Evaluation Lo2

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LO3 - Evaluation

LO2 For this learning objective you worked on planning and

What genres/formats have I have decided to use Smooth Criminal by Michael
you chosen and why? Jackson as my adverts music. I have decided on this so
that I could create a sense of nostalgia within the older
audience, whilst also using a well-known song to all
demographics, making them associate the product with
something that they can relate to. This old school song fits
with the requirements that I have been given by the
people that I interviewed within my target audiences, due
to the fact that it’s an upbeat and attention grabbing
song. I have also decided that rather than having a
consistent storyline to my adverts, I will show various
people in different locations using the product, to
highlight the different uses and benefits of the product.

How much work did you I completed a lot of my work outside of college as due to
complete outside of the personal issues I have not been able to come in to work
lessons? for some time. I believe that I could have done more with
this time away however because I fell behind in my
production schedule and had had some catch up work
that I needed to do when I had returned to college.
What issues did you Due to the time off that I had because of personal
encounter whilst planning and reasons I didn’t have access to some of the facilities that I
how did you overcome needed. I struggled making my adverts as I could not edit
or record my radio advertisement at home. To overcome
this, when I returned to college I had to spend some time
catching up during free periods and after the college day
had ended. My final product is not what I had hoped for
in quality; however I am proud to have completed the
How did you find the filming The filming process of my work was a lengthy process as I
and editing process? found that I had to re-shoot a lot of my footage due to
breaking the 180 degree rule. After fixing this however I
believe that it is just the quality of the shots that could user
some work. The editing process of my work was a fairly
rushed process due to the time that I took off and the
catch up work that I had to complete; as I could not
access the facilities that I required. I believe that I could
have spent more time on this and been more attentive
with my work, to get it to the standard that I was hoping

Do you believe you met the I believe that I have met the requirements of the target
requirements of your target audience effectively, as I have used multiple characters,
audience? How locations and scenarios to appeal to the different people
within this demographic. I have decided to cut out the
faces of the people within my advert so that I can more
effectively focus on the product itself. I have used music
and mise-en-scene that fits the needs of the audiences
that I have interviewed and worked hard on how to
target a young generation as well as an older one.
What was the feedback you 10- 18:
received from peers – do they Elliott Plumridge:
believe you met the I believe that your filming could use some work as some of
the shots are slightly unsteady in places; however I really
requirements for your target
like the way that you have implemented the song with
audience? the use of the product in your TV advert. You have shown
the ways that the product can be used effectively. I
You need responses from believe that this will target a younger audience based on
1. Peers (10-18) the actors that you have used.
2. Adam / Sarah or Chris
3. James (50-60)
30- 40:
Helen Sneddon:
I like the way you have shown that different people can
use the product and focused on the way that it can
benefit people. Some of the audio is hard to hear in
places, which could use some work.
50- 60:
Dave Franklin:
I like the idea of the adverts and it is clear what you are
selling. You’ve focused on the product well and the song
you’ve used is popular for everyone. The camera work
could use some attention as some of the shots are taken
from odd angles and are confusing to look at. Apart from
that it’s really attention grabbing and perfectly

Were you able to show your I did show my production to people of all age ranges to
production to the intended people that I work with. The younger audience really got
target audience (peers and into the music and were clearly enjoying it, whereas the
older audience were taking it in as something that they
teachers aside)
are familiar growing up with. All responses I received
What did they have to say loved toe song that I had used and believe that is worked
about your production? well in grabbing the audiences’ initial attention with the
kick start that it uses. Some of the critical feedback that I
received mentioned that my filming and editing work
needed some attention taken to it. Some of the shots are
taken from obscure positions in the room and the editing
that I had completed was not as punctual as I had hoped
How do you feel your product I believe that my production is not at the professional that
compares to existing I was aiming for due to the time that I had to take away
professional products that from college. However, it does conform to the
conventions of a typical advertising campaign. I tried to
reach all targeted
keep my advertisements consistent with the way they are
audiences? shot and the locations used, so that it would be more
memorable to the audience. In order to get my work up
to the level that I was hoping for I would need to spend
more time on the filming and editing process of my work.
What area are you looking to In my next production I am hoping to work better on the
improve on in your next filming and editing process of my work. Mainly focusing on
production? where I am going to position the camera and if it is a likely
shot for me to obtain before I put it into my planning. I
would like to spend more time on the editing process of
my work so that I can make the finalised adverts more
professional and meet the specifications that I have set
for myself.
High Grade Tips

Look to use these terms in order to improve the analysis of your own work.

Considered and capable demonstration of processes – detailed documentation of your

production process – such as still images, and annotated screenshots of your specific
production and editing process – including ‘what’ and ‘why’ and not just ‘how’.

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