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ETAPA LOCALǍ - 18.02.2017

CLASA a X-a – Secțiunea A
I. (50 points)
1. Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. (15p)
Dear Trevor,
I know it’s been ages since I wrote to you but I’ve been very busy……..(1) we decided to move into the
country. The house in the village is not quite ready……..(2), but – as you can imagine – ……….(3) the
last few weeks we’ve had to chase up builders and plumbers and we’ve………….(4) got a long way to
It’s been such a long time since we……….(5) work on it .I’ve almost forgotten how long it’s been
exactly. We must have started it about seven years ……..(6) and we’ve ………..(7) spent a small fortune
on it. We are……(8) living in our cramped flat where you……..(9) us a few years ago but now it……….
(10) to get unbearable and we……..(11) to moving out. We are still………..(12) from
morning……………..(13) night and it’s been particularly hectic…………..(14) the last week. Anyway,
…………(15) all this was going on, Karen fell and sprained her ankle which was the last thing we
1. A. every time B. ever since C. while D. before
2. A. still B. already C. yet D. soon
3. A. for B. as C. while D. since
4. A. yet B. already C. nearly D. still
5. A. have started B. start C. did start D. started
6. A. before B. ago C. previous D. since
7. A. still B. not C. already D. yet
8. A. already B. still C. yet D. longer
9. A. were visiting B. have visited C. had been visited D. visited
10. A. started B. is starting C. starts D. had started
11. A. have looked forward B. looked forward C. will look forward D. are looking forward
12. A. rush B. rushed C. rushing D. be rushed
13. A. and B. into. C. till D. through
14. A. during B. from C. in D. while
15. A. in B. during C. while D. for

2. Read the text below and use ONE WORD only in each gap: (10 p)
Sandra realised that the things she'd been realistic (1)__________ turned out to be the easiest to deal
(2)__________ . She's expected to find living away (3)________ home really hard, not only in terms of
missing her family, but (4)________ in dealing with the more practical aspects of living on your own, (5)
_______ as doing your own washing. Because she had anticipated these problems, she found (6)_______
manageable. But she had (7)_________ way of dealing with her homesickness.
Back home, her role in the family had (8)_________ clear and it had given her a sense of security. She'd
always been the comedian and everyone had acknowledged her role. This had made her feel she belonged
there. But now things had changed. She was (9) _________ her first year at university and even though
she'd made many new acquaintances, there was no one she (10)________ really call a friend.

Str. General Berthelot, nr. 28-30 Str. Ecaterina Teodoroiu, nr. 8B, Slatina, 230015, jud. Olt
sector 1, 010168, București E/mail ISJ:
Tel: +40 (21) 405 62 00 Tel: +40 (249) 41 09 27
+40 (21) 405 63 00 Fax: +40 (249) 41 28 01
3. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. (15p)
1. I expect you were very tired after your long flight. BEEN
You ……………… very tired after your long flight.
2. A serious accident led to the road being closed. RESULT
The road had to be……………a serious accident.
3. The taxi may be expensive so take plenty of money. CASE
Take plenty of money ……………expensive.
4.”Did you remember to bring your homework?” the teacher asked the class. IF
The teacher asked the class …………to bring their homework.
5. Take my advice and stop working. WOULD
If ………………stop working.
6. I can meet you if you arrive before seven. LONG
I can meet you…………….before seven.
7. Nowadays we refer to barber’s shops as hairdresser’s. KNOWN
Nowadays………………………. hairdresser’s.
8. Nobody can deny that her voice is beautiful. DENIED
It …………….. a beautiful voice.
9. Somebody has mended her car for 500 pounds. REPAIRED
She ……………….for 500 pounds.
10. People say that Rome is a marvelous city. BE
Rome …………………a marvelous city.

4. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form: (10p)

“Hello, Jill. How nice to see you here,” said Jack. “__1__ (come) here often?”
“Not as much as I’d like. I often used to meet my friends here, but now I live a long way away,” Jill
explained. “In fact, it’s exactly three years since we __2__ (move)” “Well,” said Jack, “tell me what
__3__ (do) here today, then.” “Last week my mother had an accident in her car. She __4__ (go) along
Oxford street when it happened. Suddenly a motorcycle came out of another street, so she __5__ (have to)
stop very quickly and she __6__ (hit) by another car from behind.”
“__7__ (have) her safety belt on at the time?” Jack asked.
“No, she never wears one. I don’t think there __8__ (be) any in that car,” Jill explained.
“I hope your mother __9__ (be, not, badly hurt)” said Jack. “No, thank goodness, but the doctor said she
should stay in hospital until she __10__ (be) completely better,” explained Jill.

II. (50 points)

You have just seen the following advertisement in an English newspaper:

Do you speak English? Do you like children? Do you want a summer job?
We are looking for someone to look after 2 children (aged 5 and 7) during the holidays.
Experience is not necessary, but you must be over 16 and able to organise sports and some fun activities
for children. Just tell us what you can do. Contact Mr and Mrs Herbert.

Write your letter of application to Mr and Mrs Herbert, in 180-200 words. Sign your letter as John / Jane

Str. General Berthelot, nr. 28-30 Str. Ecaterina Teodoroiu, nr. 8B, Slatina, 230015, jud. Olt
sector 1, 010168, București E/mail ISJ:
Tel: +40 (21) 405 62 00 Tel: +40 (249) 41 09 27
+40 (21) 405 63 00 Fax: +40 (249) 41 28 01
NOTĂ: Timp de lucru: 3 ore.
Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii.

Str. General Berthelot, nr. 28-30 Str. Ecaterina Teodoroiu, nr. 8B, Slatina, 230015, jud. Olt
sector 1, 010168, București E/mail ISJ:
Tel: +40 (21) 405 62 00 Tel: +40 (249) 41 09 27
+40 (21) 405 63 00 Fax: +40 (249) 41 28 01

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