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ASSIGNMENT: Pediatric Group Project & Presentation

Purpose of Learning Activity: Complete an assessment of a pediatric client, in addition to

creating a teaching plan to address the learning needs of the client and family.
PSLO #1: Demonstrate reflection, self-analysis, self-care, and lifelong learning into nursing
practice; #2: Apply leadership skills to enhance quality nursing care and improve health
outcomes; #3: Utilize best available evidence and informatics to guide decision making; #4:
Collaborate with inter-professional teams to provide holistic nursing care; #7: Practice
holistic evidence based nursing care including diverse and underserved individuals,
families, and communities.
Course Outcomes: #1: Apply theories and concepts of social and cultural factors to
provide prevention-based nursing care; #3: Apply credible, evidence-based sources of
information to guide safe, preventative care; #6: Conduct a health history and wellness
assessment to identify risks and/or determinants of health; #7: Describe behavioral change
techniques to promote health and manage illness; #9: Provide safe, holistic client-centered
nursing care in promoting health across the lifespan.

1. Define social and cultural factors influencing the care of individuals, families and
communities (competency 1A).
2. Utilize professional behaviors including attention to appearance, demeanor, respect
for self and other and professional boundaries (competency 1E).
3. Explain how care for vulnerable populations is impacted by attitudes, values, and
expectations (competency 1H).
4. Recognize how the nurse impacts positive client outcomes through health
promotion (competency 2E).
5. Define the relationship between theories in arts and sciences and theories in
nursing (competency 3B).
6. Identify the process used to gather the evidence to improve client outcomes
(competency 3D).
7. Identify evidence and client preferences for planning, implementing and evaluating
care (competency 3E).
8. Locate evidence used to guide health teaching, health counseling, and screening
throughout the lifespan (competency 3K).
9. Identify inter-professional resources to promote holistic nursing care (competency
10. Conduct a holistic health history, wellness assessment, and appropriate screenings
(competency 7A).
11. Correlate specific health problems to genetic links during a health screening
(competency 7B).
12. Develop a holistic plan of care reflecting growth and development, medical
management, and nursing management for identified risk factors (competency 7C).
13. Identify learning needs to provide appropriate teaching materials (competency 7E).
14. Identify complementary and alternative modalities in health care (competency 7K).
PART I: Pediatric Assessment & Teaching-Learning Grid

1. Students will work in groups of two to interview and conduct a history and physical
assessment for a child in an assigned age group as identified below.
a. Infant: < 3 months
b. Infant: 3 to 12 months
c. Toddler: 1 to 3 years
d. Preschooler: 3 to 6 years (not yet in school)
e. School-age: 6 to 9 years
f. School-age: 9 to 12 years
g. Adolescent: 13 to 15 years
h. Adolescent: 16 to 17 years
2. You may not interview one of your own children. You may interview one of your
classmate’s children.
3. Arrange to meet the client at their home, and ensure a parent or caregiver is
in the home as well during the visit. Also, both students need to be present
during the entire interview and physical assessment. As indicated in the
Adolescent Assessment, there are interview questions for the adolescent that
the adolescent has the option to excuse their parent/caregiver as they prefer.
4. Obtain parental consent allowing you to conduct an assessment of their child. Have
the parent present for the physical assessment of the infant, toddler, preschooler,
and school age child. Relative to developmental needs, adolescents should be
interviewed and examined privately, with the parent/caregiver in an adjacent room.
See the Pediatric Assessment Consent Form below.
5. Each student pair will complete the assessment using the questions on the
Assessment Template. Type up the data.
6. Each student pair will complete the Pediatric Teaching-Learning Project Grid (last
page of this document) with the learning topic clearly identified, a wellness/health
promotion nursing diagnosis, one goal, one learner outcome in each of the
domains of learning, nursing interventions and anticipated evaluation of your
teaching plan if it had been implemented. All goals, outcomes & interventions are to
relate back to the nursing diagnosis.
7. Submit a PAPER copy of the following immediately prior to the presentation:
a. Assessment Template (one per student pair).
b. Pediatric Teaching-Learning Project Grid (one per student pair)
c. Pediatric Assessment Consent Form, (1 per student pair)
d. Visual presentation (PowerPoint, skit notes, handouts, etc.) (one per large
e. Reference list (one per large group)
8. Upload the completed Pediatric Assessment Group Project Peer Evaluation
Rubric to the D2L Brightspace Assignment area. Evaluate yourself and each person
in your large group.
9. Grading: There are a maximum of 15 points for the completed Assessment Template.
The student pair will receive the same number of points (see the Pediatric
Assessment Grading Rubric).

PART II: Pediatric Large Group Presentation

1. Meet with all members of the age group you are assigned to.
a. Effective group process is imperative!
b. Negotiate dates, times, & locations to meet. Meetings may be completed
c. Compare and contrast your clients, linking usual principles of growth and
d. Discuss varying cultural beliefs of your client and its impact on health
e. Discuss areas of health promotion, including anticipatory guidance, which
you feel are pertinent for your individual clients/family when comparing the
anticipated growth and developmental milestones of the age of your client.
f. Based on this discussion, come to a consensus for the entire group as to
which health promotion topic is the most important for all of the clients
combined. Speak to the instructor regarding your topic of interest. Topics will
be approved on a first come, first approved. Duplicate topics will not be
allowed among groups. This one health promotion topic should then be the
focus of your large group presentation (@ 10 minutes).
2. The presentation needs to contain these 5 elements in a maximum of 20 minutes.
a. Visual presentation that is highly creative, such as skit, game, a home-made
video, etc. Consider how to present multiple groups/ideas into one uniform
presentation demonstrating collaboration.
b. Each pair of students briefly summarizes the Concerns or health promotion
areas of their particular client and the rationale why it is an area of Concern
(@ 2-3 minutes each). Each group should briefly review their Pediatric
Teaching/Learning Project Grid.
c. Each pair of students discusses the impact of culture on health care beliefs
and practices (@2 – 3 minutes each).
d. The entire group needs to present on the one approved health promotion
topic (@ 10 minutes).
e. Provide a list of EBP resources. The majority of the resources need to be
beyond your nursing textbooks/ATI software. They need to be preferably
written by a nurse, from a professional journal, book or website.
3. Other:
a. Imagine yourself presenting to a group of professionals at a conference.
Consider the various elements of a presentation – introduction, development,
and conclusion. Students will wear business attire.
b. No cellphones or electronic devices will be allowed.
4. Grading: A maximum of 15 points for the large group presentation (see the Pediatric
Large Group Presentation Grading Rubric).
a. Group members may receive a maximum 15 points for the presentation
portion. All members will receive the same number of points.
b. Individual group members may receive a maximum of 5 points (2 points for
Professional Appearance & Style; 3 points from the Peer Evaluation).
Part 1: Pediatric Assessment Grading Rubric
15 Points Exemplary Proficient Developing Unacceptable
7 Points 5 Points 3 Points 0 Points
Findings,  Expected Findings  Expected Findings are  Expected Findings are  Expected Findings are either
Analysis, & complete, accurate, & incomplete; information incomplete & have multiple incomplete, inaccurate or
Teaching without patient identifiers. presented is generally accurate, inaccuracies. Rarely, patient both. A patient identifier is
Needs  Actual Findings & analysis & without patient identifiers. identifier is used. often used.
are complete & show  Actual Findings & analysis are  Actual Findings & analysis are  Actual Findings & analysis are
insight, based on data mostly complete, but lack insight mostly complete, but lack insight. based on personal judgment &
versus personal judgment, in some areas.  Personal judgment is evident in values of the interviewer
& show valid links between  Some personal judgment is many areas & interferes with rather than on collected data,
the elements. evident & may interfere with data analysis. may be incomplete or lack
 Areas for health promotion data analysis.  Areas for health promotion insight.
teaching needs for the  Areas for health promotion teaching needs are minimally  Areas for health promotion
child/family are clearly teaching needs identified & may based on data collected & are teaching needs are not based
identified & are based on be based on individualized data generic to the child’s on data collected & do not
data collected. collected, in addition to generic developmental group & are not reflect the child/family
child/family needs. individualized to family needs. learning needs.
5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 0 Points
Teaching/  GRID complete with all  GRID is complete with all  GRID is complete with all  GRID does not flow logically &
Learning components clearly written components clearly written, components clearly written & more than one of the
(T/L) Plan & plan flows logically. however plan could be clearer & plan flows logically. components are incomplete or
GRID  Clear & concise Wellness flow more logically.  Components are clear & concise; poorly written.
Nursing Diagnosis,  Clear & concise Wellness Nursing 1 of the components (Wellness  Knowledge of growth &
Outcomes, Interventions & Diagnosis, Outcomes, Nursing Diagnosis, Outcomes, developmental milestones are
Evaluation. Interventions & Evaluation. Interventions or Evaluation) is unclear & T/L Plan does not
 Individualized T/L plan  T/L Plan does not always clearly lacking or incomplete reflect anticipated growth &
highly reflects knowledge of reflect anticipated growth &  T/L Plan minimally reflects developmental milestones.
growth & development developmental milestones. anticipated growth &
milestones. developmental milestones.
3 Points 2 Points 1 Point 0 Points
Organization,  Assessment data is  Assessment data is typewritten &  Assessment data is typewritten,  Assessment typewritten, but
Mechanics, & typewritten & logically generally logical. but may lack organization. there is a lack of organization.
APA presented.  Few (3-5) errors in spelling,  Occasional (6-10) errors in  Many spelling, grammar &
 Rare (0-2) errors in grammar, & punctuation. spelling, grammar, & punctuation errors making the
spelling, grammar, &  Citations generally in APA format punctuation. document challenging to read.
punctuation. with few (3-5) errors.  Citations with an attempt at APA  Citations missing or lack of
 Citations in APA format format but with occasional (6- attempt at APA formatting.
with rare (0-2) errors. 10) errors.
Part 2: Pediatric Large Group Presentation Grading Rubric
15 Points Exemplary Proficient Developing Unacceptable
8 Points 6 Points 4 Points 0 Points
Content  Information presented is  Information presented is  Gaps in knowledge in some  Accuracy of information is
Accuracy, Depth, consistently accurate, current, generally accurate and current of the information questionable. A patient
and Evidence. and without any patient and are without patient presented. Rarely, a identifier is often used.
identifiers. identifiers. patient identifier is used.  Minimally reviews client &
 Analysis, application, and  Analysis and application of  Minimal content depth family findings and there is
synthesis of content is effective content is demonstrated and related to the client & a disconnect between
and relates to the client & family relates to the client & family family findings. findings and teaching topic.
findings and teaching areas. findings and teaching areas.  Evidence of only one  EBP resources are missing,
 Evidence of at least three or  Evidence of at least two credible and current EBP limited to the current
more credible and current EBP credible and current EBP resource is cited (beyond nursing textbooks and ATI,
resources (beyond the current resources are cited (beyond the the current nursing or EBP resources lack
nursing textbooks and ATI) to current nursing textbooks and textbooks and ATI) to credibility and/or currency.
support the content of the ATI) to support the content of support the content.  Lacks the ability to clarify
presentation (< 5 yrs. old, the presentation.  Lacks some ability to and respond to audience
written by a nurse(s), from a  Attempts to clarify and clarify and respond to questions and/or
nursing journal) responds to questions from the questions from the responses are
 Consistently attempts to clarify audience in an appropriate audience appropriately. inappropriate.
and responds to questions from manner.
the audience appropriately and
7 Points 5 Points 3 Points 0 Points
Presentation’s  Presentation is clear, logical, and  Presentation is overall clear  Presentation may lack  Presentation disorganized.
Organization & organized; clearly evident that and logical with an occasional some clarity, organization, Apparent that the group
Visual Aids the group practiced. lack in development or and transition between did not practice.
 Highly apparent introduction, transition between ideas. ideas. Additional practice  Lack of or poor
development, and conclusion of Evidence that the group would have been introduction, development
the presentation. practiced. beneficial. and/or conclusion of the
 Variety of aids (3 or more) used  Overall attempt at  Some attempt at presentation.
to enhance and deepen the introduction, development and introduction, development  One visual aid.
audience’s understanding of the conclusion of the presentation. and/or conclusion of the  Visual presentation
topic.  Variety of aids (2) used to presentation, but may have significantly lacks in
 Visual presentation highly enhance and deepen the left out a component. professional tact, in
professional & creative audience’s understanding of  One visual aid used but did addition to appeal to the
(appropriate font size & text, the topic. not stand out or enhance audience.
image clarity, language  Visual presentation generally the delivery of the  Many spelling, grammar
appropriate to audience) professional and creative. presentation. and punctuation errors
Part 2: Pediatric Large Group Presentation Grading Rubric
15 Points Exemplary Proficient Developing Unacceptable
 Rare (0-2) errors in spelling,  Few (3-5) errors in spelling,  Visual presentation may making it difficult for the
grammar, and punctuation; grammar, and punctuation; lack in some audience to read.
appropriate use of bullets. appropriate use of bullets. professionalism or appeal  Citations missing or there
 Citations in APA format with  Citations generally in APA to the audience. is a lack of attempt at APA
rare (0-2) errors. format with few (3-5) errors.  Occasional (6-10) spelling, formatting.
grammar, and punctuation;
makes an attempt to bullet.
 Citations with an attempt
at APA format but with
occasional (6-10) errors.

Individual Grading: Professional Appearance & Style Rubric

2 Points Acceptable Unacceptable
2 Points 0 Points
Professional  Appearance is professional  Any item under the Acceptable column that is not met.
Appearance  Represents self as a professional.
and Style  Presenter is audible and engages the audience.

Individual Grading: Peer Evaluation Rubric

3 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point 0 Points
Peer Review  Did full share of work.  Did equal share of work.  Did almost equal share of  Did less work than others.
 Took some initiative to help the  Worked agreeably with work.  Did not meet during agreed
group get organized. others.  Could be coaxed into upon times.
 Assigned work was ready on  Work was ready close to working with others.  Some work not completed.
time. assigned time.  Work was often late.  Disrespectful with giving
 Gave constructive feedback to  Gave feedback in ways that  Gave little constructive feedback or no feedback
others. did not offend. feedback and did not relate given.
to others
Pediatric Assessment Group Project
3 Points 2 Points 1 Point 0 Points
Students to  Did full share of work.  Did equal share of work.  Did almost equal share of  Did less work than others.
grade  Took initiative to help  Worked agreeably with work.  Did not meet during agreed
themselves & the group get organized. others.  Could be coaxed into upon times.
other group  Assigned work was  Work was ready close to working with others.  Some work not completed.
members ready on time. assigned time.  Work was often late.  Disrespectful when giving
 Gave constructive  Gave feedback in way  Gave little constructive feedback or no feedback
feedback to others. that did not offend. feedback and did not given.
relate to others.

Group Members:

Self:____________________________________ 3 2 1 0

__________________________________________ 3 2 1 0

__________________________________________ 3 2 1 0

__________________________________________ 3 2 1 0

__________________________________________ 3 2 1 0

__________________________________________ 3 2 1 0

__________________________________________ 3 2 1 0
Pediatric Assessment Consent Form
I give permission to _________________________________________ and ___________________________________________,

students in the North Hennepin Community College Minnesota Alliance for Nursing Education (MANE)

Nursing Program, to interview and perform a physical assessment on my child

_________________________________. I understand that this is for learning purposes only and it does not replace

a medical evaluation. I understand that I may be with my child during the physical exam, but may be

asked to not be present during the interview portion of the exam, e.g., adolescent. I further understand

that neither my child nor my family will be named in the project, and that the information collected will

not be shared with anyone other than the students and faculty of the North Hennepin Community College

Nursing class.

Any questions may be addressed to the nursing instructor: ______________________________________ at


Signed Name ________________________________________________________________________________________

Relationship to Child _______________________________________________________________________________

Printed Name _______________________________________________________________________________________

Date ______________________________________________
Assessment of an Infant (birth to twelve months)
Age of Client
Person(s) _________ child _________ mother _________ father _________ other: _________________________________________

Current Medical History (list, if any; if none, indicate NONE)

Allergies (medications, food, other; if none, indicate NKA)

Substance Reaction

Current Medications
Name Indication

Complementary and Alternative Modalities in Health Care (herbals, supplements, chiropractic, shaman; if none, indicate NONE)
Name Indication

Current Immunization Status

Are immunizations up-to-date?
(If No, explain parent’s rationale)
Reactions to vaccines (list, if any
and to which one(s); if none, put
Mother’s Health Status & Pregnancy History
Findings (bullet findings; do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc.)
Prenatal Care
(Care received, complications,
bleeding problems, hypertension,
edema, weight gain, gestational
diabetes, preterm labor)
Substance Use During Pregnancy
(Alcohol, tobacco, prescription
drugs, street drugs)
Mother’s Emotional State During
(Anxiety, depression, acceptance of
pregnancy, mental health issues)
Labor and Delivery Location
(Place of birth such as hospital,
home, birthing center, etc.)
Mother’s Labor
(Spontaneous, induced, duration,
medications, complications)
Infant Delivery
(Vaginal, cesarean section, use of
anesthesia, special equipment and

Newborn Course
Findings (bullet findings; do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc.)
Birth History
(Gestational age and growth
pattern; length & weight)
(Apgar score and type of
resuscitation if required)
Neonatal Complications
(Respiratory, infections, feeding,
hyperbilirubinemia, congenital

Family Detail
Placement in the family

Family structure

Cultural heritage

Impact of culture on health care

beliefs and practices (NONE is not
an option)
Family genetic concerns

Family History
Person Age Current medical issues; Person Age Current medical issues;
or cause & age at death or cause & age at death
Mother Father
Maternal grandmother Paternal grandmother
Maternal grandfather Paternal grandfather
Aunt or Uncle (specify) Aunt or Uncle (specify)
Aunt or Uncle (specify) Aunt or Uncle (specify)
Sister Brother
Sister Brother
Sister Brother
Other (specify) Other (specify)

Expected Findings (as found in your textbooks) Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual *Concern
findings to the expected findings of the child you
(bullet findings; do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc. Place an asterisk if you deem this a ‘Concern’ for this
Expected Findings (as found in your textbooks) Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual *Concern
findings to the expected findings of the child you
How does a child of
this age interact with
their environment?
What are normal play
patterns for children
in this age group?
How do children in
this age group express
How do children in
this age group express
In which of Erikson’s
developmental stages
should this child be?
What are the major
tasks of this stage for
the child?
What are the major
tasks/milestones of
this stage for the
family? How should
they demonstrate love
& caring for the child?
What are normal sleep
patterns at this age &
how do these patterns
fit in with the normal
family routine?
What are common
for this age group?
What should children
of this age be eating
Expected Findings (as found in your textbooks) Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual *Concern
findings to the expected findings of the child you
and what are their
normal eating
Does the parent have
concerns about the
child’s bowel
Cite resource(s) for
Expected Findings

Physical Assessment
Examination Technique Expected Findings (as found in your Actual Findings (compare and contrast the *Concern
textbooks) actual findings to the expected findings of the
child you assessed)
(bullet findings; do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc. Place an asterisk if you deem this a ‘Concern’
for this client)
Vital Signs Heart rate:
Respiratory rate:
Height/Weight Ht for 50th percentile: Per caregiver:
Wt for 50th percentile: Ht:
 Inspect skin for coloration,
birthmarks, lesions, turgor.
Hair and Nails
 Inspect scalp for texture
and hair distribution.
Head and Neck
 Very gently palpate for
symmetry and suppleness.
 Very gently palpate
fontanels for concavity.
Eyes, ears, nose, and throat:
Physical Assessment
Examination Technique Expected Findings (as found in your Actual Findings (compare and contrast the *Concern
textbooks) actual findings to the expected findings of the
child you assessed)
 Inspect eyes for color and
 Perform appropriate visual
 Inspect ears for position
and surface characteristics.
 Inspect mouth for color,
lesions, and intactness.
 Inspect teeth for presence
and characteristics.
 Inspect chest for
respiratory effort and
 Auscultate anterior and
posterior chest for lung
 Evaluate pulse for rate,
rhythm, characteristics
(apical for infant, radial for
older child)
 Auscultate heart sounds
 Auscultate for bowel sounds
 Inspect for symmetry, color,
surface characteristics.
 Very gently palpate.
 What should the patient be
doing now?
 Inspect development
appropriate for age.
 Inspect muscle strength.
Physical Assessment
Examination Technique Expected Findings (as found in your Actual Findings (compare and contrast the *Concern
textbooks) actual findings to the expected findings of the
child you assessed)
Cite Resource(s) for
Expected Findings

Based on findings collected, outline areas of teaching that will promote health for this client/family (focus on *Concern items).
Topic Rationale 1) To whom will you direct the teaching to?
2) What techniques will you use?
3) How will you evaluate if learning has occurred?

Self-Evaluation of Therapeutic Communication & Assessment Technique During the Interview

Which therapeutic techniques did you use to
obtain the health history? Explain if they were
effective or not and any recommendations you
may have?
What techniques did you use to perform the
physical assessment? Explain if they were
effective or not and any recommendations you
may have?
What techniques did you use to build trust with
the caregiver(s)? Explain if they were effective or
not and any recommendations you may have?
Assessment of a Toddler (age 1-3 years)
Age of Client
Person(s) _________ child _________ mother _________ father _________ other: _________________________________________

Current Medical History (list, if any; if none, indicate NONE)

Allergies (medications, food, other; if none, indicate NKA)

Substance Reaction

Current Medications
Name Indication

Complementary and Alternative Modalities in Health Care (herbals, supplements, chiropractic, shaman; if none, indicate NONE)
Name Indication
Description Date/Year Residual Problems
Previous medical
Previous hospitalizations



Current Immunization Status

Are immunizations up-to-date?
(If No, explain parent’s rationale)
Reactions to vaccines (list, if any
and to which one(s); if none, put

Newborn Course
Findings (bullet findings; do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc.).
Birth History
(Gestational age and growth
pattern; length & weight)
(Apgar score and type of
resuscitation if required)
Neonatal Complications
(Respiratory, infections, feeding,
hyperbilirubinemia, congenital

Family Detail
Placement in the family

Family structure

Cultural heritage
Impact of culture on health care
beliefs and practices (NONE is not
an option)
Family genetic concerns

Family History
Person Age Current medical issues; Person Age Current medical issues;
or cause & age at death or cause & age at death
Maternal Paternal
grandmother grandmother
Maternal Paternal
grandfather grandfather
Aunt or Uncle Aunt or Uncle
(specify) (specify)
Aunt or Uncle Aunt or Uncle
(specify) (specify)
Sister Brother

Sister Brother

Sister Brother

Other Other
(specify) (specify)
Expected Findings (as found in your textbooks) Actual Findings (compare and contrast the *Concern
actual findings to the expected findings of the
child you assessed)
(bullet findings; do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc.). Place an asterisk if you deem this a ‘Concern’ for
this client)
How does a child of this
age interact with their
What are normal play
patterns for children in
this age group?
What is the common
language development
for children age 1 year
compared to age 3 years?
(number of words, use of
phrases, articulation,
ability to convey thoughts
and ideas)
How should the family
communicate with the
How do children in this
age group express
negativism and anger?
How should parents cope
with this?
How do children in this
age group express fear?
How should parents cope
with this?
In which of Erikson’s
developmental stages
should this child be?
Expected Findings (as found in your textbooks) Actual Findings (compare and contrast the *Concern
actual findings to the expected findings of the
child you assessed)
What are the major
tasks/milestones of this
stage for the child?
What are the major tasks
of this stage for the
family? How should they
demonstrate love &
caring for the child?
What are normal sleep
patterns at this age &
how do these patterns fit
in with the normal family
What are common safety
hazards/precautions for
this age group?

What should children of

this age be eating and
what are their normal
eating patterns? How
should parents cope with
the child’s eating
What is typical for
bladder and bowel
control and training?
Cite Resource(s) for
Expected Findings
Date Findings/Comments
Physical exam
Dental exam
Vision exam
Hearing exam

Physical Assessment
Examination Expected Findings (as found Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual findings to the *Concern
Technique in your textbooks) expected findings of the child you assessed)
(bullet findings; do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc.). Place an asterisk if you deem this a ‘Concern’ for this
Vital Signs Heart rate:
Respiratory rate:
Height/Weight Ht for 50th percentile: Per caregiver:
Wt for 50th percentile: Ht:
 Inspect skin for
birthmarks, lesions,
Hair and Nails
 Inspect scalp for
texture and hair
Head and Neck
 Inspect and palpate
for symmetry and
Eyes, ears, nose, and
 Inspect eyes for
color and
Physical Assessment
Examination Expected Findings (as found Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual findings to the *Concern
Technique in your textbooks) expected findings of the child you assessed)
 Perform appropriate
visual screening.
 Inspect ears for
position and surface
 Inspect mouth for
color, lesions, and
 Inspect teeth for
presence and
 Inspect chest for
respiratory effort
and depth.
 Auscultate anterior
and posterior chest
for lung sounds.
 Evaluate pulse for
rate, rhythm,
(apical for infant,
radial for older child)
 Auscultate heart
 Auscultate for bowel
 Inspect for
symmetry, color,
 Very gently palpate.
Physical Assessment
Examination Expected Findings (as found Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual findings to the *Concern
Technique in your textbooks) expected findings of the child you assessed)
 What should the
patient be doing
 Inspect development
appropriate for age.
 Inspect muscle
 Inspect symmetry of
 Inspect gait and
 Observe gait for
balance and
 Test extremities for
superficial tactile
 Evaluate general
mental status.
Cite Resource(s) for
Expected Findings

Based on findings collected, outline areas of teaching that will promote health for this client/family (focus on *Concern items).
Topic Rationale 1) To whom will you direct the teaching to?
2) What techniques will you use?
3) How will you evaluate if learning has occurred?
Self-Evaluation of Therapeutic Communication & Assessment Technique During the Interview
Which therapeutic techniques did
you use to obtain the health
history? Explain if they were
effective or not and any
recommendations you may have?
What techniques did you use to
perform the physical assessment?
Explain if they were effective or
not and any recommendations you
may have?
What techniques did you use to
build trust with the caregiver(s)?
Explain if they were effective or
not and any recommendations you
may have?
Assessment of a Preschool Age Child (age 3-6 years, not enrolled in school)
Age of Client
Person(s) _________ child _________ mother _________ father _________ other: _______________________________________

Current Medical History (list, if any; if none, indicate NONE)

Allergies (medications, food, other; if none, indicate NKA)

Substance Reaction

Current Medications
Name Indication

Complementary and Alternative Modalities in Health Care (herbals, supplements, chiropractic, shaman; if none, indicate NONE)
Name Indication
Description Date/Year Residual Problems

Current Immunization Status

Are immunizations up-to-date?
(If No, explain parent’s rationale)
Reactions to vaccines (list, if any
and to which one(s); if none, put

Newborn Course
Findings (Do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc.)
Birth History
(Gestational age and growth
pattern; length & weight)
(Apgar score and type of
resuscitation if required)
Neonatal Complications
(Respiratory, infections, feeding,
hyperbilirubinemia, congenital
Family Detail
Placement in the family

Family structure

Cultural heritage

Impact of culture on health care

beliefs and practices (NONE is not
an option)
Family genetic concerns

Family History
Person Age Current medical issues; Person Age Current medical issues;
or cause & age at death or cause & age at death
Maternal Paternal
grandmother grandmother
Maternal Paternal
grandfather grandfather
Aunt or Uncle Aunt or Uncle
(specify) (specify)
Aunt or Uncle Aunt or Uncle
(specify) (specify)
Sister Brother

Sister Brother

Sister Brother

Other Other (specify)

Expected Findings (as found in your textbooks) Actual Findings (compare and contrast the *Concern
actual findings to the expected findings of the
child you assessed)
(bullet findings; do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc.). Place an asterisk if you deem this a ‘Concern’ for
this client)
How does a child of
this age interact with
their environment?
What is the common
development for
children age 3 years
compared to age 6
years? (number of
words, use of phrases,
articulation, ability to
convey thoughts and
How should the
family evaluate this
child’s language
What are normal
social behaviors
children of this age
exhibit with siblings,
parents and peers?
How do children in
this age group
express their
In which of Erikson’s
developmental stages
should this child be?
What are the major
tasks/milestones of
Expected Findings (as found in your textbooks) Actual Findings (compare and contrast the *Concern
actual findings to the expected findings of the
child you assessed)
this stage for the
What are the major
tasks of this stage for
the family? How
should they
demonstrate love &
caring for the child?
What are normal
sleep patterns at this
age & how do these
patterns fit in with
the normal family
What bedtime rituals
are recommended for
this age group?
What are common
for this age group?
What should children
of this age be eating
and what are their
normal eating
patterns? How should
parents cope with the
child’s eating
What is typical for
bladder and bowel
control and training?
Expected Findings (as found in your textbooks) Actual Findings (compare and contrast the *Concern
actual findings to the expected findings of the
child you assessed)
Cite Resource(s) for
Expected Findings
Child Interview *Concern
Who are your heroes?
What types of activities
(sports, church, etc.)
do you engage in?
How do you balance
this with school?

Parent Interview *Concern

How do you feel
about competition?
How do you
anticipate your child
will perform in school
or challenges your
child may
What role do you
assume in assisting
your child to be

Date Findings/Comments
Physical exam
Dental exam
Vision exam
Hearing exam
Physical Assessment
Examination Expected Findings (as found Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual findings to the *Concern
Technique in your textbooks) expected findings of the child you assessed)
(bullet findings; do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc.). Place an asterisk if you deem this a ‘Concern’ for
this client)
Vital Signs Heart rate:
Respiratory rate:
Height/Weight Ht for 50th percentile: Per caregiver:
Wt for 50th percentile: Ht:
 Inspect skin for
birthmarks, lesions,
Hair and Nails
 Inspect scalp for
texture and hair
Head and Neck
 Inspect and palpate
for symmetry and
Eyes, ears, nose, and
 Inspect eyes for
color and
 Perform appropriate
visual screening.
 Inspect ears for
position and surface
 Inspect mouth for
color, lesions, and
Physical Assessment
Examination Expected Findings (as found Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual findings to the *Concern
Technique in your textbooks) expected findings of the child you assessed)
 Inspect teeth for
presence and
 Inspect chest for
respiratory effort
and depth.
 Auscultate anterior
and posterior chest
for lung sounds.
 Evaluate pulse for
rate, rhythm,
(apical for infant,
radial for older child)
 Auscultate heart
 Auscultate for bowel
 Inspect for
symmetry, color,
 Very gently palpate.
 What should the
patient be doing
 Inspect development
appropriate for age.
 Inspect muscle
Physical Assessment
Examination Expected Findings (as found Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual findings to the *Concern
Technique in your textbooks) expected findings of the child you assessed)
 Inspect symmetry of
 Inspect gait and
 Observe gait for
balance and
 Test extremities for
superficial tactile
 Evaluate general
mental status.
Cite Resource(s) for
Expected Findings

Based on findings collected, outline areas of teaching that will promote health for this client/family (focus on *Concern items).
Topic Rationale 1) To whom will you direct the teaching to?
2) What techniques will you use?
3) How will you evaluate if learning has occurred?
Self-Evaluation of Therapeutic Communication & Assessment Technique During the Interview
Which therapeutic techniques did
you use to obtain the health
history? Explain if they were
effective or not and any
recommendations you may have?
What techniques did you use to
perform the physical assessment?
Explain if they were effective or
not and any recommendations you
may have?
What techniques did you use to
build trust with the caregiver(s)?
Explain if they were effective or
not and any recommendations you
may have?
Assessment of a School Age Child (age 6-12 years)
Age of Client
Person(s) _________ child _________ mother _________ father _________ other: ______________________________________

Current Medical History (list, if any; if none, indicate NONE)

Allergies (medications, food, other; if none, indicate NKA)

Substance Reaction

Current Medications
Name Indication

Complementary and Alternative Modalities in Health Care (herbals, supplements, chiropractic, shaman; if none, indicate NONE)
Name Indication
Description Date/Year Residual Problems

Current Immunization Status

Are immunizations up-to-date?
(If No, explain parent’s rationale)
Reactions to vaccines (list, if any
and to which one(s); if none, put

Newborn Course
Findings (Do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc.)
Birth History
(Gestational age and growth
pattern; length & weight)
(Apgar score and type of
resuscitation if required)
Neonatal Complications
(Respiratory, infections, feeding,
hyperbilirubinemia, congenital
Family Detail
Placement in the family

Family structure

Cultural heritage

Impact of culture on health care

beliefs and practices (NONE is not
an option)
Family genetic concerns

Family History
Person Age Current medical issues; Person Age Current medical issues;
or cause & age at death or cause & age at death
Mother Father
Maternal Paternal
grandmother grandmother
Maternal Paternal
grandfather grandfather
Aunt or Uncle Aunt or Uncle
(specify) (specify)
Aunt or Uncle Aunt or Uncle
(specify) (specify)
Sister Brother
Sister Brother
Sister Brother
Other (specify) Other (specify)
Expected Findings (as found in your textbooks) Actual Findings (compare and contrast the *Concern
actual findings to the expected findings of the
child you assessed)
(bullet findings; do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc.). Place an asterisk if you deem this a ‘Concern’
for this client)
How does a child of
this age interact with
their environment?
What is the common
development for this
group? (articulation,
ability to convey
thoughts and ideas)
How should the
family evaluate this
child’s language
What are normal
social behaviors
children of this age
exhibit with siblings,
parents and peers?
How do children in
this age group
express their
In which of Erikson’s
developmental stages
should this child be?
What are the major
tasks/milestones of
this stage for the
Expected Findings (as found in your textbooks) Actual Findings (compare and contrast the *Concern
actual findings to the expected findings of the
child you assessed)
What are the major
tasks of this stage for
the family? How
should they
demonstrate love &
caring for the child?
What type of moral
behaviors are
common among
children of this age
group? How should
parents cope with
adverse behavior?
What are normal
sleep patterns at this
age & how do these
patterns fit in with
the normal family
What bedtime rituals
are recommended for
this age group? What
potentially interferes
with the routines?
What are common
for this age group?
Expected Findings (as found in your textbooks) Actual Findings (compare and contrast the *Concern
actual findings to the expected findings of the
child you assessed)
What should children
of this age be eating
and what are their
normal eating
patterns? How should
parents cope with the
child’s eating
should parents
promote regarding:
exercise, TV time,
computer time, social
Cite Resource(s) for
Expected Findings

Child Interview (bullet responses) *Concern

Who are the child’s
Where do you go to
school? How
important are grades
to you? How
important are grades
to your family?
What types of after-
school activities
(school, sports,
church, etc.) do you
engage in?
How do you balance
this with school?

Parent Interview (bullet responses) *Concern

How do you feel
about competition?
How do you feel the
child is doing in
What role do you
assume in assisting
your child to be

Date Findings/Comments
Physical exam
Dental exam
Vision exam
Hearing exam

Physical Assessment
Examination Expected Findings (as found Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual findings to the expected *Concern
Technique in your textbooks) findings of the child you assessed)
(bullet findings; do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc.). Place an asterisk if you deem this a ‘Concern’ for this
Vital Signs Heart rate:
Respiratory rate:
Height/Weight Ht for 50th percentile: Per caregiver:
Wt for 50th percentile: Ht:
Physical Assessment
Examination Expected Findings (as found Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual findings to the expected *Concern
Technique in your textbooks) findings of the child you assessed)
 Inspect skin for
lesions, turgor.
Hair and Nails
 Inspect scalp for
texture and hair
Head and Neck
 Inspect and
palpate for
symmetry and
Eyes, ears, nose,
and throat:
 Inspect eyes for
color and
 Perform
 Inspect ears for
position and
 Inspect mouth
for color,
lesions, and
 Inspect teeth for
presence and
Physical Assessment
Examination Expected Findings (as found Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual findings to the expected *Concern
Technique in your textbooks) findings of the child you assessed)
 Inspect chest
for respiratory
effort and
 Auscultate
anterior and
posterior chest
for lung sounds.
 Evaluate pulse
for rate, rhythm,
(apical for
infant, radial for
older child)
 Auscultate heart
 Auscultate for
bowel sounds
 Inspect for
color, surface
 Very gently
 What should the
patient be doing
 Inspect
appropriate for
Physical Assessment
Examination Expected Findings (as found Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual findings to the expected *Concern
Technique in your textbooks) findings of the child you assessed)
 Inspect muscle
 Inspect
symmetry of
 Inspect gait and
 Observe gait
for balance and
 Test
extremities for
 Evaluate
general mental
Cite Resource(s)
for Expected

Based on findings collected, outline areas of teaching that will promote health for this client/family (focus on *Concern items).
Topic Rationale 1) To whom will you direct the teaching to?
2) What techniques will you use?
3) How will you evaluate if learning has occurred?
Self-Evaluation of Therapeutic Communication & Assessment Technique During the Interview
Which therapeutic techniques did
you use to obtain the health
history? Explain if they were
effective or not and any
recommendations you may have?
What techniques did you use to
perform the physical assessment?
Explain if they were effective or
not and any recommendations you
may have?
What techniques did you use to
build trust with the caregiver(s)?
Explain if they were effective or
not and any recommendations you
may have?
Assessment of an Adolescent (age 13-17 years)
Age of Client
Person(s) _________ child _________ mother _________ father _________ other: _________________________________________

Current Medical History (list, if any; if none, indicate NONE)

Allergies (medications, food, other; if none, indicate NKA)

Substance Reaction

Current Medications
Name Indication

Complementary and Alternative Modalities in Health Care (herbals, supplements, chiropractic, shaman; if none, indicate NONE)
Name Indication

Description Date/Year Residual Problems

Previous medical
Current Immunization Status
Are immunizations up-to-date? (If
No, explain parent’s rationale; include
Reactions to vaccines (list, if any and
to which one(s); if none, put NONE

Newborn Course
Findings (Do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc.)
Birth History
(Gestational age and growth pattern;
length & weight)
(Apgar score and type of resuscitation if
Neonatal Complications
(Respiratory, infections, feeding,
hyperbilirubinemia, congenital

Family Detail
Placement in the family

Family structure

Cultural heritage

Impact of culture on health care

beliefs and practices (NONE is not
an option)
Family genetic concerns
Family History
Person Age Current medical issues; Person Age Current medical issues;
or cause & age at death or cause & age at death
Mother Father
Maternal Paternal
grandmother grandmother
Maternal Paternal
grandfather grandfather
Aunt or Uncle Aunt or Uncle
(specify) (specify)
Aunt or Uncle Aunt or Uncle
(specify) (specify)
Sister Brother
Sister Brother
Sister Brother
Other (specify) Other (specify)

Expected Findings (as found Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual findings to the *Concern
in your textbooks) expected findings of the child you assessed)
(bullet findings; do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc.). Place an asterisk if you deem this a ‘Concern’ for
this client)
How does a child of this
age interact with their
What is the common
language development
for this group?
(articulation, ability to
convey thoughts and
How should the family
evaluate this child’s
language development?
What are normal social
behaviors children of
this age exhibit with
siblings, parents and
Expected Findings (as found Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual findings to the *Concern
in your textbooks) expected findings of the child you assessed)
How do children in this
age group express their
In which of Erikson’s
developmental stages
should this child be?
What are the major
tasks/milestones of this
stage for this child?
What are the major
tasks of this stage for
the family? How should
they demonstrate love
& caring for the child?
What type of moral
behaviors are common
among children of this
age group? How should
parents cope with
adverse behavior?
What are normal sleep
patterns at this age &
how do these patterns
fit in with the normal
family routine?
What bedtime rituals
are recommended for
this age group? What
potentially interferes
with the routines?
What are common
safety hazards/
precautions at this age?
Expected Findings (as found Actual Findings (compare and contrast the actual findings to the *Concern
in your textbooks) expected findings of the child you assessed)
What should children of
this age be eating and
what are their normal
eating patterns? How
should parents cope
with the child’s eating
What recommendations
should parents promote
regarding: exercise, TV
time, computer time,
social networking)?
Cite Resource(s) for
Expected Findings

Child Interview (bullet responses) *Concern

What is the most
important thing I should
know about you?
Where do you go to
school? How important
are grades to you? How
important are grades to
your family?
What types of after-
school activities (school,
sports, church, work,
etc.) do you engage in?
How do you balance this
with school?
What is your career or
school goals after high
school? Do you feel your
parents are pressuring
you into making certain
career/school decisions,
or do you feel free to
make your own
decisions? Explain.
Child Interview (bullet responses) *Concern
What do you do for fun?
What do you and your
friends do together?
How do your parents
feel about your friends?
Do you feel it is neces-
sary to do what your
friends want you to do in
order to be accepted by
them? Explain.
Who lives at home with
you? What are relation-
ships like at home? Who
do you go to if you have
problems? How do you
feel about authority
figures (parents,
teachers, etc.) and the
rules which these people
make for you?
What type of discipline
do your parents use with
you? Do they give you
limits as to what you can
and cannot do?
How comfortable are
you with your weight?
Do you believe that you
have eating habits? How
much do you exercise in
a day? When do you
exercise? How do your
parents feel about the
amount of time you
spend exercising?
Do any of your friends
smoke, drink alcohol, or
use other substances?
What do they use? Have
you ever tried smoking,
drinking alcohol, or
using other substances?
Child Interview (bullet responses) *Concern
Do you have any
strategies to avoid the
use of these agents?
What does “safe sex”
mean to you? What
types of discussions
have you had with your
parents concerning sex?
What is your mood like
most of the time? Do
you feel that your life
has meaning?
What makes you afraid?
With whom can you
discuss your fears?
What else would you
like me to know so that I
can understand you
Parent Interview (bullet responses) *Concern
How do you feel about
How do you feel the
child is doing in school?
What role do you
assume in assisting
your child to be

Date Findings/Comments
Dental exam
Vision exam

Physical Assessment
Examination Technique Expected Findings (as found in your textbooks) Actual Findings (compare and contrast the *Concern
actual findings to the expected findings of the
child you assessed)
(bullet findings; do not use ‘normal’, ‘within defined limits’, etc.). Place an asterisk if you deem this a ‘Concern’ for
this client)
Vital Signs Heart rate:
Respiratory rate:
Height/Weight Ht for 50th percentile: Verbal report
Wt for 50th percentile: Ht: Wt: BMI:
 Inspect skin for
coloration, birthmarks,
lesions, turgor.
Hair and Nails
 Inspect scalp for texture
and hair distribution.
Physical Assessment
Examination Technique Expected Findings (as found in your textbooks) Actual Findings (compare and contrast the *Concern
actual findings to the expected findings of the
child you assessed)
Head and Neck
 Inspect and palpate for
symmetry and
Eyes, ears, nose, and
 Inspect eyes for color
and appearance.
 Perform appropriate
visual screening.
 Inspect ears for position
and surface
 Inspect mouth for color,
lesions, and intactness.
 Inspect teeth for
presence and
 Inspect chest for
respiratory effort and
 Auscultate anterior and
posterior chest for lung
 Evaluate pulse for rate,
rhythm, characteristics
(apical for infant, radial
for older child)
 Auscultate heart sounds
 Auscultate for bowel
 Inspect for symmetry,
color, surface
 Very gently palpate.
Physical Assessment
Examination Technique Expected Findings (as found in your textbooks) Actual Findings (compare and contrast the *Concern
actual findings to the expected findings of the
child you assessed)
 What should the patient
be doing now?
 Inspect development
appropriate for age.
 Inspect muscle strength.
 Inspect symmetry of
 Inspect gait and
 Observe gait for
balance and
 Test extremities for
superficial tactile
 Evaluate general
mental status.
Cite Resource(s) for
Expected Findings

Based on findings collected, outline areas of teaching that will promote health for this client/family (focus on *Concern items).
Topic Rationale 1) To whom will you direct the teaching to?
2) What techniques will you use?
3) How will you evaluate if learning has occurred?

Self-Evaluation of Therapeutic Communication & Assessment Technique During the Interview

Which therapeutic techniques did you use to
obtain the health history? Explain if they were
effective or not and any recommendations you
may have?
What techniques did you use to perform the
physical assessment? Explain if they were
effective or not and any recommendations you
may have?
What techniques did you use to build trust with
the caregiver(s)? Explain if they were effective
or not and any recommendations you may have?
Pediatric Teaching/Learning Project GRID

Teaching Topic (focus on one topic only from your ‘Concern’ column):

Nursing Diagnosis (Wellness/Health Promotion Focus with AEB; relate it to your teaching topic):

Goal (relate it to your teaching topic):

Learner Objectives/Outcomes Nursing Interventions Anticipated Evaluation of Learning

(Include methods of instruction) (How will you know that the
client met the outcome?)
Domain of Learning: 1) 1)

2) 2)
Cognitive outcome:

Domain of Learning: 1) 1)

2) 2)
Affective outcome:

Domain of Learning: 1) 1)

2) 2)
Psychomotor outcome:

Cite resources:

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