine 49, 113, 134, 135, 148 3,3′-O,O′-Didemethylmatairesinol 326
Daturadiol 366 5,6-Diepicapsokarpoxanthin 490
Daturalactone-4 470 5,6-Diepilatoxanthin 490
Daturamine see Anisodine 22,25-Diepisolanidine 417
Daturaolone 366 22,25-Diepisolasodine 400, 411
Daturine 110 22,25-Diepisycophantine 400, 411
Deacetoxysolaphyllidine 403 N,N-Diferuloylputrescine 302
Deacetylsolaphyllidine 403 Digalactosyl-diacylglycerides 525
3-Deamino-3β-hydroxy-solanocapsine 405 Digalogenin 373, 377, 387
Debneyol 353 Digitogenin 373, 377, 387
Decorticasine see N-Propionylnorloline Digitonin 387
Degalactotigonin 392 Dihydroactinidiolide 493
26-Degluco-torvosides 375, 385, 393 6,7-Dihydrocapsaicin 283
Deguelin 321 Dihydrocapsiate 287
7,8-Dihydroajugosterone 464 4′-Dihydroconsabatine 142, 144
15-Dehydro-14β-anosmagenin 373, 380 6′′,7′′-Dihydro-5′,5′′-dicapsaicin 287
7-Dehydrocholesterol 461, 463 Dihydroflavonol 4-reductase 304
Dehydrocommersonine 423, 425 5α,6-Dihydroleptinidine 402, 417
612 Subject Index

15-Dihydrolubimin 352 Dunawithanins 476

Dihydrolysergol-I 221, 223, 225, 238 Duvanes see Thunberganoids
2,3-Dihydro-3-methoxywithaferin A 466 Duvatrienediols see Cembratrienediols
3,6-Dihydronicotinic acid 96, 97 Duvatrienes see Thunberganoids
1,2-Dihydropyridine 96, 98
Dihydrosolasuaveoline 411
5α,6-Dihydrotomatillidine 404, 410, 418 E
24,25-Dihydrowithanolide S 470 Ecdysteroid antagonists 465
2,3-Dihydrowithanone-3β-O-sulfate 476 Ecdysteroids 464, 465
1α,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol 462 Ecdysterone 464
3,5-Dihydroxycinnamic acid 276, 316 Ecological significance
2α,24-Dihydroxydiosgenin 385 Anthocyanins 309
2α,3β-Dihydroxygermacrene A 353 Apocarotenoids 493
6β,7β-Dihydroxylittorine 120 Brassinosteroids 465
2,3-Dihydroxy-2-methylbutyric acid 180 Carboxyparquin 361
Dihydroxynortropanes 49, 126, 127, 131 Carotenoids 494
5,11-Dihydroxy-4-oxo-tetradecanoic acid Cembranoids 364
544, 556 Cyanogenic glycosides 274
23,24-Dihydroxysoladulcidine 400 Ecdysteroids 464
12β,27-Dihydroxysolasodine 400 Ergolines 250
13,15-Dihydroxysolavetivone 352 Flavonoids 303
3α,7β-Dihydroxy-6β-tigloyloxytropane 120 Furanosesquiterpenoids 357
3α,6β/7β-Dihydroxytropane 34, 49, 117, 118, Gibberellins 365
126, 127, 144, 149 Glycoalkaloids see Steroidal alkaloids
Dimethylallyldiphosphate 218, 344 Glycoresins see Resin glycosides
4-(γ,γ-Dimethylallyl)tryptophan 218 Hydroxycinnamates 277
Dimethylallyltryptophan N-methyl- Hydroxycinnamic acid amides 298
transferase 218 Labdanoids 364
Dimethylallyltryptophan synthase 218 Lolines 267
N′-[4-(Dimethylamino)butanoyl]- Nicotinoids 104
nornicotine 86 Petuniasteroids 486
N,N-Dimethyldodecylamine 528 Phytoalexins 348, 353, 357
N,N-Dimethylhexadecylamine 528 Phytoecdysones see Ecdysteroids
Dimethyloccidols 355 Plant volatiles
N,N-Dimethyloctadecylamine 528 see Volatile organic compounds
N,N-Dimethylphysoperuvinium salt 126 Polyamine-HCA conjugates 303
4,4-Dimethylsterols 370 Pyrrolizidines 187
N,N-Dimethyltetradecylamine 528 Resin glycosides 570
N,N-Dimethyltyramine 272 Salicylic acid 279
Dioscin 384 Steroidal alkaloids 457
Diosgenin 373, 377, 386, 390, 391 Steroidal sapogenins 398
Diosgenone 379 Steroidal saponins 398
2,3′-Dipyridyl 90, 91 Tetraterpenoids 494
Dipyridyls 81 Tropanes 157
Diterpenoids 359, 492 Volatile organic compounds 280,
3α,7β-Ditigloyloxy-6β-hydroxytropane 48, 345–348, 526
120, 152 Withanolides 481
3α,7β-Ditigloyloxytropane 118, 152 Withasteroids see Withanolides
N1,N10-Ditigloylspermidine 268 Economic significance
Diurnoside 387 Capsaicinoids 287, 291
Dopamine 264, 266 Cholecalciferol 462
Dopamine receptors 246 Glycoalkaloids see Steroidal alkaloids
Dormantinol 443 Nicotinoids 101, 104
Dormantinone 443 Steroidal alkaloids 451, 452, 459
Subject Index 613

Tropanes 159 Esculeosides 400, 405, 407, 410, 421, 434,

Vitamin D3 see Cholecalciferol 446
Withanolides 480 Essential oils 5, 345
Withasteroids see Withanolides 17β-Estradiol 464
δ-Elemene 352 Estrone 464
Ellagic acid 282 Ethnobotany
Elymoclavine 218, 225–230, 236–238, 244 Ergolines 249
Elymoclavine 17-monooxygenase 218 Glycoresins see Resin glycosides
Emitter plants 350, 526 Nicotinoids 102
17-Epiacnistin A 470 Resin glycosides 565
5-Epi-aristolochene 353 Tropanes 157
5-Epi-aristolochene synthase 355 Withanolides 480
Epicatechin 306 Withasteroids see Withanolides
Epicorymbusin 365 24-Ethylenelophenol 370
Epifriedelinol 368 Etiolinine 403
22,26-Epiminocholestanes 403, 417 Etioline 403, 417, 443
23,26-Epiminocholest-23(N)-en-22-ones Eudesmane 352, 359
404, 418 Eugenol 276, 281
α-Epiminocyclohemiketals 405, 419 Exogonic acid 563
α-Epiminocycloketals 405, 419
4-Epi-isocembrol 363
3-Epikatonic acid 368 F
2-Epilentiginosine 174 Fabiaimbricatane 348
Epilubimin 354 Fabianine 261
Epilubiminoic acid 354 Fabiatrin 293
Epinephrine 264 Farnesal 349
Epipinoresinol 326 Farnesenes 349, 352
Episolacapine 404 Farnesol 349
4,5-Epoxy-2-decenal 526 Farnesyl acetone 493
11,12-Epoxyrhishitin 355 Farnesyl diphosphate 348, 366
Eremophilane 353 Fatty oil 525, 527
Eremophilene 352 Fenchol 347
Ergine 217, 222, 225–230, 236–238 Ferulates 294
Erginine 222 Ferulic acid 271, 275, 292, 305, 316
Ergobalansine 221, 225, 228, 243 Feruloyl CoA 277
Ergobalansinine 228 Feruloyl-CoA:tyramine
Ergobasine see Ergometrine N-feruloyl-CoA transferase 299
“Ergoline cocktail” 248 N-Feruloyloctopamine 299
Ergolines 185, 215 3-Feruloyloxytropanes 49, 149
Ergometrine 217, 222, 225, 236, 238 3-Feruloylquinic acid 296
Ergonovine see Ergometrine N-Feruloylspermidine 303
Ergopeptines 216, 221, 225, 228, 236 N-Feruloyltyramine 299, 323
Ergosine 221, 225, 228, 236 Festuclavine 219, 221, 225, 236
Ergot alkaloids see Ergolines Flavanone 3-hydroxylase 304
Ergotamine 215, 229 Flavanones 306
Ergotaminine 217 Flavans 307
Ergotoxine group 229 Flavone glycosides 305, 307
Eriodictyol 307 Flavone sulfates 307
Erucamide 528 Flavone synthases 304
Erycibelline 127, 131 Flavonol glycosides 304, 307
Erycibenins A – C 321, 344 Flavonol sulfates 307, 308
Erycibenins D – F 307 Flavonol sulphotransferases 307
Erythrinin B 321 Flavonol synthase 304
Esculeogenins 400, 405, 434 Flavylium cation 309
614 Subject Index

Fluorodaturatine 213 Carotenoids 494, 495

Foliumin A 379 Flavonoids 303
Formononetin 321 Hydroxycinnamates 277
N′-Formylanabasine 81 Nicotianamine 263
N′-Formylanatabine 81 Resveratrol 306
N-Formylloline 265, 267 Withanamides 528
N′-Formylnornicotine 91 Withanolides 481
N-Formylphenylethylamine 273 Withasteroids see Withanolides
Free sterols 371 Heavenly blue anthocyanin 313, 315, 317
Friedelin 366 Hecogenin 373, 377
Fucose 533, 550 Heptadecanol 294
Funkioside D 390 Hexadecanol 294
β-Furancarboxylic acid 358 Hexadecyl 3,5-dihydroxycinnamate 295
Furanosesquiterpenoids 356 Hexamethoxylignan 328
Furostanol bisdesmosides 385, 389, 393 n-Hexanal 526
Furostanols 378, 382, 386 Hexenals 526
3-Hexen-1-ol 526
Himachalene 352
G Hispidogenin 377, 379
Galactose 375, 421 Hispidulin 307
General secondary metabolites 5 Hispigenin 373, 380
Genistein 321 Hispinin C 375
Geranial 491 l-Histidine 531
Geraniol 345, 491 HIV-1 integrase inhibitors 327
Geranyl acetone 493 Homatropine 154
Geranyl diphosphate 345, 491 Homofluorodaturatine 213
Geranyl formate 347 Homocapsaicin 283
Geranylgeranyl diphosphate 359 Homodihydrocapsaicin 283
Germacrene D 348, 352 22-Homopregnane 389
Germacrene D-4-ol 351 Homospermidine 179
Gibberellins 360, 361, 365 Homospermidine synthase 178
Gitogenin 373, 377, 386, 391, 392 Humbertiane 356
Glucose esters 277, 531 Humbertiol 356
Glucuronic acid 385 α-Humulene 349, 352, 356
Glutinosone 353 Hydrocarbons 86
Glycine 531 Hydrocyanic acid 274
Glycoalkaloids see Steroidal alkaloids 13-Hydroperoxylinoleic acid 526
Glycolipids 525 13-Hydroperoxy-α-linolenic acid 526
Glycoresins see Resin glycosides N′-3-Hydroxyacylnornicotines 86, 97, 108
Glycosidase inhibitors 176 3α-Hydroxy-7β-acyloxytropanes 118
Glycosidic acids 533–546, 549, 555, 556 3α-Hydroxy-7β-angeloyloxytropane 124
Grahamine 34, 125 p-Hydroxybenzoic acid 279, 281, 316
Green leaf volatiles (C6) 526 3α-(4-Hydroxybenzoyloxy)nortropane 134
Grossamide 323 3α-(3-Hydroxybenzoyloxy)tropane
α-Gurjunene 356 see Cochlearine
3-(4-Hydroxybenzoyloxy)tropanes 134, 135,
138, 148, 149
H 3-(Hydroxy-n-butyryloxy)tropane 133
Harman 213, 214 ω-Hydroxycapsaicin 290
Harmine 213 13-Hydroxycapsidiol 352
Havanine 403 6α-Hydroxycastasterone 466
Health benefits 25-Hydroxycholecalciferol 462
Anthocyanins 318 26-Hydroxycholesterol 444
Capsaicinoids 288, 291 p-Hydroxycinnamic acid 310
Subject Index 615

o-Hydroxycinnamic alcohol 344 3-Hydroxyspirosolanes 400, 414

1-O-Hydroxycinnamoylglucose 277 6α-Hydroxy-5α-spirostan-3-one 379
3-Hydroxycinnamoyloxytropanes 148, 149 12-Hydroxystearic acid 543, 555
7-Hydroxycostal 359 21-Hydroxysycophantine 401, 411
7-Hydroxycostol 359 3α-Hydroxy-7β-tigloyloxytropane 124
3′-Hydroxycotinine 100 15α-Hydroxytomatid-5-en-3β-ol 401
Hydroxycoumarins 292, 293 15α-Hydroxytomatidine 401
7-Hydroxydecanoic acid 533, 538, 555, 560 3α-Hydroxytropane 34, 48, 49, 110, 115, 131,
20-Hydroxyecdysone see Ecdysterone 148, 152
3-Hydroxy-22,26-epiminocholestanes 3β-Hydroxytropane 48, 49, 110, 113, 115,
403, 417 131, 148, 170, 171
3-Hydroxy-α-epiminocyclo(hemi)ketals 405, 6β-Hydroxytropan-3-one 49, 132
419, 434 2′-Hydroxytropic acid see Anisodinic acid
9-Hydroxyfarnesol 358 20S-Hydroxyvespertilin 383
Hydroxy fatty acids 533–546, 553 4β-Hydroxywithanolide E 476
5-Hydroxyferulic acid 275 Hydroquinone 280
Hydroxygeranyllinalools 361 Hygrine 34, 49, 66, 69, 72, 90, 148, 150
6β-Hydroxyhyoscyamine Hygrolines 34, 49, 67, 69, 72
see Anisodamine Hyoscine see Scopolamine
7β-Hydroxyhyoscyamine 151 Hyoscine butylbromide
4′-Hydroxylittorine 121 see N-Butylscopolaminium bromide
3-Hydroxylubimin 353 Hyoscyamilactol 470
3-Hydroxylubiminoic acid 353 Hyoscyamide 325
4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-5-prenyl-benzoic Hyoscyamine 34, 90, 110, 120, 149
acid 281 Hyoscyamine 6-hydroxylase 112, 121, 151
3-Hydroxy-2-methyl-butyric acid see Nilic Hyoscyamine N-oxides 123
7β-Hydroxy-O-methylsolanocapsine 406
N′-(3-Hydroxy-12-methyltridecanoyl)- I
nornicotine 86 Imidacloprid 105
4-Hydroxymyoporone 358 Indian jalap 537, 547
3-Hydroxynortropanes 49, 115, 131, 152, Indiosides 375, 385
170, 171 Indole 526
3-Hydroxy-2-oxo-butyric acid 180 Indolizidines 173, 174, 177, 185
13-Hydroxy-3-oxo-α-ionol 493 Intermedine 187
11-Hydroxy-4-oxo-tetradecanoic acid 544, Ionones 492, 493
555 Ipalbidine 173, 177
3-(Hydroxypentanoyloxy)tropane 133 Ipalbidinium 173, 177
2-p-Hydroxyphenylethanol 278 Ipangulines 180
p-Hydroxyphenyl-hydroxymethyl-ketone 278 Ipangulinic acid 180
4-Hydroxyphenyllactic acid 121 Ipobscurines 300
4-Hydroxy-3-prenyl-benzoic acid 281 Ipohardine 173, 177
7β-Hydroxy-6β-propenyloxy- Ipolearic acid 533, 539, 556
3α-tropoyloxytropane 123 Ipolearoside 539
5-(2-Hydroxypropyl)hygrine 67 Ipomeadiol 358
5-(2-Hydroxypropyl)hygroline 67 Ipomeamarone 357
13-Hydroxyrishitin 355 Ipomeamaronol 358
N-Hydroxyrobustine 401 Ipomeanine 358
12a-Hydroxyrotenone 321 Ipomeanol 358
Hydroxysoladulcidines 386, 400, 440 Ipomine 173, 177
3-Hydroxysolanidanes 402, 416 Ipomoeassins 544, 552, 557, 558
N-Hydroxysolasodine 401 Ipomoeaxanthins 494
Hydroxysolasodines 401, 411 Ipopurpuroside 543
Hydroxysolavetivones 354 Ipratropium bromide 154
616 Subject Index

Ipurolic acid 533, 539, 541, 543, 556 Jalapin 548

Iseluxine 264 Jalapinolic acid 533, 549, 553
Isoanguivine 423, 426 Jalaps 532, 536, 537, 543, 544
Isoaureoside 366 Jasmonate 107, 526
Isobutyryl CoA 287 Jasmonic acid see Jasmonate
Isocaelagenin 373, 377 N-[(–)-Jasmonoyl]-tyramine 527
Isocapsicastrine 404 Juripidine 406
Isocembrol see Thunbergol Jurubidine 406, 419
Isochanoclavine-I aldehyde 218 Jurubine 406
Isochlorogenic acid 296
Isochorismate synthase 279
Isoesculeogenin A 400 K
25-Isoetioline 403 Kaempferol 304, 306, 308
Isoeugenol 281 Kaladasterone 465
Isoflavones 319 Kauranes 360, 361, 365
Isofucosterol 371 Kauranetriols 365
Isoipangulines 180 Ketocarotenoids 492
Isoipangulinic acid 180 Khasianine 430
Isojacpaniculine 327 Kukoamine A 303
Isojuripidine 406 Kunzeaol 352
Isojurubidine 406 Kurameric acid 136
l-Isoleucine 152, 179, 220, 287
Isolysergic acid 217
Isolysergic acid amide see Erginine L
Isolysergol 225, 236, 238 Labdadienediols 363
Isonuatigenins 373, 377, 382 Labdadienoic acids 365
Isopaniculidine 406, 419 Labdadienyl diphosphate 360
Isopelletierine 70 Labda-12-en-8α,15-diol 363
Isopenniclavine 222 Labdanediols 363, 365
22-Isopimpifolidine 405, 434 Labdanoids 363
Isoporoidine 115 Labd-8(17)-ene-15-ol 365
Isoquinoline 90 Lanceolitols 526
Isoraimonol 364 Lanost-8-en-3β-ol 370
Isoretronecanol 178 Lanosterol 370
Isorhamnetin 305 Lariciresinol 321
Isorhodeose see Quinovose Lauric acid 533, 559, 560
Isosetoclavine 221, 225, 236 Laxumins 399
Isosolacapine 404, 418 Ledol 352
Isosolafloridines 403, 418 Leptinidine 402, 410, 417
Isosolanogantamine 403, 417 Leptinines 402, 410, 417
Isosolaseaforthine 404, 418 Leptines 402, 417
Isosolasuaveoline 411 Leptophyllins 539, 558
22-Isoteinemine 403, 410, 418, 443 l-Leucine 179, 220, 287
Isotubocaposides 470, 478 Levantenolides 363
Isovaler(o)yl CoA 287 Lignanamides 323, 327
Isowithanone 471 Lignanolides 326
Itaconic acid 118, 124 Limonene 345
Ixocarpalactones 472 Linalool 345, 349
Linalyl acetate 347
Linoleic acid 525
J Linolenic acid 525
Jaborols 472 N-Linolenoyl-l-glutamine 107
Jaborosalactones 470, 472, 476 N-Linolenoyl-l-glutamic acid 107
Jaborosolactol N 469 Lipoxygenase cascade 526
Jacpaniculine 327 Littorine 34, 110, 112, 151
Subject Index 617

Loline 265, 267 (3α-)Merresectines B-H 49, 135, 136, 138,

Loliolide 494 147, 148
Longifolene 351 3β-Merresectines B-H 49, 138, 149
Lophenol 370 Mesaconic acid 116, 118, 124
Lubimin 353 Meteloidine 115, 120
Lubiminoic acid 354 2-Methoxy-3-isobutylpyrazine 261
Luciamin 375 5′-Methoxylariciresinol 323
Lupeane 366 4-Methylaminobutanal 33
Lutein 487, 492, 493 4-N-Methylaminocycloheptanone 126
Luteochrome 494 N′-Methylanabasine 81, 90
Luteolin 305, 306 N′-Methylanatabine 81
Lycianthosides 392 Methyl anthranilate 526
Lycopene 109, 487, 490, 493 Methyl benzoate 280
Lycopene 1,2-epoxide 490 2-Methylbutyric acid 49, 181, 530, 559, 560
Lycoperodine-1 213, 214 2-Methylbutyryl CoA 287
Lycoperosides 400, 405, 410, 433 3-(2-Methylbutyryloxy)tropane 49,
Lycophyll 488 125, 148
Lycopsamine 187 Methyl caffeate 277
Lycotetraose 384, 421, 423 N-Methylcalystegines 161
Lycoxanthin 488 Methyl cinnamate 280
Lysergene 230, 236 24-Methylcholesterol 480
Lysergic acid 217 Methylecgonine 126, 132
5R,8R-Lysergic acid see Lysergic acid 24-Methylenecholesterol 371, 480
5R,8S-Lysergic acid see Isolysergic acid 24-Methylenecycloartanol 370
Lysergic acid amide see Ergine 24-Methylenecycloartenol 370
Lysergic acid α-hydroxy-ethylamide 220, 24-Methylenelanost-8-en-3β-ol 370
222, 225, 236, 238 24-Methylenelophenol 370
Lysergic acid methylcarbinolamide see Methyl ferulate 277
Lysergic acid α-hydroxy-ethylamide Methyl geranate 347
Lysergol 221, 223, 225, 236, 238 15-Methylheptadecanol 294
Lysergoyl adenylate 220 6-Methylheptadecyl caffeate 295
Lysergoyl-l-alanine 220 N-(14-Methylhexadecanoyl)pyrrolidine 75
Lysergoyl-l-alanyl-l-leucine 221 Methyl jasmonate see Jasmonate
Lysergoyl peptide synthetase 220 N-Methylloline 265, 267
l-Lysine 97 3α-Methylmesaconyloxy-
7β-cinnamoyloxytropane 120
3α-Methylmesaconyloxytropane 115
M Methyl 5-methylhexanoate 347
Malonyl-CoA 150 N-Methylmyosmine 84
Malvidin 309 N-Methylnicotinamide 84
Mammosides 535, 558 8-Methylnonanoic acid 287
Marubajalapins 543 8-Methylnonanoic acid dehydrogenase 287
Matairesinol 321, 326 8-Methyl-6-nonenoic acid 287
Medicarpin 321 δ-N-Methylornithine 64
Megastigmadienes 493 13-Methylpentadecanol 294
Megastigmadienones 492 N-Methyl-∆1-piperideinium chloride 98
Megastigmatrienones 492 Methylprotodioscin A 391
Megastigmenes 493 Methylpseudoecgonine 49, 126, 132, 143
Melongosides 390 N-Methylputrescine oxidase 33
α-Mercaptoacetaldehyde 476 N-Methylpyrrolidinylcuscohygrines 34, 49,
Merredissine 144 68, 69, 72
Merrekentrones 356 N-Methylpyrrolidinylhygrines 34, 49, 68,
Merremin 535, 558 69, 72
Merremosides 535 4-(1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)-
Merresectine A 49, 134, 135 3-oxobutanoate 73, 150
618 Subject Index

N-Methyl-∆1-pyrrolinium cation 73, 94, Neral 347

110, 150 Nerol 345
Methyl salicylate 280 Nerolidol 349
O-Methylsolanocapsine 406, 419 Neryl acetate 347
N-Methylsolasodine 401 Nervogenic acid 136, 281
4α-Methylsterols 470 Neurosporene 487
N-Methyltyramine 272 Ngaione 357
Mexican jalap 547 Nicandrenones 470, 472
Mexican scammony 541, 547 Nicotelline 81
Microphyllic acid 534 Nicotianamine 262
Minalobines 182 Nicotianosides 390
Molliclavine 221, 223, 225, 236 Nicotine 34, 49, 77, 78, 81, 88–94, 148
Monogalactosyl-diacylglycerides 525 (+)-Nicotine 100
Monolignols 277, 322 Nicotine N-demethylase 96
Monoterpenoids 345, 493 Nicotine-iminium ions 97
Multifidinic acid A 540 Nicotine-N-methyleniminium ion 97
Multifidins 540 Nicotine-N′-oxides 81, 107
Muricatic acids 546 Nicotine sulphate 104
Muricatins 546 Nicotine synthase 96
Muristerone A 465 Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors 99, 104–106
Murucinic acid 537, 540, 555 Nicotinic acid 95, 97, 144
Murucins 537, 540, 552, 557 Nicotinic acid mononucleotide 95
Murucoidins 540, 558 Nicotinic acid mononucleotide
Muurolane 348 glycohydrolase 95
Muscarine 99, 154 Nicotinoids 34, 49, 78, 81
Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors 99, 3α-Nicotinoyloxytropane 49, 144, 149
153, 157 Nicotyrine 81, 90
Muscarinic receptor agonists 154 Nigrumoside A 384, 395
Muscarinic receptor antagonists 154 Nilic acid 533, 560
Mutatoxanthin 490 N′-Nitrosonornicotine 86
Myosmine 78, 81, 91, 92, 94 N-Nitrosotomatidine 401, 434
Myrcene 345 Nociceptors 290
Myricetin 305 Nocturnosides 389
Myrtenic acid 141 Nonivamide
see Desmethyldihydrocapsaicin
3α-Nonyloxytropane 117
N Norastrimalvine A 145
Naringenin 320 Norcadinane 348
Nasunin 312 Norcapsaicin 283
Necic acids 178 Norcarotenoids 493
Necine bases 178 28-Norcastasterone 466
Negretein 312 Norconcneorine 49, 134
Neobonaspectins 328 Nordihydrocapsaicin 283
Neochlorogenic acid 296 Nordihydrocapsiate 287
Neochlorogenin 373, 377 Norepinephrine 264
Neochlorogenone 379 Noreudesmane 353
Neogitogenin 373 Norharman 214
Neonicotinoid insecticides 105 Norhygrine 34, 49, 67, 69, 72, 177
Neonicotinoids 105 Norhyoscyamine 122
Neopaniculidine 406 Norisoprenoids 492, 493
Neopetunoside 305 Nornicotine 34, 78, 81, 90–94
Neosolaspigenin 373, 380 R-(+)-Nornicotine 100
Neotigogenin 373, 377, 390, 392 Norpseudotropine
Neoxanthin 487, 489, 492 see 3-Hydroxynortropane
Subject Index 619

Norscopolamine 48, 122 P

Norscopine 34 Palmatine 264
Nortropacocaine 134 Palmitic acid 533, 558, 561
Nortropinone see 3-Oxonortropane Palmitoylamide 528
24-Nor-12-ursene 368 Paniculidine 406, 419
18-Norwithanolides 474 Paniculogenin 373, 377
Nuatigenins 373, 382 Parquigenin 374, 377
Parquin 361
Parquisosides 387
O Paspalic acid 218
Occidenol 355 Pathogenesis response proteins 105
Occidol 354 Paucine 302
Ocimene 347 Pelanin 312
Z-9,17-Octadecadienal 281 Pelargonidin 309, 313
Octadecanoid pathway 526 Penniclavine 222, 225, 236, 238, 244
Octadecanol 294 Peonanin 310, 312
Octadecyl caffeate 295 Peonidin 309, 313
Octadecyl p-coumarate 294 Pericampylinone-A see Iseluxine
Octopamine 299 Pernetyl malonate 348
Oleamide 528 Perulactones 472
Oleanane 366 Pescapreins 542
Oleandrose 461 Pescaprosides 542
Oleanolic acid 366 Petanin 310, 312
Oleoresins (Capsicum) 288 Petunianines 485
Oligoacylglycerides 525 Petuniasterones 483
Ololiuqui 216, 223, 249 Petunidin 309
Operculinic acids 535–538, Petuniolides 485
545, 555 Petuniosides (ergostanoids) 486
Operculins 536, 554, 557, 558 Petuniosides (steroids) 386, 390
Operculinolic acid 533, 556 Petunoside 305
Orientin 305 Phalaenopsine 182
Orizabic acid A 535, 541, 555 Pharbitic acids 540, 550, 553
Orizabins 541, 542, 560 Pharbitin 540, 562
Oxitropium bromide 154 Pharmacology
4-Oxo-caprylic acid 563 N-Acylpyrrolidines 76
6-Oxodendrolasin 358 Anthocyanins 318
12-Oxododecanoic acid 526 Caffeic acid derivatives 296, 297
12-Oxododec-9-enoic acid 526 Calystegines 176
3-Oxo-22,26-epiminocholestanes Capsaicinoids 289
404, 418 Capsianosides 362
9-Oxofarnesol 358 Carotenoids 494
Oxohygrine 34, 49, 69 Cholecalciferol 462
2-Oxoisocaproate 287 Ergolines 245
2-Oxo-3-methylvalerate 287 Eugenol 278
6-Oxomyomontanone 357 Flavonoids 303
3-Oxonortropane 170, 171 Glycoalkaloids see Steroidal alkaloids
5-(2-Oxopropyl)hygrine 67 Glycoresins see Resin glycosides
23-Oxosolacongestidine 404 Hydroxycinnamic acid amides 299
15-Oxosoladulcidine 401 Isoflavonoids 320
3-Oxospirosolanes 402, 415 Lignanolides 326
3-Oxotropane 49, 110, 131, 150, 170, Nicotianamine 263
171, 441 Nicotinoids 98
2-Oxovalerate 287 Phytosterols 371
Oxylipins 526 Polyamine-HCA conjugates 301, 303
620 Subject Index

Pharmacology (cont.) Physoperuvine 126

Resin glycosides 564, 566 Phytoalexins 348, 353
Resveratrol 306 Phytoecdysones see Ecdysteroids
Sesquilignans 329 Phytoene 487, 490, 494
Steroidal alkaloids 453 Phytoene epoxide 490
Steroidal sapogenins 396 Phytofluenes 487, 490, 494
Steroidal saponins 398 Phytol 356
Simple pyrrolidines 74 Phytomenadione see α-Phyllochinone
Simple tropanes 49 “Phytosterol cocktails” 369
Swainsonine 176 Phytuberin 353
Tropanes 153 Phytuberol 353
Vitamin D3 see Cholecalciferol Piceid 306
Withanolides 480 Picolines 90
Withasomnine 70 Pimpifolidine 405, 434
Withasteroids see Withanolides Pinenes 345
β-Phellandrene 347 Pinoresinol 321, 326
α-Phellandrene epoxide 347 Pinoresinol dimethyl ether 326
Phenolics see Phenylpropanoids ∆1-Piperideine 97
Phenylacetic acid 180, 278 Pituri 91, 103
3-Phenylacetoxy-6β,7β-epoxytropane 123 Piturine 91
3-Phenylacetoxytropanes 34, 123, 125, 152 Plant volatiles
Phenylacetyl-CoA:tropine acyl see Volatile organic compounds
transferase 152 Plastoquinone A 343
7-O-Phenylacetylplatynecine 180 Platynecine 178, 180
l-Phenylalanine 112, 151, 220, 286 Pollinastanol 371
Phenylalanine ammonia lyase 271 Polyanine 421
Phenyl benzoate 281 Polyatriose 421
2-Phenylethanol 280 Polyhydroxynortropanes see Calystegines
Phenylethanoids 278 Polyketide pathway 266
N-(2-Phenylethyl)acetamide 273 Polypodine B 465
2-Phenylethyl acetate 280 Poroidine 115
Phenylethylamine 70, 272 Pregna-5,16-dien-3β-ol-20-one 384
(R)-3-Phenyllactate 112, 121 Prenylisoflavones 321
(R)-3-Phenyllactoyl-CoA 112 l-Proline 220, 267
Phenylmethanoids 279 Prolycopene 487, 490
Phenylpyruvate 112 N-Propionylnorloline 265, 267
Phenylpropanoid acids 277 3α-Propionyloxytropane 133
Phenylpropanoid alcohols 278 N-Propionylphenylethylamine 273
Phenylpropanoid aldehydes 278 Propylhygrines 49, 72
Phenylpropanoids 105, 267 Proteinase inhibitors 105
Phenylpropenes 278 Protocatechuic acid 279
3-Phosphoglyceraldehyde 95 Protodegalactotigonin 392
Phygrine 34, 49, 69, 72 Protodioscin 385
Phyllalbine 134, 135 Protopine 264
α-Phyllochinone 359 Prunasin 275
Physachenolides 470 Pseudohygroline 66
Physacoztolides 470 Pseudoionone 493
Physacoztomatin 365 Pseudotropine see 3β-Hydroxytropane
Physagulins 470 Pseudotropine acyltransferase 110
Physalien 489 Pterocarpans 321
Physalindicanols 480 Pterocarpin 321
Physalins 470, 472, 474, 476 Purgic acids 543
Physalolactone B 476 Putrescine 65, 178
Physochlaine 118 Putrescine N-methyltransferase 33, 88, 105
Subject Index 621

Pyridine 90 Scopine 34, 111, 158

Pyridine nucleotide cycle 95 Scopolamine 34, 90, 111, 120, 149
Pyridoxal-5-phosphate 98 Scopolamine N-oxides 123
Pyridylpiperidines 34, 78 Scopoletin 276, 292
Pyridylpyrrolidines 34, 78 Scopolin 292
Pyrrolidine-2-acetoacetic acid 150 Scopoline 158
Pyrrolidines 34, 49, 71 Scopologenin 374, 390
Pyrrolizidines 64, 178, 185 Scopolosides 390
Scoville Heat Units 288
Seco-eudesmane 353
Q Secoisolariciresinol 321
Quamoclinic acid A 540, 544 13,14-Secowithanolides 474
Quamoclins 540, 543, 544, 558 Selinane see Eudesmane
Quamoclitic acid 544 β-Selinene 359
Quercetin 304, 306, 308 Selinene-type phytoalexins 359
Quinic acid 271 Senecic acid 179
Quinoline 90 Serotobenine 301
Quinolinic acid 95 Serotonin 301, 528
Quinolinic acid phosphoribosyltransferase 95 Serotonin receptors 246, 251
Quinovose 375, 533, 550 Sesquilignans 328
Sesquineolignans 328
β-Sesquiphellandrene 352
R Sesquiterpenoid phytoalexins 353, 357
Raimonol 364 Setoclavine 221, 225, 236
Receiver plants 350, 526 Simonic acids 538–540, 542, 555
Resin glycosides 532, 533–546, 557, 566 Simonins 538, 558
Resveratrol 306 Simple lysergic acid amides 217, 222,
Resveratrol synthase 306 225–227, 236, 238
Retinal 494 Simple pyrrolidines
Retronecine 178 see Pyrrolidines
Rhamnose 375, 421, 533, 550 Sinapic acid 275
Rhodeose see Fucose 3-Sinapoyloxytropanes 49, 149
Ricinoleic acid 543, 555 Sisalagenin 374
Rishitin 353 Sisalagenone 377, 379
Robustine 427 Sisymbrifolin 323
Rotenoids 321 β-Sitosterol 369, 371, 372
Rotenone 321 Skimmin 293
Rubixanthin 493 Solacallinidine 404, 418
Rutinose 305, 306, 310 Solacapine 404, 418
Solacaproine 263, 527
Solacasine 406
S Solacauline 423
Sabinene 346 Solacongestidine 404, 417, 443
Salicylaldehyde 280 Solacongestine 404
Salicylic acid 180, 279 Solaculine A 409
9-O-Salicyloylplatynecine 180 Soladulcamarine 401, 421
Saponin SC-2 375 Soladulcidine 386, 401, 409, 414, 434,
Sarachine 404, 440 440, 444
Scammonic acids 535, 541, 545, 555 Soladulcidine-based glycoalkaloids 415, 439
Scammonins 535, 541, 542 Soladulcines 401, 415, 439
Scammony 535, 547 Soladulcoside A 379
Schizanthines 34, 116, 124, 149 Soladunalinidine 402, 409, 428
Schlechtendamine see 22-Isoteinemine Solafloridine 404, 414, 417
Scopadonnines 124 Solaflorine 404
622 Subject Index

Solafuranone 354 Solateinemine 410

Solagenin 374, 377 Solatriose 384, 421, 423
Solakhasianine 430 Solaurethine 263
Solalyratines 410 Solaverbascine 404, 418
Solamaladine 405 Solaverins 401
Solamargine 409, 422, 423, 424 Solaverols 401
α-Solamarine 401, 423, 425, 438 Solavetivone 351
β-Solamarine 401, 409, 423, 438 Soldanellic acids 534
Solamine 263, 527 Soldanellines 534
Solanaviol 401 Solsodomines 263
Solandrine see Norhyoscyamine Sominone 483
Solanesol 343 Sophorose 313, 470
Solangustidine 439 Spathulenol 356
Solangustine 439 Specific secondary metabolites 5
Solanidanes 402 Spermidine 178, 268, 303
5β-Solanidan-3α-ol 403 Spermine 267, 301, 303
Solanid-5-en-3β-ol 403 Spirosolan-3-amines 402
Solanidine 403, 414, 416, 422, 423, Spirosolanes 400, 414
432, 443 Spirosolan-3-ones see 3-Oxospirosolanes
Solanidine-based glycoalkaloids 416, 430, Spirosolan-3β-ol 401
431, 436 5α-Spirostane 377
β-Solanigrine 423 Spirostanol monodesmosides 384,
Solanigrosides 375, 379, 384, 385 389, 393
Solanine 403, 422, 423, 437, 440 22αO-Spirostanols 377, 378
β-Solanine/β-chaconine rhamnosyl- 22βO-Spirostanols 380
transferase 445 Spirostanones 379
Solanocapsine 406, 419 Spirost-5-ene 377
Solanocardinol 405, 432 Spirostenones 379
Solanoforthine 406 Squalene 366
Solanogantamine 403, 418 Stansins 542, 545
Solanogantine 403 Stearic acid 533
Solanopubamides 403, 418 Stearoylamide 528
Solanopubamine see Solanogantamine Stearyl 4-hydroxycinnamate
Solanudine 404, 418 see Octadecyl p-coumarate
Solanum alkaloids see Steroidal alkaloids Steroidal alkamines 413, 432, 440, 442
Solapalmitenine 527 Steroidal alkaloids 128, 399, 400, 421, 423,
Solapalmitine 527 480, 566
Solaparnaine 401 Steroidal sapogenins 373, 376,
Solaphyllidine 404, 418 386, 442
Solaplumbine 441 Steroidal saponins 375, 382, 384, 386
Solaquidine 404 Steryl esters 370
Solaradinine 427 Steryl glycosides 370, 371
Solaseaforthine 404, 418 Stigmasterol 369, 371, 372
Solashabanine 427 Stilbene synthase 304
Solasodamine 423 Stoloniferins 539, 540, 542, 558
Solasodenone 402, 446 Stress compounds 348, 354
Solasodine 386, 401, 409, 414, 422–424, 443 Subaphylline 302
Solasodine-based glycoalkaloids 415, 426, Suberin 294
430, 439, 460 Subhirsine 133, 134, 143
Solasonine 401, 409, 415, 422–424 Subtrifloralactones 474
Solaspigenin 374, 377 Sucrose esters 529, 530
Solaspiralidine 405, 418 Swainsonine 174
Solasuaveoline 411 Sycophantine 411
Solasurine 422 Syringaresinol 326
Subject Index 623

T Tobacco smoke 84
Taccalonolides 471 Tobacco suds 104
Tampico jalap 544, 547 Tobacco surface chemicals 363
Tampicolic acid 554 Tocopherols 359
Taraxanthin 493 Tomatidenol 386, 401, 409, 414, 423, 443
Taraxerol 368 Tomatidenol-based glycoalkaloids 431, 432,
Taraxerol acetate 368 436, 439
Taraxerone 368 Tomatidine 401, 414, 423, 439, 444
Teinemine 404, 410, 443 Tomatidine-based glycoalkaloids 428, 431,
Temazepam 264 432, 436
Tephrosin 321 Tomatillidine 405, 418
α-Terpineol 345, 347 Tomatine 401, 415, 422–424, 433, 437, 440
γ-Terpinene 347 Tomatosides 385, 390
Terpinen-4-ol 347 Torvanol A 321
Terpyridyls see Tripyridyls Torvogenin 377, 379
1,24-Tetracosanediol diferulate 294 Torvosides 375, 393
1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-β-carbolin-3β-carboxy- Toxicology
lic acid see Lycoperodine-1 213, 214 Brunfelsamidine 263
1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-2-methyl-β-carboline 213 Calystegines 176
Tetramethylputrescine 263 Capsaicinoids 291
Therapeutic use Carboxyparquin 361
Capsaicinoids 289 Cholecalciferol 462
Ergolines 247 Cyanogenic glycosides 274
Glycoresins see Resin glycosides Ergolines 245, 250
Nicotinoids 101 Furanosesquiterpenoids 359
Resin glycosides 564 Glycoalkaloids see Steroidal alkaloids
Tropanes 153 Glycoresins see Resin glycosides
Withanolides 480 Lolines 267
Withasteroids see Withanolides Nicotinoids 98
l-Threonine 179, 531 Pyrrolizidines 187
Thiotemplate mechanism 220 Solanesol 344
Thunberganoids 363 Resin glycosides 564, 571
Thunbergol 363 Steroidal alkaloids 447
Tiglic acid 118, 152, 179, 533, 559 Steroidal sapogenins 395
Tigloidine 49, 110, 115, 125, 149, 152 Steroidal saponins 395
Tigloyl-CoA:tropine acyl transferase 152 Swainsonine 176
Tigloyl-CoA:pseudotropine acyl trans- Tropanes 153
ferase 152 Vitamin D3 see Cholecalciferol
3α-Tigloyloxy-6β-hydroxy-7β-isovaleryl- Trachelanthic acid 179
oxytropane 120 Trachelanthamidine 178, 181
3β-Tigloyloxy-6β-hydroxytropane 126 Trachelogenin 321, 326
3β-Tigloyloxy-6-propionyloxy-7-hydroxy- Tracheloside 326
tropane 126 Tricoloric acids 545, 558
3α-Tigloyloxy-7β-propionyloxytropane 118 Tricolorins 545, 552, 558
3-Tigloyloxytropanes 49, 148, 151 Trigonellin 264, 267
9-O-Tigloylturneforcidine 187 Trihydroxykauran-19-oic acid 365
Tigogenin 374, 377, 386, 390, 391 3α,6β,7β-Trihydroxytropane 34, 120
Tigonin 387 3α-(3,4,5-Trimethoxybenzoyloxy)tropane 148
Tiotropium bromide 155 Tripyridyls 81
3,4,5-Tri-O-caffeoylquinic acid 297 Triterpenoid saponins 368, 376
3α,6β,7β-Trihydroxytropane 149 Tropacocaine 110, 134, 138, 146, 149
Tobacco exudate diterpenoids 363 Tropanes 34, 49, 109, 128, 441, 480
Tobacco flavour 492 3α-Tropanol see 3α-Hydroxytropane
Tobacco product categories 102 3β-Tropanol see 3β-Hydroxytropane
624 Subject Index

Tropan-3-one see 3-Oxotropane 3β-Veratroyloxynortropane 134

Tropeines 105, 154 3β-Veratroyloxytropane 134, 138
Tropic acid 110, 112, 151, 277 3α-Veratroyloxytropanes 148
Tropicamide 156 Vera Cruz jalap see Mexican jalap
Tropine see 3α-Hydroxytropane Verazine 443
Tropine acyltransferase 110 Verbenol 141
Tropinone see 3-Oxotropane Vespertilin 382
Tropinone reductases 110, 151 Vetispirane 352
Tropisetron 156 4-Vinylguaiacol 279
3β-Tropoyloxy-6-hydroxytropane 126 Violaxanthin 487, 489, 492
Trospium chloride 155 Virolongin A 327
Truxillines 125 Vitamin A aldehyde see Retinal
l-Tryptophan 213, 218, 300, 531 Vitamin D3 see Cholecalciferol
Tuberin 312 Vitamin E see Tocopherols
Tuberonic acid 526 Vitamin K1 see α-Phyllochinone
Tuberosides 391 Vitexin 305
Tuguajalapins 535, 554, 557, 558 Volatile oils see Essential oils
Tumaquenone 379 Volatile organic compounds 280, 345, 348, 526
Turbicorytin 365
Turneforcidine 178, 186
Turpethinic acids 537 W
Turpetholic acids 533, 556 Withacnistin 473
Tyramine 268 Withacoagulin 470
Tyrianthins 542 Withaferin A 466, 480
l-Tyrosine 271, 531 Withanamides 528
Withanolide D 480
Withanolide E 469
U Withanolide glycosides 476
UDP-galactose:solanidine galactosyl- Withanolides 128, 441, 465, 466, 470
transferase 445 Withanosides 470
UDP-glucose:diosgenin glucosyl- Withaperuvin H 476
transferase 445 Withaphysalins 470, 472, 474
UDP-glucose:solanidine glucosyl- Withasomnine 70
transferase 445 Withasteroids see Withanolides
UDP-glucose:solasodine glucosyl- Woodrosinic acid A 536
transferase 445 Woodrosins 536, 557
Umbelliferone 276, 292
Ursolic acid 366, 368
Uttroside B 384 X
Uvaol 368 Xanthophylls 487
Xanthoxin 489
Xylose 375, 421, 460, 526, 533
Valeroidine 117
l-Valine 179, 220, 287, 531 Y
Valtropine 115, 133 Yamogenin 374, 377, 386, 391
Vanillic acid 279, 281 YGM anthocyanins 314, 316
Vanillin 279 Ylangene 356
Vanilloid receptor subtype 1 290
Vanilloyl-CoA 279
1-O-Vanilloyl-d-glucose 280 Z
3α-Vanilloyloxytropanes 148 β-Zeacarotene 490
Vanillyl alcohol 287 Zeaxanthin 489, 492
Vanillylamine 286 Zeylanoxides 28
Veratric acid 281 Zingiberene 352
Taxonomic Index

A Araneae 158
Acanthaceae 70, 301 Arecaceae 81
Acnistus 18, 20, 129 Argyreia 4, 24, 27, 57, 147, 230, 268, 306
A. arborescens 466, 467, 470, 473, 481 A. acuta 236
A. australis (see Iochroma australe) A. androyensis 168
A. breviflorus A. barnesii 236
(see Vassobia breviflora) A. capitata 57, 72, 168, 267, 307, 308, 368, 586
A. lorentzii (see Eriolarynx lorentzii) A. cuneata 230, 236
A. ramiflorus (see A. arborescens) A. hainanensis 236
Agavaceae 376, 379, 391 A. hookeri 58, 168, 214, 236, 267
Alliaceae 390, 391 A. kurzei 297
Amaranthaceae 570 A. luzonensis 236
Amaryllidaceae 301 A. mollis 58, 168, 236, 243, 267, 308, 586
Aniseia 24, 27 A. nervosa 58, 72, 131, 168, 230, 236,
A. martinicensis 52, 72, 167, 266, 586 249, 267, 272, 308, 527, 586
Anisodus 18, 20, 39, 129 A. obtusifolia 236
A. acutangulus 39, 121 A. onilahiensis 168
A. luridus 39 A. philippinensis 236
A. tanguticus 39 A. populifolia 294
Annonaceae 323 A. ridleyi 236
Anthocercis 18, 19, 36, 93, 121, 125, 128, 367 A. rubicunda 236
A. angustifolia 36 A. speciosa 368, 372
A. anisantha 36 A. splendens 236
A. fasciculata 36, 121 A. vahibora 168
A. frondosa A. wallichii 236
(see Cyphanthera frondosa) Asparagaceae 376
A. genistoides 36, 120 Asteraceae 74, 81, 109, 145, 167, 178, 180,
A. gracilis 36 182, 187, 293, 295, 301, 327, 356, 358,
A. ilicifolia 36, 117 459, 526
A. intricata 36 Asterids 13
A. littorea 37, 115, 122, 583 Astripomoea 24, 27
A. tasmanica (see C. tasmanica) A. malvacea 58, 145, 168, 184, 239
A. viscosa 37, 126 Atropa 18, 20, 40, 129, 296, 306, 525
Anthotroche 18, 19, 37, 93, 128 A. acuminata (see A. belladonna)
A. myoporoides 37 A. baetica 40
A. pannosa 37 A. belladonna 3, 40, 64, 66, 92, 109, 110,
A. walcottii 37 122, 123, 157–162, 292, 368, 390, 583
Apiaceae 271, 345 A. caucasica (see A. belladonna)
Apocynaceae 103, 187, 327, 461 A. pallidiflora (see A. belladonna)

626 Taxonomic Index

Atropanthe 18, 20, 129 C. bona-nox (see Ipomoea alba)

A. sinensis 40 C. muricatum (see Ipomoea turbinata)
Calystegia 24, 27, 52, 293, 295, 298, 306, 318
C. hederacea 264, 318
B C. japonica 52, 131, 167, 318
Balansia 215, 221, 228, 242, 244 C. macrostegia 52, 131, 167
Betulaceae 301 C. sepium 52, 131, 161, 167, 240, 264,
Bignoniaceae 70 318, 532
Bonamia 25, 27, 50, 133, 268, 293, 295, 306 C. silvatica 52, 139, 167, 318, 528
B. brevifolia 50, 135, 146 C. soldanella 52, 131, 167, 318, 534
B. dietrichiana 50, 130, 166 Calystegiapollis microechinatus 21
B. semidigyna 50, 72, 132, 135, 138, 141, Campanulids 14
145, 146, 166, 298, 299, 344 Cannabaceae 81, 323
B. spectabilis 50, 132, 138, 141, 166, 272, Capsicum 18, 20, 46, 129, 282–292, 296,
328, 586 305, 354
B. trichantha 50, 166, 295 C. annuum 46, 92, 163, 261, 280, 282,
Boraginaceae 14, 178, 182, 187, 371 284, 285, 288, 289, 296, 312, 323, 352,
Bouchetia 17, 19, 128 361, 366, 370, 373, 374, 385, 391, 407,
B. anomala 525 440, 441, 488–490, 525
Brachistus 17, 20, 129 C. baccatum 284, 285
B. stramonifolius 467, 470 C. cardenasii 284
Brassicaceae 66, 104, 148–150, 164, 279, 295 C. chacoënse 284, 285
Brassicales 148 C. chinense 284, 285
Bromeliaceae 376 C. ciliatum 284, 285
Browallia 17, 19, 128, 465 C. eximium 284
B. americana 64 C. frutescens 46, 163, 284, 285, 288, 289,
B. grandiflora 366, 371 347, 352, 392, 584
B. speciosa 464 C. galapagoense 285
B. viscosa 467, 470 C. pubescens 284, 285
Brugmansia 4, 17, 20, 43, 123, 126, 129, C. tovarii 285
157, 347 Cardiochlamys 25, 27
B. arborea 43, 126, 347, 351 C. madagascariensis 166
B. aurea 43, 159 Caryophyllaceae 531
B. candida 43, 93, 120, 347, 351 Cestrum 17, 19, 35, 128, 296, 306, 373, 374,
B. candida x aurea 43, 117, 118, 122, 377, 387
124, 126 C. aurantiacum 441
B. sanguinea 44, 117, 120, 122, 159 C. diurnum 35, 92, 374, 387, 441, 463, 584
B. suaveolens 44, 120, 122, 157 C. elegans 297, 373, 387, 407, 440, 584
B. versicolor 44, 583 C. laevigatum 373, 374, 378, 387
Brunfelsia 4, 17, 19, 35, 128, 292, 296, 311 C. nocturnum 35, 92, 126, 162, 278, 306,
B. australis 311 345, 349, 374, 385, 388
B. bonodora 35 C. pallidissimum 373, 387
B. calycina (see B. pauciflora) C. parqui 278, 280, 299, 323, 361, 368,
B. grandiflora 263 373, 374, 379, 387, 440, 442, 493, 584
B. hopeana 35 C. purpureum (see C. elegans)
B. nitida 162 C. sendtenerianum 389
B. pauciflora 35, 295, 311, 583 Chamaesaracha 18, 20, 129, 306
B. undulata 35, 311 C. coniodes 75
Burseraceae 142 Chenopodiaceae 82, 84, 391
Claviceps 215, 218, 242
C. fusiformis 218
C C. paspali 217
Cactaceae 102 C. purpurea 215–217, 221
Calonyction aculeatum (see Ipomoea alba) Clavicipitaceae 215, 242
Taxonomic Index 627

Colchicaceae 105 Cressa 25, 27, 306

Coleoptera 251, 347, 352, 368, 417, 458, 459 C. cretica 293, 326, 527, 562
Convallariaceae 263, 461 Cuatresia 17, 20, 129
Convolvulaceae 12, 14, 15, 21–26, 148, 149, C. fosteriana 527
184, 245, 275, 295, 306, 345, 461 Cucurbitaceae 109, 463, 493
Convolvulales 12 Cuscuta 24, 27, 293, 298, 306, 307
Convolvulus 4, 24, 27, 52, 72, 131, 133, 139, C. approximata 166
147, 293, 295, 298 C. australis 51, 131, 167, 493, 533, 549,
C. al-sirensis 534 565, 587
C. althaeoides 52, 72, 215, 528 C. campestris 298
C. arvensis 52, 161, 167, 240, 293, 299, C. chinensis 214, 240, 298, 326, 533,
371, 527, 532 549, 565
C. canariensis 52, 294 C. europea 167, 240, 298
C. cantabrica 52 C. gronovii 298
C. caput-medusae 53, 147, 167, 177 C. lehmanniana 295
C. chilensis 53, 72, 141, 167, 299 C. lupuliformis 298
C. clementii 167 C. monogyna 240
C. cneorum 53, 133, 135, 138, 146, 147, C. odorata 298
167, 299, 586 C. palaestina 167
C. demissus 53, 145, 146, 167, 528 C. pedicillata 298
C. dorycnium 53, 141, 147, 586 C. platyloba 109, 298
C. elongatus 53, 167, 563 C. reflexa 109, 298, 527
C. erinaceus 53 C. salina 493
C. farinosus 53, 72, 141 C. sp. (on Launaea arborescens,
C. floridus 53, 72, 135, 138, 146, 147, Asteraceae) 167
167, 298 C. subinclusa 493
C. glandulosus 53, 141, 167, 528 Cuscutaceae 12, 303
C. graminetinus 53, 138, 141, 167 Cyperaceae 215
C. hamadae 66 Cyphanthera 18, 19, 37, 93, 121, 125, 128
C. hermanniae 53, 132 C. albicans 37, 92, 115
C. hirsutus 563 C. anthocercidea 37, 92
C. humilis 53, 167 C. frondosa 38, 92
C. kilimandschari 53, 167, 528 C. microphylla 38
C. krauseanus 54, 133, 135, 145 C. myosotidea 38
C. lanatus 293, 563 C. odgersii 38
C. lineatus 54 C. racemosa 38, 92
C. lopezsocasii 54, 167 C. scabrella 38
C. major 240 C. tasmanica 38, 91
C. microphyllus 534 Cyphomandra (see Solanum)
C. pseudocantabricus 4, 54, 133, 135 C. betacea (see S. betaceum)
C. puricaulis 293 C. crassifolia (see S. betaceum)
C. sabatius 54, 137, 138, 142, 147, 167,
299, 587
C. sagittatus 54, 141, 167 D
C. scammonia 532, 535, 547, 554, 555 Datura 17, 20, 44, 121, 126, 129, 296,
C. scoparius 54, 130, 147, 167 306, 525
C. siculus 54, 137, 141, 142, 147, 563 D. arborea (see Brugmansia arborea)
C. subauriculatus 54, 167, 215, 528 D. aurea (see B. aurea)
C. subhirsutus 54, 133, 135, 144 D. candida (see B. candida)
C. tricolor 54, 167, 240, 527, 563 D. ceratocaula 45, 117, 152
Core Asterids 13 D. cornigera (see B. arborea)
Crassulaceae 66, 81 D. discolor 44, 69
Crenidium 18, 19 D. fastuosa (see D. metel)
C. spinescens 37, 93, 128, 367 D. ferox 44, 120, 123, 467
628 Taxonomic Index

Datura (cont.) E. hainanensis 50, 132

D. inoxia 44, 68, 115–122, 126, 150, 152, E. macrophylla 166
162, 347, 351 E. malaccensis 166
D. leichhardtii 44 E. micrantha 50, 135, 138, 166
D. metel 45, 113, 134, 159, 162, 263, 347, E. obtusifolia 50, 132
351, 467, 475, 528, 531 E. parvifolia 166
D. meteloides (see D. inoxia) E. rheedii 50, 166, 587
D. quercifolia 44, 467 E. schmidtii 50
D. sanguinea (see B. sanguinea) E. tomentosa 297
D. stramonium 44, 64, 110, 117, 120, Erythroxylaceae 65, 67, 73, 77, 113, 120, 123,
123, 126, 132, 150, 157–159, 162, 132, 134, 144, 146, 148–150, 164
213, 295, 296, 347, 351, 353, 355, Euasterids I (see Lamiids)
366, 467, 584 Euphorbiaceae 134, 149, 150, 213
D. suaveolens (see B. suaveolens) Eurosids I 148
D. tatula (see D. stramonium) Eurosids II 148
D. wrightii 45, 126, 162 Evolvulus 4, 25, 27, 50, 133, 306, 313
Deprea 17, 20, 129 E. alsinoides 50, 51, 133, 139, 144,
D. orinocensis 467 146, 587
D. procumbens 467 E. argyreus 51, 166
D. subtriflora 467, 474, 481 E. glomeratus 51, 166, 317, 528
Dichondra 25, 27, 50, 133 E. nummularius 51, 132, 135, 138, 145,
D. micrantha 50, 166 146, 166
D. sericea 50, 132, 135, 138, 141, 166 E. pilosus 317
Dichondraceae 12 E. sericeus 51
Dictyoptera 108 Exodeconus 17, 20, 129
Dioscoreaceae 376, 387, 391, 393, 459 E. maritimus 467
Diptera 108, 361, 571 Exogonium purga (see Ipomoea purga)
Discopodium 17, 20, 129
D. penninervium 467, 470
Duboisia 18, 19, 38, 93, 121, 128, 367 F
D. arenitensis 38, 90 Fabaceae 81, 125, 174, 178, 186, 266, 267,
D. hopwoodii 38, 70, 90, 100, 103 271, 273, 319, 376, 463
D. leichhardtii 39, 90, 115, 126, 151, 158, Fabiana 17, 19, 128
162, 263 F. imbricata 261, 292, 296, 348, 366
D. leichhardtii x D. myoporoides 39, 122, Fagaceae 263, 301
159, 584 Falkia 25, 27, 268
D. myoporoides 39, 70, 90, 92, 109, 115, F. repens 50, 133, 141, 145, 166
117, 125
Duckeodendraceae 26
Dunalia 18, 20, 129 G
D. australis (see Iochroma australe) Gastropoda 456, 457
D. brachyacantha 467, 477 Goetzeaceae 26
D. solanacea 467 Grabowskia 17, 20, 129
D. tubulosa 467 G. duplicata 525
Grammosolen 18, 19, 93, 128, 367
G. dixonii 37
Equisetaceae 81
Ericaceae 352 H
Eriolarynx 18, 19 Hemiptera 352, 364
E. lorentzii 467 Heteroptera 158
Erycibe 25, 27, 50, 306 Hewittia 24, 27
E. elliptilimba 50, 131, 132 H. sublobata 55, 131, 168, 273, 281, 293,
E. expansa 307, 321, 372 295, 298, 299, 306, 327
Taxonomic Index 629

Hildebrandtia 25, 27 I. argillicola 60, 132, 135, 138, 144, 146,

H. austinii 166 184, 225
H. promontorii 166 I. argyrophylla 58, 221, 225, 228
H. valo 166 I. aristolochiifolia 225
Homoptera 104, 291, 459, 531 I. asarifolia 60, 144, 169, 184, 221, 225,
Humbertia 25, 27 228, 243, 244, 314, 587
H. madagascariensis 166, 326, 356 I. bahiensis 538
Hyacinthaceae 376 I. batatas 58, 131, 144, 168, 177, 184,
Hydroleaceae 12, 14, 15, 26 214, 234, 268, 275, 282, 293, 294, 297,
Hydrophyllaceae 317 314, 316, 347, 354–359, 368, 372, 494,
Hymenoptera 107 531, 538, 555, 565, 570, 587
Hyoscyamus 18, 20, 40, 121, 125, 129, 296, I. batatoides 58, 168, 234
306, 525 I. bonariensis 234
H. albus 40, 68, 117, 122, 126, 162, I. bracteata 234
355, 584 I. calobra (see I. sp. Q6 [aff. calobra])
H. aureus 40, 162 I. cairica 59, 168, 184, 215, 231, 314,
H. bohemicus (see H. niger) 326, 587
H. boveanus 40 I. capillacea 169
H. canariensis (see H. albus) I. cardiophylla 225
H. desertorum 40 I. carnea 59, 131, 168, 174, 176, 184, 231,
H. x gyoerffyi (H. niger x H. albus) 41, 124 297, 307, 314, 538, 571, 587
H. muticus 40, 159, 162 I. caudata 563
H. niger 40, 110, 122, 123, 151, 157, 161, I. chiriquiensis 62, 170
162, 323, 467, 470, 584 I. chloroneura 234
H. orientalis (see Physochlaina orientalis) I. cholulensis 61, 180, 183, 184
H. pusillus 40, 115, 126, 162 I. coccinea 61, 130, 180, 183, 184, 231,
H. reticulatus 40 527, 563
H. senecionis 41 I. congesta 314
H. turcomanicus 41 I. coptica 60, 234
I. coscinosperma 234
I. costata 225
I I. cristulata 61, 180–184
IasaF13 (clavicipitaceous epibiotic I. cynanchifolia 234
fungus) 244 I. diamantinensis 225
Iochroma 18, 20, 129, 306 I. digitata (see I. mauritiana)
I. australe 46, 467, 476 I. dumetorum 225
I. coccineum (see I. gesnerioides) I. dumosa 563
I. cyaneum 303 I. eremnobrocha 59, 169, 177, 234. 272, 528
I. fuchsioides (see I. gesnerioides) I. eriocarpa 61, 136, 169, 234
I. gesnerioides 467, 584 I. fistulosa (see I. carnea)
Ipomoea 4, 24, 27, 58, 131, 133, 147, I. gracilisepala 234
222–237, 268, 281, 293, 295, 306, I. graminea 169, 234
313–315, 527, 532, 562 I. habeliana 169, 275, 297
I. abrupta 59, 144 I. hardwickii 173, 177
I. adenoides 234 I. hederacea 61, 184, 231, 465, 563
I. alba 58, 168, 173, 177, 184, 234, 272, I. hederifolia 61, 131, 169, 180–184, 232,
275, 308, 327, 365, 587 299, 314, 356, 494, 563, 588
I. albivenia 234 I. hildebrandtii 58, 225, 229, 245, 588
I. amnicola 184, 225 I. hochstetteri 234
I. angulata (see I. hederifolia) I. horsfalliae 169
I. anisomeres 58, 168 I. imperati 169, 225, 275, 299, 539, 555
I. aquatica 60, 75, 132, 136, 169, 184, I. indica 62, 169, 234, 539
231, 268, 298, 494, 587 I. involucrata 60, 169, 234
I. arborescens 58, 184, 234, 537, 555, 563 I. jaegeri (see I. argyrophylla)
630 Taxonomic Index

Ipomoea (cont.) I. quamoclit 61, 144, 181–184, 233, 317,

I. jujujensis 226 368, 372, 544, 563, 565
I. kentrocaulos (see Merremia I. ramosissima 59, 235
kentrocaulos) I. regnellii 59, 169, 235, 299, 308, 528
I. lacunosa 232, 539 I. reptans 235, 372
I. leari(i) (see I. indica) I. reticulata 59, 169, 235, 308
I. leptophylla 184, 226, 539, 565 I. rubens 59, 235
I. lindheimeri 234 I. rubro-caerulea (see I. tricolor)
I. littoralis (see I. imperati) I. sepiaria 60, 235
I. lobata 61, 169, 182–184, 232, 588 I. setifera 62, 170, 226, 588
I. lonchophylla 60, 133, 135, 136, 138, I. setosa 235
144, 169, 174, 539, 571 I. shirambensis 60, 235
I. marginisepala 226 I. simulans 544, 554
I. mauritiana 59, 169, 234, 368 I. sinuata (see Merremia dissecta)
I. maxima (see I. sepiaria) I. sloteri 61, 138, 146, 181–184, 233, 527
I. meyeri 62, 130, 186, 234 I. sp. Q6 [aff. calobra] 169, 174
I. micrantha (see I. violacea L.) I. squamosa 59, 146, 169, 544, 552, 563,
I. microsepala 234 588
I. minutiflora 226 I. stans 545, 555
I. mirandina 235 I. stolonifera (see I. imperati)
I. muelleri 60, 138, 144, 169, 174, 226, I. tenuirostris 61, 169
250, 588 I. tiliacea 59
I. x multifida 540, 555 I. trichocarpa 233
I. muricata (see I. turbinata) I. trichosperma 60, 169
I. murucoides 235, 540, 553, 555, 563 I. tricolor 62, 135, 144, 170, 184, 216,
I. neei 61, 130, 169, 180, 183, 184, 588 218, 226, 229, 244, 245, 249, 293, 315,
I. nil 62, 131, 169, 184, 214, 232, 268, 317, 528, 545, 552, 570, 588
279, 314, 315, 317, 326, 327, 365, 527, I. trifida 59, 169
540, 550, 588 I. triloba 59, 235, 275
I. obscura 60, 169, 235, 275, 297, 300, 588 I. tuba (see I. violacea L.)
I. ochracea 60, 131, 301 I. tuberosa (see M. tuberosa)
I. operculata (see Operculina macrocarpa) I. turbinata 58, 72, 168, 173, 177, 184,
I. orizabensis 4, 226, 541, 542, 547, 553, 233, 272, 308, 465, 546, 565
555, 565 I. turpethum (see Operculina turpethum)
I. palmata (see I. cairica) I. tuxtlensis 59, 130, 169
I. pandurata 542 I. tyrianthina (see I. orizabensis)
I. parasitica 226, 542 I. umbraticola 169, 184
I. pedatisecta 235 I. velutina 58
I. pedicillaris 226 I. verbascoidea 235
I. perigrenium (see I. sloteri) I. violacea L. 60, 144, 169, 235, 275
I. pes-caprae 60, 131, 169, 226, 275, I. violacea auct., non L. (see I. tricolor)
278, 279, 297, 494, 495, 542, 555, I. wightii 61, 169, 235
563, 565, 588 Iseia 24, 27
I. pes-tigridis 61, 184 I. luxurians 52, 167, 264
I. phyllomega 226
I. pilosa 235
I. plebeia 61, 132, 136, 139, 141, 169, J
184, 235, 528 Jaborosa 18, 20, 129, 479
I. polpha 169, 174 J. araucana 467
I. pubescens 62 J. bergii 467, 469, 481
I. purga 4, 532, 543, 547, 563, 565 J. integrifolia 467
I. purpurea 62, 170, 184, 232, 294, J. laciniata 467
298, 299, 307, 315, 316, 466, 527, J. leucotricha 467, 472
543, 555 J. magellanica 467, 472
Taxonomic Index 631

J. odonelliana 467, 476 Lycopodiaceae 81

J. rotacea 467, 470, 476 Lythraceae 70
J. runcinata 467
J. sativa 468
Jacquemontia 24, 27, 51, 133, 281, 293, 295, M
306 Malaceae 295
J. corymbulosa 51, 130, 166, 298, 307, 327 Malpighiaceae 102
J. paniculata 51, 130, 166, 244, 298, Malpighiales 148
307, 327 Mandragora 17, 20, 42, 129, 296
J. pentantha 51, 131, 166, 327, 588 M. autumnalis (see M. officinarum)
J. reclinata, 166 M. caulescens 42
J. tamnifolia 51, 132, 135, 138, 166, 244, M. chinghaiensis (see M. caulescens)
298, 307, 327 M. officinarum 42, 111, 123, 157, 162
J. tomentella, 166 M. turcomanica (see M. officinarum)
Juglandaceae 81, 301 M. vernalis 42
Juncaceae 215 Margaranthus solanaceus (see Physalis
Maripa 24, 27 51, 133
L M. nicaraguensis 51, 138, 139, 145
Lamiaceae 141, 345, 371, 471 M. panamensis 51, 132, 135, 138, 141,
Lamiales 14 145, 166, 588
Lamiids 13, 14 Markea megalandra (see Schulthesianthus
Latua 17, 19, 128 leucanthus)
L. pubiflora 36, 121, 123, 157 Melanthiaceae 407, 408, 417, 442
L. venenosa (see L. pubiflora) Menispermaceae 264
Lauraceae 271 Merremia 4, 24, 27, 55, 72, 131, 133, 147,
Lepidoptera 105–107, 157, 158, 174, 188, 268, 281, 293, 295, 298
251, 252, 281, 350, 355, 364, 459, 478, M. aegyptia 56, 72, 132, 138, 214, 240,
486, 531, 569, 571 281, 282, 298, 299, 306, 307
Lepistemon 24, 27 M. aurea 55, 72, 168, 299, 356, 366
L. binectariferum 170, 239 M. cissoides 56, 73, 136, 138, 168, 187,
L. flavescens 297 240, 297
L. urceolatum 62, 170, 215, 239 M. dissecta 56, 73, 132, 135, 136, 138,
Leptoglossis 17, 19, 128 144, 146, 168, 275, 295, 297, 299, 589
L. texana 367 M. emarginata 55
Leucophysalis 18, 20, 129 M. gemella 55, 132, 145, 146, 327, 528
L. viscosa 46, 468, 470 M. guerichii 56, 73, 132, 133, 135, 138,
Liliaceae 376, 390, 407, 408 139, 144, 356, 589
Lycianthes 18, 20, 129 M. hederacea 55, 72
L. biflora 373, 386, 392, 400, 407, 440 M. hungaiensis 535, 554, 555, 565
L. rantonnetii 46, 440 M. kentrocaulos 57, 72, 73, 135, 138, 356, 372
L. synanthera 392 M. mammosa 535, 565
Lycium 17, 20, 129 M. medium (see Xenostegia medium)
L. barbarum 42, 122, 468, 489 M. peltata 55
L. cestroides 303 M. pterygocaulos 56, 168
L. chinense 161, 162, 175, 263, 303, 351, M. quinata 56, 73, 143
366, 468, 489, 495 M. quinquefolia 56, 73, 75, 135, 137, 138,
L. halimifolium (see L. barbarum) 144, 168, 187, 214, 240, 273, 297, 589
L. ruthenium 441 M. tridentata (see X. tridentata)
Lycopersicon (see Solanum) M. tuberosa 55, 72, 168, 240, 295, 299,
L. esculentum (see S. lycopersicum) 536, 547, 563, 589
L. hirsutum (see S. hirsutum) M. umbellata 56, 168, 273, 308
L. pennellii (see S. pennellii) M. vitifolia 56, 73, 133, 135, 138, 144,
L. pimpinellifolium (see S. pimpinellifolium) 275, 281, 299
632 Taxonomic Index

Mimosaceae 266 N. linearis 79, 88

Mina lobata (see Ipomoea lobata) N. longibracteata 79
Montiniaceae 12, 14, 15, 26 N. longiflora 79, 281, 345, 364
Moraceae 161, 164, 175 N. mangustifolia 103
Myoporaceae 357 N. maritima 80, 89
Myristicaceae 327 N. megalosiphon 80, 364
Myrtaceae 141, 278 N. miersii 79, 103
N. mutabilis 79
N. nesophila 75, 79, 86
N N. noctiflora 79, 89
Nematoda 108, 323, 458 N. nudicaulis 79
Nicandra 17, 20 N. obtusifolia 78, 103
N. physalodes 43, 69, 129, 161, 162, 306, N. occidentalis 80
441, 465, 468, 473, 584 N. otophora 78, 88, 89, 96
Nicotiana 15, 17, 19, 36, 78, 128, 263, N. paa 79
306, 321, 345, 349, 354, 362, 525, N. palmeri 78, 88
526, 529, 531 N. paniculata 78, 88, 90, 103, 364
N. acaulis 79 N. pauciflora 79
N. acuminata 79, 103, 364, 530 N. petunioides 79, 89
N. acutifolia 103 N. plumbaginifolia 79, 86, 96, 103, 281,
N. affinis 84 345, 364, 407, 440, 489, 526
N. africana 80, 89, 346, 364 N. pusilla 103
N. alata 79, 83, 89, 103, 281, 345, 364 N. quadrivalvis 79, 107
N. ameghinoi 79 N. raimondii 78, 364
N. amplexicaulis 80 N. repanda 75, 79, 86, 103, 364
N. arentsii 78, 89 N. rosulata 80
N. attenuata 79, 89, 103, 105–107, 279, N. rotundifolia 80
303, 349, 354, 526 N. rustica 78, 88, 89, 102, 280, 345, 354
N. azambujae 79 N. sanderae 79, 88, 364
N. benavidesii 78, 89 N. setchellii 78, 364
N. benthamiana 80 N. simulans 80, 103
N. bigelovii (see N. quadrivalvis) N. solanifolia 78, 89
N. bonariensis 79, 281, 345 N. spegazzinii 79
N. burbidgeae 80 N. stenocarpa 80
N. cavicola 80, 103, 346 N. stocktonii 75, 79, 86, 97
N. clevelandii 79, 107, 354 N. suaveolens 80, 280, 345
N. cordifolia 78, 89 N. sylvestris 79, 84, 88, 89, 107, 280, 345,
N. corymbosa 79 354, 361, 363, 585
N. cutleri 78 N. tabacum 3, 77, 78, 84, 88, 89, 96, 102,
N. debneyi 80, 89, 355, 364 162, 262, 264, 280, 292–298, 302, 305,
N. excelsior 80, 89, 103 309, 343, 361, 363, 366, 370, 373, 390,
N. exigua 80 492, 525, 530, 585
N. forgetiana 79, 89, 281, 345 N. thyrsiflora 78, 88
N. fragrans 80 N. tomentosa 78, 364
N. glauca 79, 83, 89, 96, 364, 463, 584 N. tomentosiformis 78, 88, 89, 363
N. glutinosa 78, 84, 96, 103, 354, 530 N. trigonophylla (see N. obtusifolia)
N. goodspeedii 80 N. truncata 80
N. gossei 80, 103 N. umbratica 80
N. hesperis 80, 89 N. undulata 78, 88, 89, 354
N. heterantha 80 N. velutina 80, 89
N. ingulba 80, 103, 346 N. wigandioides 78
N. kawakamii 78 N. wuttkei 80
N. knightiana 78, 88, 364 Nierembergia 17, 19, 35, 128, 465
N. langsdorffii 78, 89, 280, 345, 364, 585 N. aristata (see N. rigida)
Taxonomic Index 633

N. hippomanica (see N. linariaefolia) Physalis 18, 20, 126, 129, 296, 306,
N. linariaefolia 35, 116, 263, 272, 367, 465, 525
464 P. alkekengi 47, 161, 163, 175, 366, 441,
N. rigida 323, 367, 460 468, 474, 480, 489
N. veitchii 463 P. angulata 47, 468, 470, 474
Nolanaceae 12, 26, 303 P. chenopodifolia 468, 470
Nolana 15, 20, 129 P. cinarescens 468, 470
N. coelestis 351 P. coztomatl 365, 468, 470
N. elegans 365 P. curasavica 468
N. filifolia 365 P. ixocarpa (see P. philadelphica)
N. humifusa 162 P. lanceifolia 468
N. rostrata 364 P. minima 47, 468, 474, 480
P. nicandroides 530
P. peruviana 47, 126, 163, 441, 468,
O 476, 477
Odonellia 24, 27, 268 P. philadelphica 47, 163, 468, 479, 481,
O. hirtiflora 52, 131, 167, 177, 273, 528 525, 528
Olacaceae 121 P. pruinosa 47
Operculina 24, 27, 57, 281, 293, 295, 306 P. pubescens 47, 468, 525
O. aegyptia (see Merremia aegyptia) P. solanaceus 47, 468, 470
O. aequisepala 57, 131, 168 P. viscosa 47, 468, 530
O. aurea (see M. aurea) Physochlaina 18, 20, 41, 121, 129, 296
O. codonantha 57, 130, 298, 299, 327 P. alaica 41, 118, 123, 126
O. macrocarpa 536, 547, 554, 555, 563 P. dubia 41, 121, 122
O. pteripes 57, 130, 168 P. infundibuliformis 41
O. riedeliana 57, 145, 146, 168, 528 P. infundibulum
O. triquetra 168 (see P. infundibuliformis)
O. turpethum 168, 532, 536 P. infundubularis
Orchidaceae 66, 136, 178 (see P. infundibuliformis)
Oryctes 18, 20, 129 P. orientalis 41
O. nevadensis 305 P. physaloides 41
P. praealta 41
Pinaceae 66, 345
P Piperaceae 74, 75
Petunia 4, 15, 17, 19, 109, 128, 296, 310 Plantaginaceae 376, 387, 461
P. axillaris 281, 310, 348, 484 Poaceae 108, 215, 242, 245, 250, 263, 266,
P. exserta 311 399, 463, 489, 570
P. x hybrida 162, 279, 281, 293, 295, 298, Polygalaceae 241
302, 305, 309, 310, 348, 361, 386, 390, Polymeria 24, 27, 54, 131
483–486, 527, 530, 585 P. ambigua 54, 167
P. inflata (see P. violacea) P. calycina 54, 167
P. integrifolia 281, 310, 312, 348, 484, P. longifolia 54, 167
485 P. marginata 55, 130, 167
P. nyctaginiflora 530 P. pusilla 55, 167, 215
P. occidentalis 311 Porana 25, 27, 306
P. parodii 484–486 P. discifera 465
P. reitzii 311 P. paniculata 297
P. saxicola 311 P. volubilis 166, 589
P. violacea 35, 92, 485 Proteaceae 149, 150
Pharbitis nil (see Ipomoea nil) Proteales 149
P. purpurea (see Ipomoea purpurea) Przewalskia 18, 20, 129
Phrodus 17, 20, 129 P. shebbearei (see P. tangutica)
P. bridgesii 351 P. tangutica 41, 123
P. microphyllus 525 Pulmonata 456, 457
634 Taxonomic Index

Q S. lurida (see A. luridus)

Quamoclit angulata (see Ipomoea hederifolia) S. parviflora (see S. japonica)
Q. coccinea (see I. coccinea) S. sinensis (see Atropanthe sinensis)
Q. hederifolia (see I. hederifolia) S. stramoniifolia (see Anisodus luridus)
Q. lobata (see I. lobata) Scrophulariaceae 81, 301, 371
Q. x multifida (see I. x multifida) Solanaceae 12, 14–20, 26, 128, 129, 148, 149,
Q. pennata (see I. quamoclit) 295, 345, 463
Q. sloteri (see I. x sloteri) Solanaceaepollenites 15
Q. vulgaris (see I. quamoclit) Solanales 11, 12
Solandra 4, 18, 20, 42, 126, 129, 157
S. grandiflora 42
R S. guttata 42
Rapona 25, 27 S. hartwegii (see S. maxima)
R. tiliifolia 166 S. hirsuta 42
Rhamnaceae 266 S. longiflora 42, 122
Rhizophoraceae 66, 149, 150, 164 S. macrantha (see S. longiflora)
Rivea 24, 27 S. maxima 43, 585
R. corymbosa (see Turbina corymbosa) S. nitida (see S. maxima)
R. ornata 527 Solanum 4, 18, 20, 45, 129, 296, 304–306,
Rosaceae 81, 274, 295 312, 353, 371–375, 377, 386, 409–411,
Rubiaceae 271, 295 414, 421–425, 441, 446, 460, 465, 525,
Rutaceae 349, 427 527, 531
S. abutiloides 354, 382, 394, 400, 401,
403, 406–409, 414, 419, 420, 442, 444
S S. acaule 437
Salpichroa 18, 20, 129 S. acerifolium 428
S. diffusa 368 S. aculeastrum 409, 457
S. origanifolia 46, 122, 468 S. aculeatissimum 373, 375, 392, 394
Salpiglossis 18, 19, 128, 306 S. aculeatum 405, 419
S. sinuata 35, 70, 92, 585 S. aethiopicum 351, 354, 429, 460
Sapindaceae 81 S. aggregatum (see S. nigrum)
Saracha 18, 20, 129 S. agrarium 409
S. punctata 404, 418, 440 S. agrimoniifolium 438
S. viscosa (see Leucophysalis viscosa) S. x ajanhuiri 436
Saxifragaceae 295 S. alatum 374
Schizanthus 15, 18, 19, 34, 118, 124, 128 S. americanum 312, 409
S. alpestris 34 S. amygdalifolium 379, 409, 439
S. grahamii 34, 119, 124 S. andigenum (see S. tuberosum)
S. hookeri 34, 115, 118, 126 S. anguivi 375, 382, 394, 426, 429
S. integrifolius 34 S. angustifidum 439
S. litoralis 34, 118–120, 124, 126 S. angustifolium (see S. amygdalifolium)
S. pinnatus 34, 118, 124, 371, 585 S. antillarum 406, 420
S. porrigens 34, 124 S. arboreum 402, 409, 415
Schultesianthus 17, 19 S. arnezii 436
S. leucanthus 292 S. arundo 366, 409, 427, 430
Schwenckia 17, 19, 128 S. asperum 401, 457
S. americana 373, 374, 386 S. asterophorum 409
Scopolia 18, 20, 41, 129, 296 S. auriculatum 312, 373
S. acutangula (see Anisodus acutangulus) S. aviculare 401, 402, 427, 460
S. anomala (see A. luridus) S. baturitense 409
S. atropoides (see S. carniolica) S. berthaultii 352, 431, 530
S. carniolica 41, 111, 123, 159, 162 S. betaceum 45, 117, 121, 162, 263, 429,
S. japonica 41, 111, 161, 162, 292, 374, 489, 527, 585
379, 390 S. boerhaaviifolium (see S. laxum)
Taxonomic Index 635

S. boliviense 417, 438 S. hainanense 402, 446

S. brevidens 353, 435, 437 S. havanense 403, 417, 443
S. brusquense 409 S. hendersonii 416, 419
S. bulbocastanum 435, 459 S. hirsutum 352, 373, 402, 433, 529, 530
S. caldasii (see S. ochranthum) S. hispidum 373, 375, 379, 380, 385,
S. callium 403, 404, 418 406, 420
S. canasense 417 S. huancabambense 436
S. canense 403, 414 S. hypomalacophyllum 373, 382, 403–405,
S. capsicastrum 163, 403, 404, 416–419, 418
443 S. incanum 430, 453
S. capsicibaccatum 436 S. indicum 354, 371, 374, 375, 385, 410
S. capsiciforme 427 S. interandinum 312
S. capsicoides 409, 428 S. intrusum 312
S. cardiophyllum 436 S. iopetalum 410
S. carolinense 45, 263 S. jabrense 213, 354, 410, 457
S. chacoense 353, 402, 417, 424, 436 S. jamaicense 373, 382
S. x chaucha 437 S. jamesii 436
S. cheesmaniae 433 S. jasminoides (see S. laxum)
S. chilense 433 S. juglandifolium 435
S. chmielewskii 433 S. x juzepczukii 436
S. chrysotrichum 375, 385, 397 S. khasianum 430, 460
S. ciliatum 441, 468, 470, 477, 479 S. kwebense 163
S. circaeifolium 436 S. laciniatum 427, 442–444, 460, 585
S. columbianum 438 S. lanceolatum 526
S. commersonii 417, 425 S. laxum 374, 375, 399, 439, 585
S. congestiflorum 404, 414, 417 S. leptophyes 417, 437
S. cornifolium 402, 409, 417 S. lesteri 436
S. crinitum 409 S. lignicaule 436
S. cristalense 420 S. linearifolium 427
S. x curtilobum 436 S. luteoalbum 45
S. curtipes 374 S. lycopersicoides 435
S. dasyphyllum 430, 439, 452 S. lycopersicum 45, 92, 108, 109, 163,
S. demissum 353, 370, 402, 416, 417, 213, 263, 280, 296, 298, 302, 306, 321,
425, 437 347, 352, 354, 366, 371–374, 384, 385,
S. dimidiatum 163 390, 400–402, 405, 407, 408, 410, 415,
S. dimorphospinum 428 416, 420, 421, 424, 433, 434, 442–446,
S. dubium 430 463, 466, 487–491, 493, 525
S. dulcamara 126, 163, 321, 370–374, S. lyratum 385, 390, 401, 402, 410, 417
378, 379, 385, 386, 390, 400, 425, 439, S. macrocarpon ssp. dasyphyllum
442, 444, 451, 453 (see S. dasyphyllum)
S. dunalianum 402, 428 S. macrocarpum 373, 429
S. ecuadorense 403 S. malacoxylon (see S. glaucophyllum)
S. ehrenbergii 436 S. mammosum 428, 430, 442, 460
S. eleagnifolium 463 S. mandonis 374
S. erianthum 430 S. marginatum 421, 424, 430, 460
S. esuriale 464 S. megistacrolobum 417, 436, 438
S. etuberosum 434 S. melanocerasum (see S. scabrum)
S. fraxinifolium 403 S. melongena 46, 92, 163, 263, 296, 299,
S. giganteum 403, 417 309, 312, 354, 366, 370, 373, 374, 391,
S. glaucophyllum 452, 463, 464 394, 408, 430, 442, 445, 463, 525
S. glaucum 416 S. meridense 373, 379
S. gourlayi 437 S. microdontum 353
S. grandifolium 410 S. muricatum 439
S. guineënse (see S. nigrum) S. myriacanthum 428
636 Taxonomic Index

Solanum (cont.) S. stoloniferum 305

S. nayaritense 436 S. stramoniifolium 410
S. neocardenasii 405, 436 S. suaveolens 410
S. neorickii 433 S. sycophanta 400, 401, 410
S. nigrum 3, 163, 314, 375, 379, 384, 385, S. symonii 427
392, 395, 400, 401, 412, 442, 457, 460, S. tarijense 436
465, 525 S. tomatillo 404, 405, 418, 420
S. nudum 379, 404 S. toralapanum 417, 438
S. ochranthum 435 S. torvum 321, 373, 375, 379, 380, 385,
S. orbignianum 410 393, 420, 429, 453, 463
S. paludosum 457 S. triflorum 452
S. panduraeforme 374, 400, 442 S. tripartitum 527
S. paniculatum 373, 378, 406, 419, 420, S. triste 402, 415, 416
429, 442 S. tuberosum 46, 92, 161, 163, 264, 280,
S. parabainum 457 293–296, 303, 312, 323, 351, 353, 370,
S. pennellii 433, 531 373, 374, 378, 379, 382, 391, 401, 403,
S. peruvianum 433 408, 412, 415, 417, 424, 436, 442, 445,
S. phureja 437, 445 446, 451, 463, 492, 526, 527, 586
S. pimpinellifolium 373, 383, 405, 419, S. umbellatum 414
424, 433, 442, 446 S. umbelliferum 400
S. pinnatisectum 293, 436 S. verbascifolium 299, 401, 404, 414, 464
S. platanifolium 460 S. vernei 403, 417, 431, 436
S. polyadenium 370, 421, 436, 459 S. vescum 427
S. polytrichum 428 S. vespertilio 373, 383, 410
S. pseudocapsicastrum 410 S. vestissimum 347
S. pseudocapsicum 404, 406, 416–419, S. viarum 428, 430
455, 585 S. wendlandii 264
S. pseudoquina 404, 418 S. wrightii 373, 421, 431, 586
S. pubescens 403, 417 S. xanthocarpum 370, 373, 378
S. quitoense 374, 430, 493 Sphenoclea zeylanica 26
S. raphanifolium 438 Sphenocleaceae 12, 14, 15, 26
S. rhytidoandrum Stictocardia 24, 27, 62, 230, 306
S. robustum 400, 401, 427 S. beraviensis 62, 238, 589
S. rostratum 391 S. campanulata (see S. tiliaefolia)
S. sanctae-rosae 417, 438 S. laxiflora 62, 238
S. scabrum 163, 465 S. mojangensis 63, 170, 275, 299, 589
S. schlechtendalianum 403, 410 S. tiliaefolia 63, 170, 230, 238
S. scorpioideum 373, 374, 379 Streptosolen 17, 19, 128
S. seaforthianum 404, 406, 416, 418, 439 S. jamesonii 36, 92, 586
S. sepicula 417 Symonanthus 18, 19, 93, 121, 125, 128
S. sessiliflorum 430 S. aromaticus 36
S. simile 427
S. sisymbrifolium 323, 371, 373, 375, 382,
441, 457, 468, 470, 479, 585 T
S. sodomaeum 163, 263, 373, 384, 385, Taccaceae 471
401, 407, 410, 415, 420, 424, 460 Trechonaetes laciniata
S. sogarandinum 432, 438 (see Jaborosa laciniata)
S. sparsipilum 437 Tubocapsicum 18, 20, 129
S. spegazzinii 437 T. anomalum 468, 470, 478
S. spirale 374, 405, 418, 442 Turbina 24, 27, 63, 230
S. stagnale 410 T. abutiloides 63, 131, 170, 238, 299
S. stenotomum 436 T. corymbosa 6, 102, 170, 216, 238, 244,
S. stipulaceum 410, 457 249, 365, 527, 589
Taxonomic Index 637

U W. somnifera 47, 70, 93, 115, 163, 371,

Ulmaceae 295 466, 468–473, 476, 479, 480, 528, 586
Urticaceae 81 Witheringia 17, 20, 129
W. coccoloboides 468
W. solanacea 468, 471
V W. stramoniifolia
Vassobia 18, 20, 129 (see Brachistus stramoniifolius)
V. breviflora 468
Vestia 17, 19
V. foetida 128, 213, 306, 366, 373, 389 X
V. lycioides (see V. foetida) Xenostegia 24, 27, 57, 130, 306
X. medium 57, 147, 168, 268, 272,
273, 308
W X. tridentata 57, 147, 268
Withania 18, 20, 129, 296, 465
W. aristata 468
W. coagulans 468, 470 Z
W. frutescens 163, 468 Zingiberaceae 352
W. obtusifolia 468 Zygophyllaceae 213, 376

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