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Original Paper

HORMONE Horm Res 2007;68:150–155 Received: August 8, 2006

RESEARCH DOI: 10.1159/000106375 Accepted: October 30, 2006
Published online: July 19, 2007

Genital Anomalies in Klinefelter’s

Yung Seng Lee a, b Anna Wai Fun Cheng c Syed Faisal Ahmed d Nick J. Shaw e
Ieuan A. Hughes b
Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore; b University of
Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine, Cambridge, UK; c Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine,
Princess Margaret Hospital, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong, SAR; d Royal Hospital For Sick Children, Glasgow, and
Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Birmingham, UK

Key Words ever, it is important to acknowledge the association, and rec-

Klinefelter ! Genitalia ognize Klinefelter’s syndrome as one of the causes of abnor-
mal genitalia at birth. Copyright © 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel

Background/Aims: Klinefelter’s syndrome is characterized
by progressive testicular failure causing aspermatogenesis Klinefelter’s syndrome is a common sex chromosome
and androgen deficiency. Klinefelter patients classically have aneuploidy with a reported incidence of one in 600–1,000
complete male sex differentiation, and genital anomalies are live male births [1, 2]. The classical syndrome and its vari-
generally not recognized as associated features of the syn- ants have in common an abnormal karyotype of a Y chro-
drome. Methods: We reviewed the cases of Klinefelter’s syn- mosome and at least two X chromosomes [3]. The syn-
drome with genitalia abnormalities from the Cambridge Dis- drome is characterized by progressive testicular failure,
orders of Sex Development Database, and also reviewed causing azoospermia, gynaecomastia and other signs of
previous case reports of genital anomalies associated with androgen deficiency [4, 5]. Other features include unde-
Klinefelter’s syndrome and its variants. Results: We present scended testes, neurocognitive difficulties, tall stature
seven Klinefelter patients with abnormalities of the genita- with disproportionately long legs, and increased risk of
lia, ranging from mild anomalies (chordee) to moderate un- glucose intolerance, breast cancer and osteoporosis. It is
dervirilisation (bifid scrotum and perineal hypospadias). generally acknowledged that affected individuals have
Two cases were true hermaphrodites with karyotypes 47,XXY male genitalia without ambiguity, although there may be
and 47,XXY/46,XX respectively. Though androgen insensitiv- an associated micropenis. Testis determination and lack
ity has been postulated previously as a possible pathogenic of ovarian development in individuals with 47,XXY and,
mechanism, we demonstrated normal androgen binding in more strikingly, in those with 49,XXXXY complements,
3 cases in which this was studied. Review of other case re- indicate that a single Y chromosome and the expression
ports revealed a range of mild-to-severe abnormalities as of the testis-determining gene (SRY) are sufficient to
well as cases reported as sex reversal, testicular feminization, bring about testis organogenesis and male sex differen-
and true hermaphroditism. Conclusion: Genital anomalies tiation despite the loss of the sex chromosome hemizy-
are not commonly observed in Klinefelter’s syndrome. How- gous state.

© 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel Prof. Ieuan Hughes

0301–0163/07/0683–0150$23.50/0 Department of Paediatrics, University of Cambridge
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Cases of Klinefelter’s syndrome with abnormalities was no uterus or Fallopian tubes. No endocrine investigation had
of the genitalia have been described previously, and an- been undertaken prior to gonadectomy. Histology showed imma-
ture testicular tissue. Karyotype was 47,XXY.
drogen insensitivity has been postulated as the possible The second twin also had ambiguous genitalia and the karyo-
pathogenic mechanism [6–8]. This paper reports 7 cas- type was 47,XXY. The infant died without further investiga-
es of Klinefelter’s syndrome referred for investigation tions.
via the Cambridge Disorders of Sex Development Da-
tabase because of genital anomalies. Analysis of andro- Case 5
This newborn had penoscrotal transposition and perineal hy-
gen binding in fibroblasts established from genital skin pospadias, but no micropenis. Both gonads were palpable in the
biopsies collected at the time of surgery in 3 cases scrotum. Karyotype was 47,XXY. Serum testosterone increased
showed no evidence of a dysfunctional androgen recep- from 3.9 to 10.2 nmol/l, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) from 0.6
tor. The spectrum of genital anomalies reported in to 2.5 nmol/l, following an hCG stimulation test at 10 days of
Klinefelter’s syndrome is reviewed. Consent for these age.
studies was obtained from the local ethics committee Case 6
as part of a research programme on disorders of sex de- Presented at birth with a bifid scrotum, perineal hypospadias
velopment. and severe chordee. There was no micropenis. A gonad was lo-
cated in the left inguinal region; biopsy showed ovarian tissue
containing prominent primordial follicles. No Müllerian struc-
Case Reports tures or vagina was found at surgery. The right gonad was located
in the scrotum associated with a vas deferens. Karyotype was
Case 1 47,XXY in peripheral blood and fibroblasts. Serum testosterone
Ambiguous genitalia were noted at birth, comprising a bifid was undetectable before and after hCG stimulation at 5 years of
scrotum, perineal hypospadias, and micropenis with severe chor- age. Serum estradiol was also undetectable. However, at 13 years
dee. Both gonads were in the scrotum, and vasa deferentia and of age, repeat hCG test showed testosterone response from 1.5 to
epididymes were present. Associated anomalies included a sagit- 5.8 nmol/l, and a raised oestradiol of 226 nmol/l associated with
tal craniosynostosis, dysplastic ears and crossed-fused renal ec- some breast development.
topia. Karyotype was 47,XXY. A basal testosterone level was An androgen binding assay gave the following normal results:
2.2 nmol/l at 4 weeks, which failed to rise following stimulation Bmax 408 ! 1018 mol/!g DNA, Kd 2.1 ! 1010 M.
with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (2,000 U daily for 3
days). Case 7
Androgen-binding studies were performed on cultured geni- This patient was evaluated at birth for bifid scrotum, perineal
tal skin fibroblasts as reported previously [9]. The receptor con- hypospadias and micropenis. The right gonad was located in the
centration as measured by the binding capacity (Bmax) and recep- scrotum, whereas the left gonad was intra-abdominal. Karyotype
tor binding affinity (Kd) were normal (Bmax 778 ! 1018 mol/!g was 47,XXY/46,XX in peripheral blood, bone marrow and fibro-
DNA; Kd 0.96 ! 1010 M). For our laboratory, the normal Bmax is blasts. There was a small rudimentary uterus with fallopian tubes.
greater than 300 ! 10 –18/!g DNA with a Kd range of 0.8–1.7 ! Histology showed both gonads were ovotestes.
10 –10. At day 3, serum testosterone increased from 1.7 to 8.9 nmol/l
following a 3-day hCG stimulation test. An androgen receptor
Case 2 binding assay gave the following normal results: Bmax 450 ! 10 –18
This patient had a bifid scrotum, penile hypospadias and bi- mol/!g DNA and Kd 1.2 ! 1010 M.
lateral undescended testes. The penis was a normal size. Biopsy of Table 1 provides a summary of the phenotypic findings in this
the right gonad showed a dysplastic testis. He also had elbow dys- series of 7 cases of Klinefelter’s syndrome.
plasia, and radio-ulnar synostosis. Karyotype was 48,XXYY. Se-
rum testosterone concentration increased from 18 to 26 nmol/l
following a 3-day hCG stimulation performed at 13 years of age.
Previous Case Reports
Case 3
This patient presented in the neonatal period with micropenis, A review of previous cases reported with genital anom-
severe chordee, and a left undescended testis located in the ingui-
nal canal. Karyotype was 48,XXXY. The results of an hCG stimu- alies is summarised in table 2 and subdivided into cate-
lation test were as follows: testosterone 0.6 to 13.5 nmol/l; DHT gories of complete sex reversal, true hermaphroditism
! 0.2 to 1.3 nmol/l; androstenedione !1 to 2.1 nmol/l. (ovotesticular disorder of sex development (DSD) [10]),
testicular feminization (complete androgen insensitivity
Case 4 syndrome), undervirilisation, and mild genital anoma-
This infant was the first twin born preterm at 31 weeks’ gesta-
tion, and had a bifid scrotum, perineal hypospadias, and micro- lies.
penis. The gonads were intra-abdominal. At surgery, the vas def- Of interest is the occurrence of sex reversal, true her-
erens, epididymis and a shallow vagina were identified, but there maphroditism and androgen insensitivity in some of

Genital Anomalies in Klinefelter’s Horm Res 2007;68:150–155 151

Table 1. Summary of genitourinary
anomalies identified in 7 cases Abnormalities of genitourinary system Patients Associated karyotypes

Bifid scrotum, perineal hypospadias, micropenis 3 47,XXY, 47,XXY/46XX

Bifid scrotum, perineal hypospadias 2 47,XXY, 48,XXYY
Penoscrotal transposition, perineal hypospadias 1 47,XXY
Micropenis with chordee 1 48,XXXY
Undescended testes 5 47,XXY, 48,XXYY,
Presence of vagina 1 47,XXY
Presence of uterus & fallopian tubes 1 46,XX/47,XXY
Presence of ovarian tissue 2 47,XXY, 46,XX/47,XXY
Crossed fused renal ectopia 1 47,XXY

these reports associated with ambiguous or female exter- only abnormalities of the reproductive tract in Klinefel-
nal genitalia. The report of a case of complete sex reversal ter’s syndrome.
was associated with deletion of the SRY gene. In the 3 case Among a number of theories proposed to explain the
reports of androgen insensitivity, 1 had a strong family mechanism of disordered genital development is andro-
history of the syndrome, and it is likely that the other 2 gen insensitivity [6, 7]. Cases of androgen insensitivity
cases were also due to abnormalities of the X-linked an- and a 47,XXY karyotype have also been reported in
drogen receptor gene, with maternal non-disjunction of which there are female or ambiguous male genitalia and
both X chromosomes occurring during stage II meiosis. clinical features consistent with the 47,XXY karyotype
Though the clinical definition of Klinefelter’s syndrome [8]. In the present study, normal androgen binding char-
or its variants is an abnormal male phenotype with extra acteristics were demonstrated in three patients with am-
X chromosome, the cases of sex reversal and androgen biguous genitalia in whom this was studied. It is there-
insensitivity with female phenotype were included to fore unlikely that the genital anomalies are related to
highlight the spectrum of genital abnormalities which dysfunction of the androgen receptor (AR) secondary to
can occur. a deleterious mutation affecting androgen binding or re-
Case reports of true hermaphroditism were confined ceptor expression. Nevertheless, in a recent study of 46
not only to those with mosaicism, but also with a 47,XXY Klinefelter patients heterozygous for the CAGn trinucle-
karyotype, as in case 6 in this present report. However, otide repeat polymorphism of the AR gene, the allele
low-grade or gonadal mosaicism cannot be excluded. It is with shorter CAGn trinucleotide repeats in the androgen
noteworthy that ovarian tissue was identified in cases 6 receptor was preferentially inactivated, and a longer
and 7. Case 7 was a true hermaphrodite with ovotestes, CAGn was positively correlated with features of hypogo-
and mosaic with 47,XXY/46,XX female cell lines. Evalu- nadism, such as gynaecomastia, smaller testis, height
ation of case 6 is incomplete, but it is deduced that the and lower bone density [26]. Another study which exam-
right gonad comprised of testicular tissue, based on an ined genetic factors that may influence the variable phe-
adjacent Wolffian duct and testosterone response to hCG notype in Klinefelter’s syndrome reported an inverse
stimulation. correlation between the repeat length of the highly poly-
morphic CAGn trinucleotide repeat and penile length, a
biological indicator of early androgen action [27]. These
Discussion observations were supported by another study which re-
ported that the length of polyglutamine tract encoded by
Genital anomalies associated with Klinefelter’s syn- CAGn trinucleotide repeats is inversely correlated with
drome have been reported sporadically, but this is not the activity of the androgen receptor as a transcription
mentioned as a feature of the condition in the standard factor as measured in vitro [28]. While it is plausible that
textbooks [5, 25]. We report seven cases from the Cam- this may influence fetal androgen production and/or ac-
bridge Disorders of Sex Development Database, together tion during male sex differentiation, Leydig cells in
with a summary of previous case reports in order to high- Klinefelter’s syndrome generally only become impaired
light the fact that small testes and micropenis are not the around puberty. Testosterone production measured fol-

152 Horm Res 2007;68:150–155 Lee /Cheng /Ahmed /Shaw /Hughes

Table 2. Summary of case reports of
Klinefelter’s syndrome with genital Phenotype Karyotype Ref.
Complete sex reversal
– Mother and daughter with normal female 47,XXY with SRY deletion 10
phenotype and fertility
True hermaphroditism (ovotesticular DSD)
– Hypospadias with bilateral ovotestes in 46,XX/47,XXY 12
scrotum, both Wolffian and Müllerian
duct-derived structures
– Hypospadias, right undescended testis, left 46,XX/47,XXY/48,XXYY 13
ovary, uterus
– Prader III ambiguous genitalia, with right testes 47,XXY
and vas deferens, left ovary with fallopian tube, SRY present
– Prader IV ambiguous genitalia, right testes with 46,XX/47,XXY
vas deferens, left ovotestes with fallopian tube, no SRY present
– Male genitalia (Prader V), with testes on left, 46,XX/47,XXY
ovary and fallopian tube on the right, hemi-uterus SRY present
Testicular feminization (complete androgen insensitivity syndrome)
– Testicular feminization in monozygotic twins, 47,XXY 15
with female external genitalia (vagina present),
inguinal testes; no uterus
– Testicular feminization with female external 47,XXY 16
genitalia, short vagina with blind end, left gonad
at inguinal region, right side not palpable; four
family members had Morris syndrome
– Testicular feminization with female external 47,XXY 17
genitalia, clitoromegaly, vagina, absent uterus and (both X from maternal non-
ovaries disjunction at meiosis II)
Ambiguous genitalia/undervirilisation
– Bifid scrotum with descended testes, penile 47,XXY 18
hypospadias, severe chordee
– Micropenis, marked chordee, urethral opening 47,XXY 19
at base of phallus, inguinal testes
– Penoscrotal hypospadias 47,XXY
– Scrotal hypospadias unknown 6
– Epispadias 47,XXY
– Penoscrotal hypospadias, bilateral cryptorchi- 47,XXY 20
– Penoscrotal transposition, penile hypospadias; 47,XXY (80.6%)/48,XXY,+21 21
no uterus, vagina or ovary
– Female external genitalia, clitoromegaly, testes 47,XXY 22
in labia majora, urogenital sinus separating into
vagina and ureter; remnants of the ductus meso-
nephricus and uterus present
Mild abnormalities
– Identical twins with micropenis and chordee 47,XXY 23
– Chordee with unilateral cryptorchidism 47,XXY 24
– Two cases with prepenile scrotum 47,XXY 7

Genital Anomalies in Klinefelter’s Horm Res 2007;68:150–155 153

lowing hCG stimulation during the neonatal period in to the dosage-sensitive sex reversal (DSS) or DAX-1 gene
our cases in which this test was performed showed nor- locus on the X chromosome [33]. The presence of two
mal androgen production. Indeed, basal serum concen- DAX-1 genes can have an anti-testis effect by suppressing
trations of FSH and LH, and the responses to LHRH and the testis determining SRY gene in utero. In Klinefelter’s
hCG stimulation are within the normal range for age be- syndrome the extra X chromosome (and DAX-1) is gener-
fore puberty [4, 5, 29]. Testicular histology and androgen ally inactivated. However, incomplete X-inactivation is a
production become abnormal peripubertally, leading to possible mechanism that may explain why genital anom-
the typical profile of elevated serum gonadotrophin and alies are not a universal finding in this syndrome. Skewed
low testosterone concentrations [30]. However, amniotic X-inactivation has been reported in Klinefelter patients
fluid concentrations of testosterone and its precursors which, together with differential expression of paternal
may be subnormal in fetuses with Klinefelter’s syndrome versus maternal alleles by imprinting, may also be a caus-
during the time critical for sexual differentiation. A ative factor [26, 34].
study reported that testosterone levels in a fetus with Although genital abnormalities are not commonly ob-
Klinefelter’s syndrome measured from the 12th week of served in Klinefelter patients, it is important to acknowl-
pregnancy were comparable only to testosterone values edge the association, and recognize Klinefelter’s syn-
in female fetuses [31]; however, another study did not drome as one of the causes of genital abnormality or am-
detect subnormal androgen levels in two fetuses with biguity.
Klinefelter’s syndrome [32]. As masculinisation of the It appears that the observation of an association of
external genitalia is largely completed prior to the 12th genital anomalies with Klinefelter’s syndrome warrant its
week of gestation, these data may not be directly relevant, inclusion in the list of phenotypic features of this com-
but nonetheless may still reflect the events during the mon syndrome.
first 12 weeks of gestation, and supports our hypothesis
that variability in androgen production within the criti-
cal window period in utero, CAGn polymorphisms, and Acknowledgements
skewed X chromosome inactivation interact to deter-
The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of Dr.
mine the variable phenotype of the external genitalia
Chizo Agwu and Mr. Peter Gornall who provided important in-
amongst cases of Klinefelter’s syndrome. formation for this paper.
Another possibility to explain effects of disordered
genital development in Klinefelter’s syndrome may relate


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