(Participants) Proposal - Dominate

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Table of Contents 

| Introduction | 2 
School Profile 2
Event Background 3
Aim 3

| Description of DOMINATE | 4 
Event Concept 4
Date 4
Setting 4
Coordinators 4
List of Competitions 5
Overview of Event 5

| Registration Rules | 6 
Registration Period 6
Registration Requirements 6

| General Rules | 8 
| Competitions | 11 
General 11
Band Competition 12
Basketball Competition (Male) 14
Mural Competition 15
Short Film Competition 16
Soccer Competition (Male) 17
Volleyball Competition (Male & Female) 18

| Protest Rules | 19 

| Afterword | 20 
| Signatories | 21 


| Introduction | 

I. School Profile

The IPEKA foundation was found in the year 1979 with the main purpose of
glorifying the Lord through education. After establishing and developing several schools,
such as IPEKA Puri, IPEKA Pluit, and IPEKA Tomang in 1999, the foundation decided to
open its first high school with an academic curriculum based on international standards of
education: IPEKA High School. IPEKA High School was partnered with two schools
allocated in Sydney, Australia, the Scot’s College and St. Catherine’s School, to further
develop its quality to par with international academies and credibility.
Witnessing the growth of IPEKA High School, the IPEKA foundation decided to
establish an international kindergarten school by 2001 and an elementary school by 2004,
calling them IPEKA Bilingual School. Both IPEKA Bilingual Schools merged and moved
into a new building, therefore changing its name to IPEKA International Christian School.
However, after the emergence of new government regulations by 2015 which prohibits the
use of international status for schools not established by foreign governments, IPEKA
International Christian School changed its name to the presently known, IPEKA Integrated
Christian School (IICS).
Today, located in Meruya Ilir, IPEKA Integrated Christian School is accredited by the
New South Wales Education Standards Authority (NESA), with a student body of over one
thousand and two hundred students, varying from kindergarten, elementary, junior high and
senior high school scholars.
The vision of IPEKA Integrated Christian School is to be to be an excellent Christian
educational institution which declares Christ as the source of all wisdom and knowledge. The
mission of IPEKA Integrated Christian School is ​to educate students holistically based on
Christian values​.


II. Event Background

IPEKA Integrated Christian School holds a championship event every two years,
inviting interested participants from various schools to compete with in the event. Each of the
events held before had a specific name of operation, beginning with IHO (IPEKA High
Olympics), IBO (IPEKA Bilingual Olympics), and ICE​3 ​(IPEKA Championship Event 3),
read as ice cube. Other events which followed includes FIRE (Fourth IICS Rocking Event),
FIGHT (Fifth IICS Grand Huskies Tournament), SHOUT (Sixth Huskies Official Ultimate
Tournament), and STORM (Seventh Tournament). Each of these championship events falls
under a generic name, OlympIICS, which stands for IICS Olympics.
This year’s event will uphold both sports and visual or performing arts
championships, including band, basketball, gavel, mural, short film, soccer, table tennis, and
volleyball. Through this proposal, the Senior High School Student Council of IICS would
like to present the eighth sports championship event, DOMINATE. The name 'DOMINATE'
itself refers to the domination of one's personal talents, aspirations, and ambitions. The
ultimate goal is not to gain victory over others, but to breach the boulder that depletes one's
confidence of their abilities, through expression and genuine effort of the abstracts- sports
and arts.

III. Aim

Many adolescents in their teenage years spend their time on extracurricular activities
to develop themselves mentally and physically, away from academic pursuits/conducts. Our
aims for DOMINATE are to:
● Provide a medium for students to channel, express and exercise their talents,
● Provide an opportunity for students to showcase their skills or talents in areas other
than academics,
● Create supportive, healthy, and friendly relationships with other schools by
supporting sportsmanship-driven competitions,
● Promote socialization between students from various schools, and
● Advertise IPEKA Integrated Christian School to its surrounding community.


| Description of DOMINATE |

I. Event Concept
DOMINATE will be basing on sports, performing arts and visual arts as part of the
competitions. DOMINATE intends to bond students from different schools through the
competitions held during the event.

II. Date
The event will take place on 23 February 2018 to 3 March 2018.

III. Setting

IPEKA Integrated Christian School, ​Kompleks Taman Meruya Ilir, Jln. Batu Mulia
Blok K Jakarta Barat 11620, Indonesia.

IV. Coordinators
The team organizing and coordinating DOMINATE consists of IICS students who are
assisted by several teachers. The operation of the event is prepared by the committee:
● Head of Teacher Committee​: Mr Herman Leung
● Head of Student Committee​: Aldio Lazuardi
● Head of Treasury​: Jethro Tjindra
● Head of Sponsorship​: Aldio Lazuardi
● Head Event Coordinator​: Brian Putra
● Head of Logistics/Property & Maintenance​: Leon Tantri
● Head of Documentation​: Natasha Emanuelle
● Head of Publication​: Advita Azalia
● Head of Website: Calista Alex
● Head of Food​ ​&​ ​Beverage​: Leoni Angela
● Head of Paramedics: Kevin Winardi
● Head of Security: Valery Leslie


V. List of Competitions

Competition Participants

Male Female

Band ✓ ✓

Basketball ✓ ╳

Mural ✓ ✓

Short Film ✓ ✓

Soccer ✓ ╳

Volleyball ✓ ✓

VI. Overview of Event

Events Date(s) Venue(s)* Time Remarks

Opening IICS Basketball 09.00 A.M.-10.00 Welcome

February 23, 2018
Ceremony Field A.M Participants

09.30 A.M.-6.00
February 23 - IICS Parking Food, Goods, and
Bazaar P.M.
March 3, 2018 Lot Services

February 23, 2018 10.00 A.M.-6.00 P.M

09.00 A.M.-6.00
February 24, 2018
P.M. All Sport
IICS Competitions
February 26 - Classrooms, 1.00-6.00 P.M.
March 2, 2018 Gymnasium & daily
Outdoor Fields
Grand Final
March 3, 2018 07.00-12.00 Games and All Art

Grand Final
Games, Winner
Closing IICS Outdoor
March 3, 2018 3.00-5.00 P.M. Announcements,
Ceremony Field
and Host

*​All venues will be located within the IPEKA Integrated Christian School Building


| Registration Rules | 

I. Registration Period

Registration will open on 6 January 2018 and will close on Wednesday, 7 February
Registrasi akan dibuka pada hari 6 Januari 2018 dan akan ditutup pada hari Rabu, 7
Februari 2018.

II. Registration Requirements

Each team or individual must submit:

Setiap tim atau individu harus menyerahkan:

1. ONE 3x4cm sized photograph for each participant

SATU foto berukuran 3x4cm untuk setiap peserta
2. ONE valid student ID for each participant
SATU fotokopi kartu pelajar berlaku untuk setiap peserta
3. Contact information of ONE representative participant in team registration OR the
participant in individual registration, which includes:
○ E-mail
○ Contact number
4. An official, written or printed statement from the school stating that each participant
is allowed to participate in DOMINATE and containing the contact information
(phone number and email) of a responsible party from the participant’s school
Surat pernyataan resmi dari sekolah yang menyatakan bahwa setiap peserta diijinkan
untuk berpartisipasi dalam DOMINATE dan yang menyatakan kontak informasi dari
pihak sekolah.
5. Receipt of payment (if registration fee payment is done through account transfer)
Bukti pembayaran (jika pembayaran dilakukan melalui transfer)


All of the above requirements, and other requirements as listed within the website
must be scanned and submitted through the DOMINATE website at iicscup.com/registration
using a .zip file format with the file name: School_Competition Name (e.g IPEKA Integrated
Christian School_Short Film).
Semua kebutuhan di atas, termasuk kebutuhan-kebutuhan lain yang tertera di dalam
website harus discan dan diserahkan melalui website DOMINATE yaitu
iicscup.com/registration dengan .zip file format dan file name Sekolah_Nama Kompetisi (e.g
IPEKA Integrated Christian School_Short Film).

Payment of the registration fee could be made in cash/transfer to:

Pembayaran untuk registrasi dapat dilakukan melalui cash/transfer kepada:
1. BCA account 3991286282 (a/n Herman)
2. IICS Building 3, Lantai 3 (Mr Herman Leung): Komplek Taman Meruya Ilir, Jl. Batu
Mulia Blok K, Meruya Utara, Jakarta Barat 11620

Registration will be official when participants receive a confirmation email from the
committee after submission. Teams without official approval for their registration would not
be allowed to participate.

Registrasi akan dianggap sah ketika para peserta mendapatkan email dari panitia
setelah penyerahan. Jika registrasi tim peserta belum dianggap sah, tim tersebut tidak akan
diperbolehkan untuk bertanding.



| General Rules | 

1. Every team and participant that competes in any event in DOMINATE must be
officially registered.
Semua tim dan peserta yang bersaing dalam acara apapun di DOMINATE harus
terdaftar secara sah.

2. If it is found that any of the participants and teams are not registered or not a student
of the school they are said to represent, the team will be automatically disqualified.
Jika ditemukan bahwa salah satu peserta atau tim tidak terdaftar atau bukan siswa
sekolah yang mereka wakili, mereka akan didiskualifikasi secara otomatis.

3. Each team must be accompanied by a teacher or a coach. If the team is not

accompanied by a coach or teacher, the team will not be allowed to compete until said
teacher or coach is present in IICS premises.
Setiap tim harus didampingi oleh seorang guru atau pelatih. Jika tim tidak
didampingi oleh pelatih atau guru, tim tidak akan diizinkan untuk bersaing sampai
pelatih atau pelatih tersebut hadir di IICS.

4. Each team must send a minimum of TWO representatives on the technical meeting
(9th February 2018) for pool determination and rules explanation. Teams that do not
attend the technical meeting will be considered resigned and their fees will not be
Setiap tim harus mengirimkan minimal dua perwakilan pada technical meeting (9
Februari 2018) untuk penentuan pool lomba dan penjelasan peraturan. Tim yang
tidak menghadiri technical meeting akan dianggap telah mengundurkan diri dan
biaya pendaftaran mereka tidak akan dikembalikan.

5. All participants entering IICS grounds are required to be dressed in either their
school/team uniforms or any other proper and appropriate clothing.
Semua peserta yang memasuki area IICS diharuskan mengenakan seragam
sekolah/tim mereka atau pakaian lainnya yang layak dan pantas.


6. Participants who have arrived are required to report their attendance 15 minutes prior
to the match. If participants are not in the field/court 5 minutes after the appointed
time, the team will be considered to have lost the match.
Peserta yang telah tiba diwajibkan untuk melaporkan kehadiran mereka 15 menit
sebelum pertandingan berlangsung. Jika peserta tidak di lapangan 5 menit setelah
waktu yang ditentukan, tim akan dianggap telah kalah pertandingan.

7. Students and participants are not allowed to bring sharp weapons, drugs, alcohol,
cigarettes, or any other items that may harm the school, students, and surroundings.
Siswa dan peserta tidak diperbolehkan membawa senjata tajam, narkoba, alkohol,
rokok, atau barang lainnya yang dapat membahayakan sekolah, siswa, dan
lingkungan sekitar.

8. Participants are not allowed to enter the IICS building unless given consent by an
IICS teacher or a DOMINATE committee member.
Peserta tidak diijinkan memasuki gedung IICS kecuali diberikan izin oleh guru IICS
atau anggota komite DOMINATE.

9. It is mandatory for participants to attend DOMINATE’s opening ceremony on 23

February 2018. The bail fee will be returned to teams after the opening ceremony.
Peserta diwajibkan menghadiri pembukaan DOMINATE pada tanggal 23 Februari
2018. Biaya jaminan akan dikembalikan kepada peserta dan tim setelah pembukaan.

10. It is mandatory for final winning participants to attend DOMINATE’s closing

ceremony or their winning prize will not be given.
Pemenang lomba diwajibkan menghadiri acara penutupan DOMINATE untuk
mendapat hadiah lomba.

11. All participants must show good sportsmanship, avoid any usage of inappropriate
language, and are expected to show behavior befitting of students carrying their
school’s name.


Semua peserta harus menunjukkan perilaku yang sportif, menghindari penggunaan
bahasa yang kurang berkenan, dan diharapkan menunjukkan perilaku yang sesuai
dengan siswa yang membawa nama sekolah mereka.

12. The DOMINATE committee and IICS are not responsible for any damage or loss of
all participants’ belongings.
Komite DOMINATE dan IICS tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerusakan atau
kehilangan barang peserta.

13. If a match is forced to stop due to unforeseen circumstances, it will be rescheduled.

Jika pertandingan terpaksa berhenti karena keadaan tak terduga, pertandingan
tersebut akan dijadwal ulang.



| Competitions | 

1. General

● 1st place: Rp 1.500.000,00- + certificate + trophy
Juara 1: Rp 1.500.000,00- + sertifikat + piala
● 2nd place: Rp 1.000.000,00- + certificate + trophy
Juara 2: Rp 1.000.000,00- + sertifikat + piala
● 3rd place: Rp 500.000,00- + certificate + trophy
Juara 3: Rp 500.000,00- + sertifikat + piala

Registration Fee
Rp 250.000,00 + Rp 150.000,00 (bail fee) per team
Biaya registrasi:
Rp 250.000,00 + Rp 150.000,00 (uang jaminan) per tim


2. Band Competition

Held on:
Saturday, 3 March 2018 (time will be specified during technical meeting)

Competition Format:

a. Each school can send a maximum of ONE team.

b. Each team should consist of 4-8 band members, with a:
i. Maximum of 2 vocalists, 2 guitarists, 1 bassist, 1 keyboardist, and 1 drummer;
and a
ii. Minimum of 1 vocalist, 1 drummer, 1 bassist, 1 guitarist and 1 keyboardist.
c. Each group is required to perform two songs: one song of choice from the list
provided below and one pop song of choice.
List of required songs (choose one):
i. “Fight Song” by Rachel Platten
ii. “On Top of the World”by Imagine Dragons
iii. “Bendera” by Cokelat
iv. “Hero” by Enrique Iglesias
v. “Hall of Fame” by The Script ft. will.i.am
vi. “Defying Gravity” by Idina Menzel
vii. “Let it Be” by The Beatles
viii. “Skyscraper” by Demi Lovato
ix. “Win” by Brian McKnight
d. The required song must be performed before the song of choice.


a. Songs chosen/performed must not contain harsh language and racial, ethical, religious
or any form of affront.
b. Punk and/or heavy metal music is strictly prohibited.
c. An English-translated copy must be submitted with songs chosen/performed in any
language aside from English/Indonesian.


d. Certain musical instruments (keyboard and drums) will be provided, the final list of
instruments provided will be informed during the technical meeting. Equipment such
as amplifiers along with its cables will be provided. Other musical instruments,
accessories, and costumes will not be provided.
e. Each participant has to be both attending secondary school and 18 years old or below
(born in February 2000 or later).
f. Each team must arrive at least an hour before final stage performance for a


3. Basketball Competition (Male)

Held on:
Friday, 23 February 2018 - Saturday, 3 March 2018 (time will be specified during
technical meeting after pool ballots are taken)

Competition Format:

a. Each school can send a maximum of ONE team.

b. Each team consists of 12 players + 1 coach + 1 official, all of which come from the
same school.
c. Matches will be divided into 4 quarters of roughly 10 minutes (including when the
ball is not in play) and 2 minutes of playtime at the end of the 4th quarter.


a. Each participant has to be both attending secondary school and 18 years old or below
(born in February 2000 or later).
b. The rules that are applied within the basketball game itself are based on PERBASI.
c. Participants are required to wear uniforms that have player numbers. If a participant
does not have a player number, he/she is not allowed to compete.
d. Teams should have a minimum of 5 members present whilst competing. If the total
players present is less than 5, the team would be considered defeated.
e. Registrations will be closed when participant team number reaches 12. Closing of
registrations will be announced or updates through a website post in the DOMINATE


4. Mural Competition

Held on:
Saturday, 3 March 2018 (time will be specified during technical meeting)

Competition Format

a. Each school can send a maximum of ONE team.

b. Each team consists of 4 members.
c. The theme for the mural competition will be “Dominating the Challenges of Life”.
d. The mural will be done on a 2m x 4m wooden board.
e. Participants will be given 8 hours maximum time to create their murals.
f. Red, blue, yellow, white, and black poster paint will be provided. Access to water,
tissues, brushes, and a palette will be provided. Participants may bring their own
supplies and tools.


a. Each participant has to be both attending secondary school and 18 years old or below
(born in February 2000 or later).
b. Spray paint is prohibited.
c. Profanity, sexual content, and violence is strictly prohibited.
d. Profanity, sexual content, and violence implicit or explicit portrayal in the mural is
strictly prohibited.
e. The murals will be judged according to:

i. Content: how theme is represented

ii. Quality: the way the mural is painted (precision, color choice)
iii. Originality


5. Short Film Competition

Premier of Short Film Submissions held on:

Saturday, 3 March 2018 (time will be specified during technical meeting, premier will
include other participants and judges as audience)
Competition Format:
a. Each school can send a maximum of ONE team.
b. The theme for the short film competition is “Dominating the Challenges of Life”.
c. The time limit for each short movie submission is 10 minutes, including opening titles
and end credits.
a. Each participant has to be both attending secondary school and 18 years old or below
(born in February 2000 or later)
b. All entries must be original and must be authored only by the registered team.
c. Short films that have participated in other competitions cannot compete in this
d. The film must be submitted at the same time as team registrations.
e. The judging criteria is as follows:
i. Content: story and structure of movie
ii. Script/Story
iii. Creativity
iv. Originality
v. Coherence
vi. Technical Excellence (technical aspects of the movie):
1. Visual Creativity
2. Cinematography
3. Sound Design and Soundtrack
4. Editing
5. Composition Skill
vii. Originality and Overall Quality: overall movie watching experience
1. Independent thought and imagination
2. Overall impression


6. Soccer Competition (Male)

Held on:
Friday, 23 February 2018 - Saturday, 3 March 2018 (time will be specified during
technical meeting after pool ballots are taken)

Competition Format:

a. Each school can send a maximum of ONE team.

b. Each team consists of 7 main players and a maximum of 7 substitute players.
c. The length of one game is 2x20 minutes, with a 5 minute half-time in between.
d. Teams should have a minimum of 7 members present in the court whilst competing.
If the total players present is less than 7, the team would be considered defeated.


a. Each participant has to be both attending secondary school and 18 years old or below
(born in February 2000 or later)
b. The rules that are applied within the soccer game itself are based on PSSI.
c. Participants are required to wear uniforms that have player numbers. If a participant
does not have a player number, he/she is not allowed to compete.
d. Teams should have a minimum of 6 members present whilst competing. If the total
players present is less than 5, the team would be considered defeated.
e. Registrations will be closed when participant number reaches 12.


7. Volleyball Competition (Male & Female)

Held on:
Friday, 23 February 2018 - Saturday, 3 March 2018 (time will be specified during
technical meeting after pool ballots are taken)

Competition Format

a. Each school can send a maximum of TWO teams consisting of one male and one
female team.
b. Each team consists of 12 players + 1 libero.
c. In the group stage and quarter final, a team has to reach 25 points x 2 sets in order to
win a game. If both of the teams each have 1 winning set, therefore the third set
should be conducted with a maximum point of 15 to determine the winner of the
d. For semifinals and finals, each team should win 3 sets. If both teams each have 2
winning sets, the fifth set should be conducted with a maximum of 15 points to
determine the winner of the game.


a. The rules that are applied within the volleyball game itself are based on PBVSI.
b. Participants are required to wear uniforms that have player numbers. If a participant
does not have a player number, he/she is not allowed to compete.
c. Teams should have a minimum of 6 members present whilst competing. If the total
players present is less than 5, the team would be considered defeated.
d. Each participant has to be both attending secondary school and 18 years old or below
(born in February 2000 or later).
e. Registrations will be closed when participant number reaches 12 for male, and 12 for


| Protest Rules | 

The following protest rules are valid for basketball, volleyball, and soccer only.

1. Objections that arise during a game may only be put forward when the ball is not in
play by only the captain of the team. He or she must express the team’s concerns in a
polite manner. A technical foul will be called on the captain should he or she fail to
do the above.
2. Written protests may be submitted after a maximum of 30 minutes after the end of a
match, together with a fee of Rp 1.000.000,00 (one million rupiah).
3. The protest will be approved only by the discipline committee’s signature.
4. The decision of the discipline committee is absolute and cannot be negotiated.


| Afterword | 

We hope that this championship event, DOMINATE, allows students from various
schools around Jakarta to interact with one another, building a community and a sense of
togetherness amidst all the hardships faced alongside the competitive nature of the event. We
believe that students may further develop their talents through the event, by means of
expressing and exercising their interests in sports and arts, two areas often neglected but are
of equal importance to that of academic performance. To achieve our objectives, we are
looking forward to the support that we hope will be given by all.

For any questions, please contact the names below (through Whatsapp or SMS).
Contact Information:

1. Mr. Herman Leung +62 878 04101983

2. Aldio Lazuardi +62 815 86604810

3. Brian Putra +62 878 80847081

4. Natasha Emanuelle +62 859 59558233

5. Jethro Tjindra +62 817 9350318

6. Leon Tantri +62 877 83175098

7. Eustacia Sukarto +62 877 87537696

8. Valery Leslie +62 878 08078575

Be updated with our latest news through our social media accounts:

Instagram​: @iicscup and @sc.iics

Website: iicscup.com
YouTube: IICS Dominate 2018

For inquiries regarding specific details outlined in this proposal or registration for
participants please contact:

LINE: askdominate
E-mail: iicsdominate2018@iics.sch.id


| Signatories | 

We hope that by hosting this event, DOMINATE, students from schools all across
Jakarta may come together in the spirit of sportsmanship, supportiveness and
competitiveness, and build relationships with each other. We believe that sports and art have
the power to unite people on a level common to all in order to make this event the best it can
be, we hope to receive the support we need from all parties.

May DOMINATE be an unforgettable event.

Yours Sincerely,

--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

Ms Setyawati, M.Pd Mr Kristhianto Kainama

Location Coordinator of IPEKA Integrated Principal of Senior High IPEKA Integrated

Christian School Christian School

--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

Mr Herman Leung Aldio Lazuardi

Head of Teacher Head of Student

Committee DOMINATE Committee DOMINATE



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