Real Edit Log-2

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Edit log

Image 1: DSC_0028
This is the early stages of editing my first image. Firstly, I have begun by changing the
temperature levels from 0 to +13, this is so the image looks and feels ‘warmer’. I also decreased
the tint levels to -20, this is to match the temperature levels but also makes some the dark tones
in the image darker, I only changed this slightly as I don’t want these tones to be too dark.
This is a screenshot of my progress halfway through editing, I changed the
exposure to +0.20 and contrast levels to +19. This is to make the overall image more
brighter and balances the contrasting levels between the greens and blue in this piece
of imagery. I then changed the highlights levels to +15, I’ve done this so the highlights in
the image become brighter and makes the image look lighter. After this I decreased the
shadow levels to -18, this is so the shadows in my image look darker. I then increased
the sharpening levels to 118, this emphasises and sharpens the branches from the tree,
this adds further detail and makes the tree within the crystal ball look as if it has further
As I want green to be the majority of colour within this shot, I increased the green hue
balance to +16, this is to implement a darker shade of green to the trees and grass in
the image, also it makes the image look more inviting as the colours have been
darkened, it doesn’t look as ‘light’ anymore. After this I then changed the saturation
levels for the green colour to +5, this is to add more of a vibrancy to the colour green
and makes the whole photography piece lively.
After altering the image so far, I decided to add some effects to the image and
decreased the amount to -12, this adds a slight black border around my image so it
looks more mysterious, I then added the feather effect to 60, this is to change the
opacity of the black border for it to blend in with the rest of the image. The last alteration
I made to my image was changing the clarity levels to +70 I’ve done this because the
light in my image looked to yellow as it was the light emitting from the sun. I changed
this to a slightly darker tone of yellow, this is so the main focus is the colour green.
Throughout this edit log of my first image, I changed and altered the photo’s colours
tone and brightness to make the image look vibrant and colourful and the main
message from this image is life’s only a perspective. I am happy with the overall results
of this edit.

Image 2: DSC_0066
This is my first screenshot for the editing process of this piece of imagery. I started by
increasing the temperature levels slightly, I’ve done this to make the image look warmer
and almost have a nostalgic effect on the audience viewing the image. After this I then
decreased the tint levels to make my picture look more realistic and not as fake.

I then decreased
the highlights and
decreased the
shadows levels as I
wanted the
background to
appear darker than it originally was. I also decreased/darkened the black and green
shades of the image, I want all of the colours within the frame to appear darker, this will
help me edit the rose within the crystal ball to a lighter, more vibrant colour. Finally, I
decreased the red hue levels, this is so the colour pink is shown more as a vibrant and
bright colour. I made these changes so that pink is changed to the dominant colour
instead of green, I did this as I wanted the rose to be my main focal point of the image
and for the audience to see this first. I also added a sharpening affect so this would add
further detail to my image and also define the petals within the image.

The last changed I made to this image was implementing special effects. The first affect
I added was a white border around the image, afterwards I changed the feather levels to
change the opacity and almost make a fade in effect with the white border; this is to add
mystery to the image. Nextly, I added a grain amount to make the image look like a
grainy piece of texture, implementing this texture makes the image look nostalgic,
especially with the temperature increase that I implemented earlier in the editing
process. I finished editing my image by adding a roughness decrease, this makes the
ball seem more round and soft, I also increased the dehaze to +27, I wanted my image
to look a bit hazy as I wanted to further add to the ‘nostalgic’ vibe I wanted to create
through this imagery.
I am happy with the overall results of my image, the message I wanted to communicate
is effectively being communicated.

Image 3: DSC_0031
This is one of my favourite images that I have taken, because the original image already
looks very detailed, is nicely lit and the prop is positioned well in the middle of the frame.
I started editing this image by slightly lowering the temperature levels, this is to make
the image
look cooler
the sky
Midway through the editing, I have already altered the colours within this shot, I
decreased the yellow saturation levels, I did this so that there are no yellowish tints/
highlights within the trees, as I wanted the trees to only be a solid green colour. Next, I
changed the green saturation levels to +58 and changed the green hue, this is so all the
green elements are brightened and looks more like a vibrant colour, this communicates
the message of nature more heavily.
I also changed the aqua and blue hues so that the sky within the ball looks even more
striking and bold of a colour, it makes the sky in the background look brighter at the top
of the page and creates almost like a gradient affect fading from blue to white.
I also changed the whole tone of the image by increasing the exposure and contrast,
this is so it adds a new brightness/lightness, this makes the ball look non-existence and
not ‘real’. After this there was a slight white border that looked unnatural, I slightly
increased the aqua levels to counteract this problem.

After I added the final touches to the colour of the image, I then increased the colour
balance to ensure that all colours are, especially within the ball. Next I increased the
clarity of the image to add slight lighting to the piece which looks natural. Lastly, I
finished by editing and scaling the image appropriately so that the main object within the
frame fit the middle of the page nicely. This is my final edit, I am very pleased with how
this turned out as I have thought about the composition of the object and the focus of
the prop. I’m also glad with how the colour turned out in this shot as all colours are
equally balanced.
Image 4: DSC_0089

I began my editing process by cropping the images sides, especially the left hand side
as that is my black sleeve and has no relevance to the message of my image. I also
scaled the image so that the round ball is featured in the middle of shot.

Afterwards I began editing my actual image, starting by increasing the exposure levels,
this is to make a result in the overall image becoming brighter (the image was too dark
and needed to be brightened up). I then increased the contrast levels to further darken
the shadows in the lake, featured in the ball. This also darkens the shade of the tree,
this alteration makes the tree stand out more as it’s bolder compared to the background.
After this I decreased highlight levels and increased shadow levels to make some of the
objects darker and making it ‘stand’ out compared to the lightly coloured background. At
this stage my image looked a bit blurry and the ball looked slightly out of focus. To
change this I had to increase clarity levels slightly and increase the temperature to help
the image focus and to emphasise the tiny details within the crystal ball. Furthermore I
decided to begin looking and changing the colours in this shot. I started by increasing
the green hue, this is so the trees look more like trees and nature by giving the object
more of a vibrancy. After this I decided to decrease the aqua and blue hue levels as the
sky and the lake were way too vibrant and looked very fake, I wanted to balance these

colours with the nature featured in this frame (the trees on the left and right side).
Lastly I decided to play around with the luminance of this image, I decreased the green
luminance as I didn’t like how much light was emitted from the colour and increased the
aqua ad I wanted the light shining more in the sky and in the lake compared to the
trees/nature. I also decreased the orange as it’s not the main attraction of this shot and
doesn’t need to be focused on. Lastly I added a slight grain affect, this is to add more
depth to my image.
This is my finished fourth image, I really like this as this is the only image I have played
around with water and the sky in the same shot. I also like it because of the vibrancy of
the colour blue, it accentuates the sky and the lake, the main attractions of this image.
Image 5: DSC_0044

This is the last image I will be editing, I really like this image as I have experimented
with natural lighting a lot more in this shot.
I began the editing by increasing the exposure levels in the image, this is so I can
brighten the image so it isn’t as dark. Then I increased the highlights in the image so the
light shining through the tree is brightened and is lighter, to match this I had to increase
the shadow levels to make the tree shadows darker.
Moving on, I decreased the whiteness of the image, I did this so the white within the
crystal ball fades enough so there is more room to add a blue stroke to the inside of the
balls circumference; this makes the ball look and feel as if it were 3d. Also adds depth to
the shadows on the ball, makes the crystal sphere look more clear and shiny. After I
increase the clarity so that the green shadows within the shot are darkened down, this
creates more of a contrast between the two colours; blue and green. I then further made
the image darker by implementing the contrasting tool. Carrying on I then increased the
vibrancy of the image to make the blue in the crystal ball more lighter. There were
yellow tints from where the sun was reflecting through the tree, I wanted to make this
brighter. To do this I had to decrease the yellow hue levels so that the light had more
luminosity. I then increased the green hue to add slight green hints to the yellow
shadowing on the grass. I increased the blue and aqua saturation as I wanted to add
more vibrancy and colour to the crystal ball. Afterwards I realized there were too many
shadows on the crystal ball, to eliminate these shadows I slightly decreased the aqua
luminancy. The last change I made in this screenshot is increased the sharpen effect,
this is to make the white areas within the ball look more vibrant and match with the
vibrancy of the blue.
I added minor alterations after this like dehazing the image slightly so the audience can
see the details more clearly. Lastly I increased the overall green and blue primary
colours, this is to add last final touches of colour so all colours stand out.
I really enjoyed editing this image as I got to play around with lighting a lot more then
compared to the rest of my images.

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