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Support Care Cancer (2015) 23:143–150

DOI 10.1007/s00520-014-2350-9


Clinical implications of malnutrition in childhood cancer

patients—infections and mortality
E. A. H. Loeffen & A. Brinksma & K. G. E. Miedema &
G. H. de Bock & W. J. E. Tissing

Received: 19 March 2014 / Accepted: 29 June 2014 / Published online: 11 July 2014
# Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract worse survival (HR=6.34, 95 % CI=2.42–16.65, p<0.001).

Purpose In childhood cancer patients, malnutrition has been Weight loss of more than 5 % in the first 3 months after
proposed to increase infection rates and reduce survival. We diagnosis was related to increased occurrence of febrile neutro-
investigated whether malnutrition at diagnosis and during penic episodes with bacteremia in the first year after diagnosis
treatment and weight loss during treatment are prognostic (odds ratio (OR)=3.05, 95 % CI=1.27–7.30, p=0.012).
factors for infection rates and survival, within a heterogeneous Conclusion We found that malnourishment in the initial phase
childhood cancer population. of therapy is associated with worse survival in childhood cancer
Methods From two previous studies, all children ≤18 years of patients. In addition, we found for the first time that weight loss
age diagnosed with cancer between October 2004 and Octo- during treatment is associated with increased presence of febrile
ber 2011 were included in this study. Data regarding BMI, neutropenic episodes with bacteremia. This underlines the im-
infections, and survival were retrieved. Patients with a BMI z- portance of optimal feeding designs in childhood cancer patients.
score lower than −2.0 were classified as malnourished. Weight
loss more than 5 % was considered relevant. Keywords Malnutrition . Weight loss . Pediatrics . Cancer .
Results Two hundred sixty-nine childhood cancer patients were Survival . Infection
included in this study. At diagnosis, 5.2 % of all patients were
malnourished. These patients showed worse survival than those
who were well nourished (hazard ratio (HR)=3.63, 95 % con- Introduction
fidence interval (CI)=1.52–8.70, p=0.004). Malnourishment at
3 months after diagnosis (3.3 % of all patients) also showed Childhood cancer is an illness related to severe morbidity and
mortality. The malignancy itself remains the main cause of
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article death in childhood cancer patients [1, 2]. However, infectious
(doi:10.1007/s00520-014-2350-9) contains supplementary material, complications, especially during chemotherapy-induced neu-
which is available to authorized users. tropenia, also account for a large part of morbidity and mor-
E. A. H. Loeffen : A. Brinksma : K. G. E. Miedema : tality (two in every three treatment-related deaths) and could
W. J. E. Tissing (*) be potentially preventable [3, 4]. Moreover, infections lead to
Department of Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, Beatrix Children’s
Hospital, University of Groningen, University Medical Center
delay of treatment or dose reduction of chemotherapy, which
Groningen, P.O. Box 30.001, 9700 RB Groningen, The Netherlands causes suboptimal treatment and might thus lower survival
e-mail: chances. It has been hypothesized that malnutrition lowers the
defensibility of childhood cancer patients against infections,
A. Brinksma
for instance, by causing hormonal changes and compromised
UMCG School of Nursing and Health, University of Groningen,
University Medical Center Groningen, P.O. Box 30.001, 9700 cytokine response [5, 6].
RB Groningen, The Netherlands Secondly, it has been proposed that nutritional status might
be an influential factor on mortality [7, 8]. When undergoing
G. H. de Bock
Department of Epidemiology, University of Groningen, University
treatment, malnutrition could lower the effectiveness of anti-
Medical Center Groningen, P.O. Box 30.001, 9700 RB Groningen, cancer treatment, by ways of suboptimal tolerated dose inten-
The Netherlands sity and reduced absorption of chemotherapeutical drugs [9].
144 Support Care Cancer (2015) 23:143–150

In previous studies, higher relative risks of death for malnour- Definitions

ished as well as overnourished children diagnosed with ALL
have been found [7, 8]. For every patient, all admissions for febrile neutropenic (FN)
There are still profound gaps in knowledge regarding mal- episodes in the first year after diagnosis were analyzed. In
nutrition in childhood cancer patients, e.g., causes, frequen- accordance with previous studies on FN episodes, febrile
cies, and consequences. Studies in this area provide little solid neutropenia was defined as the combination of a single body
information due to small sample sizes and the use of different temperature >38.5 °C (or two or more recordings >38.0 °C
methods and cutoff values to assess nutritional status [10]. during a 6 hour period) and an absolute neutrophil count
Moreover, studies on the effect of malnutrition on both infec- (ANC) <0.5×109/L (or, when lacking, a leukocyte count
tions and mortality have been done in homogenous patient <1.0×109/L) [11, 12]. FN episodes were divided into two
groups including patients with one diagnosis. Thereby, a groups: fever of unknown origin and bacteremia. Bacteremia
specific effect of malnutrition in only the specific patient was defined as the isolation of a bacterial pathogen from a
group cannot be excluded. blood sample. Complications were defined as admission to an
The goal of this study is to explore the role of malnutrition intensive care unit or death.
in respect to survival and infectious risk, i.e., the presence of Regarding nutritional status, BMI z-scores were calculated
febrile neutropenia in all children with cancer. This might lead using Growth Analyser VE 1.3.2 (© Growth Analyser BV, the
to new insights in the treatment of childhood cancer. Netherlands), with “The Netherlands 2010, BMI for age”
serving as reference. The BMI z-score reflects how patients
related to contemporary, Dutch children of the same age and
Patients and methods sex. Regarding BMI z-score at diagnosis, cutoff values for
malnourishment and overnourishment were chosen as −2.0
This study was performed at the Department of Pediatric and 2.0, respectively. The cutoff values −1.5, −1.0, −0.5, 0.5,
Oncology/Hematology of the University Medical Center Gro- 1.0, and 1.5 were also analyzed to identify clinically relevant
ningen (UMCG). Primary care for childhood cancer patients is cutoff values. Information regarding the clinical relevance of
situated in the UMCG, with multiple shared care centers in the weight loss in the field of childhood cancer is lacking [10]. In
area providing outpatient chemotherapy, possibility for admis- adult medicine, however, it is a clinically widely used variable
sion in case of febrile neutropenia, and follow-up. [13]. Therefore, we chose to also analyze weight loss. Weight
loss >5 %, or a decrease ≥1.0 in BMI z-score, in the first
Patients 3 months after diagnosis was considered relevant.
Major endpoints were overall survival and number of FN
From two previous studies on nutritional status (Pecannut episodes, with or without bacteremia.
study, data not yet published) and febrile neutropenia (IL-8
study, data not yet published) in childhood cancer, all children Statistical analysis
≤18 years diagnosed with a malignancy between October 2004
and October 2011 were included in the present study. Patients Due to the variety of diagnoses in our population, numbers of
diagnosed in the UMCG but primarily treated in another pedi- patients in diagnosis specific subgroups were relatively small.
atric oncological hospital were excluded from this study. Correcting for all these subgroups separately was not realistic
For both the IL-8 and the Pecannut studies, written in- and statistically not feasible. Therefore, patients were classi-
formed consent was given by all patients and/or parents, and fied based on expected survival based on diagnosis (for sur-
approval was given by the medical ethical review committee vival analysis) and intensity of treatment (for infection analy-
of the UMCG. sis). With regard to expected survival based on diagnosis, we
developed a variable to correct for the gravity of disease and
Data collection therefore variance in prognosis. Literature was combined with
the expert opinion of three pediatric oncologists of our hospi-
Most data regarding nutritional status, survival, and infections tal. All diagnoses and, if applicable, different stages were
used in this study were retrieved from the IL-8 and the classified in 5-year survival rates of <40, 40–60, or >60 %
Pecannut study. Data regarding admissions for febrile neutro- (see Electronic supplementary material data). Concerning the
penia and body mass index (BMI) at four time points (at intensity of treatment, the four-level Intensity of Treatment
diagnosis and 3, 6, and 12 months after diagnosis) were Rating Scale 3 was used [14]. Three minor modifications to
collected from the study records. Medical records were then this scale were made (see Electronic supplementary material
searched for missing data and additional data for this study. data).
Shared care centers were contacted and visited for completion Survival was defined as time from diagnosis till death.
of the database, i.e., local admissions for febrile neutropenia. Patients who were still alive at the end of follow-up or lost
Support Care Cancer (2015) 23:143–150 145

to follow-up were censored. The Kaplan-Meier method was allogeneic. Main cause of death was malignancy itself (n=35),
used to depict survival curves (Fig. 1) [15]. Differences be- followed by infection (n=4) and other causes (n=4; one
tween groups on survival were estimated in univariate and cerebral infarction, one graft versus host disease after HSCT,
multivariate Cox regression analyses, yielding hazard ratios one virus reactivation after HSCT, one unknown complication
(HRs) and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs) [16, 17]. of treatment).
To investigate whether nutritional status at diagnosis and
weight loss during treatment were prognostic factors for in- Nutritional status
fection rates during the first year, patients who did not receive
chemotherapy (n=20), and were therefore not susceptible to Nutritional status of male and female patients at diagnosis did
chemotherapy-induced neutropenia, were excluded from anal- not differ significantly (p=0.721). At diagnosis, 14 patients
ysis. Differences between groups regarding presence of infec- (5.2 %) were malnourished (BMI z-score <−2), 229 patients
tions were estimated in univariate and multivariate binary (56.9 %) were well nourished, and 19 patients (7.1 %) were
logistic regression, yielding odds ratios (ORs) and 95 % CIs. overnourished (BMI z-score >2).
The significance level of all tests was determined at Gender and diagnosis had no significant influence on
p<0.05. Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS weight loss and BMI z-score decrease (Table 2). Weight loss
version (International Business Machines Corpora- increased with patients growing older. Significantly more
tion, NY, USA). patients in the oldest group (age >10 years) lost more than
5 % weight in the first 3 months after diagnosis than younger
patients (p=0.017). BMI z-score decrease showed no differ-
ence between all age groups.
Associations between nutritional status and survival
Patient characteristics
Regarding nutritional status, survival was significantly worse
A total of 269 childhood cancer patients receiving treatment (p=0.01) for patients who were malnourished at diagnosis
for a malignancy were included in this study. Their character- (n = 14) than for those who were well nourished and
istics are shown in Table 1. Median follow-up from diagnosis overnourished at diagnosis (n=248) (Table 3). In a multivar-
was 3 years and 8 months (range, 17 days–7 years and iate analysis that included BMI z-score at diagnosis and
8 months). At the time of analysis, 43 patients had died, 199 expected survival based on diagnosis (to correct for gravity
had finished treatment, and 27 were still receiving treatment. of disease), malnourishment maintained its significance (HR=
Twenty-six patients underwent hematopoietic stem cell trans- 3.63, 95 % CI=1.52–8.70, p=0.004). Patients with a BMI z-
plantation (HSCT), of which 19 were autologous and 7 were score below −1.5 (n=29) also showed significantly worse

Fig. 1 Kaplan-Meier survival

curve of patients by BMI z-score
at diagnosis. *Log-rank test,
chi2 =6.116, p=0.013
146 Support Care Cancer (2015) 23:143–150

Table 1 Patient and disease characteristics (n=269) on diagnosis, survival was significantly worse (HR=7.72, 95 %
n % CI=2.88–20.70, p<0.001) for patients with a BMI z-score
below −2.0 (n=9) versus those above −2.0 (n=235).
Male patients 137 51 Survival was also worse for patients with a BMI z-score at 3
Age at diagnosis in years (median, range) 7.4 (0–17.7) months below −1.5 (n=20) versus above −1.5 (n=234) (HR=
Follow-up in days (median, range) 1,186 (17–2,804) 3.676, 95 % CI=1.42–9.55, p=0.07), as well as below −1.0 (n=
Hematological malignancy 139 52 29) versus above −1.0 (n=225) (HR=2.75, 95 % CI=1.12–6.57,
Solid tumor 86 32 p=0.023). Survival did not differ significantly (HR=1.20, 95 %
Brain tumor 44 16 CI=0.59–2.41, p=0.618) between patients with a BMI z-score at
Number of admissions because of 332 100d 3 months below −0.5 (n=59) and those above −0.5 (n=195).
febrile neutropenic episodes in the Overnourishment at diagnosis, nutritional status at 6 and 12
first year after diagnosisa months, and changes in nutritional status did not influence
Number of admissions for FN per 1 (0–7)
patient (median, range) survival (Table 3).
Fever of unknown origin 250 75d
Bacteremia 82 25d Associations between nutritional status and febrile
Febrile neutropenic episodes with 42 13d neutropenia
a A total of 332 admissions for febrile neutropenia occurred in the
Neutropenia is defined as an absolute neutrophil count (ANC) <0.5×
109 /L or, in the absence of an ANC, a leukocyte count <1.0×109 /L first year after diagnosis. Malnourishment at diagnosis was not
Bacteremia is defined as the isolation of a bacterial pathogen from a associated with admissions for febrile neutropenia in the first
blood sample year after diagnosis (p=0.495), neither was overnourishment at
Complication is defined as death or admission to an intensive care unit diagnosis (p=0.324). A decline >1.0 in BMI z-score or weight
during febrile episode loss >5 % in the first 3 months after diagnosis did not increase
Percentage of total number of admissions because of febrile neutropenic FN episode rates (p=0.432 and p=0.102, respectively).
episodes in the first year after diagnosis Of all 332 FN episodes, 82 episodes (24.6 %) showed bac-
teremia. Regarding occurrence of these episodes, there were no
survival (HR=2.22, 95 % CI=1.05–4.68, p=0.037) than those differences between patients who were well nourished at diag-
above −1.5 (n=233). For patients below −1.0 (n=52) versus nosis and patients who were malnourished or overnourished at
those above −1.0 (n=210), no difference in survival was diagnosis. However, patients who declined >1.0 in BMI z-score
observed (HR=1.37, 95 % CI=0.67–2.81, p=0.392). in the first 3 months after diagnosis (n=13) had significantly
Regarding nutritional status at 3 months, malnourishment more FN episodes with bacteremia in the first year after diagno-
also decreased survival significantly. In multivariate analysis sis (p=0.010) (Table 4). In multivariate analysis that included
including BMI z-score at 3 months and expected survival based decline in BMI z-score, age, and intensity of treatment, decline in

Table 2 Nutritional status changes

Weight lossa (n=259) BMI z-score decreasea (n=251b)

>5 % (n=32) ≤5 % (n=227) >1.0 (n=15) ≤1.0 (n=236)

n % n % n % n %

Male 15 11 120 89 6 4 126 96

Female 17 14 107 86 9 8 110 92
Age <4 years 5 7 66 93 6 9 63 91
Age 4–10 years 9 10 84 90 5 5 87 95
Age >10 years 18 19c 77 81 4 4 86 96
Hematological malignancy 16 12 121 88 4 3 126 97
Solid tumor 12 14 71 86 7 9 75 91
Brain tumor 4 10 35 90 4 10 35 90
In first 3 months after diagnosis
For eight patients, there were no data regarding height and thus BMI z-score was not available
OR=3.086, 95 % CI=1.086–8.765, p=0.034
Support Care Cancer (2015) 23:143–150 147

Table 3 Nutritional status and

changes hereof, and relation Survival status at moment of analysisa
to survival (n=269)
Deceased Alive
(n=43) (n=226)

n % n % HRb 95 % CIb p valueb

Female 23 17 109 83 1
Male 20 15 117 85 0.827 0.454–1.507 0.536
Age 0.619
<4 years 14 19 60 81 1
4–10 years 14 15 80 85 0.717 0.342–1.504 0.378
>10 years 15 15 86 85 0.738 0.356–1.529 0.413
Diagnosis 0.002
Hematological malignancy 11 8 128 92 1
Solid tumor 20 23 66 77 3.355 1.606–7.010 0.001
Brain tumor 12 27 32 73 3.677 1.621–8.338 0.002
Expected 5-year survival based on diagnosis 0.000
>60 % 22 10 193 90 1
40–60 % 5 19 22 81 1.897 0.718–5.010 0.196
<40 % 16 59 11 41 8.767 4.563–16.842 0.000
BMI z-score at diagnosis 0.010
−2.0–2.0 26 14 165 86 1
>2.0 3 16 16 84 1.150 0.351–3.768 0.818
<−2.0 6 43 8 57 3.904 1.624–9.388 0.002
BMI z-score at 3 months
≥−2.0 34 14 211 86 1
<−2.0 5 56 4 44 7.719 2.879–20.698 0.000
BMI z-score at 6 months
≥−2.0 32 14 197 86 1
<−2.0 1 17 5 84 1.336 0.174–10.258 0.781
BMI z-score at 12 months
≥−2.0 19 10 180 90 1
<−2.0 2 14 12 86 0.382 0.085–1.711 0.209
a Weight lossc
Follow-up in days (median,
range), 1,186 (17–2,804) ≤5 % 30 17 142 83 1
Univariate Cox regression test >5 % 8 9 79 91 1.134 0.442–2.906 0.794
comparing survival among BMI z-score decrease
groups, with significant values ≤1.0 35 15 201 85 1
(p<0.05) highlighted in italic
>1.0 4 26 11 74 2.054 0.730–5.781 0.173
In first 3 months after diagnosis

BMI z-score >1.0 was nearly significant (OR=3.366, 95 % CI= Nutritional status and changes hereof showed no signifi-
0.99–11.4, p=0.052). cant relation with complications during FN episodes.
Weight loss >5 % in the first 3 months after diagnosis
showed a strong association with the occurrence of FN epi-
sodes with bacteremia in the first year after diagnosis (p=
0.004). In multivariate analysis, including intensity of treat- Discussion
ment and age, this association persisted (OR=3.05, 95 % CI=
1.27–7.30, p=0.012). Weight loss between 3 and 6 months In this study, we demonstrated in a large, heterogeneous
and between 6 and 12 months did not influence occurrence of childhood cancer population that those patients who were
FN episodes. malnourished at diagnosis or at 3 months after diagnosis had
148 Support Care Cancer (2015) 23:143–150

Table 4 Nutritional status and changes hereof and relation to FN episodes with bacteremia (n=249)

Number of episodes of FN with bacteremia in year 1 after diagnosis

>0 (n=60) 0 (n=189)

n % n % ORa 95 % CIa p valuea

Female 33 27 91 73 1
Male 27 22 98 78 0.760 0.424–1.361 0.356
Age 0.000
<4 years 29 42 40 58 1
4–10 years 16 17 76 83 0.283 0.136–0.590 0.001
>10 years 15 17 73 83 0.290 0.141–0.597 0.001
Hematological malignancy 34 24 105 76 1
Solid tumor 20 24 64 76 0.965 0.512–1.819 0.912
Brain tumor 6 23 20 77 0.926 0.344–2.496 0.880
Intensity of treatment rating 0.000
Levels 1+2 20 15 114 85 1
Level 3 28 30 66 70 2.418 1.264–4.627 0.008
Level 4 12 63 9 37 7.600 2.835–20.377 0.000
BMI z-scoreb 0.539
−2.0–2.0 16 21 59 79 1
>2.0 3 17 15 83 0.589 0.164–2.113 0.417
<−2.0 2 15 11 85 0.535 0.115–2.492 0.426
Weight lossc
<5 % 44 21 167 79 1
>5 % 14 44 18 56 2.952 1.362–6.397 0.006
BMI z-score decreasec
<1.0 49 22 173 78 1
>1.0 7 54 6 46 4.119 1.323–12.823 0.015
Univariate binary logistic regression comparing presence of FN episodes among groups, with significant values (p<0.05) highlighted in italic
At diagnosis
In first 3 months after diagnosis

significantly worse survival. Furthermore, we showed in- reduced survival rates. Unlike malnourishment at diagnosis,
creased rates of febrile neutropenic episodes with bacteremia malnourishment at 3 months after diagnosis is possibly pre-
in the first year after diagnosis in childhood cancer patients ventable by close monitoring of the nutritional state and swift
who lost more than 5 % of their body weight in the first intervention if necessary. This could contribute to increased
3 months after diagnosis. survival rates. In contrast to previous studies, in the present
The association of malnourishment with lower survival study, overnourishment did not play a role in survival [8, 19].
rates in childhood cancer patients has been found in previous Secondly, we showed, for the first time, that weight loss in
studies in homogenous patient populations (i.e., only one the first 3 months after diagnosis is associated with increased
diagnosis) [4, 18, 19]. The present study confirms this asso- rates of FN episodes with bacteremia in the first year after
ciation, independent of expected survival based on diagnoses, diagnosis. Rapid loss of weight appears to make childhood
in a heterogeneous childhood cancer population. This implies cancer patients more vulnerable to bacterial infections. This
that there is an effect over all pediatric cancer diagnoses and knowledge might help identify patients that are at risk. In
not only in patients with AML or rhabdomyosarcoma as addition, this finding underlines again the importance of close
studied before. Both malnourishment at diagnosis and monitoring of the nutritional state of patients treated for child-
malnourishment at 3 months after diagnosis were related to hood cancer.
Support Care Cancer (2015) 23:143–150 149

Limitations loss suggest that prompt correction of nutritional status in

children receiving anti-cancer treatment might improve sur-
Although this study gives new insight in the role of nutritional vival as well as infectious outcome.
status in childhood cancer, there are certain points that should
be taken into account when interpreting these findings. The
retrospective character of this study can be considered a
limitation, although it should be noted that all patients were Conflict of interest None declared.
already prospectively included in another study and thus
thoroughly and regularly monitored.
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