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Matt: Hello and welcome to the Datakiss podcast with your host Matthew Wheeler and
special guest Harry Jenkins , Hello Harry great to have you here with us

Harry: Thanks Matt yeah its great being here, shame it took so long *laughs*
Matt: Ha-ha yeah, well anyway for those new listeners here we discuss movie news as well
as discussing some of our favourite upcoming movies. So Harry what movies have you
chosen for us today that we will look into?
Harry: Well Matt, I've got with me
 Meg
 Isle Of Dogs,
 The new noir thriller being developed by Glass Media.

Matt:Wow some great choices there Harry, as for me I have , You Were Never Really Here,
Sicario 2 Soldado and Ready Player One
There are todays movies listeners, coming up after the news, Harry would you like to take It
away with the news.

Harry: Love to,

In movie news Ridley Scott has come out and said he has an idea for a Blade Runner sequel ,
after the success of Blade Runner 2049, I'm not too sure how you and me would feel if it
happened as he seems to have lost some of his spark in his most recent films.
Matt: As much as I love the Blade Runner world and aesthetic , I don’t want it to become a
franchise and it be milked and ruined
Harry: I agree
Matt:That was the news outta the way now on to the movies we are excited for!
Matt: Harry mind if I go first?
Harry: No problem Matt go for it!
Matt: You Were Never Really Here. This movie is FINALLY using the likes of Hotline Miami,
Drive and Taxi Driver in its idea. Three bits of beautiful media but all with the similar theme.
A lonely man rescuing a girl from harm with a retro aesthetic and a Synthwave score. This
movie also transforms Joaquin Phoenix into a character that looks nothing like himself. He is
almost unrecognisable. He looks as though he’s become his character known as ‘Joe’. The
movie is definitely going to be one of those that goes under the radar due to the fact it’s not
the kind of the thing the hulk smash crowd is into, which sadly makes up the majority of the
Hollywood cash cow. It won’t be the first film that suffers this however it’ll have a fan base
more loyal than those that beat it in the box office market. Look at Blade Runner 2049 and
then look at the DC and Marvel fan bases. One has passionate and respectable critics
constantly praising. The other is fanboys who constantly complain in each other’s comment
sections on trailers and blog spaces that theirs is better than the others. Its child’s play

Harry :The as yet untitled breakout Noir film by one of my favourite up-and-coming
directors Matthew Wheeler is scheduled for a may time release. What we know so far is its
going to mixture of David Lynch meets Orson Welles. Furthermore its been reported that
Casey Wright will be cinematographer which will be very exciting seeing as though he's been
quoted as "the next Roger Deakins". It also stars up-and-coming actor Nathan Marshall
who from test shots looks a lot like Officer K in Blade Runner 2049, very exciting, a possible
mixture of two iconic aesthetics?

Matt: Sicario 2 Soldado, is the exciting sequel to the

Denis Villeneuve masterpiece Sicario. This movie shows the escalating growth of the drug
cartels and the above the law protocol needed to put a stop to it. The film features much of
the original cast such as Josh Brolin and Bencio Del Toro but no Emily Blunt, which has some
fans worrying in case its just another generic action film due to the only ‘relatable' character
not being involved. However, it does not have Villeneuve back in the director’s chair or
Deakin’s in the cinematographer role due to their commitments with Blade Runner 2049.
This movie will have the original writer Taylor Sheridan returning who has yet to write a bad
screenplay, the DoP from the original and the director has been chosen by Denis himself.
First shots from the trailer have given some fans hope as it does feature the same gritty
aesthetic as well as some awesome cinematography which the original is known for as well.

Harry: Meg is the film adaptation of the best-selling book by Steve Alten of the same name.
This film features Jason Statham as Jonas Taylor, a diver who believes he’s just escaped an
attack by a 70ft shark. The film has been kept under wraps for a while and has not got a
trailer yet but it is scheduled for an august 2018 release. I for one am hoping we get a good
Megalodon movie for a change considering the fact theirs more low budget cgi straight to
digital movies about the same theme then I’ve had roast dinners.

Matt: We are twinning there Harry as my next film happens to be a book to film adaptation,
it is Ready Player One, the new movie by Steven Spielberg. Its essentially a pop culture
lover’s dream as it features characters from across all forms of media from horror movies to
video games. “When the creator of a virtual reality world called the OASIS dies, he
releases a video in which he challenges all OASIS users to find his Easter Egg, which will
give the finder his fortune”
It has a star-studded line up in Tye Sheridan, Ben Mendelsohn , Simon Pegg , Olivia Cooke
and many more. The visuals for this movie look fantastic considering it’s a majority CGI film.
Spielberg also has featured some of his own work into the film with some of his characters
making cameo appearances which looks rad and considering his power in the sci fi media he
has plenty of choice for what he could add. I remember when this was first announced
through an Inside Gaming podcast and I’ve kept a close eye on this one ever since, excited
to finally see if it’s worth the wait.

Harry: Now to finish the show, my last choice is Isle Of Dogs the Wes Anderson animated
tale about an island in which dogs are left to roam after an order from the Japanese
government outlawed dogs. A young boy then travels there to help find his dog who was
taken from him during the dumping of all pet dogs there. Am I right in believing this is both
our first Wes Anderson movie?
Matt: Yes I am ashamed to say it is

Harry: Well this film caught my eye because the animated dogs look adorable and I’m a
sucker for animals. Not only that but the ensemble cast in this movie is incredible. You have
the likes of Heisenberg I mean Bryan Cranston, Edward Norton, Scarlett Johansson, Jeff
Goldblum, Courtney B. Vance and Bill Murray. It has the chemistry to be an animated

Matt: Must say your choices today Harry have been very intruging and I myself and looking
forward to all of those too. But sadly all great things must come to an end , thank you very
much for joining me today Harry.

Harry: its been a pleasure, same goes for your movies too , 2018 is definitely going to be a
great year for film, only thing to make it better will be Blade Runner 2049 winning all 5 of its
Oscar noms haha.

Matt: Too right mate, to right. Thank you very much too all our listeners for joining us and
listening to our podcast today see you same time, same place next week, adios amigos.

Cue ending theme from Heat

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