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Sharmaine Lizsil R. Garcia

PLNING 241 Section 5
FEU Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts


Placemaking is about places where people can use them in work, play and to live in. Rodriguez being
considered as one of the booming and/or one of the fastest earning first class urban municipality in the Rizal
province. In this paper, Rodriguez is then a place for more improvements in the economic field to improve,
make, as well as sustain the quality places to further enhance the income and its popularity. This paper will
provide details about the tactical strategy to use in sustaining the quality places to enjoy in Rodriguez,Rizal.

Placemaking . Rodriguez, Rizal. Tactical placemaking. Attractions. Income.


Background of the Study

Placemaking is the catch-up way of various places’ quality improvement in a
neighborhood, by extension, the region as weel as the community where those places are found.
In layman’s term, it is simply, “Placemaking is the processof creating quality places that people
want to live, work, play and learn in” (Wyckoff, 2014). Placemaking concerns about the places
where the people wants to be into and a place that they care about. This makes the places gain
a sense of place. People feel a sense of place in their own homes. Quality places are those
places with strong sense of places. Meaning, quality places will improve the quality of life
choices and amenities in a neighborhood, community, or region.

A process of making Quality Places that uses a deliberate approach to change beginning
in a short tem commitment and realistic approach that can easily be started (at a low/lower
cost) is called Tactical Placemaking. In the long run, Tactical placemaking Projects can
transfom an area having a slow but steady impact observation as it it goes, most of the time at
a lower cost.

In this paper, Montalban, now known as Rodriguez, Rizal a place where plenty of
quality places can be found or can be made. Rodriguez, Rizal, having to have the essential
components in proper placemaking (Physical Form + Propoer mix of Land Uses and Fuctions
+ Proper mix of Social Opportunity) leads to a Quality of Activities in Quality Places and a
Strong Sense of Place.

All about Rodriguez, Rizal

Rodriguez was founded in World War II. Japanese pilots bombed Montalban (now
Rodriguez) in December 1941. The Japanese soldiers occupied Montalban, Rizal in 1942. Act
No. 137 of the Philippine Commission stated that Montalvan forms a part of Rizal Province
and the act was granting the changing of the letter V to B of Montalban. The town’s old name,
Montalban, Monte Alba means “White mountain” until Batasan Pambansa Blg. 275 was
passed in September 1982, which renamed the town to Rodriguez, to honor the family name
of Eulogio Rodriguez, Sr., one of the most prominent Montalbeños. Rodriguez’ are also known
for its nicknames Resort Town, Quarrying and Minning Capital of Rizal and the Largest Town
in Rizal Province.

Rodriguez is a first-class urban municipality in the province of Rizal, Philippines

ranked 6th on the highest-earning local government unit in Rizal according to the Annual
Financial Report on LGU’s by the Commission on Audit (COA) on the year 2015, earning Php
593.13 million. It is the largest town in Rizal covering 312.70 that is located on the
slopes of the Sierra Madre mountain range and features many resorts. It now consists of 11
barangays, thus in the Act No. 942 (Oct. 11, 1903) the number of barangays is reduced from
33 to 15 making Montalban to be merged again to San Mateo and the seat of Government was
San Mateo. By the Provision Number 36 (May 12, 2908) and Order No. 20 (February 29, 1908)
states that Montalban be declared an independent town with six barrios namely Burgos, San
Jose, San Rafael, San Geronimo, Balite and Manggahan.

The Labor age group is within 15-64 years old of ages and makes the 61.42% of the
total. Those that are engaged in commerce and services are about 50.4 percent, income from
industries (mining, quarrying, manufacturing, construction are about 33.8% and only 15.8%
are in the agriculture, fisheries and forestry industry. The livelihood sources of the residents in
Rodriguez that are most sustainable are Agriculture, Manufacturing and Tourism.


A very rough topography is situated in the southern slopes of Sierra Madre Mountain
Rangers in Rodriguez since the town is 135 feet above sea level. Thus making 83 percent of
its land area to be possessing upland areas, hills and mountain ranges with slopes so steep and
also rugged terrains. Some of the mountain ranges that can be found in Rodriguez are Mt. Irid,
Mt. Macatohol, Mt. Palagyo, Mt. Matulid, Mt. Maymasibi, Mt. Danes, Mt. minalunad, Mt.
Parawagan and many more. Its soil can be classified by morphological approach using soil
mapping uunits such as Dystropept-Tropudalf-Tropudult, Dystropept-Troportent, Tropudalf-
Eutropept Associations.
Historical sites can also be found in Rodriguez like the “Ancestral House of Amang
Rodriguez” (it is a museum now) and “Our Lady of Most Holy Rosary Church” (has a bald hill
at the back) having an old Spanish structure that was razed in the World War II times.

Ancestral House of Amang Rodriguez Our Lady of Most Holy Rosary Church

Rodriguez is famous for two things, one is the location of the massive 14-hectare
landfill consisting of the Metro Manila garbage containment being operational in February 16
of 2002 making it the source of almost half of the municipality’s income. The other one is the
relocation sites of thousands of urban poor families (from Metro Manila also). This challenging
task of the local government of Montalban which addresses the problem of housing while
giving the assurance of the provision of housing needs to people, especially of those from the
urban poor sector was done not because of pity but of the desire that drives them to improve
and empower.

The sources of income in Rodriguez comes in plenty of ways. The following are
examples of generating income by attracting people/visitors/tourists nearby or outside of
Rodriguez itself. The first one is the booming of Resorts. Availability of resorts at a large scale
attracts people who wants to chill or relax with their families, friends and co-workers. Resorts
with hints of the environment itself (trees, plants, hills or mountains) gives great pleasure to
the visitor’s eyes (great scenery) as well as giving them the relaxing feeling of the presence of
the province. In this state, it gives the people a reminiscing feeling of what they experienced
during vacations in their respective provinces. Also, given that the resorts contain complete
amenities (pool (with or without waves), rooms with and without air-condition units, kitchen,
showers, billiard tables, video karaoke’s, slides, parks, villas) together with the breath-taking
scenery sceneries (overlooking the country landscapes) and with the people that they wanted
to share their time with, can make a great impact in the visitors’ well-being, thus, making them
to come back to the resorts and enjoy their well spent time and money. Another great use of
their resorts is for purposes such as meetings, and for team buildings. Activities such as wall
climbing, obstacle courses, maze and hanging bridges can be accommodated in the resorts.
These activities can help bind the visitor’s hearts, mind and soul that can be attained through
friendship, camaraderie, leadership and many more. An example of these resorts are the Noah’s
Leisure Park and Montalban Waterpark and Garden Resort.

Noah's Leisure Park (Photo grabbed from their official website.)

Montalban Waterpark and Garden Resort (Photo grabbed from PinoySpots website.)

Rodriguez is also famous destination for mountain climbers. Other than being one of
the significant part in the Philippine history, Wawa Dam has been known to outdoor
inthusiasts for its breath-taking view, picnic area and the beginning of trail for trekking and
spelunking. Two of the most famous mountains in Wawa area are Mt. Pamintinan and Mt.
Binacayan. Tourist don’t have to go to Sagada to see a sea of clouds where you can take the
“buwis-buhay” shot for your social media sites. No wonder, more tourist are visiting this

Mt. Pamintinan Mt. Binacayan

The largest zoological institution in the Philippines is also in Rodriguez, ,the Avilon
Zoo. It currently houses 3,000 specimens of exotic wildlife representing more than 600
species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, freshwater fishes and invertebrates. A
perfect destination for school tours.

In conclusion, the Local Government of Rodriguez, Rizal is promoting sustainable
development by utilizing its ecosystem. Tourist visit the town for fun, leisure, educational
activities and adventure. The town is on of the evidence of widespread ecotourist in this


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