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Molly Gregg

Image/Location of shot Description of event

This shot will be a longshot of the general public

walking which we will speed up using Premiere
when editing. We will aim to film this in the
college hallways at a time when it is busiest for
an effective shot.

An expert interview will take place in the next

shot. This will be a medium shot of our expert
to follow with the codes and conventions of an
expert interview. We will take this in front of a
green screen so that we can edit a more
suitable image as a backdrop later.

Female students from the sixth form will be

shown applying makeup and fixing their hair in
this shot to try to show the audience how
beauty obsessed we have become as a society.

Another vox pop will be included, this time of

our secondary audience which will be older
men and women. This will be filmed in front of
media posters in order to get appropriate mise-
en-scene for the shot.

To close our documentary, we will have video

diaries filmed off a mobile phone following the
journey of a young college girl attempting to go
a week without makeup.

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