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What would be the effect

on the results if the

Venturi meter were not
horizontal?Would you
makeany correction to the
piezometer readings if the
meter were mountedwith
its axis vertical?If the
venture meter were not
horizontal, the inclined
angle between the meter
andhorizontal must be
considered in calculation.
Then, the result
follows.The experimental
results show that there is a
pressure drop across the
meter from inletto exit,
andthat this pressure drop
increases with discharge.
Would there by
anydisadvantage in using
thispressure drop, rather
than that between inlet and
the throat,for the purpose
of calibrating the
meter?Replacing the
pressure drop between
inlet and the throat by that
across the meterfrom inlet
to exit, it is used to
calibrate the
meter.Besides, use the
pressure drop between
inlet and the throat is
better than that
betweeninlet and exit. It’s
because the pressure drop,
h2-h1,needed to be kept
constant in theexperiment.
Also, by the experiment
result, the pressure drop
between inlet and
exitcannot be used as the
value of the pressure drop
increase with
discharge.Using the value
of C which you have
obtained by experiment,
determine the
throatdiameter of
theVenturi meter which
would measure a flow of
0.4m3/s in a pipe of0.6m
diameter with a
differentialhead of
a2= 0.09518m2d2=0.348 m

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